Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Feb 1934, p. 4

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vyersaries, LOCAL ITEMS ~~ CONGRATULATIONS . On Wednesday of last week, ~ Mr and Mrs. Geo. A. Rose cele- brated the 52nd anniversary of their wedding. Both are in fair health. Their many friends join in wishing them further anni- The Y. P. S, of St. John's . Presbyterian Church are enter- taining the Ashburn Society on Monday, February 6th, If you would enjoy a good program .of Scotch songs and readings do not miss this meeting. Mr. G. Savage -of Salt Lake . City, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Savage. The members of St. John's Presbyterian Church Choir are holding a Valentine Tea and Sale of Home Made Candy in the Basement of the Church on Tuesday, February 13th, from 4 to 6. ER ELL a II UNIVERSITY EXTENTION LECTURES There has been some difficulty in securing suitable lectures on the dates set. As matters now stand the next lecture will be held on February 19th, when Prof. J. Cano will speak on, "A Trip Through Spain", (illus- trated). On March 5th, Prof. E. Goggio will give his lecture, "A Trip Through Italy", (illus- trated). Further notice will appear. next week. > Port Perry High School The Literary Society will hold their next meeting in the audi- torium of the High School on Friday, February 2nd, at 3 p.m. The program is being sponsored by Middle School Students. Our Basketball Team emerged triumphant--at last--over Ux- bridge. The girls certainly worked hard and not only did they give ocular proof of their proficiency in the game but most decidedly earned the score 22-19, Three cheers, girls! 5 --_-- to eo---------- I. 0. D. E. The regular monthly meeting of Scugog Chapter, I.O.D.E. will be held on Monday, February 5, at 8 p.m, in the Chapter's room. wr > LADIES BIBLE CLASS OF THE UNITED CHURCH " The annual business meeting of the Ladies Bible Class of the United Church was held on Fri- day evening, Jan 26th, at the . home of Miss Stovin.- : The election of officers result- ed as follows:- Teacher--Mrs. Geo. Davey. Ass't. Teacher--Mrs. Farmer President--Miss- G. Stovin. 1st Vice President--Mrs, Mc- Dermott. 2nd Vice President--Miss A. Webster.' : Secretary--Miss B. Rundle. Ass't. Sec.--Miss R. Woon. Treasurer--Miss Widden Asg"t Trea.--Mrs. I. And Convenor of Social CommitteE| --Mrs. B. Smallman. Business meeting was follow- ed by a social time, after which refreshments were served. There were 34 members present. Church of the Ascension 11 a.m.--Holy Commion. A a a i ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 7 p.m.--Evening Service, rev. D. A. Ferguson,'B.A., Minister I Rl lh Ee Port Perry United Church Sunday, February 4th, 1934 11 a.m.--"Some of Life's Im- peratives". 7.00 pom.--"An Eternal Per- . plexity of Young Life". J. HH STEPHENSON REGJSTERED OPTOMETRIST will be at Morrison's Drug Store the Segopd_ and fourth Thursday of every nth in afte GLASSES. AT REASONABLE "PRICES We pay the TOP PRICE for all kinds of Fowl, Wool, Goose Feathers, Horse Hair, Hides, and Farm Produce. . For information call ; Bpecial pricés for geese and ducks, "ALIX. GILBOORD - Phone 177 Port Perry ROACH BECOMES HERO Fans Give Goaler Great Ova- tonight defeated Buffalo 1-0 in an International League game marked by the brilliant per for-! mance of John Ross Roach in the J Woon, AS SYRACUSE TRIUMPHS tion When Stars Beat Bisons Syracuse, Jan. 30---Syracuse The former N.! Syracuse nets. H. L. goaler blocked 61 shots to shut out the Buffalo team. . The win placed Syracuse firmly in second place. Roach's great performance was accomplished with a knee injury that forced his mates to carry him to his position in the net. Standing in the net, braced against one goal-post 'Roach's saves were spectacular. With one hand he was forced to block numerous shots, as he was un- able to skate across the net. When Roach was carried off the ice he