g Hi it t -* "sso por'year 'in advance 5 cents single copy Wateh your Tabel; it tells when your subseription expires. SAMUEL FARMER, Editor and Publsher - MYRTLE Mrs. Will Davies spent a few days Just week visiting relatives in Toronto, "Mr, Levi Tordiff's tender for ¢arry- ' ing the mai Brooklin t cepted and he goes on 'duty the first of April. Mr, Grandy who has been on this route for several years has tendered his resignation: owing to other duties, During his term he has made 'many friends by his courteous genial manner. ; Mrs. 'Charlie Taylor has been visit- ing her father, Mr. Philip Parrott, of Oshawa, Messrs. Bill Herdhit. 'Brooklin and from Myrtle Station to * John Quinlin of Pickering have been buying up hay from the farmers through here for pressing, Hay and straw are now a much better price on account of the shortage of feed. ' The. firdt thunder. storm of the. sea- son passed over here on. Saturday. It is claimed that this is a sign of colder weather and a late spring but time alone will tell, ' Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Rodd attended the dance sponsored by the Blue Birds Club of Utica, on Thursday night. Mrs, Hattie Hudgins entertained the Trail Rangers at Mer home: on Friday night. After the devotional exercises a half hour study of the Sunday School lesson. was taken by| the 'leaders, Mr. George Painter and Mr. K. Moyer. Progressive crockinole was 'then enjoyed: until the kindly hostess served a most delicious ltinch, The gathering breaking up at. the}: regular hour feeling greatly Sndehted to their hostess and leaders for the pleasant and' profitable evening. Mr. Harry Wesson who drives the 'Globe .truck from Toronto via Peter-| boro and Lindsay, through here tol sufficiently. recovered |... 'Oshawa, : has: from: the 'painful injuries he received to his back when 'his: truck skidded on the icy: 'pavenient: into' d hydro: pole near. Toronto, | in 'January, returned to his duties" as driver last" week. "Mr. Geo. Barrowdale, who has 'been. sup- plying. for. him is now on the Globe "business staff in Oshawa, Mrs. (Rev.) Totton is visiting her mother at Stouffville. : "Mr. and Mrs. Percy Maynard and Samily, of Brooklin, visited Mrs. May- " nard's sister Mrs. James Cooper on .- Sunday. "Maynard who has been confined to the Pleased to note that Mr. house following a dental operation, is able to be around again. Mr. Oscar Downey left last week in charge of a car load of stock consign- ed for Regina. Mrs. Roy Spencer, of Perth, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Bea- cock, over: the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie 'Reeson, of Brooklin, visited the later's cousin, Mrs. Norman Hughson, last week. Mr. H. Roy Blight and other dairy farmers were: busy last week getting in their ice supply from Mud Lake. The ice this season has the unusual thickness of thirty-six inches. . Mr. Glen Stacey, of Columbus, did the cutting. ' The March meeting of the Woman's Ss Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Chisholm on Thursday afternoon with an attend-|- ance of nine, The President, Mrs. Totton, presided, and after the de- votional rexercises, considerable busi- ness matters were dealt with and - plang and suggestions were made for a large enrolment and the raising of the allotted amount of money for this year. ol aa The 'call of the crow can Te hosed again, which surely betokens spring, after the severe winter, « Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Avery visited with relatives in Brooklin, one day last week. A few farmers from here attended a meeting in Brooklin, last Friday. Mr, and Mrs, Ormiston and son George, spent a day in the city. - Phe attendance was small at our Sunday School, owing to the pupils being on the sick list. We all hope they will be. soon out and around "again. So A number of the relief. men have been busy opening up the roads east of the village for cars to run. It will 'be very much appreciated by those having not had their cars in use, for many : weeks, Mrs. McGaffey, of Lindday, ia Sr) ing with her sister Mrs. J, T, Evans, School was closed on Wednesday on "account of Mrs, Penman being ll. