Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Jan 1934, p. 4

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rp Rr i a LOCAL ITEMS We are pleased to note that Mr, Geo, Rose has improved in health and able to out again. Miss Marjorie Pyatt. spent a few days in Ottawa last week. * Mr. Frank Slemmon of the Bank of Commerce staff has been Yransferved to Oshawa branch, A Fine Display of Children's Shoes: The Letcher Shoe Company . has good reason to be proud of the fine selection of children's shoes which has © been on display in the window of Mr, Howard Stone's Shoe Store for the past week. The selection shows skilled workmanship, excellent ma- terial, and design that meets the de- mands of good style and good wear.|. It will be a splendid thing for Port Perry to have this business as a go- ing concern, earning a fine reputation for good looking and dependable children's shoes. Everything reason- rable should be done to foster this in- dustry. a a a JVEEK OF PRAYER This is the week of prayer. Inter- depominational meetings are being held in the local Protestant churches. On 'Wednesday evening the meeting was in the Anglican Church, Rev. W. J. H. Smyth being the speaker. To- night (Thursday) the meeting will be in the Presbyterian Church, Rev, T. A. Nind being the speaker. On Fri- day evening the meeting will be in the United Church, and Rev. D. A. Ferguson will be the speaker. ------e re HIS ARM WAS BROKEN Donald Boe, driver for Blakely's milk truck, had 'the misfortune to up- set his tr uck at Myrtle on Wednesday. The result was a broken arm for Donald. Mr. W. A. Christy Not Expected to Live. We are sorry to report.that Mr. W. A. Christy was taken suddenly. on Monday evening." He was visiting at the hopfe of the Misses Harris and was ken with paralytic stroke. Last Meports state that Mr. Christy has improved but slightly. As we go to press we learn that little or no hope is held out for Mr. Christy's recovery. He is in an ex- tremely precarious condition. ---- UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL : , On Tuesday evening the annual meeting of the Port Perry United Church Sunday School was held at the Parsonage. The reports from the various departments showed a good vear's work with an average attend- ance of 172 each Sunday at the school sessions. ' The following officers were elected Superintendent---DMr. R. B. Smallman, Asst. - Superintendents -- Mr. Mansell Gerrow, Mr. F, E. Reesor. Superintendent of Primary Dept.-- Mrs. Geo. Jackson. Supt. of Missionary Dept.--Mrs, W. A, Christy. Supt. of Temeprance Dept.--Mr, F. E. Reesor. Director of Training Class--Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, The staff of teachers were re-elected and there will be a number of changes in the personel of the classes. The secretary was instructed to send a letter of appreciation to the Orchestra for their good work, i JUNIOR O. H. A. HOCKEY On Friday night of this week, at the Port Perry Arena, Bobcaygeon will cross sticks with the local Jun- iors. The game is called for 8.156 p.m, Be on hand to cheer the. bags to victory.' ee et et GAP Bi isi. = Card of Thanks Mrs. Ed. Nott wishes to thank all ' those who helped her daughter win a prize in the A. M. Lawrence contest. J. H STEPHENSON REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST will be at Morrison's Drug Store the second and fod rth Thursday of every the afternoons, A GLASSES ar REASONABLE PRICES. ES i i a ll inion ct be 81, JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN Bot oot CHURCH 7 p.m.