Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Feb 1935, p. 1

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a B i = * - oy é - = 3 pA ¥ 3c = 1 i HE | HE 3 3 ts 5 LAE 4 | 5 },..! 1 "of the cultural group; Miss Vilma Har- 'Welcome to Port Perry. It is a real pleasure to welcome the young people of this locality to Port Perry where they are attending the Free Courses in Agriculture and Domestic Science, "Fully one hundred young men and womén are taking advantage of this educational opportunity, which is Winter Rally of Oshawa Presbytery Young People The winter rally of the Young Peo- ple of the Oshawa Presbytery was held in Port Perry United Church on Saturday, when Rev, W, J. H. Smyth, pastor of the Church, extended a wel- come to the 165 young people present. 'Miss Marion Pickard, president of the Presbytery, responded. Following the opening worship ser- vice, conducted by hte Whitby Young People's Society, a business discussion was held. . Frank Petrie of Pickering, sang a solo. Discussion groups were then form- ed. Miss Hazel DeGuerre was in charge of the Christian Fellowship group; Miss Eva Brown of Blackstock, of the Missionary group; Rev. H. J. Bell, of Blackstock, of the citizenship group; Miss Eileen Riddell, of Orono ris, of the recreation group; and Miss Alice Arnold, of Brooklin, the C.G.LT. group. Instructive discussions were held in each group. J - Following general assembly, the young people gathered at the High Schoo) for recreation, under the lead- ership of Miss Velma Harris, of Osh- awa. This was followed by a tasty supper served by the Port Perry. Young People, at which covers were laid for 160. Miss Hazel DeGuerre, of Oshawa, and Wilbur Howard, of T onto, led in'a'sing-song.. 2 cia An open forum was held following supper. The findings of each group in the discussion: groups were distributed among those assembled and Rev. B. H. Rickard, of Oakwood, led:the forum, In the evening the Tuxis square, of Newcastle, led the worship service, followed by a solo by Miss Irene Winter, of Oshawa, During the short business session, jt was announced that the attendance at the rally totaled 165, representing 20 societies, while 23 societies of the Presbytery were not represented. Albert Street United Church, Osh- awa, and Claremont United Church, tied for the attendance banner. Miss Marion Pickard, president, of the Presbytery, presented the banner to Albert Street Socjety, who will keep it until April 1. A social evening for the Claremont and Albert street groups will then be held, when the banner will be presented to the Clare. mont Society, which will keep it until the next meeting of the Presbytery, in October. : Miss May Kayes, of Oshawa, intro- duced the speaker. of the evening. Wilbur Howard, leader of the Young People of Grace United Church, To-| ronto. In his entertaining manner, Mr. Howard presented helpful and in- structive points to those assembled. - A friendship circle was formed and all joined in singing, "Abide with Me", after which the Mizpah Benediction brought the rally to a close. Four Corners Appointed for Ontario County A communication received in the city from the Attorney-General's De- partment at Queen's Park reveals that Orders-in-Council have been passed appointing four new Coroners in and for the County of Ontario as and from January 31st, 1935. Information has also been received that an Order-in- Council has been passed revoking the appointment of three Coroners within the County as and from the same date. The communication states that the four newly appointed Coroners are, Pr. Henry Clinton Peaxson, M.D, of Dunbarton; Dr. Hugh MacKay Mac- Donald, M.D,, of Oshawa; Dr, George Malcolm Rennie, M:D., of Port Perry; | and Dr. Reginal | Brie McMullen, M.D,, of Oshawa, 7° "°° The 'Coroners whose appointments have been revoked on the recommend- ation of the Honourable the Attorney- General and the Minister of Labour are Dr, F. Ji k dle, of Oshawa; Dr. .'W. S. Harper, of Port Perry; and Dr. Cartwright of Pickering, It is understood that Dr, D. 8. Holg, the oldest practitioner in Oshawa, is "petaning his position as a Coroner for the County of Ontario. 