Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Mar 1935, p. 2

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IRV LTA SATE RE URS ROA SFR BLAR ARS AeS WORAE TRS 8 SI YAL AL Ai) NN 1% an Ry a) AN LA aR ERG AL "Pll go, she sald, "At any rate, | then, But again the little gods of F AST AND LIVE LONG : ' I can-hear what she has to say," chance that juggle with men's lives : i | 'h (S) WHY. DABIHNE RAN LAlAY must have grinned as they tangled ; . ' the strings that day, } : : As she mounted the staircase to 8 Youth Son be prolonged By that top-floor flat Daphne found her-| ,o ., strictin TUDOR - HOUSE } tii Sasi hs) nov sven vs ne z ed on the landing outside the door,|™e murmured Lily Eden, and in Multiply the time required for an : 1 Yes it was the right place. She could | spite of her attempt at coquetry animal to reach maturity by 6 or 7 By MRS, STANLEY WRENCH hea» Lily's loud laugh, and her voiee| there lay a certain wistfulness in and the resulting value is the life shouting some remark to someone.| her voice as Michael Borde deposit- | ' span of the animal, Thus Buffon, dis. (Author of "Sing for the Moon" "Strange Lovers," etc). "Sure you're not tired of waitibg?"|ed her outside the block of flats, ' z tinguished French naturalist ef the BE x 3 3 3 TES a - shouted Lily Eden. 3 "It's a long time since I've been' out ; : . eighteenth century, He probably had > FCRIII IRR TIP Then Daphne caught her breath|to dinner like this. If there's any- : y the formula from Aristole. If it is SYNOPSIS his old home and rescues Daphne Eden! sharply, but it was not through the| thing I can do... "» ghe paused sud- now has a blend correct, man ought to attain the age 'Michael Horde jv unmarried, born from 8 menacing tramp. He falls in| stairs, '| denly, "Look here, Michael Borde," 3 2 4 of at least 120 years. And that the Sug bed In ot DEM Sun oy ao FILLEes. Dube aotebia an Distinctly she heard a man answer | ghe said abruptly, "you've_been jolly : --. a 8] : . formula is substantially correct for » day he visits the countryside around| Breets him with the words "Get out|and recognized the voice. decent: to me, and you may say I've ~ Fow ev urse Kearly BL lower: hale: thers an oad 3% bere a ay udu soins my Michael Borde, no business to barge into your pri- , . be little doubt, " "& . - Daphne's father dles and she alsap What was he doing here in Lily | vate affairs, but it there's anything Why should man be an exception? £3 ere hoe .weurs. Michael explains to her friend | Eden's flat? What other explana-|{[ can do at any time ... . when I ; Ss i Clearly it is worth testing the re- Jes U. ROYAL Mrs. Gregory that he was milsrepre-| tion could there be except that her Daph AL } lationship between growth and span 4 se: sented. He buys the old Tudor House , see. Daphne ..... 1 will, : \ | of life Suppose, for exam! ! owned by the Hamill-Hardy's. Mrs | [ather's story had been true, his at As he drove away Michael Borde's : . ppose, : Je, YEAST CAKES Gregory promises to mall a letter from | tempt at denial false, that all Lily, § t 15 hard lines, Reachin p : growth were retarded. Would man him to Daphne arranging a meeting | iden's talk the other day had been 200 way Sgl 11 na os, Reaching live longer? ' . Daphne does not appear, On the way 7 his service flat, he heard the tele- ' : : The: mores: are. against. experi ? for a variety home Michael collides with a car driven | Jere bluft to put her off ... Daphne phone shrilling as he entered, flung g p f by Diana Hamill-Haray. turned, and like a frightened crea- down his hat a t1 tlently menting on human beings, Besides, : breads Mra Eden notices an announcement | (ure, curried down the stairs, out] ood tock un he vecalver. wondering man produces only about three gen- of rea of the engagement of Michael and y BC ' and took up the recefver, wondering tl i b B h i J Diana Hamill:Hardy. into the street, and across the square who could be ringing him at this erations In a century. ut there is & | like these Mrs. Jregyry dies Daphne hear | thankful that she had neither knock- A In the white rat. He will do. His life ¥ coe from het solicitors. hour. To his amazement it was D span is two years, He will . : ed nor rung the doorbell. i , p S 0 . He eat ev . : ana Hamill-Hardy, whom he had not erything that a man will More- : He was looking away from her and | She was so angry (hat she did not| known