ve en fn a Ee TE a ~ xs H Wo Na ul BRR LH ES ER Tanai B ed, Bo TR LESS RLY HE 3 AAA Gass chal Es, Western Miners ToMerge Unions 'Officers of 35 Locals inc Al- berta and B.C. Approve Move. CALGARY Y-- Officers of 35 min- ers' locals in Alberta and eastern Bri tish Columbia, representing 7,000 'men . have approved of plans to amalga- mate their unions under the United Mine Workers of America, headed by Robert Livett, president of District 18, UM.W.A, ) : Mr. Livett will leave immediately for Washington to confer with John J. Lewis, international president, and when he returns a referendum of the workers will be taken for approval of the amalgamation plan, Represented at the conference here were delegates from the United Mine Workers of America, the Mine Work- ers' Union of Canada and a number of smaller independent unions. Under the amalgamation plan, the Ununed Mine Workers Union has con- sented to look after the striking min- ers at Corbin, B.C, where 200 workers have been on strike-reliet for more than a year. Workers and their fam- ilies have been maintained by contri- butions from working. miners in the Crow's Nest Pass. Brains! Traffic Stopped for Intelligent Woman WASHINGTON -- The patrician- looking woman who waited on the curb for a break in traffic illustrates what happens when Washington's own rush clashes with the mad rush of the many conventions which come here. She had waited across the street hall when she finally took matters into her own hands. She stepped into the street, raised a compelling finger, _and shouted: "Stop! Don't you dare run over me, I've got the right across. I'm on a committee!" : Traffic stopped with a jerk and she sailed to the opposite curb majesti- cally. several minutes Prevent Trouble ~~ AtCalving Time Greatly Lessening the Dang- ers Resulting From Calving yi The length of time the cow is dry has considefable to do with her abil-| ity to produce consistently during -a lactation period. Everything else be- inz equal, the cow with the longer rest period will produce more consis- tently and a greater quantity of milk. During 'the rest period the cow stores fat; as well as mineral nutri- ments which are {o be found in the mille she gives. If she has no oppor- tunity to store up these things she is likely to fall off in milk yield very rapidly after a few, months, The length of time that a cow should be dry will depend on her age, previous lactation and production- expected. A young cow that has milked very heavily and is not yet mature should ) have more rest than a mature cow from 10 to 12 weeks for many heifers if heavy production is expected of them. Mature cows that have not pro- duced very heavily, can do well on six {0 eight weeks' rest; they should not have less than six weeks. The last few days before calving ar» very important and probably more mstakes are then made than at any other time. During this period,. as well os for three or four days after calving, the cow should be fed very lightly, as her digestive system is not in a position to handle any large am- oun' of feed, Two or three days before calving, if necessary, give the cow a laxative of Epsom salts. After calving the chill should he romoved from her drinking water for two or three days. She also should have a warm bran mash and be blanketed if the weather is cold. : No Jinx Here immer F. West, of Port Huron, in Michigan holds no belief in supersti- tion, and just look at his record. Re- cently .when Friday, the thirteenth, fell that way, MF, West celebrated his 85th buthday and he contributed a healthy appetite to the family dinner. Nor ia that all, this octogenarian has had his birthday fall on Friday the thirteenth no fewer than thirteen times, while if you add together the figures of hiw age another thirteen is ohtainéd, Born in North Lansing, on 'March, 13, 1851, Mr, West joined the Grand Tiunk service in 1870 and had a Tong and honorable record as a con- ductor when he retired in.1918. He lias heen a resident of Port Huron for |. more than 60 years, | tism from a convention: HANDS SWOLLEN WITH RHEUMATISM Wishes She Had Taken Kruschen' Earlier If only she hdd taken Kruschen Salts at first, this woman might have saved many dollars, afid avoided weeks" of suffering. She writes: -- "I suffered greatly from rheuma- for nearly 12 months, My hands were swollen, and .I could not do my. own work or get up the stairs without acute pain. I tried almost ev- érything 1 was told. At last I de- cided to try Kruschen, 1 have used two bottles, and 1 am pleased to tell you 1 am now better, thanks to Kru- schen Salts. I shall never be without it, now I know its value. If I had taken it before, [ am sure | should have saved a lot of money."