Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Mar 1936, p. 5

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NT 4 Savy LLNS 1 wil iti SHA PAGE FIVE EPSOM aT . Epsom for the past winter has been marooned from Uxbridge so far as motor traffic is concerened. run from Epsom to Uxbridge, -more than double going direct from Epsom. No one seems to know who is re- sponsible for the present state of af- fairs byt dame rumour has it that a couple of Uxbridge mérchants, desir- ing to gain the Greenbank business brought this change about. These men might have gained in some re- spects but they have not gained in popularity with the -Epsom people, nor'is the good will increasing. One thing that Epsom has learned | that so long as the way to the high- way is kept open that it is only a short hop to the highway and once you are there Port Perry is right at your door. A goodly number are taking advantage of this fact and the loss to Uxbridge will be the gain to Port Perry. Those who have tried the experiment say that the merchants of Port Perry are equaly as genial as the Uxbridge ones and their wares are as cheap, if not cheaper than those of Uxbridge. If the Uxbridge mer- | chants are still desirous of retaining the Epsom business they should register a vigorous protest before it is too late. 'To thosg who are respons le for the present state of affairs jt would be a good thing to borrow a*book of fables from the school children, especially should they read the story that tells of a dog crossing a stream carrying a |} large piece of meat and seeing its re- flection in the water thought it was another dog with a larger portion and -- thinking ta get the bigger piece let pontiac § beauty is doubly attrac- tive because'it is so prectical Consider, for example, the Turret Top Body by Fisher. It's smartly stream- lined. Interior trim and Sppepiinonts are rich, yet entirely useful. Complete insulation protects you from heat, cold g and noise, Fisher No-Draft ventilation from unhealthy drafts. Safety glass all round affords extra protection. 3 Pontiac's gobd looks are matched by the car's good performance, by it's } comfort and economy. Precision manufacture makes it' more depend- : able than ever, and 101 major features | N THE add value to every phase of motoring. LOW. PRICE FIELD Prices are low. Jancis cal bf arranged through the greatly reduce GMAC Canadian time payment plan. PRICED FROM Come in and arrange to see and drive $995 a Pontiac Six or Eight. - / Standard Six 2-pass. Coupe) Corlder the C 8-cylinder Models begin at $1183 onsider the Company - * - Back of the Car Outvwsd BA Sa bib Registration Feq only extra. n ' CHALK LAKE A few from ground here attended a 1 FO IL EEE EEE TT 18H ng 5 We are "sorry to report that Mrs.| the party at Morley Fair's one even-|2 = © Maynard has been taken to Toronto|ing last week. | Good Baking at Reasonable Prices a $ Hospital for an operation for appen-| My, and Mrs. Wilmott Gregg attend: [| u dictis. ed the funeral of Mrs. Samuel Miller|H is Our Policy i The i Lake Mort o pi at Sunderland on Tinisiey of last : ml Ee __successfu dance at Myrtle on Friday | eck. : a a ey Edward 1, visiti ve with Mrs. Russell Acton and children a < Give us a trial -- you won t be i rs. Edward Lee is i ith Mrs. C. B.|D a her daughter at Utica. Loy ri by iki, hes n dissappointed - 8 * Mrs. Fisher is spending the winter M ! B ) : [| r. Clarence Harvey is visiting in| 2 : wit her daughter Mrs. F. Lynde. the district. f 0 -- Mrs. A.D. Christie was with friends Mr. C. Hood, of Oshawa, visiting|® 7 Gerrow Brothers | B =in Torento Py Yealend, vill with. his brother Roy Hood. i : | * Me gid Vrs Am Jomeny} S. 3nd " Wilmot Swanick of Toronto, 8 M. A. CERROW G. M. CERROW Bl family were at. the home of Mr. Ed. he th k end at his home here. n Lee this week. spent: the week e CATE FOO momo " Mrs. Walter Lynd dM t Mr. Andrew Dayidson's team ran rs. Walter Lynde and Mary spent} oo» Saturday evening; fortunately | ce , 'the week énd at Brougham, . : : . : y not much damage was done, : Mrs. Wm. Taylor is visiting at the : CL PEI f her daughter Mrs. W. Lynd Mr. and Mrs. Wardel White were _ --_-- i : homo of ho daughter Mrs. W. Lyn ©] recent