to be in London. : over, females live longer than nles Lily Eden had not studied men all | notice where she was going, 100K! wppat you Michael?" she called : 3 HIoE 18 also "tree. of hufan' heiiin. ' these years for nothing. Something |the first tram that stopped, and was| . .iienily "I've been trylog to : Reasoning thus, Dr. C. M ings. was on his mind, he was worried, he | carried on for some distance before yep yoy for hours," BROWN LABEL ® 33¢c Ya 1b. and Miss Mar F Crowell of Cor : was not thinking of her, had not been | she realizea that she was going in "Sorry" hie retuned tHdontcally z Yells Annis) Yeh Laboratory paying her a scrap of attention all|the wrong direction, but as she al-| , ° 4 3 ' d a 1 : throug dinner, Sho but two. and | hted asain u slghuly biter smile | 1V® been out to diners' ORANGE PEKOE +» 40¢ "2 I, [icon 0 series of corctily eon two together. It must be Daphne. twisted her mouth, 0 be Continued. } Few 1 ! " , " to find much tr th y i} | So it she couldn't screw a bit of oof Don't be a fool, Daphne Eden, 4 All leaders in their class 5 nn in jie oN raring out of him for one thing she might |she adjured herself, "A man like - teeth; They found. it asible to = do it for another. Wait till she saw (that isn't worth wasting your HOW IT HAPPENS! tara ORY ie Rs Te Daphne now ....... or should she ven- [thoughts over. The only thing now gluttony and to postpone it by in ' ture? is to keep cool, listen to what that A little snow : > of stri : ctin ine She decided to venture, woman has to say, and draw your A lithe sleet, Bus Cost Double Hauptmann Jury Td 1 gd the dlet in the growing Michael" she sald suddenly, and/oWh conclusions. A little sniffle Paid $1,616 ofa Dr, McCay and Miss Crowell have Nourishing Graham Bread {s al- touching his arm noted that he gave At any rate, life should be more Fr + took That of Street Car Flemington--The State of New reported on their work in Science = BT Ra spe on page 8 of a start as though his thoughts had |easy now, she decided, No doubt re- om wet feel... Jersey paid members of the Haupt-|anda in The Scientific: Monthly ook. been miles away, "what will you do| mained, Michael Borde had ruined} A little cough, - ; es mann jury $1,616 for their 42 days |among other periodicals. It Is not 4 W 1 arvange for you to meet Da-|her father's life, All that was left A sneeze or two-- | Not Practicable For Cities Of | of service. Each juror received athe first time that rats have been Binet was to pay back when the chance To bed, old top, 100.000 M $126 cheque from Sheriff John H.| tested in this way. There Is, for Sof hie . Me looked at ber for a second in| arrived. You've got, the flu! i ' or ore 'Curtiss, prior to leaving for their | example, the notable work of Dr, H. y surprise, then flushed in anger, How near that opportunity lay, I Fairty Says homes. Louise 'Campbell of Columbia Uni- I don't know what you are talk-| Daphne Eden little guessed just --Hank in St, Thomas Times, ' 3 = ing about," he said stiffly versity, If the results of Dr. McCay W ' i : - ~ . dnd Miss Crowell are dwelt upon io tevimed, ia 0 Toronto--In cities of 100,000 or here it. is because they 'are Kb 1e Recording Angel must have E3 more the street car has no rival for . p - set a good mark, tor ance. stains] What Does Your Handwriting Reveal? [umes sum sa vas po sive) for on a considoration of factors" pre » 5 by Eden's name. Tor the first time : GEOFFREY ST. CLAIR K.C., general counsel of the Toronto An automobile may be in perfect ! AB body Loans she acted in disinter- (Graphologist) Transportation, Commission, . told condition and* yet unable to make hy don't "now WHA: 3 18 Dolwe All Rights Reserved : the Progress Club of Toronto in an more than twenty miles an hour be- son und Daphne? she said ky (Editor's Note: This series of ar-] modifying her outlook as regards her Jagan in which od said EWG 3 cause the flow of gas to the cam » | "but 1 know she Is a good little | tices on Character from Handwriting husband, She would find, in all pro- Praoronie aie Sdangivay any \ buretor is deliberately restricted. treoch Fou hi 1 sport, and she's promised to look me | continues to attract wide interest and | bability, that a more kindly attitude future, £0 So with a rat, He can be given just ni Bibi BEAR Beg A up. 1 could arrange it so that you] Many readers are taking advantage| would spur him to greater effort tol Buses to replace street cars in To- | enough food of the right kind 'to 9 Royal Yeast Bake Book. saw her, if that's what you want," of the author's offer to get a person-| obtain work of some kind. __(ronto would mean practically doub- generate the amount: of energy ree For a second Michael Borde hesi.