] 28th, 1985 Ca. by Rev. W. J. H, Smyth, at the Port Perry Parsonage. They were ac- companied by Mr. Murray Williams, brother of the bride and Miss Ileen Reader, sister of thé groom, After the ceremony the bride and groom motored to Detroit. We all wish them PROSPECT The Adult Bible Class are planning a special program for the Sunday School 'Seasion on the afternoon of March 31st. An address will be given by Mrs. T. A. Nind, of Port Perry. All are welcome to attend and avail themselves of the opportunity. Quite a number attended the Man. chester Hot Supper and Social even- . g al the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Walker, last Friday evening. 2 Miss Bertha Holliday spent last week end in Toronto with relatives. Miss Jean McClintock of Macdonald Hall, Guelph, is spending a week with her parents, THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS IS EASY IF YOU BUY | Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. J, 2 -- FROM -- Pearce on their 40th aniversary of , y : their marriage, on March 27th, We i ' all wish them many happy returns of ! BERT MacGREGOR the day. : : - Miss Olive Schell of Lindsay visited RE her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Schell : for the past week, The men are busy dragging the roads which are drying up in good 2 Ge A i A bs Toe Be Lr i, ri id I Fa Mrs. Holiday was elected an elder of our church to replace Mr. Frank Wilson, who has moved away. A U. F. O. Club has been organized in our community. Mr. G. Webster shape this spring. Muskrat trapping started on Mon- day, March 25th, so there are quite a number very busy. . All the Scaretina cases are beeter By having our driver call to deliver your needs in Bread, Cakes, and Pastry A "od 4 Ful ta was appointed Secretary-Treasurer. His phone number is 119 r 1-2. © Mr. and Mrs. A, Gilroy attended the wedding reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gilroy in honour ot Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McDonald (nee Bernice Gilroy). We extend to them our congratulations and best wishes for their future happiness. SCUGOG Next Sunday communion services wil lbe held at the Centre Church at 11 a.m, The Sunday School contest has got started with the Yellow's in the lead, Mrs. J. Demara is the captain. The Young Folks have their play about ready to present and the roads are getting in good shape, sp keep close watch for the date. =] Mr. and Mrs. F. Clark and children visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Clark, at Norwood for a few days recently. We .are all glad to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Clark have very good health, Mr. and Mrs, Beacock visited in To- ronto one day last week. Mrs. R. Reader visited relatives in Toronto during the past week. nr Messrs. Gordon and Midleton Collins 'have cut the large elm trees on the corner of 'their farm, they will make a dandy lot of wood, but we will surely miss them on that bend in the road. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sweetman, June and Ronald, Mr, and Mrs. S. Sweet- man, Elenor, Corral and baby Keith were guests of the former's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. D. Lewis in Toronto on Sunday. did Mrs. J. Jackson and son Kenneth of Port Perry visited Mrs. R. Jack- son a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lewis are moving to a farm near Caesarea this week, and we all wish them every now, and no new cases have been re- ported. ' ) pL ---- EPO AGRICULTURAL CLUB WORK FOR FARM BOYS IN ONTARIO CO. A limited number of teen-age boys throughout Ontario County are within "| the next few days being given the op- portunity of taking part in any one of six different phases of Club Work which will start shortly and will term- inate in the Autumn. N ' % \ In the North, there is a Boys' Beef XK HEE "vy > Calf Club and a Home Garden Club. = Ie RY .