Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Jan 1935, p. 5

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ELIA aR FRIAS df PAs Soke at - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24th, 1985 ~~ ~~ .» BUY NOW Made'to-Measiive SUITS and OVERCOATS at Low Prices. - -- 4 % We are offering good values--60 » TWO NEW LINES OF . Worsteds, Grev and Blue Serges. : 3 ! " Pressing and Dry Cleaning Done 5:01 : : ; 'W. T- Rodman... eae | FREE FOUR WEEKS COURSES Agriculture Dom sic "Domestic Science Sewing: 'FOR YOUNG PEOPLE OF ~ REACH AND SCUGOG TOWNSHIPS ---- -- EE ---- ---------- -- 1 = 3 & RE ) H EY + F. W. BROCK & SON RED & WHITE STORE MADE TO MEASURE SUITS and OVERCOATS REDUCED PRICES from January 26th to February 9th. Featuring two distinct types of Fisher beauty «os «Both powered with the same Improved Master Chevrolet engine . . . Setting new standards of ° > at PORT PERRY, Feb'y 4th to March 1st quality in the two lowest price ranges Regular SPECI AL N 00 i "The Ontario Department of Agriculture offers a splendid Course of $23 50 ( ] ; instruction for young people of the district surrounding Port Perry, hs 5 tarting Monday, Feb 4th, / lB : ns ol bs TT in the Port, Perry High Sehool Regular The Agricultural Course takes in such subjects as Feeding, Care and Judging of Live Stock; Field Crops, tillage, varieties, judging seeds, etc.; Soils and Fertilizers; Weed and Weed Seeds; Poultry, Feeding, Care and Management; Farm Mechanies; Public Speaking and Debating. : i | Regular GPECIAL $24.75 Special line Made-to-Measure Suits py ; The Domestic Science Course includes Foods and Cookery, Laundry, at the low Sale P rice of $19.75 fr il Household Administration, House Planning and Decoration. = Sa I : The Clothing Course deals with the choosing of styles and materials, N. CTREARING LINES ON SALE ~ patterns, cutting and fitting, stitching and machine work, garment WE HAVE SEVERAL CLEARING LINES ON SALE RY making, remodelling and all phases of Sewing. ; ea . THIS WEBL. +k Experienced Instructors for both Classes. er = aii : ' ix eyelets: i CL esa ta 12 clock and 1.80 to 4 pm. Monday to Friday Now on display . . . Offers you the traditional, popular Chevrolet EE A EA SOA ; a A A i styling . . . Roomier Fisher Bodies . . . New, improved Eiue Flame en's Ribbed Underwear--single garment RP PTET 98c. Bhi 2 jin italive engine . . . 23% more horsepower . . . Bigger brakes . . . Lowest Ladies Rubber Overshoes--RBlack with cuban heels ....99c. Hon. Duncan Marshall, & Ww. M a ; operating costs of any car . . . At the lowest prices in Canada! Child's Tweed Suits--sizes 2, 3 and 4 years .......... 98c. Minister of Agriculture. Uxbridge, Ontario / LEE a on wry jo 0k " rk i GROCERIES . A J EA _ . Ea QUAKER BREAD FLOUR, XXXX Brand .... 98's, $2.49 : ' : Ei PASTRY FLOUR ............. LAE © 4 A 1. DON'T WORRY ABOUT MACARONI ................ per Ib 5e., 20 hs, for 89c. } El MASTER CHEF PORK & BEANS, 30 02. in .................. 10c. yt | : FIRE! AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR ........ 2 pkgs. 29c. Ri st : Ag pL : ROLLED OATS ......c.cviiniivnniinn.n, 6 Ibs for 26c. Fon a Have your property properly l TOMATOES, large tins ........ ACN .....3 for 25c. i bie ; insured at once : En GRAPEFRUIT, ...each 5¢. LETTUCE........ 2 for 15c. HAROLD W. EMMERSON Soon to go on display at our showrooms . « . Streamlined entirely new . . . With the new Solid Steel "Turret Top' Body by Fisher... Longer wheelbase . . . Greater roominess . . . Improved, fully- 3 ~ Seasonable Specials KEPLER COD LIVER OIL WITH MALT EXTRACT-- "EARS of sales leadership are back enclosed Knee-Action . . « Outstanding gas and oil economy. / $e ol . I - performing, most economical cars in all i. Port Perry 1935 Service 3 ¥ © Ly 4,1! a MARY YATE 47% Wg "Chi ination for 'highly nutritious : di : : i Taig iva ii i Liver Oil. of these new Chevrolets. When you Chevrolet history. Get complete infor- | § * Pe boie 35 and 150 4s es hm, you will are 1 cb aio