|3l character delineation. You still] To the husband, I suggest that, if ling the fares, and would be impos- quired for dally life but not enough tated. Then pride came back No have an opportunity of getting|It is impossible to get anything -in sible unless more numerous and | to grow ie as an automobile can Daphne had turned him down. She YOURS.) is oyn Hne of work, ot, least +ks | wider highways Vie vias oo 2a ee aly -- nly had believed her father's word with. try something, even a selling or]|said. Only one city of bye . 1 up with gg ; carbunre- : out proof, refused to give him a| | have a letter from a married wo- canvassing job, Anything to keep | population, San Antonio, Texas, has "GOLDEN VIRGINIA" Sara e nigde to grow 2 aes chance to explain; he could not for-| Man who .asks my advice on a pro-| himself busy, and help to retain his| abandoned the street car for the a chiar = reall a live aster o fesuing him with : give that. His letter to her had |blem that is cropping up quite often | self-respect and esteem. bus, and three cities, Bridgeport, an 5d Hy WY i nes Su cef liver or.simi- , been very humble, and he had made | nowadays. Here is what she says: I have given rather unusual prom-| Des Moines and Akron, have, after|. good smoke! : vo bee by controlling the : it clear that he worshipped her, and |"1 am a married woman in my mid-| inence to this leer. this week, be], trial, restored the sireet ear. EN PATATEI CERES | cvory nutritional oqo EE lmng ia that all he desired was to set him.|dle thirties, and have two young| cause I find fi this Prom ty 4P-1 Nowhere in the world, not even in vo bg We A ramen Se self right in her eyes. It must have | children." My. husband lost his po- Jonstng quite say and it would cer-j nay york, were subways paying : aimee fouls Es grate reached her, for Lorna Gregory had |Sition about a year ago, and has not py in that Jus Re Sa propositions, he said, and a subway ROUGH HANDS FROM by ne (os Gy on at enclosed it in her own letter, he had | been able to gat new employment,| Wives who are content to be cheer}, "yo,00 Stree from Front to St.| SOAP AND HOT WATER? Ler ; y.eig 4 ful and friendly when things are go- months the experimental rats were seen her seal it up before his eyes, | Although we had some money: saved i deht. but Clair would cost approximately $25,- ie Y%, ai Thirt ee Although there were moments when | UP We have-still had a dificult time | Ing alight, but iMinedintely, Sisuster 000,000 or almost one-half the city's | 2 Jilowe i 10 genre 200 A Sen Nas EE his heart ached for her, resolutely | making ends meet, and 1 have got bins ihe home, 4 tiie suape' of yn. present total investment in trans: st h SHye alter i; AYR A. uly This Dutch Apple Cake will make a now he set these longings away, He|[!0 @ point where I am utterly fed Sinfloyment, a3 3.1018. fliotgh no portation. = ' growin of 80 thes had hogy slowed tempting dessert--recipe on page was accustomed to doing without |UP With the situation, Before I mar- fault of the husband, then they make down. They represented 18 per cent, 13, Royal Yeast Bake Book. y their husbands' lives unhappy of an original retarded-growth- things he wanted; all his life he had [Fied. I held a good position, and now ? . : api } : done without love, all his life, too, [1 8d that I can get my old work | ffsueh Hitimed and unfalrcrith The Second Minuet iStoub, Tie mpd, Mle Soe EPENDABLE YEAST Ta SE di Hg De opntons FIC Ig an gh _ I am happy to add that there are : [ hy Since the average male rat lives is essential to good Ti oe TT gh to get along on. However, for some | DY far the majority of women who My Grannle used to say {o 'me I 7/0 from 500 to 600 days and the aver-. bread. When you bake with everything comes to the man who | time, my husband and myself have iy nok Hive: this, hilt 17-thoss cases 7. Witen 1.was yery smidll . : R t 248 TUARITON filly "ty SIV SORrS,.... ai OE Royal Yeast Cakes you can bas patience to wait, not been getting along very well, We where it 18 so, a good deal of un-| That she remembered well the day APPLY HINDS Vel es Softness ten days in the lite of a male rat is > Gg = ' : "Is very good of you," he said, |Dlcker on the slightest pretext, and happiness and: trouble could be saved| She went to. her first ball, , elvely . | equivalent to a year in human life, Na be sure of perfect leavening. with a smile, "However, what you |! 