Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Aug 1934, p. 5

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'0.A:C., Guelph, the roots were "exposed to the sun by } Page Kive ---- ---- rs THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS ISEASY IF YOUBUY = tf -- FROM -- TY ' BERT" MacGREGOR MARSH HILL i y | Election Expenses Mrs. Harry Guy and children, of | STATEMENT OF ELECTION EX- Layton, spent Sunday with her father PENSES OF W. E. N. SINCLAIR | James Carnegie. i Mr. and Mus. gHedley Stone, of| for election held June 19, 1934 Saintfield, spent Sunday at "Andrew Printing and Advertising ....$490.39 Davidson's. Hall Rents ........covviunnn. 80.00 There was a good turnout at the| Committee Room rent ....... 100.00 church service on Sunday. Polophofe - .ovvursir ir issns 29.39 "Misses Thelma and Joyce Hood, are| Postage .................... 200.00 visiting with friends at Pinedale. Miscellaneous ............... 94.41 Mrs. Wilmot Gregg and John spent| : a few days with friends in the city. [Total .........coooviiivinnn $994.19 Mr, E. C. Wayne and boys were on a fishing trip. to Georgian Bay. Miss Dorothy Lorimer, of Toronto, spent Sunday at Colin Lorimer's. i te > o---- PERENNIAL SOW THISTLE NOW IN EVERY TOWNSHIP Perennial sow thistle," one of the worst weeds with which farmers have to contend, has spread during the past 25 years until now jit' is reported in every township in Ontario, according to A. R. G. Smith of New Hamburg, supervisor of weed inspectors of Western Ontario. J This plant does not produce a bloom the same year that it grows from seed, If you see, a perennial sow thistle in bloom you may know it was in the field the previous year. This plant can be controlled by farm prac- tice... The root of the perennial sow thistle - will not stand heat. Experi- ments 'by: Prof. J. Ei Howitt of the showed that" where a summer fallow, they 'would die in one day, Oats and barley.are the two spring crops which give the perennial * sow thistle a. chance- to: mature. at seed. Fall wheat, hay and pasture crops, if harvested in time' keep. the "plant from going' to seed. Fal culti- = vation is not so effective as summer cultivation. The autumn is cooler and damper. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. Cooke Visited at the home of Mr. A. Rodd, on Sunday. ; Rey. and Mrs. Dyer and family, of Shelbourne, visiting with friends here over the week-end. Miss Nora McMillan is gone to New York for a month. : Rev. and" Mrs. Partridge and Miss Helen have returned from their holi- day in Hamilton, | Mr. and Mrs. Akhurst entertained the Young People at a dance last Thursday evening. - Mr. and Mrs. Gilmour, Toronto, at Mr. Marshall O'Neill's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bagshaw, Miss E. Bagshaw, and Mr, Fred Miller, Vroo- manton, at Mr. R. T. Lee's on Sunday. "(Too late for last week.) . My. and Mrs. Hall and family, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dyson, recently. Mrs. Walker, Toronto, has been visiting with relatives here. Mrs. Wallace and family, Mrs. Gunn and family, of Toronto, visited their mother Mrs, J. Leask, last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Real and family, and Mr. L. Real, Saskatoon, visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Real. * Mrs. Harris and children, of Hamil- ton, visited her sister Mrs. C. Leask, recently. Mr. H, Bewell, of Toronto, visiting with- friends here for a few days this week, NE ~ Ct FIRESIDE, PHILOSOPHER By ALFRED BlGQS Use everything; abuse mething.. ¢ a 0 Only ignorance despises education. * ® 9° . Real 