Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Mar 1935, p. 4

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' Page Four | a ---- LOCAL ITEMS Mr. H, H. Mulligan, barber, expects to move his Beauty Shoppe to the store recently vacated by Mr. T. J. Widden, about April 1st. Mr. Mulligan attended the Hair . Dressers' Convention at Toronto and studied the most recent styles in the tonsorial art. : Mr. Chas, Taylor is in Toronto visit. ing his sister Mrs. Duncan Town, who has been ill for some time, A-- Have You Looked Up Your Spring Needs? Sweat' Pads, Collar Pads, Bridles, Lines, Extra Checks, Hame Straps, Collars, Belly Bands, Team Bits, Bit Straps, Halters, Belly Band Points, Combs and Brushes, Extra Team Traces of all kinds, Harness Oil, Axil Grease, Work Boots, Arctic Dubin, Arctic Oil. } And for the housewife we have Brass and Nickle Polish, B. & D. Furniture Polish. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatly's Store, Port Perry Women's Day of Prayer will be observed in the Anglican Church on Friday, March 8th, at 8 p.m. BE TOWN COUNCIL A regular meeting of the Coundtil was held on Monday, March 4th. Members present--Messrs. Letcher, Jackson, Holtby and Harris. A request came from the Hydro- Electric Power Commission of Ontario to purchase a plece of land at the Fair Grounds--67 x 66 feet, for which they agree to pay the sum of $100. A resolution granting the request was passed. Mr. R. J. Weir appeared to request the Council to pass a By-law providing for a vote to permit beer and wine license in Port Perry. It was decided that no action should be taken without a petition, and the Clerk was in- structed to notify Mr. Weir to that effect. Messrs. Levia, Reesor and Dr. Lundy appeared to ask for some ar- rangements to be made between the Library Board and the Council for the completion of the basement of the new Library. No action was taken. Messrs. Kaufman, Lawrence and W. Cook asked that the present cigarette license be made to include all tobaccos and products. The request was grant- ed, 'and the license reduced to $5.00. The new By-law will require all ven- dors of tobacco in any form to pay the license. A resolution was passed as follows: "That Wm. Nesbitt be relieved of all road work, and that his duties in other capacities be defined in a new by-law to be prepared by the Clerk and Roads Committee, and submitted at the next meeting of the Council. Mr. Nesbitt's salary was set at $560 per month dat- ing from March '1st, 19386. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m.--Evening Service. ---- PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, March 10th-- 11 a.m, -- Beatitude No. 7--"The Peacemaker." ' 1.46 p.m.--Men's Bible Class and Forum, 2.46 p.m.--Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.--Sermon subject--'"Turn ing Back in the Day of Battle." A sermon to Backsliders, Wednesday, March 13th at 3 p.m.-- The Woman's Missionary Society will meet. RN i CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 7 p.m.--Evening Service. -_o-ar-ov GREENBANK The funeral of the late Mrs. Dun- can was held on Tuesday afternoon of last week. Service at the home, with interment at St. John's Cemetery, Oak Ridges. The. sympathy "of: friends is extended to Mr. Duncan in his sudden and sad bereavement, y Mr. Gordon McDonald has sold his farm to Mr. C..PRilkey, of Brooklin. Mrs. Lawler is spending sometime in Toronto. Miss Ruby Phoenix, of Regina, ar- rived at the home of Mr. T. Sharp, on Sunday. She expects to remain some time, Mrs. W. Phoenix, Harry, Jean and Mrs, Harold Cragg, of Toronto, at T. Sharp's, on Sunday. Miss Edwards, Toronto, was visit- ing at the home of Mr. Isaac Beate) on Sunday. The monthly meeting of the w. A. was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Leask, on Wednesday evening, February 27th. About eighty were in attendance. At six o'clock dinner was served by the group in charge, consisting of Mrs. E. Leask, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. E. Wallace, Mrs. H. McMillan, Mrs. Bushby, which was very much enjoyed by the ladies and their husbands, after which the Asso- ciation adjourned to the living room for their regular meeting with Mrs. Howard 'McMillan presiding. In the absence of Mrs. Partridge, Rey. Mr. Partridge conducted the devotional ex- ercises, after which the President, Mrs. Jackson, took charge of the busi- ness of the meeting. At the conclu sion a program was rendered--a solu and piano solo by Miss Doris Wallace, a reading by Mrs. C Partiridge, a piano duet by Mrs Ernest Phair and Miss Floris Stone, two solos by Mr. T. Sharp, two humozous-selection by Mr. C. Partridge, and a recitation by Mrs, Jackson, The social part of the program was {enjoyed by all consisting of guessing contests. A vote of thanks was ex tended by Rev. Mr. Partridge to Mr. and Mrs. Leask for their hospitality to which Mrs. Leask fittingly respond- ed. The pleasant evening was con- cluded by singing the National Anthem and they are Jolly Good Fellows. