Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Oct 1933, p. 7

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Buffalo Herds : Moved Northward Larger Preserves Opened As 'the Herds Grow in I's Toronto.~About She thousand buffa- logs are finding new grazing ground this year as the surplus of Canada's in- creasing buffalo herds at Wainwright, Alberta, are moved northward to the ~ "larger preserve in the ..orthwest Ter- itories, By train and boat durin; the - - Autumn months the Canadian Govern- ment sends the overflow of young buf- "aloes more than a thousand miles)' aorthwatd (o the 17,300-square-mile park where this once nearly extinct ipecies of North American big game 1a8 plenty o. room to expand. Some twenty-five years ago the Cana- lian Government bought th- last re- . maiuing herd of American biscns--709 Animals. Now there are t0 many buf- 'aloes on -the government's game preserves that if left alone they would toon breed to numbers similar to those which existed before the coming of the white man, Once they dotted the plains of the West, from Mexico to Great Slave Lake, in millions. Now it is es- timated that more than 29,000 are un- ler care of Government game wardens. Wainwright, a small stop on the transcontinental railway, lias the dis- tinction of being the only place on the continent where there is a annual buf- {alo stampede. The thunder of 6,000 animals on the run penetrates for miles around and he dust hangs thick rbove, Hard-riding cowboys drive the yearlings and 2-year-olds into corrals, where other cowboys brand the shaggy animals with a big W to denote their rigin at the Wainwright preserve,, ; Off to Grazing Grounds From the corrals it is not far to the loading platform and so into the rail. way cars which lead the buffaloes on the first stage of their force" migration to new grazing grounds, Up.the plank the bisons are shoved, led or coaxed, and as one car is filled another draws up to the platform, till a string of cat- tle cars loaded with snorting buffaloes 's ready to pull out from the station to the end of the railway at Waterways, alt way to the new stamping grounds, At this frontier post, which is more accustomed to seeing prospectors than financiers, the bisons are unloaded in- to corrals. of untrimmed log: and then iransferred to flat-bottomed. river barges. The flotilla starts off on the Athabasca River to Lake Athabasca| and along the Slave River to Fort Bmith, capital of the Northwest Terri- tories. Now the buffaloes are practi- cally in their new territory. Rangers lead them to the stamping ground, where already some 15,00" buffaloes bave preceeded them. Ranger cabins, trails and telephones throughout the vast preserve, the largest on the con- tinent, keep the government informed as to how the new animals mix with the older inhabitants. These large herds of buffalc 8 had 'their beginnings in a quartet of calves which a young Indian braves took home rs a peace-offering to his father-in-law, recording to the now accepted theory as to where the Canadian Govern- ment's herd came from. This happen: ed on the Flathead Reservation in Montana in 1873. The calves grew and bred until soon there v...- a small herd. Michael Pablo, a Mexican, bought ten of the animals for $2,600, Pablo's ten 'multiplied to 709, which hé sold to the Canadian Government for the same price per head that he had paid--$250. That was after } e had offered them for \ sale to the United States Government, Zoological Gardens Supplied Now the large herds which have grown from this small beginning sup- ply most of the buffaloes which are found in zoological gardens the world over, for every year Canad: has re- quests for some of these animals from distant countries. In addition, they supply robes and coats for the Mounted Police and steaks and pemmicen for Northern travelers, - At Wainwright the buffeloes graze on the 100,000-acre preserve in Sum- mer, along with 2,500 deer, 1,000 elks, moose and antelopes, In Winter they graze as best they can when the sno. is not too heavy; if it is, there is a large tonnage of hay available, grown on the preserve. Lakes dot the acrec- age, and in them the herds can cool | off in hot weather, EE a El ENE Earl of Ranfurly Passes Suddenly London.