Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Mar 1935, p. 6

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= eT 3 i ne RN Nr NT I op 'came near. ARMS pA ARN W 3 CA TE RATES A EA TB El BI mgt de p-- - AERO BH ---------- fF CANADA THE EMPIRE THE WORLD AT LARGE CANADA SALARY IS SECOND "here » many categories of mn re il ah tooehes let erly, 78 had horns that were out Vorkers ) hs 1 €cac "8 ler . . Worsery, public Py : Bt of order, 204 had defective rearview gymen and doctors with whom money is a secondary task is a much more powerful centive to achievement than the Nuc Tice Dries most luerative of bonuses. For which Peg : Heaven be praised!--Quebec Chron- icle-Telegraph, TIMES CHANGE One reason why the rich are get- ting along without caviar is told by Neal O'Hara in the New York Post as follows: "Half a dozen years ago the Vanderbilt family's holdings in New York Central were valued at $29,000,000 and yielded an annual income of $1,160,000. Today the same shares have a market value of less than $2,750,000 without returning a cent of income."--St. Thomas Tim- es-Journal. "WOLI*™" HITLER Now we know what is wrong with Hitler. It all comes from the fact that someone gave him the name "Adolph," which, according to. Dr. Karl Plumeyer, a learned Berlin professor, is "an ancient and valor- ous name derived from the Edel- wold or Noble Wolf, a victory-and- fortune-promising animal." There ain't any sich animile. The wolf's re- putation for nobility is non-existent. And his reputation for ferocious- ness, so far _as the human race is concerned, is fake. Perhaps that is the fact wii Herr Hitler, too. Per- haps he is busy howling at the world in the hope that, just as many uninformed folk are afraid of the wolf's howl, the world will be afraid of his howl. On the other hand, per- haps he really is ferocious and is just taking the name Noble Wolf as a disguise.--Sault Star. ? ' TRY SOME DAILY Little drops of humor; Little rays of light, Knock our daily troubles Higher than a kite. . -- Aylmer Express ! WOMEN IN PULPITS Opinion differ throughout Canada as to whether women should occupy church pulpits. Not long ago Mani- toba ministers voiced their approval; the Middlesex Presbytery of the United Church of Canada, meeting in London, voted against the ordin- aticn of , women. The decision was very close though, the standing vote being 40 to 38. The narrow margin points to a growing sympathy for women preachers, Many churchmen contend that the fair sex is better fitted for the role of missionary or deaconcss. Others say certain women would make excellent pulpit orators. With- out taking sides, one may say there isn't any doubt but that some would preach first class sermons.--Border Cities Stat. \ --_-- | DEFECTIVE CARS « The Law Amendments Committee of the Legislature, hearing the views of the public on traffic control a few days ago, were told by the chairman of the Safety Week Committee of the Board of Trade that 1,346 cars went through safety lane last year, and only 280 were found to be not defective in some way. And he made the much more significant statement that only the better class of car went through the lane at all. The others, the cars that really nceded it, never Inspector Street of the Winnipeg police department also told the consideration and for whom the challenge of the in- committee of the results of a short period of inspection of motor cars. Out of a total of 862 cars, 692 had brakes that were not working prop- mirrors or none at all, In the same period, more than 1,000 cars with only one headlight working were stopped on the city streets, -- Win- SHARP - SHPD Hats off to the St. Marys man who had the ingenious idea, Monday morning, of attaching a pair of horseshoes to the soles of his boots. Every other expedient had falied to help him walk the icy-icy streets without slipping, but the horseshoes did it. What a boom to the black- smiths if we would but follow his pioneering example! ---- St. Marys Journal-Argus. SEVEN SVAD YEARS 'Down in South Carolina a woman recently underwent an operation the full story of which moves one almost to tears. It illustrates how thorough in some souls runs the sound old principle of self-relinnce, which in this case involved untold penalties. This woman consulted a physician who told her that an operation was the only thing which would restore her health. She left his office and possibly with her going she passed from his memory. All that was years ago, but seven vears after she again appeared in his office, reminded him of his ad- vice, produced a shoe