Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Sep 1935, p. 5

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rence, Druggist, Port "1'Y "CONTENTS Preface Clearing the Land Making Black Salts and Potash. The Development of Agriculture. The Home Life of That Day. The Social Life of the People. * Music and Other Entertainment. The Funeral, Fashions. . Fe 3 , The Light of Other Days and To-day. Early Tools and Utensils, Roads and Rigs, The Coroner. Post Office and Leiters. The Cost of Living. Mills and Milling, The Day's Work. Fre Hotels and Whiskey. v .. The Epic in Grain, " Steamboats on Lake Scugog. Ontario County. Port Perry. Lake Scugog Moods. Schools and Schooling. The Coming of the Railway. The Tornado of 1850. ® a Early Documents. Scugog Island. . 'Some Early Settlers. Seagrave. ° 3 i Cartwright, Address by Dr. H, Bruce. AE at oe § Military Matters. Ge Local Personalities. The Newspapers. md rr "They Have Passed This Way. Mesa ers A Brief Survey of Present Conditions. RES "7 SEAGRAVE ~. Sunday School was in charge of Mr. S. Reynolds and was fairly well- at- tended. = Rev. Mr. Flindall, in the evening, had a timely message for » all. The music was enjoyed. The regular monthly meeting of the Quadrata Girls' Club was held on Wednesday evening, August 26th, at the home of Miss Ruby, McCoy. Miss -- Norma Urquhart, president, occupied the chair and opened the meeting. ~~ Miss Fern Moon read the 'Scripture. "After the reading of the minutes and the roll call, items of interest were discussed. Miss M. Eagleson was appointed Vice-President to fill the vacancy left by Miss Alma Frise. At the close of the meeting a social time was held when about thirty enjoyed a corn roast.----A lovely lunch was also served by the 'hostess and most pleasant evening spent by all. Mrs. E.'Nubel and Miss A. McCon- nell left by motor on Friday for their : : home at 'Thessalon and were *saccom- ' + panied by Miss Alma Frise en route i for her school duties near Sault Ste Marie. Her many friends wish "for 3 her every success. School opened here on Tuesday with Miss E. Graham in charge. Misses M. Mitchell, U. Sleep and Ee Mr. E. Mitchell will continue their ¥ duties at Scugog, Raglan and Finger- it board schools respectively. We hope tey will have a sucessful year. The: C. C. F. meeting held in the i = , « a AE --E----. STRAND THEATRE, UXBRIDGE We lead in varied entertainment! Thurs., Friday, Saturday, (this week) Evelyn Knapp and Tim McCoy, in "A MAN'S GAME" see Tim as a daring fire Chief. Plenty of thrills and other shorts. Mon,, Tues., Wednesday Sept. 9-10-11 Zasu Pitts, and Slim Summerville, ~~ two popular comedians in "LOVE HONOUR OH BABY" 4 Slim as a small town lawyer fights 3 Zasu's case and wins her, then the fun begins--a hilarious laugh sensation. Also the last chapter of the Serial, and comedies. _ Thursday, Friday, Sat, next week, Ke Joan Crawford, Clark Gable, in: - "FORSAKING * ALL OTHERS" [ . ¥ FY 8 =} * 4 He » Let us remind you that the week Uxbridge is having their Jubilee cele- bration we have arranged two special features for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Se 16-17-18, Will Rogers in "LI BEGINS AT 40", BILL. also Myrna Loy in a Broad- way bill. Thuraday, 'Sept. 19, con- Yintioys show till? Shows start at The First Settler in Reach Township Exhibition. 8.80 p.m. Saturdays 'and holidays at 8 pm, ; : RRR -- the Shores of Seogod 'By SAMUEL F ARMER Neatly Bound in Blue Cloth Boards. Orders may be left with I. R. Bentle Perry; P. G. Office of the PortPerry Star. ---- Price $2.00. ; Jeweller, Port Perry; A., M. Law- forrison, Druggist, Port Perry orh: Galle Stripper AD 33 This rare picture was taken from a booklet prepared by the Massey-Hgrris Co. the heads of the grain and they dropped into the cart == ar Corry Rexper The contrivance tore off 2 dy | tr [RA Mey | il school on Wednesday evening last was fairly well attended. The speak- ers were Messrs. Noble and Millard, of Oshawa. They left behind many interesting messages that will be well remembered when the votes are cast in the forth coming election. Mr, J. Owen, of Port Perry, also spoke. Mrs. H. Tresh and son Buster, wht [= have spent a pleasant holiday at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs, W. Frise, returned to New Jersey by motor on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. F. Skerrett and son Charles were week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Clarke. - Mr. and Mrs.