Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Jun 1934, p. 4

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Page Four LOCAL ITEMS COMING--¥., E. Luke, Eyesight specialist, at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry, on Thursday, June 28th. ~ Mr. and Mrs, Greenbank, of Nor- wood, visiting with their daughter Miss Greenbank, last week, FORMER PUPIL REMEMBERED Mrs. J. W. Burnham of this village received last week a telegram of greeting and remembrance from the assembly of graduates of Bishop Strachan's School, at the commemora- tion ceremony, held in Toronto. Mrs, - Burnham was the first to register at this school in its first year of 'ex- istence away back in the sixties and is one of the few survivors of the class of her year. The Rt. Rev, Doctor Owen, Bishop of Toronto, will pay his first visit to Port Perry since his election, on Mon- day, June 11th, when he will hold a confirmation service at the Anglican Church, at 7.30 p.m. The Rector and Wardens of the Church desire to extend a cordial in- vitation to all to meet the Bishop on this occasion. Miss Thora Kaufman, of Toronto, and Mr. Dawson Kaufman of Sudbury, were home with their parents over the holiday. COOKING DEMONSTRATION Attend the Cooking Demonstration on Coleman Instant Gas Ranges, at the Parrish Hardware, on Saturday, June 9th. SL Ww. C.T. U The annual convention of the W. C. T. U. for the"Counties of Ontario and Durham, will be held in the United Church at Port Perry, on Friday, June 16th, The mobning session com- mences at 9 o'clock, afternoon session at 1.30 o'clock. Mrs, John Wright, of Brantford, Provincial Treasurer, will be the guest speaker. The public are cordially invited to attend. Mr. C. V. Purdy leaves this week for a trip to Europe. We join with his friends in wishing him a safe and pleasant voyage. We are pleased to hear that the four young men who left here for Northern Ontario a few weeks ago, have secured work at Kirkland Lake. They are Don. Boe, Don. Shepherd, Bob. Car- negie and Fred Marshall. : BAD ACCIDENT Mr. George Symes, while boarding a moving truck at Ryan's corner, slipped and was run over by the truck. It is reported that he sustained a broken ankle, head and body injuries. We wish for this young man a speedy re- covery. EEE TA EEE IN MEMORIAM VEALE--In loving memory of Grace Veale, who was called home on June 6th, 1933. Gone from us her smiling face, Those happy, cheerful ways; Her heart that won so many friends, In bygone, happy days. ) Her nature you. couldn't help loving, Her heart was purer than gold; * To those who knew her and loved her, Her memory will never grow old. Her beautiful life came to an end, . She died as she lived, everyone's friend. lied He ! Iver remembered by Keith. OD Port Perry Dominion Store When you feel you should be able to save a few pennies on some articles, why not try our store, and you will "see for yourself? These are just a few of our money- saving bargains, our store is full of them: Ladies' Silk Bloomers, clearing at 45c. Ladies' Angle-Skin Bloomers, latest styles and shades, only $1.10, Men's Red-Back Pants, to clear, $1.25 Men's Dress Socks, to clear, 2 prs. 39c. Men's Work Socks, only 2 prs. 3be. Men's Fine Dress Straw Hats, clear- ing at remarkably low prices, Visit our store and see other gains of which we have plenty. We pay top prices for fowl, wool, bar- DECORATION SERVICE AT PINE GROVE CEMETERY, ON SUNDAY, JUNE 17th, 1934. Programme 1 Hymn--*"Rock of Ages" 3 2 Scripture Reading--Rev. T.A, Nind 3. Prayer--Rev. W. J. H. Smyth 4. Selection by the Band. 5. Address--Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, 6. Hymn--'"Jesus Lover-of My Soul" 7 Address--Rev, T. A, Nind 8 Selection by the Band. Hymn--'Abide With Me." No cars will be allowed in the ceme- tary after 1 p.m., except at the park- ing spaces provided. Thos. J. Dobson, President. rrr me atl NAP A reer GIRLS' SOFTBALL NOTES The Port Perry Softball team is certainly improving with age. There are two more victories to be reported. On Saturday, June 2nd, the girls reluctantly took the treasured cup back to Mount Albert, prepared to give it up to the winners of the tourn- ament; but equally prepared to do their best to return with the cup to Port Perry. Three teams had entered, Stouffville, Unionville and Port Perry. When the games were called, it was learned that Stouffville were not com- ing, therefore the battle would be be- tween Unionville and Port. This is the third year that Port has met Unionville at Mount Albert. The