Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 23 Dec 1922, p. 9

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Wishing the Principals, Teachers, Students and Parents of the Oshawa High and Public Schools A Merry Christmas and » Bright and Prosperous Now ¥ Year J. COMRIE, Caretaker. Christmas 1922 THe President, Directors and Officers desire to offer to the Customers and Friends of the Bank their Best Wishes for a Happy Christmas and a Pros. perous New Year. The Royal Bank of Canada Christmas Specials AT THE Olympia Candy Works Assorted Chocolates 49¢c ib 2 Ib for 95¢ Delicious Chocolates 37¢c lb 2 Ib for 70c Creams and Chocloates 30c Ib 2 Ib for 50c Xmas Mixture 19c lb 2 Ib for 25¢ Xmas Cut Rock 19c ib 2 Ib for 25¢ Cream Candies , 25¢cib 2b for 45¢ Fare Co 20c Ib ure Cream Caramels 40c lb 2 Ib for 75¢ flavours) Peat Taffy, Cocoanut Taffy & Peanut Crisp 25¢ Ib 2 Ib for 45¢ Mixed Fudges 25c ib 2 Ib for 45¢ Among all our special Candies we have to offer some of the latest assortment of boxes; Olympia's, Neilson's and Wil- lards ranging from 35c a box up to $5.00 nd $6.00; and as high as $10.00. Special prices to Sunda y Schools or others requiring a quantity. Don't forget the Candy Canes for the Kiddies and the Xmas Tree "| ceedingly well, '| pressure, 1% Into Win Column Defeat Boulders in Closs Match --Hot Dogs Win One Dominion Bank won their first game in the "Y" Bowling League last night, at the expense of the ulders by 12 pins, The Finun- ciers were in fine fettle and despite the fact that the losers bowled well they turned im a victory. In the second game the Hot Dogs also claimed a close victory over Spillers, the margin being 29 pins. The high- est score of the evening was. 168 turned in by Gareau, He, however, fell down in the other two games making 98 and 108, The best bowl- ing of the two contests wag display- ed by the Bankers who had lost six straight games before winning one. They have not lost a game by default thereby showing the true sporting instinet. The scores were:-- First Game 1st 2nd 3rd game game game 147 147 145 144 145 147 Hot Dogs Total 1226, 2nd 3rd game game 168 108 132 145 99 .. 144 148 156 Hot Dogs won by 29 Spillers Gareau Drew .. Stukells Total 1197, pins, Second Game ist 2nd 3rd game game game 137 141 124 ---- 95 136 116 game 98 Boulders King Carruthers Turner Lazier Total 1157. 121 166 1st 2nd 3rd Dom, Bank game game game Thompson 114 Mounce Ormiston Mearow Total 1169. Dominion by 12 pins. The last game of the schedule will be played Tuesday night be- tween Y.M.C.A. and Reginas. The result will not prevent Reginas from taking A Group championship. The executive of the league will meet Wednesday night in the Y.M.C.A to arrange for procuring prizes and to fix a date for a banquet when the prizes will be presented. 139 185, 124 130 -- 142 111 Bank' won r 2 Business Men Williams Dreadnoughts Knights of Pythias .. Pittings Regiment | Oshawa 'Fe. Metros 'edar Dale Bankers SOV ARRAN NS -1 EN TI LADIES' INDOOR LEAGUE Won Lost St. Gregory's 4 Superiors Business Girls Fittings BLOODS G LEAGUE on Lost 6 5 --- ----Ty BOWL Roginas ......., i oe Plot Dogs .......8.. 710 Y.M.C.A. |. 4 Boulders rofl 3 Spillers p 3 speed Fiends : rs oS Penpushers 2 Dominion 1 SCTandRRO = gti ~~ Jobson's Pets . jeribes Sast Ends G0 Getters Sterling Pedlar's Tank This is ghal standing of group. ' h City Basketball Won Lost ps pt TO po 00 BREN" ODDD pion Petes Tendered Feed By P.A.AA. Hints On Playi gn Here's another article on basket- ball. It deals with passing the ball ) The next few articles will give an outline of the various passes that are used by all star basketball players. Passing More emphasis and practice are usually given to shooting baskets than to passing, dribbling, pivoting and in the general handling of one's self when under guard. Here, I be lieve lies the great fault with many basketball players. They have neve: acquired sufficient skill or technique in the handligg of the ball or them- selves to enfble them to gain ad- vantageous positions from which tc pass or shoot. Catching and passing the ball re- quire the same amount of time, at tention and concentration that shoot ing practice requires. In fact, mor« time and attention should be sc spent with green undeveloped mat\{ erial at the start of the season. Abil ity and confidence in passing go han« in hand. Many players during prac tice pass and receive the ball ex but when put unde or in a critical position in a game, they are very apt to fail These players lack confidence or per haps they are too self-conscious A coach will endeavor at all tithe to instil confidence into his players but a player filled with fear mus simply take hold of himself mer i 5 - _{ tally and stiffen his own backbon« There are many ways of passin 2 "HENDERSON the ball, and naturally certain passe are more effective at times tha others. The most effective and fre quently used passes are the overhan 3 pass, the underhand pass, the arm pass and the bounce ball. of these should be practiced developed until a high degree of s is obtained. There are no frills | any of the passes named and