4 EPSOM v Last Thursday, January 81st, the Ladies AM held their regular meeting in the basement of the Church which was well attended. After the meeting the Aid entertained the men: of the wood for the requirements of the Church, to a sumptuous repast which was greatly enjoyed by all. A splen. did feeling characterized the whole afternoon and all left feeling that good work had been accomplished. The sentiment pervading the meeting cannot be better expressed than in the words of the old hymn: '"Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love." Owing to an epidemic of flu in the vicinity of Bethesda, a good many were not in their accustomed places: though in spite of sickness a large number were present at the service. The Young People's Society at Utica last Friday evening held a very instructive debate, entitled: "Resolved that plant life is more beneficial to the human race than animal life," T. affirmative was taken by the Misses Olga and Delza Lakey and the nega- tive by Mr. Walter Reynolds and Miss Jean Miller. The judges had much difficulty at arriving at a decision and finally concluded the material and de. livery of the debate was so well handled that each side had equal merits. 3 Eo Church and Sunday School meetings at Epsom and Utica were well at- tended last Sunday. The number at Epsom was 51 and Utica 62, . "The Utfca Sunday School has re- quested that Mr, L. E. Skerratt be the Superintendent for the ensuing year, and Messrs. Frank Hortop and Joseph Ward were appointed Stewards, It is expected that the Young Peq- ple's Society will meet next Friday night in the basement of Utica Church for another debate. Come and enjoy a good time. Mrs. Oliver Lane is holidaying with friends in Cleveland. Mrs.-W. English of Manilla, spent a few days last week with her sister Mrs. Maggie Shell. Miss Nellie Harper of Whitby visit- ed with Miss Mary Hawley last week, the later we regret to report is still in very poor health, Miss Viva Briggs visited with friends in Oshawa last week. i Friday, February the 1st was ground hog day, but the sun failed to make its appearance for it to have a glimpse of its shadow after hibernat- ing since last fall, thus according to old predictions the winter and rough weather is now well spent, Owing to the very severe weather last week the village open air rink was. not as well patronized as the manager Frank Downey had hoped for but the mild spell over the week end brought a larger attendance and some lively hockey was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hudgins and little daughter Marilin, of Toronto, spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Hattie Hudgins. Mr. Hudgins has just returned from a business trip to Montreal. Our young people are taking part in the program that is being given at Manchester on Friday night of this week. Miss Masters visited friends in To- ronto last week. Although the weather was rather cold last Wednesday night a goodly number braved the elements and at- tended the supper and concert given by the Women's Association in the Church basement. A most satisfying hot supper was served after which Rev. Mr. Honey occupied the chair and a splendid program was given by local talent, The proceeds amounted to eleven dollars. Mrs. A. Armstrong is holidaying with her parents at Bethany. Road Commissioner Art Maw had a shovelling brigade out last week open- ing u roads, after the heavy wind had "them in, © The Provincial snow plow kept the Highway open. The school attendance has been de- creased considerably this week as 8 number of the scholars have been con- fined to their homes with influensa, some having been so bad they required medical care, wl Mr, and Mrs. Will Mountjoy of Col- umbus, visited friends here last week. -" congregation, who had gathered to cut| The | '| passing = "cycle had swerved to the "PORT P very practical in character. Mr. R. Geen, of Oshawa. talented musician, General Motors. Mr. H. - These Courses are under partment of Agriculture. ~--r---- Committed for Trial At the adjourned session of the in- quest to enquire in the death of Frank auto accident which occurred. on the Kingston Road on January. 19th, 1935, the jury "found that Frank Green had died almost instantly as the re- sult * of 'injuries received when his truck collided with the' transport in front of the gates of the Union Céme- about a mile west of the city limits of Oshawa, - The verdict stated that the accident was due to the fact that Foster Ferguson, the driver of the transport truck, while in the act of left, or south side of tie i.ghway, and oncoming: delivery truck which was approaching from the west. The jury found that Ferguson had broken the Part 7, Section 35, Sub-Section 10 of the Highway Traffic Act by drawing out to pass a vehicle proceeding in the same direction before his course was clear. They expressed the opinion that had Ferguson obeyed the'rules of the road that in all