Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Mar 1935, p. 3

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ES 4 LL " . 4 SEs, ? --- ,@ B| A ' 4 a » a v im > ; » ¥ he @ s » WE 4 = 15a HIF UTA YN Gh 87] Flair ds G8. Fada ai Vous, AL EVA SLT 251 IY a ST --- PEG BER 08 JL SIRE EP VAN al Yo ar HEE eA XN AN ---- a -- It's Possible To | Ward Off Influenza "On the subject of gargling of the thoat, it is necessary to urge the enthusiasts of this practice to be ex- ceedingly © careful to avoid using strong antiseptics, write Sir W. Ar- buthnot Lane. A weak antiseptic solution gently stimulates the lining membranes of the throat, but a mtrong one injures the vitality of the membrane and tends to wash away its protective secretion. There is no specific vaccine available to protect against influenza, but it is possible to inoculate against the secondary germs which play so large a part in khe disease. It is' sometimes possible to ward off an impending attack of influ- enza. Immediate retjral to bed after a hot bath, with a hot whisky-and- "lemon drink, a dose of specific _mgainst colds and two or three grains of calomel may dramatically aboit the infection. Should this prove un- successful then the sufferer must be confined to bed and proper medical treatment instituted. | HER GOOD POINT. The only son had announced his _ engagement to his family, "YWhat--that girl!" excldimed his mother. 'She squints." "She can't wear clothes," his' sister, "She hasn't any intelligenc in a maiden aunt. g "She's frightfully 'stuck-up," added & second cousin, } "They tell me she's very extrava- gant with money," said an uncle, "And most terribly common, too," said another aunt. "Well, she's got one redeeming fea- ture, anyway," said the youth defi antly, "Oh, and what's that?" asked in chorus. "She hasn't any relations," came put In * put they all " the quiet reply. Lawyer.--You say. that the hens stolen are of a very special and rare breed, and -that-is why you are cer- tain they are yours, Would you be surprised to know that I have a few of that particular breed? Prosecutor--No; 1 have missed a lot of them. : Dad--That young man of stays very late, Doesn't he how to say good night? Daughter--Oh, yes, daddy dear; better than any other boy I know, Some young people think they know more than their parents, and the sad part of it is that many of them do. yours know A very ragged old man presented himself at a' hospital for dogs and cats and asked the porter to take him in, was the porter's brisk reply. 'Oh, yes 1 can," sald the old fel- low, "I'm an old soldier." "But that doesn't make any dit! ference," said the porter, Yeterinary hospital." : "That's - right," sald the old man serenely, "I'm a veteran." "This is a It is quite interesting to see some of the modern dancers try to go through the old-fashioned dances, Man--You and your neighbor seem to get along very well, Friend--Yes. You. see. he never borrows anything but trouble, and that's all I ever have to lend, There is a sign on a Chinese Jaundry window at' Greensboro, that is vividly plains. It reads: : Birds For Sale - Hes, $3. Shes, $2, Says one father: "We were very proud when our daughter's school grades were announced and we lear- ned that she had made "A" in tap- dancing at college," But let the young excel in whatever they have the ability for. Diner--There's gomething wrong with these hot dogs. Waiter--Well, don't tell me; I'm only a' waiter, not a veterinarian, - Mother says when the advertise- ment says the show is unfit for chil- dren you will always find Father comfortably seated in the front row, Friend--I saw you and your wife last night, Beautiful woman, - Man--Ah,. but_you should have scen the one thay got away, The reason that We like mules Is because no matter h hard they may kick, they never sulk or refuse to pull? : "Everybody 18 crazy over me," said the inmate of the first floor: of the insane asylum, : --die Stil, if we didn't have d{gressions people never would make a fresh plar( entirely free of debt, "You can't come in here," | Nr RAAT ~ PAIN FOR 4 YEARS 70-Year-Old Man Praises ' Kruschen . A man who once suffered severe ly from rheumatism writes: -- "For a long time 1 suffered with rheumatism, and at one time was laid up for 'about ning weeks. About five years ago | was advised to try Kruschen, 1 did so, and have con- tinued using them ever since; Kruschen did the trick, as I have not had a rheumatic pain for over four years, | am nearly 70 years of age, and feeling fine, and always able for my day's work--thanks to Krus- chen,"--A, 8, . Kruschen dissolves away those needle-pointed crystals of urle acid which~are the cause of all rheumatic troubles, It will also flush these dissolved . crystals clean