Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Apr 1935, p. 8

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i -------- OT _ day, March 28, " T % = rr a PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1936 pre m---- . -- EPSOM The Ladies' Aid of the Epsor Church had a most pleasant afternoo when they were entertained at th home of Mrs. Roy Medd last Thurs Upwards of fift vere present and came from each ap- pointment on the circuit. The re- freshments provided were much en- i~ved and all felt that a most profit- 'me had been spent. These eetings are held on the last Thurs- 'ay in each month and usually at the . of one of the friends. All the 'ies of the community are cordially ited whenever these Aids are held. 1 ¢ Friday evening March 20th, a ~st pleasant time was spent in mory Hall, at Utica, when a play presented by the Young People he United Church, entitled "Let's All Get Married." The hall was well filled and the programme much en- joyed. The Ladies' Aid of Utica pro- vided a tasty lunch. A mystery box was auctioned and sold for $2.60. A Dutch quilt was also sold. It was bid , t» and purchased at $7.00. The .riends were all pleased at the success of the entertainment in every way. The topic for discussion at the Social evening on Wednesday night at Bethesda this week will be: "What can be done that will improve our cociety? These meetings are grow- ing and creating quite an interest in the locality. Young people are quite welcome and a most profitable time is always spent. RES a A aR CHALK LAKE Mr. Wallace Trull is moving from the town line to the hotel in Ashburn this week. Jn The Ladies' Guild met in the base- ment of Burn's Church, Ashburn, on Wednesday last. The Guild and the W. M. S. have decided to hold two separate meetings in place of one as formerly. Sorry to hear that so many of the school children have had to miss school due to coughs and the flu. Elva Ashton entertained a few ot her school friends at her birthday party on Saturday afternoon. } It is reported that Mr. Ed. Lee has rented the Riseborough farm. A number from the Lake attended the euchre and dance in Myrtle Hall on Friday night. Those who attended report a good crowd and good time, This community lost one of its most highly respected citizens, when Mr. John Stuttaford passed away on Friday last. Mr. Stuttaford had been ill for nearly a week, but at.the time of his death was feeling better and -- was helping his son Gordon cut some wood. When he took his heart at- tack and died amost instantly. The sympathy of the community is ex- tended to the family and friends of Mr. Stuttaford in their recent sad bereavement. SCUGOG The Women's Association will hold their April meeting on Tuesday the 9th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hardy, it being group 1 of the Foot ladies in charge.. The program is be- ing prepared by Mrs. J. Demara and Mrs. D. Hope. We hope to see a large attendance. & The Junior Girls' Institute will hold their April meeting on Saturday after- noon the 6th, with an interesting Spring programme. Motto: Pussywillow had a secret that the snowdrop whispered to her, And she purred it to the South wind, while it stroked her velvet fur. And the south wind hummed it softly to the busy honey bees, And they buzzed it to the blossoms on the scarlet maple trees, And these dropped it to the wood. brooks brimming full of melted snow, And the brooks told Robin redbreast as they chattered to and fro', Little Robin could not keep it so he sung it loud and clear To the sleepy fields and meadows. Wake up! cheer up! Spring is hear. By Aleta Reader. Roll call--What I have :found most helpful in our Junior Institute. Ad- dress--Birds--Lillian Fralick. De- monstration--Menu for pre-school child--Leona Prentice. Exhibit-- Bird pictures, copies of famous pic- tures--Edna Madget. Music--Mar- garet Crozier and Jean Hood, Hos- tess--Township Hall. Everyone come as this is the next to the last meet- ing of the season. Mrs. J. L. Sweetman visited with in Toronto last week. - Miss Grace Demara visited her friend Miss Florence Carter over the week end. -< A number of the neighbours spent a very enjoyable afternoon at the par- sonage quilting and tleing 'a eouple of quilts but before the second one was finished we were called to the dining room where we sure did justice to the good things which we all enjoyed very much, also the social time together. Mrs. R. Carter visited relatives in Toronto over the week end. Mr. Harold Williams, of Whitby, visited his aunt Mrs. J. A. Sweetman and other friends here last week. is making his annual calls, Mr. 8. Sweetman is sporting a new truck. Mr. Glen Elford is spending a few weeks with his parents at the parson- age. Mrs. W. Mark, of Shirley, is visiting her daughter Mrs, H. Carnochan for a few days. : Mr. D. Hope accompanied Mr. C. Cook to Toronto on Monday. Mr. Roy Dodsley has hired with Mr. Beacock fo rthe season. Mr. and Mrs, E. Ploughman and Audrey, were Sunday guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. G. Samells. Misses Tillie and Eunice Lee, of Ashburn, were recent visitors of Mr. and R. D. Burnham, Mr. Norman Shunk, Mr. H. Carn- ochan and Allie Mark are busy build- ing a driving shed for Mr. J. Boyko. Quite