-R. Pollock and family of Uxbridge were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shunk, on Sunday. t Miss Una Sleep spent. a holiday in Toronto with relatives. Mrs. Walter Moase spent a holiday at Stephenson's "Point with relatives. Master Ross Wooldridge spent a holiday in Toronto. Mr. John Winslade and Mr. Charles Griffen have returned home from the They report 'a good holi- day. 1 Miss Hele: Short enjoyed a holiday in the City last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Taylor of Stouff- ville, visited with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Orchard 6ver the week end. Mrs. H. Topping and Mr. J. Gold, of Verdun, Que., were visiting with friends here over te week end. 'Mr. S. J. Wooldridge has sold his store business to Mr Wes. Crosier who took possession Sept. 2nd. We underst, Mr. and Mrs. Wooldridge and tarily Ngond living in the village for atime. ; Rev. O. R. and Mrs. Flindall are visiting the latter's parents at St. Catharines, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. A, Snyder were guests of Toronto relatives over the week|- end. a --- MARSH HILL Mr. and Mrs. John Tunney ana children, of Toronto, spent Sunday with her father Mr. Geo. Merrick. 'Mr. and Mrs. C- B, Wagg and child- ren, of Uxbridge, were Sunday visit- ors at the home of R. Acton. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Swanick spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. John Kay, at Saintfield, , 'Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin and children of Pinedale, spent Sunday with Mr. Roy Hood. © Mr, and Mrs, Lorimer, of Hamilton 0 spent a week with his brother Colin. Miss Luella Tomlinson has charge of a school near Bancroft, while Mr. Harold Tomlinson has a school near Blair-Hampton, north of Lindsay. Mr, William Carnegie spent Sunday |, : with Harry i Mr, and Mrs." McFayden, Durham, visited at the ome of Mr. Embury, on Sunday. Mr. Elmer 160 of Toronto, at his home here for the holiday. "Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, Miss Olive Real, of Toronto, at Mr. R. Real's on Sunday. / Mrs. Walker, of Toronto, visited her brothers, Messrs. - John - and ~Ishac Beare, last weck. Miss M. A. Blair and Mrs. Rodd attended a Teachers'. School held: at the Ladies' College at- Whitby last week. - Miss A. Harmon spent the week end with Miss Newton, at Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Ousten, of Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. T. Sharp recently. : Several from here are attending the Exhibition this week. . Mr, and Mrs, John McKitrick were in Toronto last week. We extend congratulations to Mr. Edgar Leask on winning a number of prizes at the Exhibition. ; Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace and family. have returned from their holi- days. School opened on Tuesday with the same teachers Mr, Beare and Miss Raines. Mr. Walter Phoenix is teach- ing at Marsh Hill. Mr, John Clyde who has been quite ill is improving in health. Mr. Harry Bewell, sister and family have moved to Mr. Milton Howsam's house. - Last Friday Mrs, John Somerville passed away after thirteen years ill- ness, The funeral, which was largely attended, was held on Sunday after- noon, Thterment in Bethel Cemetery. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. Somerville and fam- ily. "TOE Sunday School was well attended after the month's holiday. Next Sun- day it will be in the morning at 10.30. Church service at 7.30 p.m. Mrs. Wm, Bright has been spending several weeks with relatives in To- ronto. - 'Banspone of Combray, Mrs. Brown of Mr, and Mrs. I. Ormiston, Mr, and Mrs. Will Ormiston, Brooklin, spent a few days with relatives at Bruce- field. Mrs, J. Johns "has returned home after spending a few weeks with friends at Mount Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Avery, Mr, and Mrs. L. Miller, visited with relatives .in Little Britain, on Sunday. Mrs, McGaffey, of Lindsay, recenly visited with her sister, Mrs. J. T. Evans, whom we are very sorry to say is confined to her bed: We hope for a speedy and complete recovery. Mrs. Stuart of Toronto is spending a few days with her niece, Miss Susie Bray. Mrs, Cartwright and daughter have returned to their home in Toronto