probability the acci- dent would <.ot have happened. As a rider to its verdict the jury deplored the alarming loss of life oc- casioned by highway traffic accidents and urged the government to take definite agtion as goon as possible to curb the large number of fatal ac- cidents. The jury also expressed the opinion that drivers and owners of motor vehicles should familiarize themselves with traffic laws and see to it that these laws were always put into practice, Following the inquest a prelimi- ary court was held. After the evi- dence had all been heard at the pre- liminary hearing, His Worship Magis- trate F. 8. Ebbs ordered Foster Fer- guson, of Blackstock, committed for trial at the next court of competent jurisdiction, on a charge of man- slaughter, arising out of the death of Frank Green, of Whitby, who died al- most instantly as the result of in- juries received in a motor accident on the Union Cemetery Hill, the morn- ing of January 19. Ferguson wus allowed bail. ee eet AB Pr" ete SEAGRAVE Don't! Don't forget the' Valentine Social to be held on Thursday evening, February 14th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stone. Following the reg- ular monthly meeting of the Women's Association in the afternoon, a supper of delicious eats will be served to all who attend, from 6 to 8 p.m., followed by a program, Prizes for the best original Valentine will be an item of interest. Make this the event of the season. Admission, adults 26c. and children 1Be. On Tuesday evening, January 20th, the Young People's Society of Sea- grave United Church gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Clements, The program of the evening, social in character, was arranged by Mrs. E. Clements and Mrs, O. R. Flindall. The program took the form of a backward party. The guests upon entering bade One of the most pleasing features in connection with the Courses is the instruction insinging given by tunate to enjoy the advantage of leadership by this The Courses include practical demonstrations and stock judging. To-day they are enjoying a visit to looking after the matter of Croskery, District Representative of the Ontario De- Green who died as a result of an} in go doing had run in the face of tie. - RRY ST PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7th, 1934 rt mg at = =t - AR $1.50 per year in advance 5 cents single copy Watch your label; it tells when your subscription expires. \ The young people are for- Ra Archer 'is courteously ansportation. the direction of Mr, W.M. * RR greeted them. One of the items on the program was a backward spelling match. The refreshments were, served directly opposite to the conventional order. All _repoxt a very enjoyable evening. : Mr, J. N. Mark after confined to his home through illness, for sometime, was in charge of the Sunday Sc¢hdol on | rather disappointing that the drama, ZION which we announced, was not given Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fisher, of because of sickness; but hope to have Janetville, called on Mr. and Mrs. T. | it at a later date. However, an im- Fisher, recently. promptu program was given which "A large number attended the fun wa much enjoyed. Starting with eral of the late Frank Broad which i Singing, Bove iy oy Rk bare at jon Anise Soran. To Moyer, a veading by Mrs, Luery, and pathy. ' a pantomime with Mr, and Mrs. "Dow- Friend 1 i | ney antl Mr. and Mus. Doucheman ina riends are g ad to hear that Mr. fireside scene, while Miss Dorothy Hall Harry Dunn Js much improved in wietly sang "Love's Old Swet Song". health after his recent illness. A pleasing trio was played by Ken- The congregational meeting was| Cook, Frank Downey and Gordon held at the home of Stanley Hall on jy ison, on their guitars. Thursday evening. Reports were re- We are sorry to hear of the death ceived from the Sunady School, the! v Mrs. Dan. Parrott, of Ashburn, who Yop Assosiation, the Stewards. passed away carly this morning. We gave good reports of the" work | .yiend our sympathy to the bereaved done 'during the past year. The fol- family. : lowing officers were returned to office) Nys, Glass and daughter Clara of Sunday School--Supt., Gordon.