out of the system, Then if you keep up "the little daily dose," excess uric acid will never form again, ' What A Cow ! "What can I do for you Lars?" asked Lawler Brown in his Main St. office. "Vell," said Lars, "Ay vant some damages on Olson. "Olson the veterinary? Tell why." - : 'Oh, you see my cow von't eat, so I tell Olson and he give me bottle of medicine *o fix it. He say to put a. funnel in cow's face, den pour in the medicine and cow will get hungry. "Ay ain't have regular funnel, so I ask Olson vill dinner horn do. He say it vill do. "So.ay shove small end of dinner horn in cow's face and pour in the medicine. At vonce dat cow get so hungry she try to eat de horn, But she -can't--it stick in her neck. Den she cough and the horn go toot, Cow get scared and run up de road cough- ing and tooting. "Purty soon she come to de river. De man: on de drawbridge tenks a boat ban tooting so he open bridge and my cow fall in. She get drowned too, so I tenk Olsen should pay.' me Catarrhal Deafness May Be Overcome It you have catarrhal! deafness or head noises go to your druggist and get 1 oz. of Parmint (double strength) and add-to-it 14 pint 0f hot water and a little sugar, Take 1 table- 1p: onful four times a day. ~ This will often bring quick relief 'from the distressing head noises, Clogged nostrils should! open, breath- ing become "easy and the mucous stop dropping into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little and is pleasant to take; Anyone who has catarrhal deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial, Get Rid bf Disfiguring 'BLOTCHES AND ALL SKIN RASHES WITH Dr. D. D. Dennis' Liquid' ; Prescription, made and ! guaranteed. by 'the makers of Campana's Italian Balm, "Trial bottle 350 at your druggist. 1s BUILD: UP THE BLOOD Mr. G. W. Vollick of 14 Poulette St., Hamil. ton, Ont., said: "I have found Dr. Pierce's Gold- en Medical Discovery to be the best tonic to build up a weak and rundown system, It also regulated my digestion, increased ! my appetite and strength." New lize, tablets 50 cts., liquid $1.00, Large size, tablets or liquid, $1.35. . rite, to Dr. Pierce's Clinic, Buffalo, .Y., f8r free medical advice. 3 Over 200 Scouters and Committee men from all parts of Ontario. par- ticipated in the Scout Leaders' Con- ference and Provincial Annual Meet- ing at Hamilton, February 9th, 2 J For a winter carnival to be held at Huntsville in the latter part of Mareh, the manager of a local hotel has placed a large attic 'at the dis: posal of visiting Scouts; free. Their only expense will beemeals. Scouts interested in attending the carnival, may communicate with Scoutmaster Fred Loft, Box 385, Huntsville, Ont. * LJ] * A library in which Scouts = may read magazines and books between 7.156 and 8 p.m, when the meetings begin, is an experiment of the 1st Hudson, Ont., Scout Troop. * » LJ One of Saskatchewan's active Scout troops is the 16th Saskatoon, vat the Provincial School for the Deaf. * * * The joint birthday of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell, Februaty 22nd, was celebrated by Scout banquets in every part of the Dominion. On Sunday, February 24th, many special Scout and Guide church services were held. In Toronto, Roman Catholic "Scouts throughout the eity, attended morning mass at St. Peter's Church. * * * Boy Scouts of Ste. Anne De Belle- vue, Que., held an entertainment in benefit of the local .branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses. } i * » * Clever work as a magician by Scouter Denis Thyme, was a feature of a largely attended entertainment of the 1st Sudbury Troop. He dup licated many professional tricks, producing live rabbits, eggs, etc. from unexpected places, and finally escaped from a nailed-up box, to reappear at the rear of the audience. * * * Toronto recently formed its first Scout troop of coloured boys, with headquarters at the Grant African Methodist Episcopal Church, * * * Owen Sound Sea Scouts have been given an old 16-foot lifeboat by the Dominion Transportation Company. They will spend the balance of the winter fitting it out for summer cruises. Captain Slocombe is giving the boys instruction in navigation. * » * The mouth organ band of the 1st Sudbury Troop, was invited by Bandmaster Robert Barker of Sudbury Nickel District band, to contribute numbers at the band's next public concert. i by ox x Digby, N.S., has a Boy Scout work shop equipped for wood work- ing of various kinds, to which boys may come at any time and "make things." * * ® At the recent Ontario Scout lead- ers' Conference at Hamilton, the Gilt Cross for gallantry was pre- gented to Scout Donald Marshall of the 5th Hamilton Troop, for saving from drowning another boy who had broken through the ice on Hamilton