a ---- Sh To Be Married In June 9 ZSk Requests hiave been made by our students for suggestions on Rytih.n- ical Arrangements cf Tomes, Meas- ures and Shapes, and Borders of Straight Lines and Dots. etch border and relative size of its parts. Make several arrangements, finish- ing with lighf medium and heavy lines, noting the ditferent effect a light medium or heavy treatment Pilots Of The Thames Have Difficult Jobs From Thamgs-Mouth to London ! Docks 1s one of the most difficult passages in the world, and the pilots who take vessels through it form an organization, the skill and experience of the members of which are commensurate with their job. FIG. 163. Illustrates 15 examples | gives the same design, This is your The only trouble {is that of late i | ¢ which may be u:zed as a basis for problem for EX. NO. 50. | there has not been enough pilotage ese] i ' By Mair M. Morgan innumerable designs. Take some of EX. NO. 51. Get some grey or to go round, and the Port of Lon. : : : these suggestions and change to] other.colored paper (not too dark), don Authority has been making 4 ie: iE ) 2 Ss SE SACLE, ete modern touches and you will be sur-| similar to that used in small photo extra exertions to prevent a drift oH ' fay - 7 bhi 4 prised how easy it is to adapt any| albums. Make some designs for sur- in the direction of the Mersey, Now Rs en / em. DELICIOUS FISH DISH {80 much more surely has the host given form and with a few new| face patterns, using straight lines' everybody is happy, for two motor A Ea Here's a case where a good recipe, ess scored. ] touches here and there bring an old| and dots. Trace your "designs on liners are to start this Spring a WX gui | Fan --and culinary ingenuity will turn can- Here is a recipe for such a cake: or used design motif vight up-to-| tracing paper, Get a piece of the transatlantic service from London. Ak & bt pad] ' ned salmon into a dish you will be Magnolia Cake date, Remember in adapting an old | carbon paper used in typewriters, . All ships coming to, or leaving ; Adit if proud to bring to the 'table, and} 6 eggs, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup bolling or used design, you should always| place it face downwards under your London, save those classed as '"éx. $45 x diners, like Jack Spraef, "lick the | water, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 24 try to improve upen the source of | tracing and transfer your tracing to empt" (under 8,500 tons and in the ' 4 £ Payer dean, Sens bk ii en Sule danny flour, 3 teaspoons bak. data to which you are using as the the tinted paper. Press just firmly phone or coastwise rade, ho! hav- 3 : d potato chips ana you ing r. basis for creating a new design. You | enough to give you a lesible line.' ing passengers on board have to Af will have a delicious main course Separate eggs; beat yolks until will have a lot of fun and pleasant | Finieh in drawing ink, Make two of carry a pilot licensed by Trinity RR for Sunday night supper, thick and lemon color, Add 1 cup of surprises await the result of your| these drawings alike. Then on one House. Hers dellied Salmon Loaf. the sugar gradually, beating const. own ingenuity along theie lines of [ of them paint with Chinese white Sea pilots are in charge up to or A ¢ 1 package l¢mon-flavored gelatin,| antly, Add boiling water very slowly, rantive duc s - Vik b > dm. whic y from Gravesend, leaving or board. FA creative design. ' -- any parts of the design which you, ' 8 To 1 pint warm water, 2 tablespoons | then vanilla extract, Sift flour and d ing ships at Dungeness or Dover WAH : vinegar, 14 teaspoons salt, lgcup | baking powder together 3 times, Fold -- : or the Sunk Light Vessel (Har A, ¥ mayonnaise, 2 cups flaked canned] into first mixture. Beat egg whites ol wich), he + salmon, 1 cup diced celery. until stiff; add remaining one cup vd ida 2 4 7 River bil Jie ao 5 - En pilots accompany sips 344 Dissolve gelatin in warm water, | sugar gradually, beating constantly. Ba Cl lm 1 | u from Gravesend to inside the dock NJ Add vinegar and salt. Chill until| Fold into mixture. Bake in a very unl eel lone! ne entranes Jocks GF the WIRE of tide: L slightly thickened. Fold in. mayon.