~~Evening Service, oe D. A. Ferguson, B.A, Minister | ---- -- ANNUAL MEETING OF PORT PERRY HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The annual meeting of the Port Perry Horticultural Society will be held in Dr. Lundy's Office, Port Perry, on the evening of Monday, January 16th, at eight o'clock. Busingss--Election of Officers, con- the year 1934, E. Alexander, E. Brookes, Secretary. - President. Jan 11 BR CARD OF THANKS Mr, John S. McDonald; "wishes to 'thank the ratepayers of Reach Town: ship for the generous support accord- ed him during the 1934 election, and extends to all a Happy and Prosper- ous New Year, Rural Hockey Schedule JAN. 4--Utica vs. Scugog Honeydale va. Nestleton JAN. 9--Seagrave vs. Myrtle Port Perry vs. Greenbank. JAN. 11---Honeydale vs. 3 Star, Utica vs, Nestleton JAN 16Honeydale vs, Scugog Seagrave vs, Greenbank. JAN. 18--Myrtle vs. Prince Albert Port Perry vs. Utica. JAN. 28--Greenbank vs. P. Albert Nestleton vs. 8 Star. JAN. 256--Scugog vs. Seagrave. Prince Albert vs, Utica. JAN. 80--P. Perry vs. Honeydale 8 Star vas, Seagrave, FEB. 1--Utica vs. Myrtle Greenbank vs, Nestleton. FEB. 2--8 Star vs. Scugog Port Perry vs. Seagrave FEB. 6--Honeydale vs Greenbank Prince Albert vs. Nestleton FEB. 8--3 Star vs. Myrtle . Port Perry vs. Scugog. FEB. y--Prince Albert vs. Seagrave Utica' vs. Greenbank. FEB. 13--S8cugog vs. Myrtle - Port' Perry vs. Nestleton. FEB, 16--Honeydale vs, Seagrave 8 Star vs. Greenbank. FEB. 16--Port Perry va. P. Albert Scugog vs. Nestleton. FEB. 20--3 Star vs. Port Perry Seagrave vs. Utica. FEB. 22--S8cugog vs. Greenbank Nestleton vs. Myrtle FEB. 23--3 Star vs. Utica P. Albert vs. Honeydale FEB. 27--Port Perry vs. Myrtle Seagrave vs. Nestleton MAR. 1--Utica vs. Honeydale Prince Albert vs, Scugog Open date--Myrtle vs. Honeydale --_------e-------- ---- TO THE ELECTORS: OF REACH TOWNSHIP -I take this opportunity to thank you for your generous support give me during the election of last Monday, and may all have a Prosperous 1934, WESLEY CROSIER o-oo SPORTS The local hockey season opened here on Friday night, when the Junior 0. H. A. team entertained Lindsay. The locals were the winners by a score of 6-2. On the Wednesday previous, Port Perry. played in Fene- lon Falls, when they were on the short end of the score. This week Port. have two games with Bobcaygeon, one in that town on Wednesday and one at home on Friday, January. bth, The boys will 'appreciate your support. The Rural Hockey League started its. - 1934 campaign on Tuesday, January 2nd, with a double header. Prince = Albert won from Gordon Sweetman's Three Star team by the score of 6-3. - Greenbank defeated Myrtle by 4-2, ; Rural Hockey League:- Utica, Scugog, Honeydale, Nestleton, Prince Albert, Myrtle, Seagrave, Sweetman's Three Star, Greenbank and Port Perry. --t >. BORN ASHTON--To Mr. and Mrs, Sydney Ashton, Toronto, on Saturday, Dec. '| 30th, 19383, a boy=--Ronald Mackenzie. GEMMELL--At Toronto, on Satur- day, December 30th, 1083, to Mr. and Mrs: R. G. Gemmell, of Port Perry, a daughter--~Margaret Ann. >_> PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M.A, B.D,, Minister. & Sunday, Janug®® 7th.-- "11 a.m~~Communion Service. 7 p.m~--~Sermon subject, Taking - second place Gracefully." - Come and Worship. sideration of 'the Society's work for| LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Money to Loan Now located in the office of Purdy Block, H. W, Emmerson, Queen Street Phone 264 - Phone after hours: 8514 Oshawa. The following teams belong to the|- ~~ -- SUPPLEMENT TO EXISTING | SCHEDULE Since the publication of the Junior' O.H.A. Schedule, Cannington team has been added to this district, and the games will be played as fol- lows: Game value equals 4 points. Mon., Jan, 8--I'enclon Falls at Can- ~nington, : Wed., yan 10--Cannington at Port Perry. Wed., Jan, 31--Bobcaygeon at Can- nington, Fri, Fed. 2nd--Cannington at Lindsay Sat., eb. drd--Port Perry at Can- nington. Mon., teb. 6--Cannington at Bobeay- .geon. Wed., eb, 7--Lindsay at Cannington Thur, ., Feb, 8--Cannihigton at Fenelon Falls, TEAM