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellington, son Ronald and Miss Hazel Pearson, To- ronto, were week end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, P, Pearson. . t¢ a day has been ac-| © A number from here attendéd the Pie Social at Mount Carmel last week. Miss Hazel and Mr. Frank Grose, of their parents, Mr, and Mrs, A J. Grose. Mrs. C Carl Avery is Hapraving after being confined to her bed and undex the doctor' s care, 8 'Mrs, Pilkey spent an afternoon with Mrs. A. 'Miller, one day last week. The Women's Association will hold their next. meeting on Wednesday, March 21st, at the home of Mrs, Wm. Avery. Final plans are being made for their autograph quilt. Everyone is requested to be present. Miss Gertrude Ormiston, Mr, Art, Ormiston, of Toronto, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, I. Ormiston. A splendid drama was put on by the Young People of Columbus, here last Saturday night. = Owing to.the bad roads and so many home with the whooping cough, there was not as large a crowd as expected. Miss Doris Nesbitt sang a' very pleasing solo; Mr, and Mrs, Moon, a duet, both numbers being much en- joyed. Mrs. Wm. Bright Sr, is oohling a few days with relatives in Oshawa. 'Following is -the February. Report of Mount Carmel School: ; 6th Class--Merlin 'Slu Evans .66, Ifene Malyon 64, 'Doris Bray' (absent.) Sr. 1V--Leonard Slute 59." dr, 11I--Edna Evans 69, Cecil ute 63. Jr, ite 79, Loins 1-LLow ne Slute 66. H. D. Michael, " He Shoots, 'He Sceres.". With only a few minutes to play 'before the hard earned, much prized, Peel Bros.' Trophy, would change hands from Port Perry Butchers to the hard working Prince Albert. Grave Diggers. Greatly relieved were thel hearts of the Prince Albert supporters when the final bell rang, bringing to. a close a hard battle and a victory for Prince Albert; at last. i Both teams were evenly matched Teacher. which was in Port's favour in the first period. It certainly looked hard for the "Grave Diggers" until the begin- ning of the second period, when "Benny", much bruised from former games, barged through the stone wall defence pulling Lorne (Chahot) Beare out of the net and scoring the sensa- tional goal which tied the score and thrilled the fans to the utmost. Wee] Willie Heayn giving the assist. In the third and last period the battle -was brought to, a finish when Cecil Jeffrey, nursing "one black eye, put a sizzling shot past "Chabot" which put the "Grave Diggers" in the lead, and -decided the winners of 1933-34, x "At the first of the season it was im- possible to pick the teams that would be in the play-ofs. ~Prinee -Albort gradually pulling. into the lead, not losing a game, and having two ties in the schedule, Utica and Scugog, doing their best to beat them. 'Greenbank, Honeydale and Port Perry followed in order, these four teams being in the semi-final playoffs, Greenbank and Prince 'Albert played fast games, the scores being 1-0 and 3-1, both games in favour of the "Grave Diggers". Many old O.H.A, players say they have not seen better and faster Rural Hockey for many 'years played 'in Port Perry. . Port Perry and Honey- dale scored a tie of 8-3 in each semi- final game, resulting in an extra full- time game, the score of this game being: 3-2 in favour of the "Butchers". between the "Butchers" "Grave Diggers," made of the alert little goalie "Cheney" Lyle who had three shut- ; outs and the least number of goals scored against him during the season, of any goalie i inthe Rural League, due to his. rabbit foot. "Wee Willie" Heayn, a star of the '| Junior O.H.A, team was always feel- ing his oats, not forgetting "Grant], "King Clancy" Jeffrey. The rest of their earnest Coach Cecil Heayn urg- ing them on with shouts and cheers from the sub box. : "The boys' biggest worry now is to decide 'the colour for their new sweaters. Toronto, spent the week end with] and struggled hard for the goal lead]: This brings us again to the finals; 2 ¥ and the disadvantage for a weak defence