Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Feb 1935, p. 4

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Page Four LOCAL ITEMS CORRECTION In the report of the 1.O.D.E. in last week's issue of the Star an error was made. The report stated tha: Mrs. Myers made a donation of §50; it should havg read Mrs. Geo. Byers gave "a donation We regret this error, J Reserve the evening of March 15th for the St. Patrick's supper under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of St. Presbyterian Church. John's A Gr SUNDAY SCHOOL ORCHESTRA ORGANIZE The annual meeting of the Sunday School Orchestra of the United church was held in the church basement on Wednesday evening, February 13th. The oflicers for 1934 were re-elected for 1955 as follows: Hon. President--R. B. Smallmen Past President--P. J. Densham President--W. E. Webster, Vice-I'resident--Bruce Snelgrove. See'y-Treasurer--Harold Woon Conductor--Alfred Andrus Pianiste--Valde Hortop. A social half hour was spent at the close of the slection which all enjoyed. a ag MEN'S BIBLE CLASS The lesson was on temperance. Several phases of this grave question were discussed. The main one being which is the better way of promoting temperance--cducation or It was also brought out the difficulties that lie in the path of educating young people along this particular line. It <eems man is born with a desire for aleohol, oy in other words a hereditory + desire; and when we have these facts coupled with the temptations being put in front of people it becomes.quite evident that a little education and considerable legislation are what is yeally needed in order that man might save himself from an undesirable end. Till we meet again. tr ---------- -- . I. 0. D. E. The "Impire Study" class of Scugog Chapter, LO.D.E. will meet on Friday evening, February 22nd, at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs, W. H. Harris. All members are asked to attend as these meetings prove most interesting and: instruetive. SE A ay and concert under the auspices of the Women's Association of the United Church is to be given in the Town Hall, on Thursday even- - ing, February 21st, at 8.16 pm. ------ + nt GP ND -- ws, LATE MRS. H. CARMICHAEL After an illness of sixteen months Awmia Iidwards, widow of the late Hugh Carmichael, passed away at the home of her daughter Mrs. (Dr) F. Io. M:llow, at Uxbridge, on Friday, February Sth, 1935, in her 86th year. The funeral took place to Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, on Monday, I'ebruary 11th; 1935; The late Amia Edwards was born in Maniila, Ont., a daughter of the late Robert and Martha Edwards, and married the late Hugh Carmichael who for many years lived at Port Perry and bought grain at Seagrave and Cresswell, About twelve years ago they moved to Uxbridge where. Mr. Carmichael passed away in 1927. The late Mrs. Carmichael was the lnst-surviver of a family of thirteen children and was a member of the Presbyterian Church, being a life member of the W.M.S. in which she took a great interest. Mrs. Cat- michael was of a very quiet unasum- ing disposition, a wonderful neighbour and friend as was well testified to by the numerous floral tributes which were sent by friends at her demise. There is left to mourn her loss one daughter Mrs. (Dr) F. E. Mellow and one grandson Ross C. Mellow, (who is in Toronto attending medical college), several niéces and nephews. Owing to the illness of her minister also Rev. P. Thornton Meek, of Chalmer's Presbyterian Church, the funeral ser- vice was conducted by Rev. E. S. Bishop of United Church, from the home of her son-in-law Dr. Mellow. The sympathy of a .wide circle of friends is extended to the bereaved ones in their loss. UNITED CHURCH W. M. 8S. The W. M. 8S. of the Port Perry United Church met at the home of - Mrs. Davis on Wednesday afternoon, Feb. '15, with Mrs, Geo. Jackson, the president, in charge, The business arising out of 'the minutes was soon transacted, - It was decided that the society -"adopt" 'a missionary from the home field. This méans following the work of this mis- sionary with interest; prayer and gifts, also the receiving of occasional let- ters from her. : -- legislation. |" NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT Better let us clean and oil that harness now. Don't wait till the rush starts. Take time by the forelock. We are also prepared to do your re- pairing or supply that new harness or narness parts, Come in and let us talk over your harness needs for the coming season. Don't put it off--come to-day. Specials for this Week Men's Sox at 15c¢;, 26c, and 4bc. pair, A few Wool Rugs, factory seconds, at $1.76 each One only Falcon Rug at $3.76 Don't forget we sell Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh at 8bc., 66c. and $1.26 bot. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatty's Store, Port Perry The devotional part of the meeting was in charge of Mrs. Smallman, Mrs. I. W. Brock read the devotional leaf- let on Friendship. Mrs. Smallman gave a clear and comprehensive summary of the secona chapter of our Study Book on India. Mrs. White, the new president of the Oshawa Presbyterial, was present as guest speaker. In an easy, natural way she told of all that had taken place at the annual meeting of the Presbyterial which was held at Hamp- ton in January. This was doubly in- teresting because the severe-cold and storm had prevented our delegates from attending. She described the proceedings of the afternoon and even- ing, and gave the gist.of the various speakers' messages. One fact of in- terest to Port Perry was that Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey's report occupied the place of honour as the most nearly perfect of all those sent in. She then spoke of the objectives of the W.M.S. for the coming year. 'As one way of observing the tenth an- niversary of Union, she suggested that every society strive for a ten per cent. increase in membership and givings. Other objectives are that each society should be a means of training in de- votion to} and education in, the great cause of missions. A greater use of the Study Book, blue books and mis. sionary ~monthlies would: produce greater devotion in individual lives. An appropriate poem by Edgar Guest concluded an extremely interesting talk. Mrs. White for her clear presentation of all that took place at the Presby- terial meeting. Pleasing additions to the program were a vocal duet by Misses Marjorie Pyatt and Reta Willard, and a piano duet by Misses Helen Willard and Valde Hortop. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Small- man's group, then served tea, thus concluding a very pleasant and in- structive afternoon. ---- EP PP AS YOU LIKE IT The following cast of characters gave a very happy presentation of "As You Like It" in the Assembly Hall at the High School: . Prologue--Jean Hopkins. Duke, living in exile--Pat Jackson Frederick, his brother--Elma Reesor. Amiens, lord--Roger Oke ; Jacques, lord--Bill Willard. LeBeau, a courtier--Grace Switzer, Charles, a wrestler--Glen Moase Oliver, son of Sir Rowland-- Oliver, Jacques, Adam, sons of 'Sir Rawland de Boys, ~--Mary Stone, Malcolm Nasmith, and Ruth Hall. Adam and Dennis, servants of Oliver --John Leahy and Ruth Hall. Touchstone, the jester of. Frederick-- Merle Switzer. Sir Oliver Masteth, a vicar--Harold Woon. . Rosalind, daughter to banished duke-- Kathleen Carnegie. Alia, daughter to Frederick--Vivian Wallace. hi Audrey, a ountry wench -- Grace Stone. Promptef--Marion Kight. Pianiste--Doris Suddard. Directresses--Miss Greenbank Miss Spooner. : There was a large audience present to enjoy the play. Mrs. A. P. McFar- lane was critic and performed' the duties of that office most efficiently. PRINCE ALBERT Mrs. C. E. Vickery is visiting with friends in Oshawa. ' Mr. T. J. Sager went to Queensboro last week to visit his father, who is seriously ill Rev. Mr. Wilson, of Oshawa, took charge of the service here on Sunday in the absence of Rev. Mr. Smyth. 'Miss Mary E. Murphy, of the To- and | days at t ronto Hospital, Weston, spent a few se ---- -------- A vote of appreciation was tendered | of 4,384. 6 home of her brother Mr] H. R. Murphy. On Saturday afternoon there was a wood bee for the church at Mr. Fred McKay's bush, On Wednesday night the League meeting took the form of a Valentine social under the leadership of the social and literary convener Miss G. Martyn. The refreshments were sand- wiches and cookies. Everybody had an enjoyable evening. EERE na. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m.--Evening Service. I YAS: Lu CCA CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 7 p.m.--Evening Service, ---- PP PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, February 24th-- * 11 a.m.--Beatitude 6--"The Merci- ful." 1.45 p.m.