Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Sep 1933, p. 8

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Page Eight Strand Theatre Uxbridge, Ont. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, SEPTEMBER 14th, 15th and 16th Boris Karloff, in "THE MASK OF FU MANCHU" ' See this great mystery drama. It is well worth seeing. Also Laurel and Hardy in ; : "THE CHIMP" Tws comedians in lots .of comedy. + Also Mickey, Mouse all-talking. " NOTE--On Friday night, Sept. 15th, a special show at 10.15 after the big wrestling match, Don't miss this treat. NOTE--On Sept. 21st, Theatre will be closed on account of Jewish Holi- day, but will be open on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 22 and 23. Tom Keene in "Ghost (Western) Coming soon the long waited picture "Damaged Lives"--hygenical picture. Valley" -- Prince Albert' Mr, Earl Sarwn has returned home after spending a week with Port Hope friends. School "Faroperied on Sept. bth with Miss Laird again in charge and' with twenty-six pupils on the roll. Mrs. Arthur Mark, Ruth and Chas, of Port. Hope, visited with Mr. and f Mrs. W. Martyn, recently and while here Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Mr. and Mrs. Martyn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Mark, of Seagrave. Mrs. R.. Young has returned to To- ronto after spending the summer with her mother Mrs. McBrien. Miss Isabel Young, who has returned to Toronto to continue her studies at North To- ronto Collegiate, spent the week-end with her grandmother Mrs.«MeBrien: Miss F. Hiscox and Mrs, L.. Ball, visited. their sister. Mrs, Boel, on Friday last! ~*~ RY Mr. and Mrs. Walter Webb were in the village recently having brought home 'Miss Esther Hunter, who ba been holidaying at Norwood. On Saturday last Mr. A. v. Gros and Mr. Harrison Neale, of Phila- delphia arrived in the village to take Mrs. Groupe and Mr. Vincent Groupe, "who have been 'spending. the summer with Mrs, Patterson. They returned on Monday. ; Mrs. C. Patterson 'is having a five room bungalow built on her corner lot opposite Mr. Raymer's store. Mr. H. Plum' is in' charge of the work. They expect to have it completed carly in October. . , Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Heard und Miss Madge Heard of Whitby, and Miss Lulu Heard, of Millbrook, called on Mrs. Patterson .last Tuesday, also Mr. W. Patterson and son Doaglas; of Worcester, Mass. Mr. Wm. Braund, of Bowmanville, called on relatives and renewed old acquaintances recently. : Mrs. B. Greaveysdistted her brother in Toronto last week. Miss Etta Smith has returned home after spending her holidays with friends at Niagara-on-the-Lake. "Messrs. C. Clark and Knight, at- = tended the meeting of the Grand True Blue Lodge held at Oshawa on August 31st, and at which Mr. Clark was made Grand Chaplain. The fol- lowing is an extract from the Toronto Telegram: "In a brief but impressive service the delegates of the 59th an- nual convention of the. Loyal True Blue Association, paid homage to their war dead at Oshawa War Memorial "The Garden of the Unforgotten" yesternoon afternoon. - Prior to the service the convention United Church where. the sessions were held, to the cenotaph. Supreme Grand Master D. H. Church turned the service over to delegate Charles Clark of Port Perry, who opened the cere- monies with the delegates singing "Blest Be the Tie that Binds." Mr. Clark read the 23rd Psalm, fol- lowed by several passages from the Scriptures. The gathering then sang "God of Our Fathers" followed by a short message from the Supreme Master, Mrs. M. Dandie, Toronto, one of the oldest members of the con- vention then placed 'a beautiful wreath on the cenotaph while the gathering sang "God; Be With You Till We Meet Again." Delegate Clark then offered prayer and the service | ended with the singing of the "King." On Wednesday, September 6th, at 121 Carlaw Ave, Toronto, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Smith, their eldest daughter Miss Mary Smith was united in 'marriage to Mr. Wallace Byron, of Sarnia... Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, grandparents of the bride, and Miss Joy Smith, sister of the bride, all of Prince Albert, and Mr. Melvin 0. Tyndall, of Manchester, were pre- sent. After the wedding supper a dance was held the music being fur- nished by- Mr. Josiah Smith, the bride's grandfather. We wish to ex- tend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Byron. After a short wedding trip they will reside in Sarnia: -- oP ~ . FOWL SUPPER AT MANCHESTER, OCTOBER 9th, On Oct. 8th, the: Manchester. United 'Church . will hold their anniversary services. will be provided by the Holden Quar- the Port Perry Mixed Quartette. be served. This will be followed by an entertainment which will be. given by the Holden Quartette of Oshawa. toon NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of Géorge Cochrane, deceased. : AN persons--having 'claims against the Estate of George Cochrane, of the Township of Darlington, deceased, who died on the 31st day of May, 1933, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solictors on or before the 14th day of October, 1933, full par- ticulars of their claims. Immediately after October . 14th, 1933, the assets of the Testator will be distributed among' the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. Dated September 12th, 1933. HARRIS & HARRIS, " Port Perry, Ont., Solicitors for George Cochrane Estate Sept 28. --_---- et -or---------------------- NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of William Hanna, Deceased - All' persons having claims against the Estate of William Hanna, of the Township of Cartwright, deceased, marched in a body from King Street], 'At 2.30 p.m. special music}. tette, of Oshawa, and at 7.30 p.m. by : On October 9th, a fowl supper will HO! HO! COME TO THE Lr FAIR !! We need' a oh day for the Port Pesiy Fair, you have any influence with the weatherman, be sure 'toputina good word for Saturday, September. 16th. So far ag it is possible for the Secretary and Board of Directors to do' so, the best arrangements been made for a good Fajr. In one important respect Port Perry Fair excels ; People go to fairs in many other--in fine exhibits, much larger places, and almost invariably they home and tell us that we have better exhibits. at the "After all that is the great purpose Port Perry Fair. of any Fair. Speaking of exhibits, note should be taken of the new ruling regarding exhibits in the main building. Tee Prize List says: "All exhibits must be delivered at the rear door, placed on the counter without wrap- pings, and properly tagged. Those in charge of the : billdine will place the exhibits. and save confusion." Guessing Contest Open to Exhibitors and Members. Elsewhere in the. Prize List is 'found this notice--, "Of. special interest to the 1938 Exhibitors and the 1932 Retained Members, will be the contest to guess. the number: of Exhibitors' entries in the Main Build- ing, including Vegetablds, Seeds, Fruits, Domestic Science (including Ladies'. Work); Flowers and Art-- Each member will receive a Contest Ticket with their entry number' ¥ upon which you will write your guess, then place. the every exhibit-in.the Main Building. ticket in the box to be provided for the purpose. person guessing nearest to the correct number of en- tries will receive a handsome Silver Tea Service do- -nated by the Robert Simpson. Company, Toronto." If you are an exhibitor or member, don't forget to "secure your Guessing Contest Ticket and make guess. : a5 -- The attractions include a 2.28 trot; a hard ball game; girls' softball tournament; horseshoapitching: contest; and a pony race. Remember the date of the Fair--September 16th-- and invite your friends ¢ to come and enjoy the day with us. » in the heavy-dranght "cldsses, "they ORANGE MEETING AT WHITBY At a representative 'meeting 'of members of the Orange Order and others from South Ontario, held in the Orange Hall, at Whitby, on Sept. 7 and addressed by Right Wor. Bro, Ww. H. Dawson, Grand Master of Orange Order in Ontario West, three import- 'ant resolutions of interest to' Protes: tants were passed, One, demanded a referendum i go if # On- have | mands of! the Roman