Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 May 1934, p. 4

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COMING--J. H. Stephenson, R.O,, Eye Specialist and Optometrist, will -be at Morrison's Drug Store, Port . Perry, Thursday afternoon, May 17th. Eye examination from 1 to 6 p.m. Make your appointment early. : Mrs, J. B. Lundy is spending some weeks in Toronto, with her daughter, Mrs. D. F. Jackson. "Mr. Clarence Purdy, of Winnipeg, is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E; H. Purdy. Rev. H. M. Manning, of Brdnibhon. visiting at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Allin and other friends in town last week, Mrs. W. H. Doubt, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Allin, over the weék end. The W. M. S. Auxiliary meeting of St. John's Presbyterian Church will 'meet at the home of Mrs. W, S. Short, on Wednesday, May 16th, at 3 p.m. Miss Lamont, one of our field secre- taries, will be the guest speaker and address the 'meeting. We hope all the ladies of the con- gregation will try and be present to * hear her, she being a very live speak- er. Refreshments will be served at the close of the meeting. CARD OF THANKS Mr, William Nesitt and family wish to thank the members of the Loyal Orange Lodge and other friends for their kindness and expressions of sympathy at the time of their bereave- ment in the death of the late Mr. Edward Nesbitt. ' + rr eee OP ee IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our faithful teacher and co-worker, Mrs. John Milner: 4 And till her silent ministry Within our hearts has place, "As when on earth phe walked with us And met us face to face. --Signed by the teacher of officers of Centre Scugog Sunday School. IN MEMORIAM . To the cherished memory of our dear friend, Mrs. John Milner, who departed this life. Now, with triumphal palms, stand Before the throne on high, And serve the God they love, amidst The glories of the sky. --Mrs. Geo. Sweetman and family. IN MEMORIAM MIENER--In loving memory of my dear mother, Lettie Isabel Milner,|. who passed away May 10th, 1933. Never a day but I miss you, Never an hour but I see The wonderful depths of your loving, And what it has meant to me. - Never a day but I'm learning How precious you were, and true; And how much of God went in making The heart of a Mother like you. --Doris. MILNER--In loving memory of our they dear grandmother, who left. us. one|. year ago to-day. --Jimmie and Douglas. --_------er-------- ---- RAGS WANTED Will pay be. per pound for clean cotton rags. Apply at the Star Office _---- coer DIED MARSHALL--On Monday, May Tth, at the home of her son-in-law, Frank C. Dawes, 2174 Gerrard St. East, To- ronto, Anna Roberta Rawlins, widow of the late James R. Marshall, in her 84th year ii Funeral service at the above ed dress, on Wednesday, May 9th, at 2.80 pm. Interment at St. John's Ceme- tary. LOOKS LIKE BUYING YEAR Total General Motors automotive sales for the first quarter to dealers in the United States and Canada, plus overseas shipments, were 316,604 units, comapred with 199,796 in the corresponding period last year. This is an increase of 63%. Sales are not all passenger cars either, which in- " dicates an upturn in the commercial ~ and industrial field. General Motors | sales of trucks and commercial cars in Canada for the first three months of this year showed an increase of 77% over the same period of 1983. -- te POP ee = CANADIANS TRAVEL MOST Travel between the United States and Canada is greater than over any other international boundary in the world, according to a return just issued' by the Canadian Government dealing with the tourist traffic of Can: 'ada: More Canadians went to the 1 1 States than Americans eame to "Will you believe yoy I tell yr (that) I think your address last even- ing was the most outstanding speech of its kind to which I have ever list- ened. I am quite free to admit that you thrilled me. Your closing illus- tration was a. masterpiece both of description and' of burden. The ap- plause at the conclusion of what you had to say must have been most gratifying to you.. We all most sin- .cerely thank you for _your delightful presence and for your magnificent address." --What George T. Webb, General Sec'y, Board of Religious Education, Baptist Churches in On- tario and Quebec. Don't fail to hear Rabbi Eisendrath in Port Perry, on May 80th, under the auspices of the I. O. D. E. eel