Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Feb 1935, p. 4

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LOCAL ITEMS Among those who spent the week end in town were: Mr. Forbes Nasmith with friends, Miss Jean Cawker, Miss Enid Wallace, Miss Sylvia Nind, Miss Grace Cawker, Miss Bessie Crozier, and Miss Dorothy Davey, with their respective' parents. Mr, and Mrs. John Moase were in Lindsay this week atending the fun- "eral of their sister Mrs, Jessie Weldon who passed away at the age of 04 at the home of her son-in-law Mr. Sam. Nelson, of Walkerville. ie BIRTHDAY PARTY On January 17th, Scugog Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Em- pire, held a most delightful party In celebration of their fifteenth birthday. During the afternoon bridge was played at various homes, the hostesses being Mrs. D. McMillan, Mrs. Gordon McKee, Mrs. C. E. Beare, Mrs. Merlin' Letcher. Later all the guests gathered at the home of Mrs, A. J. Davis for a dainty tea. The centre of interest was the birthday cake on a large silver tray, resplendent in pink and white cellophane decorations, and bearing. fifteen lighted candles. Mrs. George Woods, the Regent, after making the traditional wish, extinguished the candles and cut the cake. During supper, a flurry of excitement was caused by the arrival of an "invited" guest, who offered, like Tommy Tuck- er, to "Sing for his supper." This un- known gentleman proved to be Storey Beare, who delighted the guests with several songs. Our own youthful "Pete, the Mountain Boy" in the guise of Master George Stone, proved him- self worthy of the title with his cow- boy songs, to his own guitar accom- paniment. We'll be expecting George as a coming radio artist one of these days. Prizes were won by Mrs. Mul- ligan, Mrs. Bentley and Miss Edna McKee. SCOUT MEETING An organization meeting of the Boy Scouts is to be held in the base- ment of the United Church on the evening of Monday, February 18th. Every person who has an interest in the young boys of Port Perry is in- vited to be present at this meeting. Come with helpful suggestions. The boys are worthy of our best co- operation: -->--or CLARENCE WALLACE The funeral of Clarence Wallace, whose death occurred on Sunday, Feb. 3rd after a lingering illness, took place on Tuesday, from the residence of his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Wallace. In- terment was made at Pine Grove "Cemetery, Prince Albert, the Rev. Mr. Denny officiating at the service. * Fidelity Lodge conducted the Masonic service at the graveside. Mr. Wallace was in his 37th year. - oo La Town Council The first meeting of the new coun- cil for 1936 was held at the Clerk's Office on Monday, February 4th. All the members were present, Mr. Robt. Holtby and Mr. Robt. Harris took the declaration of office. Communications were received as follows: C. N. R. re water supply; County Treasurer with list of pro- perties for sale for taxes; C. N. R. re assessment values; Mrs. Whitmore re - Hospital assessment; Harold H, Peer- er, Oshawa, applying for position as constable. Wm, Oke appeared to ask for ap- pointment as assessor. The relief committee were requested to draft a By-law re Relief and report same at the next regular Council meeting. The following committees were ap- pointed: Finance--W. M. - Jackson. Water Works--H. R. Archer, Robt. Harris. Roads--R. M. Holtby, H. R. Archer. Relief--R. Harris, W. M. Letcher. Property and Fire--J. E, Jackson H. R. Archer. Ap ! CANARIES FOR SALE "Singers and hen birds. Hen birds ready for nesting. Only a few left. " Cages with singers. Apply to Mrs. ih 11 White, Port Perry. feb Letcher, J. E. RE -- I ----.---- I". wan ty ITS THE EARLY BIRD THAT GETS THE WORM Be an early bird this year. Order that New Harness now before the Spring rush begins, See us for prices. before going elsewhere. Qur harness is made from number one stock and sewn with Barbour's best pure linen thread. 1% in. Back Bands Harness, com- plete, (less collars), with ring traces 1%" wide or straight traces 1%" wide. Come in and talk over your needs with us. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatty's Store, Port Perry I. 0. D. E. USED BOOK SHOWER AND TEA. On Thursday afternoon, February 14th, from 6 _to 6 o'clock, a used book shower and tea will be held in the Chapter Rooms. The books donated are to be sent to the destitute settlers in Saskatchewan. Admission--book or books. ---- -- PP * ~ THE YOUNG MEN'S BIBLE CLASS Even Foster Hewitt couldn't de- scribe the trip to Toronto better than Grant Kilpatrick has in the following ditty: "Going Places" or "Touring Canada on a Bus." "Twas only last Thursday evening And all were in tip-top form, We took the jolly motor-bus To see the 'ockey boys perform. The time to leave was six p.m.; But we were a trifle late; Had to wait for poor old Ted, Who was selling some estate. At last we started on our way And we were packed in much like hay, When Harris shouted "On your right" Bona Vista all a-light. It wasn't long till up the hill * Young Storey Beare commenced to trill, The rest of us just started to sing About a guy perched on a swing. Well, anyway, out in the back, The place was like a funeral hack When Cornish took a cramp in his toe And Harris sang,--""A thousand times no!" We sang all the sengs for a little while Then a card game sorta, came into style; This lasted till our Thomas turned pale And asked one of the boys to show < him the rail. At last we arirved at the big garden gate, Where the people were going at a pretty good rate; We all caught the spirit and followed the crowd And kept on the climb and came out in the clouds. We sat in our seats and looked round about Which team would be winning there was little doubt; But after us shouting for nearly an hour The world famous Leafs turned sorta sour. We came out of there and found our .old seats, 'And landed at Bannon's to stow away eats. The food was sure good but the ser- vice was poor, Tom Harris had trouble in finding the right door. After having our fill-up on wheat and on meat, There was a wild rush to make sure of a seat. It nearly turned out. just one to a man, Sid Smallman had to ride "as best he can." We wended our way o'er the snow bound road And soon we commenced to part with our load, Till later way down on our main main street We all said "Good-night" and went home to sleep. A trip such as this is sorta new But all jokes aside there's some credit due Storey Beare, Ralph Gemmell and Billy Smyth, too, So "Good-bye" and "So-long" Boop- - Boop a Doo. "Till we met again," JOINT ACHES ACHING MUSCLES AND JOINTS are quickly relieved by using RUMACAPS. MORRISON'S DRUG STORE "RUMACAPS -------------------- ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Kev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m.--Evening Service, J <tc maene CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 7 p.m.--Evening Service. et ee -- PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, February 10th, 1935-- 11 a.m.--Beatitude 8. "the meek" 1.456 p.m,--Young Men's Bible Class and Forum. 2,45 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--"The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus." Wednesday, February 18th, at 8 p.m. the W. M. S. will meet. Remember the Congregational Supper and Annual Meeting at 7 p.m. to- night, Thursday, Feb. 7th. BE SCOUT NEWS Banff's Champion Boy Skiers-- Practically every member of Banff's Boy Scout troop is a skier. The boys hold several junior skiing champion- ships won at the annual Banff Winter Carnival. A 24 Year Old Good Turn-- An Austrian Scout leader: is en- deavouring, through London Scout headquarters to locate two English Boy Scouts who came to his assistance in 1911 when, as a small boy who could speak no English, he was wheeling through the heavy traffic of the Strand and broke his bicycle chain. "2% A Juvenile Court Judge on Scouting-- In meeting the prohlem of the un- derprivileged boy, which is particular- ly pressing under present-day . con- ditions, the Boy Scout movement is of great assistance, .in_ the opinion of Judge J. F. McKinley, of the Ottawa minion's recognized authorities: on juvenile and domestic court problems. "I have no hestitation in saying that Scouting is a wonderful force for good among underprivilégdd- boys," declared Judge McKinley. , "Many boys go wrong simply be- cause they have no proper channels to give outlet to their physical and mental energies, As a result they make associations and form. habits which ultimately lead to serious wrong-doing." "In Scouting such boys are afforded