HERE IS GREATLY IMPROVED But Midgets Were Still Unable to Defeat Port Perry O.H.A. Juniors. (Lindsay Post) Taking advantage of a fluke and disputed" goal that put them in the lead over a greatly improved Lindsay Midget "team, Port Perry rang up a series of successive counts to win the Junior O.H.A, game played in 'that town on Friday night, by a 5 to 2 score, The Midgets had the better of the play in the first period to lead I to 0 but when their hard-pressing op- ponents opened the second session with a counter that glanced off Walk- er into the goal and were allowed an- other goal after a lengthy dispute which resulted in the goal referee be- ing removed, the Midgets curled up in discouragement for the rest of the period and their comeback in the final goal minding of Beare. sult of even one workout together and displayed combination plays that the Port Perry team effectively tied up during the first period. Gerster drew first count on a close-in shot assisted by Scott and Wakelin, = The Midget defence, Walker and Ringland, was greatly improved-and-at the end of the opening stanza it looked like a certain victory for the visitors. Shortly after. the second period opened, Cawker shot a long:one that glanced off Walker's stick into the 'I Lindsay net. Port Perry commenced a power attack and in a general scramble in. front of the goal the Despite the Lindsay players' denial and the lack of proof, Referee Rice al- lowed the count although he did agree to change the goal referee. Cawker on defence and Switzer, centre, proved outstanding on the home team and Cawker placed his team two up near the close of the period with a close-in shot from a pass out from Howard. In the third period Jack Campbell held down defence and sent the four forwards up for a twenty-minute gang attack, the Port Perry goalie was smothered under the barrage of shots from every angle and made miraculus saves, being only beaten on a goal- mouth scoop by Tripp of a Campbell- Gerster combination. Switzer made the final score 6 to 2 with a scorching angle shot on a pass out from Heayn. Scoring Summary First Period Lindsay-- Gerster-- (Scott, Wake- lin) ; : Second Period Port Perry--W. Cawker. Port Perry--Woods' Port Perry--A. Cawker-- (Howard) Third Periods Port Perry--Switzer, g Lindsay-- Tripp--(Campbell, Gers- ter.) Port Perry--Switzer--(Heayn) : Line-up Port Perry-----Goal, Beare; détonce, W. Cawker and A. Cawker; centre, alternates--Howard, DeShane, Ander- son and Heayn, fence, Walker and Ringland; centre, Tripp; wings, Campbell and Cain; al- ternates, Gerster, Wakelin, "Soot sub goalie, Murphy. Referse--Rice, of Whitby, . x Ave DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Teinlty + Sollege and ' 3 Post Graduate in Sur i Fo Gradu- sie College and Polyalinte, a k Bons Basia horas Taf aaatty Royal Infi ; Office and Surgery--Port Perry, ri 'W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON' Office Hours--9 am to pm Office over Nelson's Store, : -- [Eyes Examined By the most. "modern: methods accurately. . "Prices lower 'than the lowest, quality sonsider F. E. LUKE & SON. OPTOMETRISTS 163-167 Yonge Street, Toronto (Upstairs opposite Simpsons) 20 minutes was stopped by the stellar | The Lindsay team showed the re-| scorer signalled the puck had gone in.