received the greatest ovation in the history of hockey here, fans fighting for 'the pri- vilege of clapping him on the back. --Toronto Globe + reel PP GP The local unit of Army and Navy Veterans have received permission to use, temporarily, the rooms on the second floor of the Post Office for Club room. There are several veterans un- employed and these men meet in the club rooms daily, so that they may be available for any casual employment that may be obtained. If you need a man for any small job of any kind you will always find one ready to do it by calling at these rooms. Clothing is also badly needed by some of their families so' if you have any discarded men's women's or children's clothing it will be greatly appreciated. Any clothing not used will be sent on to needy veterans in To- ronto. - Parcels of clothing will be called for if word is left at the club rooms, second foor, Post Office. Veterans living on farms, ete, are reminded that these rooms are open all day, and that they are welcome to use them while in town. J a. <a oe PORT PERRY UN ITED CHURCH At the recent Congregational meeting reports were given of the' year's work, and every de- partmen showed that it had been actively: engaged in Christian service, The local membership is 349, and 87 non- resident members 'making a totai of 436. The following is the list of officials: Minister--Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M.A., B.D. Recording Secretary--Mr. S. Farmer. Treasurer--Mr. C. C. Jeffrey. M. and M. Treasurer--Mr. J. R. Baird. Chairman .of Board of Ste- wards--Mr, F. E. Reesor. Secrétary of Board of Ste- wards---Mr. John Taylor. Clerk of Session--Mr. R. D. "Superintendent of Sunday LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Money to Loan Now located in the office of H. W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, Queen Street Phone 264 ; Phone after hours: 8614 Oshawa. : . that it would be good thing for all the farmers on the Island to co-operate in cleaning up this pest this year. The treament used is known as Coopers' Warble Fly Powder. This material is mixed with warm water and applied to the backs of the cattle with a stiff brush, the first treatment being given early in March. - The total cost of such treaments would amount to approximately, bc. to 6c.per head so that if you have twenty head of cattle the total cost of the four treaments would be in the neighborhod of $1.00, Cattle coming on the Island for ranching purposes would, of course, have to be treated before being allowed on the Island. Letters and application forms are being sent out this week by the local office of the Ontario Department of Agriculture with a view to finding out if the far- mers of Scugog wish to join in a co-operative attempt to clean up this Heel Fly Pest on the Island. Dr. Lionel Stevenson, Pro- vincial Zoologist has consented to supervise the work again this spring if his services are wanted. The material would be pur- chased through the Department at rock "bottom price and charged to each individual at the cost to the Department, ac- cording to the number treated. Good stockmen who used this treament have no hesitation in recommending it. The 'better your cattle. make or in milk pro- diction wili off-set several times the cost of doing the: job. If you believe this work to be of value to the farmers of the Island be sure and fill in the ap- plication form and return to Mr. Croskery as it is only by co- operative action by all the far- mers that this service will be given. - ow 3 REV. G. C.'R. McQUADE GOES TO NEWFOUNDLAND Rev. George' C. R. McQuade, for over two years the minister of Centre Street United Church, Oshawa, has received, and has 'accepted, a call to become the minster of Gower Street Church, St. John's, Newfoundland, the largest and most influential congreg- ation in the Newfoundland conference of the United Church, to become its minister at the beginning of the next conference year. Mr. McQuade made School--Mr. R. B. Smallman. President of Women's As-' soctation--Mrs. W. H. Harris. Farmer. President of Evening Aux- iliary--Miss G. Stovin." Superintendents of Mission Band--Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey, Miss Hazel Jeffrey and Miss Mary Smallman, President of Y. P. S.