Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Jun 1934, p. 8

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Page Bight PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 28th, 1934 . a -- =_--s Myrtle Station The W. M. S. meeting, which was held at the home of Mrs. D. G. Ross, on Thursday last, was fairly well at- tended, and a very interesting pro- gramme was enjoyed. The meeting : opened with a hymn followed by prayer and the reading of the minutes. The President, Mrs. Totton, had charge, and read the devotional leaflet about "Dorcus, the woman who was always wanted." One of the members sang "She Only Touched the hem of His garment" between the two parts of the reading. - Mrs. Cross then sang a beautiful solo, "Just For To-day." Mrs. Harrison then gave a paper on the fourth chapter of the study book, Fourth daughter of China." Mrs. Chisholm gave a temperance reading and Mrs. Totton and Mus. Leury sang a pleasing duet, "A Little Talk: With Jesus." Mrs. Hudgins spoke a few kind words of appreciag- tion for Mrs. Totten and her work for {the W.M.S. while she was in charge. We regret to lose our friend who is soon leaving for another field. After the roll call and collection the meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. The next place of meeting will be an- "Lady nounced later. On the evening of June 15, a very successful piano recital was held at the home of their music teacher, Mus. [.. Tordifl. Pupils from Brooklin, Ashburn and Myrtle took part in a very fine manner. Lunch was then served by the hostess to the pupils and their mothers, who attended. The baseball club journeyed to Port Perry last week and had a real good game, which resulted in a score of &-7 in favour of Port Perry. Next Friday evening Manchester team are coming to Myrtle for a game, instead of Thursday as scheduled. Mrs. and Mrs. Frank Hall and grandson, and Mrs, _Lammiman, of Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. Lane. : Mrs. Geo. Chisholm and daughters Jean and Betty, of Toronto, visited with relatives here on Sunday. Mrs. (Dr) Marshall, of Hamilton, was the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bright. From here she in- tends going to Ottawa for a visit. © We are sorry to hear our friends Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rodd, are planning to move to Scugog Island, in the near future. Miss oJ. Brown, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss Viva Briggs, who is home from Oshawa at present, helping Harry pick strawberries, which are a good crop this year, Miss Annie €lark, of Oshawa, was the guest of Miss Doris Magee, the past week. Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert Chisholm and Mrs. Leury, enjoyed a motor trip over the week end, and visited at Sterling, Marmora and West Huntington, where they called on Rev. R. J. and Mrs. Merriam. The patriotic programme which the Sunday School put on last Sunday, was indeed a fine one, and much en- joved by all present. The S. S. pienic is on Thursday of this week at Osh- awa Beach. Rev. J. O. Totton preached his fare- well sermon last Sunday evening. The sermon itself was one that might well be remembered it contained so much good, while his parting message was most fitting for the occasion. On Monday evening about thirty- five friends, all ladies, with the ex- ception of two, assembled at the home of Mrs, Hudgins, and had a social time, and during the evening present- ed Mrs. Totton with a very lovely re- {lector and cut glass flower vase and cake plate. Mrs. Hudgins read the address, while Mrs, Cooper presented the gifts. The delighted lady gave a very fitting reply of thanks. Rev. J. O., Mrs. Totton and Harold, are leaving on Thursday for their new home at Freelton, in the Hamilton Conference, Their many friends wish them every success in their new field. as SCUGOG Worship next Sunday evening will be in the Head Church at 7.30, instead of the Centre. Well, scholars, this is the last week at school. We wish you all a very happy holiday, also the teachers. We congratulate the Foot school and the Head school on retaining their teachers, Miss Inez'Fralick and Miss Ww. Niddery. We are very well pleased with our softball teams. At Uxbridge, on June 20th, the girls played Quaker Hill, and won by a score,of 8-7. Then they played Brooklin girls and were sur- prised when they won with a score of 13-10. Then in the finals they played Pickering girls to a tie at the end of the game. Four extra innings were played and the Scugog