-- (Mrs) A good deal of rheumatic pain and swelling is caused by too much uric acid in the body. Two of the in- gredients of Kruschen Salts are particularly useful in_ dissolving ex- cess uric acid deposits. Other in- gredients of these Salts assist Nature to wash out these dissolved deposits through the natural channels. Saved by Paint A farm building put up in the ord- indry way with siding and left un- painted will last about 20 years, but the same building painted.every five years will last about 50 years. In the caso of the unpainted building if the siding Is replaced at the end of 20 years the cost would be about the same as it would have been to paint it every five years. This is not the whole stery, however, as the unpaint- ed building at the end of 20 years will have only about 15 per cent of its or- iginal value, whereas the painted building at the end ofeh0 years will have about 20 per cent of its original value. This makes no allowance for the great advantage of good- appear ance, # "CURIOUS" Americans are curipus people. They talk about starting an anti- noise campaign just when a Presi- dential election is coming on. ~ ALMOST CRIPPLED with KIDNEY TROUBLE Alsosleeplessness' constipation, liver complaint, and dizzy headaches. FRUIT-A-TIVES brought relief in very short time. Says Mrs. A. Aubry, Montreal,--*I was troubled for years with liver complaint and dizzy headaches. Iwas constipated and almost crippled with kidney trouble. -After taking Fruit-a- tives for a very short time my health reatly improved. I highly recommend Tuit-a-tives to anyone suffering as I did." Fruit-a-tives are the discovery of a famous Canadian doctor. They con- tain extracts of fruits and herbs. They cleanse all the elimination organs and their tonic effects help bringnewenergy., LIVE STOCK MARKETING Shipping on the co-operative vlan. has been productive of splendid results. Selling on the open market means real Value for the owners, Get in touch with us. : Write--Wire--or Telephone LYndhurst 1143 THE UNITED FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED "LIVIZ STOCK COMMISSION DEPT. Union Stock Yards, West Toronto FINANCIAL== This service, giving the latest re- ports on mining activities, is appear- sing weekly in this paper, Little Long Lac Directors of Little Long Lac Gold Mines have declared a dividend of 10 cents per share, payable June 25th to shareholders of record June 10th, The disbursment, the second made by the company, will involve a total of $183, 300 on the outstanding shares, * While minor increases have been made in the mill at Little Long Lac Gold Mines, President Joseph Erring- ton told shareholders at the annual meeting that no decision for a major increase will be made until the para- llel zones and lower levels have been explored. Slashing on -the 1000-ft. le- vel showed coarse gold with muck samples returning 8.24 ozs, gold per ton, Mine Manaker A. A. Barton stat- ed that the two lower levels looked better than any other two cut so far. Drifting has not yet started here. Kirkland Lake Gold -- Crozell Kirkland Kirkland Lake Gold Mining Co, has made an offer to purchase the Grozell Kirkland Gold Mines Ltd. on a share exchange basis, It is propos- ed to exchange one-share of Kirkland Lake Gold Mining for each 10 shares of Grozell Kirkland. The latter com- pany's property adjoins Kirkland Lake on the south and development on the ground was discontinued a few years ago following disappointing results from exploration, Should the offer of Kirkland Lake Gold Mining be accepted, exploration of-the property will be resumed. Kirk- land Lake already owns a substantial share interest in (rozell Kirkland. Hudson Bay Mining Directors of Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting Co., have declared a divi- dend of 50 cents per share, payable in Canadian funds