Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Dec 1935, p. 3

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oe B,J 3 until 'mixture is blended. If candy is balls in additional coconut plain or : . 1 : 4 addition. Chill, Roll 1/8 inch thick on : ; i : dry, add enough orange juice to mols. Gelichiely Hated, Maid iii grosn slightly floured board. Cut with flour- { H O O for some possible evil, they turn and | ference. His ambition then, it was un- 'ten. If too moist, work in small Ss Ls m *y ig ed fancy cookle cutter and decorate : ] : berate God for allowing such things | derstood, was to get attached to a | smo of econ hua. oie he le Jaks LOS | th seman ur ncn Sah Ee : - {: ) = 3 ; RR : reer in journalism, . eter. Roll in granulated -sugai, Makes | dant may be melted in the upper part Sprinkle Son op 3 aol og kia, A : *? : . --Ottawa Journal. 18 to 20 balls. Hiv: ; of a' double boiler, keeping water in pineapple of cherries, or small cina- _--------r-- Dash and Utility = "Chocolate is always popular and a the lower part Just below boiling point. mon candies may also be added. Bake |' LESSON XII--December 22° cometh; saith Jehovah of hosts." The ERE . : : fine, creamy fudge must be fresh to Add flavoring and coloring as desired. |, =p 4 400. d0ET F Lat pari of thi : j E t 0 Sl Dd candy thermometer Dip nuts, candled fruits or firm fon. n hot oven (400 degrees F.) 12 to| MALACH FORETELLS A NEW. |'as part of this verse is never quot- Xper n eep is valuable but the practical test giv- | dant cream centres into soft fondant. 14 'minutes, or until delicately brown- DAC--Malachi 1 : 1--4 : 6 ed in the New Testament, and it Gi Ad 3: en in the recipe fa satisfactory but | Remove to waxed paper and pool Tt | 2% ; GOLDEN TEXT--Behold, I send my | 8Waits fulfiliment, Verses 2-5 speak ives Aadvice Pena accurate Yul tho fondant thickens when dipping. Chocolate Macaroons give a note of | messenger, and he shall prepare the of judgment, not of grace. Malachi, Hi Jess acoura 9, : heat very slightly, an dthin to desired contrast to any small cake assortment,| way before me. in common with other Old Testament In-1858 two candidate debated: tia ~ Chocolate Fudge BO Ih very small amount and are delicious. --Malachi 3 : 1. prophets, saw both advents. of Mes. small Illinois town. The dusty square 9 squares unsweetened chcolate, cut | of' cream 2 egg whites | THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING siah blended in one horizon; but did was packed pands blared "Oh, Sus. ul fn pleces = rN Ol oxpetlonced cooks always warn 1 cup sugar Malic J G- {not see the separating interval des- AAR and 12-pound cannons ' ealitte : © 2/3 cup milk D's, SXper vay .| 14 teaspoon salt alae - cribed in Matt, 13 consequent upon ' RL 1 the beginner that fondant should he ) ; Sr . Time--Malachi was contemporary |p ti £ the Ki M : ed the arrival of one candidate on 2 adh made on a clear day as a heavy, S16 Squares unsweetened chocolate, with Ezra and Nehemiah and there- te hee ion of the King (Matt. 13 his special train, The other -candi--- -* 2 tablespoons butter : : ; ; : 'a mini 3 (alld : i , ' iv- Dash 2 salt . Sowp RLmpEEAeve has = uniavourshy ©1114 cups premium shred coconut fore fiyisyeted ZEoban)y Jatwesn he "But who can abide the day of his dvs, Gp Wi SERS, Sy a £1 £253 lla . ect on the boiling ol Sugar. 14 teaspoon vanilla two visits of Nehemiah, 446-432 B.C.1 coming? and who shall stand when ! : T ; easpoon vanilla ] COOKIE SEASON Short, meaty coconut that has been Place--No doubt Malachi' ministered | ho appeareth? for he is like a rvefin. Seventy-five years later the beds . Add chcolate to milk and Place over Bits of nothing--dainty and colour-{ 0 rash ty a ed packages Gives in the city of Jerusalem. er's fire, and like fullers' soap." No | on which those candidates passed « low flame, Cook until mixture i8|ful--these are the cookies needed for 4 Ie i i a7 . 