| large ungreased tube pan in moder- way tier and vice versa. Ad nalse, salmon, and celery. Turn into] ate oven at 350 degrees F., for 14 ECBO Dock pilots take the ships from NB loaf pan. Chill until firm, Unmold on | hours. Invert and let cool in pan, Lea Cen Ow 0 entrance lock to dock berth and Roe crisp lettuce. Serves 8. When cold, split into three layers; py vn i | TAVAVAV, vice versa; this last class is com Bis HOT BREADS FOR BREALFAST | spread with Mint Cream Filling. [IVES TTT | posed of licensed watermen who Re) \ 4 Our breakfast menus have under-| Cover top and sides thickly with Fl G&G ave controlled by the Company ot LT : gone a radical change since the days | marshmallow frosting. Makes 1 ten- . Waterman and Lightermen of the id B When our fathers and mothers set up | inch cake. River Thames, and not by Trinity 'Y ; housekeeping, The crisp, ready-to-eat /° Mint Cream Filling : uf ||, (em) || {eum House. * A a cereals have lightened the task of 3% cup sugar, 4 tablespoons corn- id _-- -- Examinations for a pilot's "ticket" §) the homemaker, Eggs .in one form or | starch, 3 teaspoon salt, 1 cup water, ! of ERY SELLE RRR ERLES dAELE=ELEA are carried out 4 tinder nl 5 ¥ aneth 2 e olks, . BE oma . F "le wie ole Tr . ay wo us ted } wis gti wd Sinead He ELL a Abiosneoy Suites 1 Miss Julia Clarissa MacBrien, daughter of the Chief of the IIH boo ges of Trinity House, Visidenes jus to be ik 1. : B6 considerod: 4nds bls ro oloring ! } Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Major General J. H. MacBrien and furnished by candidates for sea pilot fu is ¢ hod ob indispensable, ~~ Fruit Mic a ous Mrs. MacBrien, of Ottawa, whose engagement to Mr. George Arnold that not only have they a Bourd of Fs : Yas ecome an almost invariable iy x sugar (cxcept 2 tablespoons), Murphy, son of Colonel and Mrs. George P. Murphy, of Ottawa, has If you get some faintly ruled] think would look well in white. Trade certificate as mater of a fre NE: SPiuteiof the menu for the first meal e thsere) hd salt, Fig water wy just been announced, the marriage to take place in June. Miss Mac- ~ |:paper used in designing, known .as| FIGS. 164-5-6 of LESSON NO. 48, | eign.going ship, but that they have NRL it © cay, y an oe oyer bolling water untl Brien is well known in Canada for her dramatic work, "squared" paper, you will save| gives you some suggestions as to done a year (at least a second mate) Ren } . In respect to hot breads, however, very thick, stirring constantly, Add z ; much of your time, and also find| arrangements. The light lines in-. in squarerigged sail and have serve PRY: p : ' Su Drone hahie haven greatly [ egg yolks inpien ais 2 tablespoons : that the squared paper will tend to | dicate the pencil lines or lines of ed as mate or master for one year in HR i changed, We s feel that muffins, | sugar; coo minutes longer. Beat | tonne chalr covers are soiled but not "I ° i i rout , 1 le : wi \ 'essel trading largely th 3 yo . ' 4 : assist you in creating new motifs,| the ruled paper. In making these @ steam vessel trading largely to the 26 scones, toast or a piping hot slice! until smooth," Add butter; cool, Add| enough to send to the cleaners or One-Piece from easil ie ' 'trict. River pilots have to hav io 5 . » : - : y and quickly. drawings use the brush wherever district. River pilots have to have a AR bh: Disco nest help us to leave the | mint extract and color a delicate | launder oneself, rub soiled parts such Sh : Id t H Then you may get some grey or| possible, as you will develop more masters "ticket" in steam and a Ros food ¢ im ne i Ee CusTARD TO SUIT A 55 JINR 2A sos will a Goon my oulders to lem | iim: colored paper (not too dark).| freedom in that way, and bear in YOU'S experience as mate or master Ak or the day's work; and with s 3T' LL soaked in special cleaning turpen- " antt : : foe 2 , rian ship uading London. X¥at many "varieties of hot "broats 1g| eked custard can bu sophisticated | ine Tha drs wil rome pu. tu SH Yes ioe way 10, 0% | mind the prinelpte of design wi Ee rose Bs Lense ? choose from there is every reason | enough for the most discriminating _stantly. oe Niustrated Dressmaling Lesson a htful occupation this is for You bre, ida? eo Sxpress poe: Me joins his colleagues at Graves. 