Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Aug 1935, p. 8

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Page Eight Cartwright Council Strikes 22 mill rate Cartwright Township Council at its ~ monthly meeting on August 6th, struck a general tax rate of 22 mills for 1985, Added to this there are of course the school section rates which differ in the various section. Reeve Norman Green presided and all mem- bers were present. Fred Whyte, Caesarea, thanked council for repairs to streets. De- partment of Public Welfare advised council that no relief will be paid to male single persons between the ages of 16 and 60. Cartwright Township is 74% in favour of a T.B. restricted area, Threshing machine owners are to pay a license of $1.00 and clean their machines before moving to an- . other farm. Orders were signed as follows: Hydro-Electric ...... ta rary $ 11.3% W. A. VanaCmp, Sec'y- Treas. S. S. No. 1 ........ 650.00 D. A. Beer, Insurance ...... 132.00 N. C. Martin, sheep killed ... 6.00 R. Whitfield, sheep killed .... 5.00 0. Wright, road exp......... 1339.82 Hutchinson, bread for Moore family +. ica erincres 10.00 Council adjourned to meet Sept 2na. EPSOM Last Wednesday evening, August 14th, the Utica Ladies' Aid presented a play entitled "The Family Album." This was greatly enjoyed by all pre- sent, but the crowd was not so numer- ous owing to the farmers being in the midst of harvest. At the close the audience was regaled with ice cream and cake. This was another pleasing feature. The play was held in Mem- ory Hall and Miss Jean Miller, the leader, is to be heartily. commended in bringing it to such a high state, of perfection. The farmers here are in the midst of their busy season. Many report good crops, others that the rust has taken woeful toll, which is so dis- couraging to so many. But in spite of all there is much for which to be thankful. = Storms have not played the havoc in this locality as they have in many places. Then prices are go- ing to be better and for many, at least, the -end of the depression ap- pears in view. On Sunday last, August 18th, the congregations of Utica and Epsom enjoyed their services in the big out- of-doors. This was much enjoyed as the cooling breezes were much more acceptable than the stifling air inside of a church. The only regret is that many other previoius Sunday services had not been held in the same manner. CAESAREA Mr. Smock was entertaining a guest on Wednesday, fishing. Right off shore the lucky visitor landed a nineteen inch bass, one of the finest bass ever caught in Lake Scugog. Several young men of Caesarea -en- joyed the Regatta at Rice Lake on Wednesday. Mrs. McColl, of Riverdale Avenue, Toronto, with relatives and friends from Chicago, are holidaying during August at Williams' Point. Miss Margaret Campbell and Miss Isabel Glenn, motored to Orchard Beach, on Friday and spent the week end. We hear rumors of four of the quintuplets being able to swim--all . but baby Marie. At Williams' Point, baby Thompson, who is not half as old as Marie, being only five months' old, enjoys her daily dip in Lake Scugog. Her mother suggests from her efforts, will swim at six months, It just seems natural to take on the move- ments with slight support. Mrs, H, Thompson, mother of the baby, is visiting .her mother Mrs. Fisher, of Toronto, in Mrs, Fisher's cottage, at the Point, during the month of Aug- ust. Dr. Bowles preached at the Sunday morning service in Cadmus chyyeh. Several Caesarea friends drove. over to hear him. Residents of William's Point are keenly watching with great admira- tion and appreciation the erection of * . Mrs. Matthews' new summer home, 5 now nearing completion, It is painted white . with blue trimming, There are shower baths installed and. auto- matic electrically driven wafdr in the' cottage will be one of the con: .veniences, The fireplace is planned and' built by an overseas man who specializes in uniquely laid mortars. he front fence will be built on a yundation of similar design to the , e. The garden will be planned Bera fiey by a landscape gar- 'The lovely summer residence promises to be one of artistry, and fine additions to the number of beauti- ful summer residences already en- joyed at Williams' Point, Herald of Autumn Wild ducks were heard squacking and larking early the other morning. They have also been seen different times. The whistle of the threshing machine is heard calling men to get the day's work started. Men are drawing in the golden grain and har- vest is well on its way, Toronto Ex- hibition opens this week. Regretful- ly one is compelled to accept the heralds of another season soon to be upon us, We pass this way but once, is only too true. * * * In the temperance vote taken at Port Perry on Wednesday, August 14, Caesarea friends of temperance con- gratulate Port Perry on the result ot 271 te 400. Attractions of Williams' Point brought summer guests. Mrs, Elton, Misses Kay Elton and Dorothy Shep- herd back from Toronto to enjoy .the Wednesday evening dance in the pa- vilion. They found accommodation in "Rainbow" cottage owned by Mr. A. Goode. Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Andesron and Miss Mable Lake, of Toronto, are also spending a happy holiday at Mr. Goode's cottage. Mr. and Mrs, J. Bouskil and family of six children, are enjoying very much the cottage recently purchased from Mr. Carnegie. Mrs. Long and daughter of Toronto, are the guests for a few days of Mrs. William Jackson at Williams' Point. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wood and daughters have been occupying Mr. C. E. McTavish's cottage for a month. This week they entertained Mr, and Mrs. Goudy. Mr. Reginald Terreth, of Oshawa, and his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Terreth, of London, Eng. Mr. and Mrs. J. B., Frost, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Warner, of and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Warren, ot Toronto, were guests of 'Mrs. Frost, on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Warner re- mained for a couple. of weeks to recuperate. after a tonsil operation. No beter place than Williams' Point, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wood left on Monday to return to Oshawa and for Mrs. Wood to visit her mother in Woodstock, who is ill there. Williams' Point friends were glad to see Mr, and Mrs. Ira Aldred, Doug. and Cameron, back again in their summer cottage on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clemes, recently married in Toronto, visited with Mr. Clemes, of Williams' Point, over the week end. : Mr. Norman Robinson's launch sprang a leak and nearly sank at their own dock last week. HONEYDALE Harvesting is in full swing; so far the weather man has favored us with wonderful harvest weather, Miss Margaret" McDonald and Master Bobbie McDonald have return- ed home after spending two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Willan. Mrs. Jas. Owen, Miss Beth Symes and Mrs. R., Willan, motored to To- ronto, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jennings and Mr, J. Gibson, of Toronto, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mus. | Fred Raines. Mr. John Edwards Hot gone back to Jellicoe, after spending a week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. O. Edwards. ; Miss Isobel Honey visited with friends in Toronto last week. A presentation of a floor lamp was made to Mr. and Mrs. E. Jennings on behalf of the Honeydale Community. We wish them much happiness. There passed away in the Oshawa Hospital on Sunday, August 11th Everett, third son of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mahaffy, aged b years, 11 months. Everett was playing in the yard with his brother and in climbing up a ladder he lost his balance and fell back. It was thought at first that the little fellow was not seriously hurt but during the night his condi- tion became serious and Dr, Peterson, of Port Perry was called, and found he was suffering. from concussion. They took him to the Oshawa hospital where he passed away a few hours later, The. sympathy of the community goes out to Mr, and Mrs. Mahaffy in their sad loss. n Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Owen were Mr. and Mrs. Dalton and Mr, and Mrs. Tovy, of Toronto, Mrs, Ellis, of California, Mr. and Mrs. G. Dunn and little son Jimmie, of Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. O. Edwards, John Edwards and John Brown, made a business trip to Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. George Graham, of Oshawa, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Willan, on Thursday evening of lest week, : SCUGOG Rev. Mr. Joblin has invited Rev. Dr, Barner, of Toronto, to help with all the services next Sunday, August 25th, at the usual hours, The Women's Association received a special invitation from Seagrave ladies to visit them at their August meeting and we have been looking forward to the visit with great an- ticipation. Rev. Mr. Joblin, Mr. E. Ploughman, Miss Myrtle Jeffrey, Miss E. Stephenson, Mrs, Geo. Samells and Mrs. R. Tetlow