Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Mar 1935, p. 4

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5 7 ers a Tl ap 2 i gr 2 Rr as Yai er TT, Sr is oh > 7% 2, =e -- i A x. nr ba a op TY S CAL ITEMS My 'and Mrs. W. C. Taylor, of To- ronto, are visiting friends in Port Perry. be Mr, and Mrs. Leighton MacGrego:, of Beamsville//were in town on Mon- day. Mr. Albert Hall, Hospital, operation, is at Wellesley where he underwent an He is recovering nicely. My. Leslie Hall and his son, Harold, are opening a butcher shop at 894 Queen St. East, Toronto, We wish them success in their new venture. A large number of our citizens at- tended the ice carnival in the Arena, Toronto. It was declared to be one of the finest spectacles in many years. Mr. Dawson Kaufman, of the Royal Bank, Sudbury, is spending his holi- days with his parents. We are sorry to report that Mrs. T. Blight fell, on Monday, and broke her arm. We wish her a speedy recovery, A -- te FIRE PREVENTED Last Friday morning an alarm was rung in at the Town Hall, and the Brigade made a hurried call to the home of Mr. G. Stephens, where they found a. chimney on fire. Prompt + action on the part of brigade saved serious damage. "Mr. Stephens wishes to thank the firemen for the good work done at that time. Ra a 2 ST. PATRICK'S SUPPER This annual event will be held in St. John's Presbyterian Church, on Friday March 15th. Supper served from 6 to 8. Following the .supper a play will be given in the town hall by the Sonya Dramatic Club, entitled "The Road to the City" Admision to play and supper 40c., children 26c. Bi... NOTICE All farmers interested come to the meeting at Wm. Holtby's on Satur- day night, March '16th, to organize a Co.operative. Group. Wm. Holtby W. J. Mitchell. EUCHRE : A euchre will be held by the Army and Navy Veterans at the Armouries, Port Perry, on March 20th. Refresh- metns served. Everybody welcome. Admission 26c. . ------ ' DIED BLONG -- Suddenly, on Saturday, March 9th, 1935, at her late residence, 66 Woodlawn Ave. West, Toronto, Sophia Lydia Blong, widow of the late Jonathan Blong, in her 78th year., WILLIAMS--In Cartwright Town- ship, lot 15, con. 9, on Tuesday, March 12, 1935, Emma Jane Samells, widow of the late Charles Williams, in her 69th year, i... CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, Harry Raymes and daughter wish to extend their thanks to all friends and neighbours for kind- ness and their help received during Harry's illness. -- CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Annie McLean wish to thank their many friends and neighbours for their kind- ness during their recent bereavement in the death of Mrs. McLean. --_-- Pe DON'T DRIVE Without Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. Take advantage of our new low rates. (Fire, Accident, Plate Glass, Burgular insurance also written at reasonable rates.) Phone 338. E. H. PURDY, PORT PERRY. --_-- > D. D. G.M. VISITS MASONIC LODGE On . Tuesday evening, R. W. Bro. Geo. Hart, D.D.G.M. of Ontario Dis- trict, A. F. & A. M. visited Fidelity Lodge, Port Perry, together with a large contingent of Masonic brethren from Oshawa and Uxbridge, The District Deputy Grand Master brought greetings from the Grand Master. At the conclusion of the work in the Lodge Room, a social hour was spent, with refreshments, ad- dresses and music. The latter enter- tainment was of high order, both as - regards the vocal solos by Bro. Davis, and the trombone solos' by Bro. Lee. Bro, Mann accompanied at the piano, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 7 p.m--Evening Seyvice. YOUNG MEN'S BIBLE CLASS MINSTREL SHOW, TOWN HALL, MARCH 27 and 28 af UMEDA RAIA) ss err - NARS SEHR Give Dobbin a Chance This Summer Buy a new set of Harness and enjoy a nice buggy ride. We offer the following light har- ness cheap for cash-- Set light 1%" traces, %" bridle, 1" lines, good strong saddle, custom built for $18.00 set. Set, same as above but with layer on Breast Collar and Breeching Seat, D.H.R. and Goldine trimmed, $19.00. Set with 1%4" traces, %"" bridle, heavy breeching and lines, nickel trim- med at $21.00, Set, same as above, but solid nickel trimmed at $23.00 These prices good for one week enly. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatly's Store, Port Perry Sr. