Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 May 1936, p. 8

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he Miss Thelma Evans of Raglan is] spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schnapp, Buffalo, N.Y., spent the week. end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mitchell," : Miss Jessie Johns of Toronto, was at her home here over the holiday. * Mr. Clifford Farrow, of Port Huron, is spending a few days with his sister Mrs. Grant Christie.' Miss Irene James was in Oshawa for a few days recently. . Mrs. B. Robertson of Toronto, spent the holiday with her father Mr, Jas. Lakey. } Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lush and family, of Oakville, were guests of her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. L. Lambe, for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gerrow and Maunsell, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cooper, at Pickering, recently. A number from here attended the Spring Fair in Brooklin, on Monday, and all report a good time. We wish to congratulate Mr. Lloyd McKee on winning first prize on his yearling Percheron colt, first on two year old colt, and second on Percheron brood mare. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Wells and family and Mrs. Jean Wells, of Toronto, were guests of Mrs. Lambe, on Sun- day. We are glad to welcome Mrs. Frank Lamb back home again for the sum- mer. She has been spending the win- ter with her sons in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Norman - White of Brooklin, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Crosier. We extend congratulations to Mr. Douglas Oliffe, formerly of Man- chester, on his recent marriage and wish him success. Manchester School Report Sr. IV--Mina Dobson 86%, Murray Wilson 76%, Keith Wilson 74%, June Mitchell 73%, Jean Luke 70%, Rose McMasters 66%. Sr. III--Marion 'Franklin 87%, Wes- ley Johnson T9Y%, Arthur Mitchell 64%, Charlie Thorne 32%. - Jr. III--Ruth Luke 57%. Sr. 1I--Madeline Thorne 75%, Vic- tor Henderson 76%. Jr. II--Harley Johnson 82%, Helen Franklin 73%. : Jr. I--Doreen Johnso Franklin 70% Primer--Billie Stewart 97%, Coul- son Scott 86%, Joyce McKee 83%, Richard McFadden 656%, Robert Mc- Fadden 63%. n. 89%, Grant Grace J. White, Teacher. Miss Margaret Rodd, of Toronto, and Miss Marjorie Leask, of Green- bank, called on friends in the village on Sunday. We are pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nichols and family to our village. : Mr. Afchie Crosier came home all smiles on Saturday after winning three first- prizes and with three medals. There were 25 schools repre- sented at the meet in Oshawa. } Watch for further notice of Man- chester Sunday School anniversary services, Miss Grace White and Mr. Maunsell Gerrow assisted with the programme at Shirley on Wednesday night, put on by the League. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lush and children of Oakville, with Mrs. L. Lamb, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs: Geo.' Smappy, Buffalo, with Mr. Joe. Mitchell over the holi- day. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gerrow attended the funeral of Mrs. Geo. Gerrow at Uxbridge, on Saturday. : Mr. Percy Chase will assist in the choir at the United Church on Sunday, June Tth. CAESAREA The holiday -week end was a grand success. The fine warm weather brought a real exit from city homes to this favored summer resort. Some of the boys celebrated with fire-crackers on Saturday night adding to the holiday spirit. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Aldred, Douglas and Cameron were down again this week-end, having opened their cottage the week before. Dr. Williams, of Toronto, former president of the Regatta Association at Caesarea, and Mrs, Williams, have sailed for Europe. They took with them their own touring car. Their daughter Luella, recently married, is living in Kirkland Lake, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Gooch and three boys spent the week end in their cottage at Williams' Point. All are pleased to learn that Mrs. Gooch has so improved after her severe illness this winter. Dr, and Mrs. Langmaid, of, Oshawa, have also opened their cottage. -They with their three sons, will enjoy it week ends until the sail for Europe to attend a Dental Convention, the boys going to camp. Jn Mrs. William Robinson, of Toronto, drove into Williams' Point on Friday, bringing 'with her Mrs. Norman Rob- inson and Mrs. Singer, also Mrs. Jas. Frost and Miss Mary Frost, who have tuken Mr, Lycetts cottage again for the third summer. Mrs, Robinson's car is a Cadilac especially built with a Fleetwood body. Hurran's store is freshly painted and looks ready for a busy season." Trilliums, honeysuckles and other wild flowers are to be found these days at Williams' Point. Mr. and Mrs. Waltér Scott have re- opened their cottage at Williams' Point. Their Toronto home was broken into this past week. Mr. and Mrs, J. Garfoot enjoyed this holiday week end in their summer home at Williams' Point, Mr. and Mrs. H. Clemes, with their sons from Ottawa and Toronto, spent the 24th in their summer residence at Caesarea. Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson spent the holiday week-end in their cottage at Williams' Point, They have added an extra room to their nice cottage. 'Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor and family are enjoying their cottage these nice week ends. Mr. W. Davis and Mr. A. Goodes holidaying at Caesarea this week end. Mr. J. Snock spent the winter in Caesarea and is again in his cottage this spring. Miss Dorothy Porteous is again calling for and delivering orders at Williams' Point. } There were fifty cars parked at the Point on Sunday. sao Honeydale The annual meeting of the W.I. was heid at the home of Mrs. F. Bradley, on. Thursday afternoon, May 14th The meeting opened with the Ode fol- lowed by the Lord's Prayer in-unison: The officers for the coming year were clected as follows: President, Mrs. O. Fdwards, 1st Vice-President; Mrs. F. Raines, 2nd Vice-President, Miss Edna Jackson, Sec.-Treas., Mrs. W. R. Wil- lan, Asst. Sec.-Treas, Miss Dorothy Williams, Directors, Mrs. L. Honey, Mrs. A. Williams," Mrs. Jas. Owen, and Mrs. W. J. Jackson; District Director, Mrs. W. R. 'Willan; Rep. to District Rev. F. R. Vanderburg of Sebright, preached in our church on Sunday. The Men's Class was well attended on Sunday. Ona carried motion, the class will meet at eleven o'clock in the morning through the summer, months, beginning next 'Sunday. The forum will also be continued. Ta Rev. Mr. Ireland and Mrs. Ireland, of Galt, visited with Mr, and Mrs, J. Warren, a few days last week, all four visited Mrs Jas. Warren and daughter Mrs. Butt, at Pontypool. wie Mrs. B. Wannamaker and son spent a week with her parents Mr, and Mrs. W. Martyn. Visitors with Butson Brothers over the holiday were: Mrs. Fox and Alma; Mr. and Mrs. J. Ellis, all of Toronto, Mr. Jack Butson. The Misses Holman were home over the week end and were busy in their flower garden. Miss E. Spence, of Toronto, spent Sunday and Monday with them, Mrs. W. Jeffrey, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. B, Greaves, Mr. and Mrs. P. Raymer. were at Markham and Epsom last week. Our closing League meeting, which took the form of a social evening, was held last Wednesday. Miss Margaret McCrea was selected as delegate to the Oak Lake Summer School. As a small token of appreciation of the faithful services rendered as presi- dent of thé League for three years, the genial influence for good she has been in our community, the League presented Miss S. Laird, with a silver plate; ~The presentation was made by Earl Martyn and the following address was read by Murray Luke: Dear Miss Laird: As this is our last night of meeting for this season, and we regret to say the last time you will be with us as a member of our Young People's Society, we wish to express our gratitude.for your leader- ship as President of our Society and the high standard you always main- tained in our meetirigs. But for your initiative we feel sure we never would have had a Young People's Society here and therefore would have missed something which has been of vital im- 'portance to us. - We cannot repay you for services rendered but we wish to show our ap- preciation in some tangible way so we ask you to accept this gift and with Annual Meeting, Miss E. Jackson. The meeting closed with the benediction. Lunch was served and a hearty vote of thanks tendered the hostess for the use of her home. ' i: ~ Mr. John-Edwards, of Kenora, is Visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. 0. Edwards. Mrs. F. Williams, of Surrey Eng., is visiting her dister Mrs. F. Raines. Holiday vis itors were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Walton and family of Newcastle, Miss W. Robinson and Mr. Merlin Raines, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Raines; Mrs. Van Wight and son, Miss Embury, Mr. and Mrs. Petrie; Mr. B. Hill, Miss Bates, Mr, B. McLean, Miss Schaefer, Mr. Dickey, Mr. and Mrs. Burns, all of To- oon Dim and Mrs. O. Brown, of Caesarea, and Mrs. H. Tinney and family, of Cavan, with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Edwards; Misses H, Holman and V. Spence, of Toronto, with Mr. ana Mrs. L. Honey. : . Miss E. Irwin and- Mr. Bob Willan, of Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Willan. Mrs. I. Anderson and Mrs, W. Mark and family," of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hayes, of Scugog, with Mr: and.Mrs. W. J. Jackson. Misses J Smith and V. Trotter, of Oshawa, and Miss Jean Wiseman, of Bowmanville, spent the week end with Misses Norma and Helen Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. L. Honey attended the funeral on Sunday of the latter's aunt Mrs. F. Brown, at Myrtle. ] Mr. and Mrs. C. Honey were in Bowmanville one day last week at- tending the funeral of the late Mr. J. Werry. Mrs. E, Beare spent the' week end with