Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Mar 1936, p. 3

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= 'y % ARN Fk ; « A '- - . { : % hd The Latest in Golf "*ed clubs, and bis oueft would be ab- } Caddies might rejoice - mighy be a bad slump in the caddy- _ the whole idea with the very liveliest Seven Chis in in One (From the Manchester Guardian): One of the exhibits mentioned in. reliminary account. of the British Tn ustries Fair sounds as though it might have a 'tremendous future be- fore it, for it i8 nothing: less than seven "golf clubs in one. It consists of an rdjustable head at the end of 'a steel shaft; the angle of the head is 'fixed by. a thumb-screw, and that angle can be so arranged that the! complete instrument will "%serve as a putter or as any club from a<No. 1 to a"No. 6 iron.' The idea suggests one "of those truly great inventions which take the breath away py their simplicity and efficacy. The possessor of that tool will-have au complete set of iron clubs on one shaft; give him two, or at the outside three, wooden-head- solutely complete. Moreover, it might possibly be an advantage in smother way to have all, your iro on one shaft; once the player had got the balance "and "feel" of one item in the set, pre- sumably. his mind and mugcles would | be equally acquainted with all the rest. Under the old "arrangement a man might easily be "off his mashie" while | playing well with what used to be called_a midiron; but if the two were actually the.same club (but altered by the turning of a screw). there might be much less risk of finding the one harder to use than: the other. At the same time; it would be a 'most revolutionary idea to have all} your. cggs in .ope basket and. all your irons on cne shaft. Some play- ers carry round (or rather hire cad- dies to carry round for them) a tremendous assortment of . tools; they might feel that they had lost caste and were humbled to the dust if they were invited to make one .eltb 'serve as severf. . = at having a lighter load to carry because even their most ambitious employers had not got quite so many irons in the fire. ~On the other Land, there ing trade because some players would be without a caddy altogether -- surely a man 'whose entirely ade- quate outfit consisted of one wooden]. would |! club ard the combination. iro: be able to shoulder the white man's burden for himself? : But manuffeturers who hicks gol! clubs, and golf professionals who both make and. sell "them, would doubtless see nothing but red ruin and the break-up of the royal and 'ancient game"'in such an unthifikable 'device as seven clubs in one. They, presumably" would approach ~ hope that the Rules of Golf Com- mittee at St, Adrews would outlaw | _the 7-to-1- club under the ruling which refuses to sanction "any substantial departure from the traditional and acceted form and make. of golf clubs." That 'would seem? to be the biggest risk that the new invEntion runs. o The Rural Postman, In the Gold and "IRIE v weather, When the frost is on the rail, Would you like to face a blizzard With a half'a ton of maill? In the biting blizzard weather, When the snow comes to your knees Would you love fo fish for pennies, While your feet and fingers freeze? When the gleaming snow is tilted Underneath a foot of sleet, Would you love to have the chilblains In your elbows and your feet? 5 . A When outdoors the wind is whistling |. © -And the air is full of snow. Would you love to have'a jitney "And the biam~d thing would not. go, Yes, I'd love the geod old fireside, + Sipping coffee from a pail But I have to buck the snowdrifts 'Cause the farmers want thdir mati, I don't mind the frozen snowdrifts J. When my:legs are stiff with cramps But you keep your bloomin' pennies, Buy a quariers worth of stamps. I get the snow mixed in my whiskers And I get it in my socks, But it mever hurts my feeling: Like loose pennies in the box. Dominion Housing Act Loans 113 Last Year|. | OTTAWA, -- Last year 113 loans were made by the Government un- der the Dominion Housing Act, Fin- ance