2 5 1s Chistmas Lesson - stain, no spurious goodness, could that night were auctioned, The one. 0 smooth and blended, stirring constant. | this season of the year, They're just Dey ot han) : . i recipe. Time--The visit of the Wise Men Survive his coming; as fire barns out occupied by Steplien A. Douglas 3 ly. Add sugar and salt, and stir until | as necessary as.the cup of tea, or called premium shred. to the manger of Bethlehem occurred | the slag and sifts it fron the sound brought $1.26. The bed Abraham sugar is dissolved and mixture boils. | anything else that brings cheer to Beat egg whites until foamy |4 BC, a metal, 2 a chemlénl lye vals PE Lincoln slept in before the debate Continue cooking, without stirring, | merry hoilday visitors. . So every | throughout; add sugar, 2 tablespoons | place--The two cities prominent in | impurities. so should the presence of brought $20 . until a small amount of mixture forms | smart homemaker should have cake [at a time, beating after eaca addition | this lesson are Jerusalem and Bethle-| the Messiah infallibly separate the "Beds and speeches both have en- h a very soft ball in 'cold water (232| and cookie tins well filled. until sugar Is blended. Then continued pom, tre from the tals Xo sebmng from dured," rgports Dr. Donald 'Anderson degrees F.). Remove from fire. Add | Swedish Cookles are very rich, and | beating until mixture will stand mp rl ' , | the real, the iad: tio the good. Laird, Director -of the psychological butter and vanilla. Cool to lukewarm Lmay be decorated with bits of angel. | peaks. Add salt and vanilla. Ford in 3 nigh Sah iy nosnpety and | 00 he will sit as a refiner and Laboratory of Colgate University, (110 degrees F.) tien beat until mix- | ica, candied cherries, coloured sugar, chocolate; then coconut. Drop from jie 8 a Diepare e way be of Fgh purifier of silver, and he will purify in the current Scientific Monthly. teaspoon-on ungreased heavy paper. is particular clause 1s quote of | the sons of Lievi, and refine them as "But today they make better.beds." : Doctor Laird, a specialist in in- Mair M. Morgan | and consideration glyen to the favour- ite assortment of each friend, and a boon to dieting friends. This 'gives a splendid flavour and moistness NO "MACHINE Toyo: ey chine age, home-made ting of individ. ht. They can't be m o made personally "but n te assortr : And every hostess is delighted to have something "different" to offer her guests during the holiday seasons Fruit combinations are attractive delicious * confection isn't even cook ed but the finest ingredients must be used, coconut that has been packed when it was fresh and kept air-tight to these balls. Coconut Apricot Candy 8; cup dried apricots 3, cup premium shred coconut ~ 3% cup nut meats : 3% teaspoon grated orange rind 14 teaspoon grated lemon rind 1 tablespoon lemon juice . : Wash apricots, and steam b minutes. Put apricots, coconut, and nut meats through food chopper, Add orange and 16imon rind and lemon juice.and knead ture begins to thicken and. loses its gloss. Pour at once into greased pan 8x4 incites. When cold. cut in squares. Makes 18 large pieces. Coconut Chery Divinity adds a touch of colour to the candy, assort- ment. ? ! 2 cup sugar © Sl 2/3 cup water. : 14 cup light corn syrup 2 egg whites, stiffly beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla /- Dash of salt 14 can southern style coconut, toast. ed and crumbled 3, cup candied cherries, thinly veriety of colorful and attractive sweets, It must be made several days before it. is to be used because requires ripening. rup. Place over low flame and stir constantly until sugar is dissolved and mixture boils.-Cpver and cook 3 minutes; then remove cover and con- tinue boiling, without stirring, until a small amount of syrup forms a soft ball in cold water (238 degrees F.). Wash down sides of pan. occasionally wth damp cloth, Remove from fire, surface. Cool to lukewarm (110 degres F.). Work with paddle or spatula un. it 2 cups sugar 13% cups water 2. tablespoons light corn syrup 1 teaspoon vanilla . Combine sugar, water, and corn 8y- and pour out on cold, wet platter or porcelain: table top, or on greased til white and creamy. Add vanilla and® knead until smooth. Store n covered jar to ripen for several days. ; ; For Coconut Balls add 1 cup chop- ped southern style coconut to ripen- ed fondant. knead and shape into balls about 1 inch in diameter. Roll or decorettes to give them a festive aii, . : 4 cups siited cake flour lcup sugar : : 2 cups butter 1 egg, well beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla Sift flour once, measure and sift again. Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually, and cream together until light and fluffy. Add egg and beat well. Add flour, a small amount at a time, mixing thoroughly after ach addition. Add vanilla and blend. Srive into 2 rolls, 13ginches in diameter, chill overnight, or until firm enough 1 Bake in slow oven (325 degress F.) whom received wounds in World Joyously. looking forward to action in Ethiopia, members of a division of Italian veterans, all of e War, leave Rome enroute to East Africa, bg Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually, creaming until light and fluffy; then add egg and beat thor- oughly. Add flour, alternately with with cream, mixing well after each 20 minutes, or until done. Cool 5 min- utes before removing from paper. Makes 2 dozen 1% inch macaroons. The egg yolks from making the macaroons may be utilized for Choco. late pinwhee!s. The recipe given here requires 1 egg yolk and makes 31% dozen cookies. But 7 dozen is not too many in a holiday household, although it is better to make two separate quantities of the dough than just double the recipe. ; 114 cups sifted fleur 1/8 teaspoon salt John the Baptist. in the New Testa- ment (Matt. 11 : 10; Mark 1: 2; Luke 7 : 27). This and the following verses are the reply to the skeptical question, Where is the God of judg- ment? In the first place, preparatory work was needed before God could come to nis people. They were not in a fit state lo receive him, The de- lay, of which they complained was occasioned, not by indifference on his part, but on theirs, "And the Lord, | whom ye seek, will suddenly come to his temple; and the messenger of the covenant, whom ye desire, behold, he gold and silver; and they shall offer unto Jehovah offerings in righfeous- that which he is refining until he sees his own face reflected in the glowing metal; The sons of Lvi are mentioned first in this purification because, - the priests were clean, the offer. ings could not be accepted. "Then shall the offering cf Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto Jeho- vah, as in the days. of old, and as in ancient years." This verse is gen- erally ignored by commentators. Certainly the coming of Christ did not re-introduce the offering of-sacri- one hand, ® will have to submit to a future ness" A refiner is said to sit befdre-y "+ - nd, his oral law reains vamlid, and Judah (Jacob) suffers in the present of offenses against ig und udg- ment also; on the other hand, Je- hovah's covenant and promise to be the God of Jacob still stands, and Jacob, although chastised, is not destroyed. * "From the days of your fathers ye have turned aside from mine ordin- ances, and have not kept them, Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith Jehovah of hosts." Cf, Zech, 1 : 4. This is the invitation of One who loves those who have gone astray. "But ye say, Wherein shall we re- turn?" This probably m:ans, In what manner shall we return? "And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not des- troy the fruits of your _ ground; neither shall your vine cast its fruit before the time in the field, said Jehovah of hosts." The devourer here referred to may be the locust, or drought, or blasting, or mildew, or hail. es "And all nations shall call you happy; for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith Jehovah. of hosts." Cf. Isa. 62 : 4; Dan, 11 : 16; Zech, 7 : 14; 8 : 13, Here God reminds his backslidden people that they have even talked against him, and said hard things about him. This is often, to their shame, a sin of Christian *| people when things go wrong, especi- ally with those who are far from the Lord. They blame him for those dif- ficulties and disappointments which are the fruit of their sin, and then, instead of examining their own hearts Ml © 2847 Horse That Died bv of the National Horse Association, the "Ito stimu'i, such as noises, "ut the Age of 62 5 (London Answers) . it os According to R. A. Brown, secretary oldest horse of which we have a re. liable record is old Billy who died in Cheshire 100 years ago at the age of 62. His skull is said to be preserv. ed at Manchester University. Another famous veteran was Paramatta, an Australian horse, who