Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Dec 1934, p. 5

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iw jin hur SORE rol ome, CREE a "Ze AUD SEE 30 ~t . .. banquet of the 116th Battalion in To- larger attendapce than usual and, ab er thie wedding ceremony, Ee Tr PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1934 Page Hive Il a ---- - . ------ .-. MYRTLE STATION '(Continued from page 4) dancing. "Proceeds are in aid of Myrtle Soft Ball Club. Everybody Mis. Leslie and daughter Mrs. Randal of New Toronto. were week end guests of Rev. and Mrs, w. E. Honey. "Mr, Frank Harrison attended 'the benquet of the 116th Battalion in To, needless to say, a 'good time was enjoyed. Mrs. Harrison and Gordon also accompanied him to the city for the week end. Mr, and Mrs. E. Masters, also Mr, and Mrs. R. Chisholm enjoyed a motor trip to Pontypool on Sunday. ; Mrs. is visiting this week with Mr Mrs. Oliver Lane, } Mr. and Mrs, Fred 'Webster, Miss Webster, Mr, Earl Webster and Mr, Stiz of Toronto, also Mr. -and Mrs. Sykes and son David, Miss Grossman and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sykes of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. James Mit- chell were all Sunday guests of Mr, and_-Mrs. Luther Mitchell. Mr. F. Honey was a week end iste and or with friends at Welcome, their old : | end in Toronto and visited with Mis. | home town, 'Miss F. Rahm of Brooklin was a Sunday visitor of Miss Olive Masters. Mr. Walter Hooper of Oshawa spent Monday with Mr. Roy Percy. Y We are pleased to hear that Mrs, _ Allie Ross of Ashburn who has suc-|' cessfully come through a serious oper- ation in St. John's Hospital in Toronto 4s pow well on the way to recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Simkin and daughter Sylvia of Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs. Harold Simkin and son Don- 'ald and "Mr. Joe Simkin of- Islington sere 'recent visitors" with their' Fonts "folks here, The Women's Association are hold- ing their 'annual _ 'meeting next week: Place. and. time ' of meeting Fill, anounced :on. Sunday: ; Mrs." E. Cross and a were}: © visitorg'in Toronto on Tuesday. : Following is an item taken from a correspondents news in a Northern io which may be of interst to our readers:- "Those who attended Kirkland Lake "market last Saturday were ordered not to charge over 50c. a dozen "for their eggs; as the council of Teck had passed a by-law limiting the price of eggs. Yet, real fresh first sold as high: as 656. . Market people say, those City guys didn' get up at three| o'clock to light the hens, nor were they. up all night last. Februrary and March, when the cold-stood 60° below, "hatching and raising the pullets that are now laying a few eggs. - (That 18 if fed the very best and plenty of it.) Why did" they not limit the price in June and July from going lower than 16¢.? The City 'and Town dwellers never seem' to see but one side of a i question. They always want the ~ farmer to.take the small end. If we can't "afford: 650. - eggs, we eat' 3bc. ones--we don't run around striving. to force somebody to feed us for nothing. Ask any egg producer and he will: tell you he' is-at presént jast holding hig own, and most 'of them are very badly in debt. If we 'were to express our opinion,' in the near future--say two or three years--instead of a market train running to town, the Arains will be running the other way, as down in Missouri. are going ott on an excursion to see if they can buy something to eat from "the. farmers, at almost any price. "We see many farmers sold clean "out of poultry, hogs and sheep and cattle up here now. The markets are pretty well cleaned up and prices are on the rise. All the cheap wheat in the West is sold out to the States. The farmers get 40c. per bushel. Th Anited States need; it for feed, an » the Winnipeg market could not fill the orders at present. "Premier Hepburn states, it takes one-half of 'our revenue in