first year we were beaten, (we won't men- tion the score), but have been success- ful both last year and this year. Right up to the fifth inning Unionville were in the lead, and 'at the first of the sixth, we ran into the field with our hearts in our boots. "Then Betty started pitching. And how she did pitch! The strikes just sizzled over the plate and the Unionville girls did not have a chance. The game ended after seven innings with a score of 17-15 in favour of Port Perry: close, but then as the old saying goes an inch is as good as aymile. Thé Union- ville girls are good losers as well as good players, and we always enjoy playing with them. You will recall the cool (7) weather of June 2nd, and due to the intense cold, it was necessary for each player to consume at least three bottles of pop during the game. The pop seemed to agree with them, however they won the game. And so the Mount Albert Girls' Softball cup was returned: to Port Perry for another year. If we win it next year, it's ours "for keeps." On Monday, June 4th, the Port Perry girls played an exhibition game with Bethany at North Nestleton. It was another hot day; but the warm weather apparently 'agrees with the Port girls. We have met the Bethany girls on several occasions formerly, but this is the first time we have de- feated them. Like everything else there has to be a fifst time. The score was 26-21 in favour of Port. The schedule for the Ont.-Durham Ladies' Softball League including teams from Uxbridge, Scugog, Brook- lin, North Oshawa and Port Perry will be printed as soon as possible. The girls are daing their part in playing the games; do your part to help them, and attend the games. They promise to be interesting and exciting. -- OEP PB IN MEMORIAM In loving meniory of our dear wife and mother, Ellen Samells, who passed away June 8th, 1925. In our hearts your memory lingers, As it dawns another year; In the lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of you, dear mother, are always near. : "Tis sweet to know we'll meet again, When troubles are no more, And that the one we loved so dear 'Has just gone on before, -- Husband and family. ------ > CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8 a.m.--Holy Communion 11 a.m~--Morning Service, ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Kev, hides, horse-hair and other farm produce. Phone 177, ALIX. GILBOORD, Proprietor D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m.--Evening Service. <= Ce ICE C 'PHONE 93, TIT Te TW Te WE SERVE "AND COOL DRINKS Try our Brown and White Bread It's Good CHAMBERS' BAKERY I Tg REAM PORT PERRY -Have had hospital experience. ~ | title other than t ADVERTISING RATES For Readers--1 cent per word per insertion. Minimum: 15 cents. Re- mittance must accompany copy. | PRACTICAL NURSING The undersigned is prepared to do practical nursing -at reasonable rates. Mrs, D. Gribbin (nee Frances Christy) Phone 179, Port Perry. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned until June 22nd, for ninety (90) yards of gravel to be drawn from the Holtby pit and delivered at the Pine Grove Cemetery; tenderers to pay for gravel at the pit. : A. W. ALLIN, Ch. House and Grounds Co., Port Perry, Ont. FOR SALE By Mr. C. J. Howard, Osler Farm, Cartwright, (old Hooper Farm.) Dresser, 2 Bedsteads and Springs, Chest of Drawers, Quebec Heater, Cook Stove (Old Homestead), Organ and Stool (Dominion), Table, Barrel Churn, Dash Churn, Kitchen Cabinet, (mouse proof), Writing Desk and Bookcase, combined, pair Step Lad- ders, Wheelbarow, Cow Chain 30 feet long, Couch, Set Single Driving Har- ness, Lawn Mower, 13 chairs, Any reasonable offer accetped. NOTICE : - Painting and any kind of work done at reasonable prices. ED BALFOUR. FOR SALE -- Tennis Racquet, new, "National" with wrubberized cover. Phone 174 r 4. FOR SALE . One pure bred Holstein, fresh; one Durham, fresh; one old cow. Apply to Art Woodley, Prince Albert. LAW OF FICE | GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Money to Loan Now located in the office of H. W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, Queen Street Phone 264 Phone after hours: 8614 Oshawa. WHEN WALKING IN TORTURE use Cress Corn Salve. It sure does 'the work. Ask for it at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. a IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO in the matter of the Mechanics' and Wage Earners' Lien Act CARNEGIE VS. CALDER Pursuant to the judgment and final order for sale made in this cause there will be offered for