5 : to. continue to give them the import. adult taste, and at the same time Furnished With Every 5 be dest p - = Rhythm, 'which is related action and ain thy Lar to Lae vires RE 4 ant place they deserve, simple enough -for the child's des- Linen can be whitened by the use Pattern "lt You SS Eion. le th mpemeRt hiooghons. (el design of a ship. The goal of the profes:ion ' vi Bran corn meal muffins will whet | sert, if it is well made and if the | of turpentine. Make a lather of soap yey ny Jon os a hk d iii is that of "choice" pilot. "Choice" eh the breakfast appetites of the entire | flavor is varled from time to time. It | flakes and warm water, add a small baper Yolhes ' og py il u il be answered in pilots are retained by ship owners to HEL ! ) family, and In addition the bran con-] {8 especially' good with a foundation | cup of turpentine and steep the soil. ny an " Seng ne wg yoy Wg jou ] Yd dy inter Datel or Tenia wit: wn iF : tent" will help to provide the "bulk" | of sweetened condensed milk. ed linen in the mixture, Leave for || ight, so that Mey wi o easily | t is depar ment. : jon wi ing ON elonging to an Mt 0 Sl Lx 8 | that all normal people require to Careful cooking is -essentinl to a | two hours or all night, then wash as rubbed out. Make a rhythmical ap. vecoive A porsenins repy may ae pany or companies, Xi f : keep the system working properly. | good baked custard, The best way is | usual: Spots on waxed floors can be rangement for a border, using only | same if a 3c stampec 7 ad rose © There are rather more than 300 i BL I wid Bran Corn Moal Muffins -['to place the dish containing it in a | removed by rubbing with A Sraighs Togs os Sots Somervint i i id Jrpsig nig our RS ot licensed pilots for London river gE bs 3 tablespoons shortening, 3 cup| Dan filled with hot water to the | ped in turpentine and then folished SIUM, ons DOTASTS SROWN Im he quest, ide Street West, To. ships. Thelr rates of pay are based Pin 4 v sugar, 1 egg (well beaten), 114 cups | depth of the custard and bake fn a | with a piece of soft fabric, such as lower section of FIG. 163. Use your| Club, 73 Adelaide Street West, To- on ta ad drRupht for ever IN 3 A milk, 1 cup all-bran, 3 cup corn #low oven, This insures a firm, even | flannel. Borax is a most useful agent own judgment as to the width of ronto. going ships and on tonnage alone hy { : meal, 1% cups flour, 1 teaspoon salt, ! texture, and. prevents the separating | in the home, as we have pointed out ) for ex ships, Trinity House [9 h -B 41; teaspoons baking powder. | that occurs sometimes when the cust- | before, and egg stains will come out La q dna rela) wel in BA 1 : ' ' fois Panta . q . ; r appoints a special official with title 53 A Cream shortening and sugar., Add, ard is baked too fast. A kuife blade | of linen very quickly if the article te Jos Din iveried tals divested Wi: iv en en "Ruler of Pilots" tu deal with 18 = eggs, milk, bran and corn meal, Sift; inserted will .come out clean when | Is soaked in cold water to which a easy fit throug h the waistline. ke immuta e, an parle as beaut) doubts or disagteements if such oo » flour with salt and baking powder | Custard is done, ~ little borax has been added, Tae Ra 1 go Ly tie See and dove. lea MiS) ACO arise among Channel and river pilots, 5k end add to first mixture. Stir only Baked Custard ; Dal was a Jove Woolen «mixinre - Trinity House exercises no juris until flour disappears. Bake in greas-| 3 cup sweetened condensed milk Litho pinged 40. 3 danp-cipser wil in almond green, which by the way, | ; << ldiction above London Bridge. 'The 4 | dry it and take away the musty smell : : , "People do not go to the theatre | 4 . ed muffin tins in a moderate oven| 23 cups hot water, 3 eggs, 1, tea- x ¢ nie #dded to a is going to be very smart for pod & | big 200-feet colliers for Battersea : (375-400 degrees F.) for 20 to 25 It, Gratl : jeusnoon "of ammonia ® spring. The scarf tie is brown crin- | to be surprised so much as they go | ; arth and Flies Ss » : ' spoon salt, Grating of nutmeg. bowl of 'at fll remove a hid and Wandsworth anc ulham > 3 Minutes. Blend sweetened 'condensed milk a in Ap a kly crepe silk. . . to be satisfied." -- George Jean, under the head of "coastwise," and i . Yield: 12 mufins. with hot water and pour gradually { oun of pure malt vinegar added to A gay print i rough crepe silk [ Nathan. their