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Kev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m.--Evening Service. - r1 LAME BACK LAME BACK, RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, respond. quickly to § RUMACAPS MORRISON'S DRUG STORE RUMACAPS bovsssosesssrssson SEAGRAVE The monthly meeting of the W. A was held at the home of Mrs. John Colwell, on Wednesday afternoon, March 6th, and was well "attended. The president, Mrs. Jas. Shunk, pre- sided. The meeting was opened with hymn 376. Rev. Mr. Flindall took the devotional. Mrs, Shunk led in re sponsive Scripture lesson. After the business session was concluded Mrs. 0. R. Flindall conducted the impres- 8iv¢ program, when the World's Day of Prayer service was observed. A number of the members were heard in readings and talk on prayer by Rev. Mr. Flindall being pleasing features. In the evening about one hundred as- sembled to partake of the bountiful oyster supper and many -other good things. When all did justice, progres- sive crockinole was played and a social time spent. | Miss Eva Fishley won the most points in crockinole. Rev: Mr. Flindall extended a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Colwell in apprecia- tion for the successful evening spent. Proceeds amounted to $27.50. A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Miss Florence McMillan, of Greenbank, on Friday last, when she entertained the Quadrata Gitle' Club for its regular meeting. Thirteen members and several visitors were present. The president Miss Norma Urquhart, occupied the chair and led in the opening exercises. Mrs. Frank Watson read the Scripture lesson. Following the minutes and roll call arrangements were made for the St. March 15th, followed by a splendid concert. Dispussions on interior deco- rating in which the following took part: living room, Fern Moon; bed- room, Esther Graham; dining. room, Alma Clements. A reading by Miss Norma Moon and a solo by Dorothy Reynolds were much enjoyed. At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the hostess' and a social time spent by all. The president extended a vote of thanks to Miss McMillan for the enjoyable time spent. League on Tuesday evening, March 6th, was in charge of the Vice-Presi- dent Miss Ila Moon. The opening hymn was 847 followed by prayer by Rev. Mr. Flindall. Miss Alma Clem- ent read the Scripture lesson and Mr. R. Abraham conducted the Bible Questions. The topic was taken by Mr. J. Grantham. The Benediction concluded a very profitable meeting. The Sunday School was in charge of Mr. S. Reynolds and was fairly well attended. The Supt., Mr. J. Mark, is still on the sick list,- The Sunday School orchestra is coming along very nicely, Monday evening finds quite a a number out to practice. Sympathy is extended to Mr. John McLean, Mrs. J. N. Mark and other relatives in the loss of a loving mother and sister, the late Mrs. C. McLean, whose death occurred in Port Perry on Wednesday, March 6th. Sorry to report Mrs. Jas, Short not getting along as well as expected; her weak condition at times, seems har to understand. } Mrs. Walter Mark was taken to Port Perry Hospital last week; Mrs. '| a position in Toronto, Patrick's Supper to be held in the |. United Church on Friday evenifig, EER Lb Waa A Alleen Crosier was also taken to the Port Perry Hospital on Monday morn- ing where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. We understand these patients are doing as well as can be expected. We wish for them a speedy recovery. Mr. Oliver Martin was a recent week-end visitor with relatives at Bowmanville, Mr, Bert. WannAmaker has accepted We wish him every success in his undertaking, Miss Marjorie Mitchell and Miss Una Sleep spent the week end at their respective homes here. Mr. and Mrs. C, W. Clark and fa ily visited with friends in Oshawa 1 week. Mus. A. Dowson was a visitor to Oshawa one day last 'week. Mr. and Mrs, F. Harrison and Master Gordon, of Myrtle, spent Sun- day with relatives here. Quite a number have been confined to-their homes with the flu. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Chilvers, J and family have taken up AR. Seagrave ,having rented Mr, J. Me- Dougall's farm. J Mr. Harold Jackson has"accepted a position with Mr. Ray Dusty. Harold's smiling face will be missed in Sea- grave. Miss Alma Frise is spending a tow holidays at Gamebridge. Mr, and Mrs, J. H, Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown, of Toronto, spent the week-end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sleep and family, of Brooklin, were recent visit- ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin, -- eos PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, March 17th-- 11 a.m.