PP PP COMING TO PORT PERRY I wish to have it published that I have diseases, and scalp diseases, Yor falling hair, and baldness; guarantee a cure a special cure for eczema and all skin |- or I don't ask any money without a doubt. The treatment can be taken in your own room and used success- fully. Also you can cure rheumatism, itching and protruding piles. Head- quarters at Royal Hotel. | W. W. Little, Whitby Will be at the Sebert House, Port Perry, on Friday, May 11th, from 11 to b. ane es MYRTLE Mr. Ed. P. Carmichdel, of London, was with his sister and brother, here for the week end. mother Mrs, Frank Shell, on Sunday. A truck load of young men went out north near Greenbank last week and brought home a catch of suckers. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Hughson, of To- ronto, were with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. E, Beacock on Sunday. Mr. Will Cook was in Hamilton on Monday attending the funeral of his brother, Mr. Silas Vernon. Mr. Jim Lawrence of Toronto, spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Lawrence, The heat of last week, although rather unseasonable, speeded up the growth of the grass but-the cooler weather the earlier part of this week was rather too sudden a change. A good rain is greatly needed. Farmers say their land was never in better condition for seeding than it has been this spring in spite of the depth of winter frost. Congratulations are extended to H. Lane who celebrated his 80th birthray on Sunday, May 6th, and although he is eighty years young he is enjoying the best of health and is very active and takes a great interest in Church and Sunday School work, as well as that of the. community. His many friends trust he may have many, many more happy birthdays. Mr. Ralph Staples of Cavan, had charge of the services here on Sun- day evening and gave a most interest- | ing talk on the New Canada Move- ment. The anthem by the choir and the duet by Rev. J, O. and Mrs. Totton were also enjoyed. Rev. Mr. Totton and Mr, James E. Beacock attended the Presbytery meeting held in Blackstock last week. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Mr. Louis Vernon in the death last week of his brother Mr. Silas Vernon, of Hamilton. Friday was clean-up day at the school and after working around the yard for part of the forenoon, the an- nual hike to a neighbouring woods was enjoyed by both teacher and scholars. ----, Pees PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL The inspection of Port Perry High School Cadet corps took place on the 'school grounds on Tuesday, May 8th, at three o'clock. The boys who had been trained by Mr, MacDonald and Sergt. Sullings, were inspected by Capt. Cummings. After the boys had been reviewed the girls under the direction of Miss Greenbank, gave a gymnastic display consisting of Swed- ish exercises and pyramids. = CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 11 a.m.--Morning Service a 'ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Kev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m--Evening Service, ; i PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Minister Sunday, May 13th-- 11: a.m.--Mother's Day Service. 7 p.m,~Sermon subject: "The White Deed of a Black Man." : Sunday, May 27, Anniversary Services. Rev. Jas. Endicott, D.D. former Moderator of the United Church in Canada. : by automobile. Mr, Avlin Shell of Utica, visited his] SCUGOG CHAPTER, IL. 0. D, E. On Friday evening, May 4th, a most successful bridge and euchre was given by the I. 0. D. E., the Misses Harris very kindly giving their home for the occasion. The guests were re- ceived by the Regent, Mrs. G. A. Woods, who also presented the prizes. The Bridge prizes were won by Mrs, Wilbur Chapman and Mr. Farrow, The Euchre prizes by Mrs, Jos. Boyer and Mr. Frederick Christie. : Hostésses for. the-evening were Mrs. H, Archer, Mrs, E, Hayes, Miss Eunice Jackson, Mrs. S. Griffin, Mrs, R. Peel, Mrs. S. Farmer and Mrs. W. Pyatt. STRAND THEATRE UXBRIDGE : Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 10th, 11th and 12th, Dean Sinclair and Chic Sale, in "DANGEROUS CROSSROADS" See the great train drama full of . thrills and action, with other attractions. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, May 17th, 18th, and 19th Kathyrn Crawford and Ray Walber in "SKY WAY" See the sizzling airplane roaming into romance, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, May 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. May West and Cary Grant in "SHE DONE HIM WRONG" Come up and see me something at the Strand, Uxbridge. "The FIRESIDE "PHILOSOPHER" By ALFRED BIGGS Analyse before you accept. * * * Genius invariably frihmps, J Ld Reason: is safer Hit emotion, » * . Our thoughts govern our destiny. * Never lose pty in your own con- sclence, h ¢ 2 » * * Bvil deeds contain inescapable pen- alfles. J * * Neither adversity nor prosperity af- fect great minds. LJ] Things often are 'no good" because they're too good. BR CRA i «<< DIED : CAMPBELL--In Cartwright Town- ship, on Wednesday, May 9th, 1934, - Joseph Campbell, in. his 84th year. ,| Seagrave Station, Without Public Liability and Insurance. BERR ARRAR RRR RRR RRR RRR RARER RiR Raia Ritiiatisiistints ttt Property Damage Take advantage of our. new low rates. Glass and Burgular Insurance also written dt reasonable rates) E. H. PURDY Phone 33 Port Perry ' FOR SALE Pianos--Heintzman & Co., Mason & | § Risch, Gerard Heintzman and other Harris, Mrs. R. Sonley, Mrs, D., F. | makes always in stock, reconditioned and guaranteed for ten years, All | modern styles, very low prices. Apply : to John Meagher, 92 Simcoe St. North, | § Oshawa. FOR SALE i Frame building at rear of the Church of the Ascension. particulars apply to Dr. J. Lundy or H. G. Hutcheson. B. FOR SALE *Good milking goat, kid at side, $10. Apply Mr. Gorrie, R. R. 4, Port Perry, FOR SALE * Pianos $39 and up. All pianos re- conditioned and guaranteed for ten years. Apply to John Maaghely 92 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. ' FOR SALE . .Heifer, fresh; cow to freshen about May 24th. Apply to A. Antonia, Phone , Manilla Central. aus FARM FOR RENT OR SALE The Henry Deacon Farm, 490 acres in the Township of Cartwright. Rent for season-of 1984; Would consider dividing, Apply to Chartered Trust and Executor 'Company, 34 King St. West, Toronto, or Harris, Harris and Wallace, Port Perry and Oshawa. FOR SALE ; Good Durham «Cow and Calf, Also sow 'and eight pigs six weeks old. Apply to C.-W. Lakey, Utica Store: ---- dro -------- YOUR DRUGGIST can sipply you with real foot comfort. Use Cress|' Corn Salve, Sold at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. na "Great men are they whq see that ! spiritual is stronger than any material force, that Wonghts rule the world." --Emerson. Halton County, Buy Bray chicks, complete information. From all parts of the country, we are getting reports of the extra- ordinary growth and livability of Bray chicks. 5-week-old chicks Welland County, 9-week pullets Huron County, 12%-week .pullets York County, 14-week pullets ~ Losses averaged only 3% per cent. You can get chicks like these; right in Your own locality. See the manager of the Bray Hatchery shown below. Prices reasonable. ' Woon BRAY CHICK HATCHERY, 79 Clayburn Ave., St. Catharines, Ont. _ Bray Hatchery at Lindsay, corner Lindsay and Kent Streets. Eight breeds--Eight Years Blood-Testing--Sixth year Govt. Approval ARI 10 ounces TUPTYIY 2% pounds ey 8 pounds CELT 3% pounds Be fujie by these fostlis, Or write us direct for - ' MAGAZINES Newspapers and Periodical can be ordered at the Port Perry © Star Office. of all kinds i is well d deste, at the Star Office. We have good equipment (Fire, Accident, Plate|f For |# BOXED CHOCOLATES S$ quality chocolates. Pr ced at 'STATIONERY---Mother's moderately priced, Day -sentiment, 100. to 2 You can " Site "with Satay your Rezall Store, MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS ial Mother's ' Day packages of finest # Da Day Packages of fine white stationery with, ; silver and pink bordgr. ompleté with 'appropriate card, Price Tbe. : TOILETRIES Sets of her favorite toilet goods pleasingly perfumed § with Lavender, Jasmin, Gardenia, ote. MOTHER'S DAY CARDS Appropriate cards to convey the Mother' 8 'be. to $1.50 ~ Neatly packaged and -§ Phone 49 * Eh Asesaaasiasiiniecaiasitieateaitasastsasaes WE = 'Cherry Cakes Fruit Pies Doughnuts 'A M LAWRENCE un REXALL STORE" PES REITROIES Port Perry PRAIRIE IRR PRi iri iR sittin RRiribiiis YOU THE BEST IN 1 Cookies of all kinds Filled Tarts Jelly Rolls and many other kinds of Delloious Baking Try our" thai an While Bread--It's Cood fi J CHAMBERS' BAKERY + PHONE 9, FACTS ABOUT EYES AND VISION By C. H.