Ontario to pay relief. If you have to keep half the farmers, about three hundred thousand more souls, 'on relief, prices may go up yet, and stay up." --New Liskeard Speaker, i NAEP MYRTLE Mrs. . Crawford, of Brooklin, spending. the: "winter with Mrs. Frank Briggs. After a continuous mild spell, early Saturday morning and the weather has been much cooler since. Mrs. Jack Kirkham and family were in Toronto on Friday. On account of the Royal Wedding on Thursday, the school children here as well ag all other schools had u A number arose somewhat earlier than usual and listened in to "holiday. - Wm, - Lammiman of i wn} : and 'Mrs. Jack 'Wilson. ' In the States "the people) is a heavy thunder storm passed over here "Mr, Middleton; of Kinsale, has been moving his farm 'implements, and feed through here to the Henry Taylor farm at High Point which he has leased. Mr. E. Butterworth, who' has been operating a garage and service station here for several years is giving up this business and has his garage for sale. Mrs, Will Booth, of Whitevale, and her daughter Mrs. Coakwell, of Locust Hill, spent the week end with the former's son. Mr. Frank Booth, Mr, and 'Mrs, J. A. Carmichael visited Oshawa friends on Sunday. . Mrs, . Leslie .and daughter . Mrs. end at 'the parsonage and attended service here Sunday evening where Mrs. Rondal assisted the choir and sang a pleasing solo. "Rev. Mr. Honey and sons visited at Port Hope and Welcome last week. "The Faithful Workers' Class he their November meeting at the hom of Mrs. Roy Percy last week when the ticket on the quilt was drawn and Mr.! Melvern Sisson was fortunate in se- curing the lucky number and thus he| was made possessor of the pretty quilt. Mr. Wilfred Graham spent the week Allin Ross, who is confined to st.|- John's Hospital, following a critical operation. RAGLAN Sunday School was well attended here on Sunday: which is very encour- Moon gave a very interesting reading. which was much enjoyed by all. Mrs. Pilkey is spending sonie time' with her mother Mrs. May, of Good-" wood. | Mr. and 'Mrs. Bob Bryant and fam- ily spent Saturday in Toronto. | -- I 'the week-end with her parents Mr. Ly i "Mrs." Johns is spending some ie with her daughter Migs Erma Johns of Buffalo. We, all hope Mrs.. "Johns turns | Senibr. Master Lloyd Rozelle held a birth day party on Monday with a large at- tenndance and many lovely gifts were, received. Fyeryone had an enjoyable time, Mr. Gordon Sones, who Tas Yeon a couple of weeks with Mrs, rs his 'home in England. He expects to return in the spring. Mr. and Mrs. Will Parish and Reta, of Brooklin, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. O. Bright. : Mrs. Miller and daughter Laurene, Mrs, Jack Wilson and sons Norman and Clifford, spent a day at the Royal Winter Fair: Mr. and Mrs. Simmons, Mr. and and Mrs. Ashley, Mr. and Mrs. Hop- kins," all-of Oshawa, visited one day last week at the home of Miss Ethel: Hright and Mis. Wm. Bright, Sr. | 8 Una Sleep spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Sleep, of Seagrave.: { Mr. A. Miller and daughter, Mr. N.' Wilson, spent an evening last week with Clarence and Clayton Miller, # Little Britain. ; "Mrs, Stacey, of Prospect, spent' Sun- day with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Babcock. =. vo i _A number from here attended the euchre and 'dance at Myrtle hall on Friday evening. Mr, and Mrs. John Kellington and son Ronald have moved into Oshawa for the winter. Mr. Orval Welsh of Uxbridge, 1s spending 'a couple of days with his sister Mrs. A. Rozelle. Miss Hazel Pierson, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Fred Pierson. { Our teacher, Miss Sleep, is busy training the scholars for the Christ- mas entertainment to be held on December 21st. " PRY SCUCOG Complete New Council Elected Our municipal election was held on Monday and resulted in a clean turn- over--a complete new council was elected, the result being as follows: For Reeve-- ' Frank Gerrow .......... Veeee i126 Jonathan Aldred .............. 