-Max- Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, well; Boys' Class, Wesley Stokes; Roy Bright on Saturday. Bible Class, W. Stokes; Girls' Class, Miss Myrtle Gascoyne and Miss I. Mrs. Norman Jacobs; Secretary, Miss N c : . Rahm, of Brooklin, were visitors on Muriel Hall; Organiste, Miss Ida Mec- Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harri Taggart; Junior Class, Mrs. W. son. Sones, on pastor is Rev. Mr, Flin- Mrs. Ed. Cooper of Toronto, has all, ot Seagrave. spent the past week caving for her ~ Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wooldridge : : ; mother Mrs, W. J, Cook, who has been on the sick list. i Mrs, Roy Thompson was a recent visitor to Toronto. : OP -------- -- Chalk Lake Mrs. Donald McIntyre is spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. F. Taylor. We are pleased to report that Mrs. McIntyre is feeling much better again after her recent illness. Mr. Edward Bryant has purchasea the Valentyne property, $ spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wooldridge. Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Kitson, of Salem, spent Sunday with -Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hall Friends of Mr. Lawrence Tremeer are pleased to hear he is doing as well as could be expected after his operation at Lindsay Memorial Hos- pital. The Zion Junior Hockey team play- ed a game with Glendine team at the Little 'Britain rink on Saturday last, the score was 3.-0 in favour of Zion. Sunday "motning 'with 120 in attend- ance. One remembered the birthday box. In the evening Rev. Mr, Flin. dall delivered. a splendid sermon, tak-' ing the. text from 1st Kings, chapter tery, on Provincial Highway No. 2,119. The choir rendered a nice anthem. A wood bee for the church is to be held on Wednesday afternoon of this at the parsonage with a special pro- gram, is another item of interest for the week. 2: Hen Rev, O R. Flindall spent a few days last week in Toronto with relatives. Miss Muriel Clarke was home from Lindsay on Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Orr Shunk and family of Lindsay were Sunday visitors with relatives. Mrs. S. J. Wooldridge spent a week in Toronto with relatives recently. Quite a number take in the Rural Hockey League games at Port Perry. Sorry to report Mrs. Chas. McLean, mother of Mr. John McLean, seriously ill at her home in Port Perry, since Friday last. Her sister Mrs, J. N. Mark is in attendance, Little hope is held for her recovery, | Born, on Thurday, January 31st, to Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Branning, the gift of a daughter, Mrs. Alvin Bruce entertained a number of ladies from the South on Thursday afternoon last, quilting was the order of the afternoon. The host- ess served a lovely supper to the guests and a good time was spent by all, , i Skating at the Ice Palace in our' village is the main attraction three evenings of the week. A number from Sonya are enjoying the rink quite often. HOCKEY JUNIOR O. H. A. A good brand of hockey was played in the game here on Monday night be-' tween Fenelon Falls and Port Perry. The final score was 10 to 7 in favor of the home team but that does not describe the battle put up by the Junior Hockey players. For instance the first period ended with a score of 4-3 in favour of Port. The local goals were made by Ted Johnson 2, Bill Brandon 1, Defoe 2, Bill' Cawker 2, Harry DeShane 2, Stan Yachobsky 1 At time of writing (Wednesday morning) the standing is--Bobcay- geon 13 points, Port Perry 12 points, and Fenelon Falls 6 pointa. 'The deciding game was played: last night at Bobcaygeon with the result that the game was a tie, after ten minutes of overtime. Score was 7.7. CER THE RURAL LEAGUE Tuesday's games resulted as fol- lows--Prince Albert 3, Three Stars 1; their hosts farewell, and upon leaving Utica 1, Greenbank b. After the supper a good programe was week. The regular monthly meeting 1 0ky number ticket was draw of the Quadrata Girls' Club to be held bedspread, and a pair of socks." Mr. for the socks. The rest of the evening I 29. by Mr. Robert Harris pf Port Perry. close of the meeting. N . Music will be supplied by Buddy ed the Y. | Miss Elizabeth Meneely. | - Dr. McMaster, of Port Perry; was in the vicinity last week renting the horses for Bot Flies. 