Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Mar 1936, p. 4

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A, SN LSS Fa = Se ov, i 5 a Se 4 y. git | A472 ( sh PAGE FOUR I ---------- M i | ~- | i H . | cin LOCAL ITEMS Mr. Fred Switzer is home from Windsor for a couple of weeks, where he has been working with an auto- mobile supply company. Mr. E. J. Smith, of Newmarket, who learned the leather business with Beal Bros., spent a short time in town on} Monday. He is the son of the late Jonas Smith, who ran a cooper shop in Port Perry. Mr. Smith started to learn the leather business in 1876. Miss Dorothea Nasmith and Mr. Forbes Nasmith, of Toronto, spent the week end with friends in town. Mr. Hugh Nind, of Campbellford, spent the week end with his. parents, Rev. T. A. and Mrs. Nind. FIDELITY LODGE A. F. and A. M. On Tuesday evening of this week Fidelity Lodge, A.F. and A.M. had the pleasure of entertaining District Deputy Grand Master Rt. W. Bro. Geo. Hancock, of Port Hope. Mr. Hancock was accompanied by several members of Hope Lodge. Visitors from Sunderland and Oshawa were also present at this meeting. MOVING TO LINDSAY Mr. M. Newell and Mr. Powell and 4 their families are moving to Lindsay owing to the fact that the northern section of the Whitby-Lindsay line nas been discontinued. The men are working in Lindsay now. We are " sorry to lose these good citizens, and |' wish for them success and happiness in their new home. SCUGOG 4 On Saturday, March 7th, the mem bers of the Junior Girls' Institute met at the home of Misses Inez and Lillian Fralick for their monthly meeting. was opened by singing the Ode, fol- lowed by the Lord's prayer: The motto "Think, the best of everyone; spite and slander shun; fill your hearts with kindly. thoughts; judge and mock at Hoe, was taken by Margaret Crozier. -~ The minutes of the last meeting were read and the roll called. Mises Inez Flalick and Fay McCullam then gave us a very helpful and-inter- esting talk on Picture\Study. Inez chose as her picture the well known 'Horse Fair" by Rosa Banheur; Fay chose another favorite "The Gleaners" 'by "Jean Francois Millet. All the members then joined in community singing. At the close of the singing Miss Eliza Stephenson read a paper on Family Relationship--"How. to use apd improve simple home. festivities for recreation"--reading, music, pic- nics and games being stressed. The meeting closed by singing after which a dainty lunch was served. We are all looking forward to the St. Patrick's concert next week. More particulars next week. = Wedding bells are ringing again. Do vou not hear them? Spring is 'surely very close. The crows are gathering and their song sounds more welcome that when they are after our chickens a little later. Mr. and Mrs. T. Carnochan, of Shir ley, visited their son Mr, H. Carnochan a few days last week. Mr. W. Milner visited in Toronto recently. -- bee Mrs. D. Hope visited her a aunt Mrs. J. Latimer one day last week. Mrs. R. Jackson visited with her daughter Mrs. L. Chamberlain in To ronto on Sunday. Mrs. N. Stokes and daughter visited with Mrs. W. Mark on Sunday. Mr. Ted Beadle is visiting with Mr. J. Demara and other friends for a few days. Mr. R. Wallace of Port Perry visit- ed his daughter Mrs. Beacock one day "recently. A quiet wedding took place at thé home of the bride's parents, Wych- wood Ave., when Helen Jean Crooks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crooks was united in marriage to George Frederick Jackson, son of Mr. and "Mrs. G. L. Jack8on, of Scugog Island. Rev. L. H. Thomas, officiated. The - bride wore a dress of ashes of roses lace, and her flowers were roses and freesia. Mr. and Mrs, Jackson left on trip to Buffalo and Cleveland. On their return they "will reside on Seu- - gog Island. } ----------, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 7 p.m~=--Evening Service PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 11-a.m.--"The Breastplate of Right- eousness", - 1.46p.m.--Men's Class and Forum. 2.46 p.m.--Sunday School, 7 pm.--""The Prodigal's Home-coming and Surprise', Let the Church gird on the Armour of the Lord'in these Lenten Days. ST. JORN'S PRESBYTERIAN Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m. ~Evéning service, A} OUR MAIN BUSINESS 1S MAKING HARNESS We will also do your repairing Harness, Cotlare and Travelling Goods. DO YOU NEED A SMOCK or PAIR OF OVERALLS? We have them; also "WORK BOOTS and WORK GLOVES, S A few pairs of heavy WORK RUBBERS at bargain prices. Give us a call. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatty's Store, Port Perry Eyes Tested AND Glasses Supplied WHERE NECESSARY I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. We Sell the Best FOR LESS SERVICE WITH A SMILE . Phone 4 YOUR ORDERS will receive careful attention and prompt delivery. 