. * an * ' ® 0) She nodded, watching him closely' and drying her eyes as she warmed to the subject. "It was Hughes and h's fathér who were really, I believe, at the bottom of my brother turning it as he did. It was they who caused him to run away from home and end as he did. It was they, I tell you, who really sent him to prison." fo "To prison?" : i ky It was a pitiful story she had to tell and was, briefly, the story of a} young 'man's way-wardness, of his entanglement w'th the elder Huglles, of the «orking of an blder, keen, un-' scrupulous brain: on 'the impression- able nature of a youth, And having got him into their pow: the two, EVERY DAY LIVING A WEEKLY TONIC By Dr. M. M, Lappin »~ THE TRUE WEALTH OF TINE The readjustment of the Social and economic order has been talked about a great deal in recent years: Writers, politicians, clergymen, as well as the man in the street, have alt shaved in the talk. Nov has the termine the vocation - COOP PIOOCIIIOICCIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIEIOIOIIIIEITEIrtroaoee Nama RE Rae yu One: problem of vital importance that confronts young people is tode- or trade for which he or she is best suited, 'The purpose" of this column is to be of Your Birth Date Reveals Your Vocation \ By ANN PENNINGTON more successful after-having conquer. 6 the somewhot headstrong tendency I'ullest success will come alter the have learned to 'finish ghat which they have started. ¥ a oS a = 3 z -- } . . Culture in Russia NEW YORK -- The desire of thoughtful Russians to widen the cultural basis of the people is re- flected in a questiognaire which has' been laid before 300 readers by: Ogonek, short-story. magazine, writ- es Harold Denny in a special! article fornr Moscow in the Mew York Time es. : , . r @ho "questionnaire cdngists of 10 'questions for readers to ask them- selves and their friends to test whe- ther they are really cultured. The test includes such « problems as: : by heart one poem by Push. Xx. one in whom you are interested, were "Which three paintings did you But though Maud had moved heaven Sas gy . 3 f have worked hard. Before | got war reply. Address all correspondence to : > Hughes and his father, began openly talk "abated, I. frequently. receive service to those who are seeking help 3 sree Lorie "Racite \ u : "> Pee } to deride their viet'm's . father. At letters, mostly from younger men, lin th's important matter, Yourbirth-| A personal reply dealing with one kin, 5 © pid an 2 Th : : | length Robert Barron was sent to -COMp aining. bitterly abeut the un-|date can be used as a guide to alinportant question will be mailed to Name and chavacterize five play Fats e @ , { prison for 'crimes of which Maud had equal distribution of wealth, Here | proper decision. anyone sending the day, month and bY Shisespentn, oo oto Hike age? a : : never believed him Capable, crimes 13 an extract from one such letter. year of birth together with 25c and a gn : » iy hig he k PD : 10 ST which he himself constantly denied. ! "Ever since I was able to work 1] Let us suppose that vou, ox somes gpamped and addressed envelope for Name three of his best-known works, % | GREEN and earth to clear her brother there vied I saved all [ could toward get-| born between Maveh 21st apd ig Anne Pennington, Room 421, 73 Adel- | like best in boy. art eh on you saw ¥ y . Siole # "Wa . seek ¢ . " cp ast season? was one point that stood, out as a ting marvied and, since then, my [19th Such a person should seek a 4400 Se. W., Toronto, Ont. gd o wits includ ttering of . lh ir ® 5 { or 2 i nn hice anrey 1's oJ! a sn ring = "barrier, and that item could only be wife and I have always tried to live [type of work with a spice of danger, Fhe 0 hil ly 2 nme re han 4 . I. . mE . ality \ ase 30 . { » 'S, ooviet { yO an- ' b St t M ti cleared up by a confession from the as economically ws possible so that | ov intrepedity would ple ase these peo Lo won hh § So lh oo Apiese men pA . . . : Y oVve 'wo, The ntess as Sur. ! actur d sports, « > *4. 