girls finally "were victorious by a score of 13-12, The prize was $6.00 worth of goods for the team. ithe boys did splendid work, too. Lheir hse game was witn udora, and Livy woll with a score or 19-4, 'Lhe LUAU gdine was witn guaker Hill, WILE again by a score oi ¥-8. In une liar game uiey played Claremont, put 108L by 4 score ot 10-13. Lthose who aittenaea uiese sports re- pore a very pleasant auy. mr. W. M. oroskery invited the boys 0 ne ttolstean breeders' Field Day nela av vrono, on Saturaay, June ord LW piay a game o1 ball against a pick- ca team, anda they came home all smiles and with tne prize--tlwo new »01L balls, Lhe next game for the boys will be a league game al wie centre School when ey pay with rore rerry on oaturaay, June outh, tne azorthnnswer girls came here asl rriaay evening and beat our girls vy a score of 21-11, the uxbridge girls to show us. how they piay are the tootball boys nad game with ureenvank on nigni--ureenbank z, Scugog 1--No so good! / congratulations to Leona Prentice ana Heien Coneren, ot the Head School, and George tanes or the Ccen- tre School, on getting ther luntrance un wie years work. Glad wo hear hittle Shirley Raymond ol rine tomt, 1s gewung along fine atter her operation at the Port terry 1ospital, mr. 1'. Hood visited his sister Mus. J. Latimer, in Port Perry, for a few anys recently. srs. C. sSamells and baby Helen, visited Mrs. Geo. Samells, one day last week. ' sr. Beacock "visited his brother at Brampton, recently. . Mrs. Miller, Boston, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Joblin, last week. Mrs. L. V. Savage, of Oshawa, and Mrs. Holman, of loronto, visited with Mrs. C. Graham, last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hardy and Clara visited with Mr. and Mrs. O. Jeffrey 'on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Demara, Grace and Glen, visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wannamaker, at Seagrave, on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Graham is spending her vacation with Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Sweetman. . . Mr. Glen Hood visited his friend Mr. Milton Demara, on Sunday. Miss Myrtle Jeffrey has returned to her home after spending a few weeks at Seagrave. Myr. and Mrs. C. L. Fralick and Beth spent the week end in Toronto. Mr and Mrs N Crozier, Bobbie and Shirley, expect to leave for Medicine Hat, Alberta, the end of this week, where they will spend some time with relatives We wish them an enjoyable holiday. } Miss Bonathan, of Bowmanville, was the guest of her friends Mr. and Mrs. Joblin, for a few days last week. Mr. W. E. Earl, of St, John, is visit- ing his cousin Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fra- lick. Myr. H. Fralick is visiting in To- ronto for a few days. Miss Doris Williams of the Centre School, took her pupils to Lakeside Beach last week for a car ride, and treated them to refreshments. It was an enjoyable outing for the pupils. Anniversary service of the Scugog W. A. will be held in the Centre Church on Sunday, July 8th, and on 'Monday, July..9th, the Wick Dramatic Club will present their new play "Eyes of Love". Further announcement next week. We are having numerous blessings in the way of showers these days, and everything is looking splendid. GEALED TENDERS addressed to the under- signed, and endorsed "Tender for Freight Shed, Oshawa, Ont.", will be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Wednesday, July 11, 1934, for the construction of a freight shed at Oshawa, Ontario County, Ontario. , Plans and form of contract can be seen and specification and forms of tender obtained at this Department, at the offices of the District Toronto Builders Exchange and Construction Industries, 1104 Bay Street, Toronto 6, Ont.; also at the Post Office at Oshawa, Ontario County, Ontario. ' Tenders will not be considered unless made on printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with conditions set forth therein, Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Can- ada, payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal\to 10 per cent: of the amount of the tender, or: Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its consituent companies, unconditionally guaran- teed as. to principal 'and interest by 'the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque if required to make up an odd amount, Note-+Blue prints can be obtained at this Department by depositing an accepted cheque for the sum of £10.00, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, which will be returned if the, intending bidder submit a regular bid. By order, N. DESJARDINS, } Secretary, Department of Public Works, "Ottawa, June 22, 1034 . Engineer, Equity Building, Toronto, Ontario The Sunday School and Church ser- vice on Sunday were well attended, Our pastor, Rev. Mr. Green, preached his farewell sermon. Mr. John Osborne visited his son Mr. Norman Osborne during the past week. ed to Valentia with the ball team on Saturday evening and report a very exciting game. The score being 4-2 in favour of Zion, The friends of Mrs. Fred Western are sorry to heal she has been on the sick list during the past week. Myr. and Mrs. Norman Eagleson, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Downer, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Stokes, attended the wedding of their brother, John Tam- lin at Cambray, on Saturday. Mrs. W. Sloan of Little Britain, visited Mrs. Norman Jacobs, on Thurs- day. We Wy Acton and Mrs. Thornton, visited their mother, Mrs. J. Sloan, on | Thursday. PRINCE . ALBERT Last Sunday instead of the regular Sunday School lesson being taken, the teachers and pupils were given an ad- dress by Miss Burr, on her work in Japan, La This year our Sunday School picnic is being held on Thursday of this week, at Oshawa Beach. Owing to the Sunday School picnic being held Thursday the Women's Association are having their June meeting on Tuesday of this week, at the home of Mrs, Luke. Mrs. Philp and Mrs. Murphy are providing lunch. On Tuesday of last week the Prince Albert football team played the Green- bank boys at Greenbank, losing by a score of 2-1, But on Saturday night they defeated the Brooklin team here by the score of 2-1. Congratulations to Miss Betty Wauchope and Miss Doris Murphy, on winning their Entrance examination on their year's work. The work on the school proceeds apace. The south and east wings have been torn down and at present the digging for the basement is proceed- ing. - =This gives employment to a number of men and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Philp were at Utica last Wednesday evening attending the birthday party of Mrs. T. Sonley, who was celebrating her ninetieth birthday. Mr. and Mrs, W. Hodgson, of To- ronto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. Ettey. } 'Mr. W. Heal, of Waubashene, called on Mr. John Jeffrey last week. Mr. Heal was a former resident of this village. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jeffrey of the Bank of Commerce, Alberta, are re- maining with Mr. Jeffrey and the boys for a short time. Mr. Pollard, of Toronto, has return- ed to Prince Albert to spend the sum- mer with Mr. and Mrs. Philp. Sunday visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Jones, of Detroit, with Mrs. Jones' mother, Mrs. J. Foley, also Mrs. Casey and children, of Toronto, and Mr. and Murs. Turner, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Philp. . One of the most beautiful flower garden's in this village is to be seen at Mr. John Warren's. The evergreen hedge seems to protect the flowers front 'the heavy cold winds and the bloom is most abundant and beautiful, especially the canterbury bells and the peonies, besides numerous other EPSOM On Thursday afternoon Mrs, Robert J. Clark has invited the Epsom Ladies' Aid to her home for the regular meet- ing -and .also her Bethesda friends. These meetings are usually held on the last Thursday of the month. Last Thursday the ladies of Epsom] congregation met and thoroughly renovated the Church rooms and their labour of love is much appreciated, At the young people's meeting at [ipsom, Mr. Wilson has charge and it is "expected that Mrs, Ray Medd will take the topic. A goodly number is requested. Most of the friends in the vicinity of Epsom are anticipating a record at- tendance at the Decoration services which are held annually at Utica. Good speakers have promised to attend and good musical program. The cemetery grounds are improving, year by year under the watchful cave of the vigilant caretaker, Mr. Enoch Kendall, The copious rains have rendered good ser- vice also during the past week. WEDDING SHOWER AT EPSOM On Friday evening last a goodly number of the young people from Epsom, Bethesda and Utica, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Medd to give them a royal welcome. The young couple have recently come home from their wedding trip and it was estimated that at least 126 were present. : A large number from here