Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Dec 1935, p. 4

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~ LOCAL ITEMS Miss Hazel Jeffrey, Mr. C. C. Jef- frey and Bob, motored to Brockville for the week end. "Mr, Storey Beare is home for the Christmas holidays from Toronto, 'where he has been atending the Col: lege of Pharmacy. Mr, Hardy Purdy, of Kirkland Lake, is in town this week visiting with his mother, Mrs. E. H, Purdy. CONSIDERABLE MOVING Mr. Gordon Sweetman has moved to 'the house on Lilla' St. recently va- cated by Mr. Roy Goode; Mr. Roy Goode has moved to the Roberts house on Water St. Tormerly occupied by Mr. Milton Goode. Rev. Wesley and Mrs. Elliott will spend the winter with Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Jackson, and thgir house will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs, Roy St. John, MOVED TO FERGUS Mr. and Mrs. Milton Goode have moved to Fergus, Ont., where it is said that Mr. Goode has purchased a creamery. They were accompanied Mr. Chas. Brignall to be bookkeeper; and Jack Cooney. Mr. Bruce Elliott, ledger keeper in the Canadian Bank of Commerce here, has been moved to Oshawa. His place has been taken by Mr. L. H, Corner, who will occupy the house owned by Mrs. A. H, Rose. AN UNFORTUNATE ACCIDENT "Billy" Williams, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Williams, met with an auto accident on Monday by which he suffered a broken leg. He ran out from behind a parked truck and did not see, another truck which was ap- proaching, nor did the driver of the truck see the boy until it was too late, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH "Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M.A, B.D, Minister, Christmas Services-- 11 a,m.--The Heart of Christmas. 1.45 p.m.--Men's Class and Forum, Forum Topic--' 'Capital Punish- ment." : - 2.46 Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.--The Charm of Christmas Special Christmas music. Let every family be in Church at these Christ- mas services. SPECIAL OFFER On the Shores of Scugog $1.50 'CHRISTMAS TREE AT) MANCHESTER Don't fail to attend the Manchester Christmas Tree on December 23rd. A good program is being prepared also a play "The Marrying of Father." a A IN MEMORIAM DAVEY--In loving memory of a dear husband and father, W. J. Davey, who passed away December 21, 1934. God knew that he was suffering, That the hills were hard to climb; So he closed his weary eyelids, And whispered "Peace be thine". Ever remembered by wife, as George and family. son --_-- deo Mothers! Bring your kiddies to - Shirley Temple's New Year Party to sea our little girl. She will give every child free, a Kerr's Chocolate Bar, on Monday, Tuesday and Wed- nesday, Dec. 30-31 and Jan. 1, also at Matinee on Dec. 31. Admision 20c. and .10c. Come Early. Strand Theare, Uxbridge. " ---- A LETTER FROM FLORIDA : St. Petersburg, Dec. 11, 1036 Dear Mr. Farmer: Just a line to say we strived here safe, and had a very enjoyable trip. The weather was fine and the road Al throughout the entire trip. -Found our home and grounds in splendid condition, and we were in- "deed very fortunate as very many buildings were more or less damaged ~ all over the city. £0, The tourists are coming to the city "in large numbers, and already it is very difficult to find parking space, ~ Mrs. Jeffrey joing me in sending best wishes, 'S Scouting for Gifts Seé the Aero Pack by McBrine, they are the last word in style and eom- pactness, in hand baggage. Ladies' Aero Pack, large size, $5.75 Ladies' Aero Packette ........$5.00 Men's Aero Kit, 20" size ......$6.00 We also carry in stock, the famous Mirapack by Langmuir, also Emelite Pulman Cases at $4.00, suit cases and trunks, We wish to thank all our customers for their loyal support during the past year. We wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beattly's Store, Port Perry CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 7 p.m.