box filled wita pennies and told him she was ready naw Yor the oauog ution. With great pain she had gofie- back to work, to washing, and scrubbing, and mendy ing, and vear after year had set a- side the hardly earned pennies, the "little she could save out: of her poverty, until she had amassed the required amount, $75, and when this was gathered had returned to sub- nit herself to the necessary operat- ion. Needless to say she was at once hurried* to the hospital, her: shoe- box was safely tucked away in the safe to be returned to her when she again emerges from hospital. But what a sad seven years it must have been and how unnecessary! -- Halifax Chronicle. GOPHERS A PEST Huge amounts are spent each year in the purchase of gopher poison. On the other hand, some of the most valuable animals which Nature has provided to maintain these and other rodents within bounds are be- ing harried to the point of extinct- fon in some cases. With the natural enemies of the gophers thus remov- ed, poison. makes little headway In stemming the plague, besides being an ever present menace to other forms of wild life and the cause of many tragedies to human beings. Coyotes, weasels, hawks and bad- gers are invaluable as gopher hunters. It is true that the presence of coyotes around a barnyard may mean the occasional disappearance of sheep or calf in stress of hunger. But with proper supervision and the protection which a good dog affords, these animals can be kept where they belong to make their main diet on gophers and field mice.--Calgary Herald. RUNS IN STOCKINGS It says in the New York Sun that the United States Bureau of Standards uses an improved machine I AN a in for testing hosiery. This leads the > ! New York Sun into a chaste little bit PHYSICAL FITNESS in its editorial columns upon runs The British Medical Association in stockings. It seems that this ; complishments. He told his Scottish Corporation audience recently he has learned Gaelic and the pipes. He made it clear to all of them that he is an excellent teller stories. life, and a true-blue Sdot who next to me said his Royal Highness' Scots accent was excellent. Prince looks extraordinarily well in Highland course, Royal Stuart tartan kilt, with . Pay i] ' shown leaving the residence of EY Last Respects Hi g San : ; Charles Henry Butler (left), former reporter of decisions of the U. S. Supreme Court, and Attorney General Homer S. Cummings the late Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes in Washington after paying their last homage, machine "shows that laundering, dyeing, ageing, finishing and con- struction all have a great effect on the . . , durability of tlie stockings on repeated distention." Thus, it ap- pears, the researches of the bureau in knitting, "degumming," dyeing, finishing, ageing, laundering, redye- ing, refinishing, etcetera, are helpful on the great subject of runs in stock- ings. But the New York Sun thinks that when a woman discovers a run in her' stocking she doesn't think of what the bureau-is doing. What we feel like saying about all this is that, God bless our souls, how the times do change! The New York Sun could never have had an editorial bit about runs in stockings when it was young. Come to that, we couldn't have had an editorial bit about runs in stockings when we were young. Runs in stockings was a subject that simply didn't arise in those days. The Province wouldn't have known. Who would have known? Stockings were out of sight then. Stockings were supposed to be out of mind then. We don't even know if they had' runs in stockings then. But if they did have runs in stock- ings then, we'd bet they were out of sight anyhow--Vancouver Prov- ince. ONE FATALITY One of the most satisfying fea- tures of the police report is the sub- stantial decline in motor accidents. The number reported last year was only 93, with one fatality, as com- pared with 268 and two fatalities in 1933. It would be a fine thing if Kingston could improve still further on last year's figures. -- Kingston Whig-Standard. - ' A THE EMPIRE PRINCE AS A SCOT The Prince of Walés has many ac- that of Scots He acts them.to the ' very sat, The costume. He wore, of 'reaching prepare plans for improving the physique of the nation. There is no doubt that it can do with improving. But the committee may have a little difficulty on hitting on the right scheme--schemes, that is, which the English, with their ancient and well- known dislike of taking exercise "for the sake of their health," will not find too self-cons+ously virtuous to be tolerable, If the average man or youth were asked what he special- ly needed to make himself fit, he might possibly reply: "More money, more leisure and more playing fields." He might also possibly he right.