'gonerosity has no strings to it. \ \ y * | Adversity is a true test of friendship. Fear of death y more fearsome thas death, t se oo 9° uive avery day as though i were your last, 3 eo 0 0 Man can he the most cruel animal en 'earth--and the mon kind. 1) * The Hves of multi: millionaires and : aviatatio re full of fear, "| Children's: Stockings: ........... Joseph P, Mangan, Official 'Agent for W. E. N. Sinclair. The foregoing is an abstract of the detailed statement furnished me in compliance iwth "Section 199 of The' R. J. BROWN, Returning Officer for, Ontario Riding. Election Act, R.S.0., 1927. | MPP ITRIC IE LE ws fn ais dhe PARTIAL | STATEMENT OF ELECTION EX! PENSES OF ERNIE MARKS | for election held June 19, 1934 | Printisg and Advertising ...$1120.20° Hall rents .......civeieiiennns 25.00 Committee Room-rent........ 30.00 Telephone ............ PETRI 5.60 Miscellaneous ............... 16.50 olka] | iv ois ruven sivas s tine $1197.30 A. 'J. Parkhill, Official Agent : for Ernie Marks. The foregoing is an abstract of the detailed statement furnished me in complidnce 'with Section 199 of 'the Election Act, R.S.0., 1927. "R. J. BROWN, Returning Officer for 'Ontario Riding. ~~ STATEMENT . OF ELECTION EX- PENSES OF ANDREW GLEN for .election held June 19, 1934 Printing and Advertising 0... $106.91 Hall rents .......ovvveevenn 30.00 Telephone ........0cevunnen 13.06 Transportation ............. 29.42 Miscellaneous ............... 31.12 otal ... isis ivvenenenessin +. $209.61 F. M. Dafoe, official agent for Andrew Glen. The foregoing is an abstract of the: detailed statement furnished me in compliance with Section 199 of The Election Act, R.S.0., 1927. R. J. BROWN, Returning Officer for Ontario Riding. Ey Port Perry Dominion Store MONEY RAISING SALE with the Greatest Sensational BARGAINS We invite you all to" come in to our] store and be convinced, Sale "starts Thursday, August 30th. Only a few of our bargains mentioned. Men's Dress Pants ........ Only 95c. Men's Work Shirts, double shoulders, well made ......... '5 vnwih ..69c. Men's Overalls;....a good buy: at 99c. Men's Wool -Socks ......... pair 19¢ Men's Dress Shirts, real value at 79c. Ladies' Street Dresses .....only "75c. Ladies' 'Silk Stockings, regular 39c. To clear at ...,....2 pairs for b9c. Ladies' Cotton Stockings, really good value at only va... 19c, .19¢. Many more bargains in, our: store waiting for your inspection. We have the agency of a reliable firm of Ladies' Fuk Coats at very reasonable prices. We can also re model your old fur coat just as good as new. We handle all Kinds of fruit at DERN '| reasonable prices. We also pay top prices for all kind¢ of fowl, For information phone 177. WOMAN WANTED for light house work. A. GILBOORD, Phone 177, Port Perry. Proprietor -- At the price only BUILT-IN NO.DRAFT VENTILATION GENUINE RUNNING ECONOMY MULTI-BEAM HEADLIGHTS CROSSFLOW RADIATOR RUGGED KY FRAME "OOK at them all--ride them all--check -4 them point fog point-- Pontiac against the field. And you will find that only Pontiac, at or near the price, gives you all the major advancements listed above. No useless trifles here! Each one is a vital factor in improved performance and car personality. Motors value. True, Pontiac presents one of the smartest airstream designs of the year. True, ability, riding quality, the GMAC plan. Pontiac CET a Features Built into this car are long life, satisfaction, expense-free service . . . typical General See the new models. Drive one. Learn how easily you can own a big Pontiac Straight Eight. We are prepared to make a liberal allowance on your present car, and to talk over with you the new, low time-prices on safety, economy -- in fact every item of motor car desirability has been improved. But depend- ability remains, as always, Pon- Prices of Pontiac cars, delivered, full at factory, Oshawa, (freight and license only extra) begin at Easy GMAC Terms equi pped overnmeng "1031 . tiac's first claim to your interest. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE . . PRODUCED vil CANADA H. R. ARCHER MOTOR SALES TL AL TH TH I TH IS HOLDING A Port Perry Baseball Club Street Dance in PORT PERRY TO-MORROW EVENING, Friday, August 31st ROUND AND SQUARE DANCING to music by the Monarchs of Rhythm Come and have a good time. Pasteurized Products ARE SAFEST AND BEST. Phone your orders to 238. We do the rest. PORT PERRY DAIRY G. OWEN, Proprietor. Phone 238 Admission 25c. ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE ! "| ADVERTISE! In the Port Perry Star. ---- TE I Tes. I) a F. W. BROCK & SON The RED & WHITE Store IF BETTER VALUES WERE AVAILABLE, RED & WHITE STORES WOULD HAVE THEM! P&G SOAP 5 5 hars for 19¢. JUTLAND SARDINES ©... 0... ... 2 tins for 13c.' RLACK PEPPER co... 5 Ib. for 17c.. JELLY BEANS 0 'y 1h. for 9c. ii HURON TOILET PAPER .............. .. 3 rolls for 10c. ¢ WHIZ IN "ECT KILLER ©... ooo cach 32ec. FLUFFO 0... ...2 Ibs for 2lec.- y GOLD MEDAL CHOICE PEAS ©... ..... tin 1c. "GOLD MEDAL FLOOR WAX ................... tin 25¢. ) BROOMS, 5-SUring «o.oo Each 3c. fOSUGAR > Ibs for 29c. Wl ONIONS, Cooking .......... 5 Ibs for 18c. ' CHEF PORN & BEANS large tin 10c. i FLY COILS, ©... 1 for 10c. ' GOLD MEDAL COPEL, Red Label ........ 1 Ih. tin 39c. \ CROWN TicA, per 1b. Sle. § SOCKEYE SALMON, ....................} V2 Ib. tin 2lcat MANYFLOWERS SOAP .................... Per bar He. Crosse & Blackwell's CATSUDR, oo... per bottle 19¢. 2% CHEF READY MEALS ©... 0... Special 2 for 25¢. A i GEM JARS, ........ small dozen $1.05. Large dozen $1.19 Xo i GRAPE NUT FLAKES (............ Special--2 pkgs. 23c¢. 3 if Gold Medal CUSTARD POWDER, .......... 16 oz. tin 25¢. AY § Gold Medal PREPARED MUSTARD oo... 00 jar 9c. vals 4 Gold Medal QUICK TAPIOCA oo. l .per pkg. 10c. IA \ AUSTRALIAN RAISINS ....... PEE Ep lhs for 23c. Yh ft WELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES. ..... ¢.....2 pkgs for 2lc. ih HOHANDY AMMONIA oo... Ce per pkg. Se ie TELL 7 1h. bag 28c. RED & WHITE FLOUR Phone 43, Hep Ta Port Perry i a Sing 2 Pa Sr Ct ti ap 2 v4 Shae THY FALL TERM Peterboro Business College Crens Tuesday, September Ath. Our office is open every day. Parents and voung people are invited to ¢all for personal inferview---this is advisable as we can go thoroughly into all matters pertaining to our courses. ' Jetter business conditions mean that it pays to get your bS Lraining NOW. Thirty students placed in the past three 'mdnths. ' i Call or Write for Particulars. J. A. McKone, P. A. Gilroy, Principal. President CAN IT BY DONE? - syRyGos met se v= er vm eee . -------- + -- --_ T_T" 4 TF ST" + Ss $a ST - . : ap mer et tt mat Tae a as tt AP ad Tf Ts eA AS tt Teh a Sl ae -- TT #45 & Fe $e $F Th Fa #8 FF 8 a # et Ft Pn a9 Tas 1. (ATE LLEVATOR CauiPPING THE TAIL GATE OF A TRUCK WITH ELEVATORS POWERED BY THE MOTOR WILL PERMIT EASY HANDLING OF HEAVY OBJECTS. CAN IT BF DONE? L Do you think this idea is practical? Write Ray Gross in citre of this newspaper ' SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN for magazines, periodicals, newspapers, at THE PORT PERRY STAR ara. -- ~ - _-- -- T_T Pt $4 Pt 8 Fe $e 4 #4 4 4 a 4 Sa a a a LIN 4

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