--Special Christmas Service. Christmas Day--Wednesday, Dec 25. 8 a.m. and 11 a.m,--Holy Communion Under the leadership of Mr. Mann, the choir of the Anglican Church have been preparing a special service of Christmas hymns, anthems and carols. This will be given on Sunday evening, December 22nd at 7 o'clock. A cordial invitation is gxtended to all to be present. ft ------ to ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D.'A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m.--Evening Service - eee et CHRISTMAS TREE The St. John's Presbyterian Sunday School will hold their Christmas Tree and Entertainment on Friday, Decem- ber 20th, at 8 p.m. Admission 16c. oo - EPSOM On December 9th, the Utica Ceme- meeting at the Epsom Parsonage, Mr. W-.F. Thompson, President, occupying the chair. Mr. E. Kendall, chairman of the Grounds' Committee, reportea what had been accomplished during the past summer. An up-to-date water supply had been installed, a tool house had been erected, all out of current revenues and donations. It is surprising, that even in days .of de- pression, people will get behind a worthy cause, especially if it is good for the community as is Utica Ceme- tery. It is also gratifying to learn that the. Cemeteries have a substantial amount on hand -to meet any con- tingencies that may arise. They have also a good nest egg invested in bonds to look after the needs of these splen- did plots of land. The Committee are more than pleased with the wonderful interest taken by Mr, E. Kendall. He literal- Jy lives in and for this work which has now become his hobby and it is in these grounds he is nearly always to be found. Mr. Kendall and Mr. Thos. Gibson, of Bethesda, were commissioned to. get and plant suitable trees. The Christmas Tree entertainments on Epsom circuit have been arranged as follows: Epsom, December 20th, Bethesda. on the 23rd. Mrs, Denny took the services on Sunday at Utica. A good crowd was out in spite of the weather. ; We thought we had seen the end of the hungry marchers when Ottawa was reached. Last Wednesday. an- other group made their appearance in Epsom. Four showed up and as they went from door to door, a great many summer, would have nothing to do do with them. This year the men are working differently, instead of coming and asking for a meal as formerly, they go to a.place and ask for a lunch and th¢n go on to: the next place and ask for a pot of tea to drink with it. All this works a considerable hardship on those with limited means and the worst of it is meal, which necessitaes the preparing of an extra meal. ; The sad: part of it is that it is estimated that no fewer than 5000 of these transients- are now tramping the country, a veritable waste of man- power, which might be directed in gainful employment. It is hopéd that the government may take this mat- ter in hand and thus relieve the har- assed householder and give these men a job, for it seems foolish te let down the bars of immigration when so many are idle, and yet we know that the country will never be developed until we have men to develop it. "oo STRAYED to the premises of the undersigifed, a paying David Elliott, Scigop Island. I tary Committee held its semi-annual)' Utica, in Memory Hall, Det. 23rd. "and pee © who remembered their tactics of last they usually come after the noonday nh LAST MINUTE SPECIALS DESK READING LAMPS $2.50 to $3. 