'W. BOYNTON Good Property for Sale To wind up Estate 7 voomed frame house, newly deco- rated, in splendid condition, good fur- nace, easily warmed, hard and soft water, stable, over an acre of land. Small fruits. This property will be sold at a reasonable price and on good terms to wind up the estate. Apply to the Executors, Robt. Somerville, Port Perry or Mrs. Howard Franklin, R.R. 4, Port Perry. mar27 Juvenile Hockey Final Juvenile Game Congratulations to Archie Anderson and his Maple Leafs. They fought hard from the start of the series until the end. The Leafs lost the first game 2-0, but came back to win the next two 06-3 and 3-2. Johnny Par- geter, the Leafs' Goaltender, was the | star_for-that team-- Gordon Hood was the best for the Hawks. The ice was covered with water and the game was: slow. The Leafs had the best of the play from the start until the last five minutes of the last period. George Stone put the Leafs up one, then came Bill Beare with two more to make it 3-0. In the final period Gordon Hood scored twice for the Hawks, making the final score 8-2 in favour of the Leafs. _-- te ®-------------- ORILLIA PUBLISHER DIES Widely known in newspaper circles throughout Ontario, George Curran publisher of the Orillia News Letter, and- member of the Orillia Water, Light and Power Commission, died at his home following three strokes, at three weeks. Dishes for Sale The Women's Association of the United Church is offering for sale "church dishes." These can be bought in dinner and tea sets or any other way desired at bargain prices, samples of same may be seen at "Star Office." For information phone Mrs. J. F. Mec- Clintock, Mrs. Jas. Lucas, or Mrs.- A. J. Davis, + LAME BACK 'LAME BACK, RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO respond quickly to RUMACAPS 'P. G. MORRISON 'RUMACAPS ; 4 ro s. HiT BIA PAE 5 ED POEY the age of 73. He was ill for about| SEAGRAVE Continued from page 8 Seagrave Young Rangers 8 Port Perry Sea Fleas« 1 Whatta game and whatta surprise, the boys of the metropolis got when Seagrave Young Rangers took a col- lection of stars,"taken. from the Mar- roons and Cadhadiens into camp to the tune of 8-1. Right from the drop of the puck . the boys from the north showed up i their smooth passing plays whic! carried them into the enemies _terri- tory and in, on the Port goal for all three of their goals before the first period ended. The town. boys were travelling fast and play was very even but they couldn't- put the puck past Tubby Scott who made a numbér of "phenomenal" saves. During the next two periods the game developed into a close checking affair and -it wasn't until with only a few minutes to play the boys of Port Perry were able to get a counter. Young Rangers played with only one sub and showed signs of the effect of the fast pace. The smooth 'work of Harvey Clark and Tom Maneely on the forward line caught the eye of the fans, Tom getting two goals and Harvey one. Reg. Moase the diminutive right winger was good going both ways and Bruce McCoy who subbed on the forward line showed up well, it being his first game. Ken=Scott, the sixty minute man and Bill Maneely the "Red Horner" of the team with three trips to the cooler, teamed up well for a strong defense. - Myrtle Station" 'Service in United Church on Sun- day at 7 p.m, Sunday School at 1.46 pm. On Sunday last Rev. W, E. Honey read for the lesson, Genesis || 28: 10-22 and his text was Genesis 28: 16-17, "Jacob at Bethel". The sermon was most interesting but the attendance was small owing to the bad weather of the *'evening. Sunday School had a good attendance, 68. Young Peoples' Society meet each Tuesday at 8 p.m. Last week's meet- ing was in charge of Mrs. Cross. A special feature of the program was a talk given by Mrs. E. Moles, on the life of "John Knox", This week Mr. K. Moyer will give a sketch of Mission work in Northern Ontario: Mr. Harold Brown 'of Greenbank was a week. end guests of his sister, Mrs. D. Dichemin. COMPLETE TRUST COMPANY SERVICE We act as Executors, Agent for : executors"and -Administrators in the handling of estates. Assignees, "Liquidators, Guardians or Cémmittee. Transfer Agents and Registrars. Prapeny Managers. . : pl , THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION TORONTO Mr.. and 'Mrs. Will Ormiston ~of Brooklin were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Harrison, ing their annual St. Patrick's supper in the Church next Wednesday, Mar. 18. A special feature of the supper will be "Irish Stew". A good pro- gram will follow in' which will be in- cluded a plpylet, called "Assisting Hezekiah", besides other "numbers. Dont miss it. My. and Mrs, Ed. Cooper, and son of Toronto were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs."W. J. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. L: L. Ross and 'Evalyn spent the week end with Mr. apd Mrs. {'C. Holman of Ashburn. : The Women's - Missionary - Society will meet next week on Thursday, March 19, at the home of Mrs. Hudgin. 