Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Dec 1934, p. 4

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Page Four A RR ---- _-- -- LOC AL ITEMS ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN | STRAND THEATRE : CHURCH Uxbridge Mrs. Allan Goode brought to the |iev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A. Minister R Star Office a little bouquet of flowers 7 p.m.--Evening Service. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, picked from her garden on the first "DECEMBER 6-7-8 day of December.. The bouquet in- i vx Doris Kenyon, Robt. Young, and cluded pansies, white dasies and mari- H. J. VALLENTYLE NAMED AS Walter Connolly, in golds. HEAD OF BLIND SCHOOL "WHOM THE GODS DESTROY" Mr. and Mrs. Homer White, Picton,| The appointment of H. J. Vallen-| Does cowardice demand greater cour- spent the week end with Mrs, W. A. Christy. . Mrs. Greenbank of Norwood, has re- tutned home after visiting her daughter, Miss Lillian Greenbank. Mr. Mus. James. McKee and daughters have moved back from 'Whitby and are now oceupying- their home in Borelia. We welcome them home again. PERRY UNITED CHURCH W. J. H. Smyth, M.A, B.D, Minister Sunday, December 9th, 1934-- 11 a.m.--Rev. J.T. Flemming, M.A, of Toronto, will preach. The pastor will be in charge. 1:45 p.m.-- Young Men's Bible Class and Forum. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--*The Parable of The Tares" will be the sermon theme by the pastor. December 16th--S. S. ANE EOEY: PP BP HIGH SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS Last: Friday afternoon, November "30th, the third meeting of - the Lit- Sotiety was held in the As- and PORT Rev. erary sembly Hall. The programme was under the auspices of the Second Form. They presented a scene from Dicken's Christmas Carol which was enjoyed by everyone. 'Then the school orchestra gave a selection after which the speaker of the afternoon, Mr, P. C. Addy, of Agra, India, was introducea by Mr. Kerr. Mi. Addy's address on India was of interest to everyone. The next meeting of our Literary Society will be on January 18th. In the meantime preparations for the Commencement play are well under way. in 'the Eyes) is a two-act comedy. The cast' is 'as follows: Doctor Malingear Owen CIiff "His wife, Madame Malingéar "Reta Willard Their daughter, Emmeline . Virginia Naismith Sophia, their maid. ..Helen Partridge Alexanderine, their maid Elma Reesor "little seventeen" Ralph Milnor Foutman (their neighbour) Ivan Thonpson Monsieur Ratixois, retired confectioner Bill Willard Madame Ratixois, his wife Marion Eagleson CW Bill Cawker .. Archie Crosier Alma Lee Upholster er Frederick, their son Robert, their uncle Josephine, their maid Footman, their neighbour . Edgar Emmerson Chef, from Chevets ..Walter Phoenix' A negro boy in livery. Murray Holtby The Commencement is to be held on December 13th and 14th. } -- ' n --.' = c/le FIRES!DE PHILOSOPHER By ALFRED BIGGS Be sparing with' your advice, ' CC *r + © Better to be refined than beautiful. * LJ LJ Nothing 1s more ceytain than uncer . tainty. LJ] The spirit travels where the mind can: not reach, Greatness in thought or deed speaks for itself, LJ - . Some folks get sick ~wor tiieir health cying ation . . . to youraslf Hf ror of I's You're no nae no tse to oo IE RY. YOU INTERESTED IN FINE CHINA AND POTTERY? We hope to show you more about its history and manufacture on Fri- day evening December 7th, at 8 p.m. in the basement of the United Church. The I.0O.D.E. congratulate them selves upon securing Mr. Thompson, of Copelands Limited, To- ronto, to give a talk and with the aid of motion pictures unfold a series of fascinating aspects in the manufacture of pottery. A display will be given of ARE » pieces in various stages of manu- facture. X \ : Don't miss this unique evening. Everybody welcome. Admission 10¢. You will be given a number when you enter the room and a special prize will be given to the holder of the "lucky" number. is tlh AO Poa en Ah WANTED ' "> A good second-hand organ. Apply to Paul Mosienko, R.R.2 Port Perry. dec 13 ty tyne, Toronto Public School Inspector, has been . The play "The -Bluffers" (Dust). Harry made to the long-vacant position