5 y uar artn " elder Hughes. He knew the situation. we might be able to do the right |vle even more The protession as sue Why take a chance on any old sece pe o ' % " os interest : § and pl:yed on it. thing by our children. We huve wy Sento brove suecly ey a3 pe and-tand Plano, when vou can got a fy Explain Wt dotall why the' Sal Pt . . James Barron was told bf thestate three children--two hovs and a girl, | Ple born during this peviod because [Cloned one fm uy for so ixph etal 3 e Stake A SYNOPSIS investigation. He accompanles Maud : : hike i a y ¥ lay { ' rg lives (Ue? Or 0 new pe lor $295.00 Id movement became feasible in AEE In the West gis Maud Barron | back te Ingland. = Koster i and! of affairs and made attemptafter at- Qur-oldest boy is just about ready|© the ymiedpo that han 8 Hives, i HE o SHit. Ri ai rr n became i { 3 SNakas with a premonition ot disaster. Slang Mums pin "rhe Onost Bag "wm tempt to get confession; but the eld- for college. We think he shduld | and your own reputation depends on sire fou 3) oor specials our coun > : X 0 4 : . : i ! A ay attinhe. Ue trade Be Cond Til. " Fn TO ere Rush DT ANS her sitions sy ns time Of her father's death. . er Hughes never came the whol. way have nu collece. education, but al-| your actions. The trade as construct Xie lok © TED IGNORANT OIF POLITICS ] s v ) : wr TTT v als "(HV Fan " , : friend, is joined by Detective "One Eye" collaud, employs Hine Monteith 8, a though he accepted "mone. for what though we have stinted and saved all] on engineer would also prove very Mason AND RiscH 114) ous In presenting the questionnaire : :mber T 5 sle S Coster tha : x ' CNeCess TUE (thi ri n . W. 3 ' . ) . APTI . Wisk Sanka, Hughes 5 waives of she es fallen in love with him. Foster | he had never admitted. At length our lives we have hardly enough RON see shut A won; of this bi riod g Ogonek remarks editorially that there leaves for London and is murderously | matters came to a crisis. In the lone- justify us sending him to college, Pring sellassertive and an excellent ' are now top mauy "cultured people attacked on the way. On examination, Iv tv } arks ail ue tl Sy EAN ic 33 ) SO conversationalist should he success- ' 'ea splendid k . t the neck wound proves to be a bite from | 1¥ oad that marks the trail u; the pony vou think it is time something ne : i who have a splendid knowledge o a noisonous snake. Blue Mounta'ns of Jamaica the two ful as a promoter, dramatist, writer. EACH CAKE WRAPPED AIR-TIGHT ROYAL ) YEAST CAKES are always Full Strength 253 2 Maud meets her bother in London-- Dr. Foster following her finds him dead. Men He found Maud Barron had made rn effort to pull herself together in his absence. She was standing in front of the five looking into the red glow, her hands clenched tightly at her sides. ow : J "They are~ sending up"something or. you to cat right away," he said. "Dinner is about due." "Has Elsie arrived?" "I did not see her." "You told Mrs. Gibbs?" ."Yes, She will send Miss Monte'th when you feel steadier. .I will not go | down until you are all right. Miss Monteith can come then." She turned her head as a knock came to the door." It was her maid with a'tray of eatables. Not a word "passed betwen Foster and her until she had. taken some food. "Dr. Foster, there is a great deal that you ought to know. I havé come, to the conclus'on that it is time you knew." "As you please buc if there is any- thing that will give wou pain---" "Ah, tbat doesn't matter ay 'more. I have endurad as .nuch 'as anyone can endure. Are you interested in my story? Do you want to hear." "I want to hear anything that you think will be of use to me in the problem we are faced with, T realize that your father's murderer has not yet been brought to book." She gave a little ery; shade" that