LOCAL ITEMS BENEFIT CONCERT AT YELLOW SCHOOL, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8. A benefit concert is being given in the Yellow School on Wednesday evening, April 8rd. Admission 16c. Everybody invited. -- SURPRISE SOAP WRAPPERS WANTED The Travellers' Aid Dept. of the W.C.T.U. would like Surprise Soap coupons also coupons trop. any ot the Gillette products. hey mean money for their Travellers' Aid work. Leave coupons with Mrs. 8S. Baird or Mrs. John Cawker. -- ~a I. 0. D. E. The regular meeting of Scugog Chapter 1.0.D.E. will be held at their rooms on Monday, April 1st, at 8 p.m. All members requested to be present. EP -- -- Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, of Brampton, have been the guests of Mrs. E. A. \valker, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hutcheson, and Miss Ethelyn Hutcheson, are taking a motor trip to Florida. Fred Bell, of Uxbridge, an employe of the Hydro System, had the mis- fortune to break his leg below the knee. He was attempting to move a heavy spool of wire when the crowbar slipped and the accident resulted. Mr. Frank Woodley, of Red Pass, B.C., is visiting in town. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hall have re- turned home after spending six weeks in Toronto. Mr. Hall is recovering nicely after his recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Martin and family, and Miss Ethel Martin, of Brampton, spent Saturday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hall. - Mrs. Chas. R. Fuller and daughter, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hall. er oo > TWO SUCCESSFUL EUCHRE PARTIES Last Wednesday evening two very successful euchre parties were held-- one under the auspices of the I.0.D.E,, at the Library; and the other at the Armouries under the auspices of the Army and Navy Veterans. : BY IN MEMORIAM In lovihg memory of George Heayn, who died March 26th, 1933. His heart was good, his friendship true, Liked and respected by all he knew, To a happy life came a sudden end, He died as he lived, everyone's friend. Lovingly remembered by wife and family. "POOP PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. 8niyth, M.A, B.D. Minister. 11 a.m.--Public Worship. _ 1.46 p.m.--Young Men's Bible Class and Forum. . 2.46 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Special Young People's Ser- vice. Friendship Hour at the close. April 11 at 8 p.m.--Rev. Dr. P. Bruce Thornton will lecture. April '14 at 7 p.m.--Special Men's Ser- vice. Mr L. Buckley, of Broad- view Y.M.C.A.,, will be the speaker. DIED * TREWIN--In Cartwright, Lot 11, Con. 4, on Wednesday, March 20th, 1935, Charlotte Jane Beacock, widow of the late John P, Trewin, in her 78th year, STEPHEN--At Utica, on Wednes- day, March 20th, 1936, Alexander Stephen, in his 88th year. dl -------- + the cause of RHEUMATISM ATTACK PE pn bi SSL Rl 3a) 3 CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 7 p.m.--Evening Service. i. orl tt OE - H H ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN " CHURCH ev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A, Minister 7 pm.--Evening Service. Seed Time Will Soon Be Here Have you got that harness in shape for Spring work? Now is the time to get your repairs done and your harness oiled. It will pay you to have your harness in good shape. We also have a good line of work Boots, just in, priced at $2.76 and $2.8b All sizes for men. Also good range of Overalls to choose from, priced at $1.65, $1.76, $1.80 to $2.00. Smocks $1.90. Remember we sell Imperial Eureka Harness Oil in pints, quarts or by the gallon. WILLIAM WEBSTER, \t Beatly's Store, Port Perry Myrtle Station « Church service in the United Church at 7 pm. each Sunday and Sunday School at 1.456 p.m. Bible Study class at 8 p.m. on Wednesday at the Par- sonage. Everybody welcome. Two meetings have been held in the EZ SAEZ TZ EZ Sim past week, one at the home of Mr. W. LECTURE-- Holtby, the ladies having kindly pro- AROUND THE WORLD WITH A vided lunch after the meeting; and the CAMERA other at Prospect School House. The object of the meetings were to get the farmers together with the intention of organizing the farmers, who are about the only craft who are not protected. Some in attendance claimed they are at the mercy of the world, That is why the Dominion Government have come to the rescue with the object. of putting them back on their feet. Mr. C. Harrison met with a very at the United Church, Port Perry, on Thursday, April 11th Admission 26c. Moving Pictures and Colored Slides, by Rev. P. Bruce Thornton, D.D., for seventeen years pastor of St. Pauls United Church, Winnipeg, and recent- ly returned from a tour of the world. Some interesting features: Vesuvius, Pompeii, Athens and the Acropolis, . s The Land of the Nile, Pyramids h ? ' painful accident last Thursday when) gj, =" A Christmas Day spent in sawing wood with a buzz saw, a stick ' ee a 4 Bethlehem. Fifteen months with our flew up, striking him in the left eye, |. . a . 