-Tuck, Optometrist and "Eyesight Specialist Pay for Vision Not Blindness. In spite of the fact that. science shows a very progressive state of af- fairs today, many people are suffering great discomfort from their eyes and "| to: some the relief is held just beyond their reach because of the state not taking the same interest in the relief PORT PERRY of _ defective eye dito that it] takes in the medical relief situation. I am not taking my pen in hand. to argue this point out because I believe in its. own time our government will see' this necessity but I must state one fact to prove my point in regard to the need of relief in this connection. | I corrected a' relief patient' who was suffering 'immeasurably 'with head- ache and being on relief she got as- sistance through the 'welfare and on three occasions -was given medicine without result, a later prescription ad- vocated glasses. I checked her eyes and sent a letter to the medical officer of relief and 'met with a refusal be- cause glasses were not being furnished to relief patients. More medicine was prescribed; but this: woman hav- ing a mind of her own came and had her eyes corrected and had relief at once. © (To be continued) . EYES EXAMINED If you*have any trouble with your eyes consult F. E. LUKE & SON - Optometrists 5 163-167 Yonge St., Toronto (Upstairs opp. Simpson's) | 7 LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS | Barristers, Solicitors, ete. : Money to Loan - Now located in the office of H. W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, Queen Street ; Phone 264 2 Phone after hours: 8514 Oshawa. : Pasteurized Products a ARE" SAFEST AND BEST. Phone y your orders t0 238. Wedo the rest. : RAC pen PORT PERRY DAIRY |G. OWEN, Proprietor. Phone 238 TTY IS EASY IF THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS. i YOU BUY .-- FROM -- | BERT MacGREGOR 5 3 A006. 40.06.1000 40.42.4000 40.6000 40.40. 49.40.40 0000 4118.00 40 000 0040 - = .-YOUR HOME IS YOUR CASTLE ¢ Admit only clean, constructive news by reading THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR 4 Daily Newspaper for the Home It sive al lf the constructive woild ne but not exploit i fidal, Has interesting feature pages for AR family on Women's Act SET Fata is Education an And B kt. Alle iA es for th iy g) Hem Co Cony ad" ani Re Leg FE i Se ER : Setlos put tiption to Pun __Bolenoe Monitor for a "gue ut ne | Bua a" fen dll ENGINED, D0 0 20 0 500 GNA 0, IAI i EA Sgn PArensiaaisaaany Street. LT A LD TT TTI TI I oity.... LL LR TT LL TTT De deeded A AAA AAA AAA AAA Anh shen LILY Earn as 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 to men, 1 4 4 4 4 L : , A 4 4 GOOD BODY HARD. © WOOD----98% Maple. Price right, WE CAN SU PPLY ~ Your Lumber Needs. Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 MARKETS : (Quotations to shippers). BUTTER-- Creamery Solids, No. 1 Seconds Chere en eaaes APHTIREA, CHURNING CREAM_ Special 22, No. 1, 21, No. 2 19. EGGS-- SER Rn Grade-A large ENE FNL +17, Grade A medium .............16c. "Grade C ...... ra es SERIE 14c. POULTRY--- : Spring 'Chickens ........ 10c. to 13c. Fatted Hens ..... Weasel 10e, to 12c. Old Roosters ...,...... SHOOT «6c. White Ducklings ...:...: 1c. to 12c. | LIVE sTOCK-- Ean Bacon Hogs (off trucks) ....:.. $7.86 Butcher Cattle ....... .$3. 00 to $5.60" Heifers ............ «$3. 00 to $5.60 Cows). oui sdii va $1.26 to $4. 25 Bully fiir vie ies ..$2.75 to $3.76 - Fed Calves ........... $5.25 to $7.00 Store Cattle .......... $3.00 to $7.00 Sheep. vv ve aids $2.50 to $4.00 Spring Lambs ......... $6.00 to $8.00 Eyesight Specialist Opéh Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evenings, or by appointment at all times. DISNEY: BLOCK: Oshawa 8d Opp. Post Office, Phone 1616 REDUCED PRICES Suits sponged. and pressed 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1. 00 C. P. ROLPH _ Over the Observer Office, DR. Ww. 8 HARPER Graduate of Tri College and Cty, Dhiveratios Toran Post Graduate 'in ry of M Gradu. ates' College and Polyelinie, London, Xo No! ndon. Post Graduate College London, England, Royal Infirmary, G w, Office and Surgery--Port Perry, "W. A. Sangster 5) ; DENTAL | SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to b p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office ~The Creamery 18 PAYING 26e., nd 23¢. FOR BUTTER FAT. Fi : Je JOB and make more fondy by sending PORT a Som "CREAMERY A GOODR 4 & : 40% Proptistors PORT PERRY, ONT. i 5k x i - pis 9 hy 7 Lg

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