Bay. * * * C. H. ("Punch") Dickins, Can- adian north-country flying ace, and one of the original members of Edmonton's first Boy Scout troop, told over the radio of the value of his Scout wooderaft training during his flying experiences in uninhabit. ed districts of the great North- West. . +» The Scouts of New Glasgow, N. S., are this winter operating a skat ~ IFIGHT GERM. MVITAMIN A, |: "Scott's Emulsion", wherever the liver oil were indica taste, For over fifty years doctors have specified building, strengthenin Qlalities of pure cod or Scott's Emulsion is more than just cod liver oil. Scott's Emulsion is pute cod liver oil, emulsified for easier digestion, greater efficlencyand pleasant our THE COD LIVER OIL WH The Abundant Vitality of Cod Liver. Oil PLUS PLEASANT TASTE 18UILD BONES I'M VITAMIN DO. HEALTH ASTRENGTH DEPEND nes pa PLUS vs | 'SCOUTING | Here + There J Everywhere » A brother to every other Scout, without regard tovace or creed . rink is reserved to them every after- 1 ing material. : the re -- ing rink for the benefit of the com- munity, To give young skaters a safe chance to enjoy. themselves, the! noon until 4.15, and during that time no hockey sticks are permitted on the ice. BETTER BREED OF HORSES DESIRED Celebrated Clydesdales For Eastern Ontario Two of the ten Clydesdale stal- lions reeently imported by the Do- minion Department of Agriculture are to bedskept in this district in an effort to improve breeding stock, The remainder will be sent to other points in Canada. Of the two to re- main in or around Ottawa one is a five-year-old which will be veady by 1936, Believing that unless something definite is done there will be a great dearth of good farm horses in all parts of Canada within the next few years, Hon, Robert Weir, Minister of Agriculture, has Jorivpaied a defin- ite horse breeding policy. His ypres- ent objective is to secure good breed- Under the plan formulated free service, free board at the breeding station and half the cost of trans- portation will be paid on approved and selected pure bred mares of the highest quality, From these it is hoped "to secure a number of high- grade stallions and mares which will be sold for breeding purposes. In the event of a sufficient number of these highly selected mares not being available in any locality where one of the Imported stallions is located, a second class of mares, not quite so good as the selected class, will be given services on a $5 and $10 basis. If more mares are need- ed a third class of -grade mares will be arranged for on a payment basis and the foals be sold as grade geld- ings for work purposes. From the first two classes it is loped to se- cure breeding stock, The scheme goes further in that it arranges for the sale of the foals from the first two classes mention- ed. This will be by yearly auction at central points in Canada, the auc- tions to be under government aus- pices and widely advertised so that breeders and farmers desiring breeding stock of known ancestry will be able to go to these auctions and bid on the animals, The two animals to be kept In Eastern Ontario will likely remain at the Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa, where they are at present, ---------------- GOLD EXPORT IS NEARLY DOUBLE Canada's January Total Sus- tains Increase Of Past 10 Months Ottawa.---Gold bullion exported in January amounted in value to $10,- 835,000, all of which went to the United States, the Dominion Bureau of Statitics reported. In the corres- ponding month last year the value was $5,627,384, Gold bullion exported in the ten months ended January amounted to $80,643,431 against $49,320,692 in the same period last year, Raw gold exported in the ten months ended.January was valued at $3,227,639 in comparison with -$1,- 904,864 in the corresponding year last year. Exports of aluminum in January amounted to 14,942 cwt., valued at $234,923, more than double that of January, 1983, when it was 6,806 cwt.,, at $140,913, the bureau report- ed' yesterday. Junlor--I'm glad I'm not a snake, + Father--Why! son? Junior--DBecause when a snake has a stomach ache, how does he know ister it is a stiff neck or what it 87 TTI EH Relieved / « Young children easily catch cold. go Min, Russel Ward, of Hilton each, Ont., wiscly says: "If I motice.that there fs any sign of a , eold 'I give Baby's Own Tablets and find they are a great help.'