\ a G LE In the Centre section of the County a Boys' Swine Club in which the mem- [4 begin at $1185. (Prices subject to hn without notice.) bers starts with a pair of weanling sows and a Boys' Potato Club in which LOW-PRICED SIX -- STRAIGHT EIGHT the boy starts with 2 bags of certified Extra No. 1 Dooleys. In the South, there is a Boys' Foal Club and a Dairy Calf Club. These Clubs are open to boys 12 to 20 years of age, without membership fee of any kind. The boy joining up to take part in any one of these Club Activities is however required to pur- Pontiac's features. No other provides greater dollar per dollar value. By making compari- sons, you will find that Pontiac is a wise choice from every angle of automobile investment. By seeing and driving the low-priced Six or the big Straight Eight, you will have a better ides of what to expect of a modern car. Why not give us an opportunity of backing these claims by demonstrating Pontiac for you? TN OR Fresh and Well Made Jemison & Hutchinson, Bakers PHONE 98, PORT PERRY Pasteurized Products ARE SAFEST AND BEST. Phone your orders : to 238. We do the rest. PORT PERRY DAIRY G. OWEN, Proprietor. Phone 238 ee -- POTATO GROWERS SHOW KEEN INTEREST IN NEW MARKETING PLAN. : The Warble and Heel Fly Control Meetings held at Goodwood and Sand- ford last week had a considerably larger turn-out than meetings held in other sections of the County probably owing to the fact that Potatoes were a main topic discussed at these two meetings. There were 6b at the Good- wood meting and 80 at the Sandford meeting. Ontario County growers are for- PRICED FROM $936 (for the Standard Six 2-Pass. Coupe) Delivered, {ully equipped, at factory, Oshawa, Ont, Freight and Govern- ment license only extra. Prices of 8-cylinder models at factory, EPSOM * Mrs. Ray Medd is expecting to en- tertain the Epsom Ladies' Aid at her home on the Sixth Concession on '| Thursday afternoon next. The Ladies of the Aid'and those of the community have a most cordial invitation to at- tend. SARA The young people: of Bethesda are | getting together for a social time at their. next regular meeting which: will be on, Wednesday evening, April 85d; when 'Mr. Ed. Palmer has charge of the proceedings. Ed is a most pop- .ular individual and it is expected a|tunate in having a representative on good crowd will be on hand. '| the New Marketing Board in the per- In spite of so many being on thelgon of Mr. Howard Harper, of Good- - sick list a goodly number were pre-| wood. 'Mr. Harper very carefully and sent at the social held at the home of| clearly explained the workings of the Mrs. W. E. McCulloch, last Friday| New Potato Marketing scheme and night, Games were played and .alalso pointed out some of the many dif- dainty lunch served and all report af ficulties encountered in getting the most pleasant time. . |new plan of marketing working Utica Ladies' Aid are looking for-| smoothly and efficiéntly. He solicited ward to a gala day next--Friday at|the co-operation of Ontario County chase his seed or animal as the case may be or in the case of swine, calves or foals, he may enter with home bred stock if he so desires and providing such animal or animals are considered suitable by those in charge of Club Work. Generous Cash prizes are being of- fered in each phase of Club work and these prizes are based on General Proficiency which includes Care, Man- agement, Records, Judging Competi- tion, Award at Fair, Attendance at meetings, etc. In addition to Cash prizes, some very attractive special prizes are to be offered Boys' throughout the County who are interested in any one of these activities should get in touch with Agricultural' Representative, W. M. HE new Pontiac needs no trade mark to identify it. Distinctive new design makes the 1935 model recognizable anywhere! Pontiac matches external beauty with inte- rior richness and comfort; fleet lines with speed and quick-acting power; a solid, substantial appearance with characteristically rugged : build, and long, economical, expense-free life. '0 other car in the low price field gives you all success in their new home. Mrs. D. Hope, Zella and Shirley, Croskery, at Uxbridge ticulars. , for ful par- A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE P.55C [> Memory Hall when the Young People's Society of the United Church are put- ting on a most interesting play; and Potato Growers in giving the new plan of marketing a fair trial as he was convinced that it would ultimately visited her sister, Mrs. C. Hardy ope day last week. Mr. Geo. Schell is helping Mr. S. Rodman to make Maple Syrup, and a number of other farmers are busy making syrup. : Mr. Gordon Jefrey, Miss Hilda Wal- lace of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. H. Carnochan, and baby Joan, Mr. George Lane and Miss Tresa Fowler were guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. Jeffrey on Sunday." Mrs, Philips and son Everett, Mr. rie a Dutch girl quilt is to be sold also the contents of & mystery box. Lunch a -- HA SUNDERLAND | i HAROLD R. ARCHER, Dealer, PORT PERRY [ho oi™ is, ws Institute was held in the Council ER it ; Chamber on Thursday, March 21st, at - SE as 2.30 p.m. with a large attendance of CANNINGTON COUPLE MARRIED ZION members and visitors. President Mrs, 57 YEARS Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Swain, of W. T. Bagshaw, presided. The meet- ing opened with Community singing of Irish songs, followed by the In- Valentia, visited with Mrs. Bert How- lett, on Tuesday. Miss Wilma Sonley, of Orillia, visit- stitute anthem opening ode and re- Hollman and son Donald of Oshawa, | peating the Lord's Prayer in unison, : vi er with her mother Mrs, Norman Os- borne, recently. x Mrs. L. V. Savage of Toronto and Mrs.| The minutes of previous meeting were J. A. Sweetman were Sunday guests|read by the Secretary Mrs. L. M. Pink- of Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham. Mrs.[ham and adopted as read. The roll Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lillico and son Savage staying over for a week's| call was answered by an Irish story Treveer and Miss Aileen Miles, ot visit. which was well responded to. Busi- on, Lakefield, called on friends here re. Mr. George Cox has hired with Mr.[ ness from the minutes was then dealt . | cently. Allen staying and visitin C. Reader and Mr. George Lane who| with. Reports from the various com- has been there for a few years has|mittees. The financial report was hired with Mr. Robertson at Shirley. very gratifying. A motion was passed Mr. Edgar Strutt of Burketon has|that a donation of $20.00 be made to hired with Mr. 8. Rodman,Mr. Harry|the Public Library, also a donation of Melward is going to help Mrs. C.|the same amount be made to the Wells. We wish them all good suc-| Crippled Children's Fund. It was dé- cess in their new places. cided to hold a quilting bee on Friday, Mr. Elijah Marsden, one of our|and quilt four quilts, also to purchase Indian neighbours was killed in To. |, pair of blankets for relief. ronto, on Baturday evening by being The programme--Paper on Cana. blown by a strong wind in the path of| 4jan Industry by Miss Laura Johnson. a street car. He was carrying a large) Mys, G. G. Pinkham sang splendidly number of baskets for sale. He was| that old song, "Where the River Shan. brought home and buried on Tuesday|non Flows." An amusing Irish Gaelle in' the Indian burying ground. He|gong by Mrs. G. W. Johnson. The leaves one brother, Charlie, to whom meeting closed by singing the Nation- _our sympathy is extended. al Anthem. Mr. and Mrs, Boycott have moved] On Monday night March 18th the to Pickering from the' Island where| King Edward Lodge, AF. & A.M. held they have hired for the next year. _| their annual éuchre and dance in the Mr. and Mrs. Blakeman of Toronto Township Hall. The hall was beauti- visited their relatives, Mr and Mrs.| fully decorated in Green and White. J. Pearce, on Sunday . The weather being perfect there were Glad to hear Mrs. R. Graham is| over three hundred present. Progrea-| able to be home from the hospital and| sive euchre was played from 8.80 till is doing nicely. 10.80. The lady's prize was won by Mrs, Teel, of Toronto, is visiting her | Mra, Stanley Jewell with a score of 91, sister Mrs. O. Reader. and Clarence Brethour taking the Mr. W. Clark and son, Arthur of | man's prize with a score of 98. Mariposa, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Bchell,| Dancing then followed, music being and daughters, Olive and Blanche and] provided by Wilson Merry Makers, of Mr, Allie Mark visited Mr. and Mrs, Oshawa. The novelty dances were J. Pearce and family on Saturday, [lucky number won by Mrs, L. M. - Saturday. Congratulations to Mr, John ReMer' ham and Mrs. J. A. Anderson, The Friendship Club held their and Miss Marion Williams on their Mys; G. E. Bagshaw and Mrs, G. A. regular meeting at the home of Mr. marriage on Wednesday, March 20th Welsh won the spot dance prize, 4 i Mrs. B, Cragg, Tuesday evening, mean a great deal to Ontario growers in recovering a market that had been gradually slipping away to Maritime growers. : Mr, Harper brought out a peck sample of Maritime stock and a peck sample of Ontario stock just to