--Mr. B, Macdonald. Rm lh --_--.-P- Plan Outlined for Treatment of all Scugog Cattle for Warble or Heel Fly Pest Last spring the Department of Agriculture co-operated with the following fourteen Scugog, Thos. Redman, Elmer Sweet- man, R. Carter, Frank Gerrow, Russell Hood, Geo. Sweetman, Geo, Jackson, C. Fralick, Geo. Hood, Russell Graham, Fred Clarke, Elmer Plowman, Wm. Jeffrey, Crosier Bros. Four treatments in all were given. Agricultural Represnta- Be W. M. Croskery has letters from twelve of these men which are fairly unanimous in expres- "sing approval of the g ac- complished by these treaments and. also expressing the opinion President of W.M.S--Mrs. S. meeting, when the keenest of" regret | was. expressed at the severance 'of the -| the most important on the island. farmers in the treating of their, ence, as well as a larger membership. cattle for Warble or Heel Flies: this known to the official board of the Centre Street Church at a jrecent happy relationships which have exist- ed between minister and congregation during his ministry here. | Rit Gower Street Church The Gower Street Cathedral Church to which Mr, McQuade is going in | St. John's, Newfoundland, is one of It has a church plant and equipment valued at $300,000, and an influential congregation of between 1,000 and 1,600 members. The church is of a i rather unusual type, having two large galleries, one above the other, and having a larger capacity than any church in the Bay of Quinte Confer. In his new church he will be successor to the Rev, Dr; Wylie J. Clark, a dis- tinguished minister, and will have as his assistant minister, Rev, 8. GQ. Gar- land, M.A., B.D. Rev. Oliver Jack- son, director of religious education for the conference, and Rev, Dr, T. B. Darling, M.A., governor of the Prince of Wales ' College, are among the members of the congregation. -He will also have a paid secretary in Miss Field, who is at present performing that duty for Rev. Dr. Clark, The church equipment includes a separate Sunday School building with accom. results you will have in gains]. Ww. A Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to § pm. Office over Nelson's Store. Eyes Sg j By. the most. modern methods accurately. "Prices lower than the lowest, quality considered." F. E. LUKE & SON. OPTOMETRISTS 163-167 Yonge Street, Toronto (Upstairs opposite Simpsons) IN MEMORIAM HARPER--In sad and loving memory of our darling baby, Lois, who died February 4th, 1931. God needed one more angel child Among His angel band, g And clasped our darling's hand. and Father. > "UTICA (Too late for last week) Wedding bells! Who said twice the same day? 'Mr, Ivan Geer had the mis- fortune to lose a horse this week. Master Garry Cormick has returned to his home in Toronto. Mrs. Jas. E. Mitchell at the home of Mr. H. Davis on Mon- day. The Ladies' Aid held their an- nial meeting and election of Officers on Wednesday, January 12th, the following officers were elected: Pres.--Mrs.. Reynolds, Vice-Pres.--Mrs. R. Harper, Sec.--Mrs. Fred Ackney, Treas, --Mrs. E. Skerratt. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lee opened their home for a.social evening under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid, last Tuesday evening. A good program--was given by members of the Aid and others. Collection $6.00 Mr. Bert McKercher and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ward have been confined to their homes with sore eyes. - Mr. Fisher of Belleville visite ing Mr. Ray. Mrs. Ivan Spencer and child- ren of Greenbank, visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Payne. The Blue Bird Club held their annual meeting at the home of Mrs. C. W. Lakey on Wed., Jan, 17th. Reports for the year were given showing a very successful year, $71.82; Expenditures, . $40.81; balance on hand, $31.01. The new officers for the year are: Pres.