Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Mar 1935, p. 7

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% y "=== Here i$ a springtime bird "a First Novice Golfer--Are you the & . 4 Ps 'to hold my hand. > ¥ % "x ~~ rt >. [3 Be : y . of her newest "ber neels off your shoes." Is roseate- «nd smiling, "this season. A TOAST : Here's to the girls and their well 'dressed ways, Though they look windy days. their best on Sr -- Man who went around this course in de Second Novice Golfer--Certainly not. I was born in. 98. The boys and girls don't stop to think that the best present they get when they are graduated is a high school education. i Sr -- Employer--Now, whenever I enter the workshop, I want to see every man cheerfully performing his task, and therefore 1 invite you to place in this box any suggestions as to how that can be brought about. A few days later he opened the box and took out a slip of paper on which was written: "Take the rub- PRETTY-PRETTY Whose note goes "pretty-pretty." At eurly morn is heard Its rare aal flute-like ditty. The lady who gives ear Of course she likes to hear This compliment beguiling. } 3 © ---- Wife--What did you staying out so late? Husband--I1 didn't want to dis- tutb you, I was at a lecture where a doctor said that sleep before mid- night was the best. mean by Ti . Acute Indigestion ., Relieved HE FELT 'MISERABL AFTER MEALS By Kruschen The treatment which put this man right must surely be worth trying in every case of indigestion. Read what he says:-- : "Two years ago | suffered very much from indigestion, loss of appe- tite, and a most severe pain in my back. Food soured in my stomach. I felt most miserable after meals, and had no desire or appetite for them, A friend advised me to try Kruschen Salts, | did so, and | am most happy to testify that after a short time I felt the greatest relief. I continued taking. Kruschen till | felt myself quite better and a new man. [ feel as light-hearted as I did twenty years ago.'--W, B. © What Kruschen did for him it will do for everybody else who suffers from indigestion as he did. The fact is that 'the little daily dose" of Kruschen first stimulates the flow 'of gastric juices to aid indigestion, and then ensures a complete, regu. lar and unfailing -elimination of all waste matter every day. NN Enjoy a really fin HO a ey rolling your own wit GOLDEN VIRGINIA ALSO MADE UP IN PIPE TOBACCO The Final Warning "The Handwriting on the Wall Read and In- terpreted, Announcing the Doom of the Gentile If nature is so smart, how come' the hair you need falls out and the teeth you don't want have to be pulled? I 1914), Their Complete | Destruction _ to Take } Place not Later than 1942-43." Helen--And you sat beside a. post at the picture show last night? Mildred--Yes, he didn't even try eet : Why 'is it that the humane society : arrested a man for beating a horse and doesn't do a single thing to a * woman who kisses her dog? COLLEGIATE PROVERBS Too many boys spoil the date. A right answer turneth away zeros. The first hundred courses are the hardest. Eat, drink and be merry for tomor- row we flunk, A skeleton 200 years old has been found with the legs wrapped around the neck. Probably some ancient smart aleck just trying to show off. First business man--Was the con- "ference -a success? What did you de- cide? | Second business men -- It was great. We decided to have another eonference next week. First credit man -- How about Amos Tash, of Brushville? Second credit man--He always cash, so we don't know how onest he is. - The difference between a rough- peck and a gentleman, is that in a domestic squabble the gentleman "just slams the door as he goes out. Husband--What are we going to have for breakfast, dear? Wife--Pawncakes. Husband--Why the English pro- nunciation? You mean 'pancakes, don't you? Wife--No, I had to pawn a brace- let to buy the flour. When a man in a cheap restaur- ant informed the waiter he was hungry enough to eat a horse, he was politely' informed he had come fo the right place. ' 7 ot ROYAL TEA CUPS The back to the sit-down tea movement started by London host- esses recently is to reach its height The china on the tea- ' tables will be in keeping. . The Queen is using modern. gets |. {th square saucérs and plates, one services primrose design introducing the graceful leaves as well as flowers. Pink hydrangeas cover another flower tea-set chosen by the Queen, |' which has cake-dish and jam-pot to match. The Duchess of York has a Jonquil tea-set in an Adam green with the flowers in white, phe uses-in London days, her othor tea-set being in peach and gold. -- ---a b having © a} which on alternate Nations Which God has Numbered, 2520 Years Being Thelr Lease of Life, and has Already Delivered Over to Judg- ment (Beginning in Send card for FREE copy of this address to Wilbur Glenn Vollva, Zion, Illinois. eset pr iy If Your Ears Ring With Head Noises If you have catarrhal deafness or head noises go to your druggist and get 1 oz. of armint (double strength), and add to it 14 pint of hot water and a little sugar. Take 3 tablespoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breath- ing become easy and the mucous stop dropping into the throat. 