sale by public auction in one parcel, with the 'appro- bation of the undersigned Local Master, by William Maw, Auctioneer, at Graham's Hotel, in the Village of Brooklin, in' the Township of Whitby at the hour of two o'clock in the after- noon (Standard Time) on Monday the 11th day of June, 1934, the following lands and premises being in the Town- ship of Whitby, in the County of On- tario, and being composed of the North half of Lot Number Twenty- One (21) in the Seventh Concession of the said Township, save and except that part of the said North Half of said Lot occupied by the Provincial Highway, the Grand Trunk Railway, and that portion of the North West corner conveyed to one Willian Jef- frey by deed registered as No, 4913. The premises are said to consist of a farm of ninety (90) acres more or less close to the Village of Brooklin and adjacent to the-highway, on which is said to be erected a house and barn and a good well: The property will be offered for sale subject to a first mortgage securing $2600.00 principal money, with inter- est thereon at 6% per annum from the 9th day of October, 1933, said interest being payable yearly on the 9th day of October and the principal falling due on the 9th day of October, 1936, which mortgage shall be as- sumed and paid by the purchaser, and also subject to a reserve bid fixed by said Local Master. "~The purchaser shall pay to the Vendor's solicitors on the day of sale 10% of the purchase money and shall pay the balance of the purchase money into Court with- out interest within 30 days after the date of sale, Adjustments to be made as of date of sale. The purchaser shall search the title at his own expense. The vendor shall not be bound to produce any abstract of title or any deeds or evidence of se in his possession or control, In all other respects the conditions, of sale are the standing conditions' of sale of the Court as modified by the conditions of sale set- tled:by.the undersigned. Furtfiér particulars .and conditions of falé may be had from Harris, Harris, and Wallace, solicitors, Osh- awa, Ontario. "Dated at Whitby, this 8th day of| a May A.D, 1934 --Signed-- "J, B. Thompson" 0 LCR] HN Le Local Master at itby. 'fine. The Women's Association will hold their June meeting next Tuesday, the 12th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Milner, the hostesses are group No. 4 of the Foot, and Mrs. R. Prentice and Mrs. E, Fines are preparing an inter- esting program, Everyone -invited. - Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Sweetman on the 'birth of a little daughter on May 81st. 3 Miss Cherry, of Dunbarton, spent the week end with her friends Mr, and Mrs. Joblin, Miss Marjorie Milner returned to Toronto on Monday after a couple of weeks here. She was accompanied by her sister Reta, who will visit with friends. Mr. O. Ashton. and friend Miss M. Dalton, of Enniskillen visited the former's sister Mrs, S. Rodman over the week end and called on their friends Mr, and Mrs. O. Jeffrey. Mr. Milton Demara was the guest of his friend Mr, Glen Hood, on Sun- day. Mr, Hubert 'Loh visited his friend Mr, Everett Prentice on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Crozier and Archie of Manchester, Mr. and Mrs, J, Crozier, of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Gimple and daughter Anna and Glenno, and Mrs. Smith, of Toronto, | were Sunday Kuests' of Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Samells.. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Swestinan and little Anne and the former's sister Myrtle, of Toronto, were guests of their parents Mr, and Mrs. George Sweetman, on Sunday. : Mr. Roy Hope and Mr. Hubert Long put new roofing on Mr. J. A. Swest- man's house last week. Mr. J. Aldred, of Toronto, is busy | wes putting up a new wire fence along the road of the lower Aldred farm and is making several other improvements. Miss Zella Hope visited her friend Mrs. D. Lewis one day last week. We are glad to hear Mrs, Pettitt is improving in health after her recent fall 'and illness. The softball season has opened in earnest as our boys. motored to Sun- derland last week and played Myrtle boys and brought home the prize--a bat and ball. - <The score was 20-8. Scugog play at Port Perry on Wed- nesday and Manchester come here on Friday evening. Good luck boys. A mixed team go to Hampton for their Field Day, on Saturday, June 9. The team will be Ralph Milner, Cecil Fralick, Milton Demara, Stewart Mark, Anson {Gerrow aid Amasa Sweetman; aid the 'girls are Luella