--Manchester Guardian. WEDDING GIFTS A curious correspondence has a- display of the "wedding presents which were sent to the Duke and Duchess of Kent. Criticism has been ques which were among the gifts, and it is urged, that public bodies like the Royal Academy and the City Companies should have tried rather to benefit present-day artists and de- signers--Belfast' Telegraph. CEYLON'S BLACK OUTLOOK Seldom has sunshine, the tradit- ional harbinger of happiness, so completely meant the reverse = of: good fortune as has been the recent and present experience in Ceylon. In his statement last week in the State Council Sir Baron Jayatilaka declar- ed that if there was no break in the weather during the next few days a state of famine avould be bound to supervene. That prophecy of woe seems to be in process of fulfilment. The weather reports continue to re- cord the absence of rain in precisely those parts where rain is most need- ed to abate the malaria epdiemic and to prevent crop failure. The rain- fall to date since the beginning of the year, comparing most unfavour- ably with the average for the cor- responding period during two decad- es, is disastrously deficient. The far- effect of this second drought, of last year, it is impos- sible to forecast. The crops on which the bulk of the population depend for their livelihood, badly affected as they have been already, will be.in danger of complete ruin. The parch- ing up of 'paddy fields and the de- vastation of 'chenas will lend a peculiar poignancy to the more pro- longed ill-effects on coconut plant- As wo entered the FU MANCHU . De. Cloevo straight. has appointed a special committee to ations 'which have had their : full share of misfortune in other re- spects, This unrelieved picture of 11 10 risen in the English press out of the | made of the number of valuable anti-_ New York, -- The wealth female of the species {8 more numerous than the male, a check of blue-blooded heirs discloses, While a survey re- vealed at least 15 wealthy and un- wed women, there are apparently only nine men to match them in af- fluence and social position, They are: . ; Alfred and George Vanderbilt, brothers and heirs to millions from the Vanderbilt side and from their maternal grandfather, Capf, Isaac Emerson, patent medicine king, James and Woolworth Donohue, Unmarried Rich Women Outnumber Wealthy Men who are in line for chunks of the in. exhaustible .five-and-ten fortune, Michael Phipps, who will inherit the Pittsburgh steel millions of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Phipps, Marshall Field, meérchant prince, still wealthy despite enormous ali- mony paid two ex-wives, 3 William Rhinelander Stewart, mul- ti-millionaire playboy. Harvey Ladow, who, despite his fortune, lives the life of a country squire in Maryland, Charles Dunlap, heir to the Bur wind coal millions, Modern Child Likes New York. -- Father rates about 61 per cent, instead of being "all right" with the modern child, Mother stands higher -- 65,6 per cent, These findings were given to the American Orthopsychiatic Associa- tion by Dr. H, Meltzer, St. Louis. He sald they were based on studies of the attitudes of 150 children of ele- nyantary school age. The children were carefully selec- ted, he explained, to represent a cross-section of the city, They were asked for all their pleasant and un- pleasant reactions, or feelings, about 'thelr parents, Pleasant for father, including even "barely pleasant" totalled 61 per cent, On the same basis mother went four and a halt points higher. "This however," the report stated, "does not indicate a complete come- down for parents as would appear at first sight, for the definitely un- Pleasant reactions add up to only 5.8 per cent for both parents, 4 per cent, 'Mother Wee Bit Better Than Father for mother and 7.6 per father," A principal cent, for difference from the child's point of 'view is that father |sistence that the jobs leans to the mental side, mother to the emotional, Upon 'Blue Bloods' --Claim . Society Registerites Steal- ing Their Jobs, TT : New York, -- A declaration of war by the "working girls" against the social registerites who who "take their night club jobs seriously," has i complicated the entertainment prob- ilem in New York's hot spots and ca« fs barets, z The American Fedération of tors announced a meeting to decide how to protect strictly professional