never Mention must be! : * 'bert got through and scored the neces- the players doing their part well; with | Mr. DeShane was sitting onthe ice, Who knows but what those oranges gave the boys more pep to win with, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lamb, Messrs. Geo, and "Walter Fowlie, attended the hockey match 'between the Maple keafs and the New York Rangers, in Toronto on Saturday, © "afd 'report a real snappy game. Miss Susie Byers, of Cavan, visiting at the home of Mr. W. Wilson. Mrs, Chas. Gerrow was in' Toronto for a few days this week.' Mr, Joe Cooper had the bad luck to get his hand badly cut with : a buzz SAW. Don't forget the social evening and hot supper held at the home of Mr, W Walker, on Thursday evening. Miss Alice Thompson has returned home after visiting friends for several 'weeks. 3 The Community Club will Hold their meeting on the 29th. Don't fail to be there. A splendid program is "being 'prépared. Miss Elva Hope has been engaged for the summer with Mrs. G. Christie, Mr. Howard Dobson and Mr. Joshua Dobson, were in Hamilton, one day this week. : Quite a number attended the dance at the homé of Mr, Art. Hunter, and all report.a good: time. The Pie Social was a great success. It was given under the auspices of the Community Club. Proceeds $6.90. Mr, Clark Harrison, of Toronto, visited with 'Mr."and Mrs, F, Crosier, for a few days recently. . Miss Edith Shackleton, of Toronto, visiting with Miss Helen Crosier, for a few days. --_-- el ---------- RURAL HOCKEY LEAGUE COMPLETED : Peel Bros." Trophy 'was Captured by Prince Albert.. from Port Perry by : a One Goal Margin--6-5. "As the score shows, this. game was a fight to the finish. Port Perry had a goal to regain from the previous game as the teams were playing home and home games, goals to.count on the round. "In the first few minutes of the game E. Crosier gave the Port players a close call when his shot just missed a wide open net during a scramble at the net. 3 When Prince Albert were one man short, Port Perry put just a little more pep into the game, and when H. DeShane passed to A. Anderson, he succeeded in getting that lead back. This brought renewed attacks from Prince Albert, but more than once Beare's lightening rapidity saved what looked like a sure goal. A. Anderson then decided it was about time he dispelled the jinx that has been following them, when he had 'the chance to score; so he picked up the puck at Prince Albert blue line and scored again for Port, making them one in the lead, which they held to the end of the period. The score being 5-4. The second period opened with a rush from Hrince Albert to tie up the score; but the first try did not make it, nor did several others--until Ben Smith taking a pass from B. Heayn, squeezed through the defence and finally succeed in planting that million dollar goal in the net. . Port Perry then summoned fresh players, and made for the Prince Al- bert net with fight in their eyes; but Lyle succeeded in warding off all at- tempts, to send the old rubber disc into the net. 'The defence did all they could to keep the puck clear and al- though there were some very close calls they were just close, that's all. In the third period Port Perry shoved up the extra man to their own won for any team; finally Prince" Al- sary goal. Although they were now in the Jead again they worked for more. In one rush L. Béare upset B. Heayn in front of the net the puck continued on its way: and missed the mouth of the wide open net by only a hair's breadth. Then the referee got what he was looking for, or at least it looked that way, for after hearing the bell ring, being upset by a scramble next to the boards. Port Perry failed to come back before the period ended and Prince Albert emerged victorious. "Amid cheers and smiling, the large The "Grave Diggers" Hockey Clb wish to thank R. Wakeford for his} kindness during the last three final games of hockey in Port Perry rink, silver trophy was brought on the ice. Mr. Ted Jackson called the spectators 'to order and asked the President of the Rural Hockey League, Mr. Ry. his appreciation to the fans for their patronage and to the players for their good sportsménship, and he asked Mr. 