Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Apr 1935, p. 5

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¢ 4 N - oa pest. \ 1] $ A ] + § y ss 4 y + o Ra "4 \ [4 . FY » Tw v - 2 4 € > ak. % 3 We --- I i EY 4 Rs > Mt PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1086 ere LY FE oy | and you get them Only in the QUALITY Car _ in the Low-Price Field R 1935, the Master Chevrolet offers you" five famous modern features, not one of which can you get on any other car in Chev- rolet's price class! "Turret Top'® Fisher body--the first real all- steel body ever offered in the low price field! Knee-Action--for safety and comfort! Flame Engine--the valve-in-head type used in Weatherproof Cable-Controlled Fisher No-Draft Ventilation! When you can get all these features in only one low-priced car . . . see and drive that car before you buy! Call in today at our showrooms. costly cars! Brakes! Blue PRICED FROM '885 Delivered, fully equipped, at factory, Oshawa, Ont. Freight and Government license only extra. STANDARD SERIES MODELS AS LOW AS $722 (for the Master 2.Pass. Coupe) ATU . A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE HAROLD R. ARCHER DEALER, PORT PERRY et FOR SALE Blacktarter Oats, 50c. bushel; Grain- filler Oats B60c. bushel, Hay and Potatoes. These seeds are great yielders. Pair Percheron Mares, 3 years old; aged mare; 2 or 3 first class cows soon to freshen. . Jas. Ward, Brock Township, lot 19, con 3. apr 4 FOR SALE 600 egg Miller Incubator for sale. $26.00 Cash. Apply. at Star Office. PAID HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE In the Village of Prince Albert, the property of the late John Fowlie, six rooms, double garage, henhouse, hatd and soft water, electric lights, half acre of excelent garden land. Sale desired 'to clode-'estate. Apply to Jno. W. Crozier, Barrister, Port Perry. april rp FOR SALE Colorado Wheat, quantity of malting Barley, and quantity of first class Timothy Hay. Apply to Henry Col- lins, R.R.2, Port Perry, Lots 7 and 8, Con. 9, East Whitby. aprd WANTED Girl for dining room at the White Kitchen Restaurant, Port Perry. HOUSE FOR RENT Seven room frame house, electric lights, water in house, also coal and wood shed. Apply to Miss Crandell, on .the property, Bigelow St., Port Perry. apré a FOR SALE Two 8-year-old Fillies, well broken, 1 four years old-osm, 8.. one 4-year-old Gelding, one mare 8- "West), April 22-28-24. POTATOES FOR SALE Irish Cobbler, true strain, grown from certified stock. These potatoes have been tested at the O. A. C. and | declared free from disease. Price 76¢c. | a bag. Marsh Hill Gardens and Nurseries, Uxbridge, Ont., Phone 9206 april 11 I . STRAND THEATRE, (UXBRIDGE, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, APRIL 4th, 5th and 6th (Double Bill--2 Features) Don't forget to see that special feature on Good Friday, (April 18,19 and 20), George Arliss, in "The House of Rothschild" at the Strand Theatre, Uxbridge. "Belle of Nineties" (Mae Mary Carlisle and Walter Connolly in EAST OF 6th AVENUE a story of New York's boarding house life, Also Shirley Grey and Tim McCoy, in "CORNERED" * a snappy Western, and a Cartoon. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, APRIL 11th, 12th, 18th Marion Davies and Gary Cooper, in "OPERATOR 13" 'comedy--*"Call Her Sausage" © Cartoon--Soda Squirt" THEATRE OPEN EVERY NIGHT: STARTING APRIL 22,-23 and 24 Pp HAY FOR SALE Mixed Timothy and clover. For price and further particulars apply to Ewart Blight, R.R.1, Port Perry, 1 mile north of Epsom, apré op INCUBATOR FOR SALE Two 160 egg Incubators. Good con- dition. Will sell for half cost, Apply years-old. Apply to Robt. Reader, Scugog. aprd to 8. Arnold, Prince Albert Ont, apr4 'Markets (Quotations to Shippers) BUTTER-- . Creamery solids, No. 1 Seconds CHURNING CREAM (f.0.b. country points) ] Special 26; No. 1, 23, No. 2, 21. EGGS ' Grade A large, 20. Medium 19. Pullets 17. Grade B 16. Grade C 18. POULTRY--"A" Grade, alive. Spring Chickens .......... 11 to 13 Broflers coo cesssnersnes 11 to 1b Fatted Hens ............... 8 to 12 Old Roosters ........oovvevunons 6 Ducklings .......covveeennn 8 to 10 ----------e > SEPP 500 FAT HENS WANTED City Prices Paid. Call at once ALIX. GILBOORD Phone 177 Port Perry Myrtle Station Service in United Church each Sun- day at 7 p.m.. p.m. Everbody welcome. There was an extra good attendance |' at the Women's Missionary Auxillary .