Catholic Rate payers' Association with' 'regard to the Utility - taxes on a population; basis. "Another resolution protested against the use of the French language in national broadcasting, by the Radio| 'Commission, in provinces other than the province of Quebec. A third resolution asks the Legis- lature of the Province of Ontario, at its next session, to separate the De- partment of Land: from that of For- ests with a view to the proper develop- ment from an agricultural standpoint of Northern Ontario and frustrating proposed plans of the Roman Catholic Heirarchy to estalilish a French; "| Canadian province ii"the northland. County Master' Wor. Brd. Robert Reid, of Whithy, 'presided over the gathering, and the Grand Master gaye a stirring address . touching on the subject matter of the: resolutions. come ib L. RICHER 'RESIGNS AS' CHOIR : LEADER : The resignation of Leonard Richer from the position of, 'Director of Music lin King Street United Church has been - | tendered to the Official Board. Mr. Richer, who is 'Supervisor of Music in the Oshawa Public" Schools, saiq that his resignation was prompt- ed solely by 'his desire to. give a greater amount of his tine to his educational work which he. felt was liable to suffer if he continued to divect a choir, - The . |DUFE AND SON, 01 AL oN RS HIGHEST HONO irk if. your . Compretthiz} Aelie of tes oid dria . | Agricultural hose? ol Can- adian "Natioiial Ll Ro Bt. DAF | and - Son, of: Myrtle, won "Some out standing awards." In, the Clydesdale classes, they: von > the special award for thé best: junior miare in! the "ex- hibitjon, with Pr recora,' "and "ldo took second place in the Special. tlass for the best junior' "stallion * in' 'thé: show. took first place in the class for "grade who died on the 28th day of January, 1933, are hereby notified to send in to' the 14th day of October, 1933, full ME ONLY THING IN THE WORLD THAT SEEMS SMALLER AS YOU DRAW NEARER. TO AT 1S GREATNESS /--. There is an element of simple greatness in the conduct of all men who give other men the kind of a business deal that } they themselves are looking for. : i Make a deal for permanence by | {4 purchasing roofing here. i Bd Sam' N. Griffen | Lumber Co. Phone. 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. } . particulars of their claims, | Immediately after October 14th, 1033, the assets of the Testator will be | distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims' of which the solicitors shall then have notice. Dated September 12th, 1933. HARRIS & HARRIS, Port :Perry, Ont., . Estate. Sept. 28. ------o-- MINIATURE, N.R.A. PLAN AT ' LONDON, ONT. London will have a miniature N.R.A. all its own, with stickers, trimmings and slogans, if the plans made by the 4 | Taxpayers' Protective Association are carried out. . The plan, outlined by 0. E. Bailiff, president of the organization, calls for stickers bearing the words, "Play fair --Pay fair." Every business house, from to pledge themselves to pay fair wages. It is expected the beaver will decorate the London stickers-in place of the Blue Eagle of the American NRA. ! the undersigned solicitors on or before! Solicitors for William TI ' large commercial houses to} $1 corner groceries, would be canvassed ewill we take $250 for the red bull?" Young Tom Wilson had a string of cattle at the fair. A buyer took a fancy to the red bull, but Tom was afraid to take the responsibility. "Why not telephone your father?" the buyer suggested, and in a few moments Tom was speaking with his father at the farm. "will we take $250? You bet!" the old man decided, and thanked about his: stary again for the opener 1 iles Little Britain were victors by a score long istance tele- " poe, value of the Distane by makink A of 6-3. Be on hand to see the super phone, to-station) after 8.30 : attraction as-a part of the sports pro- "For 30 cents you can telephone .m, See ist of rates front of directory. Coline, geldings or mares 'four years and over, and-first-and fourth places in the class for grade geldings or mares foaled in 1930." > In competition for thoroughbred hunters, shown on the