Jeffrey, Audrey Hood, Lillian Fralick, Margaret Crozier nl Ivah Milner. We hope they will bring home some prizes, Mr, J. Demara has a cow that gave birth to twin ealves which are doing COMING F..E. LUKE, 167 Yonge Street, Toronto's Eyesight Specialist, may be consulted at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry, on Thursday, June 28th. F. E. LUKE & SON Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St., Toronto - (pstans; opp, Simpson 8) i Clearing Sale Boxed DE ANTS STARTING THURSDAY, JUNE 7th. at Ettey's Greenhouse COME UP AND. SEE US SOME- TIME BEFORE THEY ARE ALL . SOLD 10 Cents per box, or 3 boxes for 25¢. AT THE GREENHOUSE Quebec SHINGLE S For Sale Quebec Shingles, best quality, low- est prices. Call at Myrtle Elevator E. MASTERS, Manager, DON'T DRIVE 'Without Public Liability and] Fropert ty Damage Insurance, Take advantage of our new low tes. (Firs, Accident, Plate G and Burgular Insurance so written at reasonable rates) E. H. PURDY Phone 38 Port Perry popular styles, for keeping away mosquitos. . lavender. Per tube 86c. agreeable odour. animals hide, Lawerence's Drug Store News (You Save With Safety at your Rexall Store) ------ BATHING CAPS--Finest ualityafresh stock in the season's most Priced at 16e¢. to 50¢c. KLENZO TOOTH PASTE and TENNIS BALL--This is real value, § 60c. size Klenzo Tooth Paste and Finest Quality Tennis Ball, POTTER & MOORE'S MOSQUITO CREAM--The ideal preparation MAYFAIR POWDER PUFFS8--Special value ...... tA Each 9c. DARLEY'S SHOO FLY ANIMAL SPRAY--We are handling this well known product this year because we believe it is the only good spray that can be purchased at such low price, Will not taint milk or stain or burn the Half gallon 65c. POSSESS PESLSSOPESISS SDS Both for b9¢. Very effective and perfumed with -- Has no dis- One gallon $1.25, ree Perret eet et ett tities ttritttit ites eters eiresesettteeestseetes sevens Phone 49 cssssesvene ~ - A. M. LAWRENCE "THE REXALL STORE" ERE a hhh rrr Rh rR Ra Rar a hi RR RRR IPR iti trier iii r tnt etl tt iti irtistiinnittiiiinss Pasteurized Products ARE SAFEST AND BEST. Phone your orders to 238, We do the rest. ~~ PORT PERRY DAIRY G. OWEN, Proprietor, Port Perry errr ere erie sttetsrt ets rrts testi ttttsteserssttertesttstirtettertsssttsosss Phones _ PHAIR'S GOLDEN. WEDDING On Monday last, June 4th, Mr. and Mrs, Pascoe Luke celebrated the 50th anniversary of their .wedding in the village of Epsoni, at the parsonage. An assembly of nearly 80 persons, all near relatives of the happy couple, were invited to participate in honour of the occasion. The venerable pair were married at Cannington, Ont., on the 4th of June, 1884 when the Rev. William, Burns was the - officiating minister and Dr, Edward Luke and Miss ' Margaret Shier witnessed the happy event. EE Mr. and Mrs. Luke have lived more than half a century of their wedded life in the village of Epsom and have gained a host of friends. Their eight living children were present to enjoy the festivities of the occasion--Luther, 'who lives at Crane Valley, Sask., Mrs. Velma Michie of Lacadena, Sask, Mrs. Olive Wedge, who resides at Roland, Manitoba; three daughters live in the Township of Reach--Mrs. Florence McDonald, Mrs. Myrtle Wagner, and Mrs, Everett Hooper, while Miss Blanche and Mrs. Gladys Morrison, live in the Bitsy of Toronto. ~ To the strains of "Here Comet 'the Bride", played by Mrs. Glen Mac- Kinnon, of Oshawa, the happy couple entered the reception room, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Real, of Greenbank, supported the bride and groom. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. Joseph Denny, the minister at 'Epsom, who declared the goodness of God during those 50 happy wedded years and that when such a sacred en- terprise is entered into reverently, dis- creetly and in the fear of God, it brings much joy and happiness and no regrets to the contracting parties; all of which had been borne out in the present instance. In testimony whereof this brother 'and sister were able to declare that union and had given them a son and many daughters to grace and glad- 'den their declining years and that they could truly declare that God had done great things for them whereof they were glad and that they conld in All truth verify the statement of the Psalmist that the Almighty withholds no good thing from them who walk | uprightly and maintain the highest Christian virtues in their home and, 'to crown all their many children arise at the end of the well spent years and call them blessed, to