Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Mar 1935, p. 4

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Tg AS TT Nolet Sh vA ia ' " * Jimmy Davidson. ~ most skillful exhibitions we have seen. Page Four ---- LOCAL ITEMS Miss Hazel Jeffrey spent a few days in Toronto last week with Miss Mar- jorie Real and while there attended the Star Cooking School in Massey Hall under the direction of Miss Jessie DeBath. Don't fail to attend the meeting of the literary society on Friday after- noon, March 22nd, at three o'clock in assembly hall at the high school. The meeting, the programme of which will be in charge of First Form, will be the last one this year, so don't miss it. The entire Study Class of the I. O. D. E. will meet at the home of Mrs. John Murray on Friday evening, Mar. 22nd, at 8 o'clock. sill THE W. M. 8. The March meeting of the United Church W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Jackson on March 13th, Mrs. Jackson presiding. Mrs. Platten read the Scripture and "short prayers were made by several ladies. The name of our "adopted mission- ary" was announced. She is Miss Ede, who is engaged in Oriental work in Victoria. _ Several Watchtower sponded to the call. The programme was in charge of Miss L. Stovin's group. Mrs. Swan read the Devotional Leaflet, Miss L. Stovin took up the Study Book chap- ter in a clear and interesting sum- mary. The Blue Book was not neglected, as Mrs. Orchard gave an account ob- tained from its pages of the work done by our medical missionaries from coast to coast. Much valuable and interesting information is contained in our Blue Book. Letters were read from Mrs, White and Mrs. Elliot of the Oshawa Presby- terial. The whole meeting promoted a feel- ing of interest in the study of missions at home. . Heralds re- ----eoo---------- - HYDRO CHANGES Work is how going on for changing over the local rural lines to a separate system. These lines include those running to Manchester, Prince Albert, Scugog, Blackstock, and the summer cottages bordering the lake. The con- sumption of power in thest places is increasing rapidly. The new system, (which was rendered necessary owing to the overloading of the local trans- formers) will be operated through Uxbridge station, which has become a centre for the distribution of rural communities. -- ee PO EP DP Peers THE THIRTEEN BILL Word was received this week that the thirteen Hydro bill for Port Perry will be a credit for $949.00. This is a considerable increase over the credit of last year, which was $219. BERENS SIDA '= zw ibnrbrLbwypwedf HELPING THE BANDS Bill before the Legislature provides for municipal support of local bands in Ontario. There will be a good deal of interest in observing how this pro- posal is received by the legislators and in the rural districts. a iPa i G61>z ST. PATRICK'S SUPPER AND ENTERTAINMENT The annual supper and entertain- ment sponsored by the congregation of St. John's Presbyterian Church, at Port Perry, was well attended and thoroughly enjoyed. This year the main feature of the program was a play given by the Sonya Dramatic Club, with the follow- ing cast of characters: Robert Darnell, a country physician, Allister Cameron; Richard James, a man from the city, William Mason; Jud Judkins, a young Farmer, John Finley; John James, Richard's invalid : father, Arthur Finley; Duke, a man of mystery, Kenneth James; Jet Sander- son, at the crossroads, Elizabéth~Me- neely; Toto Lee, her cousin, Marion Stainton; Lilly Morton, a girl from the - city, Ruby Prentice; Mrs. Sanderson, ~Jet"s widowed mother, Ethel McCoy, The play was entitled "The Road to the City." The play was followed with keen 'Interest and the parts were well taken. Between acts musical selections were given, including vocal solos by Mr. Chas, Heartfield, mouth organ and "bones" selections by Messrs. Lloyd Harrison, Jack Butson and Jimmy Davidson, and piano solos by Mrs. Orde, Special mention should be made of the playing of the "bones" by It was one of the | A a ---------------- a re -- Seed Time Will Soon Be Here Have you got that harness in shape