3 : Missionaries in India, China, Korea cutting the eye lid so badly it required ; . : . and Japan. A personal interview with geveral stitches, The eye is some X : what injured also, but we cannot say Mahatma Gandhi in India, and with ! Dr. Kagawa in Japan. In Manchukuo just what may develop. We hope for , . . the best. He is under the care of Dr. during the Japanese invasion. Spend- Rennie in Port Perry Hospital. Mrs. Chas. Cooper returned to her home in Toronto after a week's visit] with her friend Mrs. J. Dickson, =~ Mrs. Leslie and daughter Mrs. Rey- nolds, of Toronto,» were week end guests of Rev. W. E. and Mrs. Honey. They favoured us with a pleasing duet at Church on Sunday evening. Miss Laurena Graham, of Oshawa, also Miss Vara Masters, of Whitby, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Masters, i Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cooper of Toronto, spent the week end with the home folk here. ; 'Mrs. Ghiver Lune, Mr. Russell Hill, and Miss Mildred Harrison, motored to Oshawa on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Jewell spent Sunday with relatives in Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Beacock assisted with the program at the social evening he at the home of Mr. and Mra. W. F.|' Walker, Manchester. Zealand, the "Brighter Britain of the South." ) --October 10th, New Outlook. Lindsay, on 'Highlights of a World Tour', was one of the outstanding ad- of twelve years . so that you would not know when your time was up. This was the first and only occasion that we ever stopped the clock . . -. I cannot speak too highly of your address and of the manner in which it was delivered." : --A. M. Fulton, B.A. Chairman of the Speaker's Committee of the Lindsay Kiwanis Club. eS ESD RAGLAN The Women's Institute was held at the home of Mra. Chas. Luke, on Wed- Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bryant and|negsday afternoon, March 20th. The daughter - Thelma and Miss Gladys meeting was opened by the Lord's Hitchings, of Toronto, and Mr. Wilfred | prayer in unison and the Scripture Graham, who has spent the past few reading by Mrs. C. Luke. It was de- months in the city, called on friends | cided to finish the quilt in the near here on Sunday. ; future. ] Mrs. G. Houston, of Toronto, spent Mi : 3 ss Violet Thompson, of Toronto, Thursday of last week with Mr. and! one the week end at her home here. Mrs. Beacock. ---- : Miss Una Sleep spent the week end Mr. Be k t Bl : ¥; Beacock wins 80 Blasysthol Jast at_the home of her parents Mr. and SannsyaLelig the funeral of his Mis. A. Sleep, of Seagrave. Mr. Jas. Duff is recovering from hig| Miss 'Gertrude Kemp and Mr. A. recent operation. "| Ormiston, of Toronto, spent the week "| end with Mr. and Mrs. I. Ormiston. = Mrs. O. Bright, Dorothy, Bruce and Jack, visited with her mother Mra. Chalk Lake i Mrs. Walter Trull is visiting with Brown, of Oshawa, her sister Mrs. Bundy in Toronto. Mr. Richard Corbman spent a few days last week with friends in To. ronto. Mises Gladys Stephen and Gertrude Lynde, have entered the "Travel Club Contest, sponsored by the Gazette and Chronicle, of Whitby. Mr. A. D. Christie spent Sunday with friends in Port Perry and Utica. A number from this vicinity attend- ed Miller Bros. sale at Brougham last week. Mr. Anthony Taylor, who has been visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor, has returned to his home day last week with her brother Mi. Ormiston, at Enfleld. | Mr. and Mrs; Jack Kellington, of Oshawa, spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs, F. Pierson. ~ Mrs. Evans is spending some time with friends in Toronto. : Mr. and Mrs, Pilkie and Mra, May, spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brawn, of Toronto. vg Mr. and Mrs. Noah Luke, of To. ronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm, Luke, Mr. and Mrs, Avery spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Or- /) LUMBAGO in Secmsenan os * miston, in Osha ' r. and Mrs, Ed. Ashton, Mr, and] py, Simmons, of Toronto, spent one SCIATICA ng Ra Heron, spent Sunday with{ day last week with Mrs. O. Bright, immediate relief from pain Sorry un yeh of Mr Misses Mazel Pierscn, -y, Thomp. time they will sta cleansing Stuttaford 1] son, and Mr. Frank Grose, all of system and cause s : ARO "| ronto, spent the week end at the RL REE ii Rive you DON'T DRIVE homes here. RHEUMATIC CAPSULES Pe ---- flold by P. G. MORRISON, Port Perry Without Public Liability and Property Miss Adair has returned to her home in Clinton, after spending the winter with Mrs. W. Bright, 8r. Mr. Roy Reed, of Orillia, called on Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller, one day this Damage Insurance. Take advantage of our new low rates, (Fire, Accident, Plate Glass, Burgular insurance also written at reasonable rates.) Phone 88. week, Mr, Miller and sons spent Sunday in Little Britain, E. H. PURDY, PORT PERRY. 1 i ef A 3 0 SA Rr FY 1 I EN, EA I A A =r (adie LEE er C T y iu ol sian = i 2 ing a winter in Australia and New when a most enjoyable time was spent. "Your address ,at the Kiwanis Club,| was served and the happy gathering dresses that we have had over a period . It was 80 interest, ing that we stopped the electric clock Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Avery visited 5 AHR p Ld NOW OPEN! H. W. Boynton's Butcher Shop IN THE LEONARD BLOCK, PORT PERRY "Quality, Service and Economy" See our Stock, or Phone 4 WE DELIVER SATURDAYS A "FOR SALE ; Blacktarter Oats, 60c. bushel; Grain- filler Oats 60c. bushel, Hay and Potatoes. These seeds are great yielders, Apply to Jas. Ward, Brock Township, lot 19, con. 3. apr 4 Be AUCTION SALE of 12 Horses, 26 fresh Cows and Springers, 10 young Cattle, Bulls, Sows and Pigs, by F. J. Clemens and Ivan M. Law at Lot 7, Con. 8, East nesday, April 8rd, 'commencing at one pm. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. BS . FOR SALE Colorado Wheat, quantity of malting Barley, and quantity of first class Timothy Hay. Apply to Henry Col- lins, R.R.2, Port Perry, Lots 7 and 8, Con. 9, East Whitby. aprd © MYRTLE daughter, who have a farm and sum- mer homie here, were visitors at the Empress Hotel, B. C,, last week, - The Woman's Missionary Society held a progressive crokinole party at the parsonage on Thursday night Messrs. Bob Cross and Melvin Painter the highest score. A dainty lunch broke up, each resolving 'that they would do considerable practicing be- fore the next "Progressive" which is Hudgins. school on Friday morning. For- chickenpox. Mrs. Charlie Taylor attended: the funeral of her grandfather Mr. Alex. Stephen, of Utica, on Saturday. Mrs. R. Armstrong and son Jim, of Maple Grove, and Mr. Donald Ross, of Saskatchewan, visited friends here on Sunday. a) Mr. Will Davies had the misfortune to lose a valuable milch cow last week. The Faithful Workers' Class spent a very pleasant social evening at. the home of Mrs. Hugo Bradley last week when" plans were made for the class here early in April. ? Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beacock assisted gave at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ww. F. Walker, on Friday last. A number from here attended Mr. Fred O'Boyle's sale at Thornton's is giving up farming but will still re- side where he is and go more exten- sively into the droving business. ° with friends here on Sunday. A An old familiar figure who peddled baskets through here for some years, met with a fatal accident at Birch Cliff, on Saturday night, when a gust of wind apparently carried him in front of radial car. "He was known as "Lige" Marsden and was from the Scugog Reserve. <6 <a> a PRINCE ALBERT Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hardy, Leslie Hardy, also Mr. and Mrs, Nighswand- er, Toronto, were guests of Mr. H, F. Overton, on Sunday. Mrs. Jas, Ellis, of Toronto, is visit- ing her brothers Messrs, Robert and Russell Butson. Mrs. Pratt and children are spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. McMillan, Na Mr. and Mrs, John Warren have returned home after spending some time with friends in Oakville. «4 The Women's Association. meets this week at the home of Mrs. E. Lyle, Mrs, Fred Jeffrey, of Weston, and Mr. Worden Sonley of Toronto, spent some time recently with their grand- mother Mra, Worden, who is ill