t usefulness has been demonstrated § all sections of the country. The next article, will give a com plete resume of the overhand pas showing how it can be executed t the best advantage to the player ar bis team. Basketballers througho the country should cut out ther es and save for future refe STATUE OF PEACE IN THE ANDES The Christ of Mie Andes is a jal statue which stands on the In pass of Cambre and ntier between Chili and a. pine Republic. ronze from Peterboro O:B.A.A. intermediate ind midget championship teams were endered a banquet by the P.A.A.A. ind the sporting fraternity of the 'ity Thursday evening, at which the! rophies emblematic of their honors vere presented. Dr. A. W. McPherson, President | f the P.A.A.A., and himself a prom- nent pitcher of 30 years ago, acted ! 8 chairman for the occasion, and in | he course of his remarks stated that | 1e honestly felt that Peterboro was | { the latter will be relieved of laravcus task of visiting the |permitte vl in the ! then Crown Princess, was tripped up | by. her partner in at (the Empress Augusta, a despot on the promptly forbade | waltzes thenceforward in al the New Palace {helm evidently Wins Tey in Bowling Match Russell Wright, star bowler of the Hot Dogs, is the winner of tur- key which was offered by the Y.M.C. A. to the one making the highest individual score on the "Y" alloys. The contest closed last night at ten o'clock and his score of 215 made in a 'eague game agains. the Speed Filends last Friday night was not beaten, Mr. Galley, Ccenoral Secre- tary of the Y.M.C.A. presented a ten pound turkey to Mr. Wright and the vuricns meat markets to procure his Christ | mag re past, -_ 1 The waltz so Te panlar in almost | -- ¥ WP i ep bw a COUGHS AND coLDs A fen do doses of Balssmes---and And BALSAMEA, although powerful svughe and colds disa; in action, is free from all harm. pletely. Balsamea loosens tf a] ful drugs. Children take it willingly and clears the lungs and bronchial ' because it tastes good. tubes, Relief guaranteed or money refunded. BUY A BOTTLE TO-DAY. Por Sale by THE REXALL STORES: JURY & LOVELL, LTD, and F. W, THOMPSON, Oshawa, |qvery court in Europe, had not been | German court for | The veto dated from many years, Empress Frederick, | | 1859, when the a waltz, and [cil | mother-in-law The FKmpre of etiguett inclusion the feet of her geore the Kx-K shared | {mother's views gn the {though many tins requested 'sometimes by me a tamily--to remove the consented to do so. The Dominion Clothing Co. Wish all their Friends and Customers A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Ob FOR AND TUESDAY A FEW SPECIALS GO TONIGHT Men's Strong k.pP Men's, All Wool H Ho Mer DOMINION CLC 68 K Sweaters 68 KING ST. W. Phone 1161J THING CO. - - BRiSH CON SOLS MILD, SWEET, OLD VIRGINIA For pipe smokers who prefer straight Virginia there is nothing finer than BRITISH CONSOLS TOBACCO 20for35¢ Get there before he best baseball town in Ontario. | Vith baseball holding the foremost ; rank in practically every town and village in the Province the fact that teams from this city could win two championships, put up a great bat- fle for another and at least beat out he Toronto representative in the fourth for which they tried, bgreat evidence of the baseball abil- of the local players. he prospects for next year were to be even better and it is ex- ed that Peterboro will be entered in at least one,other class, the ban- am, with plenty of material at hand WO organize strong teams, Peterboro hould land even more than two Pro- | rincial titles. The C.G.E. sions were presented with the Fowl- r Cup and gold medals, and the cup ' rnd medals for the city champion- intermediate cham- | was | I hip. The Maple Leafs, midget cham- , fh 'ions, were presented with the Varne Cup and Spaulding medals or the city championship, but as the old medals for the Provincial cham- fonship had not arrived they will | ave to be given out at a later date. | Sporting Paragraphs | i It is stated that the Queen's Ath- | tic Board will clear between $12.- '00 and $15000 on the football aason. In past years it has cost | ueen's a "pretty" pemny to finance | 8 losing teams but this season the , Pin have been a great draw- \g card. The new rink at Newmarket was | . Wcially opened Thursday evening | hen the A. R. Clarke team » he i oronto Industrial League de 'ewmarket intermediates ot ey acretary W. A. Hewitt of the od H. , faced the puck. | Port Hope Guide.--The fact that vson has started "working" im Osh- va comes as a great shock to Co- wrg fans. The Sentinel Star says: Tyson, who has caught for rg Central Ontario League past two seasons, is now lo- Oshawa and will probably the Oshawa team this sea- LIST a TRE gl, °F 9) a anta Back Home For Christmas The Old Reliable Canadian Pacific Raby det you 3ack Home for Christmas, . herever it is, and ever longs since You h/ V7, How Left. Fast trains, Day and Night, to Homes Everywhere. Tell "em Youre coming, do your Christmas Shopping early, take an early I'rain to dodge the Crowds, and Travel Canadian Pacific ett ----

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