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ianson visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bunker in Oshawa on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gureny, of Oshawa, visiting Mr and Mrs. Gurney, Jr., here "POCO RURAL HOCKEY LEAGUE PLAY-OFF GAMES The play-off ~games, for..the Peel Trophy in the Rural League was set for March b and 7. There will be home and home games between Three Star vs. Butchers, and Prince Albert vs. Myrtle. The final games will be played between the two winners, on Monday and Friday, March 11 and 16. Owing to the soft weather the Tues- day games were postponed. Watch for announcement of new date. Don't miss attending these final struggles at the Port Perry rink. YOUNG MEN'S BIBLE CLASS The Minstrel Show is a reality! Al- though we announced the coming of a minstrel show over a month ago every- body thought the idea must have fall- en through. Your executive, however, is a very silent working machine. During the past few weeks they have been gathering music orchestrations, etc, forming committees, organizing material and a program and getting together an orchestra. Now they are ready to fire the gun,'in fact the first shot has been fired and it looks like a bull's eye. The class has been fortunate in <e- curing the services of Victor Stouffer as musical director. Victor has worked hard getting together an orchestra and arranging the music. When it comes to end men, singers, dancers, the show has all the heirs of Caruso and Uncle Tom under contract. . Watch for the dates-- two nights-- about the third or fourth week in March. Till we meet again. -- OOP mm IE. ; pod] js REACH TOWNSHIP CHECKER | for the Week end. by : : TOURNAMENT FOR SINCLAIR ; pd CUP. : 3 ou : il First round play at Memory Hall, | Rheumatism | AAD Utica, Tuesday, March 12th, at 7.30; : RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, 2 A p.m. Reach Township players invited. ! i LUMBAGO, quickly relieved by H ¥ t Bring checker board and checkers. this new treatment-- : a ERIC z MORRISON'S DRUG STORE hie WORLD DAY OF PRAYER i : 3% : H A . The World-wide United Day of # RUMACAPS # Prayer for Women falls on Friday, ' March 8th. It will be observed here 71 oe this year by a service in the Anglican 3 © Church at 8 pm. The program has << been arranged by a joint committee of = McLEAN--At Port Pérry, on Wed- the Women's Societies, who extend nesday, March 6th, 1935, Annie Munro, a very cordial invitation to all the widow of the late Charles McLean, in women of Port Papry and district... her 82nd year. DIED Pe Lr YOUNG MEN'S BIBLE CLASS MINSTREL SHOW, TOWN HALL, MARCH 27 and 28 Hl -- MII DML WHY IS A FEMALE? (At the carnival last week all the contestants in the class--Best cos- tumed Lady---impersonated male char- acters,) The triumvirate of Judges on the Bench (bench, is literal in this case) struck a poser when 'Best Costumed Lady" class was called, at least the mere man who assisted the Lady Solons was distinctly befogged. "Lady's Costume" roared Jim into the megaphone. "Lady's Costume" echoed the meg' in falsetto--they use the meg' for a silencer at the rink-- and out dashed a dozen or so stal- wart masculiners, cow-boys, cut-throat pirates, bull-fighters, Amos and Andy, and Daniel Boone from Kentucky with his long rifle. Had the meg' reversed the message and summoned the wong sex? Just then a lone female mulatto ap- peared and prepared to join the sev- eral male quartettes. "Here comes Eliza" hailed the senior Judge. "She's getting on the ice, she's starting to cross the Delaware." "The Ohio" you mean" corrected the more erudite of the judges. "It was Washington who crossed the Dela- ware", she added with conscious su- periority. "Quite, 80; quite 80" hastily agreed the first speaker with some embar- ressment, adding with an assumption of learning. "That's where his father chased him after he cut down the tree of knowledge." "The Cherry Tree", again corrected the erudite one. "The story of Adam's Apple is in an earlier