journey- They presentéd the young couple them both would be supremely happy. with an Aladdin Lamp; a bed coverlet and other useful articles. Besides this Miss Dorothy Prentice read an address fream and much cake was consumed of appreciation of the services rend-| PY the visitors who came to assure the ered in the past by the young couple |newly weds that their residence among and expressing the hope that life for!them was much appreciated. On [0 [ The whole of ten gallons of ice Holiday Tire wh & ilk GOODYEAR Speedway tread tires for the thrifty motorist b Made with Supertwist cords, thesé new Goodyears will be SAFE for thousands of miles. p 9 months guarantee against defects and road hazards. Pp Rims cleaned and tires mounted without extra charge. 5.25 6.65 | 5 90 7 25 BEARE BROTHERS Dealers Port Perry, Ontario Size 4,75-19 Size - 9 months 4.40-21 CUED SET ET] H defects and road hazards Size 5. 00-19 Size 4,50-21 DOMINION DAY EXCURSION COBOURG to ROCHESTER, N.Y. ~ MONDAY, JULY 2nd, ONLY $1.25 RETURN (Children 65 Cents) (SCHEDULE--STANDARD TIME) GOING RETURNING Leave Cobourg 8.00 a.m, Leave Rochester 5.45 p.m. Arrive Rochester 1.45 p.m. Arrive Cobourg 11.30 p.m. EXCELLENT ORCHESTRA on board FOR DANCING. Ample free motor parking space at steamer dock at Cobourg Low prices for meals on steamer Breakfast 50c. © Lunch and Dinner, 75¢. each Also Lunch Counter Service. Purchase Tickets from Local Canadian National Agent . -or at Steamer ONTARIO CAR FERRY COMPANY Cobourg-Rochester Steamship Route G.T.21 WHEN you've been away for days . « + and they may be worried at home . . . and you reach a telephone... LJ Call them on Long Distance ] n « « « you can't start boasting too soon LI % \ ® Even a fisherman's family sometimes worry about him, and Long Distance is the quickest, easiest way for 'any kind of message. You 'can talk 100 miles or so for as little: as 30 cents. Rates are listed in the front of your directory. : . fi Skin Lotion : oA Softee, Whiter Shin Sustantly ..... Soothing Melba Lotion protects lovely skins from sun and winds as nothing else can do. A few drops instantly softens be- cause it restores needed moisture to d skins--yet it is not greasy. Thousands sdy it is opti? for face, neck, hands and arms. And a perfect powder base. TWO SIZES 38' 55° Melba Lipstick, Indelible - - Melba Rouge; Natural Tones 3p If your dealer cannot supply you; send us his name TORONTO PARFUMERIE MELBA of CANADA, LTD. ~ Tasty Meats for Every Day * Whether you do your marketing "in person" and select your own meat from the butcher's counter, or whether you do your shopping by telephone, you are always sure of getting just what you ask for. We have made a study of -the different cuts and you can always rely upon getting the particular cut you require. START THE DAY BY USING OUR BREAKFAST BACON CAWKER BROS. Phone orders to.29 w, Port Perry. A fresh carload of ST. MARY'S CEMENT just arrived. Also LIME, HARDWALL PLASTER, TILE, ete., on hand. COAL Famous Reading Anthracite-- that Better Pennsylvania Hard Coal. You can always depend on getting the very best heat satisfaction when you order FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE. + Prompt Delivery COKE :-: HARDWOOD :-: SOFTWOOD PORT PERRY COAL YARD W.-G. W. PYATT Phones--94 W and 94 J. "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" Gerrow's Bread and Pastry. are Delicious This is the remark made by our customers. They are wholesome, too. If you are not a regular customer let one of our drivers call when on his route. You will be: more than pleased with our goods and services. 'GERROW'S BAKERY | Bakers and Confeotioners, Port Perry. CAMPANAS GIFT--Italian Balm 35¢t. Dreskin 35c. Both for 356c while they last KODAK FILM--Verichrome Kodak film in all sizes. Developing, Printing and Enlarging. Expert work : and daily. service. : BATHING CAPS--new styles and all colors, 15c., 25¢. 50c. OLYMPENE--nothing better for those'inclined to athletics. 4 oz. bottle 50c. 10 oz. bottle $1.00. FACE POWDERS--Regular 75¢., now 43c. now 29c¢. Regular 36c., now. 19c. PERSTIK--Theé quick easy way to stop perspiration odor, ; \J 60c. PERS P--Anti-perspirant, safe and easy to use. PREP prepares your face'for a painless shave. Also good for sunburn, chapped hands, insect bites, chafing, ete. SPECIAL CANDY for the week end, 29¢c. per 1b. J. H. Stephenson here on Thursday, June 28th, in afternoon. Morrison's Drug Stere Port Perry Phone 16 " Ontario Regular 40c.,

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