'Harry Peel to present' the trophy which was so generously donated by Peel Bros, a year ago. Mr, Peel said he was well pleased with the interest| the trophy had aroused in the rural players, and was glad to see so many of :the younger fellows getting into the games. Mr. Cecil Jeffrey, Capt. of the Prince Albert team, receievd the cup, and' thanked Mr, Peel on be- half of the team and himself, for such a lovely gift of which he was sure the team was proud to have been able to win. He hoped they would do as well next year, and: so with a rousing cheer the Rural League closed for an- «J other year, SONYA The Sinclair Mission Band met in the basement of the church on Saturday afternoon: After the devotional ex- ercises and the regular meeting, articles for the bale were started, and lunch was served. Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Meneely and sons spent Sunday with Mr. and Mus. Charles Lunney at Blackwater. Mr. John McTaggart, of Lindsay, visited friends here on Thursday. Mr, Ferguson Munro was in Toronto on Saturday. ° Mrs. Finlay spent a day recently with her daughter Mrs. Geo. Baird, at Saintfield. Miss Ruby Prentice spent the past week with friends in Port Perry. Agricultural Soci- ety Officers and Committees. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY At a meeting held on March 19th, at the call of the retiring President, Mr. Grant Christie, officers were elected and directors ap- pointed. S Hon. Prosidani rab, Christie 1 President--F. Shepherd, Port Perry. Manchester. Port Perry. Treas.--N. Evil Port Perry. Directors Sec.-'] Grant Christie, J. Aldred, Isaac Whit- Graham with Miss Lulu Wright; field, S. Farmer, W. E, MacGregor, A. 'M. Smith and Mr. and Murs. B. Caawker, T. J. Sager, V. Stouffer, W. F. Thompson, J. E. Jackson, Law- son Honey, R. M, Holtby. tl Associate Directors = Jos. Forder, Jno. Jeffrey, Leith Byers, Roy Scott, Russell Graham, A. L. McDermott, Jos. Ward, E. Hayes C. H. Kellett, Jno. McDonald, M. A. Gerrow, W. J. Anderson, Ryerson Ladies' Committee PORT PERRY, REACH & SCUGOG| the solloWile: Orange Lodge of Blackstock, while' Mr. Creighton Devitt is a delegate of the Men's Orange Lodge. The regular monthly. meeting of the A.Y.P.A, of St, John's Church will be evening the 27th. The program is in: charge of the executive, The March meeting of the Women's | Auxiliary of. St. John's Church was held at the home of Mrs, G. Campbell on Friday afternoon of last week with an attendance of 23 members and visitors. The meeting opened with hymn, Bible reading by Mrs. T, Smith and prayers led by the President. The Study Book chapter "The Warrior Clan of Japan" was taken by Dr. Whittaker and the report of the Diocesan Board meeting given by Mrs. Campbell. Lunch was served by the group in charge, viz.: Mesdames H. Bailey, Robt. Hamilton, F. Willan and W. Crawford. Mrs. Naysmith Henry and family of Janetville and Mrs. Sandy Dawson, of Windsor, are visiting their parents Mr, and Mrs. F, A, Bailey. Messrs. Herbert Hooey, S. Swain, C. Devitt and W. A, VanCamp were in Newcastle recently attending the fun- eral of the late Robert Cowan. Mr: T. Smith was in Hamilton last week attending the International Har- vesters' Convention. 'The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs, J. Jobb on Wed- nesday afternoon' the 14th, with an attendance of 26. The program con- sisted of a reading by Mrs. (Rev.) Newell, a reading by Miss Gwenieth Marlow, "The Scientific Baby", a talk by Dr. Whittaker on "The Eskinio", a temperance reading by Mrs. Alex. Johnston, and a talk by Mrs. F. Stin- son, on "World. Peace". Lunch was served by the group in charge. On Monday evening a very suceess- ful. Pot Luck Supper and Crokinole Party were held in the basement of the United Church under the auspices of the W.M.S. The prize winners at the crokinole were Mrs. Harvey Ginn and Mr. Malcolm Elford. A very pleasant St. Patrick's even- ing was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R