--Beatitude 8 "The Persecuted." 1.46 p.m.--Young Men's Bible Class Forum, 2.45 p.m.--Sunday School. 3 7 p.m.--Sermon' on "The Public Worship of God" April 11th--Rev. Dr. P. B. Thornton will lecture on "High Lights of a World Tour." = a3 x 5 5 Thr Tie edli AREA All SRBECR CARER AE < C. C.F. Meeting 'IN THE TOWN HALL Port Perry on the evening of "MONDAY, MARCH 18th DR. LUKE TESKEY OF TORONTO- and others will apsak RED UCED| PRICES Suits sponged and pressed 50 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office: Che SNAPSHOT GUIL BIRTHDAY PICTURES It's never too early to start taking pictures of the bables and In later years they wlll prove to be one of your priceless possessions, 00 many parents look upon their children's birthday anniversa- ries only as a time to give them a party or a present. No one will argue against that angle of birthday cele- brations. Birthday parties and gifts were in vogue long before our time on this earth and will continue long after our 'demise, but_there can be another feature of the celebration from which both parents and chil- dren will get long-time enjoyment, to wit: the birthday snapshot. Suppose you are to be parents of one of the quarter of a million babies to be born in Canada this year. It won't be easy to remember exactly how that baby looked ten years from now, but a few snapshots will keep the likeness for you. True, if you are the father, you are lucky in these prophylactic times, to be permitted to see your newly-born heir for several days after 8ir Stork has delivered his package, unless through the heavy glass of a well guarded window or door. But when the nurses and doctors finally con- cede that yoi'aré not a'common car- rier of encephalitis lethargicia or what other germs you are supposed to have, you should exercise your authority. Tell them you are deter- mined to shoot the baby, ther laugh lightly, and walk in with your cam- era, Every month {8s usually considered a birthday in a baby's life until he is a year old. At least a.picture a month should be made of the new boarder for the first year, You will be surprised and delighted in see- - ing the changes which the plotures record, After that one of you should see that the camera is always loaded, + for you can. never tell when your baby is going to take his first cau: tious, faltering step--and what an event in your life, even it it means ; nothing to. the baby just yet. The baby is quite matter-of-fact about this adventure, but you get all ex- cited, let out a couple of whoops, gasp, laugh and probably scare the infant so thoroughly that he falls down and has to do it all over again. The chances are that you will not be prepared for that first step, or if you should happen to be holding the camera in your hand you will, in your excitement, probably have it turned the wrong direction and get an out-of-focus picture of your mid- section. But don't miss this moment of moments the next time. Have your camera and yourself ready for' action. There never seems to be enough of these baby pictures to go around, for there are grandmothers, aunts, cousins and friends in distant cities who are always looking forward to receiving a snapshot of thé newly, arrived commander 6f the "infan- try. " There's always the "first time" for everything and this applies to thou- sands of events in a baby's life. There is the first time he discovers he has toes, and immediately decides in his own little mind that they are something good to eat. His first smile, and then that great moment when he reaches out with his chub- by little arms and says, 'Blah," which is at once interpréted by the parents to mean "Daddie" or "Mom- mie," sometimes depending on who is governor of the hacienda. Volumes could be written about baby pictures but space is, limited here. Whatever you do, however, don't forget that snapshots of the kiddies are important right now and in later years they will prove to be one of your priceless possessions when your children become mothers and fathers and you are among those known as grandparents. JOHN VAN GUILDER, PODIDOOOOIDDIDIMIODEDPDEDDDPOPd . sizes 19¢. and 39c. 8 ounce 40¢. 