Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Jul 1934, p. 2

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ei EN he Storing Lemon Juice An Old Art Well Worth Reviving bottling jars without sugar, Squeeze the juice and strain through muslin into glass borling jars or fireproof bottles, put in the cork or cover light Jy, put into cold water, bring it gra- dually to bolling, let {1 boil for fif- teen minutes; press the corks in tight. ly, litt out the bottles and keep them in a cool, dark place til} required. The great point In preserving lemon juice 1s nol to let it stand at all, because It it does a fermenta- tion begins which very materially alters the acidity of the julce's anti- i... Chantecler That much he had gleaned from the furious interview. Two minutes later as he stood at the window gazing out, he saw her ride past, a slim Di- ana, and against his will was forced to admire the way she sat her horse. . 'Um. She's what youd call a top- notcher," ran his thoughts. "A bit besom too, as they say. I should not like to be the man forced to look at her face every morning for break- fast." : The door opened again. The butler last legs, that he was anxious to seil. -But the day I came here, when I loo- ked down and saw the old house in the hollow, I knew it was the place for me, When I read Dugdale I want it more." . He leaned forward. hig brown eyes dancing ' "Then when I saw Daphne I knew why I wanted it," he said. Lorna Gregory felt that strange uneasiness sweep over her again. "What happened yesterday?" she asked. eta { was the happiest man in the world." "Yes?" she asked, as he paused, "Something went wroig, 1 can't ex- plain to you yet," he replied. I've got t, see Daphne and set things right first. heard his side of the story, He grew hot all over remembering the look in her eyes, / 'You're not eating," said Mrs Gre- gory, for they were at supper now. "There is something you have not told me." He laid down his knife and fork. "Yes, there is," he told her frank- ly, "but before I do anything I must have a talk with Daphne. He smiled at her "Anyhow I've got the house, or as good as got it. The thing will be in London The tendency to "go native" in mat- ters of interior decoration makes it- self felt in the latest furnishing fab.. ries which; throwing to the four winds of Heavens the ribbons and roses of the traditional des!gns. have gone to the South Seas for inspiration, writes Mrs. Gordon Stablce in a London dally newspaper, Visions of Samoa and of Stevenson, of jungle growihs and camp fires are conjured up by the new materials in mineral output for the year. It is estimated that totas ments by Canadian mines in 1934 will probably exceed $50,000,000 : Gold mines naturally play a large part in the production of new wealth from Canada's minirg industry. The biggest dividend-producer in 1933 was Lake Shore Gold Mines, Limited, which distributed $0,000,000 Holling: er Consolidated was second with $4, 182,000, and Norands -third with $3. 359,700. Teck-Hughes paid $2.884,300; International Nickel $1,933,900 (all on dividend pay-§ Vast Aid in Education Hills- dale Professor Contends Iowa City, -Ia.--Nudism has' an educational value for the young and; | growing child, Dr. David M. Trout, professor of psychology at Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Mich., asserted in a prepared address delivered before the Iowa conference on child de- velopment, Children should have the oppor- tunity to see persons nude until they learn fully the anatomical differ- ences," Dr. Trout said, gcorbutic qualities. bowed. "You told me you meant asking Da-| settled in a day or two. I'm going up| which we ars expected to cover our | the wi ea home, wn He further declared that it is un- 9 "Will you please come this way,| phne to marry you, and I wished you|to town to-morrow first thing, and | chesterfield and enwrap our divan, nem Meri $1,480,000 (includ. wise to require a child to say prayers ist Fe sir. Mr. Hamill-Hardy is in the lib- | luck. But...." she seemed to hesit.