of Principal of the Ontario School for the Blind at Brantford. Mr. Vallentyne takes over a position which -has been vacant since the death of Dr. W. B. Race in November, 1933. The new principal is a graduate of Queen's and of the University of To- ronto. He served in the artillery overseas and was one time Principal of the Orde Street Public School, and the Williamson Road Public School, Toronto. He was appointed a Public School Inspector in 1929, and served in re- cent years on the teaching staff of the 'Toronto Normal School, and as special lecturer at Mount Allison University, New Brunswick. He will take over the Brantford school direc- tion from W. H. Little, who, according to the Minister's statement, has car- ried on the duties of Superintendent since the death of Dr. Race "in a most acceptable manner. --Toronto Globe. Note--Mr. Vallentyne attended the Port Perry High School and was later' Principal of our Public:-School before going to Toronto. Sg ~-r- -y CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Evening service--T7 p.m. meee mermaid A permet mee DIED HARDING--AL Brooklin, Ont., on Sunday, December 2nd, 1934, Reuben Harding, in his 83rd year. WILLIAMS---At Port' Perry, on Sunday, December 2nd, 1934, Madison Williams, in his 78th year. } IN { MEMORIAM LAMB--In loving memory of Mrs. Chas. Lamb, who passed 'away on Friday, December 6th, 1929. Sleep on, beloved, sleep and take thy rest; Lay down thy head upon thy Saviour's breast; thee. well, thee best. Husband and family, v We love bat Joris loves AE sn The engagement is announced of Vera Ellis, only daughter of Mrs. Alice and the late John Tanner, of Seagrave, Ont., to Frederick Charles, voungest son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jennings, Toronto. The marriage to take place on the 156th of December. its SYBILLA 'SPAHR'S when a remedy is needed for tonsilitis, quinsy, cough, throat and tonsil troubles. It's the best for LESS, and guaranteed. Sold at Lawrence's Drug Store.' TENDERS ARE WANTED, for the postion of caretaker at the Port Perry Rink, and for the booth privileges at.the rink. Tenders to be sent.to A. P. McFarlane by Monday, December 10th. "NOTICE * Reserve Friday, December 21st, for St. John's Presbyterian Sunday School | C hristmas Tree. Bee)s Rosedale Alberta "Coal > « > . § us have your order. PORT PERRY COAL YARD Ww. a. Ww. Pyatt AS on OF Eo ALYPTV] HIGHEST ERADE Areca A Powerful Germicide jest +8 § of proved value, Safe because non- injurious to the most delicate flesh tissues. Kill germs in nose, mouth and throat with G.G. Extract. A Liniment that penetrates and removes the cause of Rheumatism, Lumbago, Joint Pains, Neuritis, - Sciatica, etc. Your money returned if not absolutely satisfied Full directions with every bottle. At your Druggist or from" mind, that ye may prove .what-is that .{good, and acceptable, and. perfect will 11.45 pm. Everybody welcome. More heat, less ash. 'A car of this same good quality coal we handled last winter will arrive this week. Let Phones: 94W--94J age than heroism? He saved many lives (in this big. ship wreck yet hel: was a coward. This picture shows friendship and respect. A marvellous book] A greater picture! Comedies --Mickey's Medicine Man and Car- toon. : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, DECEMBER 10-11-12, Ruth Hall and Ken Maynard, in "STRAWBERRY ROAN" Come boys to see your favorite picture and hear Ken sing "Strawberry Roan" and other songs. Filled with action. A great western picture. Comedy--"Family Troubles." toon; "Ham and Eggs". Thursday, Friday, Saturday, DECEMBER 13-14-15 Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, in "SONS OF THE DESERT" Greatest long feature comedy yet. Bring the kiddies along to see a clean show for their entertainment, NOTE--To avoid inconvenience the the show commences each evening at 8.30. Saturdays and holidays at 8 and 9.46 ov Car- id "Myrtle Station Last Sunday evening's service was much enjoyed, Rev. W. E. Honey, as usual preached a good helpful sermon. He used as his text, Romans, 12-1, the mercies of 'God, that ye' present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable unto God, which is yom reasonable service. 