drove their cars and took a representation of thirty-two in all. When we arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Watson, Mrs, Jas. Shunk, the president of the Seagrave W. A. gave us a very warm welcome, and there 'were many greetings of pleasure at this gathering. The splen- did program was enjoyed by all, especially the piano duet by the two little girls, the temperance reading by Mrs. Snyder, the talk on Italy by Mrs. Leask, of Uxbridge, and the words of cheer from two former pastors of Seagrave circuit, Rev. Mr. Joblin and 'Rev. Mr. Green, who drove from Wel- come for the occasion. Rev. Mr. Flindall also added his words of wel- come. Mrs, O. Jeffrey, our president, Mrs. Geo. Sweetman,. expressed the pleasure of the Scugog ladies for this the first united gathering. During the program Mrs. A. Snyder had charge of a soap contest, which proved that many do not use or know of the dif- ferent kinds of soap. The meeting closed by. singing the National An- them and prayer by Rev. M, Flindall. a 'heavy burden on the oBard and lawn after which all enjoyed a social time together. We are all looking for to the return visit to Seugog. from the Seagrave. ladies. . We are having some very chaiting ball games as Myrtle and Scugog are are trying to prove.which is the best team in the playoffs, Myrtle came here on Tuesday evening for the first game. It was very close throughout Myrtle finally winning by a score of 13-12. Milton Demara and Cecil Fra- lick each got a home run, On Friday our team went to Myrtle for the second game which was just as ex- citing, with the same score of 18-12 but Scugog had the 13 this time, Milto emara again had a homer to his credit. The last game was played at Port Perry on Monday night with 'a large atendance. Even though Len Hance, Donald Gerrow and Stewart Mark recorded homer, Scugog lost the game 10-9. Myrtle team are the champions. Congratulations. Scugog boys. have played splendid ball all season. Miss Audrey Plougtinan visited her |- cousin Miss Jean Watson at Seagrave last week. Mis Marie Hawkins, of Brooklin, is visiting her cousins Misses Myrtle and Luella Jeffrey, and other relatives for a few weeks. Mrs. W. Mark and her friend Mrs, Smale, of Toronto, visiting with her daughter Mrs, H, Carnochan, one day last week. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Joblin visited their son Elgie Joblin, at Buck Horn Lake, on Monday, and their daughter .Gladys returned home with them. Miss Dorothy Reynolds, of Sea- grave, is visiting her sister Mrs. G. Cherrie. Mr. and Mrs, W, King and daughter Aileen and friend, of 'Oakwood, Mr, John Hardy and sister Clara, were Sunday guests of Mr. 'and Mrs. D. Hope. Mr. and Mrs. A Sanguine and little Joyce, and Mrs. Sanguine's two sisterssand a brother, and her mother Mrs. Western, of Zion, visited. the former's niece Mrs. C. Hardy, on Sun. day. Mi. R. Walace, of Port ory, was the guest of his daughter Mrs. Bea- cock, one day last week. Miss Blanche Schell, of Oshaws, visited her parents one day last week. Messrs. Ross Prentice and Roy Hope, are sporting car these days. | Mr, and Mrs. W. Gerrow, of Reach, visited his sister Mrs. A. Prentice, on Sunday. ° School starts on Sept. 8rd--just two more weeks of holidays, The Pioneer Memorial service on Sunddy was highly praised. The children of the Head Sunday School enjoyed a picnic 'on Sunday afternoon, § Sorry to hear Mrs, D. Cherrie is in ill 'health again, and undér the care of the doctor. ; We hope she may acon recover her normal health, Mr, David Vontournhondt has had his tonsils removed, and we hope he will now have better health, Mr, and Mrs. Carnochan and baby Joan visited their sister Mrs. A. Brunt at Enniskilen one day last week, Mr. Norman Shunk is helping Mr. Allie Mark with his threshing outfit again this season. Mr, E. Plunkett is helping Mr. RB. Brown to thresh again this season. There will be a good season for these outfits this season as the straw crop is very heavy. Mrs, L. V. Savage and friend, of Toronto, visited with Mrs. C. Graham last week. " Mr, and Mrs. A, Wilkinson, of To- ronto, spent the week end with her parents Mr, and Mrs. R. Graham, Glad to. hear Mrs. Wm, Savage and Miss R. Reader, are regaining their health again. Miss Dorothy Joblin is spendiig a 5 few weeks with her grandparents Mr. and Mrg, Joblin at the store. BLACKSTOCK Blackstock Continuation School reports, Elmer Archer--Br, Hist., Geog. Lloyd Brown--Br, Hist., Geog., Art, Zool. % Roy Carter--Br, Hist, Geog., Art, Zool. Len. Davidson--Eng. Gram., Zool. . Henry