Minister C. A. Dunning told the House of Commons recently, These loans ranged from $3,000 to $10,000. The largest number in the $4,000 to $5,000 group, of which there "were 22. The - other groups follow: Not ex~ ceeding $3,000, eight; from $3,000 to $4,000, 17; $5, 000 to "$6,000, 12; $6,000 to $7,000 17; $7,000 to' $8, 000, 20; $8,000 to 40, ;000, nine; 39,- 000 to $10,000, Jone, and 10, 000, seven, 5 = ig : 5 y ! A SER , " Doctor Divulges Eo Interesting Tips | EVERY DAY LIVING [| ea y or ers' Dise as e: 1 nteresung P : ie i : eeritors | AERA : "Says. Poor Child Looks to A WEEKLY TONIC | oun r e v a 1€ n t in! a 74 % Li ! _ Father as a God, Rich Child BY Or. M. WM. Lappin 4 ee : : CAS apa? a Ti ¥ Lest 400 Stone Cutters Doomed to Die-Befors Nor = i utters Doomed to Die Before Normal q 7 rT ; A few weeks ago I dealt with the 4 5 ha { : CLEVELAND. --The child's world (visks sometimes taken in' answering 2 Life Span Is Up. : 3 BRE 3 may be a dizzy, uncertain place for advertisements of a certain type. My |. : v p------------teeg 7% SH Ie _-- hit to live inv even if his pavents article apparently excited the-inter-| NEW YORK -At least 400 New amined:gn a a New? York Tuberculosis' ib PEA have the- economic security of @est of one reader who has been Yark City mien. vieims of Silicosid and Health Association inquisy, were Ar #4 wealth. To the child a feeling of | 'caught napping' with an advertise- : To ge o LE Sh: found to be afflicted with eilicosls, DASE Ass security 'seems to depend not so| ment of another sort. I have his let-| U0 disorder which" has proved fatal a, 4 44 much on his parents being wealthy | ter before' me now. When first read | Lo scores of rock workers at Gauley A State Labor Department' expert . i : A as it does. on their staying for many it I was inclined to- smile, and then, Bridge; W, Vu, are doomed to die be- discovered 78 cases of "silicosis among | Ho . years in one home and trlendly I frankly became indignant. Here js! fore their novmal-life span is up, it f# group of 125 granite euiters. CANE neighbors, 1 © © Jan extract from his letter: was learned recently, + A. tuberculosis survey by the BP. By These are some of the findings of ) "I have just read your article on| Sjecsis is one of the most fatal W.A. a year ago found 128 cases pt 880) a study reported to Dr. H. Meltzer, vier ing ' Advertisements" andy} of occupational diseases, according to | SHCOss: : oo) director of the Piychological Service J you, 1 can sympathize with the! medical experts, "The city Board of Health took up 7: Center, St. Louis, at the meeting ve- | ho yas caught napping'. I x surves dds: the problem of silicosis on March, 10, REL foamy of the American Orthopsyehia- | ih Mish eon aug BADIAR hug A Survey disclose at the request o Health Commission- A hy A ' a ric Assn, 4 é 'ertisement of another| hat 118 of 208 stone workers ex- [er John 1. Rice.' (4345 . ' sort, I read an advertisement in ) * ' an b Stuart 'Martin When a child does not feer safe! puoizine which beg: oh wos wg Bd : a_i i KE Ye Y. and at home in the world he is'apt} what you wan: and 'then went on to : Fr an - ooetoeesroeet seeerees? | to develop strange quirks and twists] Goserive in plowicg terms a cones FIUINOUE Types THE MARVELLOUS BOOK FAL SYNOPSIS back to England. Foster | follows ana |of personality which make it havd |, peyehology supposed to teach you : E - | Whish® Qompelled - Action VERY Maud informs him The Ghost" has ap-| or even impossible for him to fit n- 'thi ol arid tio p : Poo oo ee 00 Withrow's "Shackling PE ALE In the West Indies. Maud Barron] joareq in England the same as at the anything you want---riches," fanie, "Eg olishime and Americ the Pransgressor" should be read by yes awakes with a premonition of disaster. | {jo of her father's death. to mormat school and comity | friends, power, ete.. I wrote for par. | -H&hshen did ATIC dR atson Ceammixddun 19 5 Husping into her father's study she Maud employs Elsie Monteith as af life. He becomes a problem child, ! ieul v E 'd a 'Q Hore ppotnted Send tan dollars for