8m seriously wondering whether to by mutual understanding of the How in her dress of crinoline, : It is possible that merely by putting Foo | These famous yeast cakes suggest would SERED Eval edi leave him, and take a place of my difficulties to "be contended with. She sat from two till eight. / : Lk ourselves on a carefully planned are individually wrapped in I'm afraid. So we must leave jt at|°WD- [don't really see why I should Vv NOU. We And how through all those hours she | N BD) S diet gr restricting our calories in iriicht Saved Their that." be the one to work and keep the ou u e to have YOUR wept, k : : youth, thus prolonged to possibly - aug X04 paper. + hel But that was what Lily Eden dig |lome going, while my husband idles. handwriting analysed? And perhaps; poy fear she might be late; Honey EA mond forty years, we would double the fullleavening power willnot - | not intend to do. Like most women, | "What do you suggest?" you have some friend whose real na-| py Grandpapa and Grandmama % threescore years and ten allotted by deteriorate no matter how | she was possessed of a good share| | Daven' given the letter in full, | ture you would like to know. the] pad never really met C REAM the paaimst? long you keep the K of curiosity, and sensing 'the useless. | "ut surely the salient points, Now, truth about? Mr. St, Clair can help |\yhen Grandpapa asked Grandmama TRADL MARR REGISTERED It certainly follows from these b y p m. Keep ness of getting this satisfied througn turning to the two specimens of| YOU as he has helped thousands of | yo. the Second Minuet, : experiments that the potential life 4 ! a package handy in your Michael "Horde, she decided thot 1 handwriting, 1 find firstly that the|others. Send specimens of the writ- span of an animal, not accurately kitchen. must be to Daphne herself sho: would | "Fin of the lady who wrote to me, ings you want analyzed, stating 7 known at the best, is greater than have to address the next attempt. | S10WS that she Is very self-contain. birthdate in each case. Enclose 10c biologists have supposed. Two Helpful But could she have seen Daphne |¢d €Ven to the point of being selfish. coin for each specimen, and send hk Hf Yr FANE Some pertinent questions arise: Booklets . . . herself at that moment. and 101 She sees only her own point of with 3c stamped, addressed envelope. 3 ! Is' there any relation between the § Fi FREE! the conflicting emotion which oT view. She is shrewd, a quick-think-|'fy In addition, you would like to : 3 a . ; Las rate of growth of a child and its i The "Royal Yeast | tearing at her heart, Lily Eden would | % 2nd is extremely intelligent. But fave & copy of [any Slaifs mew : | Syceptiviliey. to dissads J adult 16? mp Bake Book" tells | Lavo had loss hope of attaming at | IAC actor of "self" stands out like | Shart--the GRAPHOCHART--which J x Will a child that matures rapidly oe 1 of en object. & a flagpole, and effects every other hat over 100 Wostrationg 504 Shows . Sie sane. Are iid doctors wrong ; = and gives tested Having spent the afternoo trait fn her character, She simply| YoY NOW you can analyze handwrit. 0 a advocating rapid growth? : oii WEG solicitor's office, finished diy Sako Ihink of anyone ojisile her he Jor Jetsseli, Sond an donna) Raymesy irrijation GootOnce ao -- Better Health's | and arranged to call on the morrow gate On he ates Ban; how dos both rior ot il bo nat wih Nate Directions for Ask For What You Want explains how the [to complete the signing of certain band's writing shows more toler dress: Sristing ang Jafsindtingd Ad New Instant Treatment Royal Yeast Cakes documents, Daphne remembered Lily alge and afection, He. is Wore Ling: 73 Ad rg wig Buy y Shot DS alsa He Ask ion iat % {asm food will im. | Eden, looked up the address again ly and is straightforward, honest, t ela $ Wea Toronto Ont. Let: : 3 you want," seems to. be the motto | proveyour health. | and decided she would call there | 0¥2! and is capable of getting things ers oe eon dept, and will be an- [ncredible as it may seem, doctors [of a large