a splendid outlet for their energies. They are 'thrown into intimate con- tact with qualified leaders, and al- together their associations are of the finest." £ Scout units in various parts of the Dominion have made it a practice to provide for a number of boys of needy families at their summer camps. The Alexander Mackenzie Rover Scout Crew of Galt and Preston, Ont,, holds an annual summer camp for such boys. Last summer over 100 boys were given the ten days' outing. The , Scouts of a British Columbia troop gave one week of their paid-for camp for the benefit of boys of needy families. ~T= FORD COUPE FOR SALE 1931 Ford Coupe, rumble seat, 193b license, excellent mechanical condition. Also 1935 model electric radio. Apply to Fred Bown, Phone 168 Port Perry. Feb? -- EP PP ~ AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, Implements, etc, the property of C. Cookman, lot 22, con. 2, Brock, % mile west of Sonya, on Monday, February 26th. Terms Cash, Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. * * 0» Farm Stock, Implements, ete., the property of Leslie Mountjoy, lot 10, con. 4, Cartwright, on Wednesday, February 20th. Terms Cash. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. -- et EPP IN MEMORIAM PLOUGHMAN--In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Eliza Plough- man, who passed away two years ago, on February 1st, 1938, in Oshawa, Ont. Silent her voice, and vacant her chair; there. We miss her and mourn here in silence unseen, And live in memories of days that " have been. s "ver remembered by her daughters and son. * ttn EP wns. + wm mm BORN At Port Perry Hospital, on Wednes- day, January 28rd, 1936, to Mr. and [ Mrs. 'Daniel J. Gribbin (nee Frances | Christy), a daughter, Mary Margaret. tet MPP es DIED PEEL--At Adam's Convalescent Home, Mimico, on January 30th, 1885, Minnie A. Peel, in her 66th year. "Blessed are |" Juvenile Court, and 'one 'of the Do-|- linterest an audience without the aid of Sweet are the memories that linger REDUCED PRICES Suits sponged.-and pressed +60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH 0 ver the Observer Office NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Margaret McMillan, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Margaret McMillan of the Village of Sunderland, in the Township of Brock, deceased, who died at the Town of Whitby on the 2nd day | § of November, 1934, are hereby noti-| $i fied to send in to the undersigned |} solicitors on or before the 24th day of |}; February, 1936, full particulars of| $i their claims. Immediately after Feb- i ruary 24th, 1985, the assets of the Testatrix will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- : H eessstttttessttt eters Lawrence's Drug Store News (You can save with safety at Your Rexall Store) SYBILLA SPAHR'S REMEDY--For Sore Throat, Quinsy, Larngitis. It's wonderful medicine. Try it. Two sizes 50c. and $1,60. BISMA REX--The four-way relief for Sour Stomach, Acid, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Flatulence, Gas and Nausea. Two sizes 76c. and $1.50 HALIVER OIL CAPSULES--The original and genuine Parke-Dayis product. Over 80 times as strong as Cod Liver Oil in vitamin A. Dose: (1 to 2 capsules daily.) Pkg. of 50 capsules $1.40 Tee PEPE EEEE Eee esses eeEEesee Eee esse ses THERMAT HEAT PADS--Insure a uniform heat all night long. No electricity, no hot water. Safe, reliable and economical. 97c. VALENTINES--See our display of Valentine Cards. " They're just what you want, - Priced from 1c. to 1bc. : PEPE PeOP Pees el POPEYE VALENTINES--Something new, 10c. each, 3 A. M. LAWRENCE, THE REXALL STORE Phone 49 . - Port Perry resect sseres restos eee gard only to cliams of which the solicitors shall then have notice. Dated January 19th, 1935, HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ont., Solicitor for Mar- garet MeMillan Estate. feb? i ---------- REV. DR. THORNTON VISITS TRENTON Preaches at King Street United Church' and Gives Illustrated Lecture on World-Wide Travels. ian King Street Church was afforded a great privilege by the visit, this past week-end, of Rev. Dr. P. Bruce Thornton. Dr. Thornton was for near- ly two decades, minister of one of the greater churches of the West; and|- throughout "his" 'ministry' Hd "Been a noted friend: and : worker: 