after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hambly. Miss Hazel Pierson of Toronto is Mrs, Fred Pierson. Miss Rose Brent, of Toronto, spent her vacation' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hughson also Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brent.. Many from here went to the barn fires of Mr: W. Dyer and Mr. Holliday of Columbus. Sympathy-is extended to them in their terrible loss. Mr. A. J. Pilkie is doing some re- pair work to Mrs. Wm. Babcock's residence, Mrs. Wm. Babcock is visiting rela- tives in Brooklin. Miss Doris Bray spent a few days with Miss Doris Fisher, of Ashburn. Mrs. J, Latimer and son Ross have returned after spending a few weeks with relatives in Alliston. Mr, and Mrs, Tummonds and Inez, spent Sunday with relatives in Penaile, Miss Inez remained there to spend a week with her cousin. 'Mrs. McKay of Cambry is spending some time with Mrs. Evans. School re-opened on Tuesday with Miss Sleep of Seagrave in charge. Little Doris Dearborne of Prospect is holidaying with her grandma, Mus. John Wilson. Miss Ila Wilson, Mrs. Mackin and son Billie, Mr. Fred Cox of Oshawa spent a week at North Bay. . Mr. Frank Grose of Toronto is liolidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Grose, A number from here attended the ball game at Myrtle last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Grose spent a day in Toronto, last week. "Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Foren Brent, on the gift of a baby girl, Monday, Sept. 2, 1935. : Mr, and "Mrs. Norman Hambly en- tertained a number of friends and relatives on Saturday "night, they were celebrating their silk and linen wedding aniversary... The evening was spent in cards and dancing the music being provided by Messrs. Sid and Stanley Weyrich. Miss Olive Thompson is spending a couple of days with relatives in To- ronto, ; Miss" Emma Johns and friend of New York spent the holiday with her parents; Mr, and Mrs. J. Johns. Mr. Lloyd Miller is doing some re- pairing to the school fence. 'Mrs. A. McKee, Mr. and Mrs. J. Manitoba, Mr. and Mrs. George Wil- son and Jack of Dennvale,"Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spinks of Purple Hill, Mrs. Edgerton of Nestleton were all Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Evans. ! Mr. and Mrs. Hull and daughter, Gertrude, Mr. Arthur Ormiston of Toronto spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.' Ormiston, Myrtle Station United Church service next Sunday will be at 3 p.m, Sunday School at 1.45 p.m. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all. There was a splendid attendance at Church last Sunday evening. Mr. Floyd Honey preached a splendid ser- mon, reading for the lesson, Mark 7, 1-23, and using for his text, Math. 165, 11--"Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man" Mr, E. Cross and daighier, Phyllis gpent the week end in Toreito and Havelock, : Miss Margaret McKinlay, Mrs. Mec- Kinlay and Mr. Dave McKinlay of To- ronto, were recent visors of Miss Mary Martin. 2 Messrs. Jolin and Lloyd Broome of Kinsale were Sunday .guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Broome. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Hill and son, Mr. Russell Hill of Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lane. Mrs. John Hunter and Jackie of To- ronto, have been. visiting the past Mr. Samuel Gobeil, M.P, = week with the former's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Chisholm. Master Douglas Forsythe of Have- lock has returned to his home after spending part of his holidays with Mr, and 'Mrs. E. Cross and family. Master John Bright and Miss Bar- bara Bright were recent visitors ot Port Perry. Don't forget the Port Perry Fair September 11th, Miss Beulah Cooper spent part of her holidays with relatives at Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. Shuttleworth of Bracebridge, also Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Downey. Mr. Bob Cross has returned from a holiday trip to Owen Sound. Misses Joyce and Gladys Bradley were recent visitors with relatives in Brooklin. Mr. ark, N.J., Mr. and Mrs. Alf, Best, Mr. L. Best, and Miss McFarlane, of To- ronto, were Monday guests of Mr. W. Martin and Miss Mary Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Treworthy, of Mark- ham, were' Sunday guests of Mr. and Murs, Roy. Percy. Miss Mildred Painter