Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Mar 1936, p. 4

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Ae Lr rt 4 = - ed TTS A i aE ns rn wd 2 fags we = pe » er, > Fans ry) Je Cr Wi AA -- re a vo a") de PE pe i PAGE FOUR PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 5th, 1936 '= -- vo LOCAL ITEMS CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION i p.m.--Evening service, " "The congregation of the are of the Ascension much enjoyed listening in to the broadcast of the King's speech on Sunday last, For this pleasure they were largely indebted to the kindness of Mr. Harold Archer, who loaned the radio, and to the help ot Mr. Andrus and Mr. Anderson who fixed it up. -------- EP OP ------ tr WE WELCOME OUR NEW CITIZENS We join with the citizens of Port Perry in welcoming Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Jackson, of Scugog to our village. Mr. and Mrs, Jackson are moving into the Woodley house on Lorne street which they purchased about a year ago. We trust they will make themselves at home in our midst. Two more of our farmer friends are moving to town. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. McMillan, of Greenbank are moving into the Schell house on Cochrane street. We extend a wel- come to Mr. and Mrs. McMillan, =~ Mr. and Mrs. Schell have returned to Scugog again. We are sorry they could not have remained with us too. --_-- o_o REBUILDING CARNEGIE STORE The Carnegie Block which was badly damaged by fire recently is again taking form, and no doubt will soon be in readiness for business. After a very severe illness, we are glad to report that Mrs. C. L. Vickery, in on the road to recovery. We are sorry to report, that Mrs. Day, who has been living with Miss ARE YOU READY FOR SPRING-- MR. FARMER? What about that new harness you have been thinking of? Come in and let's talk it over together. 2 You will also be needing Harness Parts--Lines, Bridles, Pole Straps, Martingales, Hame Straps, for the old harness, Sweat Pads and Horse Collars will also be needed for Spring work. Prepare now for seeding. How about a New Pair of Overalls and Smocks. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatty's Store, Port Perry SCUGOG The Young People's meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C, L. Fralick, on Thursday evening if the weather and roads are favorable. Group 2 of the Women's Association of the Centre, have decided not to en- tertain their friends this month on ae- count of sickness in the group. The Junior Girls' Institute will hold their meeting for March on Saturday. The motto: Think the best of every one, Spite and slander shun, Judge and mock at none For if truth and falsehood all your speech control Love will prove the golden key to your neighbour's soul. --Miss Margaret Crosier. Roll call--Characteristics of an at- tractive personality. ' "Duet--Dorothy Rodd and Irene Red- man. Picture study--Miss Inez Fra- lick and Miss Fae McCullum. Music --Community singing. Family rela- tionship by Miss Eliza Stephenson. Eyes Tested AND Glasses Supplied WHERE NECESSARY I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. various departments of Church work. On behalf of the W. A, members. The presentation was made by Mrs. | R. Hood on behalf of the Women's Association of the Foot Church. The pupils of the Foot School held a farewell party for Leonard Clark, "Owen Reader read the address telling how much they would miss Leonard at school and of their best wishes and also the hope that he will sometime visit them. Then Keith Crozier presented him with a watch as a token of the esteem in which Leonard is held. Leonard thanked his friends and on Friday bid them a fond farewell. SUITS CLEANED Suits sponged and pressed W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office 60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 -C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office LOST On Thursday, February 20, a purse containing a sum of money. Finder please leave at the Star Office. Liberal reward. ------ re OP FOWL WANTED 300 Hens wanted at once, 16c.a Ib paid live weight. Also top prices paid for feathers, hides, and horsehair. For information call at once, Phone 177, night or day. Produce brought in, fair adjustment in price made. Play at Prince Albert COMMUNITY CLUB PLAY The play "Nora, Wake Up!" was a great success. Margaret McCrea, as Nora Calahan, played the part of the hoity-toity daughter, who had a touch of snobbery in her. She later repents and becomes engaged to her ardent admirer Donny Millens-- (Jack Hyde) ALIX. GILBOORD, PORT PERRY Vy - : § RHEUMATISM § 8 RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, g B SCIATICA, quickly relieved by i @ this new treatment-- = ii P: G. MORRISON . 