Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Jan 1935, p. 4

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LOCAL ITEMS | Mr. and Mrs, David Harrison and place just south of the town on the Oshawa road. Mr. and Mrs. Waridell, and Mr, and and Mrs. Hainstock, our new millers, have moved into the Sam McMillan house on Union Avenue. YOUNG PEOPLE'S RALLY The Young People of Oshawa Pres- bytery of the United Church will hold their Winter Rally at Port Perry, on Saturday, February 2nd." A good full program has been arranged for after- noon and evening. All young people who are interésted in Church work should try to attend this rally. ----------e ar Complaints have been made that some men receiving relief are not ac- cepting work offered to them by the Corporation or by storekeepers and others to whom they are indebted. The regulations of the Provincial Re- lief Dept. are strict on this point and insist that all parties accepting velief who are physically able must accept work that is offered; the relief officer may be required to cancel orders to those who neglect or refuse to per- form such work. H. C. NASMITH, Treasurer ~~ I. 0. D. EB. The "Empire . Study" class of Scugog Chapter, 1.O.D.E., will meet on Tuesday evening, January 29th, at] eight o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. J. Davis. The address: will be given by Mrs. George Jackson. All members are asked to attend as these meetings prove most interesting and instructive. Lo A list of properties in Port Perry liable to be sold for taxes in the year 1935 has been received by the under- signed from the County Treasurer and is on fyle in this office stibject to in- spection of any person requiring to see the same, as provided in the Assessment Act. H. C. NASMITH, Treasurer YOUNG MEN'S BIBLE CLASS The lesson was a lesson in humility teaching us to respect other people, "their ideals*and their ideas. Rev. Mr. Smith, of Courtice, was present and "complimented Mr. Reesor on his well "conducted lesson. est taken by the members and the re- 'présent--a new high. Keen interest is being taken in the forthcoming bus trip to the hockey . game and advance sales would indicate that a trailer will be needed. The forum dealt with the question of whether our moral advancement was keeping pace with our inventive genius. After many suggestions were made, one might have concluded that it wasn't keeping pace; but that gen- erally speaking moral advancement has been made. The class ares getting a minstrel show under way to have its opening night sometime in February. This promises' to be a whiz bang as all the talent among the young men of the town is going to be called in to force. A music committee, stage committee, wit and nit wit committee, manage- ment committee, and a bunch of men to work on, ought to produce some- thing. Watch for further announce- ment. >A OD-- -------- STILL A QUESTION On Tuesday evening of this week the Young People's Society of the United Church held a debate on the time honored subject "Resolved that Woman has greater influence than Man." The affirmative side was upheld by Messrs. Malcolm Nasmith and James Kerr; and the negative side was championed by Miss Patrica Jackson and Miss Vivian Wallace. A perfect avalanche of- facts was presented by the negative side to show that the men had more influence than the women. Countering these state- ments the affirmative contended that the first few.years of a child's life decided the future of that child. Those first few years were almost always controlled by women. However, the judges, (Miss Green- bank and Mr. Robt. Harris) decided that the result of the battle was a draw. Mr. Cornish, who laughingly said he was anxious to get the ques- tion settled, asked for a popular vote; and then it looked as though the negative side had won. oo sk lA APB : AUCTION SALE Farm stock "and implements, the pro- perty of Wildeman and Tucker, lot 10, eon. 10, Reach, on Thursday, Jan, 24h. Terms cash. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer, family are moving to the Lambkin | home as well as by her many friends. "A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE" Ancient words but true. Now is the time to get your harness repaired, and oiled. We will clean and oil your team harness for $2.00, All repairs neatly and promptly executed. Our Leather popular. Have you seen them? Come in and let us show them to you. You will be surprised at the beauty of, design and colour. We are agents for Hanford's Balsam | of Myrrh. , Ghe. and $1.25 bottle. