(5 WL TN grt as LP An em 1 1 Ce i SAR 2% SE NS J co - RU WG RA IE C2 arent ETO o 4 LOCAL ITEMS CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. H. Collacutt and family wish to thank their kind friends and neighbours for their many floral tributes and expressions of sympathy during their recent be- reavement, CELEBRATE DOUBLE EVENT. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Rose cele- brated their fifty-third wedding an- niversary and Mr. Rose's eightieth birthday on Thursday, January 24th, Both Mr. and Mrs. Rose are enjoying fair health. Their fellow townspeople extend congratulations. Don't miss the next meeting of the Literary Society to-morrow, Friday, February 1st, in the High School Auditorium at 8 o'clock. The pro- gramme is to be sponsored by the pupils of Fifth Form. Watch for the date of the concert to be given by the Women's Associa- tion of the United Church some time in February. You are specially invited to attend the Junior O. H. A. Hockey Match at the Port Perry Arena on Monday night, February 4th. Fenelon Falls will be the visiting team. The boys will appreciate your cheers. RE A NN dliiiQhp@pPi")i THE YOUNG MEN'S BIBLE CLASS The Bible Class bus leaves the United Church, Thursday at 6.p.m.. All hands be on deck to catch the hockey express. --Keep your throat well bundled up for the next few days, we are going to need that falsetto voice of yours. Our teacher, Mr. F. Reesor, was out to the Port Perry- Bobcaygeon game on Monday night, picking up a few pointers on what was done at a hockey game. When the reporter tried to get an interview with the said gentleman, all he would offer the press was the remark that, he was there to work up his enthusiasm for , this hockey 'business kinda gradual like. Reporter's note-- (Right now some- body is remarking about the grammar I use in my articles. Well, I weren't so good at, that subject in my school |V days and I just have to write what I hear other people say.) The forum was asked this question, "Is the object of our religion to re- lieve the pain on the compensations of a future life?" "If so, does such a religion not act as a drug to prevent us from discovering the cause, treat- ment, and remedy of current evils." It was answered thus: No one would wish to deny the--comforts of religion to people who are in pain, sorrow, or disappointment. One min- ister has said, "When in doubt for a theme, preach on comfort." But that is not the sole purpose of religion. In so far as religion creeps away from the battle of life, it acts as a drug. But religion is not "dope", it is "drive". We are foolish to pit personal re- ligion against social religion. Either is incomplete and unsatisfactory with- out the other. You can't carve rotten wood, nor a good society out of rotten men. Till we meet again. --_------eeor-------------- VESTRY MEETING The annual Vestry meeting of the Church of the Ascension was held on Monday. The Wardens' statement of accounts showed a deficit of $61 in the general fund after all expenses had been met. Steps will be taken to meet this. The Church property has been improved during the past year by the sale of the old barn and .the erection of a new garage. Part of the cost of this above the price of the barn still remains to be paid. The various organizations presented their reports and all showed that the year's work had been satisfactory. Mr. Hutchesort' and Dr. Lundy were re- elected Wardens, Miss E. Alexander Vestry clerk and Mr. W., Wilson lay delegate to the Synod. Votes of thanks to all who had worked so faithfully during the past year having been passed the meeting then adjourned. : -- dt >-------------- ~~ WOOD CUTTING One dollar per hour, or by the job. ORR. C. BROWNE, Phone 39 ", Port Perry feb 14 Sd ------ FOR SALE Set of light knee sleighs. Apply to D. Scott, 6th concession of Reach. 1 tt Os -- IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Mrs, Mary Gibb, who died on February 2nd, 1084. Another Room No, not cold beneath the grasses, Not close-walled within the tomb; Rather in our Father's mansion; JOIN THE CROWD Have your harness repaired early this year. We will also clean and oil your harness for you for $2.00. Have you thought of what parts you need for Spring? Here are some suggestions: Martingales .... 5. 0.0000 $ 16 Polestraps ............ sere NB Belly Bands ......... 46 and .76 Team Lines, 1" .... v0.0 es 4.60 Team Lines, %" .......... 4.00 Team Bridles, set ......... 4.60 Hand sewn, full grain leather collars ......covnvvinrvnnes 3.76 Machine Sewn, split back and . rim, cloth face, collars .. 