atito- y. finds him dead. Dr. Sidney Foster, ul companion, Elsie admits to Foster: that} pq pn) into difleoltios 'vith ii culars, and afterwards ivvested [2¢ spond to Different LA postpaid ARR friend, is joined by Detective "One Eye" | jo hag fallen in love With him. Foster | NC May ge into difficulties With the | some hard earned dollars in the i" . . : A Uttock, A mulait. Hughes, 4 mettiber of leaves. for London and is murderously| authorities, Dr. Meltzer's study was dourse wrly 10 Sind that 1 Ka wurst AVisecracks ; DR. WITHROW f i the household is antagonistic toward all | ovincked on the way. On examination, lertak to deleting hE se only md that wd wast ) 33 Albany Ave. Toronto 8 , investigation. Ho accompanies Mana | DErocked Oe ads tb Den Lats Trom undertaken to determine how econ-| od my money. The urse wus just = A A reonins snake, omic security or insecurity made it- woh dice | iwi 1CTOR ' "Wiseeracks," hy Mana meets her brother fn London--=fgalf fal in the child's world and con 5 Mutt ARREL L. 1am Nitedy) VU FOnA. Be NYE Wen B ' on UA Dr. Ioster following her finds him dead.) tiv Hociod 9 d con-! Ssappoiited, and I want to ask von that tickle the sristbhitities of Ameri: $d Wy YR due 3 - ected his personality. a psychologist if psy chology can cons ave lost on the average English Bosh { - If he still appeared calm it was bin earn this he questioned children j really help a fellow to get what he maa who, in an attempt to under- NEN because of the rigidity of his museles | from three cconomic levels on their wants." Yotaril. that, "Hooke # toile wisely NAN that had been suddenly smitten with | feelings about their parents, " Now, isn't that a nice poser? In sid Dreodbenricttic Anderson nan f Rushey 3 kind of Si je Shy : : - | the first 'place, let me say that one daddvess eee. 3 ah the end of ae iv shee Td 1 tact with the saueer producel n should always try to wpply common' Phe Enslish method is to take the ; hand fell to his side while his other sense reasoning to the onosition | rational oi ater 3 : | : : she te. Not | the l as £ to the proposition rational and make it behave in an pressed his breast as one-who is ex-|S1arp note until the maid had ; ov | Press il ; 3 e: C0. leleaved off the dishes and closed t) _offered in any advertisement Lefove irrational manner, while the" United, Pet. a spasm that io can hardly door did he look at WY en hi parting with 'hard earned dollars'. Tt! States humorist takes an ivrational pe to" conquer, Following: on the yon Ontertll. curely stands to reason docs it not 7 eye or . i Mickey Mouse," rigidity of his frame came a violent] "Now!" he said; but there wus no' that if. there avere such a hire ALi Ri op nd 0 nt shuddering that he could not con. challenge in the word. It was simp!y 4 course by which men Could wh N ihe oH CIHYY or ) trol. He sank into a chair and felt) a statement of condition, as if he hai "tyught to wet all they want cvery- | tne » the perspiration run down his face said, Speak! I am rcady." body would he taking that "course. | Huon oF et ite Hark Ponts sn as his eyes closed in despair, His altered appearance was too Why, nen woald seven be willing ile Have, poiwenpr, hud universal He sat thus for some time wholly marked' not to notice, and she was pans their shirts to take it. = At appends, pod English hua, subtle unconscious of a knocking that! surprised at the chage in him Had. least, I think 1 wopld, and IT am just and leaving wich tp the Woagination sounded at his-door.. It was a maid, "he seen himsvlf at that mom:nt lie human like others. appealed to sophisticates cof both who had come. to inform. hum that! "would have been surprised also: the | But supposing there were such a | tons Scotch humor he speaker dinner was waiting when he was| years had descended on him, an his' course, und supposing jl men did {GERed ds uneonscions and inc class ready to receive it; but he remained, * shoulders were bowed as are these take it, what would happen? Just] by Med. seated until the fit that had seized "of a man wha.is: bearing a- load up a this, the selfishness that exists in! The Englishman takes bes humour ! him passed. = steep slopé.