1t is easy to prepare, costs little, and is pleasant to take. Anyone who has catarrhal deafness or head noises should 'give this prescription a trial. (Gardening ..By Gordon L. Smith Bn oe Ro oo > > ARTICLE NO. 4 DIG-DIG-DIG-- Cultivation is even more import. ant than. good soil or fertilizer. A constantly cultivated garden, will withstand much drought for the simple reason that this stirring of the top soil prevents evaporation of moisture, and it also keeps - down those robbers of plant food and water, weeds. The mechanical tex- turg. of heavy clay can be' remedied by good cultivation. Cultivation is necessary, especially during the early part of the season and more particularly after each shower. With some of the many hand, horse or tractor drawn garden cultivators on the market, this task is done quick- ly and without the old-time back- ache. KILLING OUT-- Most damage to shrubbery, peren- nial flowers, roses, strawberry pat- ches, fall wheat and other plants oc- curs during March or April. It is not the extreme cold of January and February that causes the trouble, but the alternate freezing and thawing and the drying winds of early spring. On fine days things start to grow and the sap comes up frém the roots, but at night frost returns and injury results, Crowns, anl stems are burst, fruit buds frozen, and grass and 'other peren- their tiny roots broken and exposed to the high drying winds. Protect- fon in the form of snow, straw, leaves, or old vegetable refuse, is advisable at this time and is especi- ally necessary in Southern exposur- es where the difference between midnight and noon temperatures is much more extreme than elsewhere. This protection must stay on until the dangerous period is passed and then removed gradually. If left on too long, however, growth is spind- ly and backward. A SHORT CUT-- Good sized potatoes by early July can be produced in most parts of Canada, and this is the time the crop is really appreciated and worth some money. As soon as the ground works up nicely, a small planting may be risked. To further hurry things along, for two or-three weeks before planting, it is advisable to spread the seed potatoes out in some frost proof place where they will get as much sun as possible through the window. Soon, healthy, stout sprouts will appear and if planted carefully, so as to avoid breaking off, the crop will be through the the ground in a day or two. Canada 'Relaxes Her Customs Regulations Affecting Tourists Ottawa,--Customs restrictions 'af fecting tourists will be somewhat re- laxed, a statement issued by Hon. R. C. Matthews, Minister of National Revenue, indicated. A change of particular interest to Canadian motorists who travel abroad has been made in the regula tions pertaining to tourists' automo- biles. There have been instances of collection of duty and taxes from Canadians on their return after tour- ing abroad, on compulsory repairs effected to their motor vehlcles out. side 'of Canada, either as tho resuit of an accident, or of unforeseen me- chanical defects which 'developed during the tour. Hereafter, the re- turning tourist will be required to satisfy the collector as to the bona fideg~of his case, and will be called upon to pay duty only on those re- pairs effected abroad which can not be regarded as compulsory. Included in other changes in the revised regulations are two which affect the non-resident temporary visitor in Canada, In the past, the tourist who arrived by automobile with a considerable quantity of tour- {sts' outfit, such as guns, fishing tackle} golf clubs, tennis racquets, cameras 'and other sporting and pleasure paraphernalia, was required to complete two forms, one for the automobile and another for the out fit. While these forms are belng re- tained as separate units to be used "ROSS 2 "HE 5 . nSmihs | 290, = 31 w inl6dayc|-do > .® ott i \ Fee $10.00 complete, Details Free. Write Now, MALCOLM ROSS Height Specialist. Scarborough, GHT'P ok, age 194, gains 8 loa fa § weeks To Amtiszem I] sYoTEM " " w in Incheassd oy awh dant esr 3 ina. YRVER TAILS Hunddeds of Testimonials from oll over As world, Eng. "Violent methods of sup- pression of the printed or spoken word have never yet done the slightest good."