00 GLASS STEM WARE-- Sherbets, Goblets, and footed Tumblers 50¢c. each CUPS & SAUCERS-- 50c. t07$2.00 SILVER HOLLOWARE-- In articles from $1.00 up CHRISTMAS CARDS-- "dozen 49c¢. to 95¢c. also 16 for 49c.; and 21 for 69c. BOXED STATIONERY-- At lowest prices, good quality paper. I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Optometrist We wishalla Merry. Christmas and a Happy New Year EES AN Phone 4 YOUR ORDERS will receive sareful attention, and prompt delivery. W. BOYNTON 4 WOOD FOR SALE Good Body Hard Wood in stove length, dry and ready to burn.. $12.00 a full cord delivered to your home. Apply to PORT PERRY: AUTO FOR GENTLEMEN Rolls Razor Sk van re: 36.95 Shaving Brushes ,.50¢. to $3.00 Frank Pipes eee ans: 31.00 Gift Package of Cigarets 50e, to $1.00 Gite Package of Cigars 50¢. to $2.50 Gift Tins of Tobacco : '60¢. to $1.25 a oH FOR EVERYBODY . Neilson's Checolates in 1 Ib, 2.1, 3 1b, and 5 Ib, pkgs. ._ b0c. per Ib. Hunts' Chocolates in 1 1b and 2 1h, pkgs. ......i...50c Ib, 'Betty Ann Chocolates in 1 1b. HL olf ES : Ba An a fine assortment o or everybody me in Ee help + with Yous gift ng] : Billfolds ..........85¢ to $1.25 Shaving Sets ....98¢c. to $2.75 # [] ORANGES Good size 29c¢ Ho n-- -29¢ GRAPES 2 Ibs. for GRAPE FRUIT large size 2 : iy 0 a ' ND 18 °d ES » g NUTS F £113 "ee All Puddings about 1% Ibs. 'DOMESTIC or EASIFIRST Douestic 4-1b. Phg. We SHORTENING : Fresh, Tasty bars filled with New Sn Fic BARS" AYLMER sliced and halves or BAYSEDE fo hia PEACHES := 17 F resh, Zippy. Crisp Ginger Snaps The New 2 ca sous. 8 2ew Wend, vt low pre Richmello corre 229 | OLD CHEESE Brands, No. 10% oe. tins Tomato wiz 13 10° oy bowl 69 ce These prices sis Tro December 10 fo 0 chai EASES 00203 000 A " bay mare, Owner may have same by inl 'proving property, and penses, Faia Bayside a a Gee | was He Ri i X |; 3 > FOR LADIES "Jasmin and Gardenia Toiletrie Bets i...ueieirs $l to $10, § Yardley Sets ....85c. to $2.75 v Sheaffer and Parker Pen. and | | Pencil Sets ....$3.00 and up ~ Popular Fiction ......90¢c. each Tn : 8 for $2.50 _ Stationery in Gift Packages 25e. to $1.98 Perfumes in Gift Packages : 50¢. to $1.25 © FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Books for all ages, 5c. to $1.00 Eclipse Fountain Pens. ..,$1.00 Agfa Cameras ..$2.00 to $3.75 Child's Scooter Skis woilffim Agim ~~ atv Y. ¥ 1 PORT PERRY, ONT. | WRECKERS, Phone 21. decl9 nd 2 1. pgs. ; Lous 50c. hb, hoi Special per set 98, 4 . ce Page ocolates, encil Boxes ..........15¢. ap " ; f ..1 Ib. pkg. 35¢., 3 Ib. pkg. $1. Water Color Boxes 25¢. and 50¢. REPORT OF PORT PERRY Dick Hood ov venrssenrs 2875 |B hell SETA PUBLIC SCHOOL Betty Mitchell Ae ...66.0 ¥ Nn H Christmas Term | Sia Shien 1100111 lags iy M. L. AWRENCE Honour 76%. Pass 60%. Jack Raines ..............05.6 4 * absent from examinations. Fred Colbear ......s.......04.6 Sr. IV-- Jack Tinsley 1305 "irrorediS02 | Te Rexall sure ugh Nasmith ........... .80.4% ob Jeflrey ,.....seveee.. 00 het E: Irene MasDonald RESET 1] e Richard Cann ........::..,07.3 PHONE 49 . ' PORT PERRY eorge Stone .....v.......744 |Jr. IV-- ay RR aio athe June Sonley .......... ...74.0 Doris Mulligan ..... errs +:80.8% 3 Herbert Howard ......,...,78.0 Jack Sangster felines leetle Sr. A Shirly Gilboord .. GRRL halio 8 Grant' McDermott ........ .72.6 Kathleen Read ....~....... 76.0 Kile Suteliffe .... 00.000 go 3 Phyllis Anderson Si ewe va iD Louise Hall ......... crea 71.8 Earl Jackson .......i en ve 10.2 Margaret Day ..........i..88 17" Tycille Mark «..voovinie. oe, 74 George Emmerson ...,.....7T1.0 Rosser Williams .......,..70.0 Enid Dusty ..............0.081 | Arthur Brown . eh Doris MacGregor ....... ...70.2 Alan Colbear .......eoovss 66.0 Joyce Hull 1. veers irs vane BDA Roby ATR so rv cries Pras Lola Gerrow .........,....70.1 Frank Densham...:... ver ..60.9 Gladys Goode -...vvviaiess 79 Jack Pargeter .\............72 Josephine Cooney..........68.8 Harold Wakeford ..... ...b26 Harold Bentley .............77 Douglas: Gerrow ,........o. 71 Desig Pickard SANRILE ..685 Helen Bugs ! ah HALVES 81 Daviq rah ERASER e780 'Bryce Moase ....... rT Tf adys Nott ..... tenia es 08.2 Florence Powe : ave. Nasmith ooo ivivioe ; ney 68 Lucille Harrison ..........678 R. CORNISH, teacher! Edward Bennett .........:..76 iid Te Dame a ef Ronald Cliff ..........0 (absent) Car m= : a Gordon "Carnegie ....... a 7 Billy 'Stevens ...... ... isan 76 ....L. 