97 Por Couneil-- Charles Samells ivaireds 7188 William SE Jesse Demara ,...............18 Robert Prentioe ..............,121 Messrs, Gerrow and JeRrey are the DOE Ronda, of Toronto, spent the week]. . aging for. our superintendent. Billie -- "Miss Ia 'Wilson, of 'Oshawa,' Spent. * ! will be improved in health, on her il . 'Miss Adair, of Clinton, is ie 2On the Shores of Scugog NOW ON SALE 'Neatly Bound in Blue Cloth Boards. Orders may be left with I. R. Bentle rence, Druggist, Port Perry; P. G. Office of the: Port Perry Star. ¢ ~ a a \ RRA Ps -- _-- = ---- "ON THE SHORES OF SCUGOG" . acceptable Christmas gift. , Jeweller, Port Perry; A. M. Law- ort ison, Druggist, Por} Perry, or the Preface "Fashions. Price $2.00. CONTENTS The First Settler in Reach Township Clearing the Land Making Black Salts and Potash. The Development of Agriculture. The Home Life of That Day. The Social Life of the People. Musi¢ and Other Entertainment. The Funeral. The Light of Other Days and To-day. Early Tools and Utensils. Roads and Rigs. The Coroner. Post Office and: Letters. The Cost of Living. Mills and 'Milling. = 1 The Day's Work. Hotels and Whiskey. ~The Epic in Grain. | ~ Steamboats on Lake Scugog. 'Ontario County. | Port Perry. Lake Scugog Moods. Schools and Schooling. The Coming of the Railway. + The Tornado of 1850, Early Documents, Scugog Island, Some Early Settlers, - Seagrave, : Cartwright, Address by Dr. H. Bruce. Military Matters. ; i . Local Personalities, Bi . The Newspapers. i They Have Passed This Way. A Brief Survey of Present Conditions. will make a most employed by Mr. G. Wilson, left for only ones who have been the council hood Christmas. We congratulate them all on! before. their election. Saturday, December 1st, the Yelior Girls' Institute met at the home of ; "Mrs. Geo. Sweetman with a good at- tendance. The meeting was opened with Miss Inez Fralick in the chair. After the singing of the Ode the pro- 'gram was conducted in a brisk ana efficient manner. Miss Grace Demara | Mrs. Harrison, all of Toronto, Mr. =< =f ' gave a short dissertation on the Motto Mason, Mr; and Mrs. S. Storey, Mr. of the month. The roll was then called and answered by a memory 'of a child- The ancedotes given were thoroughly enjoyed. Imagine our dismay to discover that most of the members seemed unable to Te- member that far back. A demonstra- tion on Christmas table decoration was given by Misses Marion Stephen- son and Myrtle Jeffrey. The candy contest was judged by Mrs. Joblin and Miss Florence Elford. The prize was i won by Miss Grace Demara. All of adhe. candy. was later -enjoyed by the members of the Institute, -- The singing of Christmas songs and havé 8 Modami 984-59, with tubes : Ask about Victor "Globe Trotter" All-Wave Antenna--§7.50 PORT PERRY RADIO and ELECTRICAL " EQUIPMENT * Next to Prentice's Barber Shop LJ ' _ FRED BOWN There is only one lela ... and] it is s made by VICTOR Victor "Globe Trotter" Radios are the receivers that have made European reception the rule, not the exception . . , On actual performance, *'Globe Trotters" The 'Globe Trotter" al control BS distinctive, Ue Bugedio and And, ter'! and "Globe Trotter" Radios. proved . , , and are pro daily their definite Dd 450 Drie LN remember, there is onty one "Globe only makes 62 PHONE 168 - carols. . was a popular feature of He program which came to a close after an enjoyable lunch and the singing of Auld Lang Syne in the orthodox man- ner The Christmas tree EERE is in! full swing now. All those who had their radio in: order arose extra early last week to hear the Royal wedding ceremony Which came in very clearly. Messrs. Ray Milner and Milton Demara visited in Uxbridge one day last week. ) Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Montgomery, of Bowmanville, and. My. and Mrs. W. "Gerrow, were- recent visitors of Mr and Mrs. R. Reader. ~~ Mr. Gordon: Dodsley visited in To: ronto