friends in Niagara Falls. We are sorry to hear that Mr. O. Edwards met with a painful accident on Monday morning. We hope he will soon be able to be around again. _ Miss Margaret Mills is visiting with Miss Leona Wells. UTICA Sorry to report Mr. Jas. Swan had the misfortune to break his collarbone: A number from here attended the sports at Uxbridge on the holiday. Miss Edith Lakey was a holiday visitor. The Bluebird Club has secured the play "The Old Fashioned Mother", which will be presented on June 4th by Oshawa players. A Mr. and Mrs, Snelling visiting the latter's sister, Mrs, Geo. Mitchell, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Gall of Hes- peler, visiting her mother, Mrs, Rr) Harper. ml it our heartiest thanks for all you have done to make our meetings 8 fuccess. This plate may some day occupy & humble position in a home in which you are the mistress and while it is out of the question for us-to expect to be present in person we do ask that we may be there in memory. ; We will follow your career with in- terest wherever you may be and our prayer is that God's blessings may follow you and make your life a bene- diction to those with whom you come in contact as it has been to us. Signed on behalf of our Society, Murray Luke, President; Kathleen Murphy, Treasurer; Olive Bond, Sec. --_---- sew W. C. T. U. CONVENTION The 41st annual convention of the Ontario and Durham Women's Christ- ian Temperance Union was held in King Street United Church, Oshawa, on Tuesday, May 26th, About one hundred persons being present., The devotional service was taken by Oshawa Union under the leadership of Mrs. Everson. The business was then begun, Mrs. John Booth, pre- siding. Three committees were appointed-- Plan of Work, Resolutions and Cour- tesy. Reports of officers and.superintend- ents of departments were most satis- factory and showed that good work is being done especially in temperance education. The treasurer reported an increase in budget returns and as a re- sult of the discussion $10 was voted to the Scientific Temperance Campaign that is being conducted by thé Pro- vincial W. C. T. U. : Luncheon was served by the local Union and during the noon hour greetings were brought by resident ministers and others. Reply was made by Mrs. Staples of Whitby. The principal speaker was Mrs. L. L. Reddick, Provincial Vice-President, who addressed the convention on _the pertinent question -- "Am I My Brother's Keeper." ~ It was clearly shown that alcohol was responsible for much crime and misery, and she urged local campaigns to rid the communi- ties of the curse of drink, particularly beer parlors, The election of officers resulted as follows: . Hon. Presidents--Mrs. Stalter, Mrs, Robertson. Past President--Mrs. G. Jackson, Port Perry. 4 President--Mrs. J. R, Booth, Oshawa, Vice-President--Mr3, S. Farmer Cor. Sec.--~Mys, May Henry, Oshawa, If I do say so myself, yresence. I'm there w never obtrude. Ask I'm only a teiephone . . . but with me for company, you're never lonely. You know that at any time of the day' with friends or family, far or near. And what's equally comforting, you know they always can reach you when the need arises. Summer Prices ~~ on Coal We are selling Coal at the low summer price at the present 5 : time, but owing to unsettled labour disputes at the mines, | we are not able to guarantee . the price after June 30th, If you contemplate putting in Coal at the low price do not delay, but phone us at once to fill your bin with BLUE COAL. "FRED E. REESOR 29 or night you can chat ou'll really enjoy my en you want me, yet me to come and stay with you; I'll gladly accept your invitation. A TELEPHONE COSTS ONLY A FEW CENTS A DAY Our local business office will gladly supply information. | Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73} + We Wish to Announce THAT THE Jack (0'Lantern DANCE PAVILION WILL BE OPEN FOR Dancing, June 6th, 1936 AT PORT PERRY BEACH Rec. Sec.--Mrs. R. A. Wright, Oshawa Treasurer--Miss E. A. Peters, Bow- manville, ~~ «y" & L.T.L. Secretary--Miss Marion Rogers, Whitby. "The next annual convention will be 'held at Orono. at BLACKSTOCK Among our holiday visitors were: Mr. and Mrs; R. Heaslip and' family of Toronto, with Mr. Heaslip's sisters Mrs. W. Marlow and Mrs. H. Van- Camp, { Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McArthur and family, of Toronto, with Dr. and Mrs. John McArthur, rm Mrs. Geo. Nesbitt and daughter Marjorie of Toronto, with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Woods, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs, Needham, _ Misses -Ruth Marlow and Caroline Sims, of Toronto, with the former's mother, Mrs. Jas. Marlow. i Messrs. Lorne Bradburn and Robt. Smith, of Toronto, under parental roofs. J i ~ Miss Dorothy McBrien, of Toronto, with her cousin Mrs. Wm. Taylor. " Miss. Helen Waldon, of Toronto, with her cousins, Smith Bros. Miss Marjorie Day, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ginn. * Mr. and Mrs, Harold Werry