| when I'm back. ...well, Daphne will Exotic Flowers. wy us iy Melntyre, $1, 44 to force any concept of God upon 4 " he said. ate "something is the matter. I feel have had time to think over things : ; 'gr 62,500; | him. wih 1 T he Loved Drea rary, A ; i : n : '| The flora of Java = cluster their|197,000; Wright-Ha greaves $962,500; He pointed out that children under y§i T ; all at sea over €verything. What is|and I believe--" he squared his shoul. ik tic le: he lconbridge, $799,900, Official - } : A TALK WITH MRS. GREGORY wrong?" N ders, "y believe she'll gee that she is spikey, exotic leaves upon a avy oy Pa iy PNAS An paid are 3. six years of age were unable to con Berl Cooksley in New York Times, Bweet was.my home in the far away, "Well, that's settled. You will have me for your neighbor now," said Mi- chael Borde, smiling across at Mrs. "Why should you. think there is something wrong?" he asked quick- wrong to condemn a man on hearsay, and not give him a chance to speak a cloth with a background so shaded as to suggest the fur rays endeavor- ing to assert themsclves through a complete, as several companies do. not publish financial sistements ceive of God as a reality, and that if 'ideas' were forced upon them they were most likely to become confused. 4 Fain 1 Under a tent of heaven's blue, * \ . . ; word in his own defonce." dense undergrowlh. To those who " ild asks his mother, 'What i GA But sweeter by far was the restless Grogesy to sha he Fuiined tie Pro-1 "Because Daphne sent a message it (To be continued) « | have gone no further afleld than Kew Tb Laas we die? the an- by play cee I 3 a gp ng: ing was impossible for her to come as bo 5 Gardens, it is the hottest greenhouse | coNSULT DOCTOR IF NECK swer shotild be, 'We are just dead A Of gold fn the hair and the smile of Sry on chy W nc p on't think can usual," she returned. 'Her father of all that leaps to the mind at the GLANDS ARE. ENLARGED | mother should explain that it is 'just A you. appen now, it's safe to assume that may be ill again, that has happened sight of it! te like when you are asleep.' i t the size and i Foun Yoans a5 yaxss lito without effor', In these strenu.| eck, Te hind iy ball. She had | reason the tales he tells aré not lies cdl if 8weet were the songs in that lovely : ous days a cheerful chject for con-| consistency » od and the | Put the products of an awkward im- 2 past, - | templation. : already had a glan YR agination, Parents should treat this Delicate, laughing, or sad and lone, } ; AUSTIN, Tex.--The House of Fer. For th fo Yinve ddopted the others treated with ultraviolet rays. story telling as a game, and help the rp But none has clung to me quite so guson, nearing twilight of its politi. or those who nave p Now this was one of those painful] ;.4 play it." a Ahk 1] fast 4 cal regime In Texas hag cast ita torch | Cult of the negrnid carvings there cases which we meet from time to 7K i As the little song that was all your FROM to younger hands. o Jy Hs asian hs to time where little can be done either 4 own. Governor Miriam A. Ferguson will by the Tappo fabrics of the African, | to arrest the trouble or to remove it. SEASON'S BEACH SUITS vy Dear was my youth in the long ago, Filled with the fields and the idle stream, But dearer by far were the lips I know In every waking and sleeping dream. Years have passed, but ever I turn, When the hearth is low and th - winds walk by, . To the one for whom my heart must Werbruge Lucy will be mine. Her dark eyes studied him with grave interest. He was so excited he could not sit still, she had seen that ever since he came into the before, but I feel that if that were the reason she would have told me." Her eyes were on his face, "I did ask her to marry me and she said yes," he said in a low voice, "I "Ma" Ferguson Now Housewife RETURNS TO CANNING AFTER return to her canning, her home and garden, at the end of her present term, y : "I will have served four years as governor and will have prosided over a very arresting s'uff, whose surface shows a cunning medley of conven tionallzed waves aud some specles of plant of 'the edible kind that in the neighborhood of the Pacific supports a mass of fine geometrical designs in brown on a fabilc in