--Lord Ranfurly, Governor of New' Zealand from 1897 to 1904, died here on October 2nd. He was 77. His grandson, Viscount Northland, succeeds to the earldom, Uchter John Mark Knox, fifth Earl of Ranfurly, was born August 14, 1856. He succeeded to the peerage in 1876. He was educated at Harrov' and Trin- ity College, Cambridge, became a Lord- In-waiting to the Queen in 1895 and two years later was appointed Govern- or and -Commander-in-Chief of New Zealand. Lord Ranfurly was created a Privy Councillor for Ireland in 1905. He was _&.Orand Commander of the Order of St, Michael and St. George, a Knight of Justice of the Order of St. John of rusalem in England and an officer of the Yeglon of Honor, He married in 1880 the Hon. Com stance Blizabuth Caulfield, daugiter of the seventh Viscount Charlemont. There were two daughters and a son. "The son, a captain of the. Colfstream Guards, was \lled in action iw 19165. 4 t 1 BUY leading hanes ticupr "ol mining under w for an advance in price. GOLD MINING STOCKS HOLD ; Pur sel werkly "Mining Toples" will keep you loformed about the tock--low priced---traded on a our opinion advance sharply because of developments ay, . We will send you without eoat or {hligasion oe | =---Bbame and FOpOFt on low a which in o. opinion 1s due A. E, BRODIE, Investments, 302 BAY STREET, TORONTO2 SELL cal Ex. * Brother of Peer is London Meat Buyer He strides among the erowd of over- alled, straw-hatted buyers in Smith- field Meat Market, a tall: man of mili- tury bearing. Courteous always, yet as keen as eB OUR CROSS-WORD PUZZLE padi} 31 16--Neptune's spear 61--To apin 18--Symbol of tantalum 19--To depart 63--Character in Comedy of Errors 43 44 T "Horizontal © 49--Clty of Nevada 14--Ball : 1--Wine cup 50--Stepoed ' 17--Small depression 4--While _ 52--Cools 20--Medley 6--Seat 54--French conjunctidn 23--Exclamation 11--Realm B6--Conjunction 24--Parent 13--Threw - 56--Slang: nervous 25--Emperor 16--Article ~ 59~Public notice 27--Quarrel_ 30--God of love 32--Mark of wound 21--Hurrled 66--Garments . 37--Fencing sword 22--To avoid 66--Compass point 38--Performer 24--Hide 67--Beverage 39--Terror 26--Finishes : Verticai 41--Religious division 28--Bow 1--Girl's name 43--To fix by legacy 29--To get up . 2--Dealer 44---Thus . 31--Bugle call 3--Part of "to be" 46--Toward 33--Compass point 4--Manners 48--1Unites 34--Paddles 5--Small bird b1--Yellowish gray 36--Speed contest 6--City of England 53--Withered 38--Exclamation 7--Barbarlan b7--Devoured 40--Deer (pl.) 8--Wiles 58--To act 42--Narrow strips 9--Italian article 60--Female deer 45--Bed 10--To rome back 62--Toward 47--Bird of duck family 12--By 64--Parent \ se Growth of the Reading Habit In the Old Country Public libraries in the Old Country have shown a remarkable growth in recent years observes the Toronto Mail and Empire rial, On the eve of the e| Library Association €onference at Harrogate, the London Sunday Obserfer pub- lished an interview on the subject with Mr, L. J. Packington, [chief li- prarian at Lambeth, a -copy bt which bas- been forwarded to us \by Dr. George H. Locke, chiet librarfan, To- ronto -Public Library, "The county libraries," Mr, \Pack- ington sald, "now supply books to about 18,000,000 persons in rural \and small urban districts, In 1931\32 there were 34,000,000 book issues 110 counties in Great Britain and Ire land, -and the cost of the service was only £255,000--a decrease of £12, WHEN IN TORONTO Stay or eat at the NEW STATLER HOTEL, 114 Queen Bt. West;* modern equipped rooms; radio In every room; showers. Rates, single room, one dollar. Perfectly equipped restaurant and grill in connection with hotel. Best of foods. Lowest prices in the city. PHONE WAVERLEY 7115. How Acid Stomach Makes Itself Known 'to You HERE ARE THE SIGNS: Nervousness Frequent Headaches Neuralgia Feeling of Weakness Indigestion Sleeplessness Loss of Appetite Mouth Acidity Nausea Sour Stomach Auto-intoxication WHAT TO DO FOR IT: TAKE--2 teaspoonfuls of Phillips' Milk of Mag. nesia in a glass of water when you before you go to . Pipe Miko! Magnesia of Ma a ne, ea e. nful rected above. JesanssansnensnasEnasanasarnnnnesrasnnnnsnnnd If you have Acid Stomach, don't worry about it. Follow. the simple directions given above, This