Ra IAN 04 5 4 wh RE Sn | Great West Saddlery Company Dominion Notes. ANC Sows lamgrovement i | : The annual report of this company Danse te A Crops eee e-- for the year ending June 3tb, 1934, gic Ae ey 'nh : shows substantial improvement in net ber NE ee on, , J operating profit, with §84,408,00 being shown, as agalnst $42,673.00 for the previous year, After charges and ap- propriatiens to reserve a net profit of $10,981.00 ia shown, and this is the first time in five years that the com- PLUG SMOKING TOBACC pany has been able to show a bal. ance on the right side, : caused further damage to the prairie |. ¥ a grain crops. 'The drought became a 4 ! . : more severe in the areas previously 3 . i affected and extended into districts 3 \ where the «crops had good stands, Temperatures were above normal throughout the west, excepting north. . ern Alberta. The only effective rains o ° ° o During the year, company redeem. | For real economy and enjoyment of the past wéek foil at scattered Will Remonetization of Silver ed $563,500.00 of the outstanding 6% smoke plug tob y oy X i Bs ; .. first mortgage bonds, leaving balance plug tobacco. The tobacco points in Manitoba, in southern Sask. H l B R 2 , : atchewan, at Medicine Hat and .Cal- ep usiness €COovery : now outstanding at $655,000.00, The stays fresher, because you cut : gary aif In the Peace River district Sompay Bise Jedogma ib the period ; of Alberta. There is little prospect : : _tbe readily eeeu where the drop in r review a substantial amount o 4 of further rainfall in the next 36 Sings President Rogsévals an yrice affected their producing power the first and second preferred stock ) hours, apart from possible showers in | TOUNCE e_13sue 0 Ylin no uncertain way, It Silver were 5ues. southern Alberta. backed by Silver some few | on onetized and a definite value es- e prey The grain has now reached the ad.| weeks ago, many discussions | tablished with a set ratio to go on,| Yellowknife Gold Mines Limited vanced stage when heavy rains are|have appeared on the subject of would it not appear logical that these| First report of assays and develop- : needed rather than the light showers | Silver Remonetization and his|hige Oriental markets would again|ment from the property of Yellow. which are falling, Most of the wheat ||atest move in nationalizing the |open their doors and absorb a tre-|knife Gold Mines Limited at Great 10 Dead, Souls fs Ming, ard the WHITE METAL, has added fuel [mendous amount of manufactured | Slave Lake, in the North West Ter- earliest fields are already turning col- i i ions, | products" ritories, are so favorable that a new ' our. Late-sown grains have thick to ig fire Jor hess Jesus ons. The fact that at the World Eco-|rush of prospectors and miners stands in many localities and need an elving p Ys h nomic Contereuce in 1933, some sixty | started to the district, according to abundance of moisture to maintain writer finds some items on the .iions agreed to purchase and with- | advices recsived from Edmonton: thelr condition, Pastures are dry and | Subect which would appear to |draw from circulation an average of| Major Buiwash of the Yellowknife short and unless rain falls soon, a[be of interest in 'the present|thirty-five million ounces per year for| Company, mn his report, states that a serious shortage of winter feed will] situation, In a recent mining |a four-year period would appear to|channel assay over a width of six feet, praberty ot Pelletier Lake, Quebec.| No man is ever completely satisfied | An aching heart will diag a m develop. Grasshoppers are migrating | publication put out by a well- [Indicate that these nations were In ac.) gave $49.75 to the ton at present gold | gjay, a br? oficial word of latest | with what he has, ....... If he were the | down quicker than neuralgia " in great numbers but are not caus-|known Toronto Investment |cord that some move in Silver was|prices, Another assay over 36.4 feet | joq ond or Ing, which is being car. | zest of life would be removed ing any great or widespread damage. | {joie there appears the follow. | essential botore the trend of World| gave values at $10.60 per ton. 1t 18 | ve) has sutemned geo erery Te ' hy The northern or park lands of all|, : Trade could expect to be toward nor-| ynderstood that th _Vlevel has extended development and i 303 rd three provinces have promising crops | IN8 quotation from a speech : ese assays have) oy pag about 500 feet length of ore, | . V'Sitor--Do Englishmen understand Classified Advertising malacy, been fully and carefully checked, Th Tg of wheat, coarse grains and hay and made by United States Senator | pai' similar opinion s also held | showings are an to be ds Future plans call for continuing the [ATerican slang? each pipeful as you need it. .. coarse or flaky, to suit yourself. And, it lasts longer in your pipe!" the recent perlod of warm weather |Joseph G. Blaine, before the (py some of those in authority at Ot.