masters need not take a Tiin- § Bran Banana Muffins over slightly beat is another smart spring idea, so IT ilot Men with special 2 tables . } ' ghtly beaten eggs. Add salt. | o warm bath will remove muscular : Nii «Civilization has come te be al 1 louse pilot. Me speci poons shortening, 3 cup| Pour into a baking pan or. custard stiffness : fresh and young for immediate] "Civilizalion has i knowledge take charge. of the col i sugar, 1 egg (well beaten), 1 cup; cups. Sprinkle with nutmeg, Place in New kid gloves are sometimes quite wear 'neath your dark coat. kind of generic term to cover up & yi through the bridges to and § sour milk, 1 cup all-bran, 1 cup flour, | a pan of Lot water and bake in a | gigicult to put on for the first time Style No. 2747 is designed for multitude of our sins."--S8ir Gerald 0 110 berths, 7 i * teaspoon soda, % teaspoon salt,| slow oven (325 degrees F.) about 40 and so often streoh and split, Take sizes 14, 16, 18 years, 36, 38 and 40 [ Campbell. Should occasion arise, the pilot 3 A 1 teaspoon baking powder, % cup| minutes or until custard is set, 1 inches bust. Size 16 requires 3 38 . | may bo overruled by the master of i h ; a damp towel, place the gloves be- 1 ! a " 1 i : } i i vd. ohopped banana, / Baked French Custard, tween the folds and leave them there yards of 89-inch material 'with 5-8 America, with all its present dis-} , yj; 1¢ the latter 1s of opinion J v [ Pea Wid vgn Dg ovis oy ae cup sweetened condensed mik, | go 4 few hours before wearing. The yard of 39-inch contrasting. Presing Sympoms, a ail Jsegared that the pilot's WE is at fast 7 i While measurin well ig % SODs Jon wml 3 eggs, % tea-| gamp will stretch tho skins and the HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS |™ SUNS 88 he o A ee Lventual Zep) Uy for a ship's a : redi 2 ob "nei spoon salt, G halves of canned | gioves will be easy to handle, Writs voor nome ~and address j Tesomreatuiness. Stari + | safety rests with the master. ig | 8 ents. Sift flour with soda, salt| peaches. Nutmeg. vrite yo 5 "There is no real road to happi- Fat, i -. and baking powder, Cut banana in| Blend sweetened condensed milk QUIET THINGS plainly, giving number, and size of ness--you may be happy with noth- mE A H small pleces and add to sifted dry| witht hot water and pour gradually By Mary Charlotte Billings, such patterns as you want. Enclose ing and unhappy with everything." OUR BABY dt ingredients. Add to first mixture and | over slightly beaten eggs. Add salt. | When days are full of discord, 16c in stamps or coin (coin prefer: -- Luigi Pirandello. : ' . A) atir only until flour disappears, Place halves of peaches in buttered | And every moment brings red--wrap it carefully) for each fhe a Co hp 2 : : A Mere y i Did you ever look over i i Bake in greased muffin ting in a| baking dish, Pour sweetened con-| Its share of strife and worry, number, and address your order to "Trade restrictions are an In-|/)e hide of a crib & ] moderate oven (400 degrees F.) for | densed milk mixture over top of I think of quiet things-- Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West fluence provocative toward War| Aud geo two little eyes of blue? 7! [:: Ai hey i peaches; sprinkle with nutmeg, Place | Quiet things and calm things-- Adelaide St,, Toronto. rather than peace." -- Bernard M.| And two little hands AEN { eld: small or 8 large muflins. | in a pan of hot water and bake in Lovely things like these: Baruch 3 a 5n i y ' : So chubby and white, we Oe Tt Ae a bons irlige] Boies oo Sires Bi Shh [Di Wonks wh Wits, - rr That wiggle and reach for you, iy f lunch treat, Cake and coffee at night | Serves 8, ai A cherry tree in blossom, NATURE "Every acquisition of knowledge yo cute little ears, qi! i before the guests say "au revoir? ~ HOMELY HINTS Cobwebs hung with dew, . te Beahiies f3om isa BN ray So tiny a nose, : Ag | ». Cake is surely popular, Here are some hints for the home, | Yellow leaves drifting down, "Nature is a revelation of God."