a number of friends gathered at the home of Mr. J. Reader last Thursday evening to welcome Mr. and Mrs. J. Reader home from their honey- moon. The music was furnished by tin pan, cow bells and other such in- struments. Johnnie waited until a late hour to come home and was surprised when he arrived and found the "gang" awaiting them, Miss M. Dalton, of Enniskille Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, F. Brown are enter- taining Scugog friends in the Town- ship Hall every evening this week. Monday evening was the first show, with a large attendance. lovely prizes of chinaware with their tickets. themselves. getting the largest number of votes will receive a set of dishes. Mr. C. Hardy visited in Toronto one day last week. Glad to see so many to the Com- and they heard a good sermon. MARSH HILL wood around here. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wagg and child- ren, of Uxbridge, spent Saturday evening at Russell Acton's, Mr. Anson Swanick spent the week end with friends in the city. . Mrs. Chas. Glide has been visiting with friends in Toronto. A good]puiber attended the church service on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Merrick and fam- ily, spent Sunday in Toronto with their daughter Mrs. John Tunney. Mr. Andrew Graham Davidson, spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Cory Hood, of Osh- awa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hood. RAE a oa SONYA The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held at the Manse on Wednesday, March 27th, The presi- dent, Mrs, C. McKague, presided. The meeting opened by singing a hymn and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. Bruce Mawkins read the Bible lesosn, Mrs. D. Lunney gave a reading. A vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs. Kennedy for the use of her home for the meeting. Lunch was served at the close of the pro- gramme and a social half hour spent. Mrs. N. Rutherford is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. McPhail. Rev. J. and Mrs, Kennedy were in Toronto on Thursday when they kind- ly took provisions and a quilt to the Scott Institute from this community. Mr. and Mrs, Neil Ferguson were in Toronto last week. Miss Mildred Prentice has gone to Toronto, where she has entered the General Hospital to train for a nurse. We wish her every success. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gorrell enter tained a number of their friends on Saturday evening. : Mr. and Mrs, Cookman are moving to Cresswell this week. We are sorry wish for them health and happiness in their new home, ; Mr, Stewart Graham our asseasor, | Mr. Orval Ashton and his friend were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. O. Jeffr n, Several won Everyone seemed to enjoy On Saturday the lady munion service on Sunday morning, Mr. Fred Thoms has been sawing to lose them from the community, but doors. There, after all, lies value! basically the same reli- able unit that establish- ed Pontiac's reputation. In improvements only can you tell the differ- ONTIAC'S new streamline almost tells the story of this car's smooth performance. But not quite! Let's take for granted that Pontiac is the smartest looking car of the year; that it is low- . priced. Let's look beneath the beauty of the car . . . under the hood . . . inside the Pontiac's engine is - Lift the Hood..Open the Door! Value ia evenywhene in the lew PONTIAC SIX AND STRAIGHT HIGHT Wo)", "A of {eq Cy SOLID STEEL TURRET TOP C HYDRAULIC BRAKES RA EN | Jemison & Hutchinson, Bakers G. OWEN, Proprietor. ~~ THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS IS EASY IF YOU BUY : -- FROM -- at BERT MacGREGOR a ------€_e€_gdp kL Start the New Year RIGHT By having our driver call to deliver your needs in Bread, Cakes, and Pastry Fresh and Well Made PORT PERRY site uets ARE SAFEST AND BEST. Phone your orders to 238. We do the rest. PORT PERRY DAIRY Phone 238 PHONE 98, - ' Pasteurized Pro wf! hee PRICED $ : rr $936 (for the Standard Six 2-Pass. Coupe) Delivered at factory, Oshawa, Ont., fully equipped. Freight and Government license only extra. Prices of 8-cylinder models at factory begin at $1185. r bd ence! Pontiac's interiors are finished in rich upholstery; expensively fitted for satisfying comfort and convenience. Throughout the Six and Eight you will discover extra-value features not available in competitive cars. Every- ~ OFFICE MOVED I have moved my Insurance Office to my residence on Bigelow Street, where you will find us fully equipped 4 to look after your insurance need. Phone 41. HAROLD W. EMMERSON where is evidence of an honest endeavor to give full worth for the money you invest in Pontiac. Why not . prove this by 'seeing and driving the new models on display at our showrooms? A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE i . PORT PERRY P-65C ee a + er ere te ree FREDERICK SINCLAIR CORRIGAN The following was taken from "Who's Who in Canada': Frederick Sinclair Corrigan--Vice- president and General Manager, Gen- eral Steel Wares, Ltd., Toronto, Ont.; Director, North American Life Assur- | anace Co.; Director, Canada Perma- nent Mortgage Ccorporation; Director, British Northwestern Fire Insurance Co., was born in Port Perry, Ont, April 