| Switzer; wings, Woods and Asher; F) Lindsay -- Goal, Williamson; de-P. or AER STE HT COWS FOR SALE Four good milch cows (now milking), due to freshen in the early spring, Apply to Stephen Lambkin, Perry. "THE PARENTS PERSONAL SERVICE" Janll A Unique Service Rendered by the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto Sick Ohlldren, Toronto--the pioneer .. - "hospital in Canada for children only Eo eniatively, 51 started a service to be - known as "The Parents! Personal Service." This means that the Hospital set aside a graduate nurse, with her stenographer, for the' exclusive "use of the parents, in order that they might" have a direct and. intimate source ' of 'information re their chil-: dren, not only as-to-the .ajlment for .which they were admitted but the 'little individual -conditions® 'It 18°: comforting talk with, or write to, Ee who has time to see 'and chat with their [ittle one, and who can tell them how he looks, and answer such- questions as: Is he able to be up, or sit up in bed? Does he miss us and fret? Does he play with the other children? and so on, dozens of anxious inquiries, and meaning much to. the home folk, If they live in the City they may see and talk to ber any hour. - To-day, the Hospital's officials re- gard -this Bervice with pride; as it reveals the spirit of the Institution, + supplying, as 1t does, the human touch that sets it apart from a mere . repair factory - and house, not only of nealing, but of sympathy and- understanding towards . the parents. As the Hospital takes in children from every corner of Ontario, not- wihistanding that some of the larger cities now have a- hospital of their own, this has increased the Hospital' s correspondence immensely. A look at the file for this Bervic hewever, shows how: worth-while the experiment has proved. There are thousands of letters, intensely human cocuments, from parents, A play- wright would consider it a rich field. It contains ready-made blocks Of assorted emotions for the making of dramas--:love, pity, longing, anxiety, -- fear, faith, hope, exaltation and grati-. tude. all crammed between its covers. The nurse in charge of this Service is naturally immensely popular with the children. They look to her for news from home: To the parents. ajso, she is a very real person, though they may never have seen her, and some write to her after thelr children - are home. Neither do the thildren forget her, as the concluding sentence, in a letter from a child, home many months, shows: "1 have just finish. ed my homework, and I am very tired and 1 just wrote this letter to seg what you are doing. Goodnight and God bless you." This last, no . doubt, was prompted by a grateful . mother. > : Then there 18 the letter of the little boy; successfully treated for Infantile Paralysis, who thought longingly of home while in the Hospital, and of his Hospital friends whe discharged. ,MJust a line to let you know how 1 am, My leg is all better now I can walk quite well now. I am glad to be home, but I am still lonesome for the Hospital, I will soon be able to walk good. How is Herby now? Is he gone to Thistletown yet? This is the first time I have written a létter with a pen and Ink, oWel, I guess I'll close now" An institution that is not content to. heal only, but feels for the dis- tressed. parents to the extent of set- ting aside a graduate nurse and her stenographer solely for the purpose of lightening their anxiety, must awaken in the hearts of all a desire to help support that Institution. Last year showed a great increase - in the number of patients tréated. The revenues, fell far short® of the actual cost. Public benevolence must make 'up the. difference, Contribu- tions of any, amount are received with gratitude, and every donation is acknowledged by mail: and pub- lished in' e Evening Telegram Bend care of the Secretary-Treasurer, Hospital for Blick Children, 67 Col- lego street, Toronto 2. x DIED BOND---On 'Wednesday, January 8, 1934, George Bond, in his 85th 'year. Funeral Service will be held at his late residence; Prince Albert, on Fri- ay, January Bth, at 2.80 p.m. Interment at Pine Grove Mii | | DIED : BAIRD--At 'Manchester; o on Tres. [da January 2nd, 1034, Joseni Baird, | in his 79th year, Port Three Fears agyu, the Hospital for |. shows it as a || Rss - Phone 4H Yay are Delicious. wr : CHAMBERS BAKERY PHONE 08, "F ruit. "Toaves Try one. 2 Lawrence's Drug Store Neos. PORT PERRY (You Save with Safety at Your Rexall Drug Store.) . preparation of exceptional merit. Two sizes 95¢. and $1.50 AYERST'S 10D COD LIVER OIL--Rich in Vitamin D. 0 sizes 69c. and $1. 