™ He felt himself on a the world would become exceedingly [as he takes his sport for the tun.of Gradually he found. strength to]road, the end of which was not at move selfish and life would be cim- It whereas ins the United States it is vise, He bathed his face in- cold] the top of the hill but deep in the ply intolerable. No, my friend, ala more serious husiness, water, took a draught. from his medi-| valley on the other side, a valley of little thought, and you would have, pr Anderson selected Chan best \4 YEAST CAKES cine chest, and went slowly and un- darkness and painful tears. "Iseen that "the proffered coarse was! igh, HG. Wells, Wo 8. Gilbert, HIT : ae 1 steadily down to the dining 100m, *Are. you not well? she asked too much of a good thing. It would |; dive Belloc and Lowts Carroll as dig are a ways Elsie Monteith sat alone at table, | anxioysly: : [be the worst thing that could hap-|uciive types of English hmorists, smoking a cigarette "I am very wal," he said; and on pen us if, by' some power or other, } Full Strength ; Win Tote res : . : . . iis face there was the smile of a we were able to get all we wi ity " 1 3 Qn Te RAK : . "COULD I MISJUDGE.MY EARS?! jeath's head, He seemed to be smil- Personally, T shall be satisfied if ci es To Teach When Foster entered" Elsie drew ing from behind a mist of pan. | get all 1 need, and I think so an! asses Ba - | herself up and--watched him from "Is there anvthine wrong? [Is most people be. There ave : oi } % rom | « 3 o eo [s _ peor Cc. wre are few of pad WHITE BREAD vrder her long eyelashes, He did Maud all right?" al us who don't get that and a little! Housewives How To 5 not look at Ler until she spoke, "There® is nothing wrong, Miss more than we actually need Budget Relief Funds ie I "I've been waiting to see you, Dr.' Barron js all right." [Of course every pew field thu } by wl Foster." She aid her hand con the edge of Opens up tends to become, for a - . . Ris He bowall slighily, ut did not lift! his sleeve, hesitatingly, and with her time, a happy hunting ground for, U. S. Federal Agency Attempts to oil his eyes, The mari lingered about! eyes on his face; tuacks and charlatans and fal Solve -Problem of Shrunken A Lis chair; 'but he pushed aso the] "Sidney! as | Psychology his been no exception. 1 Incomes fi dishes with which she .sought to He drew his arm away ani slaved think, however, that they have al-| iA tempt him. Wlaniily i, her. : | most had their run. Psychology is! ALBANY. XY The works pro- v "Coffee," ke said in a strange "Why are y witated ?" Jeo coming into, its own, and as it comes gress Vinistr a federal vr iil S84 a ste v are you agitated?" he ask me re administration, a federal re- wi voice. "Just coffee." bod iv 7 cali voice that he dig not into its own, the quacks, charlatans, Hlief-work agency, has announced ke It was placed berore him. yocognise ae his own. J ad fakes Ww ill ry "adually be elimin- | plans for classes to teach housewives ny "Clear the table snd leave us." "Beeanse IT see you =o --queet. - So ated. There is certainty a place fori how to budeet, plan diet, codk and ' He drank the hot coffee at a pulp, queer." the triined psychologist and a work do their--marketine. The WPA said . ani set the cup down so that its ¢on-| "So queer? Amgl queer? T as- TOF him to do-among his fellows. Our the aim was to attack "household sure you I am not. 1 am no longer, universities and colleges recognise fproblems created by redvioed naagets Hi ) queer, But your return has in a wa this, and are rainihg men and wom- and shrunken incomes." PARKER HOUSE ROLLS ® - confounded me. [did not expect to on hid {his end. Marcever the! he qunguncement sdid the "main > . » - ¥1 [0g Ss NSIVEe Jieve A . ' : 5 2) ; 2 : . see you again.' A oy i r I believe the (objective is to provide emnoyment 3 i a: ls 0B : It was her turn to. become-pale. °° ic rapuliy approaching w hen our gg, professionally --and- technically _ : "Why not?" she quavered. | medical