|the most jnportant which have been ns to = depth of 450 feet at which pa Sens of them, Why do you RADIO hag been of more benefit than harm. Senate in 1878; I believe that tawa, 18 evidenced by the fact that|encountered in the North West Ter. yo ut a cross-cut will be driven to lpr iy Groth NVESTIGATE our courses in radlo, In some central districts, damage|the struggle now going on in|the Honoursble I. H. Stevene, Min-|ritories. eve op favorable formation revealed " iv or--My daughter {s to be mar- Dori alo sound, bred deaning, over. from the frosts of early July is be-|this country and in other coun- |ister of Trade and Commerce, recent. : by the drilling. r o oan earl, and he has just cabled | elsewhere, Radio College of anadw 2 coming more apparent, tries for a single gold standard, ly told a delegation of mining men, Long Lac Adair Mines Limited N me to come across. Jated, Dept. "W.I..' 863 Bay St, To- - will, if successful, produce wide- that he would like to see ole silver Nickel! Production spread disaster in the end put in the country's currency, at the Canadian producers reported an eh same time assuring his audience that output of 10,033,939 pounds of nickel thigh el t the commercial |; would lend his entire support to in May as Sompared with 12,924,418 * ) the Ey ot Ehren Be hie pounds in the preceding month and ed -that he had given e em 5,480,554 pounds in May 1933, An in- much consideration and had discussed Developmunts at this company's holdings in the Strathy Township, Temagami, continue to give decidedly Have encouraging results and most recent You information is to the effect that as- say made from Number Five vein Heard? AMFRICANISM: Scientists gstudy- ing "to produce a better gadget; ? manufacturers making it cheaply so Off ) Colour? you'll wear it out and buy a new one, How Is Your Liver? Wake up your Liver Bile This statement bt, v i , no doubt, was Aa old gentleman saw a group of crease of 240.4 per cent. has been | PTOmPted by the fact that a few|it with business leaders of many at pon of SoM ver Lon, Yilis small boys In the park and asked one --Without Calomel 3 shown in Canada's nickel output dur- years previously a number of the|.ountries before reaching the conclu- g o pany eluc- " : of the number what game they were Your livers a very small organ, but Ny ing the first five months of 1934 European nations, including Germany, | sion that more silver should be placed ant to confirm actual figures, they he modern mustache is six on one going to play. i weriainly Sw) Yui your digestive and By when 49,932,038 pounds were produc. France, Sweden and others, as well |i; circulation, admitted important assays had been side and half a dozen on the other, Youngster--Cricket, We're going t fusing to Hodgins Hah arbi i Mi HY pin : as the United States, demonetized Sil- . obtained from samples, The Number ; . > BOING 10 | of Jiguld bile Into Your bowels, ed as against 14,666,635 pounds In , & The recent increase in the price of Vive 'vein on the ioperiy Tag Lie REGRET play a game of the United States ver-| You won't completely correct such bid the corresponding period of 1933. ver, and, as a result; the price of |gjiver should prove of substantial be- Property [as RVI ne, could ond "gp ; sus Africa, condition by taking Salts, oil. mineral : silver dropped from sixty pence per t Canadian Minin traced for a length of 1,100 feet. i only turn back, even for i . water, laxative candy or chewing gum ; In the May 18 issue of the London nefit to a number of Canadian El, Yas Adair a) a day Old Gentleman--Are some of you [or roughage. Whe oy : Hs lietin th "| ounce to twenty-nine: pence between | companies and indications are, in the| LONE Las Adalr also holds some, ' dhe Cigna Sogou lind 17 ag a od Roi lo 5 Metal Bulletin there was an an p 440 acres in the Blg 1 I en | I'd fird the kindly deeds I los going to black your faces, then? ¥'re through--and you neeg 3 nouncement of a reduction of £25|1870 and 1300. When it is consider-|yyiter's opinion, that higher prices aores I the Mig Loot Lac ste, lite's wan cds lost along | ® yg ngster-- On, no! Some of us are [mers aoe") . g per ton In the price of nickel, The |ed that about one-balt the world's | wii be seen for the WHITE METAL | oH Which JIUMOM) MS na DOR