for Spring work? Now is the time to get your repairs done and your harness oiled. It will pay you to have your hdrness in good shape.' We-also have a good line of work Boots, just in, priced at $2.75 and $2.8b All sizes for men. Also good range of Overalls to choose from, priced at $1.65, $1.76, $1.80 to $2.00. Smocks $1.90; Remember we sell Imperial Eureka Harness Oil in pints, quarts or by the [0 gallon. : WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatty's Store, Port Perry Announcement Mrs. Hall wishe8 to announce that she will re-open the Millin- ery Shop on Thursday, March 28, with a full line of Spring Hats, in the latest models. SCIATICA "RUMACAPS, CLEANSE your system of Uric Acid, relieving Rheumatism and Sciatica. MORRISON'S DRUG STORE RUMACAPS focoscssccosed + CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 7.00 p.m.--Evening Service, Changes in Relief System It has been unofficially reported that plans are under way to change the basis of relief from that in use at pre- sent to what is called work-relief. Under. this arrangement, instead of giving direct relief orders, all relief would be given in return for work to be furnished by the relief department of the municipality. Where the earn- ings for a week were in excess of the weekly allowance for food, shelter, the excess would be held at the credit of the worker to be applied against later requirements. While the change will be welcomed by those now receiving relief and who are anxious to work, it is going to provide a problem for the municipality to find suitable work in any quantity where the materials required do not form too large a part o fthe expense, because the Government's contribu- tion toward such relief 'would not in- clude any charge for materials or superintendence. _--ewor---------- CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gerow wish to extend their thanks to the W. A. and all friends and neigbours for their help and kindness during his recent illness. ee a .._;--s --I_---H A, L bl DIED JOHNSTON--At Toronto, on Wed- nesday, March 20th, 1935, in his 80th year, George Johnston, of Prince Albert, Ont. NOW OPEN! H. W. Boynton's Butcher Shop IN THE LEONARD BLOCK, PORT PERRY "Quality, Service and Economy" See our Stock, or Phone 4 WE DELIVER SATURDAYS o IN MEMORIAM MEDD--In fond and loving memory of a dear wife (Jennie) and mother of Rae, Ola and Dorothy, who depart- ed this life March 23rd, 1933. --Family ----lP PW ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Kev. D. 'A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m.--Evening Service. ---- PP PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H, Smyth, M.A., B.D. Sunday, March 24th, 1935 11.00 a.m.--Sermon--*"The Salt of;the Earth", hs 1.45 p.m--Men's Bible Class. Forum Topic--"The Separate School Question." 2.456 p.m.--Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.--Sermon--*"The Light of the | World." "Not Forsaking the Assembling of Ourselves Together." - PORT on WEDNESDAY ON DISPLAY TODAY You've waited for it-- watched for it-- now SEE IT at our showrooms Collision Insurance. Low delivered prices. Eas GMAC terms; including full insurance protection--Fire, Theft, Accidental Physical Damage and $50 Deductible THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND LUXURIOUS CAR "THAT CHEVROLET EVER BUILT HE new Master Chevrolet for 1935 is available at our showrooms for you to see--and drive -- today! EXCLUSIVE FEATURES, not offered in any other car in Chevrolet's price field, in- clude the new Solid Steel +. . the costly Knee-Action front wheels . . . ait and Fisher all-weather Ventilation! OTHER FEATURES: Improved Blue Flame Engine. Even greater economy. Improved cable-controlled brakes. Genuine Duco colors. Superior upholstery. Air- Improved clutch. Turret-Top roof cooled generator and voltage control, Chevrolet led all cars in sales in 1934, See this year's new quality-leading models to- day. Low prices -- GMAC terms. C-55C Harold R. Archer, Port Perry FOR ECONOMICAL~TRANSPORTATION. Dancing Domino A. L. McDERMOTT, Admissi on 25 c. Tickets MINSTREL "SHOW Young Men's Bible Class PRESENT "The Blackbirds of 1935" MARCH 27th and 28th, 1935 IN THE TOWN HALL Port Perry -- FEATURING Ragtime Band Four Funny End Men Black Face Chorus & Solos © "Ain't It the Truth?" reserved at Lawrence's Drug Store--without 5, Special Performance for Children March 26th. Admission 15c, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 21st, 1935 PERRY and THURSDAY Direct from the . -. . KINGDOM OF EBON INTERLOCUTOR gelling like hot cakes. Seats may be extra charge $90000006000000000008000004 1908000000000 000000008000¢ 8064000000000 00008008080¢ 1800000000000 000000808000008 chocolate naming contest. = kind. b50c. per pound. HANFORD'S BALSAM OF MYRRH--3 sizes, 3bc., 6bc. and $1.25. 5 PEARSON'S CREOLIN--three sizes, 20c., 36c. and b0c. : King's CONDITION POWDERS 1 Ib. package 26c. * BELL'S KIDNEY and BLOOD POWDERS--package 50c. 1ZAL DISCENFECTANT-- In bulk, 8 ounces 35c:, 16 oz. 60c. LIVE STOCK MEDICINES-- H We specialize in preparing all 3 kinds of condition powders, : liniments, etc. to your own formulas and at the, right price. 100 00000000000000000000004 A. M. Phone 49 - Lawrence's Drug Store News '(You,Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) HUNT'S CHOCOLATES--We are pleased to announce that as official - distributors for Hunt's Chocolates in this district, we have entry forms and all necessary information concerning Hunt's great Try Hunt's Chocolates, the better : : H . H : : ------ LAWRENCE, THE REXALL STORE 10 00000000000000004 SPAR'S SORE THROAT , RE NEDY Iwo sizes 60c and 1.60. KING'S WILD CHERRY and HOREHOUND--a new cough remedy. b50c. : $ "REXALL BRONCHIAL SYRUP Per bottle _b50c. : RUM, HONEY and COD LIVER § OIL--S8 ounce bottle 50c. : BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE-- Two sizes, 40c and 7bc. MISTOL RUB--3bc. REXALL NOSE and THROAT RELIEF, per bottle 50c. 1000000000000000004 - Port Perry I, 1908090000008 00000000004 199000000000 000088600000088804 1084000988004 04 0068008008000 0080000000000000080004 11: | I am carrying cupied by Messrs. son & Emmerson. INSURANCE C. SLEEP, Farm for Rent Deacon Estate Farm --460 acres, Cartwright Township. 72 acres fall plowed. ANNOUNGEME INSURANCEBUSINESS at my office in the Purdy Block, in Port Perry, at the premises formerly ac- REAL ESTATE Phone NT on a GENERAL Adams, Hutche- MONEY TO LOAN - 33, Port Perry § AT fia 5c. a lb. paid for Clean LUMBER | ; and ROOFING] We Carry a Full Stock § of Lumber and Roofing Materials -- Frames, Sash and Doors' mad to order. Try us and get results 0] Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. : Phone 240 i PORT PERRY, ONT. Eyesight Specialist Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evenings, or by appointment - at all times. * 'DISNBY BLOCK Oshawa Opp. Post Office, Phone 1516 N ----, HATCHING - EGGS FOR SALE Barred Rock Hatching Eggs, $4.00 hundred until end of April, balance of season $3.00 hundred. BABY CHICKS $12.00 hundred, balance of season $10. hundred. Also 8-10 weeks old Pullets. All.eggs set over 24 oz. to dozen, pens headed by blood tested, pedigreed males. '10% books your order. R. G. Heayn, Prince Albert, Ont. Box 23 mar2l' Eyes Examined Aeccurately F. B. LUKE & SON Optometrists 168-167 Yonge St., = Toronte (Upstairs opp. Simpsons) DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity M College Reinity University: tt Post Sadie gi = ol dpm. Bagand. llege and Pelyel ndon, North East Londo P p London, England, Royal Fic . Office and SBurgery--Port Pervy, Ont, W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insuranee Office FOR SALE Indian Motor Cycle, good running condition with nearly new tires. Ap- ply to Wesley Brimacombe, 13 Con. of Reach. mar21 --to-o-op REDUCED PRICES Suits sponged and pressed 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office oo» Apply to-- Cotton Rags at Harris, Harris, & Wallace, | : J. 0. STEPHENSON, R.0. ~ Port Perry. The Star Office nd leroy Bros Shon' month, 9 am, to 12 noon. YOUNG MEN'S BIBLE CLASS MINSTREL SHOW, TOWN HALL , MARCH 27 and 28 @* PET Sd

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