a > S TBAT OUE Fok 5 ay Oy RE EG RR VR TL ET EE BV ER EE #4 7 oA fy - ci ALSO CORNS ON HIS HANDS And now the gay suburbanite, Expending his last nickel, Proceeds to carry home at night 1 Hoe : 1 Rake "ts 1 Sickle His garden is 'well under way. And if he keeps on working, He'll have on some late summer day 1 Beet 1 Squash 1 Gherkin, A The sun is rising a little earlier each morning, but all our efforts here to induce the younger generat- jon to imitate this excellent example, have so far proved unavailing. King Arthur--Lancelot, old bean, how much'll you take for your suit of armor? Lancelot--Three cents an ounce-- it's first class mail, boss. Never forget that you will oc- casionally run on to a thoroughly no account man who is a most bril- liant and ready talker, His the Jones--Poor old Smothers! wife threw his clothes out of bedroom window, this morning. Jenkins--Well, I don't-think that's very serious, Jones--But followed suit. poor old Smothers A woman has amended the Lord's Prayer to read: "Give us this day our daily bread--sliced." Professor--Now this plant belongs to the begonia family. Visitor--Ah, yes, and you're look- ing after it for them while they're away on a holiday. If it's for a rest the girls flock South each winter, they sure get it if there is as little on their minds as on their backs. Caller--What is your little man? "Little Man--It's Lemuel + Oscar Manifold Overshap Muchmore. Caller--Who ever gave you a long name like that? Little Man--I ain't found out who's the blame yet, but I'm on their trail, and when I catch 'em, there's going to"be a murder. name, my { As Mark Twain said, when some men discharge an obligation you can Bear the report for miles. Quintuplets, Ltd. Ontario proposes to assume carg of the Dionne quintuplets under 2a law which will establish them as "special wards of His Majesty the King." . . Until the girls reach their majority at 18 the conduct of their lives and the safeguarding of their interests will be a public concern. What will happen then if all survive is an interesting subject for speculation, If their status in the world intensifies in them that deep sympathy which novelists so of- ten find binds spiritually children of multiple birth they will not be able easily to endure the thought of sep- aration. The usual thing for girls in their circumstances to do is to marry early and sustain the French Can- adian reputation for fecundity But ghough as individual infants the Di- onnes are reported to be normal babies, as quintuplets they have a unique. place. Their well-wishers should pray that they may have al- ways the guidance of Dr. Dafoe or, that failing them, of another ad- wiser as sensible as he is. y If they pass into the hands of experiment-mad specialists their lot will be doleful. If they fall victims go a personnel director obsessed with the value of charts and rec ords, they will not have much time for fun, whatever their notion of fun may be. If, despite all that can be done to save them, they are vic- gims to commercialism--already the fantastics of big businéss in the form of @ suit for a million dollars, and charges of bad faith envelop ghem---their lot will indeed be mis- erable. - One thing only is sure. Of all the babies in the world, they are the only ones who need not worry about their future so far as it con- cerns material things, Emperors may abdicate, thrones may fall, dominions may secede, re- publics may crumble, but whoever and whatever exercises sovereignity 'will see to it that proper food, cloth- ing and shelter are found tor the Dionne quintuplets. "Of no scion of a royal house, of no pride of a millionaire's nursery, can the same be sail, -- New York Sun. 'flesh forming round the hips | know. Made in Canada. Keep your Figure from becoming "Qutsize" When a woman begins to lose her figure, she frequently Reta her first hint of it in the ress department. The assistant tactfully says, "I'll shave to let it out a little here, Maddm." A month of two later it prébably means "putting in extra ful- ness." 3 If extra inches are threaten- ing your girlish lines, you can profit by the experience of the woman who wrote the follow. 