illus- trate the superiority and attractive- ness of the Eastern potatoes compared with Ontario potatoes as they have been on the market. No further argu- ment was needed as to why the con- sumer usually preferred the special grade even though the price difference was quite large," Under the new plan of putting up superior grades of po- tatoes in clean new sacks a renewed demand for Ontario grown potatoes was already being worked up. Mr. Craig, Chief Inspector for the district, was also at Goodwood meeting and took pains to explain the grades of potatoes and methods of inspection and grading. - i ae alm BU very enjoyable evening was had by everyone, -- " Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McMullen with their brother Mr. C. Searles were in Peterboro over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. B., W. Switzer spent Sunday afternoon with friends in Sutton. Mr. J. A. Gordon was in Lindsay! one day last week on business. Mrs. J. A. Anderson spent last week with friends in Toronto, ' The village and community extend to Mra, Wes. Doble their sympathy in her bereavement in the loss of Her mother Mrs, Ray, Valentia, A number from here intend taking in the hockey match on Thursddy night at Maple Leaf Gardens between the Boston Bruins and the Maple Lafs, of Toronto. coming to Cannington five years ago, both Mr. and Mrs. Russell had always lived in Victoria County: They have| but one child, a son, Arthur, who is residing in Cannington also.. Mr. and Mrs. Russell are extremely popular in positions, and sociable instincts have done much to retain their youth. this community and their cheery dis- --Toronto Globe An event of interest took place at Cannington when Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Russell celebrated their fifty-seventh | Wedding anniversary. Thos. Russell and Marie Irvine were married in Fenelon Falls, the marriage being conducted by Rev. R. Potter. Until for a time. Friends of little Gerald Hall are pleased to see him able to be out again after his serious accident. ' The Women's 'Association met at the home of Mrs, William Stokes, Thurs- day last, with a large number present. The meeting opened with singing a hymn followed by prayer by Rev. Mr. Flindall, After the meeting a short program was given which was mith enjoyed by all. : Dr. C. O. Broad and son Tom, of Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs, T..Broad, of Little Britain, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Hall, on Sunday. "Mr. and Mrs, Fred Western spent AT THE Sunday with her mother Mrs. Gilson, at Sonya. . Lake Seugog Milling Mr. and Mrs. Gurnéy, of Oshaws, Mish Trene Wickett, teacher at Port fj | [!] Co nied boris ak. We Wlsome them A AN gf a od Hooves Spent fhe week end at Fer Chick Starter, Bran, Shorts, ~The W. M. 8. held thee monthly ne PCT lo i pm oi men owen on | Pastry and Bread Flour gp... "Purina Products meeting and Day o aye in Tuesda as d ha All kinds of grain taken in - exchange Mr. and Mrs. Hughes and Miss Oliva 'We handle ingredients for Real, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mm, R. Real, on Sunday. mixing mash and rations Mra, Ryerson Beare is visiting this A. WARIDEL, Manager a By Ray Cross ITS TOO BAD OUR ENGINE WENT DEAD OVER THIS FOREST = ANTE "ay 4 « 4 CAN IT BE DONE? 1 DOUBT OUR LANDING f SAFELY -- ITS TOO ") Y a mi Mr, Robert Wells, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hickman, recently. The neighbours and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McDonald, gave them a farewell party last Friday evening. 31 DRIVEN BY FLECTRICITY | =A WE WAVE A LTTE /| RESERVE POWER - WE +] COULD, ATLEAST, GST TO Bf | A Boop LANDING sO, IF OUR GASOLINE ENGINE WENT DEAD == YOU WILL NOTICE WE WAYS NO VIBRATION week in Toronto, . Mr, Britton Love, Lumsden, Sask, visited with relatives here last week, Mr. Freeman Howsam, after spp ing the winter here, left for Sask. on 16 pounds for 49 cents VIBRATIONLESS SAFETY PLANE {3 conta each additional 1. TO ELIMINATE VIBRATIONS, ELECTRICALLY DRIVEN PROPELLERS COULD a AnD hh BE USED, IN TURN DREN BY SMALL POWERFUL GNSRATQR THE awa, LasNDRy AND POWER OP 16 DEVELOPED BY QUIT. GASOLINE MOTOR, -¥ Al LTD. | caw Ir 8 Dowe P ! : # Phone 148 (Mrs, Cooney, agent) A, eg a ii, 'We'eall and deliver Do you think this ides ts practioal? Write Ray Gross In care of spaper ns ; AL -- . PX