small dosage of Phillips'-Milk of Magnesia acts al once to neutralize the acids that cause headache, stomach pains and other distress. Try it. You'll feel like a new person. - : glut---he cafeful you get NEAL milk of magnesia when you buy-- | genuine PHILLIPS ilk of Ma - | mesia, See that the name "PHI LIPS'" is on the label, ALSO IN TABLET FORM /=72 i tis the ad i of Magnesia. RR MADE IN CANADA Phillips' Milk of Magnesia ; . to Last Week Puzzle 35--Descendants of Shem any in his choice of the meat which presently will be carried away for sale in"London butcher shops, Some of the other buyers know him by sight and nod in greeting. But they do not know his name; Their :o-buyer is Lord Victor Pa- get, brother of the Marquis of Angle, sey, and a member of one of Britain's oldest families. Lord Victor. has entered the meat trade 'with a friend. For the past few weeks he has been learning the ropes in Smithfield Mark:t when the rest of London is asleep. Those who know him say his pro- gress has been rapid. Lord Victor said: "My part of the business will be the actual buying and selling at Smithfield, "My experience of meat was gainel vears ago in Canada," he said. "I punched cows in the summer months and spent the winter months as a trapper--both professions giving a greal deal of instruction in raw neat." EXCESS FAT DUE T0 REEUMATISM One Remedy for the Two Troubles Having rheumatisin so badly that she could scarcely walk, this woman began to put on a Joad of superfluous flesh, In a letter just received, she writes: -- "I had a severe attack of rheumatism in both knees, It was so bad that for three weeks 1 could not put my feet to the ground. [ was also getting terribly fat--through not getting my usual exercise. 1 started taking Hguschen, and persevered. The first thing 1 no- ticed was the tonic effect it had; the pext that my rheumatism went, and-- better than anything -- I lost the | wretched fat. Iam a woman of 50, and when I tell youl do exactly the same work as women half my age without the least difficulty, I think you will un- derstand why 'I swear by Kruschen Salts and recommend them wherever 1 go."--M.E. hy The six salts of Kruschen assist the clpj1jol [CIRIA IB 0 {0 internal organs to throw off each day X|L|DIE| |H|O|SIE| |B the wastage and poisons that encum- BIEPAR|I|0|T AL |B * | ber the system. Then, little by little, JIRAR|I|T |S 1[8[8| |that ugly fat goes--slowly, yes--but olf ITIc ARIEL IX PAA IC |B surely. The rheumatism -and head- Lie o DIE R] [aches disappear. You feel wonderful- ] sitIB|P AD |A |X [M |I [0 ly- healthy, youthful and energetic-- v "Ws aT ID AR Ps] | more so than ever before in your life. ENDAR ELL ZS [T [T(E SE Fi A sirius RIE AA . The Clipper rm L 0 I : 8 A 5 3 | Her sails are strong and ycllow as the 1] re sand, RIT[S} [W[E[AIT] o[LIEIS |S Her spars are tall and supple as the \ pine, 000 as compared with the preceding! And, like the bounty of a generous twelve monihs. In the case of tiny minc. : villages, it always possible to-fit Sun-touched, her brasses flash on every up a library §n a school, or to get at hand. the people by means of a traveling Her sheer takes beauty from a golden and the| books are always wel- band, - in these rural many instances been Which, sweeping aft, twist and twine Into a scroll, and badge of quaint is taught to design erosit oy 3 ne ad Hang on her quarters. Insolent and d > Trust, which has made extensive gran grants to library authorities through- She Aes Ry stem rings loudly out the country. The figures I have he hi nl hire into 1 given do not, of course, take into The WAL sapphire into foamy ( aves, ong a bimini While on her weather bends the cop- : -- per blows = Lhe sony as hess, aro uot WISE) In burnished splendor. Rolling down a she laves Ghilien. ike ang Tiadndinte Her high black sides until the scup- 3 d per flows, . cata] Then BUEhing ot her shapely bow she raves Lean; a, he, 1920-21] pe next tall sea, and, leaping, on- ,009,740; ro, 19,414,404, ward goes. Taking his own borough of "Lam-| _mpomag Hing Day, in "Songs of beth wg an illustration Mr, Packing- Sea and Sail." (New York: Rud- ton mentioned that in 1927 the six der). lending libraries were issuing some & 800,000 books annually, but last year the issue amounted to 1,600,000. The percentage of novels read tends to The public are certainly turning more and more to modern travel, history, and biography; and decrease, 'that change in taste may be explain ed by the fact that, in these branches considered merely as recreationa literature, books. are written in - a much more readable and attractive form than in' the past, RATIRIRY "CRP U. S. Siamese Twins Planning to Marry New York.