the splendid contribution this hon- oured couple had made to the social and religious life of the community| and that they? were never spoken of DIGNIFIED . FUNERAL SERVICE When bereavement comes, you desire a quiet dignified funeral at the lowest expense possible. can give vou this accommodation with modern equipment including Grave Chapel Tent. We pay long distance phone calls. Phair' s Funeral & Ambulance Service Successors. to Nicholson & Seldon WHITBY, ONTARIO God had bountifully blessed their| In the ceremony reference was ads : FUNERAL SERVICE PHONE 35 but in the highest terms. This thought has ever been in the minds of those who have had to care for the well-being of the community for they could always. find in Mr, and Mrs. Luke warm and faithful allies as they stood in the cause of right and their cheerful and loyal support has always been a source of strength in the hour of the greatest need. In return for the fidelity of your Jove and devotion the good Lord Al- mighty has favoured you with a host of friends, prosperity, good health and a family of devoted children. After the bride and groom had re- iterated their vows they were com- mended to the care of that Faithful Friend-who never leaves nor forsakes and whose promises are true and whq never forgets His' own. The whole party then repaired to the dining room where they did Justice to the Sumpiuous meal pro- 3 vided. Only one toast was provided and that to honour the anniversary of the wonderful wedding that occurred 50 years ago and which toast was most ably responded to by Mr. Luther Luke the only son of the devoted couple. He spoke in honour of his aged par- ents whose love and devotion was never fully realized until one has children of his own and has to make sacrifice for them, Flowers were provided by many good neighbours and friends but one floral piece that attracted much at- tention and raised much comment was 'a bouquet of 50 beautiful roses furn- ished by a club of young ladies in "Toronto and who hold the aged couple in the highest esteem. The whole community join in wish- ing continued health, prosperity and happiness to this worthy couple dnd trust they may live to enjoy a -dia- mond jubilee of their happy married life. Ey > Ba MARSH HILL Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Walker were vigitors at Russell Acton's on Friday evening: Mr. and :Mrs, John Tunney and] children of Toronto, spent Sunday with her father Mr, Geo. Merrick. A number from around here attend- ed the B.M.B.C. services at Uxbridge "Also, some went to Pine- dale to the anniversary services on the on Sunday. same day. his brother-in-law. : Mr. Ben. er on Satu ay. --y A Mr. Wm. Carnegie has been at Sandford the last few days helping 'orsythe was at Manchest- LUMBER i GOOD BODY HARD WO0OD--98% 'Maple. Price right, §f WE CAN SUPPLY { Your Lumber Needs. Estimates C heerfully Given. {1 Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of John Watson, deceased. (All persons having claims aaalist Township 'of Reach, deceased, who died on the 8th day. of February, 1934, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before the '30th day of June, 1934, full: Particulars of their claims; Immediately after June 30th, 1934, the assets of the Testator will be dis- tributed among the parties. entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. Dated May 25th, 1934. Port Perry, Ontario, - Solicitors for John Watson, Estate. ------ ter FOR SALE D. CORBMAN. oe ---- PORT PERRY FAIR, SEPT 11-12. - Eyesight Specialist Wednesday, Open Monday, and Frilay Evenings, or by appointment at all times. "DISNEY BLOCK ] Oshawa - 3 Opp. Post Office, Phoné 1616. PRICES Suits sponged and pressed . 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH | Over the Observer Office. DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trini College Reintts, Up oeio re uge and Post Graduate han : London: Eagisnd Gradu- College an thy non, 1 North East Lo e London, a oon, To fda Office and Rio ERE W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Offer Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance. Offica The Creamery I8 PAYING 22. 21c. and 19¢. FOR BUTTER FAT. You ean save labor and make ore one}. by sending PORT PERRY CREAMERY A GoonE 4 SON, Proprietors 1 the Estate of John Watson, of the . HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, * TOMATO PLANTS, early variety, strong, healthy plants, per box 16ec. E REDUCED Roa" <~ Vind 5 al Bias

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