--Mrs. Fred Ballard, Vice- Pres.--Mrs. H. Kerry, Sec-- Miss Bessie Walker, Rec. Sec.-- Mrs. Earl Ballard, Treas,--Mrs. C. W. Lakey, Pianst--Miss Ruth Payne. © $5.00 was donated to the Hockey boys to help pay for goal pads. About thirty-three members and friends sat down to supper, feeling the Club had| had a very successful year. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Cann, on Feb. 21st. The United Ladies' Aid will hold a Valentine's tea and pro- gram in the Hall, in the near future. .Mr. Geo, Larkin has hired with Mr. Joel Miller for this year. Married in Toronto on .Satur- day, January 27th, by the Rev. E. C. Hunter, Vera, 'eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Miller to Mr. Harold Honey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Honey. Mrs. Wagg and Miss Alice of Prince Albert, visiting her son Mr. H. Wagg. On Tuesday, Mrs. Wagg received word her brother had passed away in Uxbridge. A number from here attended]. the dance at Manchester on Wednesday, also at Myrtle on Friday night, Mr, Art Reynolds had the mis- fortune to lose 8 barn by fire, on Saturday night The barn was situated on' the north half of his farm and was used for feed and storage, He lost his binder, mower ahd 'other imple-| ments, besides a quantity of modation for 1,000 boys and girls, 26.3 feed. The origin of the fire is And so he bent his loving smile i Ever remembered by Mother : Receipts for the year; KRUSHEN SALTS 3 Giant size 75¢.. OVALTINE-- 3 ; ~ 45¢., 67¢., and $1.09 JAD SALTS-- : Reg. 69¢. Condensed ssc. i MI 31 ANTISEPTIS-- 6 oz. -89¢., 16 oz. 79. f AYERST'S 10D COD LIVER OIL--4 oz, 67c., 16 oz, $1,69 KEPLER'S CODLIVER OIL & MALT--95c, and $1.50 CRAZY WATER CRYSTALS-- $1.50 RIKER'S SYRUP of TAR and COD LIVER OIL--39¢. BISMA. REX---For tomagh ailments. 75e. and $1.50 Squ1pH MILK of MAGNESIA 12 oz. size 89c. Sebessesesssssssvene i Phone 49 Eh SALE You Save with Safety; at your Rexall Drug Store. mr 31 TooTH PART : BATH SALTS--Lavender A. M. LAWRENCE "THE REXALL STORE" A DAIRY PRODUCE | (Quotations to shippers) | Creamery Solids, No. 1 . gen : 'No. 2: EER Ap pasa ss . 26 - ae: Churning Cream, special 26, No. i 25, $l No. 2, 28. : 1 POULTRY, AND EGGS oA gt Eggs es Hea 2c, and 89¢. § Poultry (A) 'Grade--Alive | Spring Chickens ............8 to 1 coLGATES TOOTH PASTE-- 8 | Broilers .......i.0s ANY FL To 21c. and 89¢. $¥|Fatted Hens ..........cov0es 8 to 11 or | Old Roosters ASTEYY Sal Rose, large bottle, © 49% § | POTATOES -- CONDE CASTILE SOAP-- No. 1, 90 Ib. bags, .. 5c. cake, 6 cakes 25¢. | LIVE STOCK-- COLEO or PALMOLIVE SOAP i Bacon Hogs (f.0.b.) Fela REE oF 4 cakes for 25¢. H#| Veal Calves .........$6.60 to $8.00 EGYPTIAN PALM SOAP-- - fi |Fed Calves ........c... $6.00 to $7.00 2 cakes forlle, § | Butcher Cattle $4.50 to $6.50 PAL RAZOR BLADES-- ff] Steer $5.00 to $6.00 Package of five 25¢. §f| ONTARIO GRAIN (Shipping Points) NOXEMA-- % Regular 27c. for 15¢. _ JASMINE FACE POWDER and PERFUME «both for 69¢. 25c. Pkgs. STATIONERY-- ~ H 2 for 25e¢. § ¥ : ~ % Sip) $1.10 to $145 DRO PE SCION SS SCARE) EERE EEE PR I I RR ERI RT SUR SCR RUSE SO PR I TE ER CSUR RE SURS RC ) RR IR TE ROIS SCR SUR) have used tires, tubes and Teasonuble prices. IRWIN CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING If you have an old car why don't you consult us, the PORT : PERRY WRECKERS, for our highest cash price. ~ Corner of Mary and Water Streets - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 25 | Persons wishing | to put in a sup- § i ply of ice, can] | secure same by | ! applying to the § | undersigned ata fl | . rate of {I3¢. a Cake] loaded on trucks We also car accessories for sale at TRIPP unknown. = There was no in- surange. Utica - Hockey = Team held Prince Albert to a 1-1 tie, last Thursday night. Mr. H. Wagg getting the goal for Utica. They play Myrtle this Thursday night. Best of luck. Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Bell enter- tained a few of their neighbors on Saturday evening. Mrs. Harford, who has been ronto "on Sunday for an in definite time. A number from here attended]. the hockey match in Oshawa on Monday night between St. Micheal's and Oshawa. QE LTE Myrtle Station Next Sunday, February 4th, our United Church 'is observing the twenty-fifth anniversary of its dedication. Sunder sersices will be at the hours of 11.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m Rey. T. A, Moore, Moderator of the United Church of Canada will preach at both services. Special music will be given by the local choir, assisted by the Brooklin Male Quartette and Mrs. Houston, soloist of To- onto. On Monday evening a hot sup- will be served from 6 to 8 p.m, followed by a mixed program, Rev. D. Ridout of Toronto will give an illustrated lecture on British. Columbia and Oshawa talent will furnish the music. We are expecting the Church to be filled to capacity. The Sunday Schoo and Church attendance last Sunday was be- low the mark, because of the sudden change in the weather. We are sure getting our share of the cold snaps this winter. Mon- | morning was 24 below zero with a high wind. = We don't care much. for that either. Mr. Wilburt Edward, Miss R. Edward, also Mrs. R. Dobson ina guests of Mr. and Mrs. L, 0 Ot "Arthur Manderson 'and George who have been in To- ronto for the past few months have returned: to "their home ere, Several friends, here attended the funeral ast Th Hpredey of th a Us ie Y a late Mr. Cc. sleptire. ob under the Dr.'s care went to To-{ys Thursday night, don't fail to be and Joan of Toronto, on Sunday | MANCHESTER The Ladies' Aid will meet at|} Mrs. W. F. Thompson's on Wed- nesday, February 7th. Mr. Clark Harrison visited Mr. F. Crosier one day last week. The Misses Linton of Clare-|H mont visited with Mrs.. H. O.|§ Dobson. . Quite a number of friends. of : r. and Mrs. Arthur Hunter called on them Friday night and spent a very enjoyable evening. Mrs, McKinnsey has returned to her home after staying in To- ronto for a few weeks. The Community Club meets on If you are interested, { please make application at once. | Sam N. Griffen | Lumber Co. - § Phone 240 B PORT PERRY, ONT. § The Creamery is PAYING 26c.; 25c., & 28c. for . 'BUTTER FAT. You can save labor and make more money by sending "your cream to the 5 PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors. | D. E. Steckley, having discontinued his. Port Perry office, wishes to an- nounce that following this date he will make residental calls in Port Perry and district. For appointment, phone 224-Oshawa, or write to 146 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. ee OP Pmmne = Congratulations to: Mr. Grant there; Christie on being elected Warden Glad to have Mr. C. Tarrow back again, he is. Staying with his sister, Mrs. G. Christie. PLAY AND DANCE +A play entitled "Estabrook 'Nieces", followed by a dance will be held at the Yellow School on Friday, February 2nd. Ad- mission 26c. op TURKEYS FOR SALE Well bred stock, will sell at reasonable price for breeding purposes, Hens $2.00, Toms $2.60. Also a number of geese. Apply to J. W. Collins, R, R-2 Port Perry. feb. Note the date of the Ice Carnival at . Port Perry Wed, February, REDUCED PRICES Suits sponged and pressed 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH "Over the Observer Office. ARE YOU THE MAN? Can place reliable man under 50, with car, in profitable local Watkins route distributing necegsities to established cus- tomers, Can earn $26.00 wack, 4, art Write quisiay, 3. B. a mpany, tor st, nt Dept. 0; = Begers es or a a r :

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