the natural color of the flax, Cobra Curves, Samoa has coutributed the theme of |. A lady .who had been suffering from glandular troubl3 for some years dame in to seé me, writes a doctor./Her general health was good, but there were two giands in her I -advised radium therapy for this lady, us I had seen « similar case "| where radium had stopped the spread of the disease in other glands All glandular enlargements are not Dr. Trout advised parents to en- courage the "lies" told by small chil- dren, ' "Before the fifth year," he said, "the child is unable to imagine time or distance accurately, and for that KIND TO PLUMP FIGURE The large woman outfitted In a bathing costume styled for her slim. mer sister has long been an object of ridicule, Designers of beach wear ii i "Yet you came up here to see me?" Method of "Putting Away" CIGARETTE PAPERS she said, a curious mile lighting ap Fruit' D : } her eyes, "You wanted my advice." =~ ». Fruit Described in More "You're right," he said, then a lit Than Century Old tle silence followed Cookery Book "I can't quite place things," le : went on after that pause, "You say], ; 0 = Sas san mm hne and her father have been 3 ile : When Jnops wore plentiful our Dip) he 2.14 That brings us to a| ¥ , YAEL ! . great grandmothers used to preserve x them and cranges iu varlous ways for iis Just wih pd Wor, Fn Orange Pekoe : Fresh from use when they were ecarce, Their i | Bl d G Juice may be wept fudefinitely by boil The double automatic booklet Wy doing deiose she vane 1p 380 you ; en o : - the ardens ing it down with sugar to halt its the pocket neatly, and keeps Ang WAGTH LICY 8 End A] - \ : Re Mrs, Gregory thought for a minute : 8 _ bulk and then botflings. but the fine the last paper just as fresh as the first i : favor of the fresh, fruit is lost, : EE | 4] really know very litle of Daphne 'Paddle-Wheel' Planes See Dignity, El In days gone by fresh lemon Julce Rows Sane Soo taki bint Vhs is a €- - : es : n 1 Af égance Or some prepucation of citric acid that ' ' . - : . . preserved all ita virtues for a long PRXXXIOOORXXXX RR RXRXXOOOOOEOODODDIODODD I] i 1 ASYe Dey z Piet wy) Jaiber al } For Futur e by Scientists Return to Dress time was an absciute necessity for |'% IX] now Is that he is an invalid, long sea voyages. Different eh o 3 that at some time or other he was in| Berkely, Calif.--Airplanes having aircraft offer advantages for military | NOTED BACHELOR S8EES WANE were tried for thi: purpore, some of i" | ! | © 3] business. What that was I cannot say, | neither wings nor screw propellors | duty in that there are no wings to OF THE CARELESS MODE ; which are worth experimenting on | | and I do not know where they lived." | were pictured recently to the Amerl- obstruct the view or to interfere with PARIS--Says the most fastidious of today." In an ol pook dated 1807 1 Jo i She waited. can Assoclation, Soclety of mechanic- [machine guns. The cycloidal propel Paris bachelors, M, Andre de Fouqu- the following is found: . DOR HO ba "It is not that there is anything|a! engineers, as the possiyle aerial |lor has the important advantage of leres: "Parisians definitely are aban- To keep lewon fuice buy the fruit i | | J U Hh 4 secretive about the Edens. All il Sap Komorrew, b) 2.0 Hoan, i Rojselas, a ; rersdn Why doning that devil-may-care Ae when cheap, keep it In a cool place | | amounts to is that Daphne is not com- 801 of aeronautical angineering €re seems e No n dressing, and are returning to the two or three days. If too unripe to |' By MRS. STANLEY WRENCH %| municative," she continued. "She has) at the University of Washington, this type cannot excell the alrplane | gignity, 'grace and elegance of other Bqueeze readily ro. each lemon under | %| been my right hand ever since she) This prospect, the aeronaitical sec: |In_any manoeuvre now performed. days." your hand to make them part with RK (Author of "Sing for the Moon" "Strange Lovers," etc). oH came to me." tion of the American Association for | Unless technical improvements ofl Andre's brother, Becq de Fouqu. "the juice more eeslly. Squeeze the TI I EA ny rice) "What's the matter with