'Rose Armstrong ,...:....,..76 "Maude Griffen ~..i.50.000, 75 Beth Griffen ..........0.. 16 Cecil Gerrow vv, .svunivaes a] Donald Carnegie ..... ese 18 Naorine Stewart ........i0000 72 Vera Bruce .......... vires 0 Grace Pickard ..............69 Rorpice Jemison in... 00. 69 Aileen Oke ©... 0. oui: Audrev DeShane Joan Hayden: .... Kathleen Cook Marjorie Jeffrey ............b8 Jim Davidson ...... Viren esa DBS Pauling Jemison ....... Freee 1} Pe I= Emerson McMillan Civ 849% © Bobby WAIIADS oo 00.00.88 Bobby Dowson + ....c.vvviin, 83 Jack Arcidialain of + "Kathleen Day ..........0...00 Billy Haves ........vvsviiun 790 Wesley Jackson™....:........78 oHelen Peel oo. iia onneth JACKSON «..vvoe sos TA" Lois Parr... 0. iia A008 Betty Dowson ,......cvie... 1 Teresa Leahy .....cvevensis Jack Cook ........... Jean Cook Creeenereiaini. 64 ~ Doris Raines EERE R June Sutcliffe .. vais visi 49: : 1 ** Lucille ideffrey vars deiiriindl Jr. & Faas 5 AE an BOAre sui, sssinns Bl min, hE Brace Hull 0.0... cui Jack Blewett Favs sian a8 "Florence | White .....vess.n. 6 a "Mercedis Waridel ...........7T4 &) 6 Newell ....o.o0in0.Tl Hu EAT Sa 1 Mitchel] PA Vaa vei e Pargeter ...... ves Fd 8S. A. CAWKER, teacher ov scarey 3 SR. II-- Irene Mulligan .......... 1:94, 1% Claire Glass ......... Savas Ethel Powell trreersinscvyi9ld * Marguerite Waridel .. 87.7 Grant Bennett .,....... ...85.0 John 'Jeffrey ...........:..835 Myrtle' Dowson ..0......... 83.8 Ora Dowson ..............82 Jack MacGregor :........ ..82, Lloyd Wakeford .......:...76.5 Jean Raines .........,....T41 Doreen Peterson: ..,....... 72.6 * Eva Goode .........iu0uns 72.2 «Fred Gyton ,..............66.7 Teddy Leahy ..............64.6 * Walter Sonley vie Pa .....038 | 90 | Salah ) Edna Gauld ............... 90.12 Betty Collacutt ...........¢ Doris "Vanos ........ Harold Mark ............. 'Betty Hall .....c....00i... 76. Aleta Wakeford ....... cena lad © Keéith Allin har sates 1 088 Norma Ploughman_, rer an 0, 1 - Keith Stewart ............. Arthur Nott ............. 849 Gordon McMaster... ..68:1 Leila , Gerrow Lo... "ives D8.6 Arthur Colbear ..... FRE 1 11 " Frank Prentice .....i...... 50.1 David Bentley .......,....49.3 G. V. STOVIN, teacher 3 "Mj il gor ven Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. "Phone 240 PORT PERRY, "ONT. Eyesight Specialist Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evenings, or by appointment "at all ii DISNEY BLOCK : Oshawa i Opp. Post Office, Phone. isto ip STRAYED to the premises of the undersigned, a red and white yearling steer. Own- er can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Geo. Clements, lot: 20, con. '12, Reach, R.R. 2 Sea- grave. ; iA) HEIRS og CL pA Saat 5 STRAYED: from the premises of the undersigned on con, 6, Reach Townshi ip, a black Western steer. whereabouts of this animal please phone to Hope Bros., 190 r 12. Bl a api FOWL WANTED Hens, Ducks, Chickens, also other farm produce. For information apply to Alix. Gilboord, Phone 177 'day. or night. : u re eI EPP imei. . -- a A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION ay «J ER R T : You can now secure a season ticket for skating at the rink for $1.50--a -gift that will be appreciated by any boy or girl. For sale by' the secretary. and others, ] a > . : KEYS FOUND--Call at Star> Office." YOUR EYES Consult us if you have any suspicion of failing - eyesight. It may save } you years of future Er trouble. °° F.E.LUKE &. SON : 163-167 Yonge St. Opp. Simpson's-- Upstairs Phone 'Bl, 4820, vk Lys Fux oS 2d 4 Fed DR. W. 8. yg = x Gradunte ot. Tin is College and u Post radu in Surgery 'of Medical : North pase find 1 ie fondo nd London, "England, : Roya) Infemary, G . Office and «and Surgery Port Fe Perey, Ont, Ww, A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON , Offies Hours: Persons knowing: the ra -

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