8 RUMACAPS & PLENTY OF EVIDENCE "In your literature you said there was a nip in the air after sundown," complained the summer boarder. 'the Estate of Alexander Stephen, WILL BUY Westinghouse ELECTRIC RADIO "in good working order Apply: Star Office. CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, ALLIN F. ANNIS, B.A, LL.B. Offices 7% Simcoe 8t. 8., Oshawa Phones, 4 and § (Oshawa) ae and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Conant) Phone 7 (Whitby) NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Alexander Stephen. All persons having claims against late of the Township of Reach in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, de- ceased, who died on or about the 20th day of March A.D. 1935, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned, Solicitors for the Administrator, on or before the 18th day of March, 1986, full particulars = of their claims, Immediately after the said eighteenth day of March, 1936, the assets of the deceased will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- SLY aL Woe %, le A Jono Aa] XY, ~ Ses We " NG Rs TRA .. PARACEL , o bl Penhall, fell last week and fractured some ribs. We trust she will soon be better again. We are sorry to report, that at time of going to press, Mr. George Byers is quite ill and confined to bed. eto BORN WILLIAMS--To Mr. and Mrs. N. Williams, Port Perry, on February 28, 1936, a daughter. The Carnival The weather played a bad prank on the night of the Port Perry Carnival, with rain and snow coming stopping many from attending. As one was heard to say "isn't it a beastly night?" However, those that did at- tend saw lots of action and many good costumes. ry The prize winners were as follows: Best Costumed Lady--Mrs. Mac. Beare, (bride and groom); 2nd June Sonley (Queen of Hearts.) Best Costumed Gentleman--1 Geo. Emmerson (Munny), 2 Ivan Dusty, (Old Woman). - Best Costumed Girl, 12 years and under--1 Helen Peel, (Pansy); 2 Maud Griffen (Geo. Washington) Best Costumed Boy, 12 years and under--1 Teddy Mitchell, (tramp); 2 Jack MacGregor (Hobo) Comic Costume, open--1 Geo. Mul- ligan (Tall Man); 2 Reg. Boundey, (clown). Best Comic Couple--- Kathleen Car- negie and Marjorie Pyatt (Babes in the woods); 2 Audrey DeShane and Betty Hall, (Gold Dust Twins) Girls' Race, 10 yrs.--1 Edna Gauld, "2 Irene Milligan. Boys' Race, 10 years--Jack Mac- Gregor, Gordon McMaster. Girls' Race, 13 years--- Joan Hay- den, Audrey DeShane. Boys' Race, 13 years -- Glen Mec- Master, Geo. Stone. Men's Race -- Speed Kidd, Harry DeShane, Ladies' Race--Meryl Switzer, Grace Switzer, One Mile Relay--1 Dafoe, Vipond, Cawker and Anderson; 2 J. Beare, Kidd, Cooney and DeShane. -- aD ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH : Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister = T p.m.--Evening service. --------e-------- PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 11 a.m.--'"The Armour of God" 1.46 pm.--Men's Class and forum. 2.45 p.m.--Sunday School, 7 p.m--"The Prodigal Son"--(1) Home Leaving and its Disap- pointmenta, March 156--(2)~Home coming and its Surprises. : fr i March 6th -- Monthly Union Prayer Meeting in the Anglican Church at 7.30 'p.m. Rev. D. A, Fergu- son, speaker, Hostess--DMiss Inez Fralick. Here's hoping the roads are good so there will be a large attendance. Everyone had their radio tuned in to hear the King on Sunday. Wedding bells are ringing again very clear and near. Glad to hear little Pauline Beacock has regained her health again. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lewis and daughters Joan and Dona of Caesarea, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Sweetman, a few days ast week. We are all sorry to hear Mr. Wm. Milner had the misfortune to fall ana break some of his ribs last week. We hope they will heal quickly. Mr. and Mrs. S. Sweetman visited in Toronto recently. Mrs. J. W. Beacock visited her father Mr. R. Wallace in Port Perry on Sunday. Mrs, D. Hope and son Leonard were guests of her sister Mrs. C. Hardy on Sunday. Clara, returned home with them for a few days. ~ Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffrey visited with their son Orr, on Sunday. } Mr. and Mrs. H. Carnochan and lit- tle Joan and Maxine, visited her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark, a few days recently. Mr. Ray Milner visited in Toronto recently. Mr. Herbert Sweetman is spending a few days with his sister Mrs. D. Lewis. " It's Leap Year. The Institute Girls are holding a dance at the Township Hall on Friday evening, March 6th. A good time is in store for those that attend. A lucky number dance, A rye waltz, and other novelties. Music by J. Burnham and David brothers. Mr. Ross Prentice and a gang of workers are busy digging out the roads for cars and trucks. Mr. Chas. Pogue has been spending a few weeks with his brother Joe at Valentia, Last Wednesday evening friends and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. E. Clark gathered at their home to bid them farewell. Many friends were disappointed in not being able to come because of the weather, A very en- joyable and pleasant evening was spent after which a beautiful lunch was served. Then Mrs. Clark was re- quested to come to the centre of the room while the guests gathered around. The following address was read by Miss Inez Fralick: Dear Mrs. Clark;--It is' felt 'regret that you and y family are leaving this community, We shall miss you very much in our Women's Association where you have always been a willing helper in all that has been undertaken, especially in your local group. It will be hard to fill your place. We have all been en- tertained in your home and have greatly enjoyed your hospitality, wel come and the good times you have given us. We feel that we would like you to have something which would keep you in memory of us and we ask you to accept this Silver Casserole as a smal expression of our regard. No doubt you will find good friends and neighbours where you are going h heart- and will again fill a large place in the who is the backward and bashful lover and pal of Johnny Calahan (Joel Aldred) who is the devoted son of Mrs. Calahan. Johnny, who worships his mother and teases his sister while making himself at home by throwing the tramp around, sees through the plot of Edmond Edmonton (Ross Wakeford) to sell his mother the phony oil stock shares. But Carlyle Coleridge (Sam Arnold) arrives in the nick of time to thwart the dastardly deed. fection (as if he knew how). Mrs. Calahan( Mrs. Ben Smith) never turned anybody who was hungry from her door. She played the part of the old-fashioned mother quite naturally. She thinks only of her children and not enough of herself, while Mrs. Ed- monton (Mrs. Sam Arnold)) thinks only -of herself. She is very up-to- date and has a very superior mannec, except when alone with her son. She was very charming in her modish at- tire. The obliging neighbour . Katie Schwartz, was played by Mary Me- Crea. Kate was much impressed by Mrs. Edmonton's short skirts. The parts were exceedingly well taken and well played. Owing to the limited platform the dramatic expression was curtailed. We wish to thank you for your support and also those who made it possible for the first play in Prince Albert in many years to be a success. * * ok 0% . The most recent meeting of the Community Club was held on Friday evening, February 28th. Mrs. Stan. Hope Vice-President, was in the chair. The. program consisted of_ the 3-act comedy. It was decided to have a lucky number draw at the next meeting on March 12th. After the play we danced until 1 o'clock. li GAME HERE THURSDAY NIGHT Don't forget the game here to-mght (Thursday) between Port Perry and Uxbridge, the first game of the series for the Uxbridge challenge cup. This will be a very interesting series.