--The Aquitania came in from England bringing Violet and Dalsy Hilton, Siamese twins, and they brought a story that they will figure in a double wedding within a year, + Dalsy, the one on the left, said she was engaged to Jack Lewls, an orches. tra leader, now in Chicago, Violet re. ported that her finance is "a prominent English boxer," whom she met abroad. She declined to divulge his name, The twins, who make professional appearances and whose home is in Saf Antonnio, Texas, sald they found Bri- tish audiences not go "warm" as American, SS. Bremen Lowers Record 8 Minutes New York.--Another trans-Atlan. tic crossing record wag shattered on Oct. 2, when the SS, Bremen com: pleted the run from: Cherbourg break: 1 water to Ambrose Light in four days, 15 hours, 48 minutes, This clipped eight minuteg from the previous mark by the same ship. "We just had good weather com- ing over," Commodore Leipold Zie genbel explained, The Bremon averaged 27.55 knots an hour for the trip, Best Shaving Brush FREE POKER HANDS . 3 Quality for cigarettes fr Shaving Is a real pleaswe with a fine quality shaving brush like this ong bristles set in rubber . . . 8 gift_you'll surely appreciate and use, exchange for only 5°complete sets of Turret Poker Hands. One 20¢ package of Turret Fine Cut will prove the quality and economy of this mellow, coo) Virginia cigarette tobacco. You can roll at least 50 Given in om one package . ., . and cigarettes of sweet Virginia fragrance and flavour + «+» supremely satisfying. Ti | PF pays to." Roll Your Own" with ry FINE CIGARETTE CUT TOBACCO SAVE THE POKER HANDS much." Best for You 2 Baly fon; 9 Babys Own Soap 10 cents | yi! 3 4 : 7) = = > 1 | > J iE SA Ee Lea, An old-timer is a guy who can re- member when the hero of a novel didn't kiss the heroine until the last page. Pointed Brevity "Has anyone remarked on the way you handled your car?" "One man did, but he didn't say "What did he say?" | "Ten dollars and costs." ) Early Winter Shorts The Ideal wife 1s one who works barder keeping down expenses than keeping up with the neighbors. Many of these cases of love at first sight will not stand the test of a second look, It is much easier to acquire a fault than it is to Inspire a virtue. Our idea of the prize optimist to-day is a plck- pocket. Some men seem to have re- duced blundering to a science. The world deals good-naturedly with good- natured people. Women may be the weaker vessel, but man is the more of- ten broke, He who goes the wrong way must make his journey twice. A tombstone always has a good word for a man when he Is down. Love at first sight frequently should consult an oculist. A girl's heart is like a good watch--once it's dropped, it's never quite the same. If wicked looks could really kill, some people would never have any use for a mirror. "Say, niggah, how come you so bang- ed up?" "I Woy taiking when I should have been listeding." Mrs. DeStyle (at modiste's, as pretty models display gowns) -- "Which do you like the best, Robert dear?" Husband--"1 prefer the tall brunette er--er--that is, I mean the pink chif- fon, my dear." Man criticizes woman for her ex- travagance, but she never wastes two dollars' worth of shot-gun shells in order to get a twenty-five cent rabbit. Nor goes into a restaurant and buys a 26-cent meal and gives the walter a 26-cent tip because he smilel at her, Nor uses twenty gallons of gasoline and pays' $25 boat hire to get where the fish aren't, "WHEN WORK & WORRY "PULL YOU DOWN ELE Jixcdryis) I THE GREAT TONIC YIHES NERVES AR (9213) HAT SOC BLOOD BUILDS NEW VIGOUR | you If you misbehaved Boss--"Where's the cashier?" Stenographer--"Gone to the races." * Boss--*"What? Gone to the races during business hours?" ' Stenographer--"Yes, sir. It's his last chance ot making the books bal. ance, . A perfectly harmless