Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Apr 1935, p. 4

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BE : ! PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1985 3° --_-- i ga a oi -- a ------ Ny 13 LOCAL ITEMS [IAS RL Tr ee a HITZ 0 ZEST EZ IESE I SR SIRS $8 a8 EEDS FOR SALE AT |IE --- ¢ . A Mr. and Mi. Chas. Wikis, of hwnd or | 9 5 : Lindsay, were the guests of Mrs. M. AWRE wi Willinms, on Sundsy. | Men's Light"Wool Socks .... Pats Le | / ! Men's Heavy Wool Socks, ., Pair 40e, : : i: orrish, | Mog iii bo ha) Dues 4) Horse Brushes, . .. .each 30c. and 50¢. , d 5 honlih. ' Curry Combs ...... each 20¢. and 28¢, : | and : : Snap Heel Chains ..........each 80¢c. = A) § \ivs. Crofik{and Miss Marion Cronk, | B, D. Furniture Polish ; | Ty = 2a { lcomfield, have been the guests of | Belly Bands, team . .each 60c and 90¢. ] ; = oa Jie. Vi. A. Christy. Team Lines, per set $4.60 = : vy 4 i : ees aans ens 1.60 ' : El AG Si Mrs. W. H. Harris and Mrs. feo. Hi gi ig! , . a : Ny a \ i vr L O. D. E.|Mortingales .......... : E {3 SE : 0ods are attending the I. Hame Straps, 1 inch ..... .. .esich 26¢. THIS EEK Th d F d S d £ : ian oq JT. Convention 10 Hazmtrion Ham Straps, % Inch ..... each B0c W ursaay, rriaay, atur ay §I[§ We Carry a Full Stock § gy rk © Tw leased to see that David | Belly Band Points ..........each &5¢. ' ; ; «© : : 1a Vs \ V4 We are please y 4 : -------------------------- = Roofin BY Nentley is about again after his recent | Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh, 85c., 68c. EASES ETA I SEA iS iE iE = of Lumber and . g NE | illness. and $1.25 bottle : 1|d Materials -- Frames, 2 : Bickmore Gall Salve .......c00ee 8Be. MEDICINES TOILET GOODS STATIONERY - Dev. T.-A. Nind is hoping to take & ] i ross. Witting. Pads 2.008 16e. = Sash and Doors mad « England ti summer. It ul WILLIAM WEBSTER, $1.00 Pureteot Cod Liver Oil ....2 for $101 If Soc Jones Fuse Bowiel poet 0 ase. Waiting Pads vos ooo 2 for 2c. EI|N +: me . Mes y . Writing Pads .............. » EB be June. pc At Beatty's Store, Port Parry $1.75 Cod Liver Ot Tatlets......2 foF i 50c. Jonteel Face Creams ....2 for ble... 10c. Envelopes .......coveeeness 2 for 1le. (3 to order. : . _ 50c. Rexall Bronchial Syrup ...... 2 for Slc. 35¢. Gardenia Talcum ........... 2 for 36c. 85¢. box Stationery ............ 2 for 36c. BH Trv us and get resulta' 5 » Mrs. M. A. Gerrow is home after $1.00 Beef, Iron and Wine ....2 for $1.01 25c. Jonteel Taleum ............ 2 for 26c. 50c, box Stationery ........... 2 for 51c. Ef" y g 5 . Spendivg sams Yesks x. Re Torito 25¢c. Rexall Orderlies ........... 2 for 26c. 25¢. Stork Baby Powder ........ 2 for 26e. SUNDRIES T y : General Hospital. e hope Mrs. 35¢. Rexall Shaving Cream ...... 2 for 36¢. © 3 25c. A. 8. A. Tablets .........:. 2 for 26c. $1.50 Hot Water Bottles ....... 2 for $1.51 E LE) «8 il be restored to her § : = 1 pried o remo J INT ACHES 75¢. A. 8. A, Tablets ........... 2 for 76e. iy Layet A Sng Cres... 2 for he 25¢. Belladonna Plasters ........ 2 for 26c. = V 1.00 Halibut Liver Oil lea 2 for $1.01 gL "rare rere : 30c. Adhesive Tape ............. 2 for 3lc. BE Mr. and Mrs. Mowbray, of Whitby, ACHING MUSCLES AND $ Wibut Liver O/) Caples, 3 fo § 250, Tooth Brushes ............. 2 for 26c, 20¢. Absorbent Cotton ........... 2 for 21. have moved to the G. Franklin house. JOINTS are quickly relieved by 25¢c. Hydrogen Peroxide ......... 2 for 26. 85¢c. Tooth Brushes ......... va. +2 for 86¢. 196. Drésstig Combe 2 for 20. ) a using RUMACAPS $1.29 Mineral Oil .............. 2 for $1.30 25¢. Klenzo Tooth Paste ...... ..2 for 26¢. > Bil AANA poss vraanys pl Mr. Mowbray will work for the Port % Tlenzo Tooth Paste Z for Sle 25¢. Rubber Pants ............. 2 for 26¢. iH Perry Creamery. MORRISON'S DRUG STORE 1] 85¢c. Tr. Iodine .........c..ount 2 for 36ec. te Mi 31 Tooth Paste iia 2 for 2 fe 50c. Floor Wax .........coeevees 2 for 5lc. Sam N. Griffen E{ 50c. Milk of Magnesia .......... 2 for 5lec. fp olla hl tly > 25¢. Red Cedar Flakes .......... 2 for 26¢. § ¥ Mr. Geo. L. Jackson, of Scugog Is- ES : 50c. Mi 31 Tooth Paste .......... 