Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 May 1935, p. 8

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+ PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 16th, SN ter, "to imagine that only wealthy adults have the right to the joy of adopting babies. There are many babies who would be much happier in the modest home of a humble work- man." Secrecy which surrounded child- placing and adoption of neglected and orphaned children has now been wiped away, these experts agreed. "Honesty is a far better policy" Mr. Heise said. "There is a disastrous kick-back in cases where a child has been adopted and learns that his foster-parents are not his real parents. We encourage parents to tell their children." "Most of our children call their foster- par- ents 'aunt' and 'uncle',"" Miss Gorrie said. MARSH HILL Mr. and Mrs. White and children of Port Perry, spent Sunday with Mr. Robert Scott. Mrs. Roy Hood spent Sunday with her 'mother who had underwent an operation in Toronto Hospital. We understand she is improving. Mr. Andrew Graham Davidson spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. Wilmot Gregg made a business trip to Toronto last week. ------ No school this week on account of the teacher being sick. Most of the farmers have finished seeding around here, © Mr. Geo. Colwell was in Toronto last week on business, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Grey, of Leask- dale, spent Sunday at Mr. Jas, Car- negie's, Wy NOT A MEASURING CUP TO BE' ALSO A CAP OR STOPPER FOR EXTRACT BOTTLES ETC. CAN IT BE DONE? J! Do you think this Idea is practical? Write Ray Gross In care of this newspaper 980000000000 0000800000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000 000 0iee000e0itsetoiststeiessed 13 SPECIAL NEXT WEEK i WINTER COATS CLEANED AND PRESSED | $1.00 EACH 3 OSHAWA LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING CO., Ltd. : Phone 143 (Mrs. Cooney Agent). We call and deliver 232333233433 >e 1606000000000 $32 ph adh dh de adh hh dt dah dat die A ON Al A lA YOUR HOME IS YOUR CASTLE Admit only clean, constructive news by reading THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR A Daily Newspaper for the Home It gives all the constructive world news but does not exploit erime and scandal. Hays interesting feature pages for all the family on Women's Activities, Homemaking, Gardens, Bducation and Books. Also pages for the Children and Young Folks, Vigorous editorials and an interpretation of news in the "March of the Nations' Column are of special Interest to men, a The Chilstian Science Plblishin Society ails One, Norway ree oston, Massac Please enter my subscription to The Christian 8clence Monitor for a per! 0 x months; 480 Shtmoneh "ile : Name, ,,,.. ER EE EE EEA TEL BUCO. cuusuvivvsnsviovassinieivines Sasabeoiorenistosnsassnsiossivisanaisresess ClbY veo vvorovanennin suarinais avin I LT LS TPR TY TT LLL LLL LLL) Al DDD DDDDDDDDDDDDSDD Sample Copy on Request TT had a large number present. Those who have the interest of the com- to see so mahy turning out to the services at the Church. The Young People's Society at Bethesda purpose holding their regu- lar meeting next Friday night instead of Wednesday. It will be in the form of a social night. The convener for the night being Mr. John Dyer, and he-has been scouring the neighbour: hood for suitable talent. We can assure all who attend a splendid time. Come and you will not be disappoint- ed. i SONYA day night and report a good time. sorry to hear he is not so well. their father on Sunday. Miss: Christena Thorburn is with Mrs. M. Milne who is improving after her recent illness. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ferguson were in Lindsay one day last week. Miss Kathleen McPhail is in Oak- wood where she is taking care of Mrs, Ernest Harrison, a former resident ol Sonya. : Our Y..P. S, had the pleasure of visiting the Y. P. S. of St. John's Church, Port Perry, last Tuesday night. Mrs, I. R. Bentley, President, in a pleasing a' manner welcomed our young. people after devotional exer- more. The church service at night munity at heart are much encouraged | A number from here attended the supper ad play held at Wick on Fri- Friends of Mr. J. Brown will be Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brown visited Mrs. Simkin and daughter Miss Doris 'were visitors with relatives in Islington. Miss Reba Christie of Oshawa spent Sunday with. her 'Aunt, Mrs, L.|- Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reader and family of Toronto were - Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Masters. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Percy and son Harold, also Mr. D. Broom and son, Norman spent Sunday .with relatives and friends in Pickering. * Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. .G. Ross were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Flewell, of Manchester, Mr. and Mrs. F. Sanderson of Chalk Lake, Mr. T, Ryan of Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sykes of Oshawa and Mr. Sanford Richman of Coboconk. J Mrs. Long, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison and Gordon were Sunday vsitors of relatives at Seagrave. Mrs. E. Cross and .daughters, Evelyn and Phyllis were Sunday visit- ors at Havelock. The Sectional meeting of the W. M. S. was well attended and much en- Jjoyed by an apreciative audience. There was a'good attendance at the meeting of the W. A. which was held at the home of Mrs. O. H. Downey last week. A grand start was made on the new autograph quilt 4 they are making. wa The "Star's" Job Depart- ment is well equipped, let us quote prices on your next 1808000000008 00000000000000000000000000000% 00000000000 80000000000000000000000000000ttioieottsttttoeitteiieistsssissstssnes Good Baking at Reasonable Prices | 2 | 8 Page Eight ¢ . a, 1 TY Ee bis = = © = ? EAT EN ADOPT-A-CHILD-WEEK ENER AL NEWS A CHAIN LETTER é. 5 : Gh ¢ Hl 4 1-4 er G You have probably read a great : Ae: : y Vv EA Give Every Boy and Girl fa hence deal of late & to chain letters, and : ; THE CHOICE OF GOOD M TS When thinking of the thousands o A i tburst of loyalt reeted | wonder what it is all about. We here i See : a oki i are n overwhelming spontaneous outburst of loy g \ : happy rollicking, fun-loving and care} 0 vd dies" when they took another. unscheduled drive] publish a copy of.a letter received by IS EASY IF YOU BUY ; free children in the beautiful homes) yy) 003 "0 "Bast End of London to see the Jubilee decorations. |one of our citizens: = ; of this grand old Province of Ontario, 1 Fh ooo Ml abeth, daughter of the Duke and Duchess ot PROSPERITY CLUB i do not forget the many, very manyly "companied them. In God We Trust : -- FROM -- ' children in this sa" wealthy old Pre. So secret, were the Royal plans kept that even police were un- rs Netors ood eles) , 2% vince that have been abused, neglect-1o oo fro 470 the arrangement. On several occasions the Royal oh Nive Charit * | REGOR a | 3 ed, forgotten and in many instances car was stopped by traflic lights. Fora oy -- MI Ye "ons 3 on ; BERT MacG : E - shapdoiied hy thelr, paroiits OF Les Their Majesties received a particularly enthusiastic reception Thera Be A OAC. SROWING MAS : relatives. The Honourable Mr. Crolf opi atown' and the Dockland, where crowds were so dense the pb re five copies SALT GROATS PF --------el 4 wants all suitable babies, now in thet Fo) Fob almost to a standstill. Men, women and children |. Within ays, N25 ye sans ; ; ; 8 &) Cliiren's Tomes ov so-called iSheh. cheering wildly, surged about it, some of them jumping on the align saving © Bd jo ad BUCKWHEAT FLOUR -, TT --_----, oo 7 x : at ers oi he Province, adopted during Wed - and adding' your own a - : 8 ; fhe week of May. "They hava FUNNInE-boArds. i : Ln a gusting) Assure Yourself of the Best + white walls . i 0 riends to . in. a nn ie bute yan to Three shops and two dwellings are under seizure, and scores mad A wn BREAD FLOUR ; S , no ror . . . . Y : : 0 x . insti ution eed hich| of other Cobalt properties, including the Ste. Therese Separate In omitting the top name, send that PURINA PRODUCTS By having our driver call todeliver your needs in anh to, none of el prectiie, hp School, are in danger of the same treatment, as the latest feature prion. ton ails (106) Vrapied Th d P t longs to youth. Let us try to take] ©t i . = 4 f . ry i : a of the shelter and| of the legal battle helng ih isd on by the Town of Cobalt and the Taper, or 14 tents in pnused SENDS | at J Bread, Cakes, an as ry a . ' se Rouyn Mines Limited. (postage) as a charity donation. > i give them a chance for normal, happy La Rosc fi wh tend i six Cobalt lease-| (Postage y ) home lives. Make them not wards, Dothan) Sor is inte Sa a Dijotysis 0 of ground All five copies are to le Guniiealed Lake Seugog Milling Co Fresh and Well Made but sons and daughters." hinlders on 120p y d der the terms of the|®™ th 10D Tae: Lo he oMVAAL i the d you will receive the best value rent totalling more than $12,000 and under the te 18] come onesch copy. You will send and ¥ : Something of the care with yy seizures, the occupants are given five days in which to