| meeintg last Thursday, which was held at the home of Mrs, Robt. Chisholm, The meeting was in charge of the President, Mrs. H. Hudgins and Mrs. Honey, and opened with a hymn, and prayer, followed by the reading of Psalm 22, by Mrs, L. Mitchell. Minutes were read and adopted. After roll call, another hymn was sihg. Mrs. Hudgins gave a splendid "devotional reading, and Mrs. Chisholm gave a good temperance number, also a selec- «RI aE SW Wie HEE ve 8 .26c¢. Sunday School at 1.45 | ECIAL N Ul S P tion on India was given by Mrs. Har- rison. Mrs. Leslie of Toronto favored us with a pleasing solo, followed by a reading by Mrs. Honey on Japan. After the meeting closed, a dainty lunch was served by Mesdames, Honey Ross and Downey, to whom, with Mrs. "Chisholm a hearty vote of thanks was tendered. The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Luery. Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. George Houston of Toronto were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beacock. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Jewell were week end vistiors with friends in Peterboro, : Mrs. Jas. Dickson spent last week visiting friends and relatives in Tos ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Masters and daughters, Misses Oliye and Vera were Sunday visitors to Pontypool. Mrs. R. Chisholm is recovering nicely from an injury which she suffered in a fall a short time ago. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Simkin and Donald spent the past week visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Wickett of Little Britain and Mrs. Will Ward of Osh. awa enjoyed a gathering at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, to celebrate the occasion of their fifty-seventh wedding anniversary. Mrs. Joseph Simkin was a week end visitor to Toronto recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Birkett and family of Port Perry were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lane on Monday. Mr. Will Timmins is visiting friends in Orillia this week. Mr. Will Percy of Pickering, was a Percy. Mr, Victor Mitchell of Sudbury ar- Mr. and Mrs. L. Mitchell. Mr. Arthur Manderson had a wood bee on Monday afternoon. A flock of wild geese were seen flying over here to day. tended the funeral of our esteemed neighbor and friend, the late | Mr. John Stuttaford, on Monday after- circle of friends Mr. Stutaford-and his family have. Their many friends of Myrtle wish to extend their sympathy to the bereaved family, The Faithful Workers' Class are having the Oshawa Young People pre- sent their excelelnt play entitled "The Strike of the Ladies' Aid" in the base- ment of the church on Tuesday, April 9. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott and sons, Kenneth, Harold and Beverley, of Sea- grave, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison and Mus. Long. --_--ee we or MEETING AT UXBRIDGE The Interdenominational Committee for Evangelism of Canadian life, have arranged for a meeting at Uxbridge, on Monday, April 15th at 8.15 p.m. The service will patterned after the in thé service held recently Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto. Mr. C. C. Pilon, whose appomt- ment as District Manager in charge of sales of Dogs and DeSoto cars and Dodge trucks in Northeastern © Ontario and Northwestern Quebec has recently been announced by Mr. A. J. Shaw, Vice-President in Charge of Sales, Dodge Brothers (Canada) Limited. i OTHER THAN COMFORTERS Washed 25c. each. 2 for 40c. OSHAWA LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING CO., Ltd. Phone 143 (Mrs. Cooney Agent). Sunday visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Roy] rived on Thursday to visit his parents, Many from this neighborhood at- highly noon.. - The funeral was very largely attended, which indicates what a large Iti stiitaty EXT WEEK | LTS tii We call and deliver District News Bowmanville merchants have agreed to close their stores daily at 6 p.m. on Saturday at 10.30 p.m,, and to con- tinue the Wednesday half holiday. * * » Durham County music festival is set for May 15th, 16th and 17th. * The several industries of Newcastle rustic furniture, whiffletrees and axe handles, are all made there. * * * R. G. GEEN HONOURED Reginald Geen, organist and choir- master, of Simcoe Street United Church, Oshawa, was signally honored on Wednesday night in Belleville, where he acted as accompanist to Adolf Wantroff, the noted baritone in a concert recital given under the auspices of the Belleville Concert As. sociation, The Belleville Ontario- Intelligencer in reporting the concert, referred to Mr. Geen's appearance as a homecoming, and bestowed the high- est praise on both artists, * * * W. C. POLLARD APPOINTED CLERK-TREASURER * lard was appointed clerk-treasurer for the Town of Uxbridge, taking the place of Mr. Dr. M. H. Crosby, -who resigned after thirty years of service. » * LJ VETERANS PURCHASE FARM NEAR KINSALE Purchase of a farm, complete with buildings and equipment, on which Canadian Ex-service men will be given short courses in