2. And be not transformed by the renewing of your of God." sang a beautiful solo. Sunday at 7 p.m.» Sunday School at + Mrs.: Randall: of Toronto The Sunday School scholars are very busy these days rehearsing for the Christmas entertainment on Dec. 20th. The Willing Workers Class met at the home of Mrs. Roy Percy last |. Tuesday evening, with a good attend: ance. After, business discussion wag over the. ticket. was drawn for the beautiful quilt, and Mr. Melvin: Sisson was the lucky winner, congratulations. Magee and Mrs. Lane. A good time is being looked Zoratd to for next Friday evening when Mr. Wolfe is puting on a good program, scenes of our softbgll team in 'action. besides. other 'pictures of interest. The most important feature of - interest will be when Mr. Wolfe presenta the boys with their "Crests" of Champion- ship for the year 1934. The remain- "I beseech you therefore, brethren, iby} conformed to this world, put be el Service next| . A dainty lunch was served oy. Mrs. partly composed of moving picture : : Fowl, Feathers, Hides and Horse Hair. der of the evening will be spent. in| Just a Few Days Until Christmas What will you give your friends this Year? : 'May we suggest-the following for the Boy Friead--A Club - 'Bag. ve have them from $5.00 up. They ean be had in plain or grained finish, in black or brown, For the Girl Friend or Mother or Sister, we suggest" the Mirapack. These can be obtained in any finish 'and in one, two, Shed) six hanger models. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Healy's Store Port. Forty WE PRICES Suits sponged and pressed = 60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the. Observer Office ATTACK the cause of RHEUMATISM LUMBAGO SCIATICA RUMACAPS give immediate hy from pain and at the same time they will start cleansing the, blood of pic acid and Sher impurities | which, poison the system and cause r euma- tism, ss ica, lumbago, backache, A regular : ¢-treatment of RUMACAPS will give you permanent relief, ) Box of 50. Capsules, 41.00, RUMACAPS |! RHEUMATIC CAPSULES Port Perry Dominion Store Announcement! ! ! 1 Our prices for Winter and. Christmas goods are greatly reduced." You are «J invited to come in and compare 'our prices and merchandise before you do your shopping. "Top prices paid for all kinds of Alix Gilboord Port Perry SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR (Continued on page B). ' CAN IT BE DONE? * FATTED HENS AND DUCKS. VACUUM THiS BARBERS VIBRATOR | MACHINE $0 DESIGNED THAT A GENTLE VACUUM NIT ALSO REMOVES | RRITATING PARTICLES OF. CUT HAIR FROM PATRONS .- 'HEAD AFTER HAIR CUT. CAN IT 8E DONE? \ | | any ow Wi [3 AUSTRALIAN DRUG COMPANY 75 Duchess 8t., Toronto WAverley 4521 |] Do you think this idea Is praotioal? Write Ray Gross me oare ot this newspaper - [titi ML LL ER RR ELIE IN seine A Christmas Gift for the F amily-- "On the Shores of Scugog" | Order from A. M. Lawrence, ¥ a Morrison, I. R. Bentley, Port Perry Star \ POPP IRRIRIRRRIRIN Phone 1714 Bread | Lawrence's Drug Store News | (Where Christmas Shopping is a Pleasure) BOOKS--A wide selection of Popular Titles by outstanding authors, Per copy 90c. * FOUNTAIN PENS--Writing implements of beauty for lasting satis- faction. Sheaffer Pens--$2.75 to $10.00; Pencils $2.00 to $3.50; "Sets $5.00 and up. Parker Pens--$2.75 to $7.50; Pencils $1.25 to $2.50; Sets $4.00 and up. ~ Parkette School Sets--Ten and 1 brite complete $1.95 and $2. 95. ¥ i . JASMINE apd GARDENIA TOILET SETS Beautiful Silver and i Gold Packages of those popular Toiletries in. sets. 75e. to $10.00 3. YARDLEY'S TOILETRIES--The ever-popular line of Old English : Lavender Toiletries. Attractive sets for ladies and gentlemen. Priced at $1.00 to $5.00." MANICURE SETS--Cutex and Glazo preparations in attractive sets for gift 'urposes, Priced at 35¢ to $3.00. : Don't forget your votes in the Doll Contest. They will help to make some child happy at Christmas. A. M. LAWRENCE, THE REXALL STORE Phone 49 Port Perry Steet tee reese rere ers tttstesttstettstttsrtttttssrasstsasasansanas * esscesecessssesseseses <4 'Port Perry United Church Sunday School ANNIVERSARY SERVICES SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16th, 1934 