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatty's Store, Port Perry 30e, MRS. CHAS. J. HOWARD. (Quinte Loyalist) There passed away at her home in Bloomfield on Sunday, January 13th, a most estimable lady in the person of Mrs. Charles J. Howard, Sr. De- ceased had been in poor health for a year past. 3 Mrs. Howard was born May 4, 1867, in England, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Hancock. She came to Canada from Norwich, England, in 1913. For five years she resided at Gilead, for seven years at West Lake. She also resided at Cartwright and Port Perry before returning to Bloom-. field. A good wife and loving mother, she will be missed greatly in her own She was a member of the Church of Christ and the funeral service was held at that church at West Lake on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. C. S. Mul- lings officiating. Pall bearers were Messrs. Angus Lake, Alton Irwin, Ray Wright, Harry Yardley, Eugene Wil- linms and Wm. Rose. She was laid to rest beside her daughter, Miss Ethel Howard who passed away at West Point in 1922. Beside her husband, to shom she was married 48 years ago, she leaves a family of six, Miss Alice Howard of Port Perry, Herbert Howard, of Port SCUGOG The Foot Sunday School supporters met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Joblin last Wednesday evening and re- organized their staff of workers as f follows: Supt.--Mr. F, Crozier; Asst, "Mr. Cecil Fralick; Sec'y, Miss Clara Hardy; Asst.,, Mr. Raymond Fralick; Treas., Mr. C. L. Fralick. Teachers-- Neckties are very | Bible Class, Miss Inez Fralick; Asst, | Mrs. E. Ploughman; Girls' Class, Mrs: N. Crozier; Asst, Mrs. R. Hood; { Boys' Class, Mrs. Geo. Hood; Asst, Mr, F. Clark; Primary, Mrs. C. Hardy; | Asst.,, Miss Edna, Madgett; Organist, Miss Margaret Crozier, We wish them success in their good work for 1935. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fralick and Beth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A, Prentice on Sunday. IE. Our new Reeve Mr. Frank Gerrow, "is in Whitby this week attending the County Council. Mr. Murray McLaren visited in To- ronto last week. Mr. John Burnham visited friends at Utica on Sunday. Mr. John Boyko is busy teaming a frame building from Lakeside Beach to put up in place o fthe one that was destroyed by fire. Sorry to hear that Mr. Geo. Hodg- son is in the General Hospital To- ronto. We hope he. will soon be able to come home in good health again. Mr. Roy Hope and Mr. Hubert Long are busy cutting wood neighbours. Mrs. T. Redman and Mrs, S, Rod- man visited their friend Mrs, C. Gra- ham, over the week end, returning home with Mr. S. Rodman who was there for Sunday. Miss Olive Schell and friend Mr, W. Smith, of Lindsay, visited the form- er's parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Schell, on Sunday. The Young People's meeting was held at the parsonage on Sunday even- ing with a fair attendance. There was a sunshine sonnet. read 'by: Miss Reta Milner which was very full of sunshine, besides other interesting items." The next meeting will be held Perry, Albert Howard of Alden, N.Y., Charlie and Ernest Howard, Bloom- field and Stanley Howard, East Lake, also six grandchildren and one great grandchild. Also surviving ave three brothers He also took the| opportunity to comment on the inter-{. markably large attendance--47 being | and two sisters, Benjamin, Robert and William Hancock, Mrs. Hannah Hayes and Mrs. Frances Gravelling, all re- siding in England. te ------------ ---- A RARE OPPORTUNITY Young folk of this locality are being presented with a rare opportunity for self-improvement during the four weeks from February 2nd to March 1st, inclusive. The occasion is the re- sult of the work of the Agricultural Representative, Mr. W. M. Croskery, who is arranging Short Courses in Agriculture, Domestic Science, and Sewing. . These Courses are free, and are to be given _at the Port Perry High School. It is gratifying to see how practical the instruction given, and how thoroughly suited to the life of the community. Problems of the farm and the home are dealt with by. experts whose suggestions a ight profit and pleasure to man ts