Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Dec 1933, p. 4

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Page Four I ------ EAE. ----.. LOCAL ITEMS Mr. Forbes Nasmith, of Martin's Siding, was in town for the week end. JUNIOR O. H. A. HOCKEY ! The First Home Game of the season --Lindsay vs. Port Perry, at Port Perry 'Arena, on Friday, December 29th, This is Port Perry' s first junior _ Mr. Rovericy Smallman, of Queen's | hockey team in some years; they are University, Kingston, is spending the | grouped with geod teams, and good Christmas holidays with his parents, fast games should be the result, Come Mr, and Mrs. R, B, Smallman. and give the boys good support for ; ~~ | the opening. game at home. Game | 3 Miss Isabel Cawker, of Peterboro| .q1ed at 8.16. Admission 26¢ and 16c. Normal joc, is home for thel qh officers of the Hockey Club ristmas holidays. are: Hon. President--Harold Archer, Miss Dorothea Nasmith, of Toronto President -- Bob, Harris, Vice-Presi- University, is in town for the holidays. | dent--A. Cawker, Sec.-Treas.--Geo. Manning, Manager--Bert. MacGregor, Miss Marion Goode, of Toronto Uni- ! . Coach--Dr, Rennie. ed versity, is home for the Christmas| Executive Committee--E. Hayes, A, holidays. L. McDermott, Frank Shepherd. Mr. Grant McMillan, of Toronto, The schedule for the season is: spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. DECEMBER 27 and Mrs. Sam McMillan, Bobcaygeon at Lindsay Port Perry at Fenelon Falls Mr. and Mrs, Dugald Nasmith and _'.. DECEMIER 329 family, of Montreal, spent the week Fendon, Klis at Hpbearsson end with Mr, and Mrs, H. C. Nasmith. Mrs. Nasmith is staying for the.week. Lindsay at Port Perry JANUARY 38 Port Perry at Bobcaygeon Fenelon Falls at Lindsay ~ JANUARY 6 Lindsay at Fenelon Falls Bobcaygeon at Port Perry . JANUARY 12 i Port Perry at Lindsay Bobcaygeon at Fenelon Falls JANUARY 16 Fenelon Falls at Port Perry ° Lindsay at Bobcaygeon JANUARY 17 Port Perry at Fenelon Falls Bobcaygeon at Lihdsay JANUARY 19 Lindsay at Port Perry Dr. and Mrs. Honey, of Toronto, were in town for the week end. Miss Lynette Harper, of Toronto Normal, is spending the week with her parents, Dr. and 'Mrs. Harper. Mr. Donald Boynton, spent the week end with his parents, Mr, and ~ Mrs. Wesley Boynton. There te wy. ressor of chemistry in in town over t. Manchester," said . i} 3 " . Veizmann." iss Olive Fenelon Falls at Bobcaygeon gtmas JANUARY 22 2A, Port Perry at Bobcaygeon hay . ° Fenelon Falls at Lindsay vb. JANUARY 24 Lindsay at Fenelon Falls heaygeon at Port Perry "ANUARY 26 at Fenelon Falls €C.,¢ Lindsay "asm vient' mi Sl. Perry ince . pay © hen ide a ste. "Xpo. ning of epi CRS € THE WINNERS . The following was the standing in the Rexall Contest held at. A. 'M. Lawrence's Drug Storé. .GIRLS--1Y Patricia King, 7845 votes, 2 Annie Nott, 7222 votes, 8 Eva Goode, 6990 votes, 4 Norma Ploughman, 5902 6 2 votes, b Doreen Hayden, 5447 votes, Edna Gauld, 6362 votes, 7 Betty Vanos, 4852 votes, 8 Kathleen Read, 2914 votes, 9 Ora Dowson, 2888 votes, 10 Mona Dusty, 2046 votes, 11 Kath- leen Cook, 1849 votes, 12 Marion Gor- don, i641 votes, BOYS--1 Tommy Cook, 6734 votes, Jack Cawker, 6181 votes, 3 Ross Harrison, 5907 votes. - EE -- L 0. D. E, The regular monthly meeting of Scugog Chapter, 1.0.D.E,, will be held on Thursday, January ath, at 3 p. nm. in the Chapter rooms. will be a large attendance of members at this meeting. i ---------- to -------- ' CARD OF THANKS Georgeér A, Corner. wishes to,thank his many friends and 'neighbours for their kindness to him during the ill- | ness and death of his 'wife, 'and also for floral tributes. BE lh CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Jas, Barker wishes to. thank all those friends who have shown kindness to her sister, the late Mrs. G. "| Corner, of Shirley, during her illness. ; . and, , Englan | registry office of the County of On- It is hoped there NOTICE is hereby given 'that a Port Perry on the 8th day of Novem- ber, 1988, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $4000, ¢ the purpose of extending the ter-mains for the Village of Port Perry- for the purpose of increasing the Fire Protection appliances; and that such by-law was registered in the tario on the 8th day of December, 1933. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must the first publication of this notice and A cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 9th day of December, 1038. R.S.0. Ch, 238, Sec. 305 (8). : H. C. NASMITH, Clerk. Dec. 28. THANKS! WE wish to thank our customers 'for their pat- ronage, and to wish them HAPPINESS AND PROS- PERITY IN THE NEW YEAR. : COOK TRANSPORT C. Cook, Proprietor. DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto. Post Graduate in Surgery of Medical Gradu- ates' College and Polyclinic, London, England, North East London. Post Graduate d, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Money to Loan : Now located in the office of B® W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, Queen - Street ik Phone 264 _ Phone after hours: 8614, Oshawa. Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont W. A. "Sangster DENTAL: SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to § po. Office over Nelson's Store. Eyes Examined - By. the most modern "methods accurately. : i awe CARD OF THANKS of 2 family of. the late Mr. Peter wish to express 'their sincere + of the kindness and sym- friends and neighbors Fei recent bereave- gan risen RT "prices lower than the lowest, quality considered." F. E. LUKE & SON. ~ OPTOMETRISTS - 163-167 Yonge Street, Toronto ha wr opposite Simpsons) EY <E2 _. ERA ¢ Daylight Saving, 1933 epigt Trade) : Recommendations are made. 'ble the citizens in each com- ment. Aditional niformation, sug- v be made of the groaiest HY 5, highways, railways, "ovince of Ontario oper-| e City of Chicago, in egion most tourists "tario, operate on eir communities all communities ins; drawn be- 'ar year 1982, hiles entered : Sarnia and poses con- | 'ox, Grey, 1, Water- "ulation ion, of |g e ille by-law was passed by the Village of | {J be made within three months after|} port has ven us business. success in'1938. Pive further proof you may enjoy CW PHONE J 2, iY. . RESELL LEE IL ERIS _ AND -- A HAPPY NEW YEAR CHAMBERS' BAKERY | PORT PERRY A HAPPY NEW YEAR As another year draws to a 'close we express to you our sinebre # 2 appreciation for your goodwill and patronage during 1933. The year about to close has not passed without its difficulties and disappointments; but it is the spirit of goodwill and friendliness such' as we have experienced in our relations with you that provides courage TH NK YOU-- tha c all ty . By sup. s 'e shall 8 (qu f of our appreciation by renderi ng to our I our, very best service in 1934, : We extend to you the sincere wish that, £1 ~ the'past. year and wish them AT 1934 1 eS EO Gr TTT W G. W. PYATT Phones--94 W and 94J. : ; ma Bakers and Gonfeotioners, 4 Wowie WE. EXTEND PORT PERRY COAL YARD GERROW'S BAKERY Port Perey. CAWKER BROS. thank their customers for their patronage during A HAPPY NEW YEAR PORT PERRY COAL YARD WISHES TO THANK THEIR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS ~ FOR THEIR CO-OPERATION. DURING THE PAST YEAR AND WISH FOR ALL A ~ HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS "Reliable Service and Bettér Fuels" We Wish You a Hil and Prosperous New Year imdly Spanos Greetings Wo TO ALL "DUR CUSTOMERS , s Drug { Store Phone 16 Omens | J Churning cream, special oy No. 1 Ho # for the future, It 'is our earnest 'wish that we may deserve your 2 continued patronage and that the New Year will bring with it a year $ full of Happiness and Prosperity to you and yours. i i A.M. LAWRENCE if Phone 49 ~~ "THE REXALL STORE" "7 Port Perry 3 (You Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) ga La it | Corn .. : Ce ERG 88 10 40° toned 40 to 42 Oreamery. Solids, No. 2 cess nerinnn No. 2, 17. EgES ivniassisaness LER] aaa] stad Poultry--(A) 'Grade--Alive 2 we Spring "Chickens iggy : : Broilers Lr Fatted Hens trnereianaianiito: 10 No. 1, 90 11] bags tm to LIVE .STOCK-- Bacon Hogs (EOD) ners sirens nndBI0 Veal Calves ........:.$8.00 to $7.00 Fed Calves connie 84.50 to $7.00 Butcher Cattle ........$2.60 to $4.25 Choice Steers ... $4.50 to $6.00 Lambs i.e enerneres hn to $7.76 | ONTARIO GRAIN (Shipping Points) Wheat dev ersaieiansninen0 £0 12. Oats .v.vene Barley Pires eae a 0st 42 a sevase evans 60 to: 68 Rye . Buckwheat o.oo. 00s Ve > -- -- REDUCED" PRICES Suits sponged and Srested . 80 Gents Dry' Cleaned $1. 00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office. v. P. STOUFFER PIANO TUNING Overhauling -- plano actions motion taken up, sticky and =n at ls et ne na WANTED Baby Sleigh. Apply to Robt. Wood, Phone 142, Port Perry. a yy n= WOOD COKE LUMBER il Just arrived --a catlond. of body wood -- 98% maple. This wood is : choice, and the price 18 right. : 'We have now on hand Semet Solvay Coke-- that better coke that. § cuts one-third off your fuel bill. . : Orders taken care of ~ promptly. : | Sam N. Griffen - Lumber Co. 'Phone 240 ; "PORT PERRY, ONT. or The Creamery 18 PAYING 19¢., 18¢., and 16e,, ¥or BUTTER FAT. You can save Jaber 'and make 'more money' by sending i your cream tothe PORT PERRY CREAMERY A Goopn & HON, Proprietors POULTRY AND EGGS io Aaa Old Roosters ieensisstirrsssinned Co o | POTATOES-- eri isdiinednB0it0 88. , sy) keys ro paired, moth-proofing, cléani: ting a specialty. pi work gua hing Anal Phong W, any

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