line, R.'S. Mec- Laughlin. took first and second in the class for three-year olds, Ballycolla 'being placed first and Trantor second. Further honors came to Ontario County in the household science judg- ing contests, open to young women from, the farming districts. In this SR the team from Ontario County won second place, being beaten by Renfrew County for first honors, with Peel and Halton tied for third, » and South Simcoe County fourth. In the junior farmers livestock judging competition, Ray Downey of Myrtle and Douglas Taylor of Burke- ton, were listed afnong. the individual prize-winners. They won prizes in the classes for heavy horses and swine judging respectively. Messrs. George and Edgar Leask, of Greenbank, were among the prize winners in the cattle classes. SEAGRAVE Valentia 7..Scagrave 0 Revenge was sweet to the Valentia Athletes when they handed Seagrave Red Sox a real trimming at the tour- nament held at Little Britain last Saturday afternoon. The League champions looked bad as-the Athletes laid on the old kalsomine. To-day | (Wednesday) Will be another day, and the boys expect to be up to form. The boys got"a bad ganie out of their _sys- tems--theé least said about the game in detail, the better. Britain defeated 'Zion in the second game which "pro- }vided some real thrillers. The final game between Britain and Valentia was of big league calibre all the way, smart, snappy playing and clever pitching providing = real excitement. gram to be held at Port Perry Fair on Saturday, Sept. 16th, when Sea- grave takes on Port Perry. ; LR ae ' The regular monthly meeting of 'the home of Miss Iva Reynolds on y inexpensive Tuesday. evening, Sept. bth. The president, Miss ) I Reynolds praiding. tario on' the school issue and thé de-} division of - Corporation 'and Public{ | meeting" closed in the usual: way. the 'Quadrata Girls' Club was held at] Buy and sell Phone C AWKER BROS. Port Perry Dairy PASTEURIZED MILK You Pay the Price--why not . ~~ Get the Best? G. OWEN, Proprictor. a al ood meat. at ad sell goo price. "receive prompt' attention. 5 ; 5) - Phone 238, Pot Peny # F one orders - : 29w. PORT PERRY periud, followed by a business session. It was decided: to hold a weiner roast on Monday eVening, Sept. 11. Various games to be included in the program. On Sept. 20th, a meeting will be. held in the Sunday School room, where all Society. are expected to attend. Miss Fern Moon then favored with-a piano imstrumental which was enjoyed. The Lunch was served by the hostess and a social time spent by all, A large congregation attended the seryice on Sunday evening last. The pastor. Rev. ..Mr. 'Green, delivered a splendid sermon which was enjoyed. 101 attended the Sunday School. "An open session of the Sunday School will be held on Sunday morning, 'Sept 24, when. Rally Day. will be observed. » A special' program. for the" being arranged, Everybody welcome. A very iinsterosting meeting: 'ofthe: Women's .- Associations was? held' on Tuesday afternoon at 'the. 'home of Mrs. Wm. Moase, about thirty mem- hers" and 'visitors were in attend nee. The President, Mrs. C.-W. Moop, oc- cupied the chair," The 'meeting, opened with singing hymn "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus", followed by' prayer. Mrs." F. Watson read the Scripture. After the minutes and roll call were dealt with, a lengthy business session was held in which many items were discussed. "It 'was decided to. hold" a birthday partyin the near future. All the members' names, including thirty- seven, were drawn 'from the hat by the president to 'preside over. the 12 and full of good things to eat. Mrs, Donald Payne was put in for the table decorations each month in their turn will be on display. A committee, was appointed to provide a' program fol- lowing the supper. Further partic- ulars later. 