men and 8 clergymen will) trained med and women on relief." "will tell vou," he aid." "Be- Bl he trained psyenologists, but there | The "faculty" for the -hpusvwives cause your plans of deceit and de- Many nibs of psyeholoy | pool will comprise persons. taken gi; ception miscarried. T am alive and wil wh 3 po gi Sune WET fom relief rolls and trained for ; well. I have sustained no greater hii . ow Pal * confined 10 geaching by the professional special > a loss than the loss of an illusion." oe N Sh Aloe. [hat ists of the siute eduction adpam: QUICKLY 3 She made. an effort to breathe EE ho or oy Rath Dow ever, Lint i ngint. - . From Your Puss' freely, bug a hidden emotion was | ry RE TRS | oe sem eon ---- choking her, Her hands lifted up in Oh Ae ran anvnet ited 984 i i all afr « '"- . £ . : hel ir follow wie ohh Whe will send me. his full adress, if the 'Pain Remedy an attitude of prayer. help hess Solis nt to rn they { which he has strangely Liat Tr "Sidney! Sidney! Hear me, 1° \ : dE is | : ; ge { ; : a Sean {But the ordinary individu can: his letter, 1 shall be pleased. to_send Font You Tare Is Safe.~ he ! ow Nihet = b's voing ol? study psychology to his own advan. | Ni or to any other interested cor 11 $8 ' ame back as swift- N respondent, the names of two or three Sno o 0 2] ed LW tage, and there ave school: which pondent, the names of two or three clo mn mater . {ly as I could to sce you. You ave ; f id i . HE ¢ . . rovide splendid ¢ he. | ood schools for consideration. Pb 't Ent t Your all wrong. You misjudge me--"" pe Ro, ho es, for the be. | SE on nirus ou Senin I mirtuiine the Selman ginner and for 'the Bed ide nt] NOTE: 1 Cun 1 Use Gillett's Pure Flake Lye regu- ilv's - IL i - ' --even some. correspondence schoois | "i dhe writer of this column larly and you'll keep sink drains Well Be Yo hil I ty for piy's suke » fwhose courses ave perfifetly bona is a trained psychologist and an au- tubs si Loto op ov freely a. [3 eing to unknown "ee : 5 sake-- 1 fide. thor of several works. He is willing ach week pour it down fu ' li Ne A 1 y 1 ' Preparations WW ny 1 mishidge ny ily Cas Psychology, broadly peaking, "indy t0 deal with your problem and Five | strength---it wil not harm ename your voice as ayoon the «o far as he average man or woman | you the benefit of his wide ex ing. Kills r vo ar as 'u oman s »oexper- or plumbing. Kills germs and de- ground---"" | would have time to study it, may be =ence. Questions i ; ; i Ti : i s ay he Rence, Questions regarding problems stroys odors as it cleans. Gillett's ou take any prepara- "Si hi 'ai "I swear wai rio : | ATEN , IN Use Royal Yeast Cakes and KEORE you Lake any a I ii Rog Poisg! I swear said; to enable one to understand the of EVERYDAY LIVING should he Lye eases up dozens of heavy clean- se Royat Yeas hid S or the relief of headaches; or the ne ore, paven i : did not know workings of the human mind and, by | addressed "to: Dr. M. M. Lappin,| ing tasks -- saves you tiresoma Royal Sponge Recipes for ains of _rheumatism, neuritis or ig was i hy ig you. ot, i the undertakings of its Jaws and the | Room 421, 73 Adelaide Street, West, | . work. Keep a tin on hand! h you would only let me explain, application of its principles it helps | Toronto, Ontario. 7 Enclose a 3¢ these tempting breads . |. furalgia, ask your doctor. what he ths icatio sp ples elps : rio. 7 Enclose a Je Never dissolve lye In hot water. The Hy pt g : .e Winks about aL--in comparison J here 0 explain, ou ic hete the individual to adjust himself to his| stamped, addressed envelope for re- action of the lye itself heats the water. No Ath ini y ake ad- tr N FF SR. tS . ) You can count on successful results with "Aspirin." 