--Men's Bible Class 2.45 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening Worship Service Friday, February 22nd--Committee of Stewards will meet in the Church parlour at 8 p.m. i BACKACHE § B JACKACHES GONE after us- 3 ® ing RUM A CAP S--they give - | quick and sure relief. | MORRISON'S DRUG STORE : : RUMACAPS g -- RN A ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA February 10, 1936 Mr. S. Farmer, - - Editor of the Port Perry Star: Just a line to say we are again en- joying lovely weather in this wonder- ful climate. It is now 8 p.m. and we are sitting on the verandah with a temperature of 70°. . Mr. and Mrs. Dix arrived here last Wednesday, having had a fine trip, and both feeling fine! The Chamber ot Commerce records show just a little over forty thousand tourists having they continue to come at the rate of two or three hundred daily. The hotels seem to be all filled and thousands of cats, which have come from every state in the Union as well as from every Province of Canada. Have a membership in our bowling club of over three hundred, and the Shuffle Board Club has a membership There seems to be quite a revival in the building line and con- siderable real estate changing hands. The severe frost in December was a very serious matter for the Citrus and vegetable farmers. Best regards. S. Jeffrey. JEFFREY LEADS BOWLERS TO WIN IN JITNEY MEET (St. Petersburg Times) Samuel Jeffrey, veteran Ontario Bowler, led his three teammates through a field of 192 players--men and women--to win the annual Bobby Burns' day mixed jitney at the St. Petersburg Lawn Bowling club. Mr. Jeffrey's team easily outdistanced the C. Gordon, their nearest rival, scored 29. The colourful celebration honouring the Scottish poet was postponed two weeks ago because of the cold weather. Last 'year's tournament was won by W. A. Davis. Jeffrey, Mrs. V, Palmer, S. S. Searle and E. Tomlinson, were the members of the winning team, while Gordon, M. C. Bradley, W. Griffin and W. Hastings were runners-up. J. Crosley, Mrs. Keith, D. Leach and E. H. Jacob came third i 2% Markets (Quotations to Shippers) BUTTER-- - Seconds ..viiiiieeniieeeenss.2be Creamery solids, No. 1 ......26%e¢. CHURNING CREAM (f.0.b. country points) Special 26, No. 1, 23, No, 2, 21. EGGS -Grade A large, 20. Medium 19. Pullets 18. Grade B 16. Grade C 18. POULTRY--"A" Grade, alive. Spring Chickens ,.........8 to 18 Broilers -......o00000 REERAMPLERARGE | | Fatted Hens ....... vienna 8 to 12 Old Roosters .......cooovveeess 8 Ducklings +...vvvvivsesass 8 to 10 POTATOES--per bag LIVE STOCK--~-- > Hogs (off trucks) bacon ay 6 Weighty Steers ......$4.50 to $6:50 Butcher Cattle ......$3.60 to $5.60 COWB +.uvvuvanenaes $1.25 to $8.60 Calves +.......00000.$4.00 to $8,00 Lambs Ciena 0.86.60 to $7.26, Sheep ie 182.00 to $4.00 Heifers ...i.c0ev0...$8.00 to $6.00 registered already this season and still | field; winning with a score of 36, while REDUCED PRICES Suits sponged and pressed 60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office NOW OPEN! H. W. Boynton's Butcher Shop IN THE LEONARD BLOCK, PORT PERRY "Quality, Service and Economy" See our Stock, or Phone 4 Rural Hockey League WwW. L. T. Pts, Prince Albert ....0 0 1 11 Greenbank ...,..3 2 1 1 Three Stars ..... 2 2 2 6 Honeydale ......2 2 2 6 Butchers ..... ME 1 2 6 Myrtle ..... anes 2 2 1 b Utica ..... Me 1 4 0 2 Seagrave ........ 0 4 1 1 Results of Tuesday night games-- Greenbank 9--Honeydale 1 Seagrave 1--Prince Albert 1. Notice to managers-- 'Games for Feb, 21-- Port Perry and Greenbank Seagrave and Three Stars. Games Keb. 22-- Port Perry and Utica Seagrave and Myrtle Games Feb. 26th-- Prince Albert and Myrtle. Honeydale and Utica. UXBRIDGE RURAL LEAGUE Owing to the fire destroying the Ux- bridge rink, the play-off games for their rural league will be played in the Port Perry rink, on February 26 and 28. Double-header each night. The teams playing are Uxbridge, Leask- dae, Zephyr, Reach. Some very inter- esting games are expected. CARNIVAL This annual event will be staged on February 27th." Events are announced on large bills. Plan now and have your costume ready for the carnival. Good prizes are offered. Band in at- '| tendance. Par WANTED TO BUY a good big strong horse for farm work. Apply to F. W. Gardner, R.R. 3, Port Perry. (Scugog). feb28 MM... , WANNAMAKER-MARTYN A quiet and impressive wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martyn, Prince Albert, on Saturday, February 16th, 1936, at 8 p.m, when their only daughter, Gert- son of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Wanna- maker, Seagrave, Ont. = The nupial knot was tied by Rev. W. J, H.Smyth, families. Blue Crepe Romaine with accessories to match and wore a hand embroidered by her maternal great grandmother on the occasion of 'her marriage, After a sumptuous repast the happy Hamilton. On:their return they will reside at