volume." "Contention sustained, but let us return to our subject, our dark subject, I should say, Eliza, where are the Bloodhounds ?" They are follow- ing Amos and Andy now," explained his tormentor with painful humility. "Do you not follow the modern classics 7, "Not the coloured ones," parried the harassed Judge. «ot course I have read Othello, but I realize that he is rightfully out of date." by the man with the meg' ordering Eliza off the ice in the language ot Simon Legree and suiting: the action to the word by a bash with the meg' as she retreated, "Hey! lay off "that rough stuff, do you hear" thundered his lordship, lapsing from the language of the judicature to the voluminous volley of the vernacular, "you can't treat a colored lady that way--not while I'm around--and if I had a good skate on I would show you--he added pompous- ly as he advanced menacingly, but cautiously, trying to look like Marc Anthony but looking more like some easy mark." "Hush", motioned the man with the meg'. "Hush be darned, I'm not a scared of Hush or Jack Canuck, either, have you never heard of Abe Lincoln the coloured emancipator ? "That -she-male is a he-male" af- firmed the director. That who, is a which?" stammered the perplexed judge. "He may be a witch but he isn't a woman and he is not coming in this class, Do you get me?" replied the now irate stage manager. The judge placed a hot hand on his moist brow and retreated to the dais to tell the news to the brace of Portias. If he thought he was going to knock them dead with surprise he. missed his guess. "Did you g0 away over there to find that out?" they asked as they arched their eyebrows another notch. "We could have told you that", they added with cutting sweetness, No! why, why, yes, why how could I know?" expostulated the humiliated tribune as the prespiration turned to icicles on his brow." "Well anyway, why do they treat our august persons with this seeming levity? We call for skirts and they send us bipeds! Clear the ice corporal, on with the dance. We will retire from dais." "Not so fast", said the Lady Solons, "we stay here till we give our sisters in disguise the rewards of merit." "I, I, I beg your pardons, collective- ly, but I, I, I am afraid I do not un- derstand you." "Do you need also to be informed that these gentlemen are perfect ladies." = "Impossible!" "Not at all, remember, clothes do not make the gentleman." "Well they have a lot to do with making some ladies, but we will waive the point", said the cresfallen Daniel as he attempted to crawl back to judg- gest that we hand the prize to Daniel Boone from Kentucky. "That goes with us" they shouted in chorus, "and shows that great minds sometimes think alike" they added magnanimously "but, that is not Daniel Boone from Kentucky, it is '| Robinson Cruso from Dafoe." "Hardon me dear ladies, it is Danfel Boone from Kentucky, see his long rifle, that is his buffalo 'gun, Danfel 1s about to shoot the bull." . "Excuse us judge, but that is Rob- The cension was mercifully removed' gun, guns of that period were made in Syracuse, it is a goat-gun, we can tell it by the hair-trigger." "Contention sustained", admitted the mere man, "but why do you call him Robinson", "Silly, its because she crew so." : 54 Quick, boy! page the ambulance. As they carried him off he was heard to chatter, "if a grey mule can eat a barrel of bran mash, how many a meeting' house." REDUCED PRICES Suits sponged and pressed 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P,ROLPH Over the Observer Office NOW OPEN! H. W. Boynton's Butcher Shop IN THE LEONARD BLOCK, PORT PERRY "Quality, Servioe and Economy" See our Stock, or Phone 4 WE DELIVER SATURDAYS a FOR SALE 'A quantity: of Hay--Timothy and Alfalfa. Apply to Oliver Raymes, R. R. 3, Port Perry (Scugog). '~ mar? ot ------------y ~~ - -- PUPS FOR SALE Collie Pups for sale, apply to. Art Woodley, Prince Albert. march? -- POD potato peelings will it take to shingle i Judge Nott |§ PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 7th, 1935 ; ; ; 4 ; inson Cruso and that is not a Buffalo |¥ sees es Lawrence' 8 Drug Store News (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) We recommend the use of vitamin products to promote good health i and build resistance, and at no time of the year is a strong resistance i more necessary than right now. : PURETEST COD LIVER OIL AYERST'S 10D COD LIVER : ~ 50e. and $1.00 OIL... iia 67c. and $1.69 i f PUBETEST COD LIVER OIL PARKE DAVIS HALIVER 4 ABLETS +++. 