1 ladies are welcome, he item which appeared in last weeks issue, which conveyed 'congrat- ulations to Mr. H. Painter and Miss Olive Masters, was somewhat pre- mature. The information received by the writer was incorrect. 'CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public interesting' A "on one's "vitality, Tonie. oA AYERST'S ALPHAMETTES } $1.00 and $3.50 AY ERST'S CALCIUM A CAPSULES AYERST'S 10D COD LIVER OIL ..... wis. .67c. and $1.6Y "ENGLISH MALT AND COD . LIVER OIL ....49¢. and 89. FROSST'S NEO CHEMICAL FOOD ...... $1.00 and $2.25 KEPLER'S Cob LIVER OIL and MALT,. ...95c. and $1.50 OVALTINE, 38c., 58¢c., and 98c. ser as aves Lawrence' S Drug Store News (You Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) The changeable weather at this time of the year is a big drain Build up your resistance. with a di Vitamin Miss Mary Martin is spending a few days of this week with relatives in Toronto. Mesdames Cross, Mitchell, Luery and Thompson attended an entertain- ment in Manchester last Thursday, GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, ALLIN F. ANNIS, B.A, LL.B. and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Conant) Offices 7% 8imecos Bt. 8., Oshawa Phones, 4 and § (Oshawa) Phone 7 (Whitby) PHONE 49 when they presented their playlet, A. M. LAWRENCE The Rexall Store "Advertising for a Companion." Mr. Will Lanniman of Oshawa spent Sunday with-Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Lane. The Faithful workers Class met at the home of Mrs. John Kirkham last a good at- Plans were made for next meeting to be at the homé of Mrs. A. Wednesday evening. wit tendance. Carmichael. , The Women's Association are hold- SUITS CLEANED 50 Cents - Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office -- "OPE NING: tion of Permanent Waving. "New Hairdressing, Facial, and | " Manicure > Will open in Port Perry at an early Mate with a demonstra- lady attending will receive a lucky draw ticket on a set of dishes, no charge or obligation. Opening date and particulars in next week's issue. BELLETTE BEAUTY SHOP Isabella Ewers. All are welcome and every " . Consider the Company Back of the Car Suits sponged and pressed | UTTING a Fisher Body on a proved, able and PARKE DAVIS HALIVER OIL il 'CAPSULES, . .$1.25 and $2.25 || PURETEST COD LIVER OIL | 50c. and $1.00. | PURETEST COD LIVER OIL TABLETS ......75¢c. and $1.25 PURETEST HADIBUT LIVER « OIL CAPSULES ......$1.00 REXALL COD LIVER and CREOSOTE ve. $1.00 SCOTT'S EMULSION 49¢. and 98c. WAMPOLE'S COD LIVER EXTRACT ............8100 PORT PERRY SPECIALS Vegetables "Tomatoes, 2 lbs. for 25c. New Carrots, 5c. bunch New Cabbage, 5c. 1b. New Beets, 2 bunches for 15c. 'California Celery, 10c. Fresh Spinach, 3 lbs. for 25c. Large Ont. Potatoes, 35¢. peck' $1. 35, for 90 1b. bag. The ALSO CUT FLOWERS Modern Fruit and | Vegetable Market Anthony Caruso, Prop. Fruits Oranges, 10c., 25c., 30¢c. doz. Large Grapefruit; for 25¢c. Lemons, 25¢c. a dozen Apples, Greenings, 35c.- paket © $1.50 bushel; ulso Bpys; tals man sweets, Russets, "and MacIntosh Reds. * Large Bdnanas, 25¢. dozen. Phorie 208. We deliver pe AS Ce "WANTED - en Dining room girl wanted at the} White Kitchen Restaurant, Port Perry The show of the season--BLACK- BIRDS OF 1936--watch for particul- lars nextweek. = dependable chassis like Chevrolet's is like enclosing a fine Swiss movement in a costly watch case--it completes the quality. For Body by Fisher is the world's standard of tasteful beapty, roomy comfort, fiie furnishings and practical car coachwork. Moreover, it's the only body that has built-in Fisher No-Draft Ventilation to guard your convenience in motor health as you ride along in luxury. And it's fitted throughout with Safety glass. inspect Chevrolet's Fisher Body, and all the other features that go to make it The Only Complete ~ Low-Priced Car. Ask about the 8 Groallyss reduced 7% GMAC Plan time payments. ( C286 Drop in today and s aw PRICED FROM Harold R. Archer Motor Sales Tune in every Saturday night at 9 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, to General Motors Coast- $775 (Standard Serles 2-pass. Coupe) Mier Dalaxe Models m $909 Dollvered at a om Ont. Fully wget, ruts Cosa ' to-Coast Hockey Broadcast. Fos only axira, Keeping Things in Repair PAYS WHEN THINGS ARE "IN GOOD REPAIR TIME and MONEY ARE SAVED We will be pleased to - quote you prices on new or repair work Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. Eyesight. Specialist Open Monday, open and Friday a appointment at -- DISNRY BLOGK Opp. Post Ofoe, Phone 1518 . DR, W. 8. HARPER raduate of Trini College Post or ini Dalrers ie a Ar don, England, Royal In 0 Office and Burgery--Port Perry, Ont, W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 pm. Office Up-sthln, over Bmmerson's Insurance Ofoe A -

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