June 29th to the shareholders of record May 29th. Last year the company inaugurated, dividends with a 50 cent payment ha- ving been disbursed on August 31st, and a similar amount paid on Decem- ber 16th. Gunnar Gold Mines Current indications are that ore at Gunnar Gold Mines will continue at depth, James Houston, Mine man- ager informed shareholders at the recent annual meeting." A shearing approximately 30 feet wide had cut the shaft just above the 1,000-ft. le- vel. On the hanging: wall side quartz occurs over widths of 6 to 18 inches, is well mineralized with visible gold in many places. Samples have run from $17 to $37 per ton, he stated. On May 18th the company repaid $50- 000 of the $250,000 loan negotiated in December, 1935, Remaining payments are not due until 1937 and 1938. Dir- ectors were re-elected. Lancour Mines Ltd. Louis Whitman, DM.E., consulting engineer of Lancour Mires Ltd, ac- companied by Mr. Holbrooke, geolo- gist of Sylyanite Gold Mines, is present visiting the property adjoin- ing Pamour Porcupine Mines on the south where an inspection and check New Seed Potato V9 NSH 3 935 St. Lawrence Blvd., Montreal roundish, the same depth as ) variety, but pinkish In color. It cooks. well, is delicious and keeps very well. Our trial at Macdonald College last Summer, has con- vinced us that it will soon be the leading Certified WARBA The new Warba potato Is withdut a doubt, the finest origination of a cexfury in the early potato class. It has bee of United States and Canada and all results have shown that it is fully two weeks ahead and more productive than the ' well tried In many parts known early varlety. Irish Cobbler. Its shape is skin and flesh white, eyes about those of the Cobbler early variety of potato for our northern climate. While our stock lasts: 5 1bs. ...... 8.75 101bs. ...... 1.20 "30 1bs. 3.00 60 1bB, ...... 4.50 100 1hs. .. 6.00 ¥. 0. B. Store Our 1936 seed catalogue, the best ever put up in North America, free on request. W. H. PERRON & CO., LIMITED _8eedsmen and Nurserymen Tel. Lane. 4191. at |- on results obtained in diamond dril- ling is taking place, The company is at present carrying on an extensive programme of diamond drilling from which interesting results have been secured. Nos, 1 and 2 holes are ney complete, with hole No. 3 now being drilled. L. B. United Mines As a result of the intensive re- sedrcli work which .lias been carried out in connection with ore and con- centrates from the Centennial Mine, L. B. United Mines, Ltd., has reached the point where the complete process can now be carried out at tlie mine itself. The refinery addition to the mill has been completéd and actual refinery production has been started. Mill progress reports show 1129 Ibs of Jig concentrates produced, along with 1,089 pounds of Blanket, 4,120 pounds of Flotation and 5,250 pounds of Plat-O Table concentrates. Cuniptau Mines The greater part of the new. equip- ment has been delivered at the Tem- egami property of Cuniptau Mines Ltd., and is now being installed, ac- cording to Northern reports, The buildings are being closed in with ma. chine foundations completed awaiting delivery of the balance of the equip- ment which is now in transit to the property. The plant is scheduled to be in op- eration in June at an initial capacity of 50 tons per day. ene Central Gold Mines A renewed campaign of develop ment_is planned for the Central Gold Mines property in Dasserat Township Quebec, which"has recently been re- vived and arrangements have been completed to carry on extensive work. A crew of men have been engaged and are now on their way into the property to resume operations includ- ing dewatering of the shaft which was sunk on No. 3 vein in former opera: tions. It is understood that the com- pany plans to carry on diamond. dril: ling to thoroughly explore the veins previously opened up. Central Gold Mines is capitalized at 3,000,000 shares, and of the 1,600,000 shares is- % .sued' ,approxi nately 900,000 are, held in pool until vovember 1037, Golden Gate Mining Co. Golden Gate™Mining Company has a crew of 8 men presently-employed-on the property located 134 miles west of Macassa Mines in the Kirkland Lake area opening up the- workings and tuning up the mining plant in readi- ness for