who have followed the excellent i Le uction given. . The social advantages of these Courses will be apparent to any per- son who realizes that the most pro- gressive of our.young people will at- tend these courses, and it will be a pleasure to exchange ideas with these bright young people. is CAR SALES AHEAD OF PREVIOUS YEAR. More than 400 motor ears have been sold during the first four days of the National Motor Show, not including many sales made to out-of-town cus- tomers who have been brought to the chow by their local dealers to view the new models, it was revealed yesterday in a survey of the different lines, Far ahead of any previous year of the show's history, the record caused niotor car sales managers to express the opinion that 1935 will be the big- gest car year in Canada's automotive history. The sales total, they said, coupled to the fact that the attend- ance at the show is more than 50 per- cent, ahead of the previous best year of the show's history, gave every in- dication that 1934 figures would be ex- ceeded in total registrations for Can- ada by at least 30 per cent. For the first time since exhibiting at the home of Mr, Sunday evening, if weather favorable, ------ PPD - "HOCKEY There is plenty of hockey in town this year. We have three groups. of players -- Juniors, Intermediate, and Rural League. j i Rural League In the .two games already PW Prince Albert beat the Butchers to the tune of 3-0; and Myrtle beat Green- bank 4 to 1, This series is just be- ginning, and there is promise of plenty of fun in the twelve games yet to play. Junior 0. H. A. This group is getting well along in the series. The standing now is Bob- caygeon 9 points, Port Perry 8 points and Fenelon Falls 3 points. Port Perry goes to Fenelon Falls on Friday night. : Intermediate O. H. A. This group has not been very lucky so far. They have suffered two de- feats--one in their game with Whitby when the score was 9-4 in favour .of "Whitby; and one in the game with Orono when the score was 7-4 favour of Orono. Orono will be here again on Friday, January 25th, and the Port boys are out to get revenge. A good attend- ance would be greatly appreciated. in ret PGP oN MANCHESTER The Manchester Sunday School will hold a Concert and Pie Social in the Manchester Hall, on February 8th. A good program will be given by friends from Myrtle, Prince Albert, Seagrave, Scugog and home talent. Ladies with pies will be admitted free. General admission 10 and 15c. Mrs. Pilteh, of Collingwood, is visit- ing. with Mrs. Jas. Masters, Miss Ruth White, of Ashburn, with friends here. Miss Aleta Barrett in Oshawa over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samells visited with Mr. and Mys. Wright Crosier, on Sunday. Mr. Ray OIlliff in Oshawa this week. We are sorry to report the death of Mr. John Fowlie in his 80th year. We extend our deepest sympathy to models at the show, one manufacturer underwent the experience on opening, day of having an out-of-town dealer | Contract for the entire exhibit of half | a dozen cars which sell in the higher price class. Another, one of the larg- est manufacturéys, had every car sold in the lower-priced class, with delivery | of the show models to be made on the final day of the exhibition, Mr. Clarence Cook in the loss of his wife. Mrs. Cook 'was one of Man- chester's young ladies -- Miss Ethel McKee, and tas highly respected. Glad to report Miss Aemlia Holtby {js somewhat improved in health at i time of writing, © i { _ Mr. Earl Mitchell"has been on the! sick list. for their| John Milner next, Jah Cy Re LEFT A $y dM S Fo * 1 £5 gd eX vd SINCE AA A SAE a ANN SN 3 AR TE aN |" =} 2 A a 3 2 3 : 1 age My a LARS 24.4% BRGCERER aa BIRDS 28 A 8 CABERNET SS ER si SCA dy Ta YEAR 22 sod SAR Baba Ara . ' 2 wu ai 4 . - it fis SE fis L zy Gis : : 1 3 ¥ aR : +r A a ------ - ---- --_ -- : Ae DIED COOK ~-- Near Prospect, on Sunday, January 20th, 1936, Ethel Matilda McKee, beloved wife of Clarence C. Cook, in her 46th year, FOWLIE--At Manchester, Ontario, on Tuesday, January 22nd, 19%, John Fowlie, in his 80th year, Funeral from the a of his brother, Mr, Walter Fowlie, on Man- cester Road, on Thursday, Jan. 24, "at 2 pm, Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery. : J HICKS--At the home of her daughter Mrs. T. J. Wilson, Ashburn; Ontario, on Monday, January 21st, 1935, Sarah Clements Hicks, in her 87th year. ----- PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M.A,, B.D, Minister. Sunday, January 27th-- Commencing a series on the Beatitudes, : 11 a.m.