--f tvs: sets nte--Rarry X Aud 8 mouth puckersd up te say go AREY WER Bart i Popular, too--and envied--is the | none of them 'related except in the| With sunlight slanting through, Longfellow. Tosdish, [hat po bagi brseichs s «fl ostess who can make unusual cakes. | work of making things easier. for the | Behind closed lids I'see them-- ) , EN nai Lis Wile word yr 1 She has not followed the beaten | home worker. Again and yet again-- ' Nature is but a name for an ef- Necessity is the argument of ty-i Than a baby ..... unless It is two? Ny path; She has stepped aside and| 'Here's first ald for the leaking Curling wisps of wood smoke, Here is a dress that will appeai | fect, whose cause is God."><Cowper. rants; it is the creed of slaves. -- Se Wi ] discovered new delights while ex-| faucet in the form of a little ofl Violets In the rain. to amateur and expert sewer alike. William Pitt. ye i Ploring the by-ways. poured into the top of the faucet. Cv It's so easily made, being a one- "Hill and valley, seas and constel- Hard workers are usually honest; N op , And it these unusual cakes are in-| This causes the washer to swell and piece affair, which means practi- | lations, are but stereotypes of div- industry lifts them. above tempta- lx, expensive as well as deliclous--just | 20 prevents the leak, When loose cre- | 18 12 | cally only side and shoulder seams | ine ideas. . ."--Chapin. tion.-- Bower. TRUNK CALLS ta ig - & t I } ; PA i THE WONDERLAND OF OZ No. 1. ories by L. Frank Baum Storm A 3 | a [ 0 = Te SE -- An invention that will enable a Tl | q : gi : | subscriber to get a trunk (long dls- fe: ? tance) number by dialing without 404 2, | human intervention is being perfect. A | ed by British post office engineers, i i The first service under the new sya- Wl 5 ! tem will be Installed this year, : H Its introduction will mean a great ; ; bi | speeding-up in obtaining calls, and ; | ( the saving of an incalulable amount 1 of time and money. ' \ y + The utmost ingenuity has had to i g ho exercised to make this tinter- TAR ' ! zone" dialing possible, The signal SN i 3 given by dialling fs converted into a NA) : ( combination of musical tones, which - 8 2 : ( fs tranamitted over the wires and 4 ! g made to select the number at the TA or "1 other end, ALY x | The musical tone system is used FAN ¢ in a simpler form between manual ALT a { and automatic exchanges already, vel A FA B 'Pp and telex, teleprinter and picture ¢ a ! ( transmission services all demand A i ' : . } . their own frequencies. One trouble AE . ' has, therefore, been to find room to 3 it In the country of the Gillikens, which is In the Tip and old Mombl lived in one of he dome Ont of Tip's most important duties was to milk But despite the fact that life was not as unpleasant Pp Fo To re, required ; § north of the land of Os, lived a youth called Tip, shaped farm houses which are peenljer to the land the fourhorned cow which was Mombi's especial for Tip as it might have been, the boy frankly hated for thix scivice i There was mora to his name than that, for old Mombi, of Os. One or two neighbors lived nearby, but as pride. Early in the morning, before sunrise, he would old Mombl, His dislike for her was shared by others, or his a 1 re] Hel . with whem he lived, often declared that his whole there were no children for many miles, Tip had no go ont to the stable to brush and rnilk the cow. After for the old did not thd ost OF The problem I8 the musical para : nn ¢ to, for the old woman not. enjoy the best of that éncountered {n-fitting all the Ey namo was Tippetarius but ne one could he ¢ Jlermaten. For this reason, Tip did not find life so' that he would carry weod for the fire, fetch the water repaiations. Ter poiahlores the Gillies bevels. nd t 8 to say all that when just Tip would do. Old Mombs hard as you might suppose. Like most young boys, and finally, after breakfast wash the dishes, Then; old Pp b 8 y Aly wip ? ple, A radio stations of Europe into the CRN | #1 must be confessed, was not very kind to Tip. She he managed to steal time from his tasks to go walking Momibl would set him to work in the fields. But Tip wD to suspect her % ndulging In Tass arts, an available wave-band, as in each case Nn IE made him performs many hard tasks and oftem beat in the woods, h lo chase rabbits, and te gather hiskery would often slip oy from his ti anit ererine both feared her and hesitated to associate they cannot be given wave.lengths (oh : (Apr : Rtas wuts fn the fall, SLE ' quently he grow to be a strone an RL y) I too close together. arg ; s Vv '