aE re i Fda ay, iy x 52 3. - ol La Cod "TA < fe 4 > © PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, ' "Evelyn were visitors to Havelock ~ Mrs. © Mr. and Mrs. J. Masters of | Rontypool, were recent vsitors! E. Masters © visiting her brother Mr. Robert _ Willowdale, were Sunday guests : ely. County, Fermanugh, Ireland: -. give our exchanges to the Park Y; APRIL 12th, 1034 = ------ - MYRTLE STATION (Continued from Page Four) Ey 'Mr, E. H. Cross and daughter on Sunday. Bob, who has been holidaying at that place, return- ed withthem, ~~" ~~" °° ~ Mrs, C. Hobden, of Boston, Mass," was. the guest of her - brother 'Mt, Jas. Beacock and eacock on Sunday. with their son Mr, 'and Mrs. Masters. - : Migs Doris Simpkins spent part of last week with relatives in Toronto. ' _<Mrs. Joseph Mills of Whitby, Chisholm, on Tuesday last, prior to hér departure for Winnipeg, where she is going to visit her daughter. Mrs. Mills is only 81 years young. Some lady to start on a journey like that alone, Master Orval and Miss Mar- jorie Dickson, of Toronto, spent the past week with their grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Dickson. Mr. Mervin Ross, Utica, was | - a Sunday visitor with his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Will Ross. 'Mr. Jim Manderson, of Toron- to, was a visitor over Easter holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Manderson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hurlbut, of Toronto, also Mrs, kd. Hurl- but and daughter Madeline, of of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dickson. Mr. Dingman and Mr, Craw-|. ~ ford, of Whitby, were callers at| . Mr. C. Harrison's on Monday. : Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lane and | Mrs. Percy, were visiting with _- relatives and friends, in Oshawa, | A - on Sunday. HES : lA Rk TTGOLDEN. WEDDING ,. | eos mesmaeeintems REY rye te My. oF M te "had. his "MANCHESTER : hora hori big 2 broken, when his horses took '=Mr, and Mrs, George Joliifston, Prince Albert, Ontario, .cele- 'brated. the. 50th anniveyrsary..of their marriage on -the::30th .of 'March, Good Friday. They were married in Trinity Church by Rev. Alexander Sanstine. "They came from Enniskillen County of Fermanagh, Ireland in 1883. They are of Scotch descent. Mrs. Johnston's an- cestors fought with King Wil- liam at the Battle of the Boyne, 'and received a grant of land. On it they built Nixon Hall Castle and 'called' it Nixon -Hall after themselves. They lived there for generations. ; Johnston re- ceived congratulations in cards, flowers and telegrams, and a wedding cake from Victoria, B.C. as well as one made by her baker at Port Perry, which is a credit to the business. ; ] Many congratulations were ex- tended to them from a long dis- tance and wishes for their long life and happiness. : Mrs. Johnston is the second daughter - of Nathaniel Nixon, Glenashaver House, Derrygorm- Mr. and Mrs. "Mr. Johnston and his bride met on the boat coming from the Old Country. Rs Cl ews NESTLETON WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ' The Nestleton Wonien's In- stitute met in the Foresters' Hall, April 4th, with the presi- dent in the chair. After the de- votional exercises, 'the minutes|- of the last meeting were read and approved. This was follow- 'ed by a short business session. It was moved and seconded that the 'Secretary be paid, also all outstanding bills and business wound up for the year. As it is getting late in the season and Spring is upon us, it was decided not to hold another euchre party. A letter of thanks from the For- eesters wad' réad, acknowledging the donation of wood from the Institute. = The Roll Call was an exchange, but it was decided to "Committee to be used in the park at South Nestleton. Mrs. McLaughlin then took charge of the program. This consisted of a reading by Mrs. f "John Watson, reading by Mrs. | Percy Philip, also an 'instrument- al by Miss F, Fair, reading by Mra. 8, 'McLauglin, Miss F, Fair then conducted a contest which "was won by Group One, the prize being bags of pop corn. Lunch was served by the group in Charge... iii pel "The next meeting is to be held in the Forrester's Hall, on May the Second, for the election of : embers FSA ah rae TE SAE Ne Mrs: .Jas.