8.60 WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatly's Store, Port Perry HOCKEY year, Baker. Dedication prayer by Mrs. P, 'Brethour, Mr. R. L. Pinkham, in To- It was carried that we have a !ronto on Friday evening attending a St. Valentines Tea in the church on 'party-- celebrating --the Birthday of February 14th. The committee in "Bobby Burns." charge to be Mrs, G, E. Bagshaw and [5 On Friday, January 11th, the annual Mrs. Arnold. Mrs. M. C. Lean and Mrs Dunsheath very kindly offered to press the meat. Final arrangements' to made at next meeting which will, be held on the first Tuesday in Feb. at the home of Mrs, Robt. Baird. The program committee will be com- posed of Mrs. R. Doble and Mrs. E. J. McDonald, The program consisted of a solo by Mrs. E, B. Killens, read- ings by Mrs. W. E. Hall, Mrs. McLean and Mrs. T. Doble, also a Hawaiian selection by Miss E. Fair. The meet-' ing closed with a hymn and prayer. The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church held its first meeting of 1986 at the home of Mrs, Geo. Cart~ er on Monday evening last, with a good turn out of members being pre: sent. . The president, Mrs, E. H, Mc- games of the season on Monday night, | but luck was with the visitors, and' Bobcaygeon came out two goals ahead --6 to 4. The standing is Bobcaygeon 13, Port Perry 10, Fenelon Falls 8. Three games yet to play--two at home and one away. The next home game is on Monday, February 4. There is still plenty of room for all the hockey fans at the rink, and the boys cer- tainly would like to see a crowd at the Monday game. Ld » » The Rural League games are pro- gressing with a nice game between Port Perry and Honeydale resulting in a tie--6-6. Of course that kind of business can't'last. Somebody has to win, and it will be interesting to find out--who's who. The Three Stars put up a great game with Myrtle, scoring 6 to 4 in a lively tilt. There are many games yet to play--double-headers for each night. INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY On Friday evening the 26th, Orme Gamsby arrived in town with his victory of the previous Friday night. The Port Perry "Muskies" had other ideas and they turned back the "Colts" to the tune of 12 to 6. The first period ended 2-1 in favour of Orono; but in the second stanza the Muskies turned on the heat and the period ended 7-4 in their favour All goals being scored on good fast combination plays which kept the huge crowd of some 5000 fans in a con- stant uproar. The attendance was very good despite the inclement weather. Had the weather been fine, we doubt whether even standing room would have been available, The third stanza was a repitition of the second. The Muskies outscored the colts 5-2 and the game ended 12-6 in favour of the fish, The boys all turned in good games and they well deserved the victory -on their merits, The work of the kid line of Vipond Switzer and Vipond was sensational Switzer was greatly disappointed as he only scored 6 goals. He promises, however, to do better on Friday night when Whitby will be the guests of the local brigade. Mr, and Mrs. Hockey Fan be sure that you see the game on Friday night as it has every indication of being a rip tail snorter. Come early and avoid the rush. Lou Muskeg. -- --t <= - ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH tev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m.--Evening Service. --_---------- EP Pe CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 11 a.m.--Holy Communion. --_-- PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Minister. Sunday, February 2nd, 1935-- 11 a.m.--Beatitude 2--"Blessed Are They thaf Mourn." 7 p.m.--"Times when men make Moral Failures." 1.46--Young Men's Bible Class. 2.46--Sunday School Thursday, February 7, at 8 p.m,.-- Annual Congregational Meeting. SUNDERLAND The regular meeting of the W. M. 8S. was held at the home of Mrs. John Fair, on Thursday last at 8 p.m. The president, Mrs. W. E, Hall, presiding. Seventeen members and several vis. itors were present. After the opening exercises Mra. Elmer Gorrill was appointed delegate to Toronto East Présbyterial Conven- tion. Alernative, Mrs. Ryerson Doble. Living in another room. : Robt, Gibb and i Mrs. Ryerson Doble was appointed Strangers' Secretary for the coming | Pinkham, *|School or B. W. Switzer, assistant Donald was in the chair. 'The All our hockey players have been, oasurer read her report for 1984 busy piling up scores or otherwise. | 1 after The Juniors put on one of the bes t|Y which showed a small balance having sent our full allocation to the branch treasurer. The Auxilliary also sent a bale of clothing and quilts to the West valued at one hundred dollars. A letter of appreciation was read at the meeting, The program committee for February meeting will be Mrs. Herb Wilson and Mrs, Mec- Donald and the meting will be held at the home of Mrs. C..E. Shier. The program given consisted of a reading by Miss M. B. St. John, piano solo by Mrs. H. J. McMullen, reading by Mrs, Arnold, solo by Mrs. G. G. Pinkham and a reading by Mrs, H. Wilson, which was enjoyed by all. The meeting closed with hymn 816 and the Mizpah benediction. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. The Sunderland Public School and Continuation School: hackey teams opened the season on Thursday night with a double header played at the Sunderland Arena. The Public School and Ken Fallowdown showed some a team out of the two they could give the High School a real battle. ~Fal- {lowdown's team came out on top by a score of 7 to 2, but this did not in- dicate the play by any means as both teams were very even and there may be a differnt story next time these two teams meet. G. G. Pinkham, Pub- lic School teacher, has the boys play- ing fine hockey and they are ready to Clmeet any Public School team in the * surrounding country. The High School game did not show as good calibre of hockey as the Public School teams, but they have two - ar goalers who are hard to score on. The teams are captained by Bob Bry- ant and Glen. Bagshaw, with Bryant team winning by a score of 6 to 8. B. W. Switzer of the Continuation School is the coach of these two teams 'which ~will' be heard of before the hockey season comes to a close. Any Public or Continuation Schools wishing for games with the Sunder- land teams, get in touch with G. G. principal of the Public teacher at the Continuation School. The January meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held on Thurs- day, January 17, in the Council Chambers, In the absence of the president, Mrs. W. T. Bagshaw, the meeting was presided over by Mrs. Wes. Doble. The meeting opened in the usual manner. The minutes of the last meting were read and adopted The roll call was answered by "Don'ts for the sick room", Business: Mrs, Geo. Cameron re- ported on quilts made for relief and Mrs. Martin's generosity in donating a top and having the quilting in her home. Mrs. Wes. Doble reported on the school concert. Mrs, Martin re- ported on the sick committee. Cor- respondence was then read and discus- sed. It was moved and seconded that we donate the necessities to one in our community. It was decided that Mrs. Wes. Doble, Miss L. Johnson, Mrs, L. M. Pinkham, Mrs. G. G. Pinkham and Mrs. J. D, Dunsheath be committee to look after dance which is to be held on February 27th Why Programme: a paper on health, "What we should know about cancer", prepared by Mr. (Dr.) Ross and read by Mrs. J. M. Arnold; piano solo, Miss Phyllis Bilton; vocal solo, "The Little Red School House" Miss K. Veale. Mr. and Mrs. A. McMillan and daughter 'Bernice visiting with Mr. end Mrs. Earl Brethour recently, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Thorburn Mrs, Ferguson visited with Mr. Mrs. Dougal McPhail, Sonya. Messrs. Carl Taylor and Cecil Mor- ris, West Brock, visited friends in town on Sunday evening. Miss Susie Baker, Mrs, J. Baker, spent Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. A Mean, Perri "Mr. and Mra, LM. Pinkham, Mr. sud Mw, G. 8. Pinkham, 'Miss Ina and and teams, captained by Fred St: John | very classy hockey and if they picked |. concert of the Brock Schools was held : in the Town Hall, at 8 p.m.under the auspices of the Women's Institute. The concert was a huge success. Eleven schools took part, and was much appreciated by the large at- tendance, The children are to be commended on the way they took their parts, also, much credit is due to the teachers who trained their pupil. At the conclusion of the programme each teacher was presented with a softball { § by the W. L 1863.00. We understand a deputation went Proceeds amounted to the road be kept open from Manilla to Seagrave. 'It must have been the two young men from town who, as a result of the blocked roads, had to shovel their way home from Sonya, and missed their beauty sleep. ---- EP PP ATTARCES the cause of \ RHEUMATISM LUMBAGO SCIATICA RUMACAPS give immediate Hh from pain and at the same time they will start cleansing the blood of uric acid and other impurities which poison the system and cause rheuma- tism, sciatica, lumbago, backache. A regular treatment of RUMACAPS will give you permanent relief. Box of 50 Capsules, $1.00 RUMACAPS RHEUMATIC CAPSULES Sold at MORRISON'S DRUGSTORE BAAS aL .~ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ~ In the Estate of James Hortop, - Deceased. Al persons having lini aah Village of Port Perry, who died on or are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before the 1st day of February, 1935, full par- ticulars of their claims, Immediately after the 1st day of February, 1935, the assets of the testator will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. Dated this '14th day of January, 1935. GREER & HUMPHREYS, Purdy Block, Port Perry, Ont., Solicitors for James Hortop Estate. Jan31 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Margaret M. Southern, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Margaret M. Southern, of the Township of Cartwright, in the County of Durham, deceased, who died on the 26th day of December, 1934, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned soli¢itors on or before the 7th day of February, 1935, fall par- ticulars of their claims. Immediately after February 7th, 1936, the assets of the Testatrix = will be distributed among the parties, entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. Dated January 11th, 1935. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ont., Solicitors for Margarit M. Southern Estate Jan31 * NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Margaret McMillan, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Margaret McMillan ot the Village of Sunderland, at the Town of Whitby on the 2nd day fied to send in to the undersigned their claims. Immediately after Feb- Testatrix will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- solicitors shall then have notice. Dated January 19th, 1935. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ont. Solicitor for Mar- garet McMillan Estate. feb7 REDUCED PRICES 60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 "C. P. ROLPH Oar th e Observer Office to Victoria County Coyncil asking that : Lawrence's Drug Store News (Yon can save with safety at Your Rexall Store) Now is the time you need a good tonic to ward off coughs, colds, grippe, ete. Let us recommend something to suit your individual requirement. ; AYERST'S CALCIUM A CAPSULES, (Pkg. 100) ..... cries 82, : AYERST'S 10D COD LIVER OIL, .......:. 4 oz 67: 16 ox. $169 § KEPLER'S COD LIVER OIL AND MALT ..........95c. and $150 PARK DAVIS HALIVER OIL CAPSULES .....0o0iueene $1.40 PURETEST COD LIVER OIL ...... PLT ..8 oz 50c. 16 oz. $1.00 PURETEST COD LIVER OIL TABLETS ............ 75¢. and $1.25 REXALL COD LIVER OIL WITH CREOSOTE .............. $1.00 REXALL COD LIVER OIL EMULSION with fy bophoshiten, . .$1.00 3QUIBB'S COD LIVER OIL .......covvvvnnn 4 oz. 50c. 12 oz. $1.00 WAMPOLE'S TASTELESS EXTRACT OF COD LIVER A. M. LAWRENCE, ~ THE REXALL STORE Phone 49 . ile Port Perry 'the Estate of James Hortop, of the| 'ébout thé "4th 'day 'of October; 1934; | ~ The telephone will ring any minute . .~. mother and dad know it will, for ~ Jack calls from the city every Tuesday at 8.30. . . even the pup is on the alert. @ The weekly-call-home habit is inex- pensive and a delight to your family, Note the rates given in the front pages of your directory. You can talk 100 miles or so for as little as 30 cents, THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS IS EASY IF YOU BUY -- 'FROM -- BERT MacGREGOR 3¥ bs = LUMBER We Carry a Full Stock of Lumber, and Roofing | Materials -- Frames, Sash and Doors mad to order. Try us and get results my Cee Lumber Co. Phone 240 : / PORT PERRY, ONT. | : » LOE Eyesight Specialist a po Wednesday, and Friday Evenings, or $¥ 2 Appointment 'at-all times, . _ DISNRY BLOCK - «Oshawa: = Opp. Post Office; 'Phone: 1616 Open Monday, The Creamery IS PAYING 20c., 19¢. and 17c. FOR BUTTER FAT. You can save labor and make more money by sending _ your cream to PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON, Propristors LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Money to Lean Now located in the office of H. W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, Queen. Street Phone 264 _ Phone after hours: 9814 LO Eyes Examined Avouri ately F. B. LUKE & SON Optometrists ; 163-167 Yonge St. Torents (Upstairs opp. Simpsons) ; in the| Township of Brock, deceased, who died | § of November, 1934, are hereby noti-§ solicitors on or before the 24th day of | & February, 1936, full particulars of |} ruary 24th, 1936, the assets of the|§ gard only to cliams of which the|§ Suits sponged and pressed|' Start th New Year RIGHT By having our driver call to deliver your needs in 'Bread, Cakes, and Pastry Fresh and Well Made Jemison & Hutchinson, Bakers PHONE 98, - - PORT PERRY Pasteurized Produets ARE SAFEST to 768, We do the rest your orders PORT PERRY DAIRY Y Propristar. Phone 238 DR. W. 8. HARPER Graduate of of only i, ecmta" Oosllege and Post Graduate pr A 3 RY Zhe London, England, Royal In firmary, Glasgow. Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont, Ww. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to § p.m. : Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's x Insurance Office 2 FOR SALE Farm engine, 2 h.p,, In good ocon- dition. Apply to Wes. Brimacombe, Con. 18, Reach bin © jan LOST Truck chain between Prins Albert and Borelia corner. Finder pleases his oo 1 phone 261J or notify Star Office, J. 0. BTEPHENSON, RO. «TRE J