renewed development work. In addition the company has a crew engaged in surface exploration and al- ready a new vein carrying consider- able free gold has heen opened up, ac- cording to S. A. Pain, M.E, in charge of operations. The mining plant will shortly be working at capacity. From the recent private offering which was oversubscribed officials ot the company state that the treasury is amply financed to procegd with an aggressive development program. Duparquet Mining Co. Directors of Dubarquet Mining Co. have approved the sale of the com- pany"s property in Duparquet Town- ship, Quebec, to Dumico Gold Corp- oration for 1,500,000 shares of the lat- ters stock. Shareholders approval will be asked at a special meeting to be held on May 27th next. Dumico, it is stated, has under consideration sev- eral offers to finance development of the property to production. Nugold Mining Corp. According to an official report is- sued by Nugold Mining Corporation on the return of the vice-president and general'manager from the Blockhouse- Dome Mine in Nova Scotia, increased depth operations have commenced with additional machine men having been engaged. Thé programme of de- velopment. for the next two months calls for sinking the main shaft to a Designed Sales Books , for Cash and Charge Sales ® The New "Burt' Sales Book 1] * - eo Improved Non-smudge Carbon. e Improved Paper, eo Improved Quality Throughout. Manufactured by the Originators of Sales Books For Prices and Complete Particulars Phone the Office of This Newspaper or . Write The Wilson Publishing Co., Limited 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto ' 4 4. Roche Eong Lac pending deal x i depth of 275 feet, drittids on upporTe. vels and diamond d . Nugold controls four propertigf, in Porcupine, Nova Scotia, Tazhota and Matachewan areas. ~ Roche Long Lag Mines, Ltd, has despatched a diamond-drill crew to its property east of Oklénd Mines in the Little Long Lad area to commence' work. The company also owns 4 group of claims west of Hard Rock and the surface programme is also scheduled to start on the company's holdings in} the Horwood .Lake area, Ample fin- ances ave available for the summer's work, Afton Mines Official announcement is made that Afton Mines plans to for a_new com- pany, in which it will hold an 85 per cent interest to develop its Suictde River claims in the Liclle Loug Lac area. In earlier. work on the claims four veins were exposed on which some diamend drilling was done last Fall. The No 1 vein has beea traced for 700 feet. The No. 2 vein lies about 200 feet east of the No. 1. '"hs No. 4 vein was traced for 60 feet before tho work on the property was shut down for the winter, A 200 pound sample taken from the surface of the ore showings to a depth of siz to nibe inches ran .4 ozs per ton. Afton plans to put down some deep drill holes and thoroughly explore the property at depth. Skookum Gold Mines Following the recommendation of F. M. Passow, M.E, work on the pro- perty of Skookum Gold Mines adjoin- ing Red Lake Gold Shore in the Red Lake area is being concentrated on Nos. 1 and 3 veins, according to of- ticials, J. Smith, field manager, in a wire to local officials reports that the No. 1 vein has been picked up across the lake with free gold in evidence. This is about 1,000 feet, from the one point where previous work was done on the vein, extending the length for 1,350 feet, No. 1 vein has been strip- ped and -trenched for over 350 feet; with two pits sunk on the vein show- ing well mineralized rock. Pawnee Kirkland Mines Officials of Pawnee Kirkland Mines state that while a deal is pending for further development if {ts property, and also that of the adjoining King Kirkland Mines, no detailsNcan be given out as yet. It is denied that the is with Consolidated Smelters. dr Pawnee Kirkland is one of the old operations in the Kirkland Lake area and a number of years ago consider- able development work was carried out when a shaft was put down to a depth of 700 feet and several levels MacLeod-Cockshutt developments. A| DOUBLE AUTOMATIC 2Yole] 4H ny Ymir Yankee Girl Gold Mines Ymir_ Yankee Girl Gold Mines has sinking of the winze to the 1,600-ft. level and work will commence imme- diately the seasonable flow of water underground