14 Mrs. Walter Lynde spent a 'few days last week with her parents in Ashburn, . Mrs. Freeman Sandison was pleas- antly surprised on Saturday evening when a sleighload of friends 'from Utica called apd spent the evening with her. ] Miss Lee with her parents in Green. bank over the week end. } oes We understand they will play Little Britain, Saturday, at Little Britain. The Women's Association held a hot supper and social evening at the home of Myr. Norman Osborne, oii Friday. given by the Layton Orchestra and other home talent. Following this a n for a Chas. Brown held the ticket for the bedspread and Mr. Herman Osborne PRINCE ALBERT Mrs. C. E. Vickery spent a few days with friends in Toronto recently. Mr. D. Harrison and family of Port Perry, have moved into Mr. Lambkin's house, Miss Elva Hope is spending some time at her home here. His subject being "Law and Crime." Miss Eileen Hope, of Toronto, spent A social half hour was spent at the the week end with her parents and other friends herve. Misses Mary and Flora Holman and Mis. A. Morrison, of Toronto, visiting "friends in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, W. Webb and Jean of ' Norwood, were visiting at the home of was spent in games and contests. -a The Young People held their regular weekly meeting in the Sunday School room on Tuesday -cvening, January A good crowd was in attendance. A very interesting address was given -------- On Saturday night twenty young | people motored to Oakwood to skate. The Oakwood Band was in attendance. A pleasant evening was had by all. All roads lead to Sonya on Friday, February 8th, to the big dance which Mr. Alvin Hunter. is being held in the Community Hall. Several of our young people attend- P. Rally in Port Perry Rogers and his Merry Makers. { United Church on Saturday afternoon A 'number from here attended the. and evening. Co RE Hockey match in Port Perry on Fri- The auction sale of Mrs. CW. Jef- day night. [frey, on Thursday last attracted a The January meeting of the Ladies' large crowd. Aid was held at the home of Mrs. M.1 There was Prentice. © {the community club meeting on Jan. Miss Ethel McCoy, presided. Mrs. 24th. An excellent program was given Roy Morrison gave a splendid reading, by talent from Port Perry and Man: Mrs. Kennedy sang a pleasing solo. chester. Program committee for this At the close of the meeting a dainty week's meeting is Messrs, Ben Smith, lunch was served by the hostess and A. Bond and Stan. Hope. The Sunday "School had an attend- My. Sager's a large attendance at Mr. Bill Mason made a business trip ance of 51 last Sunday. to Port Perry one day last week. class of young men expect to attend Mr. Campbell Milne, of Toronto, the Men's Bible Class in Port Perry spent Sunday with his brother Mr. next Sunday afternoon. Donald Milne. Mrs. Milne is visiting The Women's Association her daughter Mrs. Miller. few more dollars to add to their funds > -------- as a result of the supper served in . . | the basement last Wednesday evening. Myrtle Station The Y. P. S. meeting followed the : : . Usupper and an interesting program Owing to.%0 pe Sickness - oo. Rr hymns and their writers was Village, our Chifrel) a go ih ¢ F given. Miss Laivd presided and Miss aifopiance. was Nok ub to i Be 1 Gertrude Martyn had charge of the by bn Soa program. All enjoved singing the " : oh familiar" hymns. as S. S. Supt. In the QueAiny tho ot corn tn Asrioulinre mid Shai Wag. shes shiny handed id go, Homme TFeonomics being held in Port anthem was rendered. ; pew ) 1 Perry this month have proved to be Honey was on hand wat is Beha quite .an attraction. A number from Vision. His Jessop yes I N here have enrolled in the classes and a De aS at Soe ) Thap lot more wish they could go, too. "The rival loves," "Love not the Li tii avd a world, neither the things that are in Inquest the world, if any man love the world,' the love of the Father is not in him." | THE JURY'S VERDICT "And the world passeth away, and the A¢ (he adjourned session of the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will inquest regarding the death of Hubert of God abideth forever." 'Paxton Collacutt, on Wednesday even- The hot supper tha Indies put on for IE; Sehrates Bho, Te Joey Jue 0 last Wednesday was a great success.y, jo discharged from a .22 calibre Plenty of good things to eat. It was rifle, have a Norman BLACKSTOCK : Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Graham on the birth of a son on Friday, January 18, and to Dr, and Mrs. C. K, Stevenson, of Milton, on the arrival of a daughter on January 8th. Mrs. Stevenson was formerly Miss Florence Babington, a former and very popular member of the Blackstock Continuation School stall. : The annual meeting ofthe Royal Scarlet Chapter of the District of Cartwright was held in the Orange tall. New officers installed were: W. com.--Leslie Brooks, L.0.L. 764; Dep. Com.--Cecil Hill, L.O.L. 133; Chap.-- Earl Dorrell, L.O.L. 133; Scribe--H. Thompson, L.O.L. 133; Treasurer-- Creighton Devitt, L.O.L. 133; Marshall --Leslie Thompson, L.O.L. 764; 1st weturer--Dr, J, A. McArthur, -L.O.L. 33; nd Lecturer -- Francis Werry, -0.L. 141; 1st Cond.--Herb. Swain, +0.L. 133; 2nd Cond.