was 53 when he died in 1874. Tommy, a welsh pony, made regular rounds of the vil- lages with a fruit hawker until he died at 52. Among four-legged "oM soldiers," a Crimean War pack-horse lived to 49. And Mick, who was foal. ed in 1888, and was a cab.horse in Hull for twenty-five years, was still alive a year or so ago. New Secretary for - The Dominions -- Youthful Malcolm MacDonald, son of J. Ramsay, is the new Secretary for the Dominions. For one who is but 34 years of age and who lost his seat in the general election, it looks like an important promotion, Nor is one's curiousity about it diminished by the fact that young Mr. MacDonald succeeds the veteran Laborite, Mr. J. H. Thomas, changed to the Secretary ship of the Colonies. Malcolm MacDonald is not unknown in Canada. He was here some years ago with the Oxford debating team, was in Ottawa later on, in 1932; as a sort of press liaison officer for the British delegation to the Empire Con.' creasing personal efficiency, has studied sleep and sleepers for many years. In his laboratory he has beds equipped with mechanical and elec- trical gadgets that record every move of the sleeper, every reaction flashing lights, too much or too little to eat for dinner, and "the like. Doctor 'Laird is known today. as one of the country's foremost authcrities on sleep. "As body build and weight change from decade to decade," he said, "changes niay be necessary to secure ¢ oh sliced - to slice, and cut in thin slices. Or 1 egg yolk, well beaten m---- 1 \ = Nr . Bring: 3% cup sugar and 1/3 cup |uress dough through cookie press. Bake 1 square unsweetened chocolate, | (vivo read, placed fn the cookie tin, fices. In fact it put an end to them. If a spring which has the-proper resil- water to a boil until a small amount | on ungreased sheet in hot oven, (400 melted will:add enough molsture to "rejliven- the verse is to be literally interpreted, jency to take care of lincreased , it must refer to a future peried of} Exciting news! Cut it out and | weight or altered distribution of of syrup forms a slightly firm ball in degrees F.) 4 to 5 minutes or until Y% teaspoon baking powder 14 cup butter or other shortening ate" them. Lady Fingers or Sponge Dfops Ishael's history, when sacrifices will It's finished! Hey, Presto! | sections -- weight. "At ages of cight, 18 and 38 it is a -- pt AM cold water (240 degrees F.).. While | done. Makes 5 dozen cookies. A can- ; A 114 cups sugar, 1/3 cup water, and |died cherry and two very thin bits of | 1% cup sugar 1/3 cup sifted cake flour be resumed. If the language is to be Back and ~drent. ) corn -syrup to a boil and boil. until | angelica pressed on-top of the gliced | 3 tablespoons milk Dash of salt ~ interpreted figuratively, the verse] sleeves cut in one with shoulders often wise to change the bed-spring, a sma'l amount of syrup forms a hard | cookie gives a holly effect. Sift 'flour 'once, measure accurately | 1 egg and 2 egg yolks simply means that, when the priests ribbon on self Sahni inserted 1 504 qs the size of the pillow needs ball in cold 'water (2562 degrees F).| Rolled Coconut Cookies gre. 'notl1l cups, add baking powder and| 1 tablespoon melted butter are purified, their offerings will be though ne By Rack ii Dubon- | t° be changed between ages of one Remove first syrup (240 degrees F.) | nearly as rich as Swedish Cookies, | salt and sift again. Cream butter thor-| 2 egg whites pleasant to the Lord. rol po TRE exceodingly smart | tO around 15 or 16, the period when | from fire and cool slightly; pour slow- | put like them, will keep fresh and foughly, add Sugar gradulaliy, and| 1/3 cup powdered sugar ; JAD Fai! i Tn fo Xu 2 ana Pow looking with green ac- | shoulder breadth -- makes marked . » ly of the stiffly beaten egg whites, | crisp for some time when packed in| cream together until light and fluffy.