~ Masters. returned visit «in. Collingwood and To- | Will be held in the TOWN HALL, rr ---- i ; : Cri ie 4 . p> adr WR BN relatives arrive . . . and your husband is away ++» and you - can't stand the strain by yourself Get him on Long Distance v's « it's the quickest help in _any emergency | @1i you're in a fix; or you're lonely; or any kind of emergency arises; Long Distance is there to help .you, a quick, depend- able, personal messenger; clear and casy to use regardless of distance. You : .can talk 100 miles for as little as 30c--see - wokis list of rates in the front of your directory. Hd TELEPHONE 2: bs ATT Vy ot, TY ut ' 2a, wt i 3 fe fright; jumped snd knocked him down and one stepped on him. Mr. C. Ptomley motored to, Hamilton and spent his mother. SE x " Mr. Donald Ferguson spent a day in Toronto this week. * Mrs. McKenzie was in Toronto this week. : Mr. Geo. Munro spent a day in Toronto. . home on Friday-after a week's ronto. : ; Miss "Jean Ferguson visited her father over the week end. "Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Strong en- tertained a large number of their friends on Wednesday night and 'all report a good time. The Club meets on. Thursday night. Try and be there. Miss White has returned to her school after spending the holidays at' her home at Ash- burn. : ; son in Detroit for a few days. the day with : Mrs. Seward is visiting her Tn phone 173. PAINTING Paperhanging Decorating, and General Repairs GOOD WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED \ Lowest Price for Labor in Town: i Face Powder Use It. With Confidence For you know you. will look your best. Lov'me-- incomparably finer, a clinging powder: which tists 'All day and - ives 2° petal-smooth perfection to - : + SEE MELBA Lov'me Powder Blended to Sans hd natural skin .tones-- . Flesh -- White -- Rachel If your dealer cannot supply, "you send us his name PARFUMERIE MELBA OF CANADA, LTD. e: Toronto A Mass Meeting of LIBERALS Sn OFTHE. : ~~ South Ontario' Provincial Riding at 7.30 p.m., on WEDNESDAY, | APRIL 18th to select a candidate for the approaching Provincial election. ~The meeting will be addressed by: Mr. W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C,M.P.P ~ Mr. W. H. Moore, M.P. i and others. i All Liberals of the Riding will be ines ated welcome. be SOUTH ONTARIO PROVINCIAL RIDING LIBERAL ASSOCIATION | Keith Wilson, equal; Jack Suth- Leah Crandell, 'Frank Crandell. S. S. NO. 6, REACH Sr. IV -- Harry McMasters, Sr. IV--Honours--Harry Mc-| Masters. Pass--Ruth Mitchell, Leta Munro, Alverta Mitchell. Below Pass--George Larb, Mur- ray Wilson, George Munro, Roy Dobson.' ~~ = Sr. I1II--Honours--Mina Dob- son. Pass--June Mitchell and omelr Eyesight Specialist Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evenings, or by appointment at all times. DISNEY BLOCK Oshawa Opp. Post Office, Phone 1516 erland. Below Pass--Jack Sca- mon. Absent. for two or more exams.--Rose McMasters. 1I -- Hon. --Arthur Mitchell, Wesley Johnson. Pass--Marion Franklin. Absent for 2 or more exams.--Jim Sutherland. I--1st Class Honours--Victor Henderson. - Sr. Primer -- Helen Franklin, Harley Johnson, John Suther- and. I. HATCHING EGGS Pure-bred Light Sussex. 