'Mrs. R. Reynolds gave a splendid reading, "If We Only Knew." Mrs. Alonzo Snyder sang a delightful solo and Mrs. B. F. Green gave a talk on her holiday spent. at her.cottage near Hamilton, Mrs. C. W. Moon spoke a few words of her holiday{ - 'At 'Lhe indeting 'opened with _devotionalj. interested ,in the work of an, Institute § from Toronto after an enjoyable holi- SSCA ONn ist [tables which will be made attractive|, . Quite a iibor attended the. Deco- , ration Services at Pleasant Point, oni! Sunday afternoon, which were very: i id and impressive. | Mr. and 'Mrs. Arthur Mark and-+' family of Port Hope, were recent" visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Mark." ; Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Thompson and ' son Keith, of Torqnto, were guests of . Mr: and Mrs. C. W. Clarke, on Friday. : Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Butt spent the + - week-end with relatives at Niagara, Quite a 'number went to .Little Britain on Saturday afternoon 'and ! witnessed the ball games. 4: J Mrs. 'Orville Boesand two children, of Bowmanville, spending: a"cotiple of weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs, T. .Couch, and other friends. Mr.. W. McCoy has returned. Home, day -with relatives. = of Cel Mr. Wilbur~Couch "was a ISHOT %0. Bowmanville on Saturday" "©. a "The 'social evening put" on by" "the! Quadrats Gitls', 'Club ¢ on Monday even?' ing at the Home of Mr. and, Mrs. Geo. Re Ewen, was fairly' 'well attended iia a, nice time spent. Sorry to report "Archie! little son ; of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Burnett, hav- ing his' arm broken a few days ago, by falling off .the verandah. He was taken to Port Perry where it was set. He is doing as well' as can be expected.' Mr. T. Couch has recovered 'from his recent illness and able to be around, as usual, SL YO ' Mrs. Gordon Montgomery and two. children, of Bowmanville, were visit- ing her parents Mr, and Mrs. tu Hold:* ershaw, last week. : : ' Mt. and Mrs. S. MeFarlane and son Reid, attended the Toronto Exhibition last week. ; Miss.Grace Moase, of Port Perry, is. spending a holiday with her aunt and. uncle Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moase. Mr. Salem: Snyder, of .Huntsville, * Mr. and Mrs. Bell, of Niagara Falls, N.Y, were guests last, week of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Snyder. They intend the visit Kirkland, Lake gold mines before returning to their homes. _ DATES OF 'FALL FAIRS n the close of the meeting a lovely lunch was served, Miss Grace Moase, of Port Perry, entertaining at the piano dur- ing the social hour; which was appre- ciated by all. ; 'Miss Hazel Mark, Miss Horne and Mrs. R. D. Woon, of Port Perry, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bruce. 1 Miss Laura Oke, of Toronto, Wito spent a week with her sister Mrs, D. Payne, has returned home. ' Rev. and Mrs, Chas. Oke, of Strat- ford, were recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Payne. Mr. Grant Orchard -visiting in To- ronto, a few days last week. Miss McKee, of Port-Perry, visiting with Mr, and Mrs, Watson, recently. Miss Marion Eagleson, Ross Mc- Lean, Glen Moase, Reid McFarlane, are among those attending the Port Perry High School. We wish them success during the coming term, yt >A Mr, Clifford Mark, of Toronto, Mr, and Agincourt .............. Sept. 22-23 Bancroft ........... .....Sept. 14-16 Barrie, iii niin .....5ept. 18-20 °° Beachburg ............. ..Sept. 26-27 Blackstock .............. Sept. 19-20 Bobcaygeon ....v...... Sept. 29-30 Brampton ........ CRE CI Sept. 82-23 | Kinnmount- ....vovovvviin... Sept. 8-9 Lakefield nis, iiss ives Sept. 18:19 Lindsay ..... ewes vivo... Sept. 20-23 London ..........iv000es Sept. 11-16 'Markham ............ vee. Oct, B-T , Midland ....... Vii ive Sept. 21-28 Millbrook .......... a Tad nev Oct. 4-6 Oakwood ................Sept. 18-19 0) v 111 RISES RR Ua CR Sept. 14-16 Orono .....ovvvunie ove. Sept. 26-27. PORT PERRY ..... Sohn Sept 15-16 Rama (Indian) .....,....Sept. 21-22 Sunderland .......... +i. Sept 26-27 Toronto ...... «vo Aug, 25 to Sept. 9 dora. oi divin Sei nae ae Qct. 3 International Plowing Match Oct. 10 33223223843 of all kinds i is well done at the Star Office. We have good equipment for rapid delivery of your work, and the prices' are ® right, An to 13 at Owen Sound, hoice cuts i

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