passed over her face told » him that she had not forgotten either." "And there is my brother's death--" 'Men and the) ment or accident, Maud could not be sure; but they kad met and there they quarreled. There over a cliff. * His body had never been vecover- er, for at the foot of the cliff. roared a mountain torrent. But the struggle had been scen by two men; one of them was William Hughes and the other was a native servant. From that day William Hughes fastened on James Barron; threatenig exposure, hang ng, every calamity that murder brings in its train. He and the na- tive were.ready to swear anything,. but they weré willing to compromise. It was Wiliam: Hughes who suggest- ed the agreement. It was audacious enough. He was to be accepted as James Barron's secretary at a hgh salary, and James Barron was to put no obstacle in the way of William Hughes and Maud becoming husband and wife. It was a terrible, forked stick to present to any man; but if . ) Lo he refused, he must face prison, trial,' had been a- struggle and Hughes had been fyown] owas done to get rid of our existing had met, whether. by appoint- order in which a few people have more wealth than they can handle and the majority have not enough to make life worth while?" Well, we are that there are flaws in our and economic order. There always have been and, it seems tome, there always will be, No human order is perfect. But I think we must also admit that there i= a very real at- tempt being made today to improve things, and it is true, surely, that things, ave not just as bad as they were many years ago. On the whole, the standard of living Las been rais- ed. It is so casy lo blame the "exist- ing order" for so many things, am not capitalistically minded, but I do feel that, in a greag many cases, men could do-g-great deal more than they do to better their own positions, I am not blind to the difliculties in the matter. of getting employment which have 'existed too long, nov to the fact that there are glaring dis- -- grim disgrace and a murderer's end.' crepancies in our existinig order, but To Be Continued. One Profession Closed to Women Retain Nerve-Racking Positions as-Shorthand » Reporters OTTAWA --Women may qualify as, Senators and as member of parliam- I know of many cases in which men, with their wives and families, ure suffering needlessly. "It these men whom I am thinking of had only kept their eyes open to sce opportun- ity, and had had the faith and cour- age to go forth to seize opportunity when it sented itself and make full use of ¥, they and their fami- lies would not be in the position they are today. Granted that all classes of hard: ship and suffering through poverty do mot come within this category, but it is nevertheless true that life all willing to grant. social FA very good example of this type is {Mary Pickford, the actress, and of the nen Charlie Chaplin, the movie star, Their love of giving to the needy, and theiy sympathy in ahund- ance will being mueh sueqess to these POTSONns, As this period is symbolized hy the Iam, a person of this type will be areal large bank account can assure for ug, there are many other thingse- | equally essentially if not more es. sential, to happiness, which The pos- session of money, however much it may be, can never guarantee. And even the worth while which money can secure for a man are not denied that man who has no money. For example, even the poorest among us can have skilled medical attention if we need it, thus ensuring cqre of the body, while in most of our towns and eities there ave public libraries, and in small communities where there are no public libraries, there is usual- ly some club or institution, it may be the. church, which provides cor- responding facilities. = Through our libravies we have access qo the ereat minds of the ages and are thereby able to enrich our minds. Co In a word, the true wealth of life