and family with Mr. Werry's parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Werry. Miss Reta Swain of Toronto, with relatives. ' Mr. and Mrs. Forbes and family, of Toronto, and Miss Marjory Marlow, of Toronto, with Mrs. John Marlow. Mrs. John Forder and Vera and Miss E. Brown, spent the week end with relatives in Peterboro, - Messrs, Wallace Pascoe, of Enfield, and Robert Smith, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr, Jack Smith. At the Y. P. S. on Wednesday even- ing the Bible Study was taken by Miss Hazel Mountjoy. The program in charge of Mr, Jos, Bradburn, consisted of a reading "Wishing" by Miss Jean Wright, a' piano solo by Miss Jessie Knox and a very interesting talk by and the funeral of the late King. The following ladies attended the Sectional meeting of the W.M.S. held at Orono on Tuesday--Mesdames. H. Bell, J. A, Johnston, Jabez Wright, E. Larmer, Roy Ferguson. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. N. Mountjoy were Mr. and Mrs. M. Dring of Raglan, Miss Marion Millroy, of Galt, and Mr. Geo. Coulson, of Milton, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Lough and Mrs, Oakley Carley, of Cavan, visited re- cently with Mrs. 8. Swain. Misses Annie, Effie and Hazel Wright, of Oshawa, are visiting with relatives, + Mr. and Mrs, Fred Toms, Ruby and Jean, of Bethel, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. 8. McNally. The May meeting of the W.A, of St. John's Church was held at the home of Mrs. E. Darcy, .on Thursday evening last with-an attendance of 85. A very appreciative letter was re- ceived from Bishop Fleming, thanking the W. A. members for their donation to the Hospital -at _Akalavik. Two splendid reports of the annual conven-. tion held in Toronto, recently, were given by Mrs. Harcourt and Miss Eva Parr. Lunch was served by the group in charge and a vote of thanks tend- ered the hostess for her kind hospi- tality. The. L. O. B. A. (Victoria) of Lind- say celebrated its fifteenth anniver- sary on Thursday evening of last week and the following members of the guests-- Mrs. R. Stinson, Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Miss F. Fair, Mrs. C. Devitt, Mr. C. Devitt drove the ladies to Lindsay. : The service in the United Church on Sunday evening, May 31st, will be in charge of Mr. S. Farmer, of Port Perry. Splendid Fair BROOKLIN SPRING FAIR ATTRACTS LARGE CROWD --If-the record number of entries, the high grade of live stock exhibited and the increased attendance at the annual Brooklin Spring Fair can be taken as a criterion, the country fair is on its way back to the high position it held some years back, Some of the best known breeders and importers of horses in the pro- vince exhibited animals. Robert Duff and son of Myrtle, showed 15 splendid Clydesdales, Two other local ex- hibitors were W. F. Batty, of Brooklin, and A. Claughton, of Epsom, Chas. Hadden of Wick, and Reeve William Parrott, of Reach, showed shorthorn cattle. Port Perry girls won the girl's soft- ball tournament and Scugog captured the men's event. : : . 4 RR. Mrs. C. Hyde on her trip to England} TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKRB SFALED Tenders addressed to the under- signed and 'endorsed 'Tenders for Coal", will received until 12 o'clock noon (day- light saving), Monday, June 16th, 10868, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be obtained from the Purchasing Agent, Dept. of Public Works, Ottawa; and the Supervising Architect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with departmental specifications and conditions, The right to demand from the successful tenderer a deposit, not exceeding 10 per cent. of the amount the tender, to secure the proper fulfilment of the contract, is reserved. By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE, Hecretary. Department of. Public Works, Ottawh, May 18th, 1086. Blackstock L.O.B.A. were among the A EL SPECIAL NOTICE You ean now buy "THE BEST BRANDS OF PREPARED HOUSE PAINT nD : per gallon when you can now obtain the undernoted top - quality brands of white lead paint at 'this _ popular figure? ~ "Insist upon one of these famous time-tested "brands for all your exterior painting. Any one of them will assure you a job of outstanding beauty, long paint life and economy from first to last. There is a store in your vicinity that can . supply you. Suerwin-WiLLiams - CANADA PAINT MARTIN-SENOUR 'Cement, Lime, Tile, Ete. Now that the Spring is opening up, we will as usual, ready to look after your needs of H WALL PLASTER. We have just received a fresh supply of Lime, including spraying lime; also 8 and 4 inch Tile. : A fresh carload of ST. MARY'S CEMENT way. : ' = : HARD COAL, COKE, HARDWOOD and HARDWOOD SLABS : = 3s «Phone us you needs. and careful attention. CEMENT, LIME, is now on the . -- Your orders will receive prompt PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT ry Phones--94W and 94J "Rellable Service and Better Fuels"

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