-* The Port boys hold the cup at present. prep MAY CHANGE ROUTE OF THE KINGSTON ROAD - Extensive repairs to the Toronto- Kingston highway which may lead to the rebuilding of the entire road are under consideration by the provincial | it was) department of highways, , stated at Queen's Park. Present plans call for the work to be started this summer. It will be necessary to re-route the road to avoid curves in some sections. By means of the re-routing plan under consider- ation entire towns and villages, at present on the highway, will be miseeh, 1S rarer DOMINION STORES SALES UP Sales of Dominion Stores Limited, for the second period ended February 22nd, 1036, were $1,452,088. This compares with $1,362,653 for the cor- responding period in 1986, and is an increase of 7.86%. ' qt B Whereupon the hotel proprietor snickered: "Well, it's the truth, ain't it? Look at them mosquitoes!" Clean Cotton Rags Wanted at Star Office gard only to claims --of --which the] undersigned Solicitors for the Admin- istrator shall then have notice. Dated at Oshawa this 17th day of February, 1936. Harris, Harris & Wallace, Barristers, ete., 41 Alger Building, Oshawa, Ont., Solicitors for the Administrator. Lawrence's PURETEST COD LIVER OIL--8 ounces 50¢. A great tonic for the whole system. $1,00 Bottle Drug Store News | (You Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) Typical Lawrence Values OVALTINE--38¢c., 58¢., and 98¢. EXTRACT OF MALT AND COD LIVER OIL-- 1 Ib. jar 49c. SEIDLITZ POWDERS--15c¢. pkg., 2 pkgs for 25¢. PALMOLIVE SOAP--4 cakes for 19¢. FACELLE TISSUES--400 sheets for 25c. PARKE DAVIS HALIVER OIL CAPSULES 2 Ib. jar 89c. | | | | | 16 ounces $1,00 | $1.25 and $2.25 A. M. LAWRENCE ~~ | The Rexall Store : PHONE 49 PORT PERR | BANANAS, 25¢. doz. TOMATOES, 2 Ibs. for 25¢. --- ORANGEGRAM ~~ A full shipment of SUNKIST SWEET CALIFORNIA ORANGES have arrived in Canada, and are now on sale at our new Modern Fruit Store in Port Perry. Sizes in range are: 2 doz. for 35c., 25¢, 35c¢., 40c., 45¢. and 50c. per dozen. You can purchase from 1 dozen to a case, or a basket at 45c. LARGE HEAD LETTUCE 5e. each, NEW CABBAGE 5c. 1h. NEW CARROTS, 5c. bunch Anthony Caruso, Prop. Send THE STAR to Absent Friends, Sam played the part to per-| AYLMER WEEK HITS TOWN ....1 1} and knocks old man "High Cost" sky-high! To the tune of, "For Its a Jolly Good Sale" Aylmer Week makes its annual appearance at your Dominion to bring you Aylmer High Quality Foods at Dominion's amazingly low prices. -- IT'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY .... MA E> Vegetables | by | Win Pastry { Flour, 24's, 59¢. | ' Fresh Fruit and J] KE THE MOST OF IT 1 | | Values Effective for March 5th, 6th, and 7th. " AYLMER CHOICE Tomatoes & | | ) voz * a AYLMER a End nl SOUPS a g Toe 25 ol on AYLMER Whoo Keraal > ng oly SUN CORN Wi" wom FO | PvearrLe AYLMER 3 2 tins 29¢ CATSUP - 2:25 [wm AYLMER Choice Quality Halves : TOMATO JUICE X PE ACHES : 2 if 2% 3 No. 10% oz. Tin 14d | MAR Mi Seville AD E < > : 2 is | 9¢ : A i , ge AYLMER Good Quality INFANT BROOMS FOODS 2 Tins 1] 9c AYLMER McCormick's PEAS AND CHOCOLATE CARROTS BISCUITS 235 2 ogc A Delicious, Tasty AYLMER _ Chocolate Marchmallow = Biscuit -- Oven Fresh Yaohd ¥ -. PEAS No. 2 Tin 1 7¢ BEANS WHITE 3 Ibs. 10¢ Golden Hallowi DATES 3 vs 25¢ ¥ | ROLLED OATS 6 Ibs. 25¢ "The Modern Fruit and Vegetable Market Phone 208. We deliver | Keeping Things | in Repair PAYS WHEN THINGS ARE § IN GOOD REPAIR TIME and MONEY ARE SAVED ~~ We will be pleased to + quote you prices on new or repair work Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. 5 Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. > 'Fyesight Specialist Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evenings, or by appointment at. all times. DISNEY BLOCK Oshawa Opp. Post Office, Phone 1516 FOR SALE Electric Sign equipped with 12 lights and 10 feet of B X L wire, all for $5.00. Must be sold at once. Apply to John Farmer Cron Fl Matt Sos Post Graduate in nd 1] Piiirvig Glasgow, Office and Sargery--Port Perry, Ont, ha r

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