visitors at James Walker's. = MARSH HILL Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Welch and oo ' Mrs. Chas. Glide visiting "with | family 'spent Sunday with his father |. ; ) friends at Port Perry, recently. Mr. Frank Welch. A or : wal | | a | | IB i i ' We are' direct importers of the ever famous SCRANTON THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS A ANTHRACITE COAL, marked "BLUE" in order for you to te z EI : a tell at a glance you are getting a first class product. i IS EASY IF YOU : BUY Ill © STELCO COKE, made in" Hamilton from high grade cok- ] - : rr ing coals. Comes to us in car loads direct from the ovens. ~~ --FROM-- BERT MacGREGOR Phone 29w, Port Perry. MEATS "At this time of the year your appetite calls for something special-- | Our meats are noted for fresh, tasty flavour. vr 2 FEE order to 29W. " CAWKER BROS. TASTY Phone your next Prompt Delivery GET YOUR | LIFE, FIRE, AUTOMBILE, and THEFT INSURANCE HAROLD W. EMMERSON . 7 Phone a1 Port Perry dor Wer have 'a good source of supply for WELSH AND SCOTCH COAL, POCOHONTAS and STEAM COAL. We have a good supply of HARD BODY WOOD, HARD- WOOD SLABS and SOFTWOOD on hand. If you are. in need of building materials, our shed is well stocked with a great variety of lumber. ee e-- FRED E. REESOR Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73 Se Sait Se es Sie ies ie i PHONE 93, - SEA PORT pRenyY and Baking of the Daily ~ Family Requirements will be readily secured from Jemison & Hutchinson, Bakers [on the day=hd Intended. its own portion drop only to discover when it was too late that the other dog was only a shadow; or if that is not sufficient 'read of that man who had a valuable horse and being warn- | § ed-repeatedly to keep his stable doar locked. He refused to heed the warn- ing and finally when his horse was stolen he started to lock: his stable door, and if that is not enough then read of the Judge who having sen- tenced a man to be hanged closed. by eed iy hope this will be agvarning to you/" * We are glad that our friends of the tenth concession have a road open for them, but even they would not be selfish enough to wish to gain this privilege at the expense of their neighbours who live on the Uxbridge road. A goodly vainber of the Epsom in- habitants must have been advance students of last Sunday's lesson "The 'Good Samaritan". They must have known in advance whabdye lesson was "about from practical experience. When one of the neighbours was compelled to leave his farm last Wednesday to take up his abode near Sunderland, immediately a dozen of his fellow- citizens came to his assistance. Some brought a team-te carry a load of 'goods, others not having teams offered their services and others not being able to'come themsélves lent their teams, so Mr. Roy- Camplin was able to get moved with little or no trouble It is such co-operation that makes this old world not a bad place ta live inj and Mr. Camplin learned that Epsom is an ideal spot in which to live and the people everything that could be de- sired, ------ too AN: INTERESTING "EVENT An interesting event took place in the Community Hall, Blackstock, on the evening of March 6th, when one cf the largest gatherings of this kind, over two hundred friends and neigh- hours of Mi. and Mrs. Harold Swain (nee Frances Mountjoy) gathered to do honour and' have a social time with them. The presents were. numerous, and costly, showing the esteem in which they are held. Mr. Creighton Devitt, reeve of Cartwright, very ably acted as chairman and invited the bride and groom to take the seats of honour. The bride's father and mother, Mr: and Mrs. L. E.