8 ma: tingaes and. make him 1d- | environment, to life, and to society, ply. A pe ith these fine. uality dry yeast cakes. We say this because, before the [mit--" . , [It also helps him to measure hisen-{ __ . ART "They keep fresh for months --assure/} discovery of * fAspirin," most so- | "I ani not concerned with Hughes] ergy so that he cxpends it to best! my ERAN full-strength leavening. power. That's | 'called "pain" remedies 'were ad- -| just now. The reasons I have not|advantage. In'a word, it enables him ||. _ i Arad A Ei iy a vised. against by physicians as being | preferred a charge of assault against| to apply éommon sense to life's prob. | "1 one for flustered foldecot BR ATR wrapped in an air-tight wrapper, An bad for the stomach; or, often, for | him are my own.. The reasons I do ad Artes THE GRANDETTE Ant: Royal Yeast Cakes are the only dry the lh ig Ne: discovery. of y he lems, to be rational and to think for Tho Brat Wovtinnt Grad Plnord 14 3 WV Bivih u : PERE . : hy Vo ] erties HE ata to he i yeast. with this special 'protection, "Aspirin"? largely changed medical not 'bracket you with him are equally hifnself. And psychology does all this | jude in Canada. Revolutionary in 3 Order a package from your grocer. practice ny ox, It is not SHIA for you to| because it helps a man to understand construction eautiful fon quality | : admit that you sent the bogus tele-| himself. -- Compact and modern in design, Bi : ss thousands of cople |* : p imse ; - Hep ee Mg "Aspirin" Fa gram?" : But the science that teaches a man, MASON AND RISCH LIMITED RN nd 'out without ill effect, have "He promised me that you.would|to get-what he wants just when he | 643 King st. w= Toronte, Ont. { FREE! 3 v y i : . ) \ - proved that the medical findings be set free once your bag was taken wants it and because he wants it has R i Take Doskt wires about its safely were correct, y from you, They stifled my tries| not yet been discovered. To be able _--_, ph tested Royal Signin "Asp i when they carried me away. He for:|{o get what we want is one thing, phd i in oe \E ponge pes ra amon e fastest methods je ¢ Qo aim ?? 1 1] y re able | You ure seeking mental improves 8 for al the breads | A fhe fo vend il bade me to come here any more To understand ourselves, to be able bl." [ud "cniciency, von shoun ts ] shawn above and pa at Bathe ry Enough! = Enough! to think for ourselves, to be able to] write for particulars of (he courses XE PRY: ond for the oan person to take "Listen, Sidney: Don't you re-|wisely direct our own lives--that is. bi of Snddorais Lees 2x TY 1% « couponl, ; régul arly. member what I told you the morning | quite another thing altogether, and | Peychology. } « 2 | BUY MADE-IN- | - re-- + |T left? Don't you remember how L}that is what psychology-helps us to'] Read "THE HELPER -- nun naw A SAI "" " i z i 3 CANADA GOODS Aspirin" Tablets are soinde in [said that circumstances might make] do. monthly magazine of ~help for eve Fo he Canada. ny fensgiamed us appear in a light that was not| This correspondent asks me. to re- eryhaay pAHSHeR by I Re dovoat : ANE STANDARD BRANDS LIMITED rade marke of the Bayer Com 8% the true one----" commend a 'good school if there is | "The Institute of Practical and FREE BOOKLET ~The Glllett's Lys RAY Fraser Ave, and Liberty 5t., Toronto, Ont, 4 ' b id remember wall, How trua it|one," There are many. But it would Applied Psychology Booklet shows you practical ways to lighten PEA Please send me the free Royal Yeast in the formof across on every tablet. { ,,, be injudicious. fo ey ol i many household chores with.this powerfol | Bake Boo A ! ous- for me .lo mention One 'dollar a year cleanser and sctan s0, how AL ' t ' disinf €... tellanlso, i g . Demand and Get . There was a biting sara in 5 them in a column in public press. If Sample Copy -- Ten Cents 1 we Uillett'y 178 fof thorough €l al fe SERN ame ¥ als tone. e jumped fo hig feet anc . , ; r copy T g n and around tatm Ings. , . "SN sry 1] 'NN 1? dew the a foolscap from his : Wrens IONE cy Toma complete Instructions, tur making. fine. 3 NN Se : ; : Issue No. 12 -- '36 910 CONFEDERATION BUILDING quality soap at home. Welte for a free copy FREE rina my ; , : pocket, holding them tightly, oh : Montreal oN Queheo to Standard Brands Ltd, Fraser Ave. & te: WH : : | (To Be Continued) w= > pr | Liberty St., Toronto, Opt. : Ra b PATON

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