| 14 teaspoon vanilla Judgment; os i $a SW ba cent in ribbon and buttons. changes. * beating consiantly until mixture loses | 3 jar or tin with a tight-fitting cover, Add egg yolk. Add flour, alternately | sift flour once, measure, add salt, noes HLA d he ipl i ad For lounging, it has loads of "The mattress and spring together, its gloss (13% minutes). Then add |and stored in cool, dry piace. with milk, beating each addition un-| and sift together 4 times. Combine LEY 6: adulicrers, aNd AgoNs'] death and Warmth in emerald [of course, give the buoyant quality second syrup (252 dgerees F.) slow-} "2 cup coconut til smooth. Divide dough into two|egg and egg yolks and beat until the alse swearers, and against those | een and navy velveteen. | -- or lack of it --- to our sleeping ly, beating as before. Fold in vanilla, | 1 cup heavy cream parts; To one add chocolate, Chill | thick and lemon coloured. Beat egg : Bt oppives ins Fiysing in his wag-{ Style No. 2847 is designed for | pace, 7 salt, coconut, and cherries, and turn| 3 cups sifted flour Roll each half into rectangular sheet, | whites stiff, add sugar gradually, and tnt Sn aw ang tng fhtiverless, ahd sizes 11, 13, 35, 17 and " ons "Use these. tests to discover the immediately into greased pan 8x8 1 cup sugar 1/8 inch .thick, and place chocolate | continue beating until mixture will he W yen An % ny re om. EL) 16 Fi a tg right combination: , inches. Cool until firm. Cut in pieces | 114 teaspoons baking powder | sheet on top. Then roll, as for jelly | stand in peaks. Fold in egg-yolk mix- a of Pe es Te i own in oon for ht) tie. "Do you sink down comfortably, 114x1 inches. Roll {n additional toast-| 14 teaspoon salt : roll. Chill overnight. Cut in '1/8 inch | ture carefully and vanilla. Add flour, | of Malachi wora satished omy Lr HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS and without a sug at the hips when LX ed, coconut jf desired. Makes 3% doz-| ~ 15 cup butter ; | slices. Bake on ungreased baking | folding in carefully; then fold in but- selves, It was necdssary that their Write your name and address you lie on your buck? ; en pieces. : 1 egg, unbeaten sheet in hot oven (400 degrees F.) | ter. Drop from teaspoon on ungreased | gine should be first: brought home to plainly, . giving number and size "When on your side, does the : : + Broken pecan nuts, chopped dates, | Add 15 cup coconut to cream; let | 5 minutes, or until done. paper, Bake in moderate oven (375 | thm before punishment was inflicted of pattern wanted. Enclose 16¢ shoulder settle in comfortably, with- i. | or raising may be substituted for can- | stand. Sift flour once, measure, addj . Delicate Lady Fingers or Sponge | degrees F.) 12 minutes. For Lady | (For I, Jehovah, change not; there, |: [0 Stamps or €oin (coin prefer- | out twisting and without pressure? dled oherries in this recipe. baking powder and salt, and sift again. | Drops: mayb be easily mado some days | Fingers, shape fn oblongs, 4%x% In-| fore ye, O sons of Jacob ne wity od] wap i _sarefullyy and of. The first bed was invented more . Fondant is the basis of all French : before using. If they show any tond- | ches and bake as directed. Makes 2% consumed." Jehovah remembers his Ares Jou eras Co than 20,000 years ago, and from that andy, and may: be used for a wide gg : i ency to ary out, a slice or two of | dozen drops or fingers. covenant in both its aspects: on the Street, Toronto. tis oil fs Uf onl hy Bi FU . ; EL ; ; 1 in sleeping equipment--the use of MA Dax p hm TH VE ERS ' : leather thongs to support the mate a Fk PATA NCHU By Si 1x Ro er ' E SE RED FING In Shen Yan's Den. tress, an idea supplied by the Greeks, i : x ARE " Naviand _ Smith lurched in : : pe TET rae Later, Yopes replaced the thongs, Ea ~~} hulking fashion foward the door #8 | ' ; of the il shop which ws | Mother of Family Ver- .{{ hoped and befisved wes satile Person Indeed ; ance Joh hiding- co Manchu. a pla a Cs The mother of a family has to he: a far more versatile person than she would need to be in most other walks of life. She has to be ready for all emergencies and undertake a dozen dilfferent rolls in a day. There are baby's needs, starting at six a.m. and a husband to be break. - | fasted and seen off to business, with proably a youngster to be taken to school, before she even settles down to her "day's work." She must know about housekeeping and cooking and home management and have a sympathetic hearing for ! father's Interests and the children's and give a watchful ¢ye to the health of both at the same time, : It's 4 great many jobs all rolled into one.

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