-- Hendrick Wm, Van Loon. "Dictatorship 18 always merely an aria, never an opera." --Emil Ludwig. as occasion demands, the automobile permit will now take the form of a combination of the two, so that only one document will be required to be prepared and completed at the fron- tier. The other important révision af- fected the temporary admission at frontier ports of tourists from ab- road whose visit is confined to points within the jursidiction of the fron. tier port ot arrival, Hitherto they have been allowed & 24-hour stay without the issuance of a permit, This period has now been changed to 48 hours to cover week-ends and holidays. TOBACCO OUTLOOK REPORTED BRIGHT Increasing Demand on Home Market -- Improved Mar- keting Conditions. The general outlook for Canadian tobacco in 1935 is brighter than has been the case for the past two or three years, in view of the greatly reduced production during 1934, the increasing demand on the home mar- ket, and a moderate stimulation of overscas interest, according to the Tobacco Division, Dominion Experl- mental Farms. The 1934 flue-cured crop has been disposed of rapidly at increased priced as a result of im- proved marketing conditions and competition between domestic and export purchasers. In Canada there are five general types of tobacco grown, namely flue-cured, Burley, dark, Quebec 1 FLEW THE HANDLE AT STOPPED-UP DRAINS OFF "It cuts right through all clogging matter x) o | There's nothing like Gillett's Pure Flake Lye to clear larly and you'll keep sinks, tubs and toilets running free- ly. Pour it down full strength hints for using this powerful cl 'drains in a jiffy! Use it regu-. --it will not harm enamel or plumbing. Kills germs and . destroys odors as it cleans, Keep a tin on hand. ® Never dissolve Iye In hot water. The action of the lye itself heats the water, FREE BOOKLET Tho Gillett's Lyo Booklet gives dozens of practical and disinfectant,' Also gives full direc- tions for soapmaking, thoro for free copy to Standard 8t., Toronto, Ontario, GILLETT'S LYE h cleansing and other uses on the farm. Write rands Limited," Fraser Ave, and Liberty EATS DIRT nial plants heaved out of the soil, Criminal detection is taught to class of 85 Delaware County, Pa., parame at Swarthmore College. Officers C. A. Broomall (left) and *. J. Monaghan take notes at lecture, leaves are thin and of fine texture. Three extensively grown varieties are Comstock Spanish, Resistant Havana and- Connecticut Havane 38. The cigar and pipe varieties refer-| red to are grown only in the pro- vince of Quebec. Within the flue-cured type are many varieties and strains. As this tobacco is used for cigarette pur- poses a fine-grained, thin-textured leaf is required. Popular varieties are Yellow Mammoth, Bonanza, White Stem Willow Leaf, and Gold Tip. The Burley varieties are used for pipe mixtures, smoking plugs, and cigarette blends. They possess very large, broad leaves of medium fineness and texture. A few years ago the market demanded thick, tough coarsely textured leaf, but these requirements have changed to that of fineness and thinness. The outstanding feaure of the pipe, and cigar. For each of these types there are grown 'ten to fifty varieties and strains. The pipe varieties have fewer leaves and the leaves themselves are short, thick, heavy-bodied and early maturing. The varieties most commonly grown are Canelle, Petit Havane, Belge, Little Dutch, Parfum d'Italie, and Oburg Vincent. In the cigar type the past year has been the organization of the flue-cured industry under the Natural Products Marketing Act. Growers' associations continue to play an important part in the de- velopment of the industry. In the past such organizations have been primarily concerned with co-opera-|. tive marketing under a pooling con- tract. In the more recently formed associations, however, general ser- vice to the members has been the chief motivating force, while such marketing activities ss have been undertaken have been on a volun- tary basis, and mainly concerned with the packing and disposal of un- sold surpluses remaining in the hands of growers. [In addition to the "organizations in operation in 1934, two new ones were formed, one in the flue-cured area in On- tario and the other in the cigar leaf district in Quebec. CHILD'S PHYSICIAN Reginald H. Wiggins, M.D.,, C.M.,, L.M.C.C. "To prevent is to forstall the neces- "sity of a' cure"--Reginald H. Wiggins. i Where the future and welfare of the race is concerned the child's physician (the Pediatrist) steps forefront of the Men of Medicine, as he advises on the care and train- ing of future citizens and conse- quently plays, next to the parents FROM GIRL TO WOMAN Mrs. N. Varey of 47 Burtch Sti, Woodstock, Ont., said: "When I was rowing into womanhood suffered terrible pain periodically. I would have to stay in bed for seve eral days, All this miser was soon - corrected aftér taking Dr. Pierce's Fae vorite Prescription." New size, tablets 50 cts., , All druggists, liquid $1,00, Large size, $1 35. Write Dr, Pierce's Clinic, Buffalo, N. Y. for free medical advice, y Halialo, ! | Ended / Mrs, H. T, Rowsoihe, Athens, Ont., writes, "'My baby boy was troubled with constipation. I gave him Baby's Own Tablets as direqt~ ed... Before I had given half the box the constipation was Held . By relisying constipation, Baby's Own Tablets prevent more serious ailments developing. Much easier to take than nAussating laxatives and perfectly safe for all little folk from the wee babe to children of school-age, 250 package. Dr.Willlams' : he LF LARTTIAR ------nt 166 Issue No. 12--'35 and teachers, the biggest role in de- termining the health, the efficiency and the personality of future citl- zens. In his endeavour to benefit the child he must not overlook five es- sentially vital points which more than anything else contribute to their goal --- the welfare of the child. 