2 for 5lc. land, has purchased the Frank Wood- RUMACAPS 5 75¢. Milk of Magnesia ........... 2 for 76e. 25¢ Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste 2 for 2fc. ONE HOUR SPECIALS Lumber Co. ley property on Lorne Street, Port = 25¢c. Castor Oil ................ 2 for 26¢. THURSDAY, 10 a.m.--3 large Milk of : Perry. =| 15¢c. Epsom Balts ............... 2 for 16. CANDY Magnesia Tooth Paste for .......... 59. Phone 240 CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 5 50e Kidney Pills ....... poses 2 for 5l¢. 40c. 1b Peanut Clusters ........ 2 for 4lc. FRIDAY, 10 a.m.--3 tins Brewer's Yeast PORT PERRY ONT - 11 a.m.--Holy Communion. 3 Ze Biersn Rex FERC NNT. 2 for 6c. 40c. 1b Peppermint Patties ..... 2 hs. 41c. 40C. BIZ@ .1vevieriiiiiiiiniens for 55c. ' * " " in = c.Meloids ..................00 or 26¢. 8. oz. Bag Humbugs............ 2 for 19c. SATURDAY, 2 p.m.--$2.00 set Jasmine HIGH SCHOOL "AT HOME nso, S| $1.00 Agarex ..........o.s 2 for $1.01 40c, 1b. Malt and Milk Toffee, 2 Ibs. 4lc. TPOMOLIIEn HOF «vu rsrvvesves visas 99¢c. - + 4 The auditorium of the High School, PORT PERRY Yi CHURC 2 ; ; : C i ti ' Sunday, Apri 7 35 = ET eT TTT TIT rrr rrr rrr errrrrreema Tee (TTT [TTT Te TTT z ye - = ------------ wh wh gant] Sone Se Worth at 11 am. and 7 p.m, the = SAR SS Sa RS Re Re SAT ea TI ea EASES ZEEE £ term "At Home" of Port Perry High] Pastor in charge. - = = i g : School, on Friday evening last. Music Thursday, April 11th, at 8 pan, Dr. P. [li Telephone or Buy NOW g A Hy was provided by an out-of-town or- Bruce Trae Ai lecture. E : i . M. I. AW RENCE Bl . : E 'number of | Sunday, A = : ' : : £ a Chern Bd odd to the em | 11 am--W. M. S. Easter Thank. [pl Mail your order PL 19 TL for Your S Eyesight Specialist ed i itchell will | [2 z joyment of the evening. Miss Virginia] offering service. Miss M g one d ort Perr ~ . = Open Monday, Wednesday, Nasmith was convener of the decora-| be the speaker. , i it you cannot attend " y F uture Needs = and Friday Evenings, or by tion committee. The patrons and| 7 p.m.--Special Men's Service with | iE ¥ ra appointment at all times. . x patronesses were Mr. and Mrs. I. R. » Men's Choir. Mr. Lou A. Buckley, |i ? i i : a ; 2 Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gemmell,| of Toronto, speaker. i SES I 720 Rexall; Svore RAIA S S AT E: DISNEY BLOCK Miss Harris, Miss Spooner, 'Miss | Wednesday, April 10--W. M. 8. will : 2 SETS SRE Oshawa Greenbank and Mr. Kerr. The happy meet at 8 p.m. ! Opp. Post Office, Phone 1516 occasion, which ended promptly at LE 12 o'clock, was the last social event} IN MEMORIAM : : of the school year. In loving memory of a dear husband - F : f R "OPEN NIGHT" at PORT PERRY and father, Richard Martin, who 1. 'arm or j | ent 5 $3 passed to the beyond, April 8th, 1934. . HIGH SCHOO}. The flowing stream of life rolls on, Deacon Estate Farm --460 2 On Wednesday evening, April 17th,| But still the vacant chair; acres, Cartwright Township, "fu oh from 8.00 to 10.00 the High School will] Recalls the love, the voice, the smile 72 acres fall plowe d. ; be open to the parents of past and] Of him who once sat there. ; : present and prospective pupils as well] His lite was one long sacrifice, Apply to-- 7 . : as to the public in general. "His heart was true and tender; Hared 1 During the evening there will be a| He toiled so hard for those he loved, arris, Harris, & Wallace, representative display of the work ot] Then left us to remember. P ort Perr : the school. Classrooms and lpbora-| --Sadly missed by wife and family. : 1 : : Voi. o tories will be open where displays of SOAP BO ; Sep (42 7? D303 tess sresatesassnsrasssnsnsss y the pupils' work in Art, Household : J ; a ; i So a Science and Farm Mechanics may be 3 {i Si : 4 Li A a seen. The Public may also observe The Men 8 Bible of Hf * a : ; / wil) 2. ease : demonstrations in Art, Science, House- Class : : : : ; hold Science, 'English and Mathe- g matics. | Sunday Evening Service, April 14th. A special physical training demon-| The Men's Bible Class are exceed- : wr stration by both the boys and