settle, fail- only Gus Loi Fant: phous to that purebn for your money Sha 4 is good ; ; 4 s babies are placed in adoption was de-} sir woods and chattels will be sold. : business to give ' . : scribed by B. W. Heise, Superintend-| "8 ¥ hich heir sn gi A phe gn as your son & Hutchinson, Ba ers ; ent of Children's Aid Societies, B. E. N Hpk ' . sold | a orld celebrities don't show up for the Texas Centennial in y o Mills, Torohio Bey Ovildvens So Se Sud big Spy of invitations. The State Senate did hs en oils im PHONE 98, - - PORT PERRY Sietys Wig Homloon Goole, Direct: it part today by sending an invitation to King George and all other Now--is this worth 10c. to you? A. WARIDEL, Manager ' = . : oo . oe or of the. Diotestant Chadeily Home, bers of Britain's Royal family H the faith your friends had NE ' a cou , : - and Miss J. V. Moberly, Secretary ox members o ¢ : y 4 J hl: id as i Rg ne broken. - io a . . : : 3 I J? 1) i . > ( 8 / hdd . A s - Ee on poe Marshall Joseph Pilsudski, Polish Dictator and Minister of] Cast your bread upon the water and i rn] ip (iii. Pasteurized Products 2 u r + 2 S . A Sayan o y . N | v onya pres . ; L "drive" during "Adopt a Buby Week." | War, died on i i pt tt Of B30 emu Git tha eS Jp Tot civ fo yon contests and a dainty lunch Mrs. S. While agreeing that not all the lished him as leader of his al . * : McFarlane and Miss A. Wikiansen j ; 7 thousand children in Provincial 5 . . : i Le : moved a hearty vote of thanks to i - BEST. Phone your orders - : shelters are suitable for adoption, all| Blossom Sunday traffic over No. 8 Highway or he gases EPSOM. , young people of Port Perry for their ARE SAFEST AND 8 th t y : oh 2 so thal thusninsg, wentiood teongh- {#100 101, {00a 20 diferent EH the oy Sen ved 1621 gracious welcome and the splendid to 238. @ do the res . IS . ; ; i 'ni dinner the count show Next Sunday, May 19th, the hours : A » out Ontario, hundreds of sweet young | not so heavy m the morning, a % > . : ay, y way they entertained us. e hi ely wn ome wh | ea pass the same point. Trafic was also exCoptionally | he pecs Seton Shoot a re. James Muneo has bean i PORT PERRY DAIRY could add joy and bliss to many a|2040 cars passed tr : ial : CIRORIR roe DUNIRY IC : on in Sun- : ; : bilo Tis Be ! heavy on No. 20 Highway, a few miles south on the Ridge Road, | 10.30 a.m., Preaching service at 11.30 heb Ale A. Fergus G OWEN Proprietor ; Phone 238 or : r 3 . ar ) : : er ' 3 is : 3 Miss Moberly said that there would- {Atop the Niagara escarpment. ia A ot) ste, ont Mes. Bruce Hawtin sway 3s NE YX al Yy k n't be any difficulty in adopting hun- a . ) i : d ibid ; son were in Lindsay on Saturday. ° : --_-- -- = : S---- dreds" of available babies if adults Members of the Dominion Cabinet are somewhat uneasy | 2.30 p.m. Epsom Sunday School at grein 1h bo Na) . ' mis -_ os a i bout reports from London, England, concerning -the physical 10.30 a.m. and preaching at 7.30 p.r.}] Rev. and Mrs. Kennedy were in : i rome Bild than they | dition. of the Prime Minister of Canada, Right Hon. R. B.| All are cordially invites to any and] Lins on Thursday night. "\ 1C ED. | do about themselves when 'planning condition of the Prime hiiste ' gn CT 11 he i Str ie . | 3 O F FIC ; . 8 an adoption. Bennett. * x * b ol dei ve trangers Tigh oF >---- 23 A. Ah ATH AP ; a ad aE fear engin Big h dies 7 {sa wand att . . : hs . .. | heartily welcomed. é EAR A iE UE LE LIAR HEE PE vein ; 4 be : od 2 chen ay Sad-faced men and women walked around in a daze in Spring- The- fortnightly prayer meeting at} Myrtle Station [© 1 nave'moved my Insurance Office to my' residence on - : INE; wl0 ) ' va | field, seeking vainly for some one to buy their chain letters. Epsom appointment will be in'chargel °° t- Sunday. will beat 81] «un ping ent tener Lr 'will find us. fully equipped Sauabie for et Ei pdr, * kX : . i of Mr. Frank Millman. The date 1s Setles eas HEAD ei Bigelow Street, where. you. us. eq ee: if not in" Toronto then in outside ET " izinal d-| Thursday. T ) ake 4t int] pm. and wi 0, ' ides Hak "reed. Phone 41 foe Yr Springfield's "pass-a-buck" development of the original "sen ay. Try and make it a poin . fter your insurance need. one'4l. enres, large Sper jo bin a-dime" idea was backfiring. Those who got in early reaped some |to be present. Your presence will i of aw of 1 oi 0 logle 11g your In dP who _ are mentally and physically i | RRA . . : : ed : chool a e us . am. RAR ' " tha, Zim Ghia we li wofit ; others apparently were left waiting for returns. . gratify us and we are sure it will do 1g \ : : ; slishle for Hopson