Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Apr 1936, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR LOCAL ITEMS "DO YOU REMEMBER "THE RED HEADED STEPCHILD?" Well she is appearing again as a character in a community play that is a scream, with a group of outstanding Port Perry. players, presenting an English Comedy Play. Watch for further announcements in this paper. Mr. Robt. McMillan, who has. been attending O.A.C. at Guelph, has se- cured the position' as herdsman at "Dunrobin" just north of Beaverton. The farm is owned by Brig.-General Gunn, who has a very fine" herd of Holstein cattle. Mrs. J. C. Love and Miss Hazel Jeffrey spent last week end in Toronto visiting Mrs. Love's mother, Mrs. J. W. Miller. : Mr. J. C. Gauld of Montreal was in town on Saturday visiting his sister, Mis. C. C. Jeffrey. Mr. Storey Beare is home from the College of Pharmacy, accompanied by his firend Mr. R. Builder, of Mount Dennis, Mr. Winters, manager of-the Bell Drygoods Store brought in an antique that few old timers can recall, viz. an ox shoe. We venture to say that very few today know that oxen were shod. As oxen have a divided hoof the shoe is naturally in two parts. Mr. Winters also has a primitive razor which we suspect some unfortunate pioneer was "forced to forge in the forest rather than send home to England for one he had lost. We think it would have been more merciful to have let the whiskers grow. 3 Cadet inspection at High School, Tuesday, May 6th, at 2.15 p.m. BU is. TAKES WORK AT ASHBURN Under direction of the Lindsay Presbytery, Rev. D. A. Ferguson dis- continues his connection with the Presbyterian Churches at Port Perry and Utica, commencing with next Sun- day services. Arrangements are be- ing made to carry on the local work with stuttent supply. There will be -services next Sunday at '11 a.m. and 7 p.m. -- Rev. Mr. Ferguson will reside in the Port Perry Manse, and carry on the work at Ashburn. } ~~ TRAIL RANGERS On Friday evening 16th, the Trail Rangers recently organized with Mr. Jas. Kerr, as Mentor, motored to Bel- fast Lodge, Bobcaygeon, the cottage of Rev. W. J. H. Smyth. After a sumptuous supper, a meeting of the Trail Rangers' Camp was held about the fireplace, when the purpose and aim of the work of C.S.E.T.--Cana- dian Standard Efficiency Tests--was well explained by Mr. Kerr, supported by Mr. Smyth, and plans made for future meetings. After much surplus energy was ex- pended in weird and curious noises the boys enjoyed a good night's rest and were up by 6.30 a.m. for oatmeal and bacon, coffee, etc. The forenoon was spent in hiking and games and a good appetite was thereby produced for dinner which was the final meal. At 4 p.m. the boys motored back to Port Perry in high spirits and with keen anticipation of good times in . their C.S.E.T. work. -------- EP CARD OF THANKS . The hospital management "wish to thank all those who were kind enough to help with the entertainment which was given in aid of the Port Perry Hospital. The net proceeds amounted to $25.64 and will be used for further equipment for the Hospital. PURDY-WILLIAMS At Kirkland Lake, on Saturday evening, April 26th, at Trinity United Church, Luella A. Williams, only daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Llewelyn B, Williams, Toronto, became the bride of Hardy E. Purdy, B.Sc., Larder Lake, Ontario, son of Mrs. and the late My. E. H. Purdy, Port Perry. Rev. James Graham officiated. The bride and groom were attended by Mrs. W. H. Gauley and Mr. H. Ewing. The bride smartly attired.in cédre green "suit of French wool, peche crepe-de-chene blouse, blossom hat of violets, shading from wood violet to pastel orchid, with quaint velvet or- chid bow at back, corsage of mauve orchids- shoes and accessories in wood violet. For travelling the bride don- ned coat of nubbly grey tweed with collar of North American Wolf. Following the ceremony, a recep- tion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred H. Gauley. Guests in- cluded . Miss Agnes Chesser, Miss Mary Joe Shaw, Miss Monica Carswell, My. .and Mrs. P. Ewing, Mr. and Mis, A. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Muir, Mr. and Mrs, R. W. MacTavish, Mr, Alex- ander Gardner, Dr, William Rand and Mr. Frank Malone, Myr. Farmer! Watch your horses' shoulders at this season of the year. - Don't let + them get sore, Fit your old col- lars up with new pads--use Ta- Pat-Co Collar. Pads. We have them at 60¢c. per pad. . And don't forget we sell that good Gall Salve--Bickmore's Gall Salve, 35c. and 70c.~--and be sure to work the horse. See our new Collars priced from $3.50 to $5.70 each. \ 'WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatty's Store, Port Perry ST. J OHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. - dl CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 11 a.m.--Holy Communion. lO PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 11 a.m.-- Rev: Dr. Peter Bryce, of Toronto will speak. 1.45 p.m, -- Closing session of the Men's Class. - 2.45 p.m. Sunday School. 7 p.m.--The Pastor will preach. Monday, 8 p.m, --Social evening and annual meeting of the Men's Class. . Come prepared with suggestions to be put into effect when the class opens in the fall. May 17th -- Annual Thank Offering service. 11 a.m.--Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowles. . 7 pm.--Rev. Dr. C. V. McLean, of Peterboro. . = A ~ ART EXHIBIT AT OSHAWA~ - The annual exhibit of art has re- cently been held at Oshawa. There was a colorful and pleasing display of oils, water colors, pen and ink, masks, and handicrafts. Among the com- ments on the exhibits by the Oshawu Daily Times, the following appeared: "Miss A. Kent, of Port Perry, had five paintings on display and received much praise for her work. Miss Kent works in oils and concerns herself with natural scenes such as "The Cornfield, Lake Scugog", "Early Au- tumn", and produces fine effects." As many Port Perry people know, this praise is well bestowed. Miss Audrey Kent does beautiful work in oil painting. a serena NUP oomimmesmmnn WORDS OF APPRECIATION Last Sunday evening after the ser- vice in the United Church the choir and a number of friends of Miss Helen Mellow met in social circle to express appreciation and good will to the re- tiring organist. A happy time was spent in this social gathering, and the fact of Miss Mellow's engagement to- be married to Mr. V. P. Stouffer gave opportunity for congratulations. Many of the choir members and others spoke, and all voiced sincere appre- ciation of the long and efficient ser- the United Church. The: following letter from the con- gregation and official board was given to Miss Mellow on Sunday evening: To Miss Helen Mellow, Organist Port Perry United Church, Port Perry, Ont. Dear Miss Mellow,--This is the day upon which you end a long and ac- ceptable service as organist of the Port Perry United Church. For more than thirteen years you have.efficient- ly presided at the organ. What is al- most more important, you have main- tained happy relations with the mem. bers of the choir, all of whom regret your decision to give up' the work which you have done so well. :It is a real accomplishment to se- cure and retain the good will of those who Sunday after Sunday--year in and year out--Ilead in the musical part of the church service. Your-depend- ability has been noted with apprecia- tion, and your skill in your chgsen pro- fession has been amply demonstrated. The members of the Official Board and of the congregation wish to:ex- press their sincere thanks for this ex- every happiness and success in- your future life. You have many friends because you have earned that friend- ship, and they will always remember with pleasure the years of service which you have given to this church. Signed on behalf of the Congrega- tion and Official Board, Ww. J. H. Smyth, Minister. Samuel Farmer, Secretary. o_o FOR SALE 1932 Pontiac Sedan with heater, in good condition. Engine not driven since overhauled, Driving Company's car and no use for the Pontiac, Apply to