Seagrave, Ont. the community and in Prince Albert Church where: as organist, Sunday School teacher: and Young People's worker, she has been an acknowledged leader, The best Sry of a host of friends follow this young couple and bespeak for them a happy and useful married e. i BE. MARRIED Mrs, P.. Davidson, wishes to an- nounce the marriage of her daughter, Mary E. Davidson, to William O. Hal. let, of Sonya, at Port Perry, on Feb- ruary 18th, 1036, ee a --_€--- L - ! DIED Mc¢BRIEN --'At his residence, 800 Carlaw Ave,, Toronto, on Sunday, Feb. 17th, 1986, Robert: MéBrien, beloved husband of Charlotte Wilson. rude Maude, became the bride of Bertram Lloyd Wannamaker, eldest in the presence of the immediate The bride was becomingly attired in net veil with Orange Blossoms worn couple left by motor for Toronto and 3 The bride is held in high esteem in| Hi cecesessessere PP steeeeeEteeeeeetestereee Lawrence's Drug Store News (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) There are two lines in our store, which are of special interest to our Men Customers, namely Shaving Epuipment and Smo Equipment. GILLETTE RAZOR--New type complete in neat case with five Hades, AUTOSTROP RAZOR.--Complete with strop, case and two blades, WILKINSON RAZOR--This famous English Razor complete with ghrop and two blades ..... 'e .00 ROLLS RAZOR--For a life-time of shaving 'comfort. "Hones 'itself and strops itself, .. viienes $6.95 SHAVING BRUSHES Fine quality Rublerset and Sims Brushes. At ., $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 SHAVING CREAMS --We carry 'a wide. on of which we list only a few--Rexall 85¢.; Mi31 26c.; Mentholatum 25¢. and 35¢.; Squibb's - 42¢.; Vinolia 25¢.; Parke Davis 8bc.; Colgate's 25¢.; Palmolive 25c¢.; Yardley' s 60c. and $1,00, 'FRANK MEDICO PIPES--The on Wy real filter pipe on the market. Ask the men who smoke them. Assorted shapes ......Each $1.00 CIGARS, CIGARETTES and TOBACCO--Fresh stock of all Poryias brands at standard prices. --_-- A. M. LAWRENCE, THE REXALL STORE Phone 49 - - Port Perry eee eee eee eee eee ttteeeeeneeeeeehseessese BOOTS T. J. WIDDEN Everything Must be Sold by February 27 COST--PRICE--NOTHING COUNTS | GROCERIES ~ SHOES AT THE LOWEST PRICES YOU HAVE SEEN ad Come in and see what we have to offer in REAL MONEY SAVERS. 'Ask us about the store fixtures, scales etc. they are for sale. Se SE rs RUBBER Port Perry it! and ; 3 ROOFING We Carry a Full Stock { of Lumber and Roofing i Materials -- Frames, Sash and Doors mad to order. Try us and get results I Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. Specialist Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evenings, or by appointment at all times. DISNEY BLOCK Oshawa Opp. Post Office, Phone 1516 Eyesight LAW OFFICE - 'GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Bolicitors, ote. Money to Loan _ Now located in the office of H. W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, Queen Street Phone 264 Phone after hours: 8514 Oshawa. Eyes Examined Accurately : F. E. LUKE & SON Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St., (Upstairs opp. Simpsons): Toronto DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto. Post Graduate in Surgery of Medical Gradu- Post Graduate College London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont, G. OWEN, Proprietor. a 1 THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS IS EASY IF YOU BUY | -- FROM -- BERT MacGREGOR Start the New Year RIGHT | By having our driver call to deliver your needs in Bread, Cakes, and Pastry Frosh and Well Made Jemison & Hutchinson, Bakers PHONE 98, PORT PERRY Pastenrized Products ARE SAFEST AND BEST. Phone your orders to 238, - Wa do the rest. PORT. PERRY DAIRY Phone 238 W. A. San gster > DENTAL Sangs Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office AUCTION SALES FEBRUARY 28--Furniture sale, the property of Edith Bartley, lot 10, con. 10, Reach, 4 mile west Green- bank on Tanson farm, Terms cash. MARCH 6---Farm Stock, property of Erle Bradley, west of Port Perry Fair Grounds, Cows, young cattle and horses. Terms Cash. See bills, Ted Jackson, Auctioneer, 2, Brock, % mile west of Sonya, on Monday, February 26th, Terms Cash. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. eT Io. STEPHENSON, RO. 's Abroe Bore Morrison 3nd and th Fridays of sach to 12 noon. month, Sale at 1.30. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer ; | Farm Stock, Implements, etec., the & property of C. Cookman, lot 22, con. | Sh 5d UN id dee 0) 3 -% 7? »

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