agriculture, was an- nounced Tuesday by Col W. C. H. Wood, Dominion President, of the Army and Navy Veterans of Canada. The farm will be administered by the Association, with the training carried out by experts of the Ontario Agri- cultural Department, Comprising 115 acres and situated at Kinsale, the farm, property of Alf. Rogers, was bought outright by the A. and N. Veterans, The association will provide the livestock and considerable attention will be given to training the men in truck gardening. Col Wood emphasized this was an experiment and was a practical contribution to- wards a solution of the unemployment problem among ex-service men, | The men will train in groups of 25. "When they have completed their course they will be allotted land in 'Northern Ontario by the Ee: 'Government. It is hoped to tr some 300 men yearly. * * * . COMPLETES FORTY YEARS OF SERVICE WITH THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. Harry M. Black, popular manager of the Bell Telephone Company in Oshawa and district for nearly twelve years, is receiving congratulations on his completion of 40 years in the em- ploy of the Bell Telephone Company. Mr. Black jointed the Telephone Company at Guelph in 1895 where he spent some time as collector and gain. ed considerable telephone experience in the carly years of his career as a Bell plant worker. In 1908 he was | promoted as inspector and in 1904 was appointed manager at Harriston. In October, 1908, Mr, Black assumed the managership at Orillia and in 1914 was transferred to Guelph as man- ager. On May 1st, 1923 he was made manager of the Oshawa district. Mr. Black is a prominent member of "the Charles Fleetford Sise Chapter, the Canadian Branch, of the Telephone Pioneers of America, member of Osh- awa Rotary Club, prominent in Ma sonic circles and a director of Masonic Temple Building, Limited, a member of the Chamber of Commerce, and is associated with various welfare work. ------ > P-- -------------- NO DOUBT NEEDED IT.. He had gone into the library to pui the question to her father, and she was anxiously waiting on the front porch. / "Well," said the suitor when he re- turned, "he asked me how I was fixeaq, and I told him I had $3,000 in the bank. "And what did he say to that?" "He borrowed it." are doing good business--toys, cereals, | soloist, and joined with Mr. Wantroff{ § At a recent meeting of the Town |} Council at Uxbridge, Mr. W. C. Pol-|§ F. W. BROCK & SON RED & WHITE STORE Club Clothes Ready-made Suits for men. A new range of suits by W. R. Johnston, in flannels, ete. Colours and patterns that you must see to appreciate. We have these suits $18 95 in stock now. They sellat ........ ° see vee nde = I ------_-- Men's Ready-Made Suits $13.95 in Brown, Blue or Black, with a fine sripe. A- well made line of worsted suits that you are sure to like. Made-to-Measure Suits by W. R. Johnston $19.75 $23.50 $27.50 Men's Broadcloth Shirts $1.19 a real good broadcloth--white--wrapped in cellophane. GROCERIES FRESH GROUND COFFEE...... ....per Ib 27c., 33c., 39¢. BANANAS, ripe, doz. 25c. = JEWEL SHORTENING TOMATOES, large tins 2 ds for 25¢. : WONDERFUL SOAP $ forage; ~. 10 bars for ........256¢c. FIVE ROSES FLOUR QUAKER XXXX FLOUR 28 ii... .79c. 98'8 ...vevvnnnr.. $2.59 JELLY POWDERS--McLaren's ........... . .per pkg. 5c. Phone 43 Pl . | . 1935 Service It is with a great deal. of pleasure we offer to the buying public, not only a service as nearly 100% as possible, but also the following high grade fuels and building materials. Our leader in the fuel line is "BLUE COAL" Coke--"STELCO COKE" made in Hamilton, Ont. "JASPER HARD" Coal from Alberta. We can also supply Blower Coal, and coal for stoker use. WOOD--Hard Bodywood, Hardwood Slabs, Softwood Slabe. LUMBER--We have a very good stock of White Pine, Jack Pine and Spruce lumber on"hand. B. C. Cedar Shingles. LIME, TILE, TEN-TEST, and SHEETROCK, the fireproof building board. ASPHALT ROOFING. MARMILL CHICK STARTER. "FRED E. REESOR . Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73) Phone 26 FOR REPAIRS AND SERVICE ON ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND RADIO EQUIPMENT FARM LIGHTING A SPECIALTY HOPKINS & FARMER Dealers in Delco Light and Westinghouse Products PORT PERRY FOR THAT PARTICULAR TASTE This is the time of the year when one's taste is very partiemlar-- especially meats. - Our meats are so tasty and delicious that the most fastidious appetites are satisfied. Phone your next order to 'CAWKER BROS. Phone orders to 29 w, Port Perry. Prompt Delivery fo NR EN Rada a Re en i Lg Tat Af Wo RI Ad > RAC a a Nl Refiaciood Vs Gg bang a "vee RRA oy ee A Eh ae Nr a Fore ok, "5, ad ln EATS o ST, 1 Fo ro %: (Ln

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