may be said to consist of love, faith, hope, sympathy, courage and hon- > 3 thins esty., "A good name is better than viche=", and money can never buy that. iil a NOTE: The writer of this ¢Numn is a trained psychologist and AN thor of several works. He is willing to deal with your problem and give VE GOT TO SCRUB OUT THE TOILET BOWL AND HOW J BETTER Use { GILLETTS LYE A AND FLUSH OFF | THE STAINS / their own specialty but ure extremely ignorant of politics, art and science" and that the truly cultured man must Know these latter as well as his own work, In this campaign Oponek is trying to correct a trait that many forcign- ers note in Soviet Russia, Great em- phasis is being placed everywhere on "cultural fie" But despite Russia's magrniticent theatrerand Lively if too often crude literature, the encourape- i went of veneration of the great ar- tists of Russia's past, and the "liqui- dation" of illiterfty in the vemolest parts of .the Soviet Union, the mean- ing of Lhe world "culture" to the average Russian today pretty vigue, i3 PIANO LIGIL POINT To most, "cultural life" means hav- ing a gramophone, radio and, haps for the better-patd Russians, even a piano; stickly varnished furni- ture, colored rayon lampshades, and the use of cosmetics, toothbrush and bathtub in other words, the common- - places of the more prosperous of the working class and the bourgeoisie in America Tony , In its unobtrusive campaign Ogonek is adding its 'voice to a number re- cently lifted mn the Soviet Union, ask- ing that" the word cultural be made to nmwan what it maens in advanced Western ' ' ) per- countries, > Caution in Caledonia Leap year privileges for lassies in Scotland are gallantly bolstered by a quaint legal statute which legend attributes to parliamentary decree © "And some other things, Miss Bar-! ot but no woman vet has qualified is for us, to a great exent, just what | YOU the benefit of his side eupen rt " re ad mh gh ron. Just tell me what you want to fon the work, usually cons'dered a we make it. I agree that it is one thee. Questiong vegurding problems ior - A hug Fu vias Hat say in your own._way. I shall ask te inine occupation, of shorthand re-, of the outstanding sins of our own of PVELVIAY JaViING should ie py a vn oe; ld Nis any questions if I want to." porter in the House of Commons. age that men, especially young men, Addressed tos hr. M. M. Lappin, on oh » A Me sparet, bop If only I could get at the secret, At each sesSion,-members' speeches have been kept without weil until | 100m 121, 73 Adelaide Street WB est, on peare nowne as epe yeare, of the green ghost! Everything has are Laken Gow BY one of bes men | they Te Linon unemployable But Foronto, Ontario. Enclose a 3 cent 1k nuivden ladve of hootho : started with that. Yes, I am sure of Who Sit nt desks In the CONTE Ainteldt 5 wm in Ir, Cds we have ied] Hi, % _gtamped, addressed envelope for re- hiche and lowe estate schal ; it. I shall start from. the beg nning.! You know that some time age my father quarrelled with a man whose ghost he said was haunting him?" - "Yes, I know that." "But do you know that this man have diberte to bispoke ver man she dikes, Gif he refuses to tak hir to hee his wyf he cchal be mulet in ve sum of ane hundrit _bundes, or as" his our part and to which we must all PI plead guilty. ' p = To come directly to the case of hiv Wi ry N correspondent, he is to be admired inter Sunset for having done his best. No man call = and who alternate, each working 10 ~ minutes in-the hour. The work is in- tense and nerve-wracking." Members in the back benches sometimes mum- ble inaudibly and there are often in- I less, estait N terruptions ean do any more. I think, however, | [ heard the wind blow through the og be, Oey and alwais gif y a f illi Azhes ? : . . eral Thi ! ines 0 ear ale it .