her fath-| the Advancement of Science was told, [ Presnt day aircraft are simplified it| (ores is the "Chief of the Protocol" juice into a ehina hastn, then strain RR RX XR XX XXX XXX XXX XXXOOOBOIOOOOOOR RRR O11 was Wie tah gue. is supported by principles of air me- | Will soon be necessary for a pilot to and regulates the deportment of pre- it at once through some muslin which SYNOPSIS - room, and Lorna Gregory attracted "Some spinal trouble. But I know | €hanics developed in Germany, France | &ain a doctor of philosophy degree in sidents, ambassadors, ministers and will not permi: the least pul to ss Michael Borde, iv, unmarried, born to him from the star: had waited . p 2 and the United States, and ie of prov- engineering before he will be able to even kings on occasions bringing them Have ready some Kostned sn 4 Very Lh LF mga sium ta Pow for him to begin very Bul" she answered, = What asl ool) fly a plane, B. T. Alleu, test pllot|yere Andre sets the style for nnot- --TS small bottles, fill them at once with 1p nobis business. Ono day he lfesls To her surprise, for she had expec- Sain god A Arange: ui a Professor Kirksten outlined the es- a Salininis, informed the aeronau-|g.ia1 folk when it comes to fashion 1 e itryside < . , the juice so near the top as only | his old home and motors ap there one | ted a different story, he started to re- used FN Le able 6 08 about ye I sential feature of this new type air- uy a it Hot Las Tereased and social custom, . to admit 14 or 1 teaspoonful of sweet | Spring day. He rescues Daphne Eden late the tale of his purchase } g ' "| craft as resembling nothing go much e ta p Bb "Formal evening attire," continues oll Into each (according to the size | [Jom a menacing tramp, falls in love "Wh d Pf S830 mean without my chair, but it was | "yp "yc donioq ferry boat propelled | 8reatly during the shift to the new | ino perfect bachelor, "Is ths sole at. of the bottles, )ork the bottles and De LL uvsees, vhs gonipty 81d b a ma S J Sse om en no affair of mine to poke my nose in with paddle wheels. Afr instead of | analysis meteorology in which he 18). which is correct for a big din- set them upright In a cool place. him with the words, "Get out of here, | 60 ACY" she asked. "It is a very |, =~ vp. peoples affairs, and so I ne-| water would constitute its ocean. rapidly becoming adept, Allen sald. qo. go soiree, or a gala ball, and it you cur. You ruined my home . . . stole | big place, it will need a lot of money ver went near the cottage, In fact," 2 y The pilot must be able to meet the steadily Is resuming its vogue here. Ready For Use. BY Site + +. broke my life . , . curse| to kep it up." she smiled drily, "for a time I bel Dealing with the Characteristics of requirements of extensive blind flying | po bo Well dresved ta an -rRpresuion The reason vou must sma | 7°" I Michael Borde smiled. ieved there was something wrong Syciaidal ajrisatt and hele pesto: operations and operate a highly su-|;¢ optimism, and also a courageous bottles is becansn when oft® opened Deliverately h he The ord 'I know," he said. "Y"vu got the MO- | with Daphne's father of quite a dif-| Ce a i Hight Tooisser percharged engine with rigid lmita-f nner of combatting the erlais. To . tho lemon julce must be used the en ra y op Howl ip rey though, That isn't why I feel half line oly Kirksten reached the concluglon: tions upon manifold pressure, power |p "ol dressed gives confidence to same day, When you want to use it,| When instead of "if" and saw, as he afraid now I've bought it, It is the liv- She t A her Head significant] 'Idling cycloidal propellors should | and engine revolutions which involve oneself and to others; it cheers and open the bottle, wind some clean cot-| expected, the ice-grey return. inghup to a-place like Werburge Lucy b : Abe Then h a 2 Wi be superlor to fixed wings in standard | a whole new field of engineering, Al- beautifies the atmosphere and clari- ton round a skewer snd dipping it in "You haven't bought. ...it yet," that'll mean a bit of doing. It's a ut smiled. wl ad er Ips gliders of airplane form. Cycloidal | len pointed out. fles the