8 ing: --"l am now 40 years of [7 age, when many women find an and thighs and on the back of the neck. I have avoided all that since taking Kruschen Salts, and feel quite graceful and youthful, and so ° fresh in the mornings. Kruschen really is wonderful."--(Mrs.) K.U. Kruschen is an ideally-balanced blend of various mineral salts. It assists the internal organs to per- form 'their functions properly--to throw off each day those waste pro- Spoil the Line COULD YOU LET IT OUT TO FIT? YES-BUT I'M AFRAID IT WILL SPOIL THE LINE MADAM, ducts and poisons which, if allowed to accumulate, are apt to give rise to various ailments. Get a bottle of Kruschen Salts (45¢ or 7bc) from any Drug Store, and take a half-a teaspoonful in a tumbler of hot water every morning. TELEVISION Cannot Be Made Popular In U.S." Without Sacrifice Of Many Sound Programs. Pasadena, Cal.--Crowding of the wave bands by the present sound ] A Law Every Mother Should Know ana Observe Never Give Your Child An Unknown Remedy without Asking Your Doctor First i Qe According to. any doctor you ask, the only safe way is never to give your child a remedy. you don't know 'all about, without asking him first. When it comes to "milk of magnesia,' that you know every- where, for over 60 years, doctors have said "PHILLIPS' Milk of Magnesia for your child." So--always say Phillips' {hen you buy. And, for your own peace of mind, see that your child gets this; the finest men You can assist others by refusing § to accept a substitute for the genuine Phillips' Milk of Mag- nesia, Do thisin the i. interest of yourself andyour children --and in the in- terest of the public in general, PHILLIPS' Milk Magnesia. Kennedy & Menton . 421 College St. Toronto Harley-Davidson Distributors and Used 'Parts Write at once for our bargain list. of 'used motorcycles, Terms arranged. eg -- -I sound radio also suffers. broadcasts, and not technical diffi- culties, was blamed by Prof. S. S. Mackeown of the California Insti: tute of Technology for the fact that this country is lagging behind Eng- land in television. Professor Mackeown, electrical authority, said radio listeners could have television today, provided they sacrificed their sound programs at the rate of 100 for each television broadcast. Television requries a wave band 100 times wider than sound broad- casting; he explained, and for this reason he has been shovaxd up into the high frequency channels. In high frequencies television carries only 25 or 30 miles, a range un- profitable for commercial stations. "If television were permitted in the wave bands now reserved for 'sound broadcasting, a 'picture broad- cast' would carry around the world easily," Professor Mackeown assert- ed. "Apparatus we now have is ade- quate for good broadcasts at lower frequencies, though subject to 'fad- ing' and other defects from which "However, it is doubtful that lis- teners will sacrifice 100 sound pro- grams for a' single one of pictures. "The only alternative is a large number of stations placed 30 miles apart--about one hundred to bridge the country. Until capital is avail- able for this large project, we'll have to wait." ren }~ DECLINE IN BIRTHS WORRIES BRITAIN Will Tend To Affect Popu- lation If Reduction Con- tinues. London:--The census bureau in a statistical review issued recently drew attention to the declining birth-rate in Britain. "If an appreciable increase in the birth-rate does not take place, the future growth of the population will tend to diminish up to a stage in which reduction .in the population will occur," the review said. It noted, however, that the life- span Had extended in Britain. Whereas, in 1921 there were 844 persons in 10,000 more than 70 Jesee of age, in 1932 the figure was The Full Vitamin Va 1FIGHT GERMS, IMVITAMIN A, Generations have proved the body-building, energy-giving power of pure cod liver oil Generations, too, have proved that Scott's Emul- ives you all these, PLUS easier assimilation; ipleasanter 'taste, and the osphites of lime and soda. only in Scott's Emulsion, sion of Cod Liver Oil added value of hypo, PLUS values fo ~ p-- THE COD LIVER OIL WITH THE PLUS w t For Sale by Your ue of Cod Liver Oil J : PP LU S Further ~ Body-Building Virtues BUILD BONES, fMVITAMIN O. NEW WORLD WAR WITHIN 4 YEARS New York.