Miss Ksther Hunter entertained Whitby Tp., near Oshawa, on Wed-| Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Wolfe and|. winning the box of candy for having] being held at the home of Mrs. Hattle | § Inspector Hutchison, of Whitby, i paid his semi-annual visit to the local | § tunately most of the scholars were In| § attendance after recovering from the | § to have Oshawa talent present a play | & with the programme which the W. A. : Corners, last Wednesday, Mr. O'Boyle | Miss L. Graham, of Prospect, visited A 55 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 28th, 1935 and We Carry a Full Stock of Lumber and Roofing Materials -- Frames, Sash and Doors mad to order. > Try us and get results ui When a bit of hustling has shortened ; $< your trip . ..and you'll be.home well Sam N. Grif fen 9 pA ahead of schedule... Lumber Co. Share the pleasure with the folks at Phone 240 ; home. Call them on Long Distance. PORT PERRY, ONT. @®Long Distance takes care of little of things as well as blg. The cost Is trifling. You can talk 100 miles or so . ? for as little as 80 cents. Seo the rates / In the front pages of your directory. - ome oi A ® a 4 Eyesight Specialist reseed $000 0000000000008800000800000000000000000000000000004 Announcing 3 4 in our history. and many other lines. ONE CENT SALE # NEXT WEEK--Thursdey, Friday, Saturday We are making preparations for the biggest Spring Sale This is the right time to stock up with Rexall Remedies, Puretest Household Drugs, Tooth Paste, Tooth Brushes, Shaving Cream, Toiletries, Stationery, Firstaid Supplies, If bad weather or impassable roads keep you away, mail pr tlephone your order. We will hold it for you. See Sale Bills and next week's Star for further details. -- A. M. LAWRENCE, THE REXALL STORE Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Evenings, or by. appointment at all times. DISNEY BLOCK : Oshawa ¢ Opp. Post Office, Phone 1516 Lawrence's i Farm for Rent . #| Deacon Estate Farm --450 acres, Cartwright Township. 72 acres fall plowed. Apply to ' Harris, Harris, & Wallace, . Port Perry. i - Phone 49 Fe - ~ Port Perry : : y Eyes Examined Accurately rl. nm vas Seon ANNOUNCEMENT si id I ig ( I am carrying on a GENERAL > INSURANCEBUSINESS at' my §| ons s mints wm! ! office in the Purdy Block, in Port {| zm opis is suse of Metis ass Perry, at the premises formerly ac- ff ies Britton Saari lies. A dams, Hu tche- : ce and Burgery--Port Perry, Ont, cupied by Messrs;, son & Emmerson, INSURANCE C. SLEEP, fourteen of her girl friends at a birth- day party on Saturday afternoon. - It being her twelfth birthday. The program of the League meet- ing last week was in charge of Ralph Lyle, citizenship convener. Rev. Mr. Smyth gave an interesting talk on the Apocalyptic writings of the Bible. Albert Harper gave a reading, after which all joined in a spelling match, Greenbank Young People's Socfety have been invited to visit our League on Aprili8rd, Mrs. Cecil Jeffrey and family and Mrs. Vickery, moved last week to Port Perry. This week Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hunter and Merle have taken up resi- dence on Mrs, Jeffrey's faim, The program at last week's meeting of the Community Club was put on by home talent assisted by friends from Manchester and Port Perry. The pro- gram committee for the next meeting is Mrs. Arnold, Mary Vickery and Kathleen Murphy, Mr. Geo, Johnston, a much respected REAL ESTATE Phone 33, Por W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to 5 p.m. Ofiice Up-stairs, over Emmerson's _ Insurance Office MONEY TO LOAN inal a Get Ready for Easter . REDUCED PRICES Suits sponged and pressed ! . 80 Cents t Perry Bios resident of Prince Albert, passed away on March 20th, in a Toronto Hospital. He was in his 80th year and had been in poor health for some time. . We ex- tend sympathy to Mrs. Johnston in her bereavement. ; J Re ~~ Markets (Quotations to Shippers) BUTTER-- , Creamery solids, No. 1 .... Seconds iiiiiviririiiian CHURNING CREAM (f.0.b, country points) ot .25%c. repel 25, No.1,28, No.2, 21. Dry Cleaned $1.00 | G Grade A large, 20. Medium 19. Cl P. ROLPH Hog G18 Grok 1h Over the Observer Office * gi POULTRY--"A" Grade, alive. oop Spring Chickens ......,...11 to 18 Broilers ...........0000 11 to 10 J. 0. STEPHENSON, R.O. Fatted Heth ./..coso10c000 80.18 oo iors d Roos OXB «ur iiinsnsneruenes 2nd and of each month, Ducklings ..vvvicvviiiiisiB.t0 10 9 am, to Ron. - o \