sky. We must defend Paris the ofl will be aitracted, and when |sho reminded him. "If you do," her place with traditions behind, and I i ne TE SW) against the bad taste and pretentious all Is removed the juice will be as | voice froze, "we may meet in the hun- h fl . oi , 1 Should not won oe ; . ugliness of the hooligans who go ano as when frst bottled. Care must | ting field some time. 1 wasn't able imag wi) Whi rn right," Fe sail, ) ; ay rn Wealth From . ni hatless, either to save money, be taken to squeeze only sound fruit. | to afford it -this season, bub..." fo ocent to step in aid tale over You mean ho doesn't want Daph- senched snm In 190% Canada's Mines! or to avoid saluting women whom With a little trouble the entire le-| again her words were chosen with de- a place tat has belonged to one fa- 38 to marry you, smiled his hostess. Tor neatly tive ferme. "Bariier Jin they encounter, We must protect mon may be preserved for the longest | liberate menace it seems that mon- mily ever. since it was built." Hous gti ig Joussy. " ehollifs Sat vita Go wite Ir Re. dice Ottawa.--Total dividends and bon. | Paris against such vulgar hissing cruise In air-tighi casks as follows: | ey can do anything. - . ' ve laughs at locksmiths," she - ; he Canadian mining| as gray trousers, a green vest, a re Take some floe sand make it very | He bit his lip. The haggage! Mon- | , He flushed like a schoolboy, yet| said in a low voice "I know she is ab-|utive cfiice Lig fhe hag 2 Lae he ik Wyse on as Ea muffler, a brown coat, a black and dry, Let it get cold, put a quantity ey indeed. She managed to convey Michael Borde found it more easy to solutely devoted to her father, but if of sovems iy ig Aare pg Ry D4 Sundin of Mines to amount | orange 'checker sm -- - SL of it into the hotlom of a dry cask exactly what she intended, that mon-| '31K to Lorna Gregory than to any Daphne cares for you she will find a x the bib Boden will carry of $30,000,000, compared with $26,.| The dinner jacket, he Sonsyen > other clean vessel; then take the ey was the only thing ho possessed, | One he knew. way of getting him 2 fall with pi anner in thls year's election, [500,000 in 1932, These totals are ex-| "1s a mesie place ot TRY a ug and put a layer of them in, | ~.p¢ my father sells you the proper.| 'I bought a copy of Dugdale's|her way of thinking.' . clusive of dividends pald by petroleum | ugliness x Su lla Yor. only peal Swing so:that they do not ty," she continued, "it will at least,| "Warwickshire," the other day," he| Did Daphne care for him? He companies, and are also exclusive of golece 2 tad beauty of feml Sine 2) yew in MOTe | ive me the satisfaction of being able said. "It was a deuce of a bother to| found himself asking that question \ . stock dividends, Metal mining com. | armonizo With the > i Teg oy > K or ABI in to hunt with the best pack in Eng-|get it but I did. It tells a lot about| over and over again. Yesterday he South Sea Designs panies contributed 91 per ceat. of the [ine finery FL Mg pp" Pe -- iy ot ia land. Oae can't do that without mon. | the house. could have sworn yes when she put i total dividend disbursement in Si = pelle in high preservation at the end. of [€Y in these lays, She waited content for him to do| her hand in his, and woked into his In Home Decoration Gold SATs Vale WY In . N di : several months. Oranges may be| She picked up her gloves, and drew | the talking. man, be upset by the ravings of a - lyr 1933 ny #4 olf sein Urges uaism preserved In the same manner. them on with the air of a queen who| 'It seemed as though it was Fatn| ¢YeS bus would any woman loving a o ." . . bo 25 agarognte total $i divi. F r Children' Bottled Without Sugar dismisses an audicace, that led me here,' he said, 'I did not | lunatic? Yon pd an i Savage Trends in Fabrics donde: DEKE In 1933 was approainste 0) = 5 Wout Yuico innys he Bottled tn bruit So this was Miss Hamill-Hardy. know that Hamill-Hardy was on his| # man unheard? Daphne had no § Especially Noticeable ly 13.6 per cent, of the value of the pe ovatls yearn the Governor's mansfon for almost Something more sinister has gone " But h As a tired child for a lullaby, : b Pp C seven years, This Is enough honor [to the planning of a material which | of iy Duane os for 1934 have come to her rescue, ow. AE y ® © for one family," she safd. simulates the sinuous movements of me os eo Ne SER or eT ever. Not only do we new Sis int. hi And ever I hear my heart repeat : Governor "Ma" Ferguson now 18|the cobra, its broad curves shading |8lands in the : WE mize her ore, but they are good-look- 7 The embers will burst again In - . 