--"Blessed are the poor in Spirit." 7 pm--""Long Cords and Short . Stakes." 1.45 p.m.--Young Men's Bible Class and Forum. 2.45 p.m, --~Sunday School. Thursday, February 7th, 8 p.m.-- The annual Congregational Meeting to receive reports and election of officers. ST. . JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN ~ CHURCH _ . D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m.--Evening Service. aE ev. Ld a = th I CHURCH: OF THE ASCENSION 7 p.m.--Evening Service. ------ a ----- -- -------- WwW. C.T. U. The regular monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of the president, Mrs, Geo. R. Davey, on- Wednesday afternoon, January: 80, at-3 o'elock. = All ladies are invited." te "FOR SALE "1931. Ford Coupe, rumble seat, 1935 license, excellent mechanical condition, Also 1935 model electic radio. Apply to Fred Bown, Phone 168 Port Pony : AUCTION SALE. On Thursday, January 31st, at one o'clock there will be offered the assets of the late Cecil W. Jeffrey, at Prince Albert (corner of shorn Redd) con- sisting of Horses, Cattle, Farm Im- plements, etc., also at the same time and place the Farm consisting of 148 acres more or-less subject to reserve bid. N. Ewers, Administrator. to SCIATICA RUMACAPS CLEANSE YOUR system of Uric Acid, relieving Rheumatism and Sciatica. MORRISON'S DRUG STORE 'RUMACAPS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of James Hortop, | Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of James' Hortop, of the Village of Port Perry, who died on or about the 4th day of October; 1934, are liereby notified to_send in to the undersigned solicitors on or 'before the 1st day of February, 1935, full par- ticulars of their claims. Immediately after the 1st day of February, 1935, the assets of the testator will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of wh a the solicitors shall then have notice. Dated this '14th day of January, 1936. GREER & HUMPHREYS, Purdy Block, Port Perry, Ont., Solicitors for James Hortop Estate. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. SEREEENENEREEANN ~~ NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Margaret M. . Southern, Deceased. ; All persons having claims against the Estate of Margaret M. Southern, of the Township of Cartwright, in the County 'of Durham, déceased, who died on the 26th day of December, 1034, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before the 7th day of February, 1935, full par- ticulars of their claims, Immediately | after February 7th, 1935, the assets of | the Testatrix will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. Dated January 11th, 1935, Port Perry; Ont. Solicitors for "Margaret + Southern Estate : i Jans1 his atoll E35 Lis 5% SHY count $599. 44; Perpetual Care Account Jan31l|@ HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, |. over this list and make sure MEDICINES AND DRUGS * Eno's Fruit Salt ...47¢ and 79¢. Ovaltine .,...,.. 38c, 58¢., 98¢. Mi31 _Antiseptis Soe. 0 40c., 9c. Listerine.: 14.0.0... 25¢, 0c, 89¢. Cressy Water Crystals Russian Mineral 0il, ..16 oz 50c. : 40 oz. $1.00 Riker's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil . ies es Fans +390 Seidlitz Powders. vvi00..18¢. box 2 boxes for 35c¢. eset st sre seers sttsts resists series sss sss MISCELLANEOUS Thermat Heat Pads ........ 97c. Samson Electric Curlers. ....98¢c. Ruwaha Vacuum Bottles ....3Yc. Hotocold Vacuum Bottles ..59c. Blue jay Corn Plasters ...... : Trulygood Peppermint Patties, _ 1 Ib. Box 29¢. Fresh Patterkrisps, .-.....1b 29c. Extra special--1 large tube of Mi31 Tooth Paste and 1 Boy's Hockey Stick. Both for 50c. $33ITITTIo228200800s0tenee Lawrence's Post-Inventory Sale Continuing our Special Values for one more week, Check cane aa 890, - Woodbury's Soap A. M. LAWRENCE, il of your share of Bargains, " TOILETRIES 7 Gardenia Combination-- 7, Face Powder ...,.......$1.00 Vanishing Cream ..,..... 50 Perfume ...... rath 50 aes seer esses sete se terse iesssssssessss Total value Ag SPECIAL, all 8 for .:....99%. French Balm ......25c. and 39.' S200 6040040400000 SSIS Italian Balm ......29¢c. and 49¢c. Italian Balm and Dreskin Both for ..............30¢ Noxzema ....... .