entertainers against the inroads of debutantes and male socialties. Vigorous protests of "unfair com- petition"--cabarets have been known o feature their "blue blooded" at- tractions--by the working boys and girls was met by Park avenue's in- it held were very very necessary, A night club job to Mrs. W. Stu- Reported more or less in the chil-, art Symington III, daughter of Rep- dren's own words the typical father resentative James W. Wadsworth Jr. Is "a person who works and supports you, does things around the house, | takes you out places, with you, participates In outdoor activities, gives you money, has such. qualities ! as sweetness and kindness, partic. | pate in indoor activities, and who' trains you to mind." Mother is "a person who does house work, does things for you, works and supports you, has such | qualities as sweetness and kindness, take you out places, plays games with you, helps you with homework, buys food and clothes for you, scolds | you when you do wrong and glves you things," Toronto. -- Bris'ter and increastd demand for horses and all types of cattle in most sections of tue p.o- vince was the bright. spot in the weekly crop report issued by the On- tarlo Department of Agriculture. Reports from. Ontario' county said farm sales are bringing the best prices in more than three years and there is a keen demand for horses at about $256 average for good farm horses, "Ordinary grade cows brought $35 to $48 with bred .sows -selling around $30. -- = Tre Peterborough county reported ac- tive demand for good quality pure- bred Shorthorn bulls of serviceable age with sales ranging from $60 to $100 depending on type and age. Milk cows are sought In Glengarry. An order was received from the United States for 116 good Holstein cows at prices varying up to $65. Cattle buying is fairly active in Prince Edward county, In Huron county there is a brisk demand for horses and good prices are being realized, Farmers.are in a more hopeful frame of mind re- garding cattle prices, the repor: sald, A recent sale in Grey county | ¢ Dbercentage of carried along in fair flesh and wiil be turned on grass tion but thefe are some 'very thin" cattle. Even with favorable grass. condition, the take these cattle well on to fall to make up and be lir reasonable oon. dition for market, reported production is well but some found quality of pro-' duct lower there is a 'very heavy" demand for | hay at present with dairymen and' others looking for outside sources of supply. Fs, brought $40-$45 for grade cows and tt Increased Demand For Horses And Cattle In Province Is Reported more than $100 for horses, Although shortage of hay still faces Owutario farmers, cattle have come through the winter season in good condition duction is well considering the shortage, and holding creamery pro- up reasonably Dufferin county reported a large livestock is being in good condi- report said, it will Haldimand country creamerymen "holding up . and in Lincoln county | Livestock in Middlesex 'county are iclent hay and rough feed to carry | em through to spring. misery is evidence that Ceylon's been exaggerated, but that, on the contrary, there Is a worse havoc than has been wrought by malaria for which the Government and the Ceylon, Colombo. First Aid Depots Along Highways First aid stations will be estab- lished 'along Western Ontario high- ways as son as the necessary finan- | yo cial arrangements between three societies interested in the venture are worked out. The cost of setting up the sys- tem along No. 2 highway, Toronto to Windsor; would be about $3,000, it is said, The subject was up for: discussion)| 18! instrument whose tones are the re-echo of higher strings within us." --Novalis. at the Ontario Motor League annual meeting 'this week and members of that Association ar husi tale of suffering has by no means| about it, pe SHH eele ly by the St. John Ambulance As. sociation, the Canadian Red Cross people must be prepared.