59, a gray-halred woman, weary of|their colors gradually into one an-|gin to enlarge. Of course, 5 ere 18| ing, ag well, ke Name, I am a fair-minded guy, I reckon, ditch a light sedan with one of its | political bargaining, other #0 as to give a curious sense |any source of infection. such as a| The trend Is to wide shoulaer straps ; : And 1 shall find her little street In spite of ¥hat people sometimes say [ wheels half a dozen yards away. | of vitality, such as is generally want-| decayed tooth or a discharging ear,|and arniholes cut to detract attention bgp, Twice she rescued the political for. y ; byi " he bl shoulder, also pleats WIE And call once more her brief sweet | about speed-cops, Buf there is one The story? Didn't take 1 Ing in striped patterings. This applies | an enlarged gland is an, obvious re-| from the plump sh ,» also p YRres = scene | thing that get oat sure - and Sf 0rY © 100g to get | tunes of her husband, James B,|lng : the side to decrease the width of 5 i name! -- tong bets my g that. Car comes bowling along =| (Farmer Jim) 'Ferguson, by going to|llkewise to anothar stripey motif that | sult, ) on the side iv : on Shiver JEoisining nih Pol algicr p00 | the campaign stump - herself. Ferg. |is flerived from birch-bark, And rest p : . - N AAT What do you suppose we put up |busy to see the school sign--bunc ives the effec' of something tha : i a signs fore jo) aft of the ® oo Jt kids came jumping out of the play. | -- - TE Mite in it, d Ww ted j fe { 'A Smile schools for? Ornament--or something? A ayer iva 69 of bitdins them Another feature of the South Seas eas an ( ERR - | --loses her _head--car wobbles over : oi ; ; ; om ------ Know that stretch of highway be- | into the- ditch--kiddles scramble 'for is conveyed by a fabric that is based "Artists and Authors, Amateur or Professional are invited ; R) Je g Teacher -- Junior, glvo a definition | Jona, Jonson's ener side. of Selotiveatly Bet nb Sond go on the swirl and whirl of a mael-)|| 4, gend ug saleable Sketches, Illustrations, Designs, Short i mt] : nto hysterics from sheer ; or strom. / TYiIe a WERNETS, POWDER : . Stories and Articles. si of home, straightaway with™ a lttle school] oo "LF Lo drags done, ar Dn CWUER © J iis id il Ip: ia 0! Junfor--Home 18 where part of the hows 2h the ROMY, las) wel), 4) ring a brokenoff carwheel and ay, Bold the world ovet~Dr Wernet's } Are You Artistically Inclined: w ednesday appen ] a : 1.4 ; ak. family waits until the others are along 'bout the middle of the after. Tol ot 3 ale Detvs DT Hitchinson, Kas.--Perhaps the old ||| we ofter you practical instruction and criticism on Paint- : i tbrough with the car. soon, when 1 see a commotion up by [ ceil DEEN A MAJOR TRA: Saying that the way to a man's heart ings; Landscapes and Flowers in Water Colours; Send a fs 3 i) ho Tg ir Tole Seng Why won't peopie understand that is through his stomach had something three cent stamped envelope.for full information. : : ; "4 Phas, trouble. Group o little Kiddies sob. | k!ds haven't: got the sense of grown. to do with Alvin Allen's winning the | d Unlimite d . i | Its the foolsh man who pulls |bing; teacher trying to calm them; a bE SARY XPle give 'en Just op title of the "most beAutiful man," at ea ieas : ad down his character In an effort to Supls dies sitting on Je ide side schools? y | drogstore: i Ls the federal transient centro here, THIRTY-NINE LEE AVENUE, TORONTO | : . Gr i build vp his reputation. crying, Y00; and 7) %lts "side po the Well--Fll be seeing you, Issue No. 29---'34 Allen Ji the centre's chet. Pri ' 1 Nay: lj 4 : / : / >

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