'amongst young people.: A few years 'ago, he resigned - from St." "Paul'ss" United Church, Winnipeg, and. embarked ona tour of the world, a' 'trip' "which lasted almost three 'years;-and which took him in to many corners of the world, His genial and commanding person- ality gave him entry into most unusual places and scenes, and his powers of observation and memory and inter- pretation endowed him with abun- dance of fascinating and instructive information. Sunday night he spoke on his "hob- by", the young folks, and carried tol the church a challenge of responsibil- ity for the adequate training of the youth of our land, and then faced the young people with the challenge of the world of to-day, so soon to be in their charge. © Monday night, under the auspices of the Men's Club, Dr. Thornton took the large assembly around the world with picture and flaming word. The moving pictures were most interest- ing, and the colored slides as beautiful COST--PRICE-- NOTHING COUNTS BOOTS offer. etc. they are for sale. T. J. WIDDEN SELLING Everything WITHIN THREE WEEKS 'The fact is we 'have to close. out the" business within - three: weeks. So you| Will be able to buy-- GROCERIES. ~ SHOES RUBBER AT THE LOWEST PRICES hllec __oiine Pu | and We Carry a Full Stock | of Lumber and Roofing § i Materials -- Frames, § 'Sash and Doors mad § | to order. Try us and get results } Sam N. Griffen | Lumber Co. Phone 240 i PORT PERRY, ONT. CE PAE NS TRE ANT. - Yi omeitr : Eyesight Specialist Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evenings, or by appointment at all times. DISNEY. BLOCK . Oshawa . _.° Opp. Post Office, Phone. 1516 i - The Creamery IS PAYING 20c., 19¢c. and 17c. FOR BUTTER FAT. You, can saye labor and make more money by sending your cream to PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON. Proprietors YOU HAVE SEEN Come in and see what we have to Ask us about the store fixtures, sciles | LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Money to Loan Now located in" the office of H. W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, Queen Street : Phone 264 Phone after hours: 8514 Oshawa. Port Perry as modern art can make them. Dr. Thornton, as a lecturer in this field, is at his best. . He has the gift to screen or picture, and then to light up a picture until it really lives before the eyes. King Street Church, and Trenton, will welcome Dr. Thornton's return. Mr. Walter Gainforth, president of the Men's Club, was chairman. A IN MEMORIAM = THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS IS EASY IF YOU BUY | -- FROM -- BERT MacGREGOR Eyes Examined Accurately F. E. LUKE & SON Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St., Toronto (Upstairs opp. Simpsons) HARPER--In loving memory of our dear little girl, who entered into heaven, February 4th, 1931. At eventide the Master came And walked among the flowers, He touched the lilies one by one, And took this one of ours. We wanted so to keep her, - For she to us wag given; "But Jesus planned it otherwise, He wanter her in Heaven. _ Sadly missed' by Mother and Father, 4 'FARMERS ATTENTION! We are paying 12¢. per 1b. for Live Fowl-- Hens, Geese, Ducks and Chickens. Also. top prices paid for Goose Feathers, Duck Feathers and Hides. For information call . ALIX. GILBOORD, ¢] Phone 177 Port Perry. ER TA, | ~~ i Vad G. OWEN, Proprietor. Start the New Year RIGHT | By having our driver call to deliver your neads in Bread, Cakes, and Pastry Fresh and Well Made Jemison & Hutchinson, Bakers PHONES, - - PORT | PERRY | Pasteurized Products ARE SAFEST AND BEST. Phone your orders © to 238. Wado the rest. a) DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto, Post Graduate in Bu Medical Gradu- ates' College and Polyel Ie. London, ndon. North East Lond Graduate London, England, Royal by Woy Glasgow. Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's 'Infurance Office FORA fy ARRAS HAY FOR SALE Quantity of Timothy Hay. to Wm. Brown, Port Perry. Apply feb7 ¥ FOR SALE Beatty Electric Washer (new guar- antee), for balance of payment. Apply at Carnegie Hardware, Port Perry. 1 Bit dd cm "PORT PERRY DAIRY "Phone 238 J. 0. STEPHENSON, RO. Morvtson's 'Drug Store 2nd and' ig h Frldars jot awl each month,' 4 wl

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