the girls | ingly fortunate in securing as speaker, Eyes Examined Accurately will take place in the Assembly Hall. AL : There is no admission charge and a Mr L A Buckley F. E. LUKE & SON very cordial invitation is extended to tuo ° Optometrists v all friends of the school in Port Perry a Service, Sunday 163-167 Yonge St., Toronto d vicinity. evening, : Upstai ; 404. Veinity Mr. Buckley was born in Halifax, (Upstairs «pp. Simpsons) -- . the son of a Doctor of that city. After I 4 A 2 r] y : STanALs i yas miley " 8yd- DR. W. 8. HARPER Around the World| te oo won o Or inlty Univers, Toronto with Camera and the Maritime Provinces. - He next sie Saas Smet of Mas) Onan N B k succeeded Taylor Statten as National DE El, Sonoma iL Craduats, Cclese ote Book Foye Work istaiary of the Domin- & Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont. on Y.M.C.A. or : : A Lesture by For a number of years he was Edu- INSIST ON GETTING a : LEAS 7 mm , od oy GAR cation and Program Secretary of the|~ S---- : ¥ Rev. Dr. Thornton ction snd Program Secretary of the THESE FEATURES W. A. Sangster on Thursday, April 11th at 8 pm. | ecutive Secretary of the Broadview DENTAL S8URGEON 2 : in the Branch of the Y.M.C.A. and as such is] ® Office Hours: 9 a.m, to 6 p.m. fy 38 PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH. building up the work in the East end HYDRAULIC BRAKES Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's {71 £4 pd Dr, Ernest Crossley Hunter, of First gf Toronts, ib : omy ¥ ; chi Insurance Office SHOE . United Church, Hamilton, says: He has a Bible Class in Kingston ALL STEEL BODY } : : 5 ' ; Be " 3 a : Road United Church of 150 men. He 2 ; CF : 1H Ky Bre Tiomion pr fogs is regarded as one of the best leaders FLOATING POWER % : Tin i # , y : Sve : audience that crow e assembly : 3 A ps i G R d f . i | 1 room. Hhis treatment was exceeding- Mh ie a REDISTRIBUTION tot : ma Wom. i et ea Y or a higvg There Yes yet i Ye audience will be present at this great OF WEIGHT : SR i : o : e e . 8 service--a fine speaker, a men's choir, Thrill to the beauty of this Great Drive the New Value Dodge... Sit You walk in and out of the new AOE : WE po jis peoplt ois, a and a fine organization sponsoring in- New: Value Dodgs tien Jook ia the ¢ olfortable seat and She Dodge 4% becanse the doors are a S er [ ; { ¢ o see ua ca 0 8 ou 0 te sed " fn SEL id hpi vis wes and IM: | sures a very attractive service. afford to own a Dodge. clutch, brakes and put fi . Tovel with the ba or ; ry Ul SE I can heartily recommend the lec- | == iy 5 3 ture travelogue as a profitable and 1 ~ RED U CE D a satisfactory evening's entertainment. NOW OPEN Hd 4 | : Dr. Thornton radiates genialty and is ud DELIVERED (IN P R I C E S : 3 ; __an ideal conductor for such a tour." » Re Tisior sor a H. W. Boynton's PORT PERRY ; a & earty Reception Butcher Sh ; Suits sponged and -pressed 7 g | , Glowing tributes of praise and] ugcner op FOR 43 10W As 60 Cents 3): bookings for return engagements in- . i { dicate the popularity of this lecture InN THE LEO NARD BLOCK. : Dry Cleaned $1.00 BD | p p and bespeak for Port Perry a fasci- ; Er --_--_ a , _ C P ROLPH 4 nating story when Dr. Thornton gives | 09 t ol corner posts : , , steel walls Stop safely ... stop smoothly .. * 4 3 his lecture here on Thursday April 11 Quali Ys Servite and d...all passengers ride cradled Jv a even a steel floor... No Ip tanore eighth WI DOG : 0 : : : 7s . ' . Economy" between the axles . .. as in an det Dodge all-steel bodies are time-tested hydraulic brakes the : ver the Observer Office on 23 a p.m. ADMISSION 26e. : Aleflow cas. 0 much safer action is always equal on all fous : 4 mE ex 4 wf i a be : 0 St sck or : if wheels. ; 4 7 FOR THE COUPE : 17 ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN |. \ Pp itd rpy: I io : oy DHN'S PRESBYTE) ® Phone 4 PRICED RIGHT DOWN AMONG THE LOWEST PRICED CARS To See fo f 4 L Tr , At 7" ; Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A, Minister WBE DRLIVER SATURDAYS : J Morrison's. Drug Btore dint ", 3 ¢ ' : Hh :

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