decreases sufficiently, according to officials, Underground development at the property is report- ed to be progressing satisfactorily with latest figures showing broken ore reserves estimated at more than 10,000 tons which indicated ore has 'been calculated sufficient to maintain the present mill capacity of 150 tons per day for a perlod of nine yeare. The company is reported as meeting -with success in the effort to reduce general operating costs; Horses in Demand Every excess. exhausts itself. A few years ago tliere was a general alarin that the horse was disappear- ing. There was an actual: decrease inthe number of horses following the. introduction- and- wide- use- of tractors, but the downward move- ment has been checked, and the num- ber of horses is increasing. There is most activity in 'the , draft horse. Breeding studs are having a lively de- mand, and good draft horses are at a premium, The light harness horse is rare because the horse and buggy days are over, but even the gaited saddle, horse is enjoying -a growing popularity along. _with_his more stur- » dy brother the draft horse, - Teacher--Now, James, if your father can do a piece of work in one hour and your mother can do it in one hour, how long would it _take them to do it together? : James--It would take three hours --including the time - they wasted arguing about it. established and opened up, , A brother to every other Scout, Here © There Everywhere 'SCOUTING {| ( : . i . ed without regard to race or creed - ( The Bronze Cross, for "special hero- ism at extraordinary 'risk," was the first medal to be awarded a member of the Scoutes Catholiques of Que- bec, since the affiliation of that organization with the Boy Scouts Association. The medal was award- ed by His Excellency the Governor- General, Lord Tweedsmuir, Chief Scout for Canada, to Rover Squire Charles Maltais, 17, of the Rheaume Troop, of LaTuque, for the rescue of a baby brother when 'the Maltaiv home was destroyed by fire on the night of April 4th last. "After the older members of the family had escaped it was discovered that a baby was still in the house, The building then was practically. a furnace, but Rover ~ Maltais plunged into the flames. Feeling. his way, he found the child, and with it in his arms, WAKE UP YOUR JIVER BILE Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour out two pounds of fiquid bile into your bowels daily, If this bile fs not flowing freely, your food n'tdigest. It just decays in the bowels, Gas bloats up your stomach, Youget constipated. Harmfu] | poisons go into the body, and you feel sour, . sunk and the world looks punk, A mere bowel movement doesn'talways get at the cause. You need something that works on the liver as well, It takes those old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you . feel pand up", Harmless and gentle, t make the bile flow freely. They & the 'work . of calomel but have no calomel or mercury in them. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name! Stubbornly refuse anything else, 25¢. RABBITS -- -- RABBITS Will pay highest market prices for live rabbits 5 Ibs, and over for immediate delivery. Write M. LEGRAND 450 Main St. Granby, Que. '36 -- 46 Issue No. 22 -- are = leaped from a window. He was very gravely burned about the head and body, and for a time little hope was held out for his recovery: He is still in the hospital at LaTuque. In order that no one, including travellers by plane, may fail to iden- tify their town, Scouts of Penticton, B.C., spelled out the name high on the side of Munson's "Mountain whitewashed stones. One thousand Boy Scouts in fifty counties of England, Scotland and Wales gathered at Windsor for the Third National Scout Service, and were addressed by King Ed- ward. It was the first Scout func- tion attended by His Majesty since his accession to the throne. A fifteen year old 'French Boy Scout, Bernard Main de: Bosstere, winner of a French Scout travel con- test which gave him a ten days' visit to North America, was interviewed before he sailed for home from Mont- real, One of the exciting experiences of his visit was. the holding in his hands of large denomination bills to the amount of $200,000,000, atthe Unifed States Treasury in Washing- ton. He visited the--White