DeMille--Eng. Gram., Phys., Zool. : Ellen Emmerson--Arith., Zool, James Fallis--Br, Hist, Geog., Art. Annie Fallis--Eng. Grin. Arith,, Zool, Glenn Gibson--Big. Gram,, Arith. Birdie Gibson--Arith. Grace Hooper--Eng. Gram., Arith., Zool, Lucille Hyland--Br. * Hist.,, Geog, Art, Zool. Keith Johnston -- Br. Hist.,, Geog, Art, Zool. v : Ross Lansing--Phys. Neil Malcolm--Eng. Gram, Phys. Arith,, Zool, Harvey Malcolm--Phys., Arith, ' Madeline Marlow--Br. Hist,, Geog., Art., Zool. . Marie Marlow -- Br. Hiss, Geog., Art., Zool. 5 : Norma McQuade--Phys. Beth McQuade--Eng. Gram,, Geog., Zool, Doris Muckle--Br. His., Geog., Art, Zool. John Nesbitt--Geog., Art, Zool. Merlin - Philip--Eng. Gram., Phys, Bot., Zool. . Alfred Samells -- Br, Hist.,, Geog., Art, Zool. Margaret Steele -- Eng. Gram,, Phys., Arith., Zool. Reta Swain -- Eng. Gram, Phys, Zool. Pearl Taylor--Phys. Lorna Trewin--Phys., Zool. Ronald Trewin--Eng, Gram., Phys, Arith,, Zool. John Taylor--Eng. Gram., Zool. Lois Veale--Br. Hist. Geog., Art, Zool. Irene Watson -- Br. Hist, Geog., Art, Zool, Ollie Weatherilt--Geog., Zool. Elva White--Phys., Arith., Zool. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Forder and fam- ily spent Sunday with friends in Cavan. They brought back with them Miss Gertrude McGee for a visit, "Mrs. Robert Archer and mother Mrs. Mahood, are visiting with friends in Penetanguishene. Mr, and Mrs, L. McGuire of Yelver- ton, spent the week end with Mr and Mrs. O. Wright. Miss Edith Deyell, of Bailboro, is the guest of Miss Florence McLaugh- lin, Rev. and Mrs. Harcourt are enjoy- ing a motor trip to Ottawa. / Miss Florence McLaughlin enter- tained Dr. and. Mrs, John McArthur and Miss. Norma Hooeyy to afternoon tea on Monday in honour of her guest Miss Deyell. Misses Marion Shear, of Lefroy and Freda Falconer, of Toronto, were guests of Mrs, Florence Thomson last week and Misses Freda .gnd Sadie| Waldron 'and Mr. Frank Dickson, of Toronto, spent the week end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kelusky and family and Miss Emma Rutledge, of Harmony, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Carl Wright." "Mr. and Mrs. N. S.! McNally were in Toronto on Monday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Fowler. ' Mrs. W. McQuade, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Trewin Bros. Miss Olive VanCamp is spending a week at Oak Lake, near Sterling, Misses ' Pauline Ferguson and Ai- Teen Devitt, are enjoying a motor trip to Sterling and Peterboro and calling on some old school friends, "Misses Frances and Grace Mount- joy entertained twelve of their friends| to a marshmallow and weiner roast on" Wednesday evening when a happy time was enjoyed by all; ' Mr, and Mrs. A. Niddery 'Lower. | Steele, Sask, One sister, Martha, | Miss Miriam Cline, B.A., M.A,, direc- few days at Robt. Miller's. % Winnie, of Prospect, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Russell Mountjoy. Mrs. Jas. Freeborn, of Manitoba, is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Strong. Her host of former friends and neighbors are pleased to welcome her back. On Sunday they visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Flett, Bowmanville, Master Sydney Ferguson, of Bur: ton, is holidaying with his aunt Mrs. R. Mountjoy Mr, and Mrs. Austin Larmer and family were in Port Hope and New- tonville- on Sunday visiting Mrs. Larmer's brother Mr, E. Beech, at the former place and Rev. Eugene Beech at the latter. : MRS. JOHN MULLIGAN (Bobcaygeon Independent) A sad death took place in the vil- lage on Thursday, August 1st, when Ruth Steele, wife of Mr, John Mulli- gan, passed away suddenly after an|f illness of only a few days at the age of 63 years, The late Mrs. Mulligan, was born in Sommerville Township, and lived in this district all her life, she was well and favorably known. Mrs, Mul- ligan was of a quiet disposition and was happy in her task of looking py IS EASY IF You BUY % -- FROM -- = BERT 'MacGREGOR Assure Yourself of the Best By having our driver call to deliver r your needs i in Bread, Cakes, and Pastry Fresh and Well Made Jemison & Hutchinson, Bakers PHONE 93, PORT PERRY after her home and family, Funeral service was held at the family residence on Saturday, August 8rd. * Interment taking place in the Verulam Cemetery. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband and six sons, William, An- drew, Albert, Alexander and Ernie, of Bobcaygeon, Harold of Port Perry, and Oswald, of Vancouver, B.C., and four daughters, Zetts, (Mrs. Bruce Campbell) and Hazel of Bobcaygeon, and Mamie and Annie, of Oakville. Two brother, James Steele, White- | wood, Sask, David Steele, of Burnt River, Steele, Huston, U.S.A, and Wallace (Mrs, John Appt): Sask., and two half sisters, Mrs. Wesley Logan, of Lindsay and Emma, (Mrs, Hunter), Sask, "NOTED MINISTER DIES SUDDENLY . Rev. Doctor W. H. Cline, one of the Dest known Baptist ministers in this Pasteurized Products ARE SAFEST AND BEST. Phone your orders to 238, We do the rest. * PORT PERRY DAIRY Phone 238 G. OWEN, Proprietor. on two half brothers, William |, , +73 [ _ OFFICE MOVED a B I have moved my. Insurance Office to. my residence on Bigelow Street, where you will find us fully equipped ~ to: Took after your. insurance need. Phone 41. HAROLD W. EMMERSON part of Ontario, died suddenly at his fruit farm near Grimsby Beach. Dr. Cline was picking fruit when over- come by sudden attack from which he failed to rally. He was born in Norfolk County, near Waterford, eighty-one years ago and was a graduate of the University of Toronto, and honor graduate of McMaster University, where he took the degrees of B.D,, and D.D. in 1912. He had charge of a church at Halifax for seven years, Toronto Emmanuel Baptist Church for two years, then preached at Paris for ten years, and. Owen Sound for four years, following which he lectured as master for one year, - After "these ministries he had charges for several years at East Aurora, N.Y., Hamilton and George- town. He retired in 192} after forty- five years in the active ministry. In October of 1884 he married Miss Crawford, daughter of the late Rev. Dr. John Crawford, pastor of James Street Baptist Church in' Hamilton, and later professor of Woodstock Col- lege, He celebrated his golden wed- ding last October. . Surviving bebides his widow are two sons and three daughters, Gordon Cline, ' hydraulic engineer for the Dominion Government, Niagara Falls, Herbert Cline, East Aurora, N.Y, tor of religions education, Caney Creek Community Centre, Kentucky Mountains; Miss Evangeline Cline, of Toronto, and Mrs, Ewart Cross, of Toronto. Mr, Cline was at one 'time editor and proprietor of the Port Perry Star, Me 8. Farmer Sucsseded Mr, Cline, * Port ee Coal Yard We can supply anything required in the line of fuel-- ANTHRACITE COAL -- "Famous Reading Anthracite", Every load the same good quality. Heat satisfaction is assured if you burn this "Better Hard Coal." Nut Stove and Pea sizes. WELSH COBBLES and WELSH BLOWER COAL. STEAM COAL for threshing A carload of best Lump Coal just arrived. Price $9. 00 a ton at' our shed, COKE, HARDWOOD and SOFTWOOD. CEMENT--Fresh St. Mary's Cement always on hand, also HARDWALL PLASTER, TILE, ) Let us know your needs. Your orders will receive prompt and careful attention, PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT 'Phones--94 W and 94J. "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" sees ssstc resets stnsaseenees st P2222 22220000 00000004 Good Baking at Reasonable Prices - is.Our Policy | "Give us a trial--you won't be dissappointed Gerrow Brothers M. A. GERROW G. M. GERROW MARSH HILL Mr. and Mrs, Sydney Hodge and family of Beamsville, were recent visitors at Colin Lorimer's. : Mr, Frank Real was a Sunday visitor with Wilmot Swanick, Mrs, Chapman {8s spending a fort: night with friends at Ballydown Beach. ! Mrs, Chas, Gilde and Mrs, Russell Glide, also Mrs. Frank Welsh, spent an evening last week with Mrs, R. Acton, ES Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Swanick, spent an évening at Wilmot Gregg's 'and Russel Acton's, We congratulate Mr." Nels Car- negie upon securing his Normal En: trance certificate, Harvest is well on: the way in pl | neighbourhood. : Miss Irene Swanick is spending a "a th res EXTRA SPECIALS ARMAND $1.00 FACE POWDER ........ooviveiinniiinniiiiibe N ARMAND 50c. FACE POWDER ....crviviiveiivirnraisnssns A860 MOON GLOW. NAIL POLISH, all shades ..............u00000.20¢, COLGATE'S TOOTH PASTE, giant 8ize ..iiiiiiiiiiiiii. 880 ~ COLGATE'S TOOTH PASTE, small 820 +....0.o0vvuiiiis..s 205 _ GARDENIA, ROSE, and LAVENDER DUSTING POWDER.., 29¢. "GARDENIA, ROSE and LAVENDER TALCUMS,.....,........20c.. SERVEX CLEANING TISSUES, 200 sheets .......covievueivs. 196 SHEET MUSIC, Latest Popular Bongs RE FLY-A-CIDE, Death to Flies, moths, mosquitoes and many other: ; insects, '8 oz. bottle 33e. Rottle refilled for 2c. QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING, DEVELOPING and PRINTING. Daily service, - Morrison' s Drug Store Port Perry ve LE iis LAIR A AOL

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