16 ounce 79c. tion in its line, 26c. and 39c¢. cess ssesssesessrenrene .discomfort of head colds, Bronchial tract. Price 50c. ete, Two sizes 76c. and $1.60. bottle $1.00. Phone 49 - It is our desire at all times to Sopp) you with reliable merchandise : at the right price, Mi31 ANTISEPTIS--A reliable mouth-wash and general antiseptic. Mi31 ANTISEPTIS--A leliable mouth- wash and general antiseptic. RIKER'S FRENCH BALM--For chapped skin. REXALL NOSE AND THROAT. RELIEF Prompt relief from the ; Price b0c. 'REXALL BRONCHIAL SYRUP--To stop a cough and clear the BISMA REX--The Four-way relief for stomach disorders, indigestion, PEPTONA--To pep up the system. A great Spring tonic. I THE REXALL STORE 20 ounce § "A. M. LAWRENCE, . Port Perry | Lawrence's Drug Store News (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) The finest' prepara- or son & Emmerson. INSURANCE - Far Tor Rent] ET Deacon Estate Farm --450] acres, Cartwright Township. | 72 acres fall plowed. Apply to-- Harris, Harris, & Wallace, Port Perry. : | ANNOUNCEMENT I am carrying on a, GENERAL ! INSURANCE BUSINESS at my § office in the Purdy Block, in- Port | Perry, at the premises formerly ac- cupied by Messrs. Adams, 'Hutche- REAL. ESTATE + 'MONEY TO LOAN e Sc. a Ib. paid for Clean Cotton Rags, at 'The. 'Star 'Office [NOW OPEN!!| H.W. Boynton's Butcher Shop PORT PERRY Economy?' See our Stock, or Phone 4 "WE DELIVER SATURDAYS IN THE LEONARD BLOCK, "Quality, Service and © + HATCHING EGGS' "FOR SALE: "Barred Rock Hatching Bees, $4.00 | hundred until end of April; balance of season $3.00 hundred. BABY CHICKS $12.00 hundred, balance of season $10. hundred, 'Also' 8-10 weeks old Pullets, JAI eggs set over 24 oz. to dozen, pens headed by blood tested. pedigreed niales. 10% books your, order. "R. G. Heayn, 'Prince Albert," Ont. Box 23 CEP | Fe armers Attention If you are interested in new: equip- "I mient, call and examine the New Inter- national: products, especially the new style Cultivators: °C. SWITZER, Local Dealer = * LUMBER and ROOFING We Carry a Full Stock E of Lumber and Roofing Materials -- Frames, Sash and Doors mad to order. Try us and get results ny Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. Eyesight Specialist Open' Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evenings, or by appointment at all times. Pe " DISNEY BLOCK 7 Oshawa Opp. Post Office, Phone 1516 LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ete. gE! Money to Loan ; - Now located in the office of H W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, : Queen Street " Phone 264 Phone after hours: 3514 bo Oshawa. mar21 t "Eyes Examined Accurately F. BE. LUKE & SON » Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St. 'Toronto -" (Upstairs opp.-Simpsons) == ie i THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS IS EASY IF YOU BUY --_-- FROM es BERT MacGREGOR - i 3 Rl ms ' PHONE 98, ok J Start the New Year RIGHT By having our driver call to deliver your needs in- Bread, Cakes, and Pastry Fresh and Well Made Jemison & Hutchinson, Bakers - PORT PERRY Pasteurized Products ' ARB SAFEST AND BEST, Phone your orders : . 10238. Wedo the rest. PORT PERRY DAIRY IG. OWEN, Proprietor. Phone 238 DR. W. S. HARPER 'Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University Toronto. Post Graduate in Bu of Medical Gradu- ates' North East London. Post rte London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Ofie: ad Surgery--Port Perry, Ont, Ei Prada a W. 'A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON ) Office Hours: 9 am. to § p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Bmmersen's * Insurance Office jal SERN K% FIRESIDE a im PHILOSOPHER By ALFRED BIGGS Dwell in the. 'future, not in the past. Nl 4 o } of * @ The most learned are the most modest. . oo i LJ] * LJ Think rightly and you will act Tightiz. es» Adversity 1airedioss us to our tilends, ¢ 9 f Study the stars and your worries will seem puny. e 8 @ Without pain we should not recognize pleasure. * & tudy your own faults before you cor rect others, ; "re hd Mel FE ! E You're in the wrong when you have to lie about it, " a0. STEPHENSON, RO. 1 dd 3 Bt > { 2nd aod 4 Fritary ot tack month, >

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