Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Jan 1934, p. 5

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Tanke "hock Port je ra gradi anmnal 'meeting in rotusued " de mpasied by. Mrs. n, of Markham, |< Bearey over : ay to Mrs. th of her father, Prince Albert. [r. Armour MeMil- - The Women's Association held their 'the 'church on Tuesday of last week, when the fol. lowing officers were, elected for this year: i | Prattont Ars, ae jon," 1st Vise Progident 3 rs. L. O'Neill 'Treasurer--Mrs. 0. i | Seeretary--Mrs. "Whiter, 3 | Asst, See.--Mrs, W, Phoenix. « Planiste--Mrs, G. xi Ei Al persons: + having: relating against | the Estate of Joseph Baird, late of | | Ontario, Bailif; and. Agent, decensed, 2 after the sa id {to claims of 'which the Township of Reach, County" of || who died on or about the 2nd day of January; 1934, are hereby not 'toy send to the bndersigned, solicitor for the: Executor, on or 'before the 7th day of February, 1934, full particu. bo of 'their claims. Immediately th day of February, {Jae art the said deceased mong ¢ the barties entitled | rd a : then have notice. wr ABN Dated at Port Yirry this 8th ay of January, 1934, = JOSEPH DENNY, - PE + Bolisiton for Executor, li 4, : Sette Ontario MANCHESTER 2 several ment will day mo joyed by all. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, 'Dennis McKenzie, on birth of a son, We pre glad to wte tat Rev, 'Mr, 'was in charge of the services on Sunday, after being indisposed for 'Rev, Mr, Anderson, who has spent thirty years on the mission. field in India, gave a most in- | teresting Sddress on H e observed here next Sun. indoism. Sacra- + Mrs, Seward spent. the week end' with' friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, 'Jas. 'Mitchell enter- | tained about sixty friends last Thurs. nection day evening, and a jolly. time. was en- Church will be held on the' evening of - Miss Mole, of Ashburn, is the guest of her sister Mrs. Harvey Dobson, The Committee in charge of the Welfare Dance under the auspices of © the Community Club, } forth" 'great efforts to make it a Sues I. Vernon, We hope for a speedy re- | | are putting cess. Keep the date, January 24th, ! for this event and help the good work, T ss » - od A DIRECT OBLIGATION OF THE Vi a PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 2 ISSUED UNDER AUTHORITY OF R.S.0. 1927, CHAPTERS 23 AND B57, AND 28 GEORGE 'V, (ONTARIO), CHAPTER 485, AND A CHARGE AS TO PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST UPON THE CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND OF THE PROVINCE : 5 oa: = or : 4 : = '% . Three-Year = 3 ARTY dui fo toridiig Contato, 0 TREASURER oF THE PROVINCE OF ON TARIO® ST QFRERY. FOR PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTION | $40, 000, 000 -~ Government of the Province of Ogtatio | Non-Callable B Coupon Bearer Debentures - Dated January 16, 1934, and offered in three maturities, the choice of which is optional with the subscriber, as follows: > Coupons Sayalle A 16 nl July 16. Debentures registerable as to "principal "only. a3 Principal and interest payable in lawful money of Canada, at the holder's Selly option in the cities of Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vanconset "Halifax or Saint John, N, B. , Legal opinion of E. G. Long, Esq., K.C. The proceeds of this 4 1ssue will beazsed to retire short-term indebtedness incurred ol for capital expenditures of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission and of the + wo Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway Commission, for advances to the Agricultural Development Board and for Unemployment Relief. . - Six-Year ; Fifteen-Yoar ; 4% Debentures 4% % Debentures 4%% Debentures Due January 16, 1937 Due January 16, 1940 Due January 16, 1949 iil Denomination, $1,000 Denominations, $500 and $1,000 Denominations, $100,$500and $1,000 ~ Price: 99 \00 and interest, Price: 100 and interest, Price: 97.00 and interest,' Yielding 436% to maturity. yielding 4.50% to Watuty, yielding 4.78% to maturity. * APPLICATIONS TO THE ABOVE LOAN WILL BE RECEIVED BY ANY BRANCH OF ANY CHARTERED BANK IN CANADA, ANY BRANCH OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO SAVINGS OFFICE, AND BY RECOG- ok de pl "NIZED BOND DEALERS AND STOCK BROKERS, FROM WHOM MAY. N OE pe TREASURY DEPARTMENT, EE PArniamMENT BuiLbinas, TAINING COMPLETE DETAILS OF THE LOAN, SUBSCRIPTIONS T0 THIS LOAN WILL BE SUBJECT TO AL- LOTMENT AND THE LIST WILL CLOSE AT THE DIS- : CRETION OF THE TREASURER OF ONTARIO. INTERIM DEBENTURES IN BEARER FORM WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR DELIVERY ON OR ABOUT JANUARY 22, 1934. ToroNTO, JANUARY 15, 1084, BE OBTAINED COPIES OF THE OFFICIAL PROSPECTUS CON- § my The "Royal Canucks" will furnish ex. cellent music in their happy style, Remember the Community Club on Thursday evening, January 18. About 70. were present at the last meeting. Come and bring your friends. Mr. J. 'McKenzie who has been yisit- ing his son here, has returned to To, ronto, . The W.M.S. will meet in the chore on Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock, | "A congregational meeting in con: with Manchester United Tuesday, January 28rd. Mr, John Moore, Jr. of Oshawa, 8 "spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs, | John Moore, Sr., last week, of ) Dy Soiry 'to report the illness of Mr. covery, Miss Helen Crosier was in Oshawa this week. Mr, and Mra. Putsy, of Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. F. Crosier one day last week. visited with Mr. and Mrs. F, Crosier .on Wednesday, Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Samells visited with Mr, and Mrs, Wright Crosier, on Sunday. : Miss Allie Thompson has gone to to stay with her niece. The W. A. met at the home of Mrs, 'noon. The election of officers for the lows: Vice-President, "Miss J. Hooper; Sec'y, Miss Barrett; Treasurer, Miss Allie Thompson. Visiting Committee-- Mrs. Franklin, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Spencer, Mrs, White, Mrs. Strong, Miss Thompson. Organist, Mrs, J. Dobson, one day last week. Fenelon Falls. Born in Toronto, to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McKenzie, a son. of Oshawa, spent last week at the < o-oo -- As Reach Council The inaugural meeting of the Muni- 'cipal Council of the Township of Reach for the year 1934 was held in the township hall pursuant to the Statutes when the members elect to form the said Council, that is to say, Grant Christie, Reeve; Wm, Parrott, Deputy Reeve; Wesley# Crosier, John McDonald and Robt. Swanick, toun- cillors, took and subscribed to their several declarations of office and com- menced the transaction of business of the township for the current year, the Reeve presiding. } Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Communications. Treasurer, erfelosih cheque for $480,- 86, being amount. Reach Twp. from re- ceipts of Tax Sale of 1933; From Sec.- Treas. Ont, Good Roads Association anouncing dates of Annual Conven- tion; From Sec'y Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities re date of annual convention and requesting the Council to become a member; From The Dept. of Agriculture re the ap- pointment of Weed Inspector. A By-law was passed confirming the following appointments for '1938: Auditors, N. C. Brown and F. John- son; School Attendance Officer, J. T. Dobson, Prince Albert; Member of Board of Health, T. E. Philp; Sanitary Inspector, Alex. Leask; Weed Inspect- or, Isaac Beare. The appointment of 'an assessor was deferred until the next meeting of the Council,' ized to sign and submit to the Min- ister of Public Works and Highways of the Province, a summarized state- ment of expenditures on roads during 1938 requesting the Statutory Grant on same as provided by The Ontario Highways Act 'and Amendments thereto. "Road Accounts Passed Jas, Masters, snow, $1.22; A. R. Gray, snow and dragging, $2.62; Jas. Ianson, trucking snow fence, $3.00; Jas, Lee, exp. incurred erecting snow fence, $1.63; The_Pedlar People, snow fence, $100.24; Stanley Ward, $3.78; Jas. A. Lee, on account as Road Supt, : | $14.40, General Accounts Passed T. J. Sager, on account as Collector for 1933, $100,00; I. R. Bentley, $1.10, '| for stationery; H.. Parsons, printing $98. to pay election expenses and to - | pay Relief accounts, $35.87. The Ont. Ass'n of Rural 'Municipalities $6.00 for membership fee. Council adjourned until. Saturday, the 8rd day of February, next at 1 pm. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Moon and family | § Brighton for the rest of the winter hn Barrett and spent a nice social after- year took place, and resulted as fol- || President, Mrs, F. White; 1st [4 Mr. and Mrs, Fred Lamb in Toronto | {i Mr, Chas. Lamb and Mr. F. Lamb 3 L Mrs. John Moore and little daughter ||. home of Mr. John Moore, Manchester. || Frazaib Count The Reeve and Clerk were author- | 1 8 F. W. BROCK & SON The RED & WHITE Store : , Grocery Specials } TOMATOES, Choice Quality, ..............2 tins for 19¢. CORN, Choice White .,:...........oiiniunin 2 tins 19c. LUX FLAKES, large pkg., with Lux Toilet FREE J ; T. pkg. and 1 bar for tiers shin irae OD MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR, ............ "7" 1bs for 29c. Five Rogen, Kobi Hood or Purity Flour make fine bread or i FIVE ROSES. FLOUR, a bargain price for this class Fry Of Flour i ri cE Fo Ee Cwt. $2.59 ROBIN HOOD FLOUR,...... 24 1b bag 72¢., 7 1b bag 27c, PURITY FLOUR, 24 1b. bag icin prac Ves tny 9c. PERFECTION BREAD FLOUR, 98's .............. $2.29 XXX. BASTRY FLOUR, ,\. Lodi 24's 53c. Cwt. $2.10 NEW WALL PAPERS ARE NOW IN STOCK SUNWORTHY--SUN TESTED 2 All of our New Wall Papers are now in stock in a large range of attractive patterns. Patterns guaranteed not to fade. Priced at 19c¢. per roll and up. Papers in a new line 15c. per roll and up. Papers in a pleasing assortment for Bed- rooms, Dining Roms, Kitchens, mostly all semi-trimmed at 'popular prices--10c. per roll and up. Ceilings to match any paper, 10c. per roll and up. es z CONGOLEUM RUGS, ....... 9 x 6 $5.25. 9x 7% $6.65 LINOLEUM RUGS, ........ 9 x 6, $5.75. 9x 7%, $7.26 FLOOR OILCLOTH; SUC IN Se 48c. per sq. yard INLAID LINOLEUM ......000000 0000 ...$1.15 sq. yard PRINTED LINOLEUM, 4 yards wide........ 80c. sq. yard. PRINT HOUSE DRESSES A new shipment for Dresses for Spring. All new designs. EE MEER SIE Priced at 75¢. 98c., $1. 19 and $1. 35 wie Br i Me ---- itn Tne lle Ber erie Ail ifr elem ll He Phone 43, Port Perry A PRET a gh sna g Sg - Cot y Sy Jo - WOOD - COKE AMERICAN ANTHRACITE "BLUE COAL" The Color guarantees the quality SCOTCH ANTHRACITE, CANNEL COAL, STEAM COAL. COKE--Hamilton Stelco Coke made in Hamilton by Can- adians, is dustless, sootless,-- eless, every ton is good value as it is loaded fresh from the ovens and con- tains the minimum amount of moisture when delivered to your bin. WOQD--Hard body wood, Hardwood Slabs, Softwood Slabs. A few cords of soft body wood" we will sell at $6.00 a iL cord. =" FRED E. REESOR Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73 BUY NOW Made-to-Measure SUITS and OVERCOATS at Low Prices. We are offering good values--60 = different designs in Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds," Grey and Blue Serges. Pressing and Dry Cleaning Done e Telephone Office, Port Perry WwW T Rodman MERCHANT TAILOR ; ° ° & Over th DON'T WORRY ABOUT FIRE! Have your property properly insured at once HAROLD W. EMMERSON account in full for 1938, $202.; Treas. || . EARLY PULLETS WILL PAY AGAIN IN 1934 Read the interestthg article on this subject, by F. W. Bray, in January issue of "The Farmer", January 6th, "Canadian Countryman" and January 4th "Farmer's Advocate," Send NOW for FREE booklet--' "The Highway to Poultry Success in 1984." First hatches already off. Hatching regularly from now. on. Eight breeds. Approved. All our branch hatcheries will be open for business Jantnry "20th, "From 20th to 81st, they will book orders ahead, at prices 'quoted in our "Early Order" price lat. New February price list may show advances for the whole season. Order in Jahuary and save money. BRAY CHICK HATCHERY, 79 Clayburn Ave, St. Catharines, Ont. Branch Hatchery nt LINDSAY, corner of Lindsay and Kent, Streets NOTE-To get the FREE booklet, just tear our this ad. and mail it to our Head Office, with your name and address on the margin, ; Government rg TX hr I AL hy Zr x on

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