nwa shoves and yo 4 4 4 PHILLIF Ss PURE LIVE YEAST is Hains ivi) are the most beatiful and Nilo ry be convinced that it's wise to choose a Business has been steadily growing A , lack of energy, 3 . } ov 1 . : . Ee ntipation, Two Sizes 5c. and 8c. per bottle. Chevrolet has ever built... . and the best- Chevrolet for quality at low cost J. during 1934, and we are in a bet- 5) WAMPOLES PHOSPHO-LECITHIN repairs nerve waste FOR ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION hE ter position than ever to serve Wh and builds new tissue. Valuable in nervous exhaustion D resulting from overwork, worry, anxiety or excesses Har ol dR Archer Motor Sales . our customers 1n supplying fuel 8 soni pry. SE 8ny Kind. Price $1.00 per bottle. tpi 2 and building supplies. oe a vy i . Port Perry, Ontario - { yi Th : . ) ] SELLING OUR PRODUCTS IS IMPORTANT, ti Morrison 8 Drug Store Fd but giving our customers the service they require bs ¥ J is even more important, for that is the basis of 8 . Port Perry Phone 16 Ontario Tm mr good business: i J and Flower Committée--Fern Moon, PORTPERRY COALYARD Let us look after your fuel needs. We can supply you with all different sizes and kinds of fuel required. FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE--That Better Pen- nsylvania Hard Coal--you can always be sure of get- ting uniform, good coal when you order Famous Reading Anthracite--Stove, Nut and Pea sizes. COKE--Hamilton By-Product (now called Hamco Dustless coke), or Semet Solvay Coke. Nut and Range sizes. WELSH COAL -- SCOTCH COAL -- CANNEL COAL ; STEAM COAL BLOWER COAL--For your Blower. We can supply you ---------- with Welsh Blower or Scotch Blower Coal, HARDWOOD -- SOFTWO0QD -- CEMENT --LIME--TILE PORT PERRY COAL YARD ~ SEAGRAVE * The annual meeting of the Women's Association was held at the parsonage on Wednesday afternoon, January 9, with a good attendance. The presi- dent, Mrs. Jas.. Shunk, was assisted in the opening exercises by Rev. Mr. Flindall. Mrs. E. Clements read the Scripture lesson. After the the minutes were read and adopted and the roll call dealt with, reports from the different committees were given, which were encouraging. Rev. Mr. Flindall expressed appreciation of the work done at the parsonage. Mrs. A. Orchard in a few words thanked the pastor for the work he had done a- round the parsonage. The election of officers then took place and resulted as follows: President--Mrs. J. Shunk; Vice-President--Mrs. A, Bruce; Sec'y -- Mrs. 8. J. Wooldridge; Asst.--Mrs, E. Butt, Treasurer--Mrs. A. Martin; Alexa Stone; Norma Urquhart; Social Committee--Dorothy Reynolds, Adella| Wooldridge; Auditors--Mrs. F. Wat- son, Marion Eagleson. At the close of the meeting all gathered around the table of delicious éats served by the host and hostess, when a social time was enjoyed. The annual meeting of the Sunday School was held in the S. S. room, on Wednesday, January 9th, with a very good attendance. Rev. O. R. Flindall was in charge of the devotional exer- cises. Various reports were presented and adopted and other business trans- acted. The election of officers result- ed as follows: Supt.--Mr. J. N. Mark; Asst. Supt.--Mr, S. Reynolds; Secre- tary--Bert Wannamaker; Asst. Sec.-- Glen Moase; Treasurer--Mr. Wm. Rogers; Missionary Convener--Mrs. R. Scott; Missionary Treas.--Mrs, J. McTaggart; Temperance--Mr. S. Rey- Mission Band was held in the S. S. room on Friday afternoon last with a good attendance. Mrs. E. Clements and Mrs. O. R. Flindall presided and led in the opening exercises. A splen- did report for the past year's work was presented by Master Reggie Moase, showing a balance on hand of $5.54. Mrs. Flindall read a letter from Rev. Mr .Brown of Haliburton, thanking the Society for the gift of clothing, toys, candy, and nuts sent to the needy family in the north at Christmas, The Mission Band are very grateful to all who helped to bring cheer to this needy family. Mrs. Clements read the report of the sale of Christmas cards, which was very satisfactory. The story of the Study Book was given by Mrs. Flindall Following the closing exercises the election of officers resulted as follows: Secretary--Ruby McCoy; Asst Sec.