House, and viewed New York from the top of the Empire State Building in the company of ex-Governor Alfred H. Smith, "Scouting was abolished in Italy and Germany because Scouting helps a boy to think for himself," said Camp Chief J. S. Wilson, of the Gil- well Park 'Training Centre; near London, during a visit to Ottawa. "Dictators do not want people to think. The abolition of Scouting in any and Italy is not_a setback for Scouting. It is a proof of the value of the training in déveloping initiative 'and character." A Sgouteraft Show held under the auspices of the Peterborough, Ont, Rover: Crew brought out 177 entries from eight troops. The largest classes were in woodworking, art and model airplanes, completed plans for the resumption of | "You can't distribute wealth by grotesque and demagogue taxation-- you can only distribute poverty." Hugh S. Johnson. Classified Advertising FRESH SEA BHAD GE YOUR FRIENDS A REAL treat. $2.00 gets 6 fresh Shad pre- paid" to Ontario, or 20 for, $5.00. Other fish. on request. McCavour's [Fish Markets, St. John, N.B WEEELY NEWSPAPER ADVERTISER WOULD * PURCHASH country weekly at reasonable terms. Send particulars to_.Rox 42. Room 421, 73 Adelaide St. W., 'Tordnto. BEE SUPPLIES ' UALITY BEE SUPPLIES -- HIVES, Frames, Sections, Foundation, Honey Pails and Jars, Extractors, etc. Prompt shipment. illustrated catalogue on re- quest. We take beeswax in exchange for supplies. H. M. Clubine and Co., Dept. \V., Brantford, Ontario. . GOHN'S NAVY BEAN CANADA'S NEW NAVY BEAN -- »Gohn's Ralny Rlver" ripens farther north.- White. "Splendid cooker. Heavy vielder. Frost resistant, International winner since 1932. [Foundation 'stock, grade 1, 50c per lb. (5 or more pounds at 40c¢ 1b.) delivered. Albert C. Gohn,. Emo, Ont., originator. hia WAiSHO WASHO -- CLEANS EVERYTHING, Used daily every home. "Harmless, economical. Free needle threader with each packnge, beats all sales records. Gooc repeater, Good commission, Ex- ceptional proposition. Write quick, 9 . Washo BId., Alexandria, Ont. --a2d BICYCLE and AUTO TIRE BARGAINS $10 UY BICYCLES; $2 UP, AUTO- mobile tires. Free catalogue. - Transportation prepaid.. Peerless, 195 Dundas West, Toronto. 4 SALESLADIES WANTED QALESLADIES, FAST SULLING CAN- ~ adlan magazine with liberal coms- Write to Knitting and Home- mission. Unity Building, craft, Department 7. Montreal, Quebec. 'LEARN DIESEL ENGINEERING Prepare now for the many opportu- nities in this growing industry. in the last 3 years. Start right now on our easy budget plan. Established 31 years. Write a A. Swanston; National Schools, - 57 -Bloor 'West, Toronto RHEUMATISM NEURITIS and NERVOUSNESS - 'Try a FREE SAMPLE of HERBOLA=--hundreds testify it is a splendid blood purifier, and for Uric Acid it has no_equal. The soothing ~qualities- of this herbal beverage, prepared like ordinary tea, will-give you steady relief without the use of drugs. Sena for Free Sample today. A. 8. WARD & CO., Dept O. in| Castle] 910 Confederation Building, Montreal BEWARE, IN HOT. WEATHER, OF CITE COTES TRENCH'S STOMACH TABLETS which are made from the same formula used by many leading specialists in. England, stimulate normal digestive action, counteract acidity, purify the intestinal tract and keep the entire system in good working order. Order a bottle today. $1.60, postage paid. Send Money Order oy cash. EL TRENCH'S REMEDIES LIMITED, (10 Years' Success) : DEPT. A, 110 CHURCH S8T,, TORONTO Need Building-Up? \ N WHEN you feel 4 : ' out - of - sorts, when you've no appetite, or' stom- ach gives trouble, _with_gas or dys- epsia, try Dr. . ierce's Golden Medical Discovery. If you want to put ko on fog this is the tonic for you. Read what William Blore of 276 Grosvenor Ave. N,, Hamilton, Ont; said: "At one time I had no appetite, lost 'weight and vitality, caught cold easily, seemed to have one cold on top*of another. I took Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and the first bottle helped me. It was not long 'before I 'had fully recovered and seemed to be stronger and better than ever." Buy now. New size, tabs, 50c., liquid $1.00. THE. FAMOUS . RUBBING LINIMENT ~ Rub on -- pain gone. Get the new large econ- omy size=Also avyail- able in smaller, regular Diesel has increased 1000--per cent. §- ~e thy flesh--