jit say Bo, vas wor going to wash them HAE lA TR IRL A current price was set at £200 to Population, living in Asia, depend on | pefore long and Canada, of course,|under way for several weeks, with) ®% "0 simple = words to make : Theyre purely vegetable. Safe. Sore My ; Silver as their internal standard of |gtands to benefit substantially from results sail to be:very promising, a we TOME starved heart glad, \ -- of Ask for them by name. Refuse cnn. 5Y £205 per ton depending on quantity. stands to - y : I'd spread some cheerful for It's funny, but von never hear of stitutes, ie at all druggists IT Vi The price of "F" shot was decreased value and medium of exchange, it can | any guch tacrease. . - . { Dereft rfulness for souls Iain oll jl J in proportion to £180 per ton . but Nickel Shows 62 Cents 'Per| bereft and sad, a navy ng a woman to reform ey Yovided to Mig per ton Share I'd right each Jittle wrong, and-mend. her, = er oY's : v RX Rk ! each broken thread --_-- This journal also referred to the fact Ilalf-yearly statement issued yes-|1q qo and say the little things might] Visitor--That girl is certainly the RIEHL terday by luternational Nickel Com- pany shows net profit of $10,012,642,00 hate 4440 204 said. Pit of Sealy) Stopped Instantiy Man---Yes, she's mighty well pain. for the first xix months in 1934, which | aii (eroanine ¢ oe | ted, - , compares with $1,862,888.00 for he h (groaning) Nature wasn't D. D. D. Prescription Speeds Relict very kind to us men, that nickel prices have been stabiliz- ed for a very long time; first on a gold basis of £175 per long ton and Jater on a sterling basis of £225 Special Reports on These Three Patricia District Leaders per ton. ' > same period In 1933. After payment | joj d--Now whi Agents -who are selling the new. Even the most stubborn itching of ; McKenzie Red Lake Cy of dividends on the preferred stock,| ann --well it ht was no way of | faneled cooling systems oS . et grienis, Anns, posite of other insect of Ts -P Pq net was equal to about 62 cents per a J NT, Rar on or te er 1 Ir bites, rashes and many other km atic, BESS ll Copper Production Hudson atricia Central atricia wap a ho cutontndiag comin shutting off a woman's tongue, she the sun, where one or two are badly | tions quickly yields to Dr. Dennis' pure, Canada's copper production fn May rose to 35,680,539 pounds as com. pared with 31,739,138 pounds in the preceding month and 21,056,268 oug'it to have fixed it so a man could | needed. cooling, liquid, antiseptic D. D. D. Pre- scription. Forty years" world-wide success, Penetrates the skin, soothing and heal- First Girl--So you and Maurice are| ing the inflamed tissues. No fuss -- no £4, ¥ Tne best time to do a hard thing |(o be married? Why, I thought it was muss. Clear, greaseless and stainless, We will gladly forward (on request) our recently-prepared SPECIAL REPORTS, that embrace the latest developments in the companies' affairs, also an opinion pertaining to the prospects stock. President R, C. Stanley in a letter accompanying the report, ad- vizes shar4holders that the company shut off his ears, = pounds in May 1933. During the five for capital appreciation from a market standpoint. Los pow faken second Hag me is, to do it right now and get it over |a mere flirtation. 11 Non Sion ne) rat ; months ending May, the Canadian STUDY The "PATRICIA DISTRICT", Ontario!! It's ow place pH i i of i with, Second Girl--So did Maurice. intense itching instantly: A 35¢ tial bot eh output totalled 149,282,704 pounds or : 46 per cent, above the production in \ ; the correspouding period of 1933 and tle, at any drug store, i guaranteed to 23S _ " prove it--or money back. D. D. DU is ACI Man--It's not safe to flirt with this| Good manners is nothing in the | made by the owners of ITALIAN BAL, £8 dancer. Her husband's got a title, Canada's greatest coming gold-producing area-- It Will Pay You dium, : } oO y world but a sane regard and respect 36 per cent, above the total for Jan- mn st es en sn ne em = CQUPON Stadacona Cuts Ore Friend--Titles don't mean anything| for the llkes a com ELA uary to May 1932, Blister copper out- T. H. MOWHIRTER COMPANY, foo - _Stadacona Rouyn Mines has cut 20 [to me, teclings BF others. A stole Bock 'on Bey, CSUR i gutewas recorded at 32,374,137 pounds Federal Building, Toronto, Ostarte © . i "MY tect of mineralized quartz aud schist | Man -- Maybe. But he's got the | "Good a Con Kon "a "ip May as against 28,475,000 pounds Without cost or obligation to mie, Llease 'furnish your BPECIAL at a depth of 460 feet on its main |heavyweight title. than this, te - in April, : REPORTS