-- Mary Barnett; Treasurer -- Adella It will be a pleasure to talk things over with you if you anticipate doing any building or repairing. Quite likely we can make suggestions that will be to your advantage. We invite you to call. FRED E. REESOR Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73 HAVE YOUR RADIO TUNED UP ~ BY -- HOPKINS & FARMER ° Phone orders to 29 w, Port Perry." Prompt Delivery . \ Aste & a nolds; Organist--Ila Moon; Asst.| Wooldridge; Asst. Treasurer--Reg. K} vl NS . GW. TT ra. R. Scott; Asst.--Mrs, I. '| Organist--Mrs. R. Scott; Cradle Roll| Moase. Claire Wooldridge was ap- iy \ A : K it Phones--94 W and 94 J hi Abb Service and Better Fuels" [|| Flower Com.--Mrs. A. Orchard, Mrs.| a. Ww. Frise. The following teach. | pointed to take up the offering with WITH THE NEW tl os 0. R. Flindall, Mrs, S. Reynolds, Mrs. ers were appointed: Young Men's Jean Harding as assistant. Meeting ° ° 3 ) Ee W. Frise;. Vise Connon Mis, Class--Mra. H. Eagleson; Young] closed in the usual way. Supreme Oscillator Equipment Bs oovrietiiiaaartnttes ee80000T 0000000000 0800000 eet tts test ttt tisssIsIttLLIIILIIIILSIL F. Watson. Arrangements were e!{ndies' Class--Mrs. C. Sleep; and Mrs.| The Young People's Society met on 7 ghsa0at for meetings to be held at the dif-| piinqa11. Married Women--Mrs. A. L.| Tuesday evening last for their re 3 0M . iz i | By : Coe : So, ' ! ' s AL Ls gular pu ji: bo § ; i : : $#| ferent Rates Syne jhe yoge hind Orchard and Mrs. D. Payne; Married | weekly meeting with the president, .SWEETMAN BLOCK h ; G B h B k i | ruary meeting e held at the Men--Measrs. 8. Reynolds and W.| Mr. H. Jackson, in the chair. Miss ) # \ errow rot ers, a ery it | of Mrs. Orval Stone, when a full at- Rogers; Class I--Mrs. E. Clements,| Alia Clements read the Scripture Phone 26, PORT PERRY 4 E ; : / : d ' tendance is 8 Specie ERY, Mra. S. J, Woodridgy; Classi 2 Cln lesson. Bible questions were conducted @¢ . # : " * s The annual meeting of the Quadrata| Wannamaker and Grant Orchard; | by Rev. Mr. Flindall. Topic was taken '# We offer you good service, and It #| iw cub was held on Thursday| Class 3--Ila Moon and Mrs. R. Scott;| by Mr. Flindall. Readin Wi u : ; : . R. Scott; ; : g by Miss ien you want goo will pay you to leave your b akin evening, January louh, 3 the home of | Class 4--Mrs. A. Bruce and Mrs. E.] Marion Eagleson. Meeting closed with 2 hone a LS h meat . VV A : ths : Mrs, F. Watson, with fourteen mem: | Butt. It was decided to start 8. 8. at| hymn and benediction. cner 4 worries to us. We can supply all i bers and five visitors present. Fol-| 11 am.. Keep this hour in mind. Sunday School on Sunday morning O b P : . Xa \ ? i i ' lowing the opening exercises and busi<| The annual congregational meeting | was well attended with Mr. S. Rey- ur pusiness 18 to serve you : your Bread and P astry needs ness session, the officers for 1935 were| was held in the S. S. room on Wednes- | nolds in chargé, Mr. Mark was con- with the best of meats as : 3 : elected as follows: President-- Miss | day evening last with the Pastor, Mr.| fined to his home through illness. A i o : ; A Su : p . 8 N. Urquhart; Vice-President--Miss A.| Flindall in charge. Reports were re-| speedy recovery is hoped for. The ser- 5 ; : Mm. A. GERROW Gi M. GERROW i$ Frise; Hon. President--Mrs, 0. R.|ceived from. all departments of the| vice in the evening was conducted by CAWKER BROS. : ; : i : 2 i$ _Flindall; Secretary -- Netti oon; Cheh which were very satisfactory.| the pastor who delivered an inspiring RUBY # Troasurer--Alma Clements; Visiting] The regular monthly meeting of the |germon to a fair congregation. , o de 1S oasseseeettstitatttttitttitittsetteittsststststsstetsttsttessstsstisstststs . . RE

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