650 cents per setting. Apply to Fred Hamilton, Nestleton R.R.2, Ont. April 12 FOR SALE Six roomed frame house in Port Perry, modern improvements, garage, large garden. Apply to HARRIS & HARRIS, Port Perry. mar 22 t.f. Primer--Grant Franklin, R. I. White, teacher oe Printing of all kinds is well done at the Star Office. We have good equipment * FANCY COLORED SCRIM BY THE YARD-- { FLOOR COVERINGS-- a Se ee Salis. wali 2 Be? z he. jv i F. W. BROCK & SON _ The RED & WHITE Store GROCERIES, ETC. 'gf ! BREAKFAST BACON PALMOLIVE & CALAY |. § rind off, ..... 2 1b 18c. "BOAPS ,...:.15 cake be. GRAPEFRUIT, large and | NAVEL ORANGES, Juicy Looe 2 for 15c¢. . . 29¢. , de LETTUCE, Tceburg, ..10¢. | 29. and it, tore TOMATOES, select, 1b 17¢, | CABBAGE, CARROTS, FALCON PICKLES CELERY, SPINACH, large jar .......: ...25¢. Bananas, Market Prices COTTAGE ROLLS, best quality .........coivenns Ib 18c. EXTRA SPECIAL--NAVEL ORANGES Gold Buckle Brand, largest size ............. dozen 49¢c. WALLPAPERS FOR ALL OF YOUR ROOMS-- Papers in fine new designs. Sunworthy--a guaranteed: sun resisting paper as low as 19c. roll. ' i Resistolite Papers, a new line this year at popular prices. 16¢. a roll and up. f Semi-trimmed Papers in very nice designs at 8c. per roll" § and up. WINDOW SHADES-- Slightly imperfect, in cream or white, ..... coh e 69c. Green Shades 65c. Combination colors, oil finish, 98c. Paper Window Shades ...........ovviveneen each 18c. § FRILLED CURTAINS-- rs We now have the largest stock of curtains we have ever shown. Made of plain Cream Serim with frilled colored edges in pink, blue, mauve, green, and. gold, with colored, valence or ties to match. Prices 79¢,, $1.00, $1.50. These come in a large assortment of different colored patterns in plain scrim, 36 to 38 inches wide, priced at i 25¢., 30c., 3bc. and 60c. yard. , i: Several neat designs in Floor Oilcloths in 1 yard, 2 yard and 214 yard widths. 48c. square yard. Six attractive patterns in 4 yard Linoleum at $3.36 per running yard. Borderless. Congoleum Rugs--9 x Tlk, $6.00. 9 x 101%, $6.75. 9 x 12, $7.95. Len Rugs, 9 x 6, $5.75. 9 x Tlh, $7.25. 9 x 1014, 10.00... = 5 WS ar SEE OUR WABASSO PRINTS AND COTTONS-- . : cof Aconew"largesshipment of 'Prints; fast colors, 20c.; 2bc., and 30c. yard." " ' fr mT ter 'MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS FOR MEN-- Pe 2 "Guaranteed to fit at thede popular prices. © A large num- ber of fabrics and several models to choose from. $19.76, $23.50 and $27.50. vo Port Perry t ° Phone 43, I ---- i -_ "oe a : peo Site COAL! WOOD! COKE! AMERICAN ANTHRACITE--"BLUE COAL" CANNEL COAL, STEAM COAL, SCOTCH ANTHRACITE HARD BODYWOOD, HARDWOOD SLABS, SOFTWOOD SLABS - LUMBER, LIME, CEMENT, TILE, BRICK, ROOFING. stomatitis Suh 4 MARMILI: FEEDS Marmill Chick Starter has proven by practical tests its superiority over a great many chick starters. It is a ration that will give young chicks a real start in life. It is made up to a standard of quality to give results, not down to a price to sell. "FRED E. REESOR Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 733 = BUY NOW Made-to-Measure SUITS and OVERCOATS at Low Prices. IPRS , ¥ v We are offering good values--60 different designs in Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds, Grey and Blue Serges. Pressing and Dry Cleaning Done MERCHANT TAILOR W. T. Rodman Over the Telephone Office, Port Perry 5 DON'T WORRY ABOUT: FIRE! ~~ Have your property properly insured at once HAROLD W. EMMERSON MAGAZINES Newspapers and Periodical can be ordered at the Port Perry Star Office. | officers, All members are re- quested to bo present. © 4h GD. CONANT, Sec'y. W. A, DRYDEN, President 7 3 i a Port Perry Custom Hatching 21/, Cents per Egg hie Prices quoted on Day Old Chicks, Started Chicks, and Six Week Old Pullets--~ANY BREED : PORT PERRY CUSTOM HATCHERY i460 Leonard Block , + Phone, Port Perry 42 ; Owned and operated by H. BROOKS and C. H. ROWLAND