¢ are -- th: : . w rn Sie 2 yin Hazghes? | avi the shorthand reporters leave | that the question which he has. to pines, ! i ma e \ppeare that © tedher of Hughes? the House, they dictate their notes] first answer satisfactorily is -- Is I saw their branches hend and te ts betrotlat to anither wo- man, then he schal be free. Most distressingly, a United Press NO NEED this boy a college curriculup? If so, it will enable him to make good in sway, to wonien typists. These notes ap- } } [ saw the sun sink low, and paint pear in the official printed record, -- 32 } ; : nin to aids do life? If he can ahswer these ques- The snowy slope in colors gay. T B N D dhuyateh pails out thay Queen Mar- 0 a tions in the affirmative, then he leneat] . abhi haved jar of Heatlund » HEE then on the . (4 L E A R Y should be willing to take the chance, | fos n h Pine ! tio W Pais . ; f thane, thus Jomewhat clouding a g Their Carriages! make the sacrific®~and let his boy ji? end thrown, Ses, his gianee jCharming tradition. But the legend 5 MALARTIC - * have the benefit of a college career. M sles, te TE _-- [ona a bad one, with its implication : Ni A refer I 1 old davs He will probably find that any sacri-|° = gl Ts hy pl a i hast of Reottish caution in the matter of Ciréular pom veguet i " so ae id ' ny fice he makes will come back to him at beiploss Nite Laontd not Bort) (illete's Pure Plake Lye takes oft pluncing ing matvimony. A tale is | 5 v y id § assured (4 1(C e a0 " 3 " : . : , £7, _ ating » ' te Yu ar a . 0 WAverley 3461 A Ago" notes of So Ottawa | Breatly increased--not perhaps in [A bird flew low, a streak of black | those ugly yellow stains and won's, JI 0 un haw apd easter youu 4 RIDGER > Journal: "77 actual dollars and cents, bug in the In bold relief against the white; harm enamel or plumbing. Once a | Scottish - farmer who had been 2 : satisfaction of seeing his boy equip- | Th as Fadi as orld reek it full strength down |convting "a long time--so long in- : oembers R " : Js A e day was fading fast, the world| week pour it full strength down | wot long « » ; EVENO aC The Journal spoke sternly to the ped to take his place in life and be- Was resting in the arms of night. | toilet bowls and drains. It kills [deed that Maczie felt it "ower 9 3 ES 4 AE NTO Srocs puumNLE Toronto Star Which had sugigested come a helper of his fellow men. } i rerms, banishes odors as it cleans. lan. She and he were driving one a : u : that Ottawa was overrun with snob- Not the least part of our trouble | Gone was my passion for the chase, IFrees trap and drainpipe from ob= "day in his dogeart, Ri ; ; bery and social climbers. "Ottawa| today is that we are materially mind- I bowed before the agesold law, . ions. And use Gillett's Lye | "Ycere mee cpeakin'. much th 3 R " iW The Jornal. "Brop : ; 3 "rs A bis cal structions. And use Gillett's Lye . A : ; Wig halt on 1 y oan prob-jed. We have' a wrong view of | "Live and let live In this. cot }- 1 solution® for all kinds of heavy 4%: Duncan speed Macyic, 3 s ab alt a hundred millionaires . . .| wealth. 'We think 'ed i lace, jl : 1 wk T iles later: . Royal Yeast Cakes and 'Crimes - Justice 3% i Enis : ea We think of wealth in tne plac cleaning tasks. It cals dirt. Saves I'wo miles later: half of the fifty|form of a large bank account, and Mmid the pines T knelg in awe. ' while there are many things that _g oo "I'mowonderin® if ved marry me, -- Beverley Githens., ? Maggie" * Royal Sponge Recipes assure ; light, tasty breads. ; keep carriages." a tin Try and find the half a hundred Mysteries = Solution Experts = Money you hard work. Always keep on hand! ai } and I'd be gey pleased, Duncan." xy . . . ro } 3 ™ . is oe . y p _{ millionaires today in Ottawa? sk Never dissolve lye in hot water. The I'hree miles later: io Royal Yeast Cakes come to you with Men and Women 7 : ' SE action of the Tye itself heats thog@hier. BYE VertR Guict dhet woo. | the protection of a special air-tight . It you have an inclination for solving aaa x r . * | RH gut «lhe 100, uns { ' wrapper for each cake! This assures ah- problems, yet are unable to solve the ) Do 2 I'his to Ease can. " be. 3 solute freshness --full leavening power, [Eos ant Doe of Sloosing 4 Drdtsssioh "It might be almost said that our . 