bt Seal ones ! A you good. Our prayer meetings have] A splendid Mother's Day pegs HAROLD W. EMMERSON hose TN ini be -- - -- ars oes eT ------ aroused a great deal of interest in]was enjoyed by a Sop hpi e a ' : y e care of the shelter until suitable p ing. e song ? : : : 2 far : ry» the community and the numbers are]last Sunday evening. ° : 5 5 placing-out homes are found. In such| ¢, A AY I i B Di DON E ? - By Ray Gross constantly growing. "| the girls was much enjoyed, also the 3 Y cases, the society pigs the foster) . are-- -- Mother's Day-- services -- were well | fine- boys* choir. Great-credit-is-due | f = ; : parent for the care given the child, / A i recognized last Sunday. Mrs. Harry|the committee in charge of the gS RT : | he stated. { Barber, a gifted speaker from Ux-|gram. Rev W. E. Honey gave the PORT PERRY COAL YAR It isnt only a matter of finding| | | |bridge, spoke to a well filled church |address, using for his subject Honor : : : suitable babies for homes that want il | |at Bethesda. The children as well ag| Thy Father and Thy Mother". " C | : ; them but after childless couples have a ) the grown-ups listened most atten-| The local branch of the W. M 8. New Low Prices on oa applied and have had the 1.Q., physi- i ) tively to the message she brought.|will hold their regular monthly meet- ; ; . Nut and Stove cal and social history of several child- ; : i { |The Junior Quartette sang very ac- ing at the home of Mrs. Levi Tordiff, We wish to announce a new low price oR u bP ren investigated, the prospective] !' j ceptably; Dean Rusnell and Lloyd|in Brooklin, next Tuesday, May 21st, Coal of $13.50 a ton. The same good quali ¥ S Sh i guardians, too, must undergo a thor-{~ /./ j Parish sank a duet; and Agnes Mills, instead -of this Thursday as was pre- Reading Anthracite that we have always supplied. b yy : ough' test of their own social back-| jt Wylda Ward and Morley Parish read | viously announced. while this price is in effect would mean a very substan ground,. habits, character and stand- i! ! : | appropriate pieces. These are all Mr. David Broome is visiting this saving on your next winter's supply. ing. "That" said Mr. Heise, "is for Ji il children of Beethesda Sunday School week with his daughter, Mrs. C. Red- SEMET SOLVAY COKE--Nut size, $11.50 a ton. the protestion of both foster-parents ii i" and a great deal of talent was dis- man at Smithfield, and child." } j 3 iH played. It was remarked more than Myr .and Mrs. Bert Moran and fam. HARDWOOD AND SOFTWOOD. mr Nog wr ge a i I of i 8 is tid ily of Demorestville, spent ay Vie CEMENT--A fresh carload of St. Mary's Cement just 4 : : 5 ii : . and Mrs. Luther : ; > welfare stated, that the two year pro- ! { ! but that some famous man or woman gad hh Mri. on ceived this week. Also fresh LIME and HARDW : r bation period might be reduced so| !! H may proudly remark that Bethesd ! ' "Johnston and Mr: PLASTER. TILE. : that the necessary final legal papers I I} was his or her home. It would be a Mr. and Mrs. Ses " 2 dy ; : could 'be. obtained more readily. "It| }!{ !s splendid thing if the parents of the Cores Nom ol ne A s YARD " isn't a matter of getting a child," Mr. j / /1 | neighbourhood would come to the o'ph Henry OL LiTono, | i . Heise explained, "It's getting THE ] i y church and make it their church home. | uests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 2 Bence PORT PERRY COAL . : 1 child which best fits into the partic- : _--- J Quite a large crowd was at Epsom| Mr. and Mrs. MacCory of Toronto i " g 3 ular home." i j{ |Sunday School, nearly 80 being pre.|weer Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Phones--94 W and 94 J. "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" . Mr. Mills and Miss Gorrie endorsed i! MEASURING Cup CAP i sent. There is still room for many | R. M. Jewell. : . this view. "It's folly," said the lat- :: il bi A ) { ° is Our Policy a Give us a trial --you won't be | dissappointed | a | Gerrow Brothers § M. A. GERROW G. M. GERROW {i . Lifebuoy Shaving Cream Printing Job, 7 rus . a cake of Lifebuoy soap with every pkg. of shaving cream, 86c. Moth-Gas Saves you all worry from moths, 65c. pkg. of 6 coils, or 15¢. coil Crazy Water Crystals 76¢c. small package, $1.25 large package.) Bel-Zema i The new remedy for « Try a bottle. If not satisfied re- i turn the empty bottle and get your money back. LJ 'Moon Glow Nail-Polish : Made in Hollywood, cream or clear in six different shades, 29c. * Morrison's Drug Store 1 Port Perry Phone 16 Ontario | .

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