illness may leave you with serious after effects. Take love, for instance. Even it you do get over it--it may leave you with a wife on your hands. Father--""Take off your coat and come upstairs with me, young man, I'm going to attend to you." Son--*"But, Dad, you're not going whip me, are you?" Father--"I'm certainly going to. Didn't 1 tell you 1 would settle with ourself?" Son--*"Yes, Dad. But [ thought it wus only . joke, like when you told the grocer you were golng '. settle with him." . Our iden of perfect co-operation is when all the freckles on a girl's face come together and ma.:e one beautlful tan. AFTER 50° Scott's Emulsion is a great comfort. It warms, strengthens, enrichesthe blood. The emulsifying process makes it- easy fo digest. LEIA heb hos Good Way to Stop ~ Acid Stomach Any druggist will tell you the best way to stop acld stomach and indigestion is to take a little Bisurated Magnesia In water after meals. This will stop your indigestion and sweeten the stomach, get rid of gas and belching in no the. Ask any druggist. Dr. D. D. Dennis' Liquid Prescrip- tion. Made and guaranteed by the makers of Campana's Italian Balm, Trial bottle 35¢ at your druggist, 14 | Classified Advertising TARMS WANTED, I EVENUE PRODUCING PROPER. TIES exchanged for equipped farms, preferably clear; good bulldings, stock and equipment, for good Toronto pro- Rely showing good returns and cash. Write John Stark .& Co. 331 Eglinton West, Toronto. : PATENTS. N OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR, List of wanted invent'ons and ful nformation agit ree, The Rams pany, World Patent Attornevs, 37 treet, Ottawa, Canada. QOom- Son--"It won't be long before I'll be in the flower of manhocd." : Father--"Shut up, you bloomi { idiot." : > fellow is laughing at your funny story, he is laughing at one it reminds him of, SCIATICA Wash the painful part well with warm water; then rub in plenty of Minard's and you'll feel better] 33 [MINARD'S LinimENT "NOW I FEEL FULL OF PEP" ham's Vegetable Compound That's what hundreds of women say, It steadies the nerves . . . makea you eat better . . . sleep better... relieves periodic headache and backache . . . makes trying days endurable. If you are not as well as you - want to be, give this medicine a chance to help you. Get a bottle from your druggist today. 'The BIRTH CONTROL SOCIETY Ot HAMM ION. 2 WALNUT $0. 3 will mall the pamphlet outlinin its work and alms from a social, political, economic and religlous aspect, on receipt of 25¢ stamps. THAT DEPRESSED FEELING IS LARGELY LIER Wake up your Liver Bile |» --Without Calome} i You are olediing punk' simply because you ver lsn't pouring its daily two pounds of liqui lo Into your bowels. Digestion and elimination [3] both, hampered, and your entire system ie ng poleoned, What you need Is a liver stimulant. Bomes thing that goes farther than salts, mineral water, -- oll, laxative candy or ¢hewing gum or roughage which only move the bowels--ignoring the real we of Augble, yi liver, . o Carter's Little Liver Pills, Purely veges table. No harsh calomel (mercury). Safe. Sure, Ask for them by name. Refuse substitutes, 850. at all a + ett WOM oy INDUSTRIAL, T DAY AND EVENING CLASSES the Department of Education, Is given In various trades, SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE A High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education may be conducted In accordance with the regulations Issued by THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION i The schools and classes are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Application for attendance should be made to the Primclpal of the school, COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL - TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD for In the Courses of Study In Public Schools, Collegiate Institutes, vocational Schools and Departments, Coples of the Regulations Issued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, ECHNICAL AND Bank | Halt of the time when you think a After taking Lydia E. Pinke | ) ND HORTICULTURE are provided Separate, Continuation and High Td 7 41 Fg x a_i Aw x a ee, ou Cod a Aa pt 2 -- Cx fg A vo CA Cp Rr Wid x .

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