--Wm, Henry, +0.L. 133; Herald--Fred Smith, L.O. i IS 1 1 | I | 141; Auditors--Jas. Byers and L. Swain. The election and installation were conducted by Past Wor. Com. Jumes Byers. Lunch was served at the close. The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. of the United Church was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Byers, on Tuesday evening, January 20th, with an attendance of 80. The meeting opened with the new presi- dent, Mrs. A. Read in the chair. The program. consisted of a recitation by Miss Jean Wright; a reading by Mrs. C. Marlow, "What's Right with the World?" and a Tree Contest in charge of Miss Viola Bradburn, Lunch was served by the group in charge with Mrs. J. W. Bradburn as convener. The annudl Board meeting of the United Church was held on January 24th. After' a pot luck supper had been enjoyed the following very satis- factory reports were given--=W,M.S. by 'Mrs. Cecil Hill; Sunday School by Mr. J A. Johnston; League by Mr, E. Cutting. The Church Treasurer's re- port was adopted, The following were then elected to office: Secretary--Mr. ; Mountjoy; Treasurer--Mr. Jabez Wright; Choir Leader--Mrs. Suddler; Ushers -- "Messrs, Murray Byers, Bruce Mountjoy; Arnold John- ston, Anson Taylor. Members of the Board are--DMessrs, Wallace Marlow, Jabez Wright, N. Mountjoy, Roy Tay- lor, J. W. Bradburn, C. Marlow, E. Larmer, L. Swain, Jos. Forder, N. S. McNally Gordon Strong, G. Wright. Envelope Steward--Jos, Forder; Aud iors, dvankmlap and N; 8; -MeNally. Caretaker---John Larmer. Fuel Com. --John Larmer and J. A, Johnston. The sincere sympathy of the com. munity is extended to Mr. Dougal Me- Dougall, of Toronto, in the death ot his sister Mrs. Barbara Griffin, who passed away at her home. in Toronto. Interment was made at Wick, Ont., on Monday, January 28th. Mr, McDoug- all and Mvs. Griflin were former high- ly respected citizens of Cartwright. Mr. Foster Dempsey, of Stratford, who underwent an appendix' opera- tion in the Bowmanville Hospital re- cently is convalescing at the home of his sister, Mrs, (Dr.) McArthur. Recent visitors in our midst were: Mv. and Mrs. Harold Hoskin and sons, of Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ioskin; Mr. D. Adams, Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson and child- ven, of Enfield, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bowers. Messrs, Earl Dorrell and W. Hooey were in Woodville on Tuesday last at- tending the funeral of the late Mrs. Chas. McDonald. i ~ Among those who entertained to fowl suppers recently were: Mr. and Mis. John English, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. lradburn, My. and Mrs. Carl Wright, Mr. and Mrs, T. Smith. The annual Vestry Meeting of St. John's Anglican Church was held on Monday afternoon, January 28th. The rector, Rev. C. Hartcourt, presided and opened the meeting with prayer. The minutes of the 1934 Vestry meeting were read and adopted, The 1935 of- ficers were then elected as follows: Rector's Warden--T. Smith; People's Warden--F. Willan. Sidesmen--John Hamilton, Harry McLaughlin, Samuel Jeffrey, Tra Argue, Levi McGill, Clar- ence Parr. Envelope Secretary--Mrs. Howard - Bailey. Vestry Clerk--H. lailey. Parish Council--Whardens, Rector, Lay Delegates to the Synod, C. Hyde, C. Parr, Mrs. A. L. Bailey, Mrs, L. Graham, a member of the W. A, and AY.P.A. to be appointed by these organizations. Choir Leader-- Jack Smith. Lay Delegates to Synod H. Bailey, F. Hamilton, the Church Wardens to act as substitutes. Aud- itors--H. Bailey and C. Parr. Treas- urer--Murs, (Dr.) McArthur, Full and satisfactory reports, each showing a good credit balance, were given as fol- lows: Church report by Mr. F, Willan; Sunday School by Mrs, R."Archer; W. A. by Mrs, C. Parr; A.Y.P.A, by Mrs, W. Crawford; Cemetery Board by Mr. J. R, McLaughlin. A special vote of thanks was tend- ered to Mrs. Robt, Archer and Miss Mabel Argue expressing appreciation of services rendered as organist, and to Mrs, J. McArthur, as treasurer, Miss Norma Hooey spent the week end in Toronto, the guest of Miss F. McLaughlin, About fifty young people enjoyed a Mrs. Patterson, on Friday evening. Miss Eva Parr spent the week end. with her mother Mrs. Robt. Parr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stinson and Lola 2 ti Sunday "with Mr. and Mrs, O. Wright. (continued on back page) | L. 764; Sentinal--Fred Ellis, L.O.L.: house party at the home of Mr. ana - >, Te ~ i i re ER px < sy A I it Rha a N

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