AT 11 AM. The morning service will consist of Choruses and Songs "by the Sunday School and Primary and a special address by the Minister. , AT 7 P.M. The evening service will be of a Special charsotor. A service of "Song and.Story'" entitled "GRANNY GAY'S CHRISTMAS" A} full of Pathos, Mystery, and Character, an interesting and . inspiring. service : .accompanied by. -the Sunday School =Orehestra. Offering in -§UppoTE of id School Werk, EA War r A i He gk 5 REPRE LN yi aioli ran han cutee) T "PINE STUMPS FOR SALE | Apply 'to John Boyko, Scugog, R.R. 3 . dec 13 POULTRY--A ade. alive is Fatted Hens ......ocoviees 6 to 10 Yor Retry. Broilers ........ SEPP geay. § | <-> PUllOlB iris vssrriieissnins nlf WOOD FOR.SALE 0ld Roosters . PETRIE An Ducklings .....oeeveeaes ..8 to 10 Mixed wood cut ready for stove use. LIVE STOCK-- Delivered at $10.00 a cord. Port Perry | Auto Wreckérs, Phone 21. = dec 6| Butcher Cattle ......$2.76 to $4.76 Fria Joy FIRE, Heifers o.oo eesies $005 0. 919) ; : Weighty Steers ......$8.50 to $5.26 : 1 8 ORR veer... $100 to $2.60 Bulls t.eeeeeiiin....$2.00 to $2.60 Markets Fed Calves ..........$5.00 to $7.00 (Quotations to shippers). Store Cattle ,....... $2.40 to $3.60 BUTTER-- Lambs ....c000ee +4e:5550 to $7.26 - Creamery Solids, No. 1 viviss..21] Sheep ...... ils ..$1.00 to $3.00 Seconds vii iiernieenaens Calves .i.eevaeanes 1$2.00 to $7.60 ...20% : ONTARIO GRAIN-- 'CHURNING CREAM-- (approximate prices, track shipping (f.0.b. country points) 9) Special 22c; No. 1, 20c; 'No. 2, 18c.| ~ point.) i Wheat ........ FERRE Sr Oy | Bias. . Barley ....oooiveneseee. 48 to 44 Grade A--Ilarge 31, Medium 26. R 45 to 47 a Ve Lies FIR EERE SRT "Graliv A-Dullets 20.. Corn i arsrais er 672070 Grade B--17. Grade C--15. 08S Lees ase BY POTATOES--Bag crue rs den 88 to 401 Buckwheat ..... Aer snsa dito 46 LARS RI TS Eb ' a THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS 18 EASY! AF You BUY L.ibf La EH YH ON rt fete MacGREGOR is the STAFF | of LIFE... WE SUPPLY GOOD BREAD, and Wholesome, appetizing Pastry CHAMBERS' BAKER Y _ The Creamery Spring: Chickens .......... 8 to 18} . 1S PHONE 98, ra J gee ay to 238. We do the rest. G. OWEN, Proprietor. ' PORT PERRY DAIRY Phone 238 / "PORT, FERRY Pastenrized Products ARE SAFI} AND BEST. Phone your orders' ~ LUMBER We Carry a Full Stock § of Lumber and Roofing Materials ws Frames, A Sash and Doors mad to order. Try us and get results I] Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. ~Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. Eyesight Specialist 'Open Monday, Wednesday, and, Friday Evenings, .or by "appointment at all times. "DISNEY BLOCK "- : ASL IT Oshawa : Opp. "Post 'Office,' "Phone 1616 IS PAYING 20c., 19¢. and 17c. FOR BUTTER FAT. You can save labor and make more money by sending your cream to ; PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors LAW OF F ICE GREER & HUMPHREYS 'Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Money to Lean Now located in 'the office of H. W. Emmerson, Pardy Block, Queen Street : Phone 264 Phone after hours: 8614 Oshawa: COMING | F. E. Luke, Eyesight Specialist at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry, Thursday,: November 22. Eyes Examined Accurately F. E. LUKE & HON . Optometrists; 163-187 Yonge 8t,, . - Toronto (Upstairs opp. Simpsons) 'DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate' of Trinity Medical College and Trinity Univeral, 3 Torente J Post Graduate in Bu edleal Gradu- ates' College and P in of don, North East rode pend Oh agiand: London, England, Royal Infi Jradus oat Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont ~ W. A. Sangster 'DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to 6 p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office ------------------ ELECTRIC RADIO FOR SALE Apply to Fred Bown, Phone 168, Port Perry. Nov. 29 ------ . ACCOMMODATION Elderly lady or gentleman can have large warm room, good meals, and best of care, in lovely village home where there are no children; reason. able. 'Box 18 Port Perry Star. dec6 "J. 0. STEP HENSON, RO. 3 ores, Store : m. to 12 noon. re Ca, gr His C0) , =u OF

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