has returned from a three week's visit with rela- tives in Toronto. . Mr. Henry Barnum spent the week end at Toronto and Oshawa. "Mrs. Jas. Cooper, with Beulah and Jimmy, attended the Exhibition on Friday. ' Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. F. Broome, on the gift of a daughter, which arrived last Saturday. Congratulations are again due our famous Myrtle Softball champions on winning by a score of 8:6, a game with the Toronto Stock Yards team, last Thursday evening. There was a good crowd in attendance. After the game. the ladies very kindly served re- freshments, which was much appre ciated by all. Another good time is in store for all next Wednesday, September 11th, when the W. A. are holding a weiner and corn roast in te evening. A good social time js in -anticipated and all are invited. - . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snyder, of Hamilton, Miss Phyllis Hayman and Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead, of Toronto, MMr, and Mrs. Harry Stacey and Mrs, L. Conlin, of Oshawa, were all recent 'visitors of Mn. and Mrs. D. G. Ross. MP. Fn ca nas William G. Ernst, K. C, ------ p-- ah a red "Exhibits for the Ladies' Building to in. building Tuesday Phi noon, Sept. 10th. Please be prompt. and Mrs, Will White, of New- | F. W. BROCK & SON. RED & WHITE STORE ol FINE FRUIT DIRECT from the Fruit Gardens Finest No. 1 Peaches, 6 qts. 65c. Finest No. 2 Peaches, 6 qts. 55c. Largest Blue Plums, 11 gts. 69c. Green Gages, 11 9) 69c. Lombard Plums, 11 qts. 55c. Pears, No. 2, 11 gts. 85c. We can supply any variety of fruit by taking your order in advance MADE.-TO-MEASURE SUITS W. R. Johnston & Co. NEW FALL SAMPLES FIT GUARANTEED $24.00 $19.25 $27.50 NEW WALL PAPERS for 1936 are now in. "SUN TESTED. Ready Trimmed : Wall 9c. roll and up. Border4c. yd. & up LADIES' SILK HOSIERY Good quality and New Fall Shades. Full fashioned 59c 69c. 79c. Phone 43 Sues _iffes whee _jeghe ose adie cuties owes Sole cai. Sadive a fo « Automatic HEAT The summer days are almost gone; almost before we know it the furnace will have to be stoked up in order to have a temperature in which people can live in comfort. With the old method of operating the furnace by hand, temperatures up sometimes to an uncom- fortable heat, then down to be uncomfortably cold. This can be eliminated by installing: an AUTO- MATIC DAMPER CONTROL. This is not ex- pensive to install, takes the worry of. looking after the damper off your mind, besides giving an even heat, day and night, in the bitter cold, or the moderate warm days of winter. Result: a saving in"fuel whether you buy coal from us or not. We would be pleased to show and explain this wonder- ful contrivance. Ask us about it. I BBN FRED E. REESOR Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 737 FOR THAT PARTICULAR TASTE This is the time of the year when one's taste is very particular-- especially meats. Our meats are so tasty and delicious that the most fastidious appetites arc satisfied. Phone your next order to CAWKER BROS. Phone orders to 29 w, Port.Perry. Hl] Prompt Delivery AAA Ah 40 Ah as 40 40 Ah 40 40 Ah Ah 80 40 A Ah Ah 40 Ah 40 40 A 40 40 40 40 A 00 4% A 0 4% 44 4 YOUR HOME IS YOUR CASTLE Admit only clean, constructive news by teading THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR A Daily Newspaper for the Home It" gives all the constructive world news but does not exploit ectime and scandal. Has interesting feature pages for all the family on Women's Activities, Homemaking, Gardens, Education and Books. Also pages for the Children and Young Folks. Vigorous editorials and an interpretation of news in the "March of the Nations" Column are of special interest to men. i -- -- -- ------ -- -- -- ---- ---- ------ d-- The Christian 8clence Publishing Soclety One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Please enter my subscription to The Christian Bclence Monitor for a period of . h One year .00 Three months $2.28 Bix months 4.50 One month 80 NAMO. ivsuesnnronrnnsnnannennnes ERR TP TR TR RL RL IT TR LAR LR I) Jureet., IIIT) Rn; "oly. RNR AE RIEL tibiae tenes CBA. iiersssenienstinisieine ODD DDDDDDMDDDdnds Dd AA SO 80 Sa 20 20 S0 G0 Sa an Sa oa an aa an on to nS Sample Copy on Request YOU SV SY SV SV SSS SSIS SS SS SS SS SS SY SS SY SY SO SP SY BY Se SY

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