2 "I'mowonderin® if T haena' said i « Yq) can use Royal Yeast Cakes the ture giving details of how you may chief interest as citizens i§ to in- Sore | 'hroat Instantl ower muekle a'ready," reflectively day you buy them--or months later become qualified to act in the well paid . i : ; . 1 : and be sure of uniform resultst No capacity of a vent new restraints for one another. N " ' fe replied the admiring but cautious = Te . --Sr pr 4 » : : ~ I \ rose $4 | wonder 7 out of 8 Canadian women Special Investigator { ==5i Bost 4. P. Bena. Relieve Soreness in Three Minutes This Easy Way SFIRNIE SAN cre > a. who. use dry yeast insist ~ = Royall or Special Agent - : | On the Svhole there is something ; oad X Write for full information to . | ie Ne cid i te at : A E The BRITISH SCHOOL of " . AON » be caid in excuse for the dilatory fd A ~~BOOKLET SECRET SERVICE If you are seeking mental tmprove. : psuitor's slightly less than ardent . > 3 ment and . efficiency, you should YH | SCI CO 77 TONE: Axia CH A¥ id 14 Donel Avon Torontar Ont write for particulars of the courses ! " ooing, 0h Yas alt very woll for Sie . N . N "Tha Royal Yeast ' " > offered at moderate fees by The XIn- |i R Walter Scott to apoztrophize: A ; , Bake Book" gives . stitute of Practical and Applied || O Caledonia! ster I wild . up tested Royal - Psychology. . | Ii { a ( stern And. wy iy A he Poiie Tecipes Rend "THE HELPER" -- a new , {oodeet murse for a poetic child! bd fie tho beets Best for You and Baby Too monthly magazina of help for ev- Crush and i "Aspirin" 1 but evetvone knows poetry and and many others, . crybody published by 1, Crush and sir 3 "Aspirin 2, Gargle thoroughly -- pound mix none too casily. After FREE! Yust send 9 : . Tablets in 14 glass of "* throw your head way back, Duncan's s 1 Fo | ! coupon! a S The Institute of Practical and water, allowing a little to trickle mean il Wl mceninig en BUY MADE-IN. : : ; - down your throat. Do t couragement, Maepie might have | Cork 5 Applied Psychology Por Quickest wi fron Jor Uont C {wlee. 9 Ky uPag J the following . Leap Year, herself \ a Vi : One dollar a year youve cver known, follow direc- oh done the proposing. "Gif ) > A i a) J ; proposing, Gif he thén BO + ar in A LR RR TEAR. nf pi rr AN RN STANDARD BRANDS LIMITED VV Write for your copy TODAY! For the "Aspint ¢ almost instantly. ® Ashi in" Tablets mre mart . ja RS eed Ro No lo wa CRN ; Fraser Ave.and Liberty St., Toronto, Ont, 0 TAR or the "Aspirin acts like a local Mo rin" Tablets are made in . and a fine of "and hundrit predes EER % Please send me the free Royal Yeast- « $10 CONFEDERATION BUI va anesthetic to case threat pains; and ANC A Aspirin" is the registered FREE BOOKLET --The Gilictt's 1.yo ¢hould be the penalfy dug out of Xu | Bake Book. bis ole . ontreal ola Quebec at the same time soothes irritation trade-mfrk of the Bayer Company, Booklet tells dozens of ways this powerful SOA ™ Id " h I : Fen : Nua | m--... .. El and soreness. Limited. Look for the name Bayer eset Jd isintceunt makes house. SOME musty old statute bhook--well, Bo oH i ) ame : ad : Doctors endorse this treatment, in the form of a cross on every tablet. i easier. 4 Ne 1 tks fo) that's a heap 0 siller for any man . # A RB p Street _- 10 Individual Issue No. 10 -- '36 For it provides a medication, and it Jf 11 tion on farm sanitation. Write for a free © Md--cven in countries not lap- | SAE | Town Prov cartons » DEMA Pl IN copy to Standard Brands hd, Fraser Ave. 0d by the waters of the Silver x , . cents 40 ND A ND GET & Liberty St., Toronto, Ont. Tweed. ---Christian - Science Monitor. aN : Hal . Ye ATES MNF ESE Maw EA WY AR n Nahi 3 '