1. The first and foremost the child is a spiritual being and that this side of his nature must be giv- en opportunity to flower and de- velop. 2. That he has a mind in the making, which when properly train- ed, can be guided and directed to- wards the accomplishment of much good in the world. 3. That, as the child's environ- ment affects the child from birth to old age and from hour to hour, and very largely determines what he will become, it must be taken into consideration, mainly the home influence and the influence of the parents and the school. It is but a base, ignoble mind that mounts no higher than, a bird can soar.---Shakespeare, Doubt whom you will but never doubt yourself.--Bovee. Those who raise envy will easily incur censure.-- Churchill. COLDS Head Colds: Heat Minard's and inhale it. Chest Colds and Sore Throatt Heat, then ST rub well into affected parts. Real relief . . . quickly! MINARD'S <I> LiInimeNT "RUNDOWN? TAKE WINCARNIS If work and worry have got the bet of and you are f w po | ess, follow the recom tion) of more than 20,000 medical men. | Take Wincarnis three times daily, } To thousands who once felt as you feel. now, this advice has proved invaluable, Wincarnis brings to you all the valuable' elements of grapes (214 lbs. in each' bottle), and the strength buil alent ol beef ang malt extract, not a drug, but a delicious, blood aiid tissue building wine which query | soothes tired nerves and balls int Foie of energy. m t me you start taking Win carnis you will sleep better, ine more cheerfully, and feel .more nearly as ou should. You w know, then,! w wonderful it is to be on the r d tos , vigorous health. X For those who are run-down, or who suffer from ragecd nerves, Insomnia, anaemia or d ty, Wincarnls is a marvdlous Sone t Wiogaenhs from r st today. -- Sales nts Harold F Ritchie & Co, Lid. Toents, ; 20 Classified Advertising ' PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTO List of wanted inventions and fyll Information sent free, The Namsd Company, World Patent Attorneys, 37 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada, OHICKS EUHAUSER CHICKS, CHATHAM Ontarlo, THE BEST KNOWN -- KNOWN AS THE BEST. Send for catalogue and price list. A A A CHICKS ESSEX BRED 6 FAMOUS BREEDS TEN YEARS Selective Breeding, One of Canada's oldest and largest. Free catalogue. Essex Hatchery Breeding Farms, Box WP, Essex, Ont. Ringworm Infection Skin Troubles YIELD QUICKLY TO Dr. D. D. Dennis' Liquid Pre- scription, made and guaranteed by the makers of Campana's Italian Balm. Trial bottle 35c at your druggist. 18 QUIVERING NERVES When you are just on edge : : , when you can's staid the children's noise ::: when everything you do is a burden ::: when you are irri. table and blue : : . try Lydia E, Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound. 98 out of 100 women report benefit. It will give you just the extra en- ergy you need. Lifc will seem worth living again. ' Don't endure another day without the help this medicine can give. Get a bottle from your druggist today, Tolle, E Pollo VEGETABLE COMPOUND Guard against Rickets with Cod Liver Oil | FIGHT GERMS, IMVITAMIN A, PEOPLE NEED ME EVERY, OAY All babies need the anti-rachitic value of Vita- mins A and D, found in pure cod liver oil. Scott's Emulsion isrich in these Vitamins, PLUS the easy digestibility thatresults from Emulsifica- tion. PLUS the body-building aid of hypophos- 2 phites of lime and soda. Pleasant to take, Scott's og Emulsion is tremendously more effective. PLUS ADDED DIGESTIBILITY "MVITAMIN O, HEALTH L5TRENGTH DEPEND on me! [1510s owes 1 THE coD LIVER OIL WITH THE PLUS VALUE For Sale by Your Druggist [J ea. ttt 4. ------ Day and Evening Classes May be conducted in accord- ance with the regulations is- wed by the Department of Education. Schools and Departments, High School Boards & Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish Industrial, Technical and Art Schools With the approval of the Minister of Education Commercial Subjects, Manual Training, Household Science and Agriculture and Horticulture : . ! Are provided for in-the Courses of Study in Publi¢, Separate Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Copies of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of School a -- i -- te. Sn -- Theoretical and Practical Instruction 18 given in various trades. The schools and classes are under the direction of an Advisory Committee. Cr eu 8 SR sw

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