} +. Thousands of mothers do the same Bot on for Solds but jot fron ' gestion, constipation : Seething troubles, oolie, ') 80 } and so on, Baby's Own ablots are safe and sure in relieve ohil s common allments. rice 250. DAIRY PRODUCTS IN CANADA Total milk production in Canada, says "The Agricultural Situation and Outlook," published by the Dominion Department of Agriculture in co-op- eration with the Department of Trade and Commerce, continues to show an upward tendency which has been due almost entirely to the greater number of cows being milk- ed, It is likely that, this trend wlll continue during 1985. Cheese" pro- duction continues to decline steadily with milk being diverted mainly to the manufacture of creamery butter and to the fluid milk market, due to more remunerative returns from these sources, Prices for cheese have been lower both on the over- seas and Canadian markets during the past season, while butter prices on Canadian markets have improved during the past two years, Creamery butter production has increased to such an extent that sto- rage stocks are considerably higher than in the previous year. These high storage stocks will tend to keep butter prices at a lower and "more uniform level during the early months of 1935 than in the past sea- son unless some of the surplus stocks are exported. If no export movement takes place, a small car- ry-over in butter stocks is not un- likely, with a consequent depressing influence on prices which may cause a diversion of milk into cheese manufacture, [ncreasd production in many dairy countries and in Can- ada does not point to any marked improvement in returns for dairy products, Moreover, a general im- provement in pasture conditions in 1935, with a consequent increase in butter production, would probably lower Canadian prices = of butter. Canadian dairymen, however, can improve their economic position by a careful culling of unprofitable cows and by better herd management in breeding and feeding operations to increase the average production per cow, A Man's Strength You can't measure all men by Lhe same standard, You call one man wise beeause he invests his savings in real estate, and the other foolish because he gpends all that be has for an etch- ing, but they are both equally fool ish. Each invests in the thing that will bring him the largest measure of satisfaction, Each buys the thing that to him is bread, ca . Collecting butterflies is another man's golf;.a rose garden is anoth- er's gold mine. It you prefer staying at home with a pipe and a book while another man takes his lady to a dance, do not claim to be wiser or better than he. You may need to dance as much as he nepds to read, In any case, each i8 feeding his appetite and do- ing the thing he enjoys most, You don't measure a man's strength by the thing' he indulges in, but in the degree of his sell-in- dulgence. LEON JEAR OIL FOR DEAFNESS & HEAD NOISES A soothing and penetrating combination that has im- oved the Hearing and lessened Head Noises of many. ot putintho Ears but Rubbed Back of Earsand Inserted 'n Nostrils. Leonard Ear Oil hasbeen on the market since 1907. Made in Canada; $1.25 at Canadian druggists. Descriptive circular sent on request, A. O. LEONARD, INC. 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City One Sample Lesson in Water-Colour Painting--25¢ water-colour .... $10.00 A preliminary art course ... An advanced water-colour landscape course . . $35.00 A Commercial Art Course $50.00. Personal Art Lessons by Special Appointment Send 3 cent stamped envelope for other information. GIFF BAKER 39 LEE AVENUE TORONTO, ONT. 1 Issuie No. 10--'35 ' 138 TREE f Eastern Canada Potatoes | Now Under Regulation The Eastern Canada Potato Marketing Scheme submitted by res presentatives of the potato industry, has been approved by Hon. Robert Weir, Dominion Minister of Agri- culture, and the Governor in Codun- cil, upon the recommendation of the Dominion Marketing Boarl. The scheme embraces the prov: inces of Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotiay New Brunswick and Ontario. The potato growers in these prov- inces have been receiving inadequate returns for their potatoes and the position of the growers has been particularly difficult this year. A very large crop and lack of organiz- ation has resulted in demoralized marketing conditions. The 2034 Enjoy areally fine hand-made cigarette rolling your own wit GOLDEN VIRGINIA ALSO MADE UP IN PIPE TOBACCO potato crop for the four provinces is placed ~t 3,308,000 bushels, an in- crease of 8,188,000 bushels compar: ed with the production in 1933. Under the scheme, it is expected orderly marketing will result prim- arily through control of the grades of potatoes entering the commercial channels of trade and pototoes of inferior grades will not be allowed to glut the market, Consignment selling, which has been contributing largely to price demoralization will be prohibited and sales will be made under firm contracts. The scheme al- so provides for the development of export markets and for increasing cg. The digestion and