24, 1878, son of Thomas S, and Elizabeth (Sinclair) Corrigan. Edu- cated in Toronto Public Schools and Jarvis Collegiate, Junior, Sheet Metal Products Co., Toronto, 1897; occupied various positions until 1902, when he became Secretary and Vice-President, 1910, and President, 1919. Was made Geénral Manager, Sheet Metal Pro- ducts Co., 1912; Vice-President, 1919; upon formation of General Steel Wares, 1027, was appointed Vice- President and General Manager. Mar- ried Marta Wickens, daughter of the late-W. E. Wickens, of Toronto, Sept. 17, 1908; has one son and two daughters, Clubs: . National; R.C. -Y. C.; Granite; Scarboro and Lambton Golf. Recreation: Golf. Conserva- tive. United Church of Canada. Resi- dence: 70 Roxborough Drive, Toronto. "RAGLAN Mr. Will Heron, of Brooklin, is pressing hay and straw for a few of the farmers this week. The many friends of Mrs. Wm. Luke are sorry to hear of her continued ill- nes, and wish her a speedy and com- plete recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Avery visited the latter's brother Mr. W. J. Ormiston, of Enfield, who is ill and also Mrs. J. J. Ormiston, of Oshawa, who is very ill Mrs. Evans has returned home after spending a couple of days with friends in Toronto. : Mr. Gordon Johns has returned to Mr. Geo. Wilson's again, after spend- | ESS EIEN ing several months with relatives in England. Mises Ila and Ruby Wilson, Mr. F. Cox, of Oshawa, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson. Mr, and Mrs. Will May, Mr. and Mrs. Bert May, Mr. aud Mrs. L. May, all of Goodwood, spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pilkie. Sorry to hear that Mrs. I. Ormiston underwent a serious operation last Friday in Toronto General Hospital. We understand she is doing as well as can be expected. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs, Cartwright of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cart- wright, here. re A number from here attended the euchre and dance held at Myrtle. Mr. Chas. Luke spent one day last week in Toronto. Mr. Ormiston and son George spent Sunday with Mrs. Ormiston, in To- ronto. Mrs. Stacey, of Prospect, spent one day last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Babcock. Mr, Clayton Miller, of Little Britain, is spending some time with his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller. * Little Ronald Kellington is spending a héliday with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs, Fred Pierson. : The Women's Association are quilt- ing their wrench quilt in the hall on Thursday. They hope for a good gathering. , Mr. Lloyd Thompson, of Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. Grose, "Many farms are being re-leased in this vicinity, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Squelch are moving onto the Notting- ham farm; Mr. and Mrs. Slute are moving onto. Mr. B. Rahm's farm, va- cated by Mr, Squelch. Mr, and Mrs. Meredith Dring are moving onto the farm vacated by Mr. Slute. PORTPERRY COALYARD Let us look after your fuel needs. We can supply you with all different sizes and kinds of fuel required. FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE--That Better Pen- nsylvania Hard Coal--you can always be sure of get- ting uniform, good coal when you order Famous Reading Anthracite--Stove, Nut and Pea sizes. COKE--Hamilton By-Product (now called Hamco Dustless coke), or Semet Solvay Coke. Nut and Range sizes. WELSH COAL -- SCOTCH COAL -- CANNEL COAL STEAM COAL = BLOWER COAL--For your Blower. We can supply you with Welsh Blower or Scotch Blower Coal. HARDWOOD -- SOFTWOOD -- CEMENT. --LIME--TILE PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" Phones--94 W and 94 J. FOR SALE AT THE your oats and have them hulled at reasonable cost. Pastry and Bread Flour Purina Products All kinds of grain taken in exchange =. We handle ingredients for mixing mash and rations A. WARIDEL, Manager + TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until Friday, April Groats | Lake Scugog Milling Co |: Whole or Rolled. , Bring in|} Chick Starter, Bran, Shorts, 0300000008000 00080080000000000000000s0sssisotissonsoiirssstnsssansstansesascecastasanassasyy Gerrow Brothers, Bakery We offer you good service, and it "will pay you to leave your baking vocooned worries to us. We can supply all your Bread and Pastry needs. M. A. GERROW G. M. GERROW ) Wampole's Bel-Zema An entirely new product for eczema and skin disorders. If you are not entirely satisfied after using a bottle - just return the empty bottle and get your money back. Vinolia, Pure Castile (floating) : Eight Cakes for 2bc. Formaldehyde for treating grain 30c. per pint, 12th, for the shingling of the Union School on the 1st concession of Brock, Tenders must be for first-class cedar shingles, 4% inches exposed to the weather; or Grade A asphalt. Tend- ers to include all necessary material and work to complete a firat class job, Work to be completed during Easter week. Write to Weasley Croaler, Sec. Treasurer, R.R. 2, Blackwater, Ont. Dr. Bell's Veterinary Medical Wonder One Dollar per box. Morrison's Drug Store Port Perry Ontario --_. ' Phone 16 Wom 3 Fy 4 ¢ ' 1 &< 9 poll a I EA 1} | =, [ 4 ® Sif »,.

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