+:.15¢. and 59¢ (regular 26c, and 75¢.) Forhan's Tooth Paste ..25c., 39. Kolynos Tooth Paste ..32¢c., 43c. Colgate's Tooth Paste ..21¢c., 39¢c. Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste 25¢. and 3Yc¢. regular 10c. cake,.. 3 for 25c. large 20c. cake.-...2 cakes 35c. Palmolive Soap...".. 4 cakes 19¢. i Rosarie Soap .......4 cakes 19¢c. Piccadilly Castile Soap, 7 for 25¢. j THE REXALL STORE =} Phone 49 - - Port Perry : THIILISLLLLITLILeS 30359333383 38373] e308 00033 tts 3333893838303 0300! 244388028882 ees 2000000880280 884 ol CEMETERY ANNUAL MEETING Ey y ) The annual meeting of the Ontario | M arkets Pine Grove Cemetery Company was - ; : held in the Town Hall on Monday | BUTTER-- - : afternoon, January 21st. "Creamery Solids, No. 1 .........24 The attendance was very small, Seconds ...4..... reer ido. 284 just ten being present. ~The Plot- holders seem to be satisfied with the way. 'hinge are being done in connec- 'tion. the cemiete sThe finances Tot the" 'crmpany ar are in good condition ag shown by the auditors' report for 1934. Cash on 'hand in General Ac- showed a balance of $1542.46 on hand with investments of $12,600 in bonds. The caretaker reported 41 burials, 23 men, 16 women, and 2 'children un- der 12 years. - Directors elected -- J. T. Dobson, (President); A. W. Allin, J. R. Baird, Wm, J. Jackson, (House and Grounds Committee); Thos, Graham, Grant Christie, Geo. A. Rose, W. F., Thomp- son, and. T. J. Widden. Louis Bond was reappointed Gare- taker and R. D. Woon, Sesretary: Treasurer. REDUCED PRICES Suits 'sponged and. pressed .-60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office . CHURNING CREAM-- (f.0.b, country points) Special 24c., No. 1, 22¢,, No. 2, 20c.|. EGGS-- Grade A--large 22c. Grade B,-14c. POTATOES, per bag ....40c. and 45c. POULTRY--Grade A, alive-- Spring Chickens .:........8 to 138 Fatted Hens TT ..6 to 10 EA I CNR A1 Old Roosters .......... FERRI Ducks ....... sri vee .8 to 10 LIVE STOCK-- Weighty Steers ..... .$4.26 to $6.76 Butcher Cattle ......$3.50 to $4.65 Heifers ......ve00e =p to $4.76 COWS ..covvunnns ..$1.00 to $3.26 Bulls ....... PRE ..$2.00 to $3.2b ~ Fed Calves ...... ....$5.00 to $7.00 Calves ....ooevees...$3.00 to $8.00 Lambs ...... .ivevv% $5.50 to $7.2b Sheep .vcvveennns ve... $1.00 to $3.60 Bacon Hogs (off trucks) ....$8.1b 1 ONTARIO GRAIN-- |. (approximate prices, track shipping point.) Wheat, vi Sinisa is .92 to 96 "RYE vveverweerisenn.b1¥% to 66% Corn ....liieeenes $.0....68 to TY ORLE i fri ian hn rrs hs 35 to 37 Buckwheat ............ 45 to 47 = IS EASY IF THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS i FROM iy BERT MacGREGOR -- if YOU BUY 'By having our driver call to deliver your reeds in ~ Bread, Cakes, and hl F resh and Well Made Jemison & Hutchinson, Bakers PHONE 08, Pasteurized Products ARE SAFEST AND. BEST. Phone your orders to 288, We Sad PORT PERRY DAIRY G. OWEN, Proprietor. PORT PERRY do the rest. Phone 238 medium 18¢.} Grade C, 13.| ! We Carry a Ful Stock. § of Lumber and Roofing. Materials -- Frames, ; Sash and Doors' mad to order. Try us and get results A ID Ea & Eyesight Specialist Open Monday, 'Wednesday, and Friday Evenings, or by appointment at all Himes, . DISNEY BLOCK . R Oshawa - heli 0p. 1 Post Office, Phone 1616 The Creamery IS PAYING 20c., 19¢. and 17c. FOR BUTTER FAT. You can save laber and make more money by sending your cream to PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Money to Lean Now located in the offies; of H. W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, Ques Street Phone 264 "Phone after hours: 8514' Oshawa. Eyes Examined Accurately F. B. LUKE & SON Optometrists 163-167 Yonge 8t.; Torento (Upstairs opp. Simpsons) | London, England, » i x DR. W. 8S. HARPER - = Oraduate ot Trinity Mu Medisal sal Oellegs and Post Pdr in Surgery | London: Post hg Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Office and Surgery--Port Pert, Ont, > - W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to 5 pm. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's ~ FOR SALE Farm engine, 2 h.p, in good ¢on- dition. Apply to Wes. Brimatombs, Con. 18, Reach Township. Riicadh rr 'LOST & Truek chain between Prince Albert and Borelia corner. Finder please phone 261J or notify Star Office. rath J. 0. STEPHENSON, R.O. tt EB Ss, EE 9 ee d LOX wl « s 4 SO » sort

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