--H. G. Wells, British author and historian, said recently that in the last eleven months the world has been heading for "a new and more horrible world war which will come by 1940." ] Arriving here from England, he termed England's storied prosperity "greatly exaggerated." "There is tremendous unémploy- ment in England," he said, "Eng- land's prosperity has been greatly exaggerated." It is a false prosper- ity and there may be a crash at any time. It is an Indian summer sort of thing. It looks like summer, but it isn't." . Asked if there is a new Liberal movement and a "resurrection" of Lloyd George under way, he re- plied: "There's no resurrection of Lloyd George. He just bobbea up." He would not comment on Huey Long except to say: 'I hope to meet that great man." "Do you really believe he is a great man?" he was asked. "Un- questionably," Wells smiled, then added enigmatically, "but would you mind putting a query after that?" Wells laughed heartily when ask- ed if he didn't think Lloyd George is the "Huey Long of Englnad." He started to say something, but check- cd himself and replied: "Not quite!" PROTECTION PROVIDED FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN Birch Cliff.--The Hon. David A. Croll, Minister of Welfare and Muni- cipal Affairs, has approved Scarboro Township's program, which includes traffic service for the protection of school children going and returning from school. For some time mem- bers of the council and parents have been up in arms for the protection of children, especially those who are forced to cross the railway tracks like those main lines on Kennedy road near Scarboro Junction School. The Minister has announced that relief recipients stationed at danger- ous highway and railway crossings will help to save young lives and for the work the unemployed will receive cash at the prevailing town- ship rate. He also announces the approval of the $8,200 works pro- gram- of Scarboro and seven other municipalities. Sterling Products Limited Will Increase Advertising Windsor, Ontario. -- De- finite improvement in business was reported at the Annual Meeting of Sterling Products (Limited) recent- ly held in Windsor. An increase in advertising expenditures for the year was approved and the following SCOUTING Here + There Everywhere A brother to every other Scout, without regard to race or creed In the early days of Scouting, when it was less well understood, bugles were a frequent item of troop equip- ment. "For some years they have been "tabu," partly because they convey the impression that Scouting is military, partly because practis- ing makes a "neighborhood nuis- ance". So when 'a Fort William man endeavoured- to secure a Scout to sound a bugle call he could not find one in the city. Scouts now use ani- mal and bird calls and "silent sig- "nals". Collection of used clothing for the local Shelter was a good turn found and carried out by the boys of the 1st Scout Troop of Orangeville, Ont. * » * The annual European Easter tour of the Scouts of Kent, England, will this year be niade to .Grecce, poli- tical conditions permitting. The party will leave England, April 18, and will return May 4. A number of Scouts from other countries are invited to join the tour. EE xx x -- ORLY rad USE \ Chante CIGARETTE PAPERS DOUBLE Auromalic lafelo) 1a Canada's biggest selling cigarette paper-- in the economical DOUBLE automatic booklet. 