Mrs. Alex. Johnston, on Thursday of 1st Vice-President--W. F. Thompson, ! last week, when they were host and hostess to a number of their neigh- 2nd Vice President--W. E. MacGregor,' bours and friends." Murs. J. Henry, of Burketon is visit- ing her daughter Mrs. Jas. Henry. Sunday visitors were Miss Irene Mrs, T. Smith with Mr. and Mrs, W. VanCamp, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Smith and Oliver with . Mahood. Mrs. Alex. Johnston visited her sister Mrs. N. Mountjoy on Tuesday. Misses Susie VanCamp and Hazel Mountjoy were two of the sixty Peter- 5 boro Normal students who were in To- ronto on Saturday, March 10th, visit- ing the Art Gallery for educational Beare, Clifford Sonley, Harry Stevens. | purposes. Lenten service on Wednesday even- Mrs, I R. Bentley, Mrs. 8. Farmer,! last was held at the home of Mr. Mrs. G. Christie, "Mrs." Fred Raines,' pp, and Mrs. Leslie Graham and waz Mrs. (Dr.) Rennie, Mrs. Bert Mac- Gregor, Miss Grace Davis. Committees Grounds--W. E. MacGregor Wm. F. Thompson, Ted Jackson, Cattle--A. B. Cawker, Ryerson Beare, Harry Stevens. Horses--W. F. Thompson, L. Byers. Sheep and Swine--J. Aldred, Clifford Sonley. Poultry--L. Honey, C. H. Kellett. Building Display--S. Farmer, T. J. Sager, Roy Scott. Concessions--F. Shepherd. Entertainment and Attractipns--Bert. MacGregor, A. L. McDermott, W. M. Letcher, N. Ewers, V. Stouffer, Téd Jackson, E. Hayes, M. A. Ger- row. Tickets--N. Auditors--E: Letcher. It was decided to hold a street dance Ewers, F. Shepherd: L. McLean, W. M, 'near July 1st, the attractions commit- tee to arrange. Congratulations are extended to Mr, and Mrs, John Hamilton on the birth of a son on Sunday, March 11th, and to Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Forder on the arrival of a daughter, on Monday, March 19th, Mrs, Howard Bailey and son Neil have retuined home after a week spent with Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Pritchard, of Toronto. ; Mrs. Leslie Grahanf and Mrs. W. Crawford are in Pembroke this week attending the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of British erica. Beare, 'to speak, Mr/ Beare expressed hi are representing the Ladids' i conduct by the rector of St. John's Church. The teachers and pupils of. the Con- tinuation ' School motored to Port Perry on Wednesday evening of last week for their annual skating party on the local rink. Before leaving for home they visited a restaurant where ample justice was done by all. NW thing SCUGOG The Women's Association will hold their March meeting next Tuesday afternoon the 27th, at 3 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Sweetman, with group five of the Centre ladies and Mrs, Roy Henders and Miss Edna Madgett the program committee, Let every one be there, The Young People's League will be held in the Centre Church on Thurs- day evening. Mr. Luzerne Sweetman in charge. The topic will be the Study of Canadian Authors. The St. Patrick's supper held in the Township Hall last Tuesday evening, was a splendid success. The hostesses, Mrs. Geo. Jackson and Mrs. J. Demara ers wore white and green aprons and head-bands. The "tables looked very appetizing with everything served on green glassware, and all did justice to the delicious food. A number of Irish songs were sung, accompanied by Mr. Glen Hood and Mr. Ralph Milner -on their guitars with Mrs. G. Sweetman at the. organ. Mrs. John Joblin told an interesting story of a little girl receiving a gold thimble for held at the rectory on Wednesday had the hall and tables tastefully dees{--- orated for St. Patrick and their help- |- gewing. - Miss Ivah Milner and Mr, Gordon Dodsley "were the winners in drawing contest. 