R. M, Holtby, Port Perry. april30 vice of Miss Mellow: as "organist in cellent service, and to wish for you Eyes Tested AND Glasses Supplied WHERE NECESSARY I. R. BEN TLEY OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. PHONE 33 PROPERLY Killed and Chilled MEAT is most suitable for human food. Don't take risks--buy meats that are killed and inspected under Government supervision. PHONE 4 YOUR ORDERS will receive care- ful attention and prompt delivery. W. BOYNTON Piano Recital at Wick Church, May 1 The pupils of Enid M, Dobson, will give a recital in the Wick Church, on Friday, May 1st, at 8 o'clock, Come apd hear these studentg entertain .you with their music, LADIES WELCOME to talking picture Cooking School on Tuesday afternoon, May 5, at 2 p.m. General admission 15c.. Prizes given by draw. - At the Strand Theatre in Uxbridge. ; H NEW CABBAGE regi NEW CARROTS . Cini LEAF LETTUCE. eh #50 Sa TOMATOES Ib 15¢. CALIFORNIA CELERY. SPINACH 2 Ibs. 15¢. GREEN PEPPERS, - SPANISH ONIONS, BANANAS, dozen 25c. PINEAPPLES, each 20c. COCOANUTS, each 5¢. GRAPEFRUIT, (regular 5c. DR. PHILIP'S ORANGES PEANUTS ...... NET FY i Thursday, Friday, Saturday, next, the Strand Theatre, Uxbridge, has se- cured the ever popular picture-- "Sanders of the River" by Edgar Wal- lace. Worth seeing, May 7-8-9, May 14-16-16--"David Copperfield" --_------ewer---- - - ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, T. A.'"McWhorter an- nounced the engagement of their daughter, Margaret, to Mr. Karl K. Doubt, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Doubt. The wedding to take | lacs in May. rear VEGETABLES | NEW BEETS Gry an CELERY HEARTS, .................0.....:bunch 10c, RS EE SRR Sr ary FRESH LETTUCE, "CAULIFLOWER, GREEN ONIONS EGG PLANTS, ] FRUITS = = J. ORANGES, (basket of approx. 3 dozen) ....:.........46c. POTTED PLANTS AND CUT FLOWERS in k Creat Varlety fo The Modern Fruit and Vegetable Market Anthony Caruso, Prop. Cea Each Se. is Pavan ds aint oes hunch be. Vestas asssssss bunch -5e, "a aanvias as. bunéh Be. RADISHES, .»....bunch 5e, - . «+ each 10e. ~ ASPARAGUS, bunch :10c, CUCUMBERS, COOKING ONIONS ORANGES,' 2 dozens 35c: LEMONS, dozen 25c. APPLES, 3 for 10c. each) ............dozen 55c, vances vues 2 vain sy sdozens 38e, ....2 Ibs for 19c, r MOTHERS' DAY Phone 208. We deliver MARRIED PURDY-WILLIAMS--On Saturday, April 26th, 1986, at Trinity Church, Kirkland Lake, by Rev. James Gra- ham, Luella Arnot, only daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Llewelyn B. Williams, Toronto, Ontario, to' Hardy Edward, youngest son of Mrs. and the late Mr. E. H. Purdy, Port Perry, Ont. om -- WORK WANTED - Saws and scissors he pad? Ex- pert work, charges moderate. See D. ~-may7 Corbman, Port Perry. Shirriff's Jelly Powdes LUSHUS 3 pkgs. 23¢ |_-Assorted Flavors ---- Aylmer Fancy Jumbo PEAS DOMINION, BRE LIMITED | These Values a are effective for April 30th, May 1st and 2nd Aylmer Fancy Sliced Pineapple , 1 31 Aylmer Choice Ch Aylmer 1:oice Peaches "= ! 13-¢ -02: PIE Tin erries LO Yow x | es MH NN 9): ma | Classic a CRAX Pe12¢ | Wate iS 106 & No. 2 Talls 29¢ o Aylmer Soups mong pec o | e Aylmer Tomatoes 27%. 24 ° Perfection %-Ib. Tin Cocoa 15¢ Celery. Chicken with Rice, Asparagus, Clam Chawder, Pea, Oxtail, : Avimer WESTON'S Ch No. 2 j :vep Fresh Corn White y No. 21¢ CHASE & : | ylmer SANBORN | GINGER Peas No 4 sieve Tine 2%¢ y "Sel Beaad" 5 ik SNAPS | Gen tos eg@e | Coffee 10° Catsup. 2:ix2§¢ | ~ 35 ome Clini Stnice 2 25¢ re -- Chocolate | Imfamt Food 2019 SOAP 17 | SOUPS sui, 10-46 | 3#.25¢ Chips' fein FreshF ruit and Vegetables oe Aylmer Wax a BECRPS o o Aylmer Peaches Halve Macaroni & Cheese Loaf . b » BO Ar LL i. aA! pe EINERS "Choice : 2533 Pe Lawrence's Drug Store News (You Can Bave With Safety at Your Rexall Store. Your teeth 'are worth more to you than you perhaps realize. Preserve their health and beauty by vigiting your dentist: frequently | and by buying high-quality cleaning preparations ahd brushes frgm us Tooth Paste CCOLGATES + .....20¢. and 38¢. DR. WEST'S ....0.0..... 