one day last week. Mr, Leonard Hope visited his cousin Mr, John Hardy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilkinson, of, To- an, visited her parents Mr. and Mes . Graham, on Sunday. R Dinh Marjory Milner and tie Jeffrey, homes here on Sunday. Mr. B. Snelgrove, of Prince Mhert and Miss Myrtle Jeffrey, were "The Sunday. Mrs. O. Rodman and daughter Lydia and their friend Mr, Quhan, Buffalo, visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman, a few days last week. . Mrs. Albert, is visiting her sister Mrs, E. Pettitt, for a few days, 'Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham are movifig to their new home (William's Farm), this week. We wish them every com- fort in their new home. Mrs. Geo. Jackson, Mrs. John Jack- son, Mrs. Wm. Nott and daughter Josie, of Port Perry, Mrs. S. Hope, of Prince Albert, were guests on Monday, of Mr. and Mrs, R. Jaskson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Demara and Gragg, Mr. and Mrs. R. Reader and Owen, Mr, and Mrs. C. Reader, Mrs, J. Pearce, all visited in Oshawa one day last week. Mr. C. Reader is busy getting his barns built up again and had his barn raising on Tuesday. Miss Annie Shunk, of Prince Albert, visited on the Island on Monday. We are all very pleased to hear that the Port Perry Christmas Fair in oh more time to get the fowl ready. ry i! ni oo J J of Toronto; visited at. ial guests of Mr. and Mrs, Orr Jeffrey on, This is the time to invite the W. Wannamaker, of Prince Thursday and not Tuesday, as gives | DSO mi. J p-- F. W. BROCK & SON The RED & WHITE Store -W.R. Johnston & Co., Limited MADE TO MEASURE SUITS and OVERCOATS $19.75 and $23.50 SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE HERE Saturday, December 8th Make it a point to be at our store on Saturday, December 8, i x A a ting et et ns "to meet W. R. Johnston's special representative who will [fh guarantee you clothes that fit at a minimum of cost for i such high grade quality. nl SELLE EEE tI EEE TIE tte ttt taste testtatssttttetsttttttess ties ttt st stsssttesieiee Vs uw i230 TOYS, BOOKS and GAMES, in big assortment at 5 cents' ALE and up. 3 Thi RT BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS, nicely packed three in a box at 25¢., 29¢., 39¢., 49¢c., 59c., 65¢c. A MEN'S ALL WOOL COAT SWEATERS ........ ee 32.95 BOYS' PULLOVER SWEATERS .. WIS IRN ....98c. Rs SILI EEEEEEETEIT SEES ESE IRIE IL SESE BIEE EERIE ISEISEISISEIILILILLISIILS Wy ON F i GROCERIES Navel Oranges, ..39¢. 29c. Red and White Coffee, RS ; i at Vacuum . packed, 1b 4lc. Quaker Bread Flour XXXX $2.59 Seédless Raisins, 2 lbs 25c¢. \{ Jewel Shortening, 2 Ibs 21¢.- " Fresh Ground Coffee 29¢., 33c., 39c. Five Roses Flour, 24's 83c. ita win -" DECIR ™ ati Almonds, ...... ...1bh 49c. Raisins with seeds in PS Walnuts .......... 1b 49c. 2 Ibs for 25c. QE Lemons ........ dozen 29c. Cooking Figs, ..2 lbs. 19c. i Grapetruli 10 ths. 52c. Phone: 43, Port Perry [END ei he Semel SRT SRT SWB r Sade Cogher athe wh al aid CAN IT BE DU! ! fra (choir HEED) \ y y / a { Cees ees 'wee ely Sugar .. rE To AAS ~~ RT Jo? Va So) Sy : ) \ ~-- A Co, - erm etm tt rar - ~~ ra i | at a SP ee 4 eT £7 Ta TT ST ! I ] (! If {f | ! ROLLER SKATE BRAKES Wien THIS OEVICE ON A ROLLER SKATE A SIMPLE MOVEMENT OF THE ANKLE PUTS ON A BRAKE. CAN IT BF OONED -------- --® Tn $8 et 8 lt # el ® a 60 Tae $ Taeat Seas Sade { { i I i { / (| ol 1 { | § Do you think this idea 1s practicat? Write Ray Gross in care of this neaspo per People to shop for Christmas And to tell them through the col- umns of the TAR what you have for sale. x * t 3 1 4 > --_-- Bo le Don't Forget Your Friends You ean't send gifts to evaryone at 8 Chri imas but vou cans nd ¢: ards, We aR have many deiightiul greeting cards on AL display. Call in and see them, or if you Ri cannot call phone 50 and we will se d 5:4 samples to your home. The prices wie Di a -- reasonable. PORT PERRY STAR 5 A

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