on-- INDICATE REPORT REQUIRED. . ny iu] nerd 4 © Export quotations for copper, that McKenzie Red Lake N - Sustomer--I° ot obliged to tak ternally. Ends skin 1s, net prices at United States re- ingen» Parsicla : - : . Cusiomer--I'm not obliged to take blemishes. At druggists fineries on the Atlantic seaboard, Centra. cia -- FR FE --- Our Statistical Department has pre- just what you've got, septs uid new large - ME PE EE EEE EE EE RL tt gseissestssetssssseccscnscscnce', IH Grover--No, 1erhe 3 t. I t . In " ™ . ppt Liv Bar ag nd om Na (Please print name) LITTLE LONG We Review and Map of the are oh'iged ", Rpm Bi 1 va A n a lo ¥ --_. ? : { : » high of 8.075, with an average for the AQATEHS .eovocseccscssstssisese-sosreatotesssaosccsccscsne Ad BIG LONG LAC got, | N RD nionth of 7.913. A slight decline was Ee CRE CN GOLD AREA SR Fas . recorded in the average price for|3 which is available without cost or obligation, to those interested. Simply Carionity WAY have killed 2 eas, dot KING OF PAIN electrolytic copper on the London ~ detach this form and mail with name and address attached, to humans are tougher than that. LIN TP NT pa Ltt a Mey ' . CORDINGLEY, PIKE & COMPANY The Missus says she doesn't care - I} 1EN:| : I ig and April 8 28166. Valued at i 8 King St., West, : TORONTO what happens to the currency as long , R ; Ad i as It remains current I N 3434 I these. prices the Canadian output in wl iatns -- 1s . ssue INo. iH May was worth $2,004,822 and the Pr eliminary Announcement J i April, $2,628,527. o cree ee ; pig : World Stocks of Copper : PUBLIC OFFERING et iy ----World stocks of copper on May 31 i a @ | {1} wera estimated at 538,373 tons; this 300,000 SHARES ey S i : represented a decline of 29,227 tons . ) oO (4 : 1%. during tho month. The United Stafes OF THE TREASURY STOCK : Wy accounted for 56.1 per cent, of the The 1 f ht : peoples of near lands and far ol fostonss. bps stocks I In of lands foregather in friendly rivalry " bg jose Ro py Mii i ve. in commerce and in sport, in the 3) 27,085 tons of refined and 7,902 of GLEN ORA GOLD MIN ES prey Hinsdlentes asics cpt i rough; on April 30, 26,646 tons of 3 LIMITED . hibition : al kx- ps refined and 8,360 of rough. . io ; i; KEY MAP TO Merchants are attracted from the gr , M . in-J KIRKLAND LAKE 'bazaars and market places of distant Ao \ viarriages in 1 95 GOLD BELT Soles ... from the potterics of Lik ' Increased 25 p.c : Stoke-on-Trent. . « from the planta- A p.C. tions of Colon vp Sierra Leone, In 9) Hinges: nw -- an atmosphere of carnival gaicty and 1X3 o Mayas aos h Jize da 70 romance the enterprising strangers PR ! anadian ¢ owns from abroad transact business and TR) per cent, more than in June ast year, join their Canadian brethren in FY It is noticeable that, since the be- bin hE ginning of the recovery in" business Wf I Spprecund of dw A conditions in the Dominion last year, . argest ¢ 3 on. (a the number of marriages has in. x ; "i : From over the seven seas, from the NN creased. Located on the main "break' and - Antipodes 2d fhe Unied Prstes Ni Births registered in these 70 cities » . "ve come athletes who strive mightily SN In June numbered 6,797, deaths 3,635 : immediately . adjoining the seven with Canada's best for world chan:p- a and marriages 4,061 as compared producing mines of 'Kirkland Lake. ionships on land and water. i with 6,002 births, 3,748 deaths and East meets west on common ground FY 8,230 marriages in June 12nst year, s ° - atthe "Show Window ofthe Nations" ax, i 3 showing an increase of 13 per cent. : : where Toronto once again becomes qos 3 1 ivths, a decroase of Sper cent, In : Will Shortly be Offered for "a place of meeting". This is the big a ig deatls and an increase of 26% per 4 year at your Exhibition. LR cent, in marriages, Public Subscription by a Yun kth Be hints Ny _ Births registered during the six|_ - Prendent General Manager he \E months, January -- June of this year, C. A. GENTLES & CO. GRANT JOHNSTON & CO. SN - totalled 39,009, deaths 23,860 and Memberg.The Toronto Stock Exchange Members Monreal Stock Exchange pe pid N marriages 14,460 as against 41,342 ; Bo : - births, 28,078 deaths and 12,987 mar- TOOLE PEET CO.; LTD. CARLILE & McCARTHY, LTD. py EL riages during the corresponding Members Calgary Stock Exchange Members Calgary Stock Exchange p= RE EF yn ii pericd last year.. This comparison > : " Fas 7 Tews feorenses of 8 por cent, | ||| BINGHAM-McKAY, LTD: _ A. E. JUKES 8 €O.; LTD. | births, one-half per. cent, in deaths, Medes Winwipoy nn ¥1 3 Yanowy, paid AUG 24-TO-SEPT 8 f ind- an increase, of 114 per cent, in * oh a . . tha unmher of marriages. .