10 FORHAN'S 25¢. and 39%. IPANA ocr v ices soesohBes KLENZO ...25¢. and 50c. '"KOLYNOS _......29¢. and 89%. LISTERINE ......25c. and 8%c. MILK OF, MAGNESIA ; 20c, and 39¢c. Mi8l............ 19¢, and 39¢. PEPSODENT ............8%. SQUIBB'S .25¢. and 44c. DCRR ©. COLGATE . Tooth Powder wi] DR. LYONS .......:.....80c. LISTERINE ......25¢c. and 39. _[} MILK OF MAGNESIA «14. 35¢. serene s.850. PEPSODENT : ase and 39%. WOQDBURY'S ....,......25c Brushes KLENZO ..:......25¢: and 35¢. PROPHYLACTIC 32% "35¢., 50¢. TEK sireeanable tessa enna SPECIAL--50c. Dr. West's Brush and 19¢. Dr. West Paste, both 50c. A. M. LAWRENCE 720 Rexall sure Phone 49 . PIGS FOR SALE Yorkshire pigs, 'six weeks old. * Ap< ply to Robert Moase, Port Perry. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Guaranteed repairs for all makes Leave your order at the Star Office. Have several used machines at reason- able prices. Official Representative for" Ontario and York. G. L. Lang- staff, Phone 20, "Markham. ny WANTED Reliable help, Protestant, general housework with two adults, good home. Apply to Miss Powell, 506 Dundas' St. W., Whitby, Ont. FOR SALE New Automatic Seed Grain Pickler, known as the "THE SMUT KILLER", Orr Browne, Port Perry, Phone 39. ¢ FOR: SALE 1929 Essex Sedan. Apply to H. E. Dobbs, Port Perry. . HOUSE FOR SALE -6 room house on Elgin St. Apply to Mrs. W. J. » Anderson, Port Perry. may? Strand Theatre UXBRIDGE Thysday, Friday, Saturday, this week TIM McCOY, in "Justice of the Range" (four pictures) <> Thursday, Friday, Saturday, ' . next week 5 "Sanders of the River" story by Edgar Wallace; great. caste; great book and picture. COMING -- "David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens--May 14, 16 and 16. ' oy | pis ca £ eR FH : ® ¥ . NOTICE TO HOUSE WIVES Spring is here and house-cleaning will soon be over and you will have some rags. Please let us know what you have. We also. -pay top price for wool, horsehair, poultry, light metal, duck and goose feathtrs. Phone Alix, Gilboord, Port Perry, 177 day or night --- ICE HAS GONE OUT OF LAKE 'Every yéar the cold weather hangs on until the ice leaves Lake Scugog. Now it has gone, and we are looking forward to some good weather, It had better hurry if we are going to have time enough'to enjoy the summer which is our compensation for. the long winter we endure or enjoy as the case may be, pe a ™~ oa THOU SHALT NOT KILL Drive Carefully PORT PERRY NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Sara Amelia Tewkesbury, deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Sara Amelia Tewkes- bury, of the Township of Reach in the' County of Ontario, Spinster, deceased, ; who died on the bth day of March, 1936, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before the 1st day of May, 1936, full par- ticulars-of their! claims. after May 1st; 1936, the assets of the Testatrix will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard. only- to claims of which the solicitors shail then have notice. Dated March 81st, 1986, Harris, Harris & Wallace, Port Perry, Ontario, "Solicitors for Sara Amelia Tewkesbury Estate. CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, ALLIN-F. ANNIS, B. LB." Offices 1% Simeoe BE. Bas LL Phones, 4 and 8 (Oshawa) and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Conant) ___. Phone 7 (Whitby) : SUITS CLEANED. Suits sponged and pressed ~~ B80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office Keeping Things in Repair PAYS WHEN THINGS ARE IN GOOD REPAIR TIME and MONEY ARE SAV ED We will: be pleased to quote you prices'on _ new or repair work - -~ Y Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 . PORT PERRY, ONT. DR. W. 8. HARPER WE i Graduate . sf Medical a a Graduate Royal Infirmary, G 3 Ofies and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont, -------o- W. A. Sangster DENTAL nang Calta Haars: 9am. to 5 pm. U; s, over Bm y p-stairs, vee Bomsrsons ~ wi aE .+...20c. and 5c. fl Immediately - ye ~& -- hb

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