--Times of | and the Motor League, than a year on No. Toronto to Montreal, clare it has been of great assistance in saving lives and alleviating suf- fering following motor accidents, part of the province. this year, and it may not, depending on circumstances, The scheme is undertaken joint- It has been in operation for more 2 Highway from and reports de- There is nothing definite as to hen it will be instituted in this It may be ---------- Nature is an Aeolian harp, a mus- playes games! helps you with homework, | 'designed for a should not allow it to be altered for her, for even it the actual measure- ments are eventually right, the line will be wrong. woman has her own special design- ers, alterations of this kind are quite unnecessary, important, day a long skirt is not advised, for it is likely to-look dowdy on a small figure. is just a matter of legitimate compe- "tition, She is a singer employed in : the Place Piquale under the name of Eve Symington, "I can't see why any :girl hasn't a right to takea job and keep it on her own merits," she said. "I need ths money but that hasn't anything to do with it." "They're crazy if they don't think I need a job," Lois D. Elliman the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland I, Elliman, of Scarsdale, 'said. "Even if I wasn't a society\girl I'd be doing it anyhow, because I have to have a job." Robert R, LaBranche who enter- tains at the Stork Club defended the debutante entertainer both from the point of view of talent and- her. cus- tomer attraction value.' "] don't see why a debutante can't go into a night club," he said. "Just because you are in the social regis- ter doesn't mean that you are lousy with money." » SHORT WOMEN A Special Technique Is Re- 'quired in Dress and Form The woman who measures less 'than five feet, five inches in height 'must have a technique of her own it she wishes to be a "Pocket Venus" instead of a mere Small Woman. And it is the technique of the minia- ture painter as.opposed to the paint- er in oils, First and foremost, she must keep slim, For, though the small siim. woman is many a man's ideal, the small stout woman finds it difiicult to make up in charm what she loses in dignity, Therefore starchy foods must be eliminated from her diet, fruit must take the place of cakes being carried along in fair condition ' for tea, and hot water flavored with and by careful conservation of feed | lemon should be taken first thing in supplies most farmers will have suf- the morning and last thing at night. Line must be studied in relation to the figure, and all gowns chosen to increase the apparent length of thd an inch. higher often give this fitting garments Empire style coming, The waist set even half than normal will illusion, and close and the moulded are usually most be- legs. Large hats, long-haired furs, elab- orate shoes and barbaric jewellery must be avolled altogether with all fussy trimmings and accessories. The Pocket Venus never makes the mis. take of wearing exaggeratedly high heels for these are apt to accentuate der lack of inches, : However much she likes a' gown taller woman, she Now that the small The length of the skirt is very For wear during the A reasonably short skirt is Sie Crichton's features were oddly puffy, as were his By SAX ROHMER Nayland. Smith questioned Burboyne, Sir Crichton's sec- " "Suddenly, Bur. bsyre recona ted THE ZYAT KISS.--Warned Too Late, wd up from the couch ¢ hands, He had been addicted to drugs, as Dr. tary. Th man dramatically, "Si where lay the bod of Sie Cleave had told us, and as | back the pit on his her vering oa his mario or in org fo digi richton b ust open by 30 Davey, sis a most mysterious case," he sald, ft arm, | saw the marks of the needle, Mechanically | according to their usual custom. At ten twenty-five a dis. door | 'Nendolf with a th Idt chy of uot no rand | | dh he gh a, hc wu wad eon he | | {3 marge En ban eh Br | Teco an din A a porte was a faint red mark, not unlike " i wav mortem can establish the facts--if we aver bp Kl of palated lips. o © 111 #7 fas Rormer sat 700 Bex Syadtesta, ren Soya prsse d sande) on J. abla. Excopt for that : vk we His yet ware best for all but very formal wear. At night, however, a gown which just clears the ground will be found most becoming, 4 The latest styles of hairdressing are ideal for. the short woman, for the loose waves moulding the head, and the few flat curls of demure fringe, while still preserving a soft. ly feminine appearance, give that small sleek head which is so desire able, The Poultry Breeding Pen At thig time of the year some thought should be givento selection of the hen breeding .pens, Trap nest records are the best means of selec- ting birkis for this purpose, however, 'where these are not available, it {a considered wise to select females of good substance, body capacity, clean cut 'well defined heads, with good clean flat-boned shanks, and a good healthy appearance. of. vigor and ac- tivity. Choose only hens 'that lay 0gga averaging twenty-four ounces to the dozen. The male birds should it possible be selected from among birds of known parentage, >

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