'A musical contest was in charge bf Miss Inez Fralick and Mrs. Geo, Sweetman. Other con- tests were in charge of Mrs. E, Fines, Mrs, O. Jeffrey, Miss Inez Fralick. Rev. Mr, Elford acted as chairman, The evening closed with everyone feeling better after our social time together. The supper and concert held last Friday evening in the Head Church was very well attended. The decora- tion were very pretty and the tables looked very inviting. The program was very interesting and everyone en- joyed the dialogue given by the young folk, "Why We Never Married". Mr. Frank Reader and sister Aleta gave a musical 'selection. Mrs, T, Redman and Mrs. S. Rodman sang "The Old Spinning Wheel" and several other selections were given. Mr. Anson Gerrow acted as chairman. A splen- did time was enjoyed by alll The girls are still ahead in the Sun- day School contest at the Head Church with only one Sunday to go. The orange outnumbered the white at the Centre Sunday School on Sun- day but the white are still ahead. A meeting of young and old farmers both men and women, will be held in the Township Hall next Monday even- ing March 26th, under the direction of the "New Canada Movement" A special invitation is extended to all. 'Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Phillip (nee Hazel Sweet) on the birth of a little daughter on March 14th--Beverley Ann. Mrs, Phillip taught school here for some time, Miss Myrtle Sweetman, of Toronto, and her cousin Mr. William Miller, of Donalda Farm, were recent "visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sweetman. Mr. Fred Dickson and sister Gladys, of Gamebridge, - were recent visitors of their sister Mrs. I. Thomson. We had our first thunder storm of the season on Saturday. The roads are all open for cars now, but some of them are still very icy. Sorry to hear Mrs. Elford has not been so well for the past week. We trust she will be better soon. PRINCE ALBERT The Young People's meeting was held last Wednesday evening. In the absence of both the President and the Vice-President, Miss Gertrude Martyn presided and took charge of the pro- gram, which consisted. of two musical selections by the junior girls, a talk on David Livingstone by Miss Gert- rude Martyn, and the topic, "If Christ Had His Way with Me" taken by Mr. Sager. Miss Laird was in Toronto one day ¢ last week, and spent the week-end at her home in Maple Grove. ) Mr. and Mrs. Walter Webb visited over the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hunter. Mr.. Lloyd Hunter returning home with them. ' Miss -M. H. Murphy, is visiting with her brother Mr. Murphy. R.N., Weston, H. R. I Miss M. Murphy of Weston, is visit- ing her brother Mr. H. R. Murphy. Mr. A. Smith has moved into Mr. S. Lambkin's house. Welcome to our village, We are sorry to report that Mis. John Jeffrey is not as well as we would like to sed. The young men of the village cele- brated Ross Murphy's birthday last Saturday, by moving "The Club House" from Mr. S. Lambkin's pro- perty, as he had requested before leaving for the west. Those who can, go and support the hockey boys at Uxbridge on Thursday night, when they play Leaskdale team, winners of the Uxbridge Rural League. A large number from here attended the final hockey game last Thursday, played between Prince Albert and Port Perry. A full report of the game is found elsewhere in this issue. The cup is on display at the Post Office. MYRTLE 5 {toc date for last week.) Mr. Innis Grant who has been ill for some time is still confined to his bed and under medical care. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Graham and family of Brooklin, visited the form-. er's father, Mr. Wilfred Graham, re- cently. Mrs. John Leask spent a few days in Toronto last week and attended the wedding of a friend on Monday. Mrs, Robt, E. Hoar, of Toronto, visited her father Mr. W. S. Parks and other friends here last week. Robert Duff and son were contrib- utors to the annual sale of pure bred cattle sponsored: by 'the Durham County Shorthorn Assogiation that was held at Bowmanville last week, * and two of their heifers, Lavender Princess and Lavender Fashion; were purchased by His Honor Dr, Herbert Bruce, Lieutenant-Governor of On- tario. Lou Richardson and son, of Ashburn, were also contributors at this sale, and received top prices for their offerings. Miss Bernice Price of the East Gen- eral Hospital, Toronto, visited with friends here on Sunday. Mr, Frank Booth was in Toronto on Friday. Pengally and Son of Brooklin, were along the ninth concession last week and opened-up-the-roads. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Tordiff, Mrs. R. Dobson and daughter Joan, visited Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dobson, on Sun- day, During a recent high wind a spark from the chimney set the roof of Mr. James Dickson's house on fire. For- tunately it was noticed before it got much headway and by the aid of chemicals from the C.P.R. and a buck- et bridage it was extinguished before a great deal of damage was done.' Owing to the dry spell last season, a number of farmers here are very short of feed and are buying hay to tide them over until fhe grass comes. Myrtle tion The W.M.S. held at Ms, Chisholm"s last. week was well attended and a very interesting program was grjoyed; The President, Mrs. Totton had ¢ arge of the meeting, which opened by sing- ing hymn "Just as I Am". The Pres. read the Devotional leaflet which was based on the story of "Doubting Thomas" and how friendly and fairly Jesus met him and satisfied his doubts. Minutes were read and adopt- ed. A letter was read from Premier Henry ment of a request this society had sent him in opposition of the more liberal use of beer and wine. .Mrs, Hudgins gave a very interesting read- ing, "The Perfect Presbyterial", Plans were made for a lady Missionary to be with us some time in May. rs. Luery gave a splendid synoposis of the Tirst chapter of the Study Book called "Lady Fourth Daughter of China". "God makes company" is expression of Chinese people who have found Jesus. A pretty duet was sung by Mrs. Luery and Mrs. Totton, "Keep on the Sunny Side of Life." Collection, fees and mite boxes amounted to $4.90 besides the home expense fund which was started. Meeting closed by the Mizpah benedic- tion. "Refreshments were served. by Mrs. Dewney and Mrs, Harrison to whom, with Mrs, Chisholm, a hearty vote of thanks was tendered. The a meeting will be held at the home Mrs, Hudgins, =~ ar Harold Simkin of Toronto was a visitor over the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Percy, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lane, also Mr. Ross Broome and Mr. Will Timmins were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. David Broome of Kinsale last Wednesda celebrate the occasion of Broome's birthday. Mrs. Robt. Chisholm was a visitor to Toronto last week. 'Mrs. C, Harrison spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. W. H., Mec- Cartney of Brooklin. The "wood bee" season is in full force. Mr. Art Manderson had a bee on Saturday afternoon, Mr. Oliver Lane on Tuesday, 'and Mr. Roy Percy is having his on W ednesday. Mrs. Jas. Dickson is spending a few days this week with relatives in Toronto, Mis Mary Martin and Miss Bertha Holliday spent the week end with rela- tives in Toronto. Mr. Roy Thompson and Jack were week end visitors. Miss Reva Cooper has returned home after a few weeks visit with relatives in Brooklin, The W.M|S. are holding a 'Pot Luck' Supper in the basement of the Church next week, on Thursday, March 29th. A Good program is being arranged. Come and have a real good time. Mrs. Totton is bees i a few days with her Mother, Mrs. Warren of Stouffvile. About fifteen boys attended the gathering of the Trail Rangers at the home of Mrs. Hudgihs, last Friday evening. The evening was spent in playing progressive crokinole, Ken- neth Cook winning first prize and Bob Cross won the consulation ze. Refreshments were served and the boys had a real good time. Mrs. Roy Spencer of Perth, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Houston of Toronto also Mr. and Mrs, Albert Pickard of Bow- manville,_ Sunday were the guests of Mr. andr E. Beacock. RE RE LLU. --.e.:SS hRP-A P-PP TURNIP MARKETING A meeting regarding the production and marketing of Turnips, will be held in the School House, Seagrave, on the 28th of March, Mr. Thompson, of Lynden and an Agricultural Represen- tative will be the speakers. All far- mers interested are invited to be present, rs. which was an_acknowledge- pC NTE sy A dy an a -e . ry oes po