76¢. and $1.25: OIL CAPSULES ....., $1.40 § KEPLER'S MALT AND COD SQUIBB'S COD LIVER OIL LIVER OIL. ...95¢. and $1.50 50c. and $1.00 WAMPOLE'S cop LIVER AYERST'S CALCIUM A EXTRACT .. ........ $1.00 CAPSULES ........... $2.25 REXALL COD LIVER OIL © MELO-MALT WITH COD AND CREOSOTE ......$1.00 | LIVER OIL ........... $1.00 § A. M. LAWRENCE, THE REXALL STORE Phone 490 - - Port Perry Sortie HIRE SH INGE IEE Se aie aie te Sie ae ie "ANNOUNCEMENT ( I am carrying on a GENERAL INSURANCE BUSINESS at my office in the Purdy Block, in Port Perry, at the premises formerly ac- cupied by Messrs. Adams, Hutche- son & Emmerson. INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE SLEEP, Phone 33, Port Petes, es Se Sie a Conn ha "tl % > ey C WANTED - CLEAN COTTON RAGS, WILL PAY 5c. A LB. THE PORT PERRY STAR, Phone 80 AUCTION SALE McDONALD--On Thursday, March 14th, at 12.30 p.m." Mr. Gordon Me- Donald will sell all his farm stock, implements, ete, a}. his. premises, lot 18, Con. 10, Reach Township." Terms Cash. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. Bl... WANTED FOR RENT in Port Perry or Prince Albert...Give particulars in writing and leave at Star Office--name, location, style of house, and amount of rent. - CARD OF THANKS Mr. James Davey and family wish to thank their many friends and sympathy during their recent be- reavement. Farm for Rent Deacon Estate Farm --450 acres, Cartwright Township. 72 acres fall plowed. Apply to-- Harris, Harris, & Wallace, Port Perry. DON'T NEGLECT YOURSELF You owe it to your family and your- self to have GOOD HEALTH. Why suffer needlessly--Give Nature a chance, -- Use -- HERBS AND HERBAL REMEDIES. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. The famous European Medical Herbalist and founder of DR* THUNA Balsam Remedies Limited will be in Port Perry, at the Sebert Hotel, on Saturday, March 9th. Avail yourself of the opportunity to find out FREE OF CHARGE how you can get started on the Road to GOOD HEALTH through Natural Mesns-- "HERBS, Full Information Free of Charge. neighbours for their kindness and|- unaiComp'y| TORONTO, ONTARIO Announcement Gordon McDonald wishes to announce that he has taken over the Boe Motors and will continue the business under the name of 'McDONALD MOTORS We are prepared to give efficient repair service on all makes of cars and Trucks. Shell Gasoline and Oils Accessories MoDONALD MOTORS PORT PERRY : Phone 74 x i mm Wiki a THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS IS EASY IF YOU BUY -- FROM -- BERT MacGREGOR Start the New Year RIGHT | By having our driver call to deliver your needs in ~ Bread, Cakes, and Pastry Fresh and Well Made Jemison & Hutchinson, Bakers PHONE 98, - PORT PERRY Pasteurized Produets ARE SAFEST AND BEST, Phone your orders to 238. We do the rest. ~ ~~ PORT PERRY DAIRY G. OWEN, Proprietor. Phone 238 Si A es Saljie J] A We Carry a Full Stock E | of Lumber and Roofing i "Materials -- Frames, § 'Sash and Doors mad § to order. : Try us and get results ui f Sam N. Griffen ! Lumber Co. { | Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. Eyesight Specialist Open Monday, 'Wednesday, and Friday Evenings. or by. appointment at all 'times. DISNEY BLOCK : Oshawa Lp Opp. Post. Office, 'Phone 1616 1 LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ete. ~ Money to Loan Now located in the office of: H. W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, Queen Street Phone 264 'Phone after hours: 8514 Oshawa. Eyes Examined Accurately F. E. LUKE & SON Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St., Toronto - (Upstairs opp. Simpsons) DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto. Post Graduate in Surg of Medica) ates' College and Polsaigle, North East London. is London, England, Royal jg +P Glasgow, Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont o> b- W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am, to 6 p.m, Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office 1 hd tlt AUCTION SALES FEBRUARY 28--Furniture sale, the property of Edith Bartley, lot 10, con, 10, Reach, % mile west Green- bank on Ianson farm. Terms cash. Sale at 1,30. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer MARCH 6--Farm Stock, property of vy ge Erle Bradley, west of Port Perry: - Fair Grounds, Cows, young cattle and horses, Terms Cash, See bills. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. el G-P- J. 0. STEPHENSON, RO. / ug Btore 2nd and 0h Feidars of each month, to 12 noon. Ft a

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