- Mountjoy, and the groom's sister and brother, Mrs. C. Marlow and Mr. Herbert Swain, were also asked to take places on the plat- form. A splendid program was then given consisting of speeches, songs; and recitations. Following this the bride and groom were presented with the presents which were opened for all to see. " Lunch was served, and those présunt treated to a piece of wedding cake. The floor was then cleared and danc- ing and social time enjoyed until the wee sma' hours when the guests de- parted wishing the young couple a long and happy wedded life. MYRTLE L Mr. John Leask spent Saturday with Toronto friends. It is true that the Tenth concession has been kept open but it means an eleven mile 1 Cake LIFEBUOY SOAP, 'been 'hovering around, [ JER EEEEE REE EEE BEE EE BE F. W. BROCK & SON RED & WHITE STORE SPECIAL GROCERY DEALS 2 prckionss MINUTE TAPIOC A, png 1 package BAKER'S COCOANUT, 1 LARGE PACKAGE LUX and PRINCESS SOAP FI AKES, large with card QUAKER XXXX BREAD F LOUR, 8' 8 GRAPEFRUIT, seedless, NAVEL ORANGES, FRESH HEAD LETTUCE, CABBAGE, CALIFORNIA "ee for RT for 25¢. per dozen (% Ib. )--all for 25c¢. EEE EE EE EE EI EPR NW. gr ..10c. MPTPTPIN NEE $2.79: 6 for 25c¢. 25¢., and 35c. SPINACH, and Gah wy 19¢., TOMATOES, CELERY. fa 'Dac you Move yout pice (13) Buy SUNWORTHY WALL PAPER ITS HI AUMTY LASTS SUN-WORTHY Wallpaper in a fine assortment of new papers for any room. Prices from 12¢. single roll. Border, from 5c. yard. SUN-TESTED PAPERS in large =~ assortment. This week we are featur- ing several papers, ready trimmed, at 8c. and 10c. per roll. Borders, 4c. NEW FLOOR CONGOLEUM RUGS, several patterns, 9 x 12... .$10.30 BORDERLESS CONGOLEUM RUGS, 9x 12 ........ $7.95 FELTOL RUGS, 9X 12 oii fone $7.25 Al other sizes priced proportionately. COVERINGS Phone 43 WE Te eo oie ol -- Bec _uilas_gaifine Selle saoi ilies tion Miss Vera Masters of Torontg spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Masters. Reid Cook has engaged with Mr. F. Batty, Brooklin, and has moved to Mur. Batty"s south house this 'week. The deep ruts in the ice on the pave- ment are said to be the cause of three bad accidents here last week, when cars skidded out of them into the ditch and completely overturned. For- tunately only one occupant was hurt and 'required medical attention, but two of the cars were badly EA) The sleet storm on Sunday night did not improve matters any but made travelling very hazardous until the pavement was sanded. Spring must be just around the corner, as large flocks of crows have then a local sport killed a groundhog last week that had made its escape from its hibernating quarters. These - and others are welcome harbingers of Spring. ' Miss Barbara Bright visited her friend Miss Clara Glass of Port Perry on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler of Toronto, were at their summer home here on Sunday. Théy expect to.settle here in May when further improvements are made to their property. "The Faithful Workers' Class held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, Jack Kirkham last week with al- ! for feathers, most a perfect attendance present. | ALIX. GILBOORD, Port Perry After: the glevotional period, general business was discussed which included the disposal of the quilt made recently and remembrances were sent to form- er members of the class who are ill. At the close very satisfying refresh ments were served by the hostess, and the young ladies enjoyed a "Class cat" before breaking up a very profit able and pleasant gathering. The meeting of the Young People's Society was wel attended last week and it is very gratifying to the leaders Mrs. EF. Cross and Mr. Moyer, to note the interest that is being taken in these weekly gatherings. The pro- gramme consists of a most pleasing trio by Beulah Cooper, Evelyn and Phyllis Cross, Scripture lesson read by Frank Downey, prayer by. Rev. Mr, Honey, instrumental by Mr. Moyen Jible stéry by Miss Olive Masts, n synopsis of the life of John Knox, which told of the difficulties the Pro- testant had to endure in the early days, after the offering the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. Games were then enjoyed for an hour. et FOWL WANTED 300 Hens wanted at once, 15¢ca 1b paid live weight. Alse top prices paid hides, and horsehair. For information call 'at once, Phone 177, night or day. Produce brought in, fair adjustment in price made. PORT PERRY ENE E EES ENE EE AEA EEE EERE EE@EZ - PROMPT WORK \ Phone 39 - ORR. C. BROWNE is prepared to DUCO or DULUX YOUR CAR REASONABLE GLASS FITTED on short notice on any make of car. EXCELLENT FINISH PRICES IEEE EEE EERE REE EEE - Port Perry ' JRC f ) x AN, 3 ) 3 % der A, 4 i APA ls ~~, Ta a, 7 aby Ladd Wd ir pl Oy EE, Ld

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