assimilation of / materials, especially calcium, re- quire one of two things; an abun- dance of direct sunshine or an abundance of vitamin D. Cod liver oil is rich in vitamin D, and is one of the reliable sources of this type of food. Classified Advertising PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of wanted inventlons and. rull information sent free. The Ramsay Company, World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada, domestic consumption of potatoes. Feed Sunshine Cod liver oil, the sunshine sub stitete, in one of the most important items in the properly balanced poultry ration. Where birds are closely confined during the winter months, as is"the case in most parts of~ Canada, they receive very little direct sunlight, and with the rations usually fed, they do not receive all the vitamins they require. Calcium and phosphorus are two minerals épecially required for laying pullets and hens in the manufacture of H. M. Army and Navy Veteran's Mutual Benefit Society One result of the very promising financial report that was tendered the members of this time honoured | organization at their recent annual meeting, was the indicat'on that there was every possibility that an- other object of the body may be achieved in the course of the current year. The establishment of a vet- eran's home in Toronto, to be oper-{. ated by this body. Little more than ten years ago it was felt by the then officers that the organization should have a band, this was achieved after great ex- penditure and brought to a state o such perfection, that before long, and for the past many years the band of His Majesty's Army and Navy Veterans has led the annual War- rioré Day Parade on the opening of the C.N.E. This section of the or- ganization also presents high class concerts at varied times and places GOOD LUCK CHICKS 112% Increase- over 1934 business. "7 Answer Is "SATISFIED CUS- TOMERS" Wilte for catalogue-- Chatham, Ontario. I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Tobacco Business, Bakery Dusiness, Restaurant, Grooeery, Drown's Agency, 2 College, Toronto. THE FAMOUS RUBBING LINIMENT Rub on -- pain gone. Get the new large econ. omy size--Also avail able in smaller. regular QUIVERING NERVES When you are just on edge when you can't stand the children's noise ... when everything vou do is a burden...when you are irri- table and blue . 5 . try Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. 98 out of 100 women report benefit. It will give you just the extra en- ergy you need. Life will seem worth living again. Don't endure another day without the help this medicine can give. Get a bottle from your druggisttoday. Telia. E kiln I throughout the year. VEGETABLE COMPOUND Blondes, it "i$ said, are happler than brunettes. The fun of the fair, There is not-a single au- thenticated case where great 'ROSS /or HEIGHT! lott, age 19), pains 8 Ins In 8 weeks | No Appliances - ow w 8, Inbmths | --No Drags. « «90, . 3}. lnl0daye] No Dieting. « «We ka. Ben -- [PO 7 NT J ™ ROSS SYSTEM Increase my own height to 61%. 8{ins. NEVER FALLS Hundreds of Testimonials from oll over the world I've $10.00 complete, Details I'ree. Write Now ) problems are solved by - MALCOLM ROSS dreams. ' Height Specialist, Scarborough, Eng. (r N This Fascinating New Everyone should 100 Illus your friends from handwriting Handwriting Reveals Character ! THE GRAPHO CHART SIMPLE! --~ ACCURATE!! -~ INFALLIBLE!!! By Geoffrey St. Clair (well-known Graphologist) It shows you how to analyse your own character, and that of fascinating game, but it is ¢xtremely practical. Copies sent Post Free for 12¢ each THE GRAPHOCHART, Room 421, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, Ont. Chart Shows How! have a copy of trations . «+ It is not only a very (-- I Are authorized by Day and Evening Classes May be conducted In accord- ance with the regulations issu- ed by the Department of Ed- ucation, Commercial Subjects, Manual and Agriculture Are provided for tinuation and High Schools, Colleg and Departnients, High School Boards & Boards of Education Industrial, Technical and Art Schools With the arproval of the Minister of Education in the Courses of Study in Public, Separate, Con- Copies of the Regulations issu by the Minister of Ed- scation' may be obtained from the Depuly Minister. Parliament Buildings Toronte, Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of Schoel law to establish Theoretical and Practice) Instruction (s given in various trades. The schools and classes are under the direction of an Advisory Comnmiittce t : Training, Household Science and Horticulture iate Institutes, Vocational Schools A Em ines qe 7 5 ' A) oy; J x oo Sate TT

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