number of modern young BUY MADE-IN- "She was in a fluster the other | ONS: Perhaps not particularly fn. FUSS bey qulely Se {Fosse 0 are now prescribing a way that re- | people; The young fellow who stands CANADA Goops | day, but perhaps if I approached her | LC cctual but steady, oS > e : 5 number*of 'elters lieves raw, painful sore throat in as. [on the street corner, and by raising quietly I shall find out all I want to| It S€MS to me, In the first place, a bo e coming In, an immediate.re- little as 2 to 3 minutes! his thumb Indicates that he wants [3 STANDARD BRANDS LiirD know," sho told herself, that thesw bickerings have been vg 8 not possible, but readers may : ; : a lift, is representative, If his re : Fraser Arve.,andLibertySt., Toronto, Ont. A bit of a mug, Lily Eden had de- caused by a lack of appreciation on is pesyrey ha no innesaseary time All you do is crush and stir 3 quest is informal, his thanks are Pictsesend Fiemtroernttie Rusu Veart scribed Michael Borde, and her eyes the wife's part for her husband's in- ¢ lost in replying, A. Crush and stir 3 Aspirin tablets ~~ Aspirin tablets in J§ glass of water | likely to be-equally so. The other Better Health," x had narrowed like slits, hy > Bot Work, bins js Buon ; ina third Of 0 glam of water. rand gargle with it twice. youth, who appeals to housewives to } "What's it worth to know the a e and my correspondent fs taking ys : subiscribe 'for a magazine they do Name truth?" she had asked. - a rather one-sided point of view, Aspirin tablets disintegrate is not want and have no time to read x : ' : with which I cannot hav _-- completely no' irritating particles are : 7 Street Dhe truth about what? Daphne [po lave much Sym left. Results are immediate. At once in order that he may receive help in : To knew this referred to Michael Borde pay Yo. Those Mie tusyimly 4e)s A iseased--di f t llayed getting =n eduention, is afteit equally wn Prov. knew this was why she was going ad Saky Sen staper 0, the has soreness Is ease iscomlort allayed. free and easy about asking for what to see Lily Eden again, ' o obtain , EE Everywhere throat specialists urge 6 wants, and takes it without any : ory through no fault of their own, DR.WERNET'S this findarental treatment instead of [Undue display. of gratitude, i Ie, like many others, Is the victim POWDER less effective old-time "sashes" and "Don't be afrald to ask for what i E oll bh - 7 of Siimsiances entirely beyond his | Ny Gri; 8 plates so Vrantiseptics » Remember this. And you want." Analyze tlie rule before RG I : wail ) urg Pd rotate), : firmly. and snugly a yor b that vou get |T°0 adopt, it. The - beggar on the Cn " ; : Instead of finding fault with him, they ean't slip--you when "you buy, 'see that' you ge street corner Is not afraid to ask for ) and taking every opportunity to cri never know you have ASPIRIN. It is made in Canada and | what he wants but you would hardly 0 : : i ; rt ticize, she should be more sympathe- falsé teeth, Dr, Wernet's all druggists have it. Look for the | make him your model, would vou? = gf : : 4 tic and tolerant, However, her lack gf] « Powder.ia pleasant and name Bayer on every Aspirin tablet. | All the "dead beats" who have be- . Gh. : of sympathy is clearly shown in her » DeYer caused soreness Aspirin is 'the trade mark of the |come so adept in dod 1tl it is the world's Iirgest P ; p ging jobs 'that : : bd | he, | sellers=prederibed by Bayer Company, Limited. in the most prosperous times they : Ce 0, ~A CAL 2- My advice to her is to take the . leading dentists--costa rarely 'have one, ask for what they bry LY +. PR work and continue Ilving 'with her| . but little but blissful want, and -ask for it loudly, v4 . husband and family, at the same time k opilort is yours all day DOES NOT HARM Yes, you obtain many things by % | ti P Ong. THE HEART asking for them, but do not imagine \ y | . hat tes cost nothing. You may pay Lax 3 Bers : y .2- n self-respect and gel-rellance, jf = "THE FAMOUS fof in money, A better - motto fs: Don't be afraid to work for what you UH E NE \ GY want," The young person who adopts - { ¥ FO D o You fi Manvel 4 heat or chast fhe) 38 his Tre of life goes much Y Ri aerd : 2 ne a arther than the one 'who asks, and 2a A XC itet of The CANADA STARCH CO., Limited SM, ators HEepeat in 2 hours, lets other people do the Work. :

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