24 70 2d tL officers were elected: H. L. Schade, president; H. L, Kinnucan, vice-president; H. C. Eastman, sec- retary-treasurer. "Commenting on the business out- look for the remainder of 1935, Mr. Schade gail that he looked for con- tinued improvement. The Sterling Company distributes well-known drug products including Dr, Lyon's Tooth Powder, Watkins' Mulsified Cocoanut Shampoo Oil, Glostora, Del-A-Tone, Aspirin, Phil- lips' Milk of Magnesia, Phillips' Dental Magnesia, Midol, Cascarets, California Syrup of Figs, Danderine, Pape's: Diapepsin, Pape's Cold Com- pound, No-To-Bae, Diamond Dyes and Diamond Tints. PREVENT DISEASE REGINALD H. WIGGINS, M.D, C.M,, L.M.C.C. We spend over fifty times as much on the cure of disease as we do on its prevention. If this ratio were reversed, we would go a fair way to- wards eradicating disease. To pre- vent disease is to forestall the ne- aessity and greater expense of a cure. We know that of twenty-four mil lion school children in the United States, two-thirds, or 659, have den-+ tal decay; one-third have diseased tonsils and nasal obstruction from overgrown adenoids; another third, on eight million are suffering from eye strain and defects in vision; five million are undernourished and the same number are suffering from nervous disorders; a million with spinal curvature; another million oi el) * x One of the active London, Ont, Wolf Cub Packs is® the 23rd, con- nected with St. Joseph's Orphanage. Walkerton, Ont., Scouts have join- ed those in numerous other places who have put on organized used clothing campaigns for welfare or- ganizations. * J * Forty boys of the 2nd Guelph Troop, were given an excursion by friends with cars to Toronto, where they saw a hockey match at the Maple Leaf Gardens and visited the Royal Museum. . * * * Competing with St. Matthew's Troop swimming team, the Wercdale House Troop, of Montreal, won the Provincial Scout swimming champ- jonship for 1935, and possession of the Sir Edward Clouston. Trophy. The cup last year was held jointly by the Weredale House and Royal St. Lawrence Y. C. Sea Scouts. The latter did not enter a team this year, * * * The annual meeting report of The Pas, Man. Scout Association amongst othgr features noted par- ticipation in the rdising of over $100 toward a "tonsil clinic," the supply- ing of over 200 children with gifts from the annual Christmas Toy Shop, and "a nucleus of toys on hand for this year's shop." LJ] LJ LJ To show their interest in Scout- ing, the Sherbrooke Rotary Club has inaugurated the original plan of having two Scouts as guests at each weekly luncheon. To be eligible for the invitation, Scouts must be pro- gressing in their test and badge work and regular in attendance, VILO-GLAS BEST CANADIAN FABRIC BASE glass substitute, Passes Ultra Violet Rays. Recommended by poultry authorities, Get more eggs and health- fer chicks, .Extensively used for hot and cold frames, 5 yards 36" wide 10 "n " " 15 " " n 20 " " "n 30 " " " We pay postage. 40 yards or more at 280 per bi Out- side of Ontario and Quebec add 3c per yd. to all prices, VILO MFG. CO. 3 Wellington Street - - Galt, Ont. The Scouts of Somogy County, Hungary, have again invited a party of 60 British Scouters, Rovers and Scouts to pay them a three weeks' visit in August, part of the time as guest campers, and the bal- ance as guests in the homes of Hungarian Scout families. > »® » *® The Danish Y.M.C.A. Scouts are holding a National Camp near Cop- enhrgey, July 6-15, and have invited a pagtd of 25 English and 25 Scot- tish Scouts. * * * The Scouts of Poland, are this year celebrating their 25th anni- versary with a National Jamboree, July 11-25. Upon invitation of the President of Poland, the camp will be held on the grounds of his hunt- ing castle in the forest of Spala, and it is expected 15,000 Polish Scouts will take part. Scouts from other countriés are invited. Catarrhal Deafness May Be Overcome If you have catarrhal deafness or head noises go to your druggist and get 1 oz. of Parmint (double strength) and add to it 3% pint of hot water and a little sugar. Take 1 table- spoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become easy and the mu- cous stop dropping into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little and is pleasant to take. Anyone who has catarrhal deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial. SKIN BLEMISHES Vanish Before Physiclan's Prescription Those spots or pimples on your face --why let them go on tormenting you? Like millions of others have done, you can get rid of your skin troublo through the work-of a great physician-- Dr. D. D. Dennis. Dr, Dennis' prescrip+ tion--known in many countries as D.D.D. and now manufactured by Campana's Italian Balm chemists-- will bring you relief at once, and quick ly restore your skin to health: All ruggists sell D.D.D: Trial size, 850; Guaranteed to give instant relief or: money refunded. Aaa 8 Issue No. 13--'35 One evening Dody and her sister saw' some American Legion boys going by in their uniforms. Dody said: "I guess they aré soldiers marching as to war." Meight Specialist, Moarborongh, Hag. with defective hearing, half a mil- lion with the Great White Plague, and a third of a million with heart disease. The figures in Canada would be relatively as large, if they were recognized and "reported, All the pills and potions in the world cannot right this terrific cal amity, this blight, but they could all have been"very largely prevented. Defective and decayed teeth could WHEN YOUR DAUGHTER COMES TO WOMANHOOD Most girls in : : their teens need a tonic and regu ; lator. Give your: daughter Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound for the next few months. Teach her how to guard : her health at this { : , critical time, When she is a happy healthy wife and mother she will . thank YOU. 7 Sold af all good drug stores: have been prevented by proper dlet and cod-liver oil for thg mother be- fore the child was born and for the child after birth, and proper mouth hygiene; two-thirds of the cases of diseased tonsils and enlarged aden olds could have been eradicated by surgical treatment, the defects of vision could have been greatly check- ed by proper lighting in home and school, etc, etc. Next week's Prevention," article: "More on Mounties in Manitoba Taking On 25 New Men Winnipeg--Twenty-five men will be added to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police force in Manitoba on May 1, it is announced. Develop- ment in northern mining areas has opened new territory the present force cannot cover, Classified Advertising PATENTS N OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOK. List of wanted inventions and full information sent free, The Ramsay Company, World Putent Attorneys, 2.4 Bunk Street, Ottawa, Canada, POULTRY SUPPLIES ARGALINS IN POULTRY, 1'LT stock and rabbit supplies. Hun- dreds of lines being closed out at quar- ter to half price, det our job and seed catalogue and save money. Morgans Supply House, London. A A A CHICKS DHESEX HRED FAMOUS - BREEDS Selective Breeding. oldest and largest. TEN YEARS' One of Canada's Write for our get nequalnted offer of free chicks, ree catalogue. Kesex Hatchery Ureedlug . Farms, Box WI', Essex, Ont. CHICKS JHUHAUSER Ontarfo. THE CHICKS, BEST CHATHAM KNOWN -- i KNOWN AS THIS BLST. Scnd for catalogue and price list, JIN BREEDS CHICKS, 9 CENTS; pullets 36e. Complete catalogue mailed. St. Agatha Hatchery, St Agatha, Ontario. COUGHS Take half a teaspoonful of Minard's in molasses. Heat Minard's, inhale it. Also tub it well into your chest, You'll get relief | Mr, W. 1. Fisher, 398 ¥ TMunter St. W., Hamil. El ton, Ont, saul: "I «uf. Y fered from catarrh of the stomach, could eat but w) very little and that would J} cause dikhress. grew weaker daily and had headache almost constant. Iv. 1 became very much discouraged. After takin Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery § was able to eat, gained mm weight and ree sumed my work." AI druggists, Dry Shampoo--Try it! AE ALT aly } WEDDING CUSTOM When wishing happiness to tho bride, many Russians still present bread and Salt. Quaint and strange customs like this are told in picture. and story in our new booklet for ren: "'Saltall over the World". A like to read it, of course, Bo just send the ov ha now. The book is ee' Protect Your Childrent, { $ 0 I WINDSOR SALT |& Tear Off and [= IAN po---- LIMITED . Mail Today SALY DIVISION WINDSOR, ONT, 'LL t obligation pl special Child. hat agen i! ph World." Name ! Address. »» "AS Digestive Troubles? ippi plory of many a bal > i 2 P it Heli Weds nT bi ra hen. agri pi MATELY Pn Sr NTF A MAL Sr gu NAS oA M 4 os bps AC is) CNS A fo fr SP a BE RE cle oe ey pi pm Woely Hr i va Le Low a a SE (a a > ¥ Suh mee i A rR Te a aR