69 REXALL CoD LIVER COMPOUND WITH CREOSOTE-- : : 16-0z. bottle $1.00, PURETEST COD LIVER OIL TABLETS --A convenient. and effective means of taking Cod Liver Oil. . Two sizes, 75c. and $1.26 A. M. LAWRENCE "THE REXALL STORE" Excellent for babies and young . - For the cough that hangs on. Zils WAMPOLE'S COD LIVER EXTRACT--The great tonic for # young and old. Builds up resistence. Easy to take. Per bottle $1.00 #| KEPLER'S COD LIVER OIL AND MALT--An English Port Perry 20654800008004 3 SF 22 0: 1 iia THEY dh & : POULIRY AND EGGS Eggs Th to 050. | Poultry--(A) Grade--Alive Spring Chickens Heras taere8 to 12 Broilers Bandstsssssanstarsnradessl0 | Fatted Hens .......c000000006 to 10 Old. Roosters elintaatenien, 8 Young Furkess fhrarsstaressaviill POTATOES-- hi oh 1 No. 1, 90 Bb, bags Wir inss a $1.00 LIVE STOCK-- ; Gti Bacon Hogs (f.0b.) Sa see Veal Calves cerneenns $8.00 to $7.00 Fed Calves Chavet ies.. $6.50 to $7.25 Butchers' Cattle ......$4.00 to $4.76 Steers ernie $450 to $5.76 Cows and bulls ........$3.00 to $3.25 Lambs . ©: 1$6.00 to $7.50 ONTARIO GRAIN (Shipping Points) Wheat ......0 0 iin 70 to 71 Oats Jiviasess30 to 83 Barley tivereses 88 to 42 Rye i. iiivivuiaiiiniai 88 to 40 Corn i to 67 Buckwhont ...sifer irantvr dO to 42 PRO RR sass ers CIRCE ES iY 3 a 8200000000000 esti tetteeeettrssd EP IPR Tere eo tentettitatitetsiesarts attest aR te RR sR RRS ++ 2222 + + + ! Ada 37 - YOU ARE SAFEGUARDED 'when You Buy Your Meat from ICAWKER BROS. Our slaughter house is Government inspected. Our + meats are carefully selected for choice quality, | Phone orders to 29 w, Port Perty. - Prompt Dalivery| RED U CE D PRICES Suits spongeth 'and pressed % 60. Cents Dry Cleaned. $1. 00 CoP ROLPH Over the Observer Office. _ Phones--94 Wand 94 J. PORT PERRY COAL YARD FOR BETTER FUELS FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE--That Better Pennsylvania Hard Coal, because of its long burning Suslities, Reading Anthracite 'is an economical fuel. HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE,or SEMIT SOLVAY COKE. WELSH COAL, SCOTCH COAL, : POCOHONTAS COAL in a size suitable for any domestic use. We STEAM COAL, CANNEL COAL have had so many requests for this coal that we will have a car load reach us this week. . An excellent fuel at a low price. it a trial. HARDWOOD), HARDWOOD SLABS, SOFTWOOD 5 Give PORT PERRY C COAL YARD W. G: W. PYATT : "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" ~ With good service offered, why not leave your baking worries with GERROWS? ? ® GERROW'S BAKERY Bakers and Confectioners, Ce Aaa | J Port Perry. We aim to please Particular People ~ STATIONERY SALE for one week only commencing Saturday January 6th with each 1bc., 20c., and 25c., writ- ing 'tablet, one bunch -of twenty- J five envelopes free. i Ww sm Morrison's Ss Drug St Store Port Perry #7 BUTTER FAT. to WANTED | Baby Sleigh. Apply to Robt. Woods, Phone 142, Port. Perry, - § Just arrived -- a carload § of body wood -- 98% % maple. This wood is § choice, and the price § is right. ¥ N th } We have on on hand Semet Solvay Coke-- § that better coke that § cuts one-third off your fuel bill. ~~ 8 Orders taken care of ~